How to get rid of plantar warts on feet?

The content of the article:
  1. Causes
  2. Symptoms characteristic of the formation of plantar warts
  3. How to delete
    1. With the use of drugs
    2. Instrumental methods
    3. Traditional methods
  4. The need for consultation with a specialist
  5. Preventive measures against the appearance of plantar warts

Plantar warts occur in 30% of patients who see dermatologists, and most often they must be removed. In the medical literature, such warts are called verruca plantaris; they are popularly called spinules (from the word “thorn”), since they cause discomfort, as if pricked by a thorn or splinter. The growths are also called horny warts (from the word “horn”).

Plantar warts are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Since the number of variations of the HPV virus exceeds 100 units, subtypes 1, 2, 4, 27 and 57 are responsible for the formation of such papillomas. The growths are a skin nodule, a small elevation above the surface of the skin, mostly round in shape. A wart appears due to excessive growth of the surface layer of the epithelium and tissues formed from the papillae that are located underneath it.

Although diagnosing such warts is not difficult, treatment is a lengthy process and requires effort. On average, almost 27% of people suffering from this skin disease can heal on their own within two weeks. The remaining part of patients requires drug treatment or surgical intervention. Many methods help to reduce the symptoms of plantar papillomas, shorten the duration of therapy and almost eliminate the risk associated with infection of others.

Causes of plantar warts

Pictured are plantar warts

It is clear that the main root cause of the development of warts is infection with HPV, but this virus does not always manifest itself immediately (find out about the main causes of papillomas). Its incubation period takes from one and a half months to six months. However, even then a person will not necessarily develop papillomas, since the infection may remain in an inactive, “dormant” state for a long time. But when favorable conditions are “created” for it, nodules will appear on the feet, which the patient may not even pay attention to at first, because they will not yet be painful.

Typically, virus infection occurs in the following way:

  1. an injury appears on the skin (for example, a minor scratch);
  2. the virus penetrates the skin;
  3. the infection begins to integrate into the genes of skin cells;
  4. the shape of the cells becomes unnatural, similar to tumor cells;
  5. a combination of a large number of such cells constitutes a wart.
Attention!!! Some types of HPV can contribute to the development of dysplasia and even cervical cancer, as well as degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Where is it possible to become infected with the human papillomavirus? The answer is obvious - in places with large crowds of people. However, since infection occurs mainly in childhood, such institutions are kindergartens, schools and other public places (swimming pools, gyms). At the same time, not all people who are affected by HPV get sick; this directly depends on the level of a person’s immunity.

In childhood or adolescence, warts may appear for the first time, but as the body’s immunity strengthens, they often disappear. In adults, such papillomas on the skin appear infrequently, but if this happens, the following factors most often contribute to this:

  1. frequent stressful situations;
  2. weakened immunity;
  3. lack of vitamins.

The main causes of plantar warts include:

  1. wearing narrow and uncomfortable shoes;
  2. the use of shoes made of artificial and non-breathable materials (plastic, rubber, etc.);
  3. wearing someone else's shoes or socks, tights (they can transmit infection from a person suffering from HPV);
  4. profuse sweating on the feet.

It is clear that the infection enters the body through damaged areas of skin on the palms or soles (this is not only cuts or scratches, but also calluses or abrasions).

Symptoms characteristic of the formation of plantar warts

The formation of papillomas on the feet (or palms, since one type of virus is responsible for this) occurs in the following stages:

  1. The initial stage of spine formation. On the foot (or palm), between the toes, a compaction forms on the surface of the epithelium in the shape of a circle. In appearance, such a spot resembles a callus, so the patient does not pay much attention to such a skin nodule. When walking in this area, slight pain and itching may occur. Treatment with folk remedies helps well at this stage.
  2. Middle stage – occurs after 14-30 days. The plantar wart gradually thickens, the surface of its central part becomes rough, and the skin pattern gradually disappears. Black or burgundy-red dots may be visible in the center of the papule. This means blockage of blood vessels.
  3. Final formation of the spine. The size of the papilloma is growing; in its central part there are thin papillae that are collected in bunches. The edges of the wart are slightly raised above the skin in the form of a roll of keratinized epithelium. The color of the growth becomes grayish-yellow or brown. Pain when walking prevents you from moving normally, as the papillomas begin to protrude significantly beyond the skin.

