Types of deodorants for women

Humanity has been fighting the smell of sweat for hundreds of years. Today, in any cosmetic store you can purchase special products that will help get rid of unwanted odors and can control sweating. What deodorants are best for preventing sweat? Further in the article we will discuss what forms of release of these products exist today, and also consider the most popular brands.

Deodorant or antiperspirant?

On many modern cosmetics you can find the name “deodorant-antiperspirant”. Very often we begin to perceive these two words as synonyms. In fact, we are talking about slightly different products.

Deodorant is a means to combat the smell of sweat. It contains disinfectants and bactericidal substances that block the development of bacterial flora. In fact, human sweat itself does not have a distinct odor. The scent attributed to it arises from the proliferation of bacteria on the skin. Deodorant blocks the development of bacteria and prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Antiperspirant works differently. Products in this category suppress the formation of sweat. They contain organic salts of aluminum and zinc, which can block the work of the sweat glands.

It is difficult to judge which deodorants are better: regular or antiperspirants. We are talking about products that differ significantly in composition and principle of action. Many representatives of the fair sex choose antiperspirants for special occasions, and use deodorants every day. Both cosmetic products are available in various forms. Let's try to figure out how they differ from each other.

Deodorant spray

The spray format is liked by many consumers due to the feeling of coolness and freshness when used. Modern deodorants of this type do not contain alcohol additives. And this is a definite plus, since they do not dry out the skin. Many manufacturers produce sprays with a minimum amount of chemical additives. If you believe the reviews of lovers of such deodorants, then this is the version of the anti-sweat product that stains clothes the least. The main disadvantage of sprays is that they are not economical. A deodorant in a can will run out much faster than its roll-on or cream counterpart. In addition, it is recommended to protect sprays from mechanical damage, exposure to high temperatures and direct sunlight.

Roll-on deodorant

Without exception, all roll-on and roll-on deodorants contain alcohol. When applied, they delight with a refreshing effect. Deodorants of this type create a film on the surface of the skin. Such products are not recommended for those with dry skin. Allergic reactions are most often observed when using roll-on antiperspirants. Still, this format has many advantages. The main one is its efficiency. In addition, any roll-on deodorant can easily fit into a handbag and the smallest cosmetic bag.

Pros and cons of solid deodorants

Stick deodorants are often touted as the most practical form of protection against sweat. Indeed, this is an ideal cosmetics option for travel and business trips. Solid deodorant will not break or explode. But be careful - such products melt at high temperatures. However, even on the body, sticks do not always behave flawlessly. Products in this category can leave marks on clothing or appear on the skin in the form of unaesthetic pellets at the most inopportune moment. At normal air temperatures, the sticks are quite effective and can guarantee protection against unpleasant odors for a long time. Products in this category are often considered one of the softest. For example, this is exactly how the Dove solid deodorant is positioned.

Creamy sweat odor removers

Innovative cosmetics that protect against sweat are deodorants in gel and cream formats. Such products are ideal for sensitive skin, as they are practically incapable of causing irritation. What’s remarkable is that even experts answered the question “Which deodorants are best?” most often they answer categorically: “Creamy!” Cosmetics in this category usually cost significantly more than their analogues. Take the time to study the composition of the product you like. Creams and gels that combat sweat odor usually contain the least amount of chemical additives and always contain extracts of medicinal herbs.

Natural deodorants

Today everything natural is in fashion, and environmentally friendly cosmetics are no exception. More recently, so-called natural deodorants have appeared on the market. The most common in this category are natural mineral crystals. The cost of such a product is higher than a cosmetic product, but the effect is different. Natural remedies for sweat are completely harmless and safe. They are odorless and do not leave marks on clothes. It is worth noting that natural deodorants do not have the effect of antiperspirants. This means that sweat will be produced. But such a remedy is quite capable of preventing the proliferation of bacteria. As well as preventing the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Despite their high cost, crystal deodorants are “economical”; their lifespan is practically unlimited.

What is the difference between products for women and men?

