How to use zinc ointment for wrinkles

Sometimes pharmaceutical external agents are not used for their intended purpose: their additional properties are used as basic ones. For example, according to reviews, zinc anti-wrinkle ointment is as effective as an expensive anti-aging cream. Thanks to its unique composition, the product not only smoothes out deep skin wrinkles, but also protects the epidermis from sunburn.


The medication contains several components. The main one is zinc oxide - this substance in its pure form is used by many pharmaceutical concerns to produce medicines for skin diseases. Due to the zinc content, the ointment can sometimes have a yellowish tint.

Vaseline acts as an additional component. This product is used in cosmetology as an independent moisturizer that softens dead skin. As part of zinc ointment, it is responsible for a number of beneficial properties, helping to tighten sagging skin. Thanks to Vaseline, the consistency of the drug is soft and homogeneous, the texture is light, and the product is quickly absorbed.

Other auxiliary components:

  1. lanolin;
  2. oil obtained from cod liver;
  3. water;
  4. talc;
  5. flavored oils.

In combination with each other, these substances can visually reduce age and restore a healthy appearance to the skin..

Depending on the manufacturer, the composition may contain salicylic acid. This component has a drying effect.


Zinc ointment, used in cosmetology, has a whole range of beneficial effects on the deep and upper layers of the dermis:

  1. drying;
  2. rejuvenating;
  3. moisturizing;
  4. antibacterial;
  5. tonic;
  6. tightening;
  7. modeling;
  8. protective.

Wrinkles often occur due to insufficient moisture in the dermis. Dry skin loses elasticity and becomes flabby. When using zinc ointment as a tightening and modeling agent, positive dynamics are observed after 4-5 applications. After application, a thin protective film is formed on the skin of the face, retaining moisture.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using zinc cream from cosmetologists recommend carrying out a number of additional manipulations before applying the product to the skin:

  1. Wash. It is not recommended to use soap in this case, so as not to dry out the dermis. It is better to replace it with foams and gels for washing.
  2. Steam the skin. To do this, you need to lean over the steam for several minutes. After this, the pores will open, which will ensure faster absorption of the ointment.
  3. Wipe your face with tonic - this will remove excess sebum.

After the preparatory procedures, it is necessary to apply the drug with light, slightly vibrating massage movements. It is important to adhere to the correct technique, especially if zinc ointment is used as an anti-aging remedy for expression lines:

  1. Apply a small amount of the composition to the center of the forehead.
  2. Rub in with smoothing movements, evenly distributing the mixture up and down.
  3. The folds must be carefully stretched, rubbing the ointment in at the same time.

A pea-sized amount of product is enough for all problem areas of the face.


Masks made from zinc ointment can tighten sagging facial skin and smooth out even deep wrinkles. Before using this product, experts recommend always adhering to two basic rules:

  1. facial skin should be cleansed;
  2. It is best to use the mask before bed.

With the proper selection of additional components, the procedure will have not only rejuvenating, but also adsorbing, moisturizing and toning effects. Mask recipes vary in composition depending on the skin type for which they are intended to be used:

  1. Dry. Nourishing and moisturizing masks are suitable for this type. Mix a small amount of cream (½ teaspoon) in equal parts with any animal fat. You can add half a banana puree to the mixture. Spread the mixture evenly over your face and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Fat. In this case, any vegetable oil, for example, olive, acts as an auxiliary component. A few drops should be added to the cream and mixed well. Apply to previously cleansed skin, rinse after 15 minutes.
  3. Combined. This type is considered the most problematic, since the dermis is prone to the formation of acne and blackheads. ½ teaspoon of zinc ointment must be mixed with pre-beaten egg white. Spread the mixture in a thin layer and remove with a damp cloth after 15 minutes.

Any product that contains zinc ointment should not be overexposed and applied in several layers.

