How to get rid of dandruff medications

The problem of dandruff worries many people. Its manifestation not only looks unsightly, but also causes redness of the scalp and unpleasant itching. You should get rid of this disease using an integrated approach, which includes taking anti-dandruff tablets. Their action complements therapy, reducing the treatment period.

How to get rid of dandruff with tablets

Most people prefer to purchase an anti-dandruff remedy in pharmacies without finding out the root cause of the appearance of flaking. The appearance is provoked by various factors that determine the type of disease (oily, dry seborrhea, psoriasis, etc.) and the range of medications that allow it to be treated. In some cases, treatment with shampoos alone (sometimes with antibiotics) will be effective, but in certain situations it is necessary to use anti-dandruff tablets. New generation drugs help only in complex treatment; when taken independently, they are ineffective.

For successful therapy, there is a prerequisite - it is necessary to remove the root cause of scalp flaking in order to fight against the underlying disease and effectively suppress symptoms. The course of medications and agents should be selected taking into account the following rules:

  1. If the appearance of dandruff is a manifestation of a pathogenic fungus, then treatment should be aimed at restoring the microflora of the epidermis to its natural state.
  2. If the cause is seborrheic dermatitis, then treatment is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The tablets should strengthen the patient’s skin immunity

How does dandruff remedy work?

All tablets that help remove dandruff have a complex effect. Medicines of this type can be divided into 4 groups. Their action is aimed at:

  1. Stopping the growth of seborrheic fungus. The presence of antimycotic agents selenium disulfide, birch tar, ketoconazole, sulfur, climazone destroys seborrheic fungus. The action of the drugs is aimed at damaging the structure of the fungus.
  2. Slowing down reproduction. The tablets reduce the rate of formation of fungal cells due to zinc, which has an antiseptic and fungicidal effect. This stops the process of skin exfoliation and hair loss.
  3. Strengthening exfoliating effect. The components of anti-dandruff tablets remove “scales” and reduce their number.
  4. Restoring nutrition to the scalp and hair health. The substances in the medications are aimed at relieving irritation, narrowing pores, and reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands, which leaves the fungus without nutrition.

Antifungal tablets

Antimycotic drugs (antifungals) include many different types of chemical compounds that have a specific effect on the activity of pathogenic fungi. They are divided into several main groups, which are prescribed according to clinical use and chemical structure. There is also a difference in the spectrum of activity, but broad-spectrum antifungal drugs in tablets are often prescribed.

Taking anti-dandruff medications requires strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions and dosage regimen, which is prescribed individually. This is especially true when a child is sick and needs to take medications orally (by mouth). If the dosage is violated or pills are missed, then doubling it is prohibited. Premature termination and violation of the treatment regimen leads to an increased risk of relapse.


This anti-dandruff medicine is not taken orally, but acts as an additional substance to shampoo. To prepare the mixture, crush 2 tablets and dissolve in hot water (250 ml), shake the liquid several times. Apply the product to the scalp immediately after washing your hair with shampoo. Give a light head massage; it is not necessary to wash off Nystatin. It can be used not only for obvious manifestations of dandruff, but also as a preventive measure.

It is noted that after the first use of dissolved tablets, an increase in the amount of dandruff may occur, but it will be drier and finer. There is no need to worry about this, because this is a natural process of exfoliation of the fungus. You should be concerned if a similar effect is observed after 2-3 applications. In this case, the use of Nystatin should be discontinued.


The most effective anti-dandruff remedy is Nizoral, which can be produced in the form of a cream or shampoo. This remedy should be taken in tablet form if the symptoms of the disease are bright and pronounced. This will quickly improve the appearance of the scalp and stop the development of possible complications. A noticeable effect occurs after 1-3 months of taking Nizoral.

The dosage regimen must be prescribed by a doctor, but as a rule, tablets are used until clinical parameters and laboratory indicators indicate eradication of the pathogen. Premature discontinuation of Nizoral, even with visible external improvements, leads to the fact that dandruff will reappear after some time. The medication has a number of side effects that you should familiarize yourself with before taking it.


This medicine contains a substance of the same name. Prescribed as part of complex therapy, which is aimed at treating fungal lesions of the scalp. The dosage regimen is prescribed by the doctor individually. The action of Miconazole is aimed at:

  1. treatment of seborrhea;
  2. suppression of parasitic fungi that cause skin diseases;
  3. prevention of excessive peeling;
  4. strengthening the immune system.

