How do huge pimples feel?

Clean skin on the face and bare areas of the body attracts attention no less than a flashy car, a beautiful dress, or a slender figure, and this is not a tribute to fashion.

Subconsciously, at the level of instincts, a partner with clear skin is selected for procreation, symbolizing excellent health, careful self-care, and the absence of hereditary diseases in the chosen one.

Reasons for appearance

Any rash on the skin, from a small, barely visible, non-inflamed rash, to a huge volcano, signals a malfunction of the body.

A pimple is an inflammation that occurs for various reasons, caused by the synergism of excessive activity of the sebaceous gland and the blockage that forms at its outlet.


  1. hormonal imbalance, characterized by an increase in male sex hormones (testosterone) and a decrease in female sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone). It manifests itself especially clearly in adolescence and is a regular occurrence in women it is extremely rarely observed in adult men
  2. disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. There are even maps of the location of acne on the face and parts of the body, which are a manifestation of a malfunction in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. To achieve a response to the disorder, the body sends toxins into the skin, and the epithelial cells react by causing acne
  3. thickening and modification of the outer layer of the epidermis, called hyperkeratosis
  4. dyslipidermia - a failure in the production of organic compounds (phospholipids, cholesterol, fatty acids, triglycerides) due to the synthesis of others
  5. stress, which promotes the production of the hormone Cortisol, slows down protein biosynthesis and suppresses collagen synthesis
  6. cosmetics that promote the formation of plugs at the outlet of the sebaceous glands. The high content of mineral oils, silicone, and vegetable oils does not allow the skin to breathe and clogs the pores.

What do doctors think?

Doctors' opinions on squeezing out the papule are divided.

In the first case, doctors absolutely vetoed squeezing out the pustule for reasons:

  1. Lack of sterility.
  2. Lack of education and qualifications.
  3. The possibility of causing not only scars, but also causing blood poisoning.

In the second case, if you follow the rules of the procedure, you can squeeze out pimples.

There are certain prohibitions on performing the extrusion procedure:

  1. Do not crush inflammation with dirty hands
  2. Do not squeeze out papules in the nasolabial triangle, near the sites of large veins and vessels
  3. clearly distinguish between a large pimple and other skin inflammations - boils, herpes, chickenpox, cognitive molluscum, “steroid acne”
  4. Do not squeeze out immature inflammation. A mature pustule has a clearly defined white head, the surface is dry, and has no sticky discharge.

Video: How to squeeze out pimples correctly - doctor's advice

Where is the best place to carry out the procedure?

Acne therapy is a complex process that is trusted by dermatologists, cosmetologists, and in advanced cases (furunculosis) surgeons.

Any chronic inflammation of the skin, accompanied by pain and periods of exacerbation, must be treated by a dermatologist. A competent cosmetologist will help you clean your face and hormonal acne. During the period of exacerbation of inflammation, only a dermatologist will provide assistance a cosmetologist may not agree to cleanse the face.

If consent is received, acne removal will take place in sterile conditions under the supervision of a specialist who will give competent recommendations for further care.

Surgeons remove boils and other large inflammations, with pain, after any surgical operation a scar remains, and a postoperative period is required in the hospital.

How to squeeze out a large pimple?

When preparing for the procedure of squeezing out a pimple, you should follow the following set of rules:

  1. location of the pustule
  2. correlation of detected inflammation to a pimple
  3. maturation stage
  4. skin hygiene. The surface of the skin is cleaned with a soap solution to remove existing dirt particles and degrease. Lubricated with salicylic acid, an excellent disinfectant (antimicrobial and antibacterial drug)
  5. preparing the skin at the location of a large pimple. Squeezing out a ripe pimple is a painful procedure, so it is better to steam and dry the skin first (your hands will slip on wet skin)
  6. hand hygiene
  7. use of special devices and wound treatment products. Salicylic acid, cotton wool, disposable medical sterile gloves, cotton pads and swabs, chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide, a needle or a special loop tool for removing acne, prepare a table, a mirror and direct the light.

There are several ways to pop a large pimple.

  1. Method one. With gloved hands or other protection that protects the patient’s face from damage by the nail plates, pressure is applied to an area of ​​skin with a radius of 3 cm, the center of which is the white head. The force of internal pressure created by the fingers breaks through the top, preventing the contents from getting inside. A sure sign that the purulent contents of the papule have completely come out is blood. If you can’t squeeze it out, it means it’s not ripe and you need to wait.
  2. Method two. To squeeze out a large pimple, a needle heated on fire is inserted 2-3 mm into the head. Place a napkin on the pustule and squeeze it out using the first method.
  3. Method three. To squeeze out a large pimple, a special cosmetic loop is used. The instrument is placed on the skin so that the ripe tip is exactly in the center of the loop, then gentle pressure is applied for a better result, the head of the pimple can be pierced.
  4. Leather processing. The wound resulting from squeezing out a large pimple is treated with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. It is better to cauterize the wound with alcohol tincture.

The damage will take 2-3 days to heal. You can carry out normal hygienic procedures that gently treat scabs with a dried crust. For skin care, use salicylic acid, and do not try to hide the area of ​​​​the squeezed out pustule with masking preparations you can carefully lubricate it with zinc ointment.

How to remove acne on forehead? More details here.

