Irritation on the facial skin in women

If you often experience irritation on your face, it's time to find out why it's happening. We will tell you about the most common causes of this scourge. Here you will find the most effective treatment methods: proper care for diseased skin, medications and folk remedies.

It's very unpleasant when it breaks out irritation on the face in the form of a small red rash or spots. Most often it is accompanied by itching, flaking and severe itching. It can appear at literally any age. It’s one thing when this happens to teenagers during puberty, and completely different when it happens at a more mature age, when you don’t know what to think.

Indeed, in the fight against this scourge, it is very important to understand what is happening, why the skin is covered with these hated pimples. If you eliminate the provoking factor, the irritation will disappear with it. Therefore, first we find out the reasons for this misfortune.

Causes of rashes on the face

It's actually not hard to understand Why skin irritation appears on the face. To do this, you just need to analyze some circumstances over the last 2 weeks that you have encountered and that could become possible causes of skin rashes.

These could be dietary habits, lifestyle, new cosmetics, or health conditions. Try not to miss anything. The most common provoking factors are:

  1. hormonal imbalances, so you shouldn’t be surprised why irritation appears on the face during puberty in adolescents (accompanied by pimples and acne), during pregnancy, on the days of the menstrual cycle (usually localized on the chin) or during menopause;
  2. avitaminosis;
  3. irritation occurs very often after hair removal - this is how the skin reacts to wax and sugaring, if women have to get rid of excess facial hair in such ways;
  4. severe stress, depression, neurosis, psychosis - all kinds of nervous disorders;
  5. In winter, many people experience irritation on their face from the frost, from cold (accompanied by peeling and severe dry skin);
  6. medicinal brushing - long-term use of powerful medications: birth control, aspirin, antibiotics (additional symptoms - unhealthy redness in the form of spots);
  7. low-quality, inappropriate, expired cosmetics: irritation on the face is especially common after cream, which they began to use recently, without first checking it for the presence of skin allergens;
  8. bad habits: alcohol and cigarette abuse;
  9. allergy to various irritants (animal fur, citrus fruits, spices, spicy foods, dust, pollen) - the rashes usually itch very much;
  10. unhealthy diet: regular consumption of too many exotic, overseas fruits and berries, raspberries and carrots, citrus fruits; as well as fatty, salty, smoked, pickled, spicy foods;
  11. insufficient skin care: cosmetics that do not match the skin type, too superficial cleansing of pores, regularly leaving makeup on overnight;
  12. irritation often occurs after peeling, facial cleansing if too aggressive means were used;
  13. problems with immunity;
  14. contact of facial skin with synthetic fabrics (for example, during sleep - with a pillow or when walking - with a hat);
  15. if you suffer from hyperhidrosis, from time to time irritation will appear on the face from sweatA;
  16. injuries;
  17. recent cold or hypothermia;
  18. oversaturation of the skin with ultraviolet radiation: this usually happens in women who abuse solariums, love a strong tan and take too long sunbathing.

View all these causes and try to answer yourself honestly which of them takes place in your life. There may be only one (for example, irritation clearly appears only after hair removal or use of cream).

But often factors affect the skin in a complex manner (unsuccessful peeling + strong tan + days of the menstrual cycle). Once you understand what is happening to you, it will be easier for you to resolve the issue, how to treat irritation on the face. Additional symptoms will also help. After all, as you know, trouble (rash) does not come alone.

According to statistics. Dermatologists say that one of the most common causes of irritation on the face is store-bought cosmetics.

Skin diseases

If all the above reasons can be easily eliminated (you just need to go through adolescence, stop smoking, replace the cream with another product, do epilation without waxing, etc.), then in some cases various types of irritations on the face become the result of serious skin diseases that have to be treated over a long period of time. Therefore, take a closer look at your rash and try to see in it the symptoms of this kind of pathology.

