Oils for skin with rosacea


Before we tell you which oils for rosacea on the face can be used in treatment, let’s figure out what kind of ailment it is. It is important to know why it appears and what needs to be done to avoid the appearance of rosacea.

What kind of disease is this

Cuperosis is a violation of blood flow in the epidermis. Regression of blood in small vessels is expressed by redness and the appearance of blood stars. From constant stress, the walls of the capillaries in the epidermis begin to thin out and become brittle. In most cases, rosacea affects women with fair and hypersensitive skin.


The first thing to do is to improve the condition of the vascular walls, and some essential oils can help with this, as they contain fatty acids that restore the elasticity of the vascular walls.


What you need to do to recover:

  1. No cosmetic product will help if the problem of the disease lies inside the body, so you need to cure the internal organs.
  2. Healthy eating is a must. You need to exclude all harmful foods, spicy, sweet, fatty, fast food, alcohol, smoking.
  3. Hypertension is another cause of rosacea. You need to avoid stressful situations and get a good night's sleep. If your blood pressure constantly rises, then you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications.
  4. There are more products that contain silicon, which helps to quickly strengthen blood vessels. Oatmeal, peas, buckwheat will do.
  5. Vitamins are indispensable helpers in the fight against illness. Particular attention should be paid to vitamin C, which will help get rid of varicose veins and hypertension.

In conjunction with these measures, light oils are beginning to be used, which should only be purchased at the pharmacy chain.

Basic and essential oils from couperose stars

Good results can be obtained by treating rosacea with light compounds that can restore the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic. This reduces redness on the face.

Basic oil solutions increase the effect of esters and have the ability to strengthen the walls of the venous system.

Base oils


Helps clear skin and reduce redness. It is good to carry out massage treatments daily with this basic product.

Grape seed oil

Vitamin P, which is contained in large quantities in the oil, helps strengthen capillaries, preventing their fragility. The product can be used both in pure form and when added to any day cream.


  1. grape seed oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. avocado oil – 1 teaspoon;
  3. composition of wheat germ – 1 teaspoon;
  4. infusion of lean oil on calendula and St. John's wort - 1 teaspoon.

The mixture of oils should be driven into areas of the epidermis with rosacea with light pats.

  1. grape seed oil – 1 teaspoon;
  2. oil solution of riboflavins E and A - 3 drops each;
  3. cypress cosmetic oil – 3 drops.

Apply the mixture to your face before going to bed, do not rinse off. It can also be added to your regular day cream.

Skin affected by rosacea needs to be protected from winter frosts; to do this, mix an oil solution of grape seed and olive in equal proportions and apply to the skin before going outside.

Tamanu oil

An excellent remedy that not only restores capillary walls, but also improves blood circulation. In addition, it protects the skin from cold, wind and sun.

This oil composition has a soothing effect on the skin and is suitable even for sensitive and irritation-prone skin. It does not need to be diluted, it is impregnated without residue.

Cypress oil

Tones the capillaries and epidermis; with prolonged use, the mesh completely disappears.

Walnut oil

It should only be used on skin areas with rosacea.

Milk thistle oil

Helps with problem skin with rosacea. Regenerates cells, relieves inflammatory processes. Protects against harmful environmental influences. At the same time, the face is rejuvenated and the complexion is evened out.

In addition to these basic oils, the following can help against rosacea on the face:


  1. peach;
  2. jojoba;
  3. olive;
  4. apricot;
  5. sea ​​buckthorn;
  6. black cumin oil;
  7. rosehip;
  8. rose maskete oil.



Rosemary oil makes the skin elastic, tones, adds elasticity, while stimulating blood vessels, which has a positive effect on blood flow. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form.

Usually it is mixed with grape seed and sea buckthorn oil, taking a teaspoon each of the last two ingredients, and 2 drops of rosemary. This composition is used to lubricate areas of skin affected by rosacea.

Geranium essential oil

It has a soothing effect on sensitive and damaged skin with signs of irritation. Thanks to its whitening effect, it removes visible signs of the disease.

Apply it only to damaged areas of the epidermis, beat one drop in with patting movements. Leave on the skin for 30 minutes, then blot with a cotton pad.