Local treatment of dandruff with tablets

Not every person knows that aspirin can be used as anti-dandruff tablets. This is not an official use for it, but rather one of the home recipes for treating flaky scalp. The main active ingredient is salicylic acid, which is included in many shampoos for the treatment of dandruff. The main benefit of the tablets is their antifungal and antimicrobial properties. To prepare the product you need to do the following:

  1. Grind 2 aspirin tablets well to a powder.
  2. Add it to your shampoo before use.
  3. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for at least 2 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Repeat the procedure every other day until the symptoms of dandruff completely disappear.

How to cure dandruff on the head with vitamin preparations

One of the reasons for the development of dandruff symptoms may be a lack of vitamins in the body. To maintain a healthy hair appearance, it is necessary to obtain sufficient quantities of elements of groups B3, F, C, D. The latter can be obtained directly from a natural source - sunlight. In clear and sunny weather, go outside for at least 10-15 minutes. In this case, there are no contraindications (except for protection from sunstroke), the body will independently synthesize vitamin D in the required quantities. You can get the necessary elements from the following products:

  1. B3 – peanuts, fish;
  2. B6 – nuts, pork, vegetables;
  3. F – fish oil, mackerel, fruit, avocado.

In addition to the options for vitamin preparations with the target substance, you can use complexes that contain the entire necessary set of elements, for example: Pantovigar, Complivit, Aevit, Perfectil. All of these drugs are powerful multivitamins. Treatment of dandruff will be successful only with the combined use of vitamins, tablets and medicated shampoos.

Video: what helps with dandruff

Dandruff is a familiar hair problem to many. To eliminate it, complex treatment will be required, it involves drug therapy and a strict diet. The choice of medicines is huge. Shampoos, ointments, aerosols for external use, as well as anti-dandruff tablets for internal use. How effective are pills against the disease, the subtleties of such treatment and a review of popular drugs are relevant and important questions for both women and men.

How do pills work on the problem?

Most people are of the opinion that skin diseases should be treated exclusively with ointments, creams, shampoos - in a word, with external use. This judgment is not entirely correct. Tablets can also be prescribed to treat the disease.

Dandruff in the hair appears for various reasons: malfunction of the sebaceous glands, damage by bacteria, infections or fungi, stress, metabolic disorders in the body, diseases of internal organs, etc. In order to 100% defeat the disease and prevent its manifestation in the future, an integrated approach to treatment will be required. It involves the use of medications (external or internal), a review of nutrition and hair care.

The choice of the form of the drug is made based on the cause of dandruff, the degree of the problem and the desired effect:

  1. If you need to wash off the sebaceous secretions, dry the scalp and actively influence pathogenic microorganisms, then use special masks, lotions, shampoos, and ointments.
  2. If it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of epidermal cells, normalize metabolic processes, slow down the activity of harmful bacteria and fungi and speed up the healing process, it is better to use tablets for scalp dandruff.

In most cases, tablets for dandruff on the head are prescribed simultaneously with medicated shampoo in order to enhance the effect of the main drug and save the patient from the risk of recurrence of the problem. The manufacturer of the drugs must be the same.

Important point! Only a doctor can prescribe medications for oral use. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

Benefits of use

There are several groups of medications against dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. They differ slightly in their operating principle and provide the following effect:

  1. Antifungal. Promotes the death of fungus and pathogenic microorganisms. In the composition you will find ketaconazole, sulfur, selenium disulfide, climasol or birch tar as the main active ingredients. These tablets are used for seborrheic dermatitis and various types of fungal skin infections.
  2. Drugs that slow down the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, creating an unfavorable environment for them. The active substance in this case is zinc. The products have a fungicidal and antiseptic effect. As a result of their use, peeling of the integument and hair loss are reduced.
  3. Exfoliating products. They are prescribed if it is necessary to speed up the peeling of the integument and reduce the amount of dandruff.
  4. Tablets for dandruff on the head with a general strengthening, restorative effect. They improve the immune system of skin cells, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, narrow pores, and reduce irritation of the skin. Such changes prevent the activity of the fungus.

Before using medications, you should visit a doctor; do not rely only on user reviews and TV advertisements. Having studied the cause of dandruff and the degree of complexity of the disease, he will prescribe appropriate treatment. Remember, the effectiveness of therapy and the speed of recovery depend on how correctly the drug is chosen.

Advantages and disadvantages

Anti-dandruff tablets have their advantages:

  1. taking them takes much less time, unlike ointments and shampoos, and does not require washing your hair;
  2. can be used orally and externally by grinding them into powder;
  3. promote quick relief from the disease;
  4. strengthen the immunity of skin cells from the inside;
  5. affordable price.

Disadvantages of treating dandruff and seborrhea with tablets:

  1. the product is mainly prescribed in combination with shampoo, ointments, lotion;
  2. they must be applied strictly according to the regime, without omissions;
  3. prescribed by a doctor individually, depending on the disease and its complexity;
  4. has contraindications and side effects.