Irritation in the form of spots

  1. lupus erythematosus;
  2. nevus;
  3. syphilis;
  4. seborrheic dermatitis;
  5. toxidermy.

Irritation in the form of a small rash

  1. molluscum contagiosum;
  2. teenage acne;
  3. warts;
  4. nevus;
  5. keratosis.

Red rash:

  1. skin cancer;
  2. syphilis;
  3. dermatitis;
  4. angiofibroma;
  5. lupus erythematosus;
  6. telangiectasia;
  7. nevus;
  8. hemangioma;
  9. erysipelas;
  10. acne;
  11. folliculitis;
  12. keratosis;
  13. sarcoidosis

Irritation in the form of a tumor

Swollen red rashes:

  1. amyloidosis;
  2. lupus erythematosus;
  3. sarcoidosis;
  4. telangiectatic granuloma.

Other types of irritation

  1. burn (thermal or solar);
  2. Quincke's edema.
  1. dermatophytosis;
  2. glucagonoma;
  3. zinc deficiency;
  4. lupus erythematosus;
  5. solar keratosis;
  6. dermatitis;
  7. psoriasis.
  1. dermatitis;
  2. solar keratosis;
  3. keratoacanthoma;
  4. herpes;
  5. lichenization;
  6. impetigo;
  7. lichen.

Weeping and festering ulcers:

All these diseases relate to dermatology and are quite dangerous to health. If you do not complete the full course of treatment, complications may begin, the consequences of which will affect your entire life.

Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to external symptoms, what the rash looks like, in order to understand the true cause of what is happening. After an examination and tests (epithelial scraping, biopsy, blood), a dermatologist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and tell you in detail how to relieve irritation on the face with medications and folk remedies.

Helpful advice. If irritation on your face gets worse every day and nothing helps, immediately seek help from a dermatologist before the rash turns into weeping ulcers. After all, they can leave traces behind them for life.

Elimination of irritation

So, what to do for irritation on the face, if you are sure that its cause is not a serious dermatological disease? A few useful tips from experts will help you get rid of it in a matter of days.

  1. Quickly remove irritation on the face, if it is caused by hormonal imbalance, it will not work. Wait for it to normalize. You can only mask the rash with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Irritation on the chin and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle can be easily removed using tetracycline ointment (treat the area twice a day).
  3. Allergic irritation is relieved by eliminating the allergen.
  4. Be less nervous, consult psychologists, take antidepressants.
  5. If you have any doubts about the nature of the irritation on your face, make an appointment with your doctor.
  6. Limit or completely stop taking medications.
  7. Get your food in order.
  8. To refuse from bad habits.
  9. Take a course of multivitamins.
  10. Use less decorative cosmetics.
  11. Clean your face regularly with scrubs and steam baths.
  12. Remove makeup before bed.
  13. Provide proper skin care.
  14. Avoid hypothermia, strengthen the immune system.
  15. Avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on irritated skin: do not sunbathe, use cream with a UF filter, wear sunglasses, do not sunbathe, do not visit a solarium.


  1. Creams And ointments for irritation on the face: Manting, Burenka, Children's, Metrogyl, Ovante, Rozex, Rosamet, Exoderil, zinc cream.
  2. Vitamins (multivitamin complexes and ampoules for injections).
  3. Antihistamines - for allergic irritations on the face.
  4. Antidepressants - for stress.

Now you know, how to remove irritation on face at home, unless there is a serious skin disease behind the rash. But unless you address the root cause, all these measures will only be temporary. You need to be especially careful with medications.

Many ointments are effective only because they are hormonal and quickly become addictive to the body. As soon as you stop using them, the rashes attack your face again with even greater force. Folk remedies are much safer, but at the same time not as effective.

Take note. If the cause of irritation on the face is clarified and you are intensively working to eliminate it, you can simultaneously improve the condition of sore and sensitive skin in the salon. Professional therapeutic vitamin masks, cryomassage, clay therapy and electrocoagulation will perfectly cope with rashes, spots and itching.

