Remove bags under eyes with baking soda

Every day we see our face in the mirror, and almost all of us are willing to spend a fortune to have a healthy complexion and no bags under our eyes. However, there is a simple folk remedy that is inexpensive and you will quickly get results. The main ingredient in this recipe is baking soda, which protects, heals and restores the skin. Using baking soda will get rid of bags under your eyes and more.

Uses of baking soda

Baking soda is available in every home, and besides, it is very cheap.

Baking soda protects, heals and restores the skin. Baking soda is also known to destroy skin pathogens, reduce the risk of acne and pimples and make your skin glow.

Its regenerative properties significantly reduce acne scars. Yes it's true. Continuous use of this mixture will help you get rid of scars and redness.

Baking soda will help get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes.

First you need to drink a glass of water or tea.

Pour water into another glass and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Take a cotton pad, dip it in the mixture and apply it under your eyes. Leave for 10-15 minutes under the eyes.

After this time, rinse your face with warm water and dry it thoroughly with a towel. Don't forget to moisturize your face throughout the entire procedure.

If you liked this recipe, share your find with your friends, believe me, they will be very grateful to you. Be healthy!


Who wants to be a "panda"? Nobody! The website knows that you are looking for how to remove dark circles on the lower eyelids. Today our attention was drawn to a mask with soda for bruises under the eyes.

Need I say that soda is used for a variety of purposes? But increasingly, it is not used for cosmetic purposes at all.


This product is so popular due to its properties:

  1. protecting the skin from adverse environmental factors,
  2. healing of small wounds and regeneration.

How to prepare a compress?

Baking soda helps with bags and dark circles. The easiest way to prepare a compress is using soda. First, make a soda solution: 1 large spoon of the product, a glass of warm water. In this simple composition, important discs are moistened and placed on closed eyes.


After 5-10 minutes. wash with cool water and use your favorite cream with a nourishing effect.

Depending on what you will combine this bulk product with, you can prepare formulations that will solve various problems:

  1. not only swelling, which makes the eyes look sleepy and tired,
  2. but also dark circles.

The so-called bruise will go away if you combine the bulk product with green or chamomile tea.

Don't forget that the skin surrounding your eyes is soft and delicate. And baking soda can dry it out. Therefore, strictly follow the recipe and after applying the mask, do not forget about nourishing and moisturizing your skin.

Baking soda + regular eye cream

For one of the recipes, soda and cream for dark circles under the eyes are mixed - everything is simple. It is enough to take 5 grams of any cream that you constantly use for the skin in this area. And - a little soda. Everything gets mixed up. It turns out to be a kind of paste that needs to be applied for a quarter of an hour, maybe 5 minutes less, on the eyes. Then the composition is washed off with warm clean water.

To make your eyes sparkle...

...and wants to continue the subtitle like this - and the look was fresh, you can try the following recipe.

A dessert spoon of a food product and a large spoon of warm tea, or warm water.

All components must be mixed. Place a cotton pad in the container with the composition (preferably cotton pads), and then apply it under the eyes to cover each circle. After a quarter of an hour, all this is washed off and the skin is treated with a cream with a moisturizing effect.


Give your look a fresh look

Baking soda against circles under the eyes, to nourish and moisturize the skin, as well as to refresh the look, is used in combination with other beneficial ingredients. For example, here is a good mask:

  1. a pinch of soda,
  2. a large spoon of honey,
  3. the same amount of cream.

Of course, the range of home treatments should be wide, combined with other tricks for caring for the delicate skin of the eyelids. After one mask, you shouldn’t expect incredible results. It is important to maintain consistency: the mask requires application under the eyes once every 2 weeks.

Return to perfect skin

Usually, recipes for the area under the eyes are independent. There are no such recommendations when you can use a facial composition on the eyelid area. Although this is perhaps one of the exceptions. As you know, baking soda removes dark circles under the eyes, and when combined with oatmeal and water, it helps eliminate pimples.

The preparation is simple. First, the oatmeal must be ground to flour. For half a glass of cereal you will need a dessert spoon of soda and a little water. The consistency of the composition will remind you of thick sour cream. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Eastern style: turmeric plus soda

Baking soda and turmeric for under eye circles are used together for a reason. Turmeric is often used in masks; it has a noble golden hue, and do not forget that even if there is a bruise, you should not overexpose the composition in order to quickly remove the unpleasant defect. It's better to stick to moderation.

  1. half a large spoon of turmeric,
  2. large spoon of baking soda, 3 drops of lemon juice,
  3. ice cube made from mineral water.

Attention. Despite the fact that the mask indicates the addition of lemon juice, not everyone can use it. So, if you have sensitive skin, you should not add it, despite the fact that it is known for its whitening properties.

To prepare a mask against dark circles, you need to mix all the ingredients until they take on a paste-like state and leave for a while. We must wait for the ice to melt completely. Then the composition is applied for a quarter of an hour and washed off with cool water.