In any cosmetic store, customers will find long shelves with products that can solve the problem of excessive sweating. What is noteworthy is that all these cans and bottles are divided by gender. What is the difference between men's deodorant and women's? In fact, the difference most often lies only in the perfume fragrance. According to many experts, the division of caring cosmetics into women's and men's is nothing more than a marketing ploy. If we look at history, just a couple of decades ago, shampoos, creams and soaps, in principle, did not indicate for whom they were intended (with the exception of products for infants). Today, in any store you can buy women's deodorant, and it often costs more than men's. The fair sex themselves do not always like the scents prepared for them by cosmetics manufacturers. For this reason, many girls and women prefer to purchase men's anti-sweat products.

Children's deodorants

At what age can you use roll-on deodorant? The problem of sweat odor becomes relevant for each of us in adolescence. And it’s not a matter of increased concern about one’s own appearance, but of hormonal changes in the body. Already at the age of 13-15 years, it makes sense to teach a teenager to regularly use deodorant. It is best to choose a natural crystal. If for some reason this is not possible, consider creams, gels, sticks and sprays. Many cosmetics manufacturers offer entire lines of products designed specifically for teenagers. For example, Garnier deodorant is quite popular. How does it differ from analogues? It contains a reduced content of artificial additives. Natural ingredients must be present in a product for young skin. Many teenagers pay special attention to perfume compositions of cosmetics. And this is a big mistake, the task of parents is to explain to their son or daughter that you cannot choose a deodorant by smell.

Popular brands

Today, any major cosmetic company produces anti-sweat products. The most popular brands of deodorants in our country: “Dove”, “Nivea”, “Avon”, “Oriflame”, “Ax”, “Fa”, “Garnier”, “Rexona”, “Clean Line”. Which brand's products are the best? It cannot be said unequivocally that Nivea deodorant is superior in quality to Garnier, or vice versa. All products of large cosmetic companies are tested and have the necessary quality certificates. This means that any solid deodorant sold in a reputable store is safe when used correctly.

In most cases, choosing a specific brand and product is an individual matter. All that remains is to recommend that customers study the labels of the cosmetic products they like, and not focus solely on advertising.

Rules for using anti-odor products

If you want the selected women's or men's deodorant to fully exhibit the properties promised by the manufacturer, you must follow the rules for its use. Anti-sweat products should only be applied to clean and dry skin. Be sure to thoroughly shave your armpits regularly. Alcohol-based deodorants are not recommended to be used immediately after shaving or if the skin is damaged or irritated. It is not recommended to use deodorants before visiting the bathhouse. Antiperspirants should not be used during intense sports or other activities that involve intense sweating. If you use both deodorant and perfume at the same time, choose products from the same line of the same brand. You can also use your favorite perfume in combination with an unscented antiperspirant.

Are deodorants harmful?

By choosing products from well-known brands with a good reputation, you don’t have to worry about your own health. However, this is not a reason to forget that the use of any new cosmetics should begin with an allergic reaction test. If you bought Nivea deodorant for the first time, apply it first for a few hours at home. Try to track the reaction, the appearance of redness and itching - this is a sign of individual intolerance to the components of the selected product. If any unpleasant symptoms appear, wash off the anti-sweat product from your body and do not use it in the future. Try another brand, such as Oriflame deodorant. It is useful to know that even suitable cosmetic products should be changed from time to time. Otherwise, an addictive effect may occur and the selected deodorant will stop working. Antiperspirants should be used with caution, especially those labeled “24-hour protection” or “48-hour protection.” It is not advisable to use such products every day, and they must be washed off after each use.

Subtleties of the right choice

Which deodorants are better than others, how to choose the right antiperspirant?

  1. Buy cosmetics from well-known brands in trusted stores.
  2. If you sweat too much, it makes sense to buy an antiperspirant.
  3. If the odor is too strong, you should choose a deodorant with an antibacterial effect.
  4. Pay attention to the described properties of the antiperspirant and active ingredients. For example, Dove deodorant does not contain alcohol, which means that it will not dry out the skin.
  5. It is very good if the chosen cosmetic product contains extracts of medicinal plants and natural essential oils.
  6. For many buyers, the form of release of the anti-sweat product is of great importance. Many manufacturers offer to purchase the same product in different packages. For example, you can buy the same Garnier deodorant in spray and cream formats.
  7. Most anti-perspiration products have their own perfume scent. But if you prefer to use perfume, try to find a deodorant with a neutral scent.

With a modern lifestyle, antiperspirant is an indispensable remedy for any person, not to mention people suffering from excessive sweating. However, there are so many of them on store shelves that it is incredibly difficult for an ordinary buyer to choose just one product. Which antiperspirant is best for women and which for men? Are all of them safe for health?