Geranium oil soothes irritated and red skin. With course use, skin tone is evened out.

Neroli oil

It copes well with redness and rosacea on the face, as it has the ability to quickly renew cells.


  1. neroli – 5 drops;
  2. rosemary – 2 drops;
  3. juniper – 5 drops;
  4. yogurt – 50 ml.

Apply once every 7 days, applying to the face for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Cherry oil

It can only be used in olive oil, you need to take 2 drops of the first ingredient, and 1 teaspoon of the second.

Use for two months, applying once a week to the rosacea mesh.

Blue chamomile oil

It relieves irritation, inflammation, and has a calming effect. If you add a few drops to any cream, your facial skin will be moisturized. In this case, redness will become much less, and cell regeneration will occur much faster.

Rose oil

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves complexion, narrows and discolors capillary networks on the face.

When using this composition, the skin becomes much younger, facial wrinkles are reduced.

Other light oils also have an anti-rosacea effect, for example:


  1. lemon;
  2. sandalwood;
  3. rosewood;
  4. ylang-ylang;
  5. wormwood;
  6. lavender;
  7. parsley oil;

Recipes for oils against rosacea, preparation at home

  1. Flax and almonds should be mixed in equal proportions. Then soak gauze with this mixture and apply to areas of skin with rosacea for 20 minutes. It is worth noting that almond oil cannot be used in its pure form, otherwise you may get the opposite effect.
  2. Take 30 ml of jojoba essential oil, 15 ml of rose hips, 10 drops of borage, cypress - 4 drops, lemon - 3 drops, palmarosa - 2 drops. All ingredients are mixed in a glass container and applied to the rosacea mesh twice a day.

Light oils of rosemary, thyme, lemon balm, sage, marjoram, and oregano are used against rosacea, but they must be mixed with base compounds, for example, from grape seed, olive, avocado, and macadamia. Castor oil is also used.

But these remedies should be used only after consultation with an experienced specialist.

Oils that should not be used for rosacea

Not all oils can be used for rosacea, as some may irritate sensitive skin and increase redness. You cannot use oils from:


  1. carnations;
  2. cinnamon;
  3. eucalyptus;
  4. anise;
  5. dill;
  6. peppermint.

Tea tree oil should be used with caution as it is very drying to the skin.

In addition, there are some contraindications for skin prone to rosacea:

  1. Fruit masks and procedures during periods of active sun are strictly contraindicated;
  2. aggressive peelings should not be used;
  3. do not use cosmetic clay; a mask based on it can be applied to the skin of the face for only five minutes;
  4. you cannot sunbathe or visit solariums;
  5. no need to use hot baths or go to the sauna;
  6. facial massage should be soft;
  7. There is no need to use procedures that can lead to increased blood pressure or increased blood circulation.

Essential oils can be used by absolutely everyone with any skin type. The only contraindication is intolerance to the component or allergic reactions. Be careful when treating so as not to harm your face.

Weakened blood vessel walls can burst due to their low elasticity. Using rosacea oil on the face helps solve this problem. Basic and essential oils give a good effect. They are struggling with the problem of spider veins. Simple recipes based on grape seed, walnut, rose or rosemary oil have a noticeable cosmetic effect.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Even “advanced” varicose veins can be cured at home, without surgery or hospitals. Just read what Ekaterina Andreeva says read the recommendation.


Beneficial properties of oils for rosacea on the face

Cuperosis is the expansion of capillaries due to impaired blood circulation. Externally it appears as a vascular network on the face.

Thanks to the fatty acids in its composition, rosacea oil restores the elasticity of the walls of the blood vessels of the facial skin. In addition, they help relieve inflammation and redness. As a result of this therapeutic effect, congestion disappears, and blood circulation in the problem area is normalized. In addition to treating skin with rosacea, oils have the following cosmetic effect:

Recommended for use

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Grape seed oil

The main effect is on capillaries, preventing their destruction. The main component of the oil, rutin (Vitamin P), is responsible for this. It also contains antioxidants and other vitamins. Used both separately and as part of other bases. You can add a few drops of grape seed oil to your daily facial care products (gels, masks, creams).