In the initial stages, skin itching is caused by the fact that plantar papilloma cells, growing, compress neighboring skin receptors, bringing mild discomfort, and the area begins to itch. It is also noted that the surface of the plantar wart in the last stage easily crumbles, opening access to bleeding and painful papillae. However, since the growth of the spine mainly goes inside the foot, when pressure is applied to it, the pain receptors on the foot are affected.

Initially, the size of the plantar wart is small (only 3 mm). At the same time, even reaching 1 cm, such a skin nodule above the surface of the skin will rise by 1-2 mm, and all because its growth goes inside the epithelium and in breadth.

If such papillomas are not treated in time, then soon daughter warts will form next to the mother wart, and at some stage they will begin to merge into a single tumor. This process indicates too strong a decrease in immunity and requires drug treatment. Next, we will tell you how to get rid of plantar warts (removal using pharmaceutical preparations, instrumental methods and folk remedies at home).

How to remove a plantar wart?

According to medical institutions, only 10% of patients diagnosed with warts require serious treatment. For others, they eliminate themselves at an early stage. Self-healing usually takes from 14 days to one and a half years. This happens because the immune system begins to suppress the virus in its cells. This promotes healing of the epithelial surface.

The following cases can be distinguished when it is necessary to treat a plantar wart:

  1. causes severe pain;
  2. walking becomes impossible;
  3. the papilloma has become very large;
  4. daughter warts rapidly form nearby.

To treat plantar warts, you need to consult a specialist - a dermatologist. For this purpose, medication and instrumental methods are used.

1. Removal of the plantar spine with medications

In this case, agents are used that have a local necrotic effect on skin cells affected by the human papillomavirus:

  1. Solcoderm (price from 562 rubles) is used for benign superficial lesions of the skin.
  2. Vartox (price from 228 rubles) is presented in the form of a cream paste, which promotes painless softening of the wart tissue, after which the growth is removed with pumice. Read real reviews about Vartox.
  3. Dufilm (price ranges from 170-360 rubles) has a cauterizing effect. Read reviews of Duofilm for papillomas.
  4. Collomak (price from 311 rubles) has a keratolytic effect, has local anesthesia and a sclerosing effect, which reduces the possibility of relapses. Read real reviews about Collomac for papillomas
  5. Super celandine (price varies from 30 to 60 rubles, or 20-25 UAH) eliminates excess keratinization of the skin.
  6. Verrucacid (price 236 rub.) or Feresol (price 45-50 rubles) - these products have a milder effect, but are highly effective.
  7. Lapis or lapis pencil (price from 141 to 200 rubles) is an effective drug that is used for long-term treatment. Read about the benefits of Lapis pencil for papillomas and warts.

These products contain alkalis and acids, which contribute to the death of wart tissue. However, when using such medications, you should take care that they do not come into contact with areas of healthy skin, as this will cause a chemical burn. The previous location of the growth will be visible due to the remaining scar. To protect the healthy part of the epithelium, it is necessary to use an adhesive plaster, which is glued in such a way that the drugs have access only to the papilloma. Before starting drug treatment, you can prepare the plantar wart. For example, stick a Veropharm Salipod patch on it and leave it for a couple of days, or carefully remove the surface of the papule with a manicure tool (scissors or nippers).

2. Removal of plantar warts using instrumental methods

When you need to quickly get rid of a plantar wart, they resort to the following hardware methods:

