Beautiful girls with acne on their faces

Hello! Please answer from your personal experience and opinion, how do guys treat girls with acne? I have a boyfriend, we’ve been together for almost half a year, I rarely have pimples on my face, but I cover them up with foundation, but there are a lot of them on my back , and also a lot of scars from them..
He hasn’t seen my back yet...we’ve been dating since winter. everything was hidden under clothes, but on Monday we are going to the beach... I’m terribly worried, I’m afraid of his reaction.
P.S. His skin is perfectly clear. experts

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

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Zubkova Anna Andreevna

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Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

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as well as excess weight, cellulite and sagging boobs
stupid question

guys love pimply girls))))))))

If I were you, I wouldn't go to the beach.

Girls, what’s stopping you from going to specialists? Moreover, the sooner the better?? My friend suffered from such a problem, she took tests and did an ultrasound. In the end, they found the problem, treated it and everything is ok))

I love pimples.

From personal experience I know what guys don't like. I often get acne, I treat it, but the result is temporary, I have to cover it up. My martyr knows all this, he used to be indignant, is it really impossible to cure them once and for all, when I explained to him that I have been treating them for years but cannot cure them, then he stopped being indignant, but often asks when I will finally cure them. And he also told how before me he met a pretty girl, slender, but her whole face was covered in acne, this turned him off, because of the acne it was difficult to see that she had a pretty face. Once she asked to go with him to his friends, they then began to tell him that there really weren’t any other girls besides the pimply one, and it was disgusting to look at her. It was unpleasant for him to look at her, he said that at that time he was ashamed to walk down the street with her, and he would never have gone with her, but she imposed herself, in short, he didn’t call her anymore, well, she called her herself and invited her to go for a walk, he He lied to her that he was very busy and couldn’t date her. He told me that if he were her, he would be ashamed to leave the house with such a face, let alone go on dates, meet guys, as they say girls don’t understand that it’s unpleasant for others.

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From personal experience I know what guys don't like. I often get acne, I treat it, but the result is temporary, I have to cover it up. My martyr knows all this, he used to be indignant, is it really impossible to cure them once and for all, when I explained to him that I have been treating them for years but cannot cure them, then he stopped being indignant, but often asks when I will finally cure them. And he also told how before me he met a pretty girl, slender, but her whole face was covered in acne, this turned him off, because of the acne it was difficult to see that she had a pretty face. Once she asked to go with him to his friends, they then began to tell him that there really weren’t any other girls besides the pimply one, and it was disgusting to look at her. It was unpleasant for him to look at her, he said that at that time he was ashamed to walk down the street with her, and he would never have gone with her, but she imposed herself, in short, he didn’t call her anymore, well, she called her herself and invited her to go for a walk, he He lied to her that he was very busy and couldn’t date her. He told me that if he were her, he would be ashamed to leave the house with such a face, let alone go on dates, meet guys, as they say girls don’t understand that it’s unpleasant for others.

You were advised correctly, author. Step by step, go to a specialist - a skin doctor, endocrinologist, gynecologist. No need to run it. Then spots and scars may remain. Stains can still be removed by some means, but with scars it will be more difficult.
You don't have to go to the beach.

poor author, I think after everything I’ve read, it definitely won’t work.
author, don’t listen to anyone, it’s good for you to go to the beach in the sun, go boldly, if he loves you, he won’t even notice.

and no matter what they say, acne is microbial inflammation, they need to be treated. and treat with antibiotics externally and orally, and for a long time.
I have adhered to this opinion all my life, and I will say that I suppressed the first, still very minor (seemingly hormonal) teenage acne many, many years ago, and neither at 15, nor at 20, nor at 25 (ttt) there are none, only perfectly smooth , clean skin. don't be afraid of medications! Many acquaintances also oohed and aahed at how you can “poison” with pills, their result is clumsy, plowed faces, but treated with poultices.

By the way, UV radiation in moderate amounts has a beneficial effect on any inflammation. go to the beach. alone or with a guy, it's up to you to decide.