Folk remedies

Which folk remedy Can I use it at home for facial irritation? Again, if the problem is not a serious dermatological disease, any of them will be useful and will improve the condition of the diseased skin - albeit not immediately.

In other cases, it is better to obtain permission from a specialist to use them. There are many recipes - so you will not be short of choice. However, do not forget to test each mask for the presence of allergens in its composition.

  1. Cucumber mask

Mix 50 grams of cucumber puree with 20 grams of white clay, diluted with chamomile decoction to the desired consistency

  1. Honey-yolk mask

Mix 50 ml of flower honey with raw egg yolk, add 2-3 drops of orange and juniper esters.

  1. Multi-component mask

Mix 20 grams of sour cream with the same amount of grated cheese, 50 grams of raw potato puree. Add 3-4 drops of tangerine essential oil.

  1. Whitening mask with oatmeal

Mix 30 grams of oatmeal with 20 ml of lemon juice, diluted in half with water.

  1. Water treatments with herbs

Wash your face several times a day with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort, coltsfoot).

  1. Medicinal decoctions

Make a decoction from elderberries or birch leaves (buds). Soak gauze in it, folded in several layers. Apply to the problem area for 15 minutes.

If you are looking for a remedy, how to get rid of irritation on your face, first try to understand what is happening to you and why you are faced with this scourge. Eliminate the root cause - it will be easier to get your skin in order. Remember: medications must be used with extreme caution, preferably only with the permission of a doctor.

All other cosmetics, which, as manufacturers promise, can help, will only mask the symptoms for a while. But if you don’t undergo treatment, everything will come back again. Therefore, be competent in this fight and keep your skin clean and healthy.

It is very unpleasant when irritation appears on the face in the form of small and numerous rashes. And it’s not always possible to understand what exactly the skin reacted to. If in the near future it is not possible to identify and eliminate the cause of this cosmetic defect, within a day it can take on catastrophic proportions. Pimples cover more and more of the face and begin to itch unbearably. It is useful for everyone to know how to get rid of this scourge and what to do in such a situation.

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Possible reasons


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To remove irritation on the face, you need to understand what exactly caused it. This is quite difficult, because not everyone knows their own body so well that they can determine what caused such an ambiguous skin reaction. The most common and common causes of skin rashes:

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  1. hormonal surges: puberty at 13–17 years of age, pregnancy, menopause, menstrual cycle - it is during these periods that skin irritation on the face of women usually appears;
  2. severe stress, neurosis, depression, psychosis - any nervous disorder;
  3. long-term use of certain medications: aspirin, contraceptives, antibiotics;
  4. avitaminosis;
  5. bad habits: smoking, alcoholism;
  6. nutrition problems: regular consumption of large amounts of exotic fruits, carrots, raspberries, fatty, salty, smoked, pickled, spicy foods;
  7. improper skin care: expired, low-quality cosmetics, superficial cleansing of pores, leaving makeup on the face overnight;
  8. decreased immunity;
  9. prolonged contact with fabric;
  10. injuries; allergic reaction to an irritant: citrus fruits, wool, dust, pollen, etc.;
  11. hypothermia, colds;
  12. excess ultraviolet radiation: abuse of solarium, heavy tanning, very long sunbathing.

So, as soon as you notice irritation on the skin of your face, immediately try to determine the cause of its occurrence. What did you do the day before? Have you had this before? Which of the above factors may this misfortune be associated with? Be sure to analyze your lifestyle about a week before these rashes to get on the right track.

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You’ve found out the root cause - great: get to work eliminating it. Everything will be much more complicated if you cannot determine it yourself. Indeed, in most cases this is a symptom of one of the internal diseases.

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Review of diseases


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Often, severe irritation on the face is a sign of serious diseases occurring inside the body. In this case, its appearance will be completely incomprehensible to you. In addition, it will be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of this disease: high fever, lethargy, poor appetite, mood swings, etc. Based on the shape, quantity and nature of the rash, you can draw initial conclusions about the diagnosis even before going to the doctor.