  1. Laser coagulation. In this case, the papilloma tissue “evaporates” under the influence of the beam. After them, only a small depression remains, healing 10–14 days after exposure. Up to a minute of time is allotted for one wart. The effectiveness of this method reaches 93%, while the price of the procedure starts from 140 rubles.
  2. Cryodestruction liquid nitrogen. Local anesthesia will also be required in this case, since the effect of cold on the wart feels like a burn. The process involves deep freezing of the papule tissue, and a white bubble forms in its place. This “burn” takes up to two weeks to heal, although after 2-3 days the whitish crust falls off, revealing young skin. This method is considered the most gentle, but there are a number of contraindications: patients with diabetes, children under 7 years of age, pregnant women. With cryodestruction, the effect is 70-100%, relapses occur in only 15% of patients. The price of the procedure is from 300 rubles.
  3. Radio wave exposure (using the “Surgitron” device or similar). In essence, this method resembles the use of a laser beam. Radio waves, which are obtained by converting electric current, have a frequency of 3.8-4.0 MHz. Under their influence, the plantar wart is removed. All that will be left of it is a small depression, similar to a wound. This procedure is often called a “radio wave knife.” The efficiency of application is slightly lower than that of the laser method - 80-90%. However, relapses are possible in patients in 2-5% of cases. The removal price starts from 600 rubles.
  4. Surgical excision using a scalpel. In this case, local anesthesia is used in the area where the papilloma is located, because it is necessary to remove all the affected epithelial tissue, capturing the edges of the skin undamaged by the virus. After removing the plantar wart, the surgeon applies a cosmetic suture to the wound. A scar remains in this place. It is worth noting that this removal method is used only if it is necessary to send parts of the papilloma for research. The effectiveness of excision of skin lesions with a scalpel is 50-60%, and the rehabilitation period will be relatively long. There is also a high risk of relapse - 50%. The price for removing one plantar wart starts from 300 rubles.
  5. Electrocoagulation - the process of burning out papilloma. In principle, this method is similar to a surgical one, only an electrocoagulator is used instead of a scalpel. Despite the effectiveness of 80-95%, the technique is rarely used today. The cost of removing one spine will be from 500 rubles.

3. Traditional methods for the treatment of plantar warts

With the help of remedies that have been known to folk healers since ancient times, it is also possible to cure the spine. However, before self-medicating, you should consult a dermatologist.

The following folk methods will help get rid of plantar warts at home (the results are not quick, it takes time and patience):

  1. Garlic. The substances it contains help resist viruses. To treat growths on the feet, steam them in hot water and carefully remove the top of the plantar wart using nail scissors. At the same time, try to remove the cushion from the skin surrounding the papilloma. It is recommended to slightly cut off the skin tissue itself. Even if the vessels of the wart begin to bleed, it is not scary. The garlic blade is placed on the plantar wart and secured with an adhesive plaster. It is advisable to change the dressings daily in the morning and evening for 7-14 days. A positive result will be obtained after 20-30 days.
  2. Freshly squeezed celandine juice (stems). This plant has a good antiviral effect, but can burn healthy skin. To treat with celandine juice (it has an orange color), apply warts on the soles about 4-6 times a day. Before doing this, you can cut off the top of the growth a little. Usually complete recovery occurs after 30-60 days.
  3. Composition of flour and acetic acid. It is recommended to dilute the flour to a pasty consistency with 70% acetic acid. Steam the foot on which there is a plantar wart and apply this remedy purely to the skin lesion. Leave for a while and repeat applications until the papillomas disappear.
  4. Application of horseradish. Before treating with horseradish root pulp, the feet are steamed in hot water to soften the surface of the plantar wart. Then you need to apply a little horseradish grated on a fine grater to the skin nodule, cover the affected area with polyethylene on top of it so that the juice, which will corrode the papilloma, is preserved longer. Then the foot is bandaged and a sock is put on so that the compress is fixed and does not slip. Usually compresses are applied at night and repeated until the spine falls off.

The need to consult a specialist about plantar warts

When plantar warts appear, it is worth knowing some of the recommendations of a dermatologist in order to prevent the degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one. In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor:

  1. the color and shape of the plantar wart began to change;
  2. the color of papilloma on the foot has several shades;
  3. the boundaries of the wart were no longer clear;
  4. the plantar wart is constantly injured;
  5. the number of warts on the foot began to increase, despite therapy;
  6. papilloma constantly bleeds;
  7. the use of traditional methods did not produce results for 2-3 months.

Preventive measures against the appearance of plantar warts

Even while in the human body, the papilloma virus may not manifest itself in any way. To minimize the risk of developing plantar warts, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. wear loose shoes so as not to put pressure on the foot and interfere with blood flow;
  2. treat increased sweat production, in particular on the surface of the feet;
  3. promptly treat injuries (scratches, cuts, etc.) to the skin with antiseptic drugs;
  4. lead a healthy lifestyle and increase immunity, take vitamins.

Video on how to treat plantar warts: