How to make compact powder from loose powder

Has it ever happened that you accidentally touched your favorite eye shadow or powder and it fell on the tiles in the bathroom? Such a small mistake can happen (or has already happened more than once) to each of us. The most annoying thing is when broken eyeshadows are not at all budget cosmetics. But don’t rush to throw away your pet, we know how to help him!

You have two options: either throw the crumbled product in the trash, or give it another chance, because any pressed cosmetic product can be revived, be it eye shadow, powder or face blush. Below is the most common way to restore your broken cosmetics.

What you will need for this:

broken cosmetics (powder, eye shadow, blush, bronzer, etc.);
medical alcohol;
small flat surface (lid or coin).

How to restore broken cosmetics: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Take a spoon and finely crush the broken product until it becomes a loose powder. In order not to stain your fingers and the entire space around you, you can tightly wrap the product around the edges with cling film, then finely crumble it and remove the film.

Step 2. Pour 1.5 tbsp. medical alcohol into the product (if it is a small eye shadow, then about 0.5 tbsp). Remember that the higher the alcohol percentage, the faster it will evaporate (which is what we want), so use a minimum of 70 percent alcohol.

Step 3. Using a spoon, mix the powder with alcohol. Don't worry if you use a little too much alcohol; it will just take longer to dry. But still try to mix until it becomes a thick paste. It shouldn't float in alcohol.

Step 4. Wait a few seconds until the alcohol softens the product. Take a butter knife or spoon and smooth out the product so that there are no lumps or lumps left on the surface. Press the product onto any flat surface that fits the size of the powder.

Step 5. Clean the edges of the powder with a tissue and leave the product uncovered overnight. During this time, the alcohol will evaporate and your powder will become the same.

How to restore broken powder or eye shadow without alcohol?

Although the alcohol evaporates as it dries, for people with hypersensitive skin, this method may cause excessive dryness on the face. Luckily, there is another way to revive broken cosmetics using pressure and steam. Broken powder can be restored using only pressure, but the product will still remain fragile. The heat from the iron will help “glue” the powder together and make it more durable.

Step 1. Turn on the iron to maximum temperature.

Step 2. Grind the product so that there are no lumps left, remove it from the iron tray and place the powder in a plastic zip-lock bag.

Step 3. Remove the metal tray from the compact housing. The easiest way is to hook it with a butter knife, lift it up and push it out. If you don't pull out this tray, you could melt the entire plastic body of the cosmetic product.

Step 4. Pour the powder back into the metal tray and press it using a spoon until the powder becomes hard.

Step 5. Unplug the iron. This will ensure that water does not get into the powder and it will not deteriorate. Make sure the steam option is also turned off. Use dry heat only.

Step 6. Apply the iron to the powder and hold for 15 seconds. Make sure you press as hard as you can. The heat from the iron will help “press” the powder. Lift the iron, wait a few seconds, and then apply it again to the broken powder for 15 seconds.

Step 7 After the powder has cooled slightly, glue it back into the plastic case. Ready!

Watch a video on how to restore broken cosmetics at home

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Now you know how to apply your favorite powder, eye shadow or even highlighter to your face. Stay with I want to not miss the latest news and useful tips from the world of beauty!

Every girl has powder in her makeup bag, we never leave home without a powder compact, and it is powder that saves us in a situation where our nose is treacherously shiny. However, many of us do not know how to use powder correctly, and even “powdering your nose” is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. Let's figure out what you're doing wrong using such a popular tool?

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Powder is a very insidious thing. It can highlight any fine wrinkles and even increase the oily shine of the skin if applied incorrectly. We have identified the 5 most common mistakes when using powder and tell you how to avoid them.

Mistakes when using powder

Mistake #1: powdering your face before applying makeup

There is a common myth that you need to lightly powder your face before applying makeup. We don’t know exactly where many girls got this strange misconception, but we warn you - it’s definitely not a good idea to cover your skin with a layer of powder before applying makeup. You will only achieve the opposite effect - very soon your face will begin to shine due to the fact that the layer of powder and subsequent makeup simply do not allow the skin to breathe.

How to use powder correctly: To avoid oily shine, use a liquid primer with a mattifying effect or a foundation serum before applying makeup. Powder can only be the final touch of makeup, but not the first step!

Mistake #2: Applying powder immediately after finishing your makeup

If you have seen how makeup artists work before filming, you probably took note - immediately after completing the makeup, powder your entire face. Great, but only professional models spend a maximum of a couple of hours wearing makeup, and even then their makeup is constantly being adjusted. Makeup artists use a large amount of powder for only one purpose - so that the face does not shine in front of the camera.

In everyday makeup, things are different: a generous layer of powder will highlight all the imperfections, and small facial wrinkles will immediately become noticeable, even if you didn’t notice them before!

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How to use powder correctly: After you have finished applying makeup, let your skin “accept” all the products. Wait literally 5-10 minutes, then blot your face with a napkin - the skin itself will give off excess foundation products. Well, now you can use a large soft brush to powder the T-zone - forehead, nose and chin. It is not at all necessary to apply a loose product on your cheeks, especially since you have probably already used blush or highlighter.

Mistake #3: Masking oily areas of the skin with powder

During the day, you noticed that your nose or forehead began to shine. Your actions? Well, of course, you open the powder compact and mask all the imperfections. Until half an hour later the skin shines again... And then what - another layer? And then you will wonder where acne came from!