Strengthens tissues and has antiseptic properties. The astringent effect of the oil can constrict blood vessels. Tones capillaries. You need to mix 5 drops of cypress with the same amount of water, moisten a cotton pad with the resulting solution and apply it to the place where rosacea appears. With regular use, it will help completely get rid of vascular networks on the face.

Very important! Andreeva E.: “I can recommend only one remedy for the quick treatment of varicose veins” read more.


Skin with rosacea is the most sensitive to external irritants. It must be protected from ultraviolet rays. It is sesame extract that performs the function of sun protection. It is recommended to use it every day, accompanied by massage movements. The oil will help relieve swelling on the face, relieve redness and even out skin color. Indicated for dry and problematic skin.

Milk thistle oil

One of the most effective home care products for problem skin, especially with rosacea. Relieves inflammation, regenerates cells, protects well from the negative influence of external factors (sun, frost, wind). Its components nourish the skin well and even out the complexion. It has a rejuvenating effect and helps in the fight against wrinkles.


The beneficial properties of the oil have long been used for cosmetic purposes. Used to moisturize the skin and soften its rough areas. The area affected by rosacea must be treated 2-3 times a day on problem areas. Walnut oil is also suitable for diluting oilier bases (jojoba, wheat germ); this mixture is applied to the face as a cream for 30-40 minutes.

Essential oils

Rosemary oil

It stimulates blood vessels, eliminates blood stagnation in capillaries, and improves their elasticity. The tonic effect and effect on skin turgor allows you to use rosemary oil for rosacea. You can prepare this solution:

  1. Mix 2 drops of rosemary with a teaspoon of grape seed oil and the same amount of sea buckthorn.
  2. Only areas with rosacea should be treated.

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Geranium flowers

Has a calming effect on inflamed skin. It has a pronounced whitening effect, which, with regular use, removes visible signs of rosacea (vascular network, stars). It must be applied one drop at a time, patting, and driven into problem areas of the skin. Leave for 30 minutes, then pat your face, removing any unabsorbed residue.

From cherry seeds

Popular mask recipe:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of olive oil with cherry oil in the amount of 2 drops, stir well.
  2. Apply to the skin for 1-2 months (in the absence of allergies) no more than once a week for 5-7 minutes.

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Rose petals

The petals of the flower have a unique composition. The high therapeutic effect is to eliminate the development of rosacea. Tightens and regenerates the skin, relieves inflammation. Lightens the vascular network, helps capillaries narrow. A mixture of rose extract (5 drops), blue chamomile ether (5 drops) and jojoba (50 ml) gives good results. The mixture is applied before bed to cleansed facial skin.

Daisies blue

Has a pleasant smell. A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect helps relieve irritation of problem skin. Can be added to any cream and make it more nourishing. Accelerates facial regenerative processes. Protects the epidermis from external factors. Smoothes wrinkles, removes scars. Cannot be combined with any homeopathic remedies.

Cosmetics cannot cure the problem of rosacea. They only remove visible signs of the disease.

Prohibited for use

Despite the outstanding cosmetic effects, some esters irritate the skin and are prohibited for rosacea. These include:


The products are used for any skin type. You just need to carefully select the composition for the problem. During the period of using ethers, you should not visit the sauna, solarium, sunbathe in the sun, do facial cleansing, or wipe your face with ice cubes. It is recommended to avoid scrubs and peelings. In winter, pay special attention to moisturizing the skin and avoid sudden temperature changes.

Do you still think that it is impossible to cure varicose veins?

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against varicose veins and unsightly areas on the body is not yet on your side.

Have you already thought about inpatient treatment? This is understandable, because varicose veins are a very dangerous disease that, if not treated in a timely manner, can be fatal. Stars on the legs, fatigue, terrible swollen veins. All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Ekaterina Andreeva. Read the article >>

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Few women can boast of perfectly smooth skin and a beautiful complexion. Stress, lack of sleep, physiological characteristics - all this can lead to disturbances in blood microcirculation and malfunction of the sebaceous glands. Hereditary predisposition to certain diseases also plays a role. As a result, at one not very wonderful moment, the lady notices redness on her face, which does not go away, despite the use of moisturizing creams and taking antihistamines. This is how rosacea can manifest itself - a disease in which small vessels (capillaries) become fragile, and the blood flow in them is slightly disrupted. The so-called vascular network appears on the face. How to get rid of this cosmetic defect? Oils will be of great help in the fight for ideal facial skin.