Frequency and duration of use

Experts do not recommend overusing zinc ointment for cosmetic purposes. Application should be careful but regular:

  1. the optimal course of treatment is 21-25 days;
  2. between these periods it is necessary to take breaks of 7-10 days;
  3. masks should be applied no more often than once every 3-4 days;
  4. To achieve the best result, keep the composition on your face for no more than 15-20 minutes.


Zinc cream, as an independent tightening agent, has a number of contraindications:

  1. hypersensitivity;
  2. individual incompatibility of the body and individual components of the ointment;
  3. the presence of open wounds on the face;
  4. sun or thermal burns;
  5. pregnancy.

As an independent cosmetic product (excluding indications for use prescribed in the instructions), the ointment is not recommended for use by people under 18 years of age.

Side effects

If the permissible dose is significantly exceeded or the specialist’s instructions are not followed, a number of side effects may occur. Typically these are allergic reactions that manifest themselves as:

  1. skin rashes - red spots may appear on the face, which constantly increase in size;
  2. burning;
  3. itching.

If any unusual sensations appear, you should stop using the medication and consult a doctor.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Experts note that zinc ointment as a remedy for wrinkles gives positive results after several uses. Wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, the skin acquires a healthy glow. If all instructions are followed, the risk of side effects is significantly reduced.

Cream masks should be prepared for one-time use; such a product cannot be stored. Zinc oxide is especially beneficial for oily skin: pores become smaller and the complexion becomes matte.

The ointment is not a radical means of combating deep senile wrinkles. It is recommended to use it at the age of 30-35 to prevent the appearance of creases.

The use of zinc ointment for the face should not be carried out without the permission of a specialist. Before the first application, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. Cosmetologists recommend closely monitoring changes in the skin; if redness or other manifestations of allergies appear, use should be discontinued.

Zinc ointment is used to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body. It effectively eliminates minor rashes and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The drug is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, drying and regenerating effects. Women use a pharmaceutical product to combat the first wrinkles on the forehead and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Cosmetologists are skeptical about this method of using Zinc ointment. It does not contain components that can enhance the production of collagen and elastin. It is these compounds that are responsible for the formation of wrinkles. But the drug can restore the skin to a healthy appearance and prevent premature aging.

Zinc ointment in cosmetology

Cosmetologists use Zinc ointment to remove unsightly age spots from the skin of patients. Light brown or red-brown local darkening occurs in women after 40 years of age. But often these cosmetic defects occur during pregnancy or prolonged exposure to the sun. When applied to a spot, the drug quickly and effectively whitens the epidermis. Cosmetologists recommend using it for skin care if it often appears:

Zinc ointment is used for facial skin with caution. If the recommendations of cosmetologists are not followed, it can become very dry. Loss of moisture necessary for cells will lead to the formation of wrinkles and severe irritation of the dermis.

Beneficial features

The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on the content of a large amount of zinc. This trace element is included in many cosmetic products for oily skin care. Manufacturers add it to creams, tonics, masks, and gels intended for the treatment of acne. Zinc regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents increased secretion production. The external agent forms a durable film on the surface of the epidermis that prevents pathogenic bacteria from penetrating into the pores. What else is Zinc ointment good for facial skin:

  1. protects the dermis from exposure to sunlight, prevents excessive melatonin production;
  2. retains the moisture they need in cells and prevents water molecules from evaporating from the surface of the skin;
  3. sanitizes pathological foci, removes toxins and toxic compounds.

Proper use of the drug promotes gradual, moderate exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis. In place of the fallen keratinized scales, new, young tissues are formed. The skin texture is evened out, a healthy color returns, and the greasy shine disappears. It is especially important to use the drug in the form of an anti-aging mask.

Opinions of cosmetologists and doctors

Dermatologists consider Zinc ointment an effective remedy for the treatment of dermatitis of various etiologies.