Acne is a nasty thing. But the only thing worse than them is a guy who talks about his girlfriend like that. "Fu" to such a gentleman)). Although, if he is 13-14 years old, then it is temporarily forgivable))

So she wasn’t his girlfriend, they met once, he didn’t like her because of her acne, and on the second date she asked to go with him to his friends, they didn’t see each other again. So she's not his girlfriend. And it’s also a matter of age, he was about 30 and she was a year or two younger than him, so he said that this is forgivable for a teenager, but for an adult girl to go on dates with acne is very embarrassing.

and no matter what they say, acne is microbial inflammation, they need to be treated. and treat with antibiotics externally and orally, and for a long time.
I have adhered to this opinion all my life, and I will say that I suppressed the first, still very minor (seemingly hormonal) teenage acne many, many years ago, and neither at 15, nor at 20, nor at 25 (ttt) there are none, only perfectly smooth , clean skin. don't be afraid of medications! Many acquaintances also oohed and aahed at how you can “poison” with pills, their result is clumsy, plowed faces, but treated with poultices.

I went to a bunch of dermatologists, no one cured me, I was prescribed antibiotics 5-6 times to take for 3-4 months each time. The treatment only helped while I was taking it, as soon as the pills ran out after a week my whole face was covered in pimples. The doctor couldn’t prescribe antibiotics for me continuously for years. I ruined my stomach with them and earned eternal desbacteriosis. As for other specialists, I also went, everyone was sent to a dermatologist, they said that skin was not their profile. I sat in line like a fool, asked, almost cried, to have my body examined, and they kicked me out of the office. Heaps of ointments were prescribed, none of them helped at all. Only one gynecologist prescribed OK, she said it was the only thing that helps with acne that can’t be cured by anything, I was poisoned, gained weight, ruined my veins, my face was clear for half a year, but I couldn’t drink OK my whole life, when I stopped it, acne came back.

Author, put a vest on top of your swimsuit so that your back is covered and say that you are on your menstrual days, you can’t swim

15 means constant access of pathogenic microorganisms. wash your face 4-5 times a day with SOAP, wash your hands as often as possible, under no circumstances touch your skin without washing your hands, wash with a washcloth and SOAP every day, wash clothes the day before every day, change your bed sheets every 3-4 days laundry, constantly ventilate the room, remove pets (if any) from the house, especially dogs, in general, everything that can carry a large number of germs, apparently, there is a constant source of irritation near you. if antibiotics are effective while taking them, apparently they are just right, but when you stop taking them, acne returns, which means look for the problem around you, and not in the body.

Well, author, your boyfriend clearly saw your back, whether you like it or not. And we know about your acne. Second, it would be best for you to expose your back to the sun, even if the acne does not go away, it is less visible on a tanned person.

I still have acne on my face, even though I’m quite old. I have never suffered from a lack of attention from men, so some may be disgusted, but most don’t care.

start eating right and they will disappear forever!

Damn, these IDEAL guys are stuttering. When will they start taking care of themselves. Author, forget it and go to the beach. The sun is good for you. Buy a nice swimsuit. Your boyfriend has a hundred pounds of some shortcomings. Find them and calm down. You need to love!! are you the best with a perfectly clean face or not. buy special gels and wash yourself every day with a washcloth!! and if you cultivate complexes in yourself, no guy can resist! and go away and kill it!