On the nose

Everyone wants to look irresistible, especially since appearance gives 100% self-confidence and when big trouble appears on the tip of your nose, the main thing is to pull yourself together and calm down. Determine by appearance whether the inflammation is a pimple.

If this is the case, it is necessary to pre-treat it with tea tree oil or Levomekol ointment, Zinc ointment or Salicylic-Zinc ointment, which will either relieve the symptoms of inflammation or accelerate the maturation of the pimple, preventing the occurrence of inflammation in the neighborhood.

On the back

In addition to the above reasons, a rash on the back can be caused by clothes, bedding, and washing powder. It is not possible to squeeze out a large pimple on the back on your own, but if it causes pain, you need to contact a cosmetologist who will clean it.

You can alleviate the condition with:

  1. increasing the frequency of hygiene procedures using tar soap and washcloths
  2. taking a bath with added bath salts, which will strengthen the skin and dry out ulcers
  3. treating areas of inflammation with salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, Levomekol ointment, Zinc ointment or Salicylic-zinc ointment.

On the face

The decision to squeeze a large pimple on your face may be made for the following reasons:

  1. inflammation is really a pimple
  2. not located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle or on the temples
  3. ripe pustule with a large white head.

After squeezing, treat your face with chlorhexidine and apply panthenol ointment at night.


A subcutaneous or internal pimple resembles a large bump, the skin at the location is red, the sensation from the pimple is aching, slightly painful. It stays under the skin for two to three weeks and may reach the maturation stage or resolve.

To relieve pain and speed up maturation, the following recipes are used:

  1. Hot salt lotions (electrolyte solution). Two tbsp. l. Dissolve table salt in a glass of boiling water. Keep the lotions on the affected area while they are warm. After using this product, the pimple may resolve
  2. Grated raw potatoes are applied to the site of inflammation at night, the bandages are changed as the paste dries, this helps the inflammation mature and break out on its own.
  3. A mask made from aloe leaves promotes the maturation of inflammation and its own breakthrough.
  4. The use of ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, they are united by affordability, a pungent odor and a positive effect.

Why is it dangerous?

We are taught to crush acne in adolescence by our mothers, and in rare cases, by fathers. After fruitless attempts to escape from the suffocating maternal grip, we resign ourselves, endure the pain and learn, thinking that we will not cause ourselves such pain.

Having become involved in the process, we regularly squeeze them ourselves doctors, on the contrary, consider squeezing out pimples a dangerous undertaking for the following reasons:

  1. Mechanical damage to the walls of dilated blood vessels.
  2. Injury to the sebaceous gland.
  3. Scars, scars, depressions and spots, the consequences of squeezing out pimples.
  4. A wound open to infection.
  5. Infection through hands.
  6. When you smear the contents of an eel on your face, you can get furunculosis.
  7. When pressure is applied, the contents of the pimple come out both out and in. Pus, entering the bloodstream, spreads throughout the body, causing inflammation and even the formation of blood clots. The vessels on the face are closest to the brain purulent contents with blood enter directly into the brain, causing inflammation of the meninges and sepsis.

There is an opinion among doctors that the pustule itself is located in a protective barrier created by the body, so its destruction is best left to specialists.


Sequence of stages of acne treatment:

  1. preventing the appearance of new acne. Changes in diet, refusal of harmful cosmetics
  2. Women must remove makeup from their face at night
  3. removal of mature acne
  4. reduction of sebum production - hormonal therapy
  5. ultrasonic facial cleansing
  6. peeling is a procedure for grinding layers of skin (epidermis) in order to resume metabolic processes. When treating acne, the following are used: cosmetic exfoliation of the top layer of skin, enzymatic cleansing, chemical burns.
  7. treatment with antibacterial drugs internal and external
  8. eliminating the consequences of acne using cosmetic procedures, laser resurfacing, cryotherapy, etc.
  9. bringing body systems back to normal: restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing hormonal levels, treating stress.

Initially, adjust to the duration of treatment, since the symptoms of early acne prevention were missed.

How to cleanse and soothe your skin

At home, the following recipes are used to cleanse the skin:

  1. A solution of salicylic acid, streptocide 1 sachet of 10 g each, 5 crushed tablets of chloramphenicol are poured into a prepared dark glass bottle with a lid. The mixture is thoroughly shaken and applied pointwise to the affected areas. Used once at night for three days, then a break for 2 days and then according to the scheme. Use until complete recovery. You can moisturize your skin with panthenol ointment.
  2. The mash ointment, prepared on the basis of zinc and freely sold in pharmacies, is excellent for drying out pimples.
  3. Creams that cleanse the face: Baziron, Klerasil, Klenzit, Differon, Zinerit, Syntomycin ointment.

The effect of ointments is individual you need to choose a remedy that is effective for your inflammation, taking into account the difference in price range.

No duplicates found

owner of the biggest pimple on earth

The first thing I started looking for after watching the video.

What a horror. But I can’t resist and always press. But I always get a wound after squeezing, so I always have Argosulfan in my first aid kit. I use this cream to treat the wounds so that they do not become inflamed and heal well. So those who like to suppress like me, take note.

Comment of the day

To which I reacted like a brutal alpha male.

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Horrible. The biggest pimple in the world.

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You can find such tools here: VK: instagram:

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Please subscribe My channel:


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These videos are published exclusively from a medical point of view. Please do not watch this video for people.

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