In the absence of an infectious inflammatory process, the drug quickly copes with scratches, cracks, and wounds. By preventing suppuration, it accelerates the healing of damaged tissues. But dermatologists and cosmetologists do not recommend using Zinc ointment to combat wrinkles for the following reasons:

  1. After 25 years, collagen production gradually decreases. This leads to the formation of “voids” in the intercellular space. The skin becomes more flabby and begins to sag. Zinc oxide is not able to stimulate collagen biosynthesis;
  2. the drug does not have moisturizing properties, but only retains water molecules. To prevent the formation of wrinkles, products are needed that saturate the dermis with additional moisture.

It is dangerous to use Zinc ointment on the skin around the eyes. This method of rejuvenation will provoke not only the formation of premature wrinkles, but also conjunctivitis.

Description of the drug

Zinc ointment is a homogeneous white substance with a specific odor of petroleum jelly. Some manufacturers improve its composition by adding additional ingredients. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the pharmacist that it is the ointment that is needed. The therapeutic line also includes Zinc paste. It is very thick, viscous and is used only to treat weeping eczema and ulcers.

If a woman nevertheless decides to use the drug for rejuvenation, then precautions must be taken. It is better to add zinc ointment in a minimal amount to a balm or cream. Dermatologists categorically prohibit using it to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes.

pharmachologic effect

The active ingredient of the drug is zinc oxide. After applying the ointment to the skin or wound surfaces, proteins begin to denature. The resulting albuminates are removed from the tissues, promoting their regeneration. The drug significantly reduces the intensity of exudation and stops inflammatory processes. In cosmetology, Zinc ointment is used due to its antiseptic and whitening effect. What does it help with:

  1. pigment spots of various locations, shapes and colors;
  2. acne and its consequences - scars, cicatrices, pits;
  3. decreased functional activity of the sebaceous glands.

Zinc oxide is a powerful adsorbent. The chemical compound attracts waste and toxins to its surface. It helps to quickly remove microorganisms and their waste products from skin pores.

Release form and composition

Domestic manufacturers produce the drug in dark glass bottles or aluminum tubes. The primary package may contain 20.0 or 30.0 g of Zinc ointment. Tubes and bottles are enclosed in cardboard boxes along with instructions for use. The external product contains the following ingredients:

  1. zinc oxide;
  2. medical Vaseline.

Sometimes manufacturers use other auxiliary components to form an ointment base. This can be lanolin, white paraffin, or a combination of both with petroleum jelly. Zinc anti-wrinkle ointment will work more effectively if it contains propylene glycol. This connection ensures the penetration of the ingredient into the deepest layers of the epidermis. It creates a pH level that matches the acidity of human skin.

The medicine should be stored at room temperature in a place protected from sunlight. Shelf life: 4 years. After uncorking the bottle or opening the aluminum tube, it is reduced to 2-3 months. The drug should not be used if it separates, changes color or smell. Its cost in pharmacies is from 20 rubles.

Instructions for use for the face

The instructions for use of Zinc ointment do not specify its use against wrinkles. Therefore, during the procedures, you should follow all the recommendations of cosmetologists. Do not apply the drug to uncleaned skin. How long to keep gel or cream with Zinc ointment on your face:

  1. for those with normal skin – 1-1.5 hours;
  2. For people with problematic and oily dermis, it is advisable to leave the product for 4-5 hours.

After the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer to your face.

During treatment, scrubs with large abrasive particles should not be used.

Indications and contraindications

Zinc ointment is an effective drug for the treatment of thermal and sunburns of the 1st degree. In dermatological practice, it is also used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. dermatitis;
  2. diaper rash;
  3. microtraumas - cracks, scratches, cuts;
  4. weeping eczema.

According to recent clinical trials, the drug exhibits weak antiviral activity. Therefore, it is used to treat herpes infection during the period of opening of painful blisters. In cosmetology, Zinc ointment is used for acne, pimples, wrinkles, and post-acne. It is suitable only for people with normal and combination skin. The external agent dries out the pores and normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions. Dry skin is one of the contraindications to its use. Zinc ointment is also not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to the components. It is contraindicated in pathologies occurring against the background of an infectious-inflammatory process.