In order to have a good understanding of this issue, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of this product, consider the advantages and disadvantages of all forms of release, as well as the importance of some of the components included in the composition.

What is it and its effectiveness for increased sweating

Antiperspirant is a cosmetic product designed to significantly reduce or completely eliminate excessive sweating. They are usually used in the armpit area, but they can also cope with excessive sweating in other problem areas, such as the palms or feet. Products that can eliminate not only sweating, but also unpleasant odors are called antiperspirant deodorants.

The first such cosmetic product was invented and patented back in 1941. It was truly the first product to treat excessive sweating so effectively and became a bestseller in the 1950s. Enough time has passed since then, during which the composition of the products has only improved.

The main active ingredients of modern antiperspirants are aluminum salts, the principle of which is the formation of an insoluble protein compound on the surface of the skin - albuminate, which forms a protective film. It covers the entire treated surface, including the ducts of the sweat glands, through which, in fact, the secretion is brought out.

Thus, the invisible film creates a mechanical obstacle to the path of sweat, significantly reducing its volume removed outside. Over time, it is eliminated by natural peeling of the skin, leaving no consequences.

Aluminum salts also have an astringent effect on the skin (some natural ingredients, for example, sage or oak bark, have a similar effect). By coagulating cell protein, they reduce the lumen of small blood vessels and shrink pores, as a result of which the amount of secretion brought to the surface is further reduced.

Also, most modern antiperspirants contain various softening additives designed to improve the sensation of using the product, and some contain vitamin E, which is extremely beneficial for human skin.

We pay attention to health safety

Despite the abundance of “yellow” articles about the incredibly serious consequences of using antiperspirants, there is simply no scientific evidence of negative effects on the human body when used correctly. We do not advocate antiperspirants, but there is still no alternative to them, and using herbal decoctions, soda and other guaranteed safe products is, to put it mildly, not convenient and not as effective, unlike quickly applying a ready-made composition.

There is an opinion that with regular use of the product, aluminum chlorohydrate accumulates in the body, which disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys, and provokes the development of breast cancer. Of all of the above, only a negative effect on kidney function has been proven in cases of pre-existing renal failure.

There is only one conclusion from this: antiperspirants are not recommended for use in renal failure. Regarding other cases, everyone decides for themselves. A direct relationship between the occurrence of such pathologies has undoubtedly not been identified, but one can only assume that the use of cosmetics based on aluminum salts slightly increases the risk of their development.

In addition, it is worth recalling that if used correctly, the likelihood of accumulation of harmful components is extremely low. In addition to the fact that they are quickly eliminated through sweat and through the natural peeling of the skin, they can be easily washed off with water, with virtually no consequences. But still, the final opinion remains only yours.

We decide on the release form, which one is better?

Each form of release has both its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the choice depends on personal preferences, lifestyle and the amount of money you can spend on purchasing the product.

  1. Spray . The most popular and simple form of antiperspirant for sweating. Its main advantages are the ability to quickly apply over a large area, versatility and safety, because application of the composition does not require contact with the skin, which allows several family members to use one bottle at once. There are the largest number of products of this type on store shelves, which makes it easier to choose the most suitable one. But despite the fact that the spray is the most common, in terms of effectiveness, the antiperspirant in the form of a spray is not the best. In addition to the fact that the composition does not penetrate so deeply into the skin, as a result of which it cannot provide maximum protection, the aerosol is consumed extremely quickly and forces you to buy a new bottle again and again.
  2. Ball . More effective because it covers the treated surface more densely. The bottle itself, as a rule, is smaller in size than the spray, which makes it easier to transport, allowing you to put it in your purse and carry it with you. However, the choice of products of this type is not so large, this also applies to the variety of aromatic fragrances. The main disadvantage is that it takes a long time to dry, since after applying it you have to wait a few more minutes to avoid stains on clothes.
  3. Hard stick. The most effective, at the same time convenient and beneficial for the skin format. The solid composition covers the skin as tightly as possible, and the active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin, while it is quite easy to apply and dries quickly. Typically, it is solid sticks that contain the largest amount of skin-nourishing components and even vitamins. The most significant drawback is the mark on clothing and skin, which is especially noticeable if the composition contains talc.
  4. Cream, gel, powder. Such products are much more expensive because, as a rule, they are more natural and at the same time more effective. The brand component also plays an important role, since such forms of antiperspirants are produced by the best manufacturers, whose products are not so affordable. They contain many nutrients that provide gentle skin care, and aromatic fragrances are made primarily from natural extracts. Pharmaceutical anti-sweating products are also produced in this form, for example Formagel.

In addition to the release form, pay attention to the smell. Among the variety of aromas, you need to choose one that suits your taste, and, if desired, a completely odorless product. In addition, unscented antiperspirant does not irritate the skin, since it does not contain the main and most common provocateurs of irritation - fragrances.

Can't understand the main differences between antiperspirant and deodorant? We suggest you understand this issue by reading the article we prepared about the differences between these means: .

How to apply antiperspirant correctly?

To minimize the risks of the negative effects of the composition on the body, as well as to ensure maximum protection, you first need to know how to apply an antiperspirant correctly. After all, based on practice, many people make a lot of mistakes when using cosmetics.

Firstly, it must be applied exclusively to clean and dry armpits, that is, before use, you must take a shower and wait until the skin is completely dry. At the same time, simply wiping with a towel will not be enough; due to lack of time, it is better to use a hairdryer.

If you do not adhere to this simple rule, you can forget about the high effectiveness of the antiperspirant, since the active components will not be able to properly linger on the skin and be absorbed. It is also worth remembering that it is not recommended to apply the product before training, going to the bathhouse or sauna. Otherwise, active sweating during physical activity or exposure to high temperatures will lead to swelling of the treated area.

Also, a feature of the use of these cosmetics is that they are applied mainly in the evening. This is due to the fact that before bedtime and at night, the sweat glands significantly reduce their activity, as a result of which the effects of the components will be more noticeable. You can treat problem areas in the morning only to enhance the effect.

Rating of the best women's antiperspirants

No. 1 Nivea “Powder effect”

In our opinion, the best antiperspirant for women, which has been breaking sales records for several years now. And for good reason, because, in addition to extremely high efficiency in this price segment, it has a unique, incredibly delicate, light and airy aroma of powder. However, despite the name, the product does not contain talc and leaves no residue. Success lies primarily in the addition of kaolin particles to the composition, which additionally absorb excess moisture.


  1. Available in various formats;
  2. Has high efficiency;
  3. Leaves a light unobtrusive aroma on the skin;
  4. Dries quickly, does not stick;
  5. Does not leave marks on clothes;
  6. Does not cause irritation and does not dry out the skin.

The disadvantages of this tool are quite difficult to note. The price varies around 100-150 rubles depending on the form of release and is extremely reasonable for a product that has such a number of advantages.

№2 Vichy Beauty Deo 48

Of the products presented in the rating, this is the most effective and safe antiperspirant against sweating, but at the same time the most expensive. Constant shaving of the armpits negatively affects the skin, so the Vichy remedy not only protects against sweating more effectively than others, but also nourishes the skin and soothes irritation after shaving. But its main feature is that it slows down hair growth, which allows you to carry out unpleasant procedures for removing excess hair less often.

The composition also contains many reflective particles, which significantly improves the appearance of the skin.

Reviews from women who use this antiperspirant as a remedy for underarm hyperhidrosis note that its effect is similar to that of pharmaceutical drugs. That is, it not only temporarily eliminates the manifestation, but over time reduces the amount of sweat produced even on untreated armpits.


  1. Gently cares for the skin;
  2. Improves its appearance;
  3. It has high efficiency and even minor medicinal properties;
  4. Slows down hair growth;
  5. Dries quickly and is not felt on the body;
  6. Leaves no traces behind;
  7. Has an unobtrusive aroma.

The main disadvantage is its cost, which varies from 800 to 1100 rubles for a small bottle.

No. 3 Dove beauty finish “Shining minerals”

Everyone knows this brand, associated with tenderness and silkiness, caring for the skin. And indeed it is. The product does its job, it lasts until the end of the day, the hard stick does not crumble and leaves no marks. This is a reliable, good antiperspirant, nothing special, but it does its job.


  1. Economically used;
  2. Does not leave marks on clothes;
  3. Instantly absorbed;
  4. Ideal even for sensitive skin.


  1. Quite a concentrated and persistent aroma that can overpower perfume.

Standard cost: 150-200 rubles.