How to use powder correctly: Before applying powder to hide shine, you need to get rid of sebum. For this you need a matting napkin or at least paper tissues. Make sure that you have thoroughly blotted your face so that it is no longer shiny, and only now can you lightly powder it. The effect will last for several hours, and you will not pollute your pores again!

Mistake #4: Choosing the wrong powder color

A little secret: the shade of the powder should be half a tone lighter than the color of your foundation or skin (if you are not using concealer products). It is this difference that allows you to create the most natural makeup and refresh your face.

Yellowish-beige powder is suitable for girls with olive skin, which has a subtle green undertone.

If you have light, almost white skin, then avoid any sandy or yellow shades. It is better to give preference to a beige color with a grayish undertone - do not be afraid of such light, silvery shades, they look perfect on white skin.

The best option for everyone is a pink-beige shade of powder, which, however, must be applied with caution to the forehead and nose areas.

And a few words about shimmering powder with reflective particles: you need to be very careful with it. This product can even slightly rejuvenate the face and make it look fresher, but excess of such powder, firstly, can emphasize wrinkles, and secondly, can make the face look like a mask - excess shimmer will only make you look like a bronze statue, not beauty. In addition, reflective particles simply look terrible in a flash - if you are going to take photographs, then it is better to give preference to regular matte powder. Just remember those creepy photos of stars with white spots on their faces! They also thought that they would shine and not seem sprinkled with flour...

Mistake #5: Applying powder with a powder puff from the package

Let's tell you a terrible secret: most of the puffs, sponges and brushes from standard powder packages are good for nothing. You can throw them away right away, seriously! In addition, few people wash these puffs, and you can use them for years - as a result, you end up with a real breeding ground for bacteria in your cosmetic bag.

How to use powder correctly: It is best to apply the powder with special natural bristle brushes. It is important that the brush is soft and not too thick and that excess powder can be easily shaken off for the most subtle application. A Kabuki brush is ideal (we talked about it in detail in the review of brushes) - round, small, very fluffy and compact. Feel free to carry it with you in your purse, just don’t forget to wash the instrument regularly! And don’t make the mistakes we talked about when using powder.

Do not rush to throw away spoiled cosmetics, because there are several ways to restore powder and continue to use it when creating makeup.

How to restore broken powder if you break it

If you or your friend broke your powder, find out how to restore your makeup while saving money on buying a new mattifying product. The easiest way to restore broken powder is to use medical alcohol.

To restore cosmetics, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the broken matting agent from the box and wrap it in cling film.
  2. Take a spoon, spatula or small hammer and start crushing pieces of broken cosmetics wrapped in cling film. As a result, the entire matting agent should take the form of a powder, and even the surviving pieces need to be crushed.
  3. After these manipulations, carefully pour the powder into the box where the cosmetics were originally.
  4. Smooth all the powder into the powder compact so that it is distributed evenly in it.
  5. Pour alcohol on top of the powder; you should determine the amount yourself, it all depends on the weight of the powder and the size of the powder compact. You may need from a few drops to a whole cap from a container of rubbing alcohol or even more.
  6. Wait a few seconds for the alcohol to absorb, then stir using the tip of a makeup brush or a spatula. The result should be a homogeneous creamy consistency, there should be no lumps.
  7. Place cling film on top and gently smooth the mixture with your finger. Now remove the film and press the matting agent on top with a paper napkin or cotton scarf. This will give the surface the relief that powder has.
  8. Leave the compact open overnight to allow the mattifying product to dry completely.

It is advisable to use alcohol with a concentration of at least 70%: the higher it is, the faster the product will evaporate and the cosmetics will dry.

However, when powder breaks and how to restore it using rubbing alcohol, this information is not useful for everyone. The fact is that many girls and women complain that their favorite cosmetics have become very drying to their skin due to the alcohol content in them. Most likely, this method of how to restore broken powder is completely unsuitable for those with dry and sensitive skin.

What to do if powder breaks: how to restore cracked cosmetics

Your powder has crumbled and you don’t know how to restore it without using alcohol? There is another useful tip on what to do if the powder breaks, for those who want to continue using it for makeup.

For this method of restoring compact powder, you will need a well-heated iron. This method is recommended for those girls and women who have sensitive skin.

The heat of the iron, heated to maximum temperature, will help set the fragile matting agent and make it more durable. Most of these mattifying products come in a plastic compact in a metal container, so make sure your cosmetics are made this way.

Using this method of how to restore cracked powder, follow these steps:

  1. In a powder compact, crush the broken cosmetics into powder, pour it into a plastic ziplock bag and seal.
  2. In a bag, grind the powder into dust so that there are no large crumbs at all. You can use a spoon or the back of a fork to do this.
  3. Remove the metal container from the powder compact, otherwise you risk melting the plastic box itself.
  4. Carefully pour the crushed matting agent into this metal container. Take a spoon and use the back of it to firmly press the powdered product.
  5. Now take a hot iron, unplug it and press it firmly onto the surface of the powder for 15 seconds. At this moment, it is important to press the iron as hard as possible, such actions will help fix the powder.
  6. You need to press the iron for 15 seconds two more times. After this, wait until the metal container cools down and glue it back into place in the powder compact.

These accessible ways to restore broken powder in the video below will help you perform all the steps to restore cosmetics as correctly as possible.

The material was prepared by the editors of

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