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1) Severe irritation on the face in the form of red spots:

2) Brown spots:

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  1. lichen;
  2. vitiligo;
  3. reaction after an inflammatory process in the body.

Papules (nodular rash), plaques

1) Colorless small rash:

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  1. molluscum contagiosum;
  2. warts;
  3. teenage acne;
  4. nevus;
  5. keratosis.

2) Red small rash:

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  1. skin cancer;
  2. angiofibroma;
  3. syphilis;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. lupus erythematosus;
  6. hemangioma;
  7. telangiectasia;
  8. nevus;
  9. erysipelas;
  10. acne;
  11. sarcoidosis;
  12. folliculitis;
  13. keratosis.

Tumor-like irritation

1) Nodular tumors:

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  1. skin cancer;
  2. angiofibroma;
  3. tricholemmoma;
  4. nevus.

2) Swollen red rashes:

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  1. lupus erythematosus;
  2. amyloidosis;
  3. telangiectatic granuloma;
  4. sarcoidosis

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  1. melanoma;
  2. keratoacanthoma;
  3. keratoma;
  4. warts

Other types of irritation

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  1. thermal or sunburn;
  2. Quincke's edema.

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  1. zinc deficiency;
  2. dermatophytosis;
  3. glucagonoma;
  4. lupus erythematosus;
  5. dermatitis;
  6. solar keratosis;
  7. psoriasis.

3) Irritation followed by the formation of hard crusts:

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  1. dermatitis;
  2. keratoacanthoma;
  3. solar keratosis;
  4. herpes;
  5. lichenization;
  6. lichen;
  7. impetigo.

4) Rashes followed by the formation of weeping and festering ulcers:

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  1. skin cancer;
  2. pathomimia;
  3. melanoma.

In these cases, it is possible to relieve irritation on the face only after passing certain tests in the hospital, accurately diagnosing the disease and completing the full course of treatment. It is not recommended to take measures on your own, because there are many diseases, and each of them is serious enough to wait for the results of self-medication.

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What to do?


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First, contact a dermatologist who will advise you on how to treat your illness and how dangerous it is. The therapeutic course involves not only taking medications, but also using folk remedies and following basic rules for caring for diseased skin. Depending on the cause of the misfortune, the following measures will help get rid of irritation on the face.

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Primary measures

To quickly relieve irritation on the face, ointments alone will not be enough. You will have to radically reconsider your lifestyle. And you should start with what exactly triggered the appearance of the rash.

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Skin care

To relieve irritation on the face at home, you can use folk remedies, but only with the permission of a doctor.

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Folk remedies


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If you want to remove irritation on your face at home, you will need a lot of medicinal herbs with a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Based on them, you can make compresses and masks for sore skin. You can also use decoctions of them instead of water in the morning and evening when washing your face. You'll see: the results won't take long to arrive. According to reviews, it helps with facial irritation:

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  1. compresses made from birch decoction and elderberry infusion;
  2. masks made from plantain, olive oil, walnuts, raspberries;
  3. washing with decoctions of coltsfoot, chamomile, oak bark.

Now you can imagine how to treat irritation on the skin of the face so that it disappears in the near future. The most important thing in this matter is to correctly determine the cause of such a reaction. Without eliminating it, you are unlikely to be able to win this unequal struggle. In this case, all the means used will only be of a masking nature, while your task is to get rid of this scourge forever.

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If you are unable to do this yourself, do not neglect the help of professionals. Dermatologists and cosmetologists will help you deal with the rash quickly and effectively.

If your skin reacts with irritation to everything from weather conditions to spicy Indian dishes, this article is for you. We tell you how to effectively cope with the problem - including with the help of cosmetics.

  1. What you need to know about skin irritation
  2. Rules for caring for skin prone to irritation
  3. How to relieve skin irritation
  4. Prevention measures

What you need to know about skin irritation

Unpleasant burning, itching, peeling, redness, dry crusts on the face - all these are signs of skin irritation, which causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. And in order to cope with the problem, it would be good to first understand its causes. According to experts, the main ones include:

violation of skin barrier properties;

her tendency to allergic reactions.

But at the same time, skin reactivity can be caused by other factors, such as:

  1. too aggressive care - for example, using products with a high content of acids or retinol;
  2. improper care: using cleansers with aggressive surfactants or products that are not suitable for your skin type and condition;
  3. drug treatment;
  4. aesthetic procedures: peeling, cleaning, polishing.

Violation of the barrier properties of the skin is a temporary condition, and to correct it, sometimes it is enough to change your care for a while, choosing more gentle products. This will not help skin prone to allergic reactions. She needs constant care designed for ultra-sensitive allergic skin. It is better if these are pharmaceutical brands whose action is aimed at:

  1. decreased reactivity;
  2. removing redness;
  3. restoration of the barrier properties of the epidermis.

Allergic skin reacts sharply to many components that are normally tolerated by healthy skin, and especially to potential allergens: fragrances, dyes, preservatives.

The remedies should be familiar: trying a new cream during an exacerbation usually does not end well. © iStock

Rules for caring for skin prone to irritation

To ensure effective care for irritable skin, you should follow certain rules.

  1. 1

For 2–3 months, carefully cleanse the skin and apply restorative cream care.


Use products that contain lipid-restoring and healing components: panthenol, aloe extract, allantoin, bisabolol, squalane, phytosphingosine, oils.

  1. 3

For the time being, avoid abrasive scrubs and peels with a high concentration of acids: anything that can cause irritation should be postponed until the skin returns to its normal state.

The remedies should be familiar: trying a new cream during an exacerbation usually does not end well.

Dehydrated skin with impaired barrier properties is vulnerable regardless of its type. © iStock

How to relieve irritation

  1. If you know which product caused the irritation, wash it off with plenty of water.
  2. Products containing panthenol are well suited for the SOS effect.
  3. Use pharmaceutical brand cosmetics that relieve irritation.

When choosing cosmetics, give preference to lines for sensitive skin and pharmacy brands. © iStock

Prevention measures

Remember that dehydrated skin with impaired barrier properties is vulnerable regardless of its type. If the skin reacts with a feeling of tightness after cleansing with water, there is discomfort, peeling, tingling, take measures:

Avoid products containing acids and active ingredients in high concentrations;

for 1–2 months, use regenerating products that help restore the barrier properties of the skin;

subsequently, give preference to lines for sensitive skin, such as Cicaplast, Toleriane, Lipikar from La Roche-Posay.

Care that accelerates the restoration of the skin barrier, Cicaplast Gel B5, La Roche-Posay

The gel contains panthenol and thermal water, which have soothing properties, as well as hyaluronic acid, which restores the hydrolipid barrier. Suitable for skin irritated after aesthetic procedures - laser resurfacing and peeling. More about the product

Daily care for sensitive and allergy-prone skin Toleriane Ultra, La Roche-Posay

Almost immediately it noticeably soothes overly sensitive skin and gives it a feeling of comfort, eliminates unpleasant sensations, including itching. The cream achieves this effect thanks to neurosensin, shea butter and squalane. More about the product

Cream for skin prone to redness, Redness Neutralizer, SkinCeuticals

Tested on skin with rosacea. Cools, instantly soothes and provides comfort. Contains peptides, eperua crescent bark extract, bisabolol, squalane, shea butter, vitamin E. More about the product

Lipid-restoring balm for face and body Lipikar Baume AP+, La Roche-Posay

The product helps relieve itching and reduce irritation on allergy-prone skin. Well moisturizes very dry skin. With continued use, the intervals between outbreaks of irritation caused by excessive dryness are noticeably reduced.