#4 Adidas Pro Clear

The modern rhythm of a woman’s life is quite dynamic and active, while she needs to look impeccably fresh. The best antiperspirant for sweat for an extremely active lifestyle is Pro Clear from Adidas. It is reliable even in the most critical situations and is suitable for all skin types.


  1. Reliability even under the strong influence of external factors that provoke sweating;
  2. Does not leave marks on clothes;
  3. Disinfects the surface being treated;
  4. Compact and convenient to use.


  1. It takes quite a long time to dry;
  2. The first 15-20 minutes after application there is a not entirely pleasant stickiness.

On average, its cost varies around 170-180 rubles, which is the average in this price segment.

№5 Rexona women

The product provides protection until the end of the day. Moreover, despite the affordable cost, the composition contains natural components and plant extracts that have a positive effect on the treated area and do not cause irritation or allergic reactions.


  1. Extremely affordable product;
  2. Does not cause irritation or allergic reactions;
  3. Copes with his task until the end of the day;
  4. Does not leave marks on clothes.


  1. Quite a pungent smell that not everyone will like;

The cost of the product is about 120-130 rubles.

Rating of the best men's antiperspirants

№1 Dry Dry

The best antiperspirant for men developed by Swedish cosmetologists. Its effectiveness has been proven by scientific research and many examples of use for excessive sweating. Its main feature is the duration of the effect, because just one use reliably protects against sweat for 5-7, and sometimes 10 days.


  1. Extremely high efficiency;
  2. Duration of effect;
  3. Absolute safety;
  4. Suitable for any skin type;
  5. Does not cause irritation or allergic reaction;
  6. Economical due to the absence of the need for daily use.

The only significant drawback is its cost, which is about 800 rubles. However, the duration of the effect allows you to use the product quite rarely, which allows you to not think about repurchasing for 4-6 months.

There are a huge number of antiperspirants on the market, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages, so choosing the best deodorants for women among them is not easy. When choosing, you must first decide what kind of problem you need to get rid of, what type of skin the customer has and how much she sweats. The discomfort caused by wet palms or sweat stains on clothing not only makes you feel awkward. Often, the discrepancy between the appearance of a person suffering from hyperhidrosis and the requirements affects normal work activities.

Why does a woman need deodorant?

Increased sweating throughout the body or in certain areas of it causes many problems not only for women, but also for men. Although the requirements for the stronger half of humanity are not as categorical as for women, the majority of men sweat much more. And if men can somehow come to terms with this state of affairs, then excessive sweating for women is a real tragedy. The peculiarities of the female body consist in periodically arising situations in which hormonal levels change. This hormonal imbalance affects many functions of the female body, including the appearance of profuse sweating. These conditions include:

  1. Menstrual periods are usually accompanied by general fatigue, lethargy, general malaise and profuse sweating.
  2. Pregnancy. Excessive sweating in women when carrying a child is observed in the first four months and this is considered normal. After this time, the hormonal level stabilizes and sweat production returns to normal.
  3. Menopause period. At this time, a radical restructuring occurs in the female body, and especially in her hormonal system. This period is characterized by lethargy, increased emotionality, irritability and excessive sweating.

Any of these conditions requires consultation with a doctor, since such changes can be either harmless temporary phenomena or a symptom of serious pathologies. But a woman at any age and in any condition wants to look neat and fresh, so experts recommend using deodorants and antiperspirants to eliminate unwanted sweat.

What to prefer - deodorant or antiperspirant

When choosing an anti-sweat product, they usually pay more attention to the beautiful packaging and the manufacturer, well, maybe some people want to save money and buy something cheaper, but a deodorant, purchased product, or antiperspirant does not mean much to the average buyer. Both are used to eliminate unpleasant odors, but, as it turns out, their effects differ. Deodorant is translated as a means to eliminate odor, and antiperspirant is translated as a means to eliminate sweat. This is precisely their main difference: deodorant only muffles the smell of sweat and does not serve as an obstacle to its release. This is achieved thanks to perfume fragrances and an antibacterial substance designed to suppress the activity of bacteria. Usually, for this purpose, the substance farnesol or triclosan is introduced into the deodorant. The latter is a stronger remedy, but it also has many more side effects. As for farnesol, it acts more gently and does not harm the skin’s own microflora.