18, Antibiotics helped the first time, the second time it was so-so, the other times it didn’t help much, it was better, of course, but not much, but I took them in the hope that this time they would still help, and I always listen to doctors, I accept everything what they will write. As for washing, I have long noticed that the more I wash, the worse the acne becomes. In winter, I didn’t wash my face for a week, I only wiped it with toner, the pimples began to dry out, but new ones did not appear. But I have oily skin and I could only do this in the cold in the winter, my skin is drier in the cold, and that was only for a week, I couldn’t walk around dirty. I checked that when I wash my face with different products for the care of oily, acne-prone skin, the acne appears even more and the skin itself is red and irritated, when I just wash with water there is no irritation, but pimples appear. The store recommended an expensive product, I bought it, it’s better than everything I’ve tried before. So I wash my hands a hundred times a day, the skin on my hands is very dry from this washing. I change my clothes often, my house is clean, I can’t stand any animals. The problem is in the body, I know for sure. I think nutrition influences and most importantly gynecology, there are many problems here, I think from the very beginning, as maturation began, something was disturbed in the body, gynecologists are of no use, they treat sores and there is no use, they talk about exactly the same sores, none of the patients have any acne . I noticed when I was sick for a week, I lay down and didn’t eat anything, so the acne noticeably went away and the skin was dry and scary-looking, pale and unhealthy. but the acne healed on its own. But as soon as I gained weight and began to eat little by little, my skin became oily and acne appeared. He might go on a hunger strike.

15. All these are only auxiliary actions in the fight against acne. Hygiene is important, but if the problem is inside the body, then soap will not help. I myself suffered from this problem for a very long time and nothing helped other than OK, but then I was afraid to take them, my mother scared me that the side effects would be worse than acne and so I quit. But there was no need. Because then I suffered for 10 years and now there are spots on my back, chest and a little on my face. But I will deal with this problem in the winter. I bought a cream that should help
23. Washing problem skin frequently is harmful. The more you wash your face, the more oil your skin will produce, hence acne. I went through all this too. There was a time when I washed my face several times a day, then I didn’t wash my face for several days, but just wiped it with lotion (with alcohol. Also “clever” of course)
Stress also plays an important role. When I get into such situations, everything is reflected on my face. pimples, blackheads, roughness, skin crawling, in short, horror. And as soon as I calm down, the problem goes away on its own. And so every time. True, now my face is more or less fine, but without foundation I don’t dare go out in public.
I’ll add that before, when I worked and slept little, I walked around always sleep-deprived and had acne. Be healthy. But on weekends, when I got enough sleep, I didn’t recognize myself in the morning. It was as if I was getting younger and my acne was disappearing.
There is a hormone that is produced only during sleep, it has a calming effect and therefore many things that the day before seemed almost the end of the world are no longer perceived so the next morning. Accordingly, the body is not in a stressful situation and acne goes away.
In general, you need to learn not to get caught up in the little things. You really need to take care of your nerves, otherwise with age you will get more diseases from your nerves.

Beauty can be different. The 17-year-old blogger has become a star of the social network Instagram, despite her far from perfect skin, reports Smart Magazine.


Hayley Waite is an ordinary teenager. She has been suffering from acne for a long time. However, her face covered with acne made the girl very popular!


Hayley decided that she shouldn’t be ashamed of her natural beauty. She was able to overcome her complexes and become an Instagram star.


Hayley started having skin problems at the age of 11. Almost all teenagers experience acne. It occurs due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. The problem can be aggravated by lack of skin care and use of cosmetics.


Hayley was very self-conscious about her facial skin, so she applied a huge amount of foundation and powder to it. Acne caused a lot of problems and troubles. The girl was bullied at school. Because of this, Hayley became withdrawn and rarely left the house.


However, at one point, Waite decided that it was time to change her life. She decided to no longer hide her problem behind tons of “plaster.” The girl created a page on Instagram, where she began publishing photos of herself without foundation and powder.


Hayley thought she would be criticized and made fun of for her face. However, instead, the girl received enormous support, many rave reviews and thousands of subscribers to her Instagram profile.



With her example, Hayley proved that teenagers with acne can no longer be ashamed of their diseased skin. You don't have to give up your usual lifestyle. The main thing is not to spoil your skin even more with tons of cosmetics.

Every girl dreams of perfect skin that does not require special care and does not require the application of a large number of decorative products. But in fact, the majority have certain imperfections, acne, inflammation and blackheads. A girl with acne looks less attractive and lacks confidence in her own beauty. Therefore, it is very important to learn about the causes of deficiencies and methods of treating them.