Directions for use and doses

First you need to wash your face with any hygiene product and pat your face dry with a towel. To increase the therapeutic effect it is necessary to “open the pores”. You can apply a cloth soaked in hot water to the skin, or wipe it with infusion of chamomile or sage. There are several ways to apply Zinc ointment to your face:

  1. add 10 g of the drug to 100 ml of cream;
  2. Apply a thin layer to the entire face for 30-40 minutes.

In its pure form, Zinc ointment should not be left on the face overnight. It is enough to carry out the rejuvenating procedure once a day for a month. After a 2-3 week break, treatment can be continued.

Pregnancy and lactation

The therapeutic properties of the drug allow it to be used on the face during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But you should consult your doctor about the advisability of medical procedures.

Side effects and special instructions

The use of Zinc anti-wrinkle ointment may cause a local allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of a rash, redness and swelling of the dermis. The drug does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not cause systemic adverse reactions.

In women with dry skin, the use of an external product will provoke an increase in the depth of existing wrinkles. The reason for this negative effect is its ability to exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis. It becomes thinner and loses elasticity.


To combat wrinkles, the use of other pharmaceutical drugs is practiced. These are Retinoic ointment, Aevit, Radevit (instructions), Hyaluronic acid, cosmetic oils of jojoba, almond, peach.


Alena, Volgodonsk: The beauty salon advised me to buy Zinc ointment to improve the structure of the skin. It tightens skin pores and becomes an excellent prevention of acne and blackheads. The face quickly cleared up - small pimples and red spots disappeared.

Veronica, Penza: I didn’t find any instructions in the instructions for use on how to use Zinc Ointment for Wrinkles. The dermatologist said that it is not used for this even in cosmetology. Especially for people with my skin type - dry and sensitive.

More recently, cosmetology has taken a new look at zinc ointment. The drug has always been popular because of its ability to effectively fight acne, but it turned out that the potential of the product is much higher. Zinc anti-wrinkle ointment helps no worse than expensive anti-aging creams. After all, its components perfectly protect against harmful ultraviolet rays, and, as you know, ultraviolet rays age the skin very much. In addition, penetrating into skin cells, zinc oxide provokes the synthesis of collagen, the main protein of youth.

The use of zinc ointment in cosmetology against wrinkles

The drug can really help prevent new wrinkles and reduce those that have already appeared. Let's take a closer look at the active ingredient of the ointment - zinc oxide, as well as its properties and mechanism of action.

  1. Anti-inflammatory;
  2. Healing;
  3. Adsorbs ultraviolet radiation;
  4. Antiseptic.

Based on the properties, it is clear that the drug is valuable, although inexpensive. The ointment can be purchased at any pharmacy, without a special prescription from a doctor. Now about use.

  1. Mechanism of action. By stimulating the production of the main skin proteins: elastin and collagen, zinc ointment strengthens the deep and middle layers of the skin.
  2. Application. Use extremely carefully under the eyes. It is better to rub directly into wrinkles. Use in courses. When used daily, the course is no more than two weeks. Apply a thin layer to the face as a stand-alone product, as well as as a rejuvenating mask.

Mask recipes

  1. Mask No. 1. Mix with any nourishing cream in a 1:1 ratio, apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes, rinse off first with hot and then with cold water.
  2. Mask No. 2. Take an egg yolk and approximately the same volume of zinc ointment, add a little blue clay. The mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off and apply any nourishing cream.
  3. Result. The face looks younger, the contour is clear, the skin is elastic, the tone is even and there are no rashes. Inexpensive and cheerful.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles on the face - instructions for use

To get rid of wrinkles you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Wash off cosmetics or remaining dust;
  2. Wipe your face with toner;
  3. Spread a thin layer of zinc ointment on your face; if your skin is particularly dry, you can add baby cream.