Properties of essential oils

Esters are prepared from extracts of medicinal plants (most often by cold pressing). They contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, the lack of which our skin experiences. Risk factors for rosacea are:

  1. age;
  2. insufficient skin care;
  3. incorrect selection of cosmetics;
  4. frequent exposure to open sun;
  5. being outside without special oil-based creams in winter.

Plant extract concentrates help to “deal” with the consequences of the above.

They penetrate the skin well, unlike many creams, the elements of which are often too large to penetrate the cell membrane. After the cream is applied to the skin, most of it remains outside, without getting deep into the epidermis. This explains the poor effectiveness of many creams and masks.

Oils “pass” freely into the depths, where their healing effect begins. Most of the broadcasts that will be discussed now contain:

  1. vitamins A, E, group B;
  2. potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc.

However, the above does not mean that you can take the first bottle you come across in a pharmacy and apply its contents to your face. Which oils will be beneficial, and which ones should you refrain from using?

The best means to combat rosacea

Most likely, the problem of the appearance of spider veins has existed since ancient times: several centuries ago, there was also a lot of illness and stress in a woman’s life. Therefore, the wonderful properties of plant extracts have been discovered and used for a long time.

The most effective include:

  1. rosemary oil;
  2. grape oil;
  3. tamanu;
  4. linen;
  5. milk thistle;
  6. apricot;
  7. olive;
  8. jojoba;
  9. sea ​​buckthorn;
  10. walnut
  11. and some others.

Cypress and rosehip esters also help a lot.

But you should refrain from these plant extracts if you have rosacea:

They certainly provide benefits when added to a foot or hand bath. They can be used by women with oily skin.

Those who have signs of rosacea should not add these oils to their cosmetic products. Reason: redness, irritation, and increased sensitivity of the skin are possible, especially if it is prone to dryness.


Grapeseed and milk thistle oil

Grape oil (also known as grape seed oil) is a base, or basis, as cosmetologists say. This means that this product can be applied to the skin in a pure, undiluted form, and it will not cause irritation, since its effect is very mild.

This cosmetic product is good because it can be used by ladies with any skin type:

It is absorbed perfectly and quickly, and after use and careful blotting with a napkin it does not leave an oily sheen on the skin.

Its action is aimed at:

  1. strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  2. creating a rejuvenating effect;
  3. prevention of increased capillary fragility;
  4. improved blood flow.

Important features of the oil include the presence in it of a large amount of vitamin P (rutin), which is simply necessary for everyone who suffers from increased fragility of the walls of blood vessels.
You can use this product on its own or add it to your usual creams.

Milk thistle is used for inflammation. It protects skin well, which is exposed for a long time to external adverse factors, such as wind, frost, and active sun.

It acts as an antioxidant, pushing “lazy” skin to produce its own collagen. Therefore, it will not only help with rosacea, but also protect against the appearance of early signs of aging.

Tamanu and cypress

Let's add a little exotic - let's talk about tamanu oil. An interesting evergreen tree grows in Polynesia, parts of which are used by local residents as medicine. It is called the Alexandrian laurel.

With its help, Polynesians successfully treat:

  1. skin wounds;
  2. dermatitis;
  3. rheumatism;
  4. herpes;
  5. irritation and inflammation after insect bites.

Tamanu extract is obtained from the seeds of this tree. It is rich in lipids, which are components of cell membranes. In addition, it contains:

All these substances are necessary to maintain the health of the epidermis.

The “medicine” is obtained by cold pressing. The bones are first dried for a long time, and only then do they begin to extract the contents.

Tamanu seed oil relieves inflammation and irritation, soothes and softens dry skin, and perfectly moisturizes. The product can be applied either in combination with others or in pure form.

Cypress is, one might say, ours, native, and not some kind of exotic. Cypress oil gives the following effect:

  1. strengthens capillaries;
  2. accelerates regeneration processes;
  3. fights microinflammation.

You should be careful with it: use it together with some base, for example, olive or grape, adding just a few drops to it.

