Hairstyles for anime characters

Today, young people, wanting to stand out from the crowd, often experiment with their appearance. Anime hairstyles for guys are no longer considered something special, but they allow you to create a bright image. Fans copy not only the haircuts and styles of their favorite cartoon characters, but also their behavior and clothing style.

It’s not difficult to replicate the stylish hairstyles of your favorite Japanese anime characters, but the main thing is to know how to choose the right shape and how to care for it so that the image remains stylish and not funny.


Features of anime hairstyles for boys

This type of men's hairstyles is copied from the characters of your favorite cartoons or games. Most often, boys need to grow their hair to medium length to create an anime look. If you have curly hair, you will definitely have to straighten it out. Almost any shape requires long bangs. If your place of study allows and your parents don’t mind, you can dye some of your hair in bright colors (blue, purple, red). To prevent hair from losing its shape and acquiring the required volume, young people will have to get used to using foams and hairsprays.

Laying options

The whole point of anime hairstyles for guys is proper styling. If your hair is short, you can style it in a chaotic manner using gel. It is important to ruffle your hair thoroughly in different directions before the styling product dries. Next, the hairstyle is dried with hot air from a hairdryer and sprayed with strong-hold hairspray. This styling implies the presence of chaotically protruding ends that look in different directions.


The Hedgehog style is also used for short hair. The occipital area is combed and with the help of hair gel, voluminous protruding strands resembling thorns are created. All hair in the parietal area and bangs must be straightened with an iron to achieve perfect smoothness. The final touch is fixing with varnish.

How to make an anime hairstyle for a guy?

Regardless of the fact that anime men's hairstyles in cartoons look casual and simple, in fact the technique for doing them is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Not every stylist will be able to do such a high-quality haircut, taking into account the individual features of the structure of the face and its shape. After all, even the perfect hairstyle can ruin the overall look if it doesn’t suit the guy at all.


Anime artists do not limit themselves at all in the color range of their hair. They constantly experiment, which can manifest themselves in the most unusual color combinations.


Who is it suitable for?

Anime hairstyles for men are not for everyone. For guys with round faces and heavy chins, this solution will not be the best. Such a doll-like image on a bulky body will look at least funny.


The ideal male otaku (fan of Japanese cartoons) is a slender young man with delicate features and pale skin. To ideally understand the most suitable appearance for a cartoon image, just open Japanese fashion magazines.

Anime hairstyles for men: photos

Most modern guys love to amaze others with their unusual images. However, before making an anime hairstyle for a guy, every stylist should pay attention to the features of his appearance. The hairstyle should hide flaws and show the advantages of a young man. Below we present photos of the most successful images.

You can see that the standard anime character hairstyle is very similar to the emo culture style that was very popular in the 2000s.







In the end, I would like to add that all anime-style hairstyles require careful care and regular styling with strong hold products to create clear and sharp lines. Only in this case will they look bright and unusual. If a guy is a creative person, then this way of expressing his inner world will be more than justified. Among girls who support the love of Japanese cartoons, bright young men will be especially successful!

As mentioned above, anime hairstyle is a youth style. For adults and business men, this style will not be appropriate. However, if you are not a pop performer and have a similar style, this is your strong point for a stage image.

The style is definitely not suitable for those with curvy figures or guys with pumped up muscles. At the very least, such options look funny and absurd. The image is ideal for a slender young man with delicate features and fair skin.

The anime style is not suitable for guys with very curly hair, sparse and thin strands. For a school-age boy, it is necessary to choose more gentle types of anime.

Top Anime Hairstyles for Guys

Of course, when choosing this hairstyle, you want to look cool and unusual.

One of the most popular styles in anime is the “Charming Messy” hairstyle. Characters with such a disheveled hairstyle generally do not bother with styling.

Most often, their image looks as if they just tore their heads off the pillow. But at the same time the guys look very sexy.

“Tousled hair” is the second most popular anime hairstyle. Tousled hair adds invincibility and uniqueness to the look.

Long bangs are one of the most popular anime hairstyles among guys. This style adds elegance and mystery to the image. Often anime with bangs is done as a side-swept hairstyle.

“Ponytail” is a hairstyle designed for lovers of long hair. Long anime hairstyles are interesting and unusual, here you can show your imagination and add accessories for brightness.

The Mohawk haircut is associated with rock or punk. However, it also occurs in anime style.

“Dreadlocks” are a rather unusual type of anime hairstyle. It is most often performed on long hair.

Hairstyles for medium hair are considered the ideal anime option. However, if you want to do a hairstyle for short or long hair, then there are also options. Too short hairstyles in cartoon style are less common.

How to make an anime hairstyle for a guy

Anime hairstyles for guys are interesting and quite unusual. If at first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated in its design, then this is a big mistake.

Not every stylist can design a high-quality hairstyle so that it suits your face type and hair structure. In addition, many people prefer to change their image: add bright colors, make the hair tone lighter, or resort to coloring, combining incompatible colors. Anime girls are constantly experimenting and rarely stay in one image for a long time.

An experienced stylist should style the hair in such a way that it can be easily styled in the future. You can style men's anime hairstyles yourself. But for this you need to be patient and have styling products with strong hold.

Anime style requires careful care. For example, styling should only be done on clean hair. And to wash your hair, use only special shampoos.

One of the main rules of anime style is harmony in clothing and hairstyle. You need to know that business-style clothes cannot be combined with this style and vice versa.

The installation technique is quite complex. Therefore, in order to learn how to do styling, you need to carefully study this unusual style. In order to learn how to quickly do a hairstyle, it will take some time. Having gained experience, installation will not seem as difficult as initially.

If you are doing an anime-style haircut, then experienced stylists advise making a sketch. Drawing will help you understand the client and will help you achieve the desired result.

Modern fashion requires sacrifices! The anime style has been around for over 100 years. For young people, self-expression occurs precisely through hairstyle or clothing. It often happens that some types of style are quite aggressive. The main thing is that all this helps you find yourself in life!

Guys pay no less attention to their appearance than girls. Young people also strive to attract the attention of the opposite sex, remain modern, and show individuality. The cult of anime gave birth to the appearance of a corresponding style. Boys and girls from different countries are trying to copy the appearance of their favorite heroes. Anime hairstyles for guys have become a popular phenomenon. It's not that difficult to replicate the image of cartoon characters. Our article will help you streamline the flow of information and learn how to create stylish hairstyles in the style of Japanese anime on your head.

Style Description

The appearance of the anime style is not accidental. The popularity of animated films and games based on them has captured the whole world. The performances are realistic, which stimulates the desire to imitate the heroes. Interest in adopting the image of the characters appeared as cartoons gained popularity. Fans are gradually transforming into their idols, copying the behavior, haircuts and styling, and clothing styles of their favorite cartoons.


An anime style look is suitable not only for girls, but also for guys. The direction is distinguished by its brightness and extravagance of images. Attention is drawn to the color, the prints used, the multi-layered clothing, and the bold, courageous behavior of the characters.


Cosplay (complete transformation into a hero) is not used so often. Most young people simply adopt the details of the drawn images. You can actually use regular clothes and shoes. Preference is given to things with a “zest”. They use rich colors, unusual prints, and characteristic accessories.


For guys, skinny jeans, T-shirts, shirts, jackets in basic colors with a pattern or bright inserts are suitable. It is not forbidden to wear a formal business suit with a tie, a vest, a short coat, a sweatshirt, a T-shirt with shorts, or a leather biker jacket with spikes in the wardrobe.

Characteristic features of haircuts and styling

An anime-style men's haircut involves medium-length hair. Hair with strands length from the chin is suitable. The format of the haircut is not of decisive importance. The option “under the pot”, square or cascade is suitable. The latter format is the most popular.


Men's hairstyle, like from a picture of a Japanese comic book, suggests the presence of elongated bangs. The element is made specifically or highlighted in the structure of the haircut. For styling, an even texture of the strands is required. Guys with natural curls will have to take care of straightening first.


To create a hairstyle, just tousle your hair. It is advisable to work the haircut with your fingers dipped in fixing gel or wax. This trick will allow you to separate the strands. Clarity and sharpness of lines are important. In some cases, the hair is lifted up and directed back, making wide “strokes”. It is recommended to style the strands with feathers.


Who is it suitable for?

Anime style adds femininity to a man's appearance. This should be taken into account before creating an image. The option is ideal for slender young people with pleasant, delicate features. For square boys with a strong-willed large face, the image of the anime style will be a mockery.


Important! The appearance option must fit into the lifestyle and behavior. The image must be supported with the help of clothing. The anime style is ideal for romantic boys with a fine mental structure.

A hairstyle modeled after popular cartoon characters is suitable for those with asymmetry, scars and other appearance defects. A long, tousled haircut will hide minor imperfections. The option will also give the child’s face a more strong-willed, defined look.


The cartoon image is more suitable for young people. Grown men with a similar appearance look frivolous. Given this feature, transformation into anime characters is a temporary phenomenon. For a mature “male,” such infantilism can become a situational event.


General recommendations

To create a hairstyle in the manner of anime characters, it is not necessary to specifically make a model haircut. The styling can be done from the available volume of strands. All you have to do is use the styling tool, tousle the mass of hair with your fingers, highlighting the strands.


The hairstyle, like that of anime cartoon characters, is often complemented by creative coloring. It is not necessary to completely change the color to red, blue, green. It is enough to select a few strands. It is permissible to use not permanent coloring, but to do partial tinting situationally. Moreover, not every dress code allows such liberties.


Anime hairstyle requires regular styling. The hair is arranged in the desired manner, and the position is secured with styling products. Guys don’t have to be afraid to use substances for fixation, use a hair dryer, straightener and other “girly” tricks.


It's very easy to style your hair in an anime style. The hair is simply tousled, separating the strands. Any guy who has never previously dealt with styling hair can cope with this task. We must not forget that a hairstyle needs the right base: length, hair structure. The presence of a haircut using a cascade technique, supplemented by graduation, will make the work easier.

For installation you will have to take care of the presence of the necessary tools and materials:

  1. hair dryer, straightener (as needed);
  2. fine-toothed comb;
  3. means of fixation.


Before styling, it is recommended to take a closer look at your favorite characters. It is advisable to first study the video with step-by-step execution of a similar hairstyle. It would be useful to make a reference for the proposed installation.


Guys with short hair don't have to despair about creating the right anime look. The styling option is excluded only for those with a shaved head. Short strands are laid according to the hedgehog principle. The hair is combed up using peka or gel. Run your fingers through your hair until the strands are completely dry. The strands are separated as much as possible and moved in different directions. It is recommended to lightly blow the hot air of a hairdryer onto the finished hairstyle. The result is fixed with varnish.


Medium-length hair is often laid on one side. To do this, the hair is combed in one direction. The hair is pre-treated with gel or foam. The strands remain typically disheveled. Taking into account the length of the hair, the method of styling, the strands are tousled on an enlarged scale. The result looks hooligan.


The standard for styling long hair is slightly different. It all depends on the format of the haircut and the length present. Hair cut using the cascade technique can be left loose. The strands should be slightly disheveled and secured. The presence of long, torn bangs that hangs over the eyes is a must. It is better to put hair of uniform length into a ponytail or loop. There may be shaved temples.


Advantages and disadvantages

Anime style styling is unusual and corresponds to the general trend of fashion trends. The option is easy to do yourself. The hairstyle softens the features and helps hide minor imperfections.

The styling is thematic and requires careful composition of the image. The option adds femininity to the appearance, but is not suitable for every occasion. The hairstyle must organically correspond to the inner world of the owner.

Stellar examples

It is difficult to find a hairstyle exactly like that of an anime character among Western stars. Celebrities don't imitate iconic characters. Options similar in format, but not supported by the integrity of the image, were demonstrated by Zac Efron, Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Pattinson.


Zac Efron and Jake Gyllenhaal

Anime hairstyles for guys are a great way to stand out from the crowd. The option is stylish, unusual, practical, but not suitable for everyone. The hairstyle will best emphasize the originality of nature, creative streak, and allow you to express yourself.

Useful videos

Top 5 stylish men's haircuts.