The drug contains petroleum jelly, which itself is capable of smoothing out wrinkles, filling them with its contents. It can be used at any time of the day. When applying to the face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area. The subcutaneous fat tissue here is thinner than on the face, which means that this area also requires attention and zinc ointment will help it with this.

For most women, it is no secret that heparin ointment is used in cosmetology for wrinkles, but not everyone knows how it works and how to use it correctly. This gap can be filled by reading the article.
Full information about which pharmacy ointments smooth out wrinkles is here. It is important to choose a drug taking into account the type and condition of the skin, as well as the prevalence and depth of wrinkles.

Does zinc ointment help with deep wrinkles?

Most cosmetologists, however, agree that zinc ointment, with all its positive aspects, is not able to get rid of deep wrinkles. But it can get rid of small ones and prevent the appearance of deep ones.

How to use zinc ointment for wrinkles around the eyes?

Careful use under the eyes is allowed; it is advisable to mix the ointment with lanolin or other nourishing cream. You should take into account the fact that the skin under the eyes is thin and delicate, and the ointment can dry out over time and also thin the already thin skin, so frequent use is extremely undesirable.

Salicylic-zinc ointment for wrinkles

Active ingredients: salicylic acid and zinc oxide.

This pharmaceutical drug is good for all signs of aging: wrinkles and age spots, as well as freckles, which, although they are a very perky and charming attribute of youth, are not liked by everyone.

The action and instructions for use are as follows:

  1. Mechanism of action. Salicylic acid, which is part of the ointment, has a drying, antiseptic and catalytic or, in “human” language, exfoliating properties. Zinc whitens and regenerates skin cells. That is, the surface layer of skin is removed, and new young cells appear in its place. There is a peeling effect.
  2. Application. Cautious. Salicylic acid has the ability to penetrate the skin into the blood and affect the entire body. Possible adverse reactions from the body: tinnitus, sweating, dizziness. Cannot be used by those with very dry skin.
  3. Result. With a competent approach and no contraindications for use, the skin will be young, beautiful, and smooth.


Like any pharmaceutical drug, zinc ointment also has its own contraindications for use:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. acute purulent and inflammatory processes.

Before use, do not forget to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the inside of the elbow and wait about twenty minutes. If there is no negative reaction, you can safely use the product.

Polarity of opinions

  1. Elena, 38 years old. “I read interesting information on the Internet that zinc ointment helped someone with wrinkles. I didn’t really believe it, but I thought about it. Moreover, I decided to experiment, since I had zinc ointment at home.
    After three experimental weeks, the result was obvious, or rather, on the face. The skin has indeed become softer, there are fewer wrinkles, and the complexion is brighter. In general, beauty. It turns out that this pharmaceutical drug works no worse than an anti-aging cream.”
  2. Evgeniya, 41 years old. “I met a friend whom I hadn’t seen for seven years. I was a little surprised, because we are the same age. She looks little older than her own son, who is 22 years old. I’m already an aunt, so where’s the justice? She was upset at first, but then curiosity took over and she called to ask what she was doing to herself that there wasn’t a wrinkle on her face. She laughed at first, but then she told me her secrets.
    So one of the “secret” drugs was zinc ointment, oddly enough. I, inspired by her success, also decided to try. As a result, after a month and a half of using zinc ointment as a “rejuvenating” product, I was disappointed. No, it didn’t get worse, but I didn’t see a super effect either. So, the light lines of wrinkles smoothed out a little, but the deep ones remained.”

As you can see, the reviews are mixed. Some are happy, others not so much.

Additional information about using facial ointment in this video:

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that ointment with zinc is undoubtedly a useful and effective remedy in the fight against wrinkles. True, when pronounced age-related changes appear, it can only help in combination with more serious anti-aging agents.

You can find more information on this topic in the section Anti-wrinkle ointment.