The best cosmetic oils

In addition to those products that we have already become familiar with, we can name several more esters that have an excellent effect when rosacea appears.

It cannot be said that the best oils are, for example, cypress or sea buckthorn: something different will suit everyone. Therefore, it is worth trying three or four varieties, gradually changing them, and thus finding the oil that will help you.

For example, many people like flaxseed oil - with regular use, it significantly reduces the manifestations of rosacea. And if you combine it with an extract from geranium, you can get another pleasant addition: your face will become whiter and cleaner, because geranium oil has a whitening effect, eliminates areas of flaking and fights redness.

Try rosemary. Activating blood flow, eliminating stagnation, toning the skin - what we need. The skin will look elastic and rejuvenated, the complexion will even out.
Cosmetic oils such as apricot and wheat germ are also known for their anti-rosacea effect.


You can apply the cosmetic product in its pure form to your skin or enrich your creams with it.

Important! Before you decide to use the oil, carefully read the information on the packaging. It will definitely indicate whether the product can be used undiluted. If this is prohibited, and you still decide to try it, you risk causing a real skin burn, which will then have to take a long time to heal.

This recipe is very good:

  1. banana (1 piece);
  2. a tablespoon of starch;
  3. cypress oil (4 drops).

Knead, apply a thick layer to the face, keep for 15 minutes. Can be used 2 times a week.

Another recipe against rosacea:

  1. any base oil (olive, jojoba) – 50 ml;
  2. rose essential oil (4-5 drops);
  3. blue chamomile oil (4 drops).

Apply the mixture to the face using patting movements and gently massage for a couple of minutes. It is best to perform the procedure before bed. After finishing the light massage, pat your face dry with a napkin.

You can always use this mixture:

  1. any base oil (15 ml);
  2. a couple of drops of cypress;
  3. a couple of drops of lemon.

Apply to face, rub in a little, remove with a clean napkin or towel.

To enhance the effect, you can use vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies. Have you probably ever seen capsules with oil A or E on display? So, these concentrates will be useful to us for making a mask. We take:

  1. 2 drops of vitamin E;
  2. 2-3 drops of vitamin A;
  3. a couple of drops of cypress oil.

As a base, take grape seed oil - a teaspoon.

This mixture can be applied in the evening, or you can even leave it overnight, after making sure that the skin accepts it well and there is no allergic reaction.



Cosmetic oils can be used for facial massage. It “accelerates” the blood well, as a result of which the capillaries become stronger, become more elastic, and congestion is eliminated.

But let's immediately take note: massage is allowed for rosacea only if the disease is not very pronounced. Otherwise, the spider veins will not only not disappear, but will appear even more noticeable! In addition, when massaging, problem areas should be carefully avoided, trying to perform all movements nearby, on healthy areas.

We begin the massage with smooth strokes, performing all movements strictly along the massage lines. Do not massage the area around the eyes: the skin there is very thin; the maximum that is allowed is gentle tapping with your fingertips.

After stroking the oil is distributed evenly over the skin, you can use gentle pinching movements. Then we move on to stroking again, after which we perform pats with our palms. Instead of patting, you can use a “finger shower” - a technique when your fingers are slightly bent, and their tips “knock” on the skin, like raindrops.
The session should not last more than 5-7 minutes. Do not touch areas affected by rosacea or only stroke them!

After the massage, pat your face dry with a napkin and apply moisturizer.

How to supplement the treatment of rosacea

Direct impact on problem areas with the help of cosmetic oils is an important point in the treatment of rosacea. However, other measures cannot be discounted. They will help mitigate the manifestations of the disease and prevent it from spreading. So what can you do? Try this:

  1. start doing exercises or go for a morning jog in the park;
  2. spend more time in the fresh air;
  3. review your diet by adding more fruits and vegetables;
  4. reduce the amount of decorative cosmetics;
  5. choose a good cream for daily care;
  6. do facial exercises to make the muscles work - then the blood will flow through the vessels faster.

In general, rosacea is not a disease, but rather a cosmetic defect. It can be adjusted, although this will require some effort. The main thing is patience and a systematic approach, then spider veins will become very small or completely invisible.