Main reasons

Almost every person develops acne due to various factors. For girls with acne, it is very important to find out the cause of their appearance, as they may be associated with deteriorating health. The main ones include:

  1. genetic predisposition. This is a fairly common reason that causes the appearance of overly sensitive skin and various imperfections;
  2. insufficient cleansing. The accumulation of dust, bacteria, residues of caring and decorative cosmetics can lead to inflammation. That is why girls with acne need to pay special attention to the process of cleansing their skin;
  3. nutrition. Fatty foods, carbonated drinks, sweets and flour products increase sugar levels and increase the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Those who adhere to proper nutrition are less likely to suffer from inflammation on the face;
  4. hormones. If there are malfunctions in the female body during the onset of certain days of the calendar or after severe stress, a large number of pimples and other imperfections form on the skin.

If inflammation does not go away for a long time, you should contact a specialist who will help you find out the causes of acne on the face of girls. Treatment and prevention are necessary steps towards perfectly clear skin.

Treatment methods

After identifying the causes, the specialist prescribes the necessary medications, various ointments and serums, and also gives many useful recommendations. Facial acne can be treated with pharmaceutical treatments as well as intensive skin care.

Important steps that girls with acne need to know:

  1. Cleansing. Problem skin is prone to increased oil production and enlarged pores, which accumulate dirt and residues of various cosmetics. Therefore, you need to wash your face morning and evening using special products.
  2. Ointments. Pharmaceutical preparations contain many useful components that eliminate inflammation, prevent the development of bacteria and promote rapid treatment of acne.
  3. Cosmetics. Girls with acne need to pay attention to special creams, tonics and decorative products that are designed for problematic skin types.

If you follow all the recommendations of specialists, inflammation can be cured and their recurrence can be prevented.


Over the course of a whole day, a large number of various impurities accumulate on the surface of the skin and inside the pores, which contribute to the appearance of inflammation and acne. Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly cleanse your skin twice a day with quality products. These can be various gels, foams or mousses for washing, but once a week dermatologists recommend using Dove cream soap, which has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

Thanks to the presence of moisturizing components, it does not dry out the skin, is able to regulate the amount of oil secretion and deeply cleanses the pores. With constant use of cream soap, the skin becomes cleaner and bacteria do not multiply on it. You should not use this product daily; it is great as additional care for deeper cleansing.

Pharmaceutical preparations are highly effective due to the presence of useful active ingredients. In the assortment of pharmaceutical cosmetics manufacturers you can find a huge number of products for the care of problem skin. The most popular drug is syntomycin ointment for acne on the face, according to customer reviews.

This product is an effective method for combating acne on the face. The manufacturer recommends using the ointment if there are imperfections throughout the body. The composition contains lightening, healing, softening and antibacterial components. The drug is used once a day, applied in a thin layer to clean problem areas and left to act overnight. According to customer reviews, after application the inflammation becomes less pigmented, itching is eliminated, and after a few days there is no trace of acne. The product has a long-lasting effect, which provides high protection against the re-formation of imperfections.

Caring and decorative products

Owners of problem skin types need to carefully select cosmetics, as they should not cause allergic reactions, provoke the appearance of new imperfections and clog pores. Cosmetics for acne on the face of girls are presented in a wide range, which can cause difficulties when choosing. Thanks to customer reviews, you can make a rating of the best products from the care and decorative segment:

  1. Cream for problem skin “Double control” from Belita Vitex. It protects against bacteria, soothes inflammation, provides a matte finish and eliminates acne.
  2. "Magic Clay" mask from L'Oreal with eucalyptus oil for deep cleansing and targeting local imperfections.
  3. Skin tonic "Efaklar" from "La Roche Posay". It contains lipohydroxy acids, which are necessary when caring for problem skin types.
  4. Korean BB cream “Holika Holika” contains natural essential oils and plant extracts, thanks to which the product not only evens out the tone and hides imperfections, but also has a healing effect.


Girls with acne are constantly looking for high-quality cosmetics and effective drugs to eliminate imperfections. By identifying the causes of their appearance, following all the recommendations of specialists and using proven care and decorative products, the skin will become clean and beautiful in a short period of time.