What else is important to note. A turmeric mask can give your skin a golden tint. And where there was a dark circle, a characteristic tone for turmeric will appear. Therefore, you should decide for yourself whether you need to try such a cosmetic recipe.

And sometimes this procedure causes a slight burning sensation and itching.

The range of folk recipes using baking soda for dark circles and puffiness under the eyes is truly wide. But you should always remember that a bruise (if it is not a bruise as a result of a blow, for example) should alert you. It is possible that no remedy will help remove darkening from the eyelids, since the causes are problems with internal organs, chronic lack of sleep, etc. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor so that he can tell you what the reasons are and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Article verified by beauty blogger. @lil4olga, on Instagram since 2016. Read more…

Every woman dreams of being beautiful. But what if the traces of a sleepless night suddenly “appeared” on the face, and swelling or bags suddenly appeared under the eyes?

One of the oldest cosmetic products - ordinary baking soda - will help you against dark circles, bruises and bags under the eyes. It is used in many cosmetic products, and knowing the recipe, you can easily prepare an effective eye mask yourself.

Eye mask with turmeric and baking soda

Turmeric is a well-known cosmetic product of natural origin. It was used back in Ancient India - it was believed that this plant has excellent rejuvenating, tonic and anti-inflammatory effects. Its use returns youth to the eyelids, and beauty and confidence to the eyes.

The most popular recipe for an eye mask with turmeric and baking soda:

  1. Prepare ice cubes from mineral water. To do this, pour the mineral water into an ice tray and put it in the freezer.
  2. Stir 1 tsp. turmeric powder with 3 tsp. sodium bicarbonate. Place 2-3 prepared ice cubes in a mask of turmeric and soda, wait until they dissolve and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Apply the mask around the eyes using light patting movements. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. At this time, it is better to just lie down and refrain from household chores - with active movements, the mixture may simply “drain”.

We wrote other recipes in the article “Face mask made from soda”.

Baking soda, lemon and turmeric will help get rid of bags under the eyes:

  1. Combine 1 tsp. turmeric and 2 tsp. soda powder.
  2. After mixing, add a few drops of lemon juice.
  3. Apply for 15-20 minutes.

If your skin is too delicate, it is better to avoid lemon juice.

Such masks are called “golden” because of the color that turmeric powder, which acts as the main component, gives them. If you want to get an effective result and improve the skin around your eyes, carefully choose the main ingredient - you should not save money by purchasing turmeric from an unknown manufacturer.

Remember, the curcumin eye mask is prepared for one time only. You cannot store it in the refrigerator; it will quickly lose all its beneficial properties.

Try also making a mask using shaving foam and baking soda using this recipe.

Soda for dark circles under eyes

There are two simple ways to quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

  1. Take 5 g. any cream that you are used to using. It is best to take a special cream for the skin around the eyes;
  2. Mix in a pinch of baking soda. Stir everything until you get a paste-like mass;
  3. Apply the mixture onto problem areas with light movements and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Second way:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with the same amount of warm water or chamomile tea;
  2. Dip cotton pads into the solution. When they are soaked, place them on problem areas;
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse off.

Baking soda also helps get rid of blackheads.

Soda for dark circles under the eyes

The fastest and most effective way to get rid of bruises is to apply a soda compress. It is done in three stages:

  1. Brew green tea or chamomile infusion - these ingredients will not only help against bruises, but will also relieve swelling. You will need a glass of heated solution.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of soda powder into a glass and stir. If you need more product, calculate the proportions 1:1 - one tablespoon per glass. bulk product.
  3. Dampen cotton pads and place them on problem areas for 15 minutes. After completing the procedure, rinse everything off and apply a little moisturizer.

In addition to improving eye health, baking soda can also remove bruises by improving blood circulation. For this, a combination of sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide is used, which is also considered an excellent cosmetic product.

Soda for bags under eyes

A recipe available to every woman will help restore skin health and get rid of bags under the eyes:

  1. 1 tsp soda must be mixed in a glass of heated water, in which a few drops of peach oil are dissolved;
  2. Soak cotton pads in the mixture. If you don’t have them, you can use homemade gauze pads;
  3. Keep the pads on your eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

In combination with castor oil, sodium bicarbonate also acts as an excellent whitening agent that removes blackheads and lightens age spots. Castor oil will also be a good remedy for wrinkles - its active components smooth out the skin, restoring its tone and elasticity.


The effectiveness and safety of such cosmetic procedures has been confirmed not only by traditional medicine, but also by numerous laudatory reviews.

Incredible! Until recently, I was sure that all the laudatory reviews about such masks were a myth. But, having tried it on myself, I was convinced that with the help of a soda mask you can get rid of bruises easily and quickly.

I have been using homemade cosmetics for several years now and am constantly looking for new recipes. I learned about the combination of turmeric and soda from a friend and decided to try it. The result was pleasing, but you need to be careful with the dosage of turmeric, it stains a lot.

I never thought that you can remove dark circles under your eyes with regular baking soda. Along with the circles, the bags went away, and the skin became more toned and soft. Now I will recommend it to all my friends - both cheap and effective.