Tablets for seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis and a number of skin diseases cannot be used by everyone. Contraindications include:

  1. individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  2. renal and liver failure;
  3. meningitis;
  4. taking certain medications. Their combination will result in protracted treatment, side effects and is dangerous to the patient’s health;
  5. during breastfeeding;
  6. children under 3 years old.

Taking the drug is not recommended during pregnancy; the risks of negative effects on the fetus have largely not been studied. It is used if the benefits of using the drug outweigh the possible threat to the baby.

Important! Carefully study the instructions for use of the drug; some changes in contraindications are possible. If necessary, check with your doctor for specific, individual points.

Review of drugs

When choosing a drug, a number of factors are taken into account: the cause and extent of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient and his state of health. Let's take a closer look at the most popular pills for seborrhea.


The product is used for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. The active substance is ketaconazole. The drug guarantees a reduction in the symptoms of the disease after several uses and a speedy recovery, leading to the death of the causative agents of the disease.

Nizoral capsules are prescribed when external use cannot be carried out due to the extensiveness of the affected areas or if previous treatment has not produced significant results. Sold only in pharmacies, dispensed with a doctor's prescription.

Take 1 time per day with meals, a single dose should not exceed 200 mg of the drug (1 capsule). Treatment lasts 1–2 months, depending on the dynamics of recovery. For preventive purposes, the drug is taken once.

The drug may affect the patient’s condition, so take it strictly as recommended by a specialist. Nizoral tablets have a large list of contraindications, including use with certain medications and for children under 3 years of age.

The cost of a package (30 tablets) is approximately 1,730 rubles.

Attention! Only continuous treatment can guarantee complete elimination of the causative agent of the disease. If a dose is missed, there is no need to double the dose at the next dose.


An active antifungal agent, a more affordable analogue of Nizoral. 1 tablet contains 200 g of active substance (ketoconazole). Take 1-2 tablets orally during meals, 1 time per day.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance. It has a number of limitations in combination with other drugs. Possible side effects.

Ketoconazole tablets are available with a doctor's prescription. Cost per package (10 tablets) - from 105 rubles.


A well-known antifungal antibiotic. Prescribed for treatment and prevention, for external use. The active substance is nystatin.

Application against dandruff: Grind 2 tablets of Nystatin into powder and dissolve in 1 glass of warm water. Rub the prepared mixture into the scalp, previously washed and dried. Does not require rinsing.

Please note that dandruff may increase after the first use. The fact is that the drug accelerates the exfoliation of damaged tissue. If subsequent procedures do not reduce the amount of dandruff, consult your doctor to prescribe another remedy.

The cost of Nystatin is 150 rubles. Dispensed by prescription.

Vitamins for seborrhea

The cause of many skin diseases is a weakened immune system and a deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body. You can replenish them with a healthy diet and vitamin supplements in tablet form.

What vitamins should you take care of first?to speed up the treatment of seborrhea on the head?

  1. A (retinol). Responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthens hair follicles. Large amounts of retinol are found in butter, pork liver, eggs, and fish oil.
  2. B1 (thiamine) and B12 (cyanocobalamin). They improve the supply of oxygen to the cells of the epidermis and the condition of the scalp in general, and promote the rapid absorption of nutritional components from medicated shampoos and balms. Sold in liquid form at the pharmacy. Add 2 drops to your shampoo every time you wash your hair to increase their content.
  3. B2 (riboflavin). Improves the structure of nails and hair. If there is a shortage of it, it is recommended to eat more cottage cheese, liver, and eggs.
  4. B3, PP (nicotinic acid) normalize blood circulation, prevent fluid loss, affect the color of curls. Their lack provokes dryness, irritability of the skin, and leads to the appearance of gray hair.
  5. B5 (pantothenic acid) participates in skin renewal. Vitamin deficiency affects the regenerative properties of the skin. The drug can be bought at the pharmacy in liquid form. Add to cosmetic products and rub into skin.
  6. B6 (pyridoxine). Participates in the metabolic process of fats; its deficiency leads to the appearance of dandruff, the development of dermatitis, and diathesis. The substance is found in large quantities in buckwheat, soy, liver and red pepper.
  7. B8 (inositol). If there is not enough vitamin, dry skin appears, hair becomes dull, brittle, and split ends appear. Contained in oranges, cabbage, grain products.
  8. B9 (folic acid). Promotes the synthesis of new skin cells. Found in rye flour, pumpkin, beans, avocado, and dairy products.
  9. Vitamin D Prevents peeling of the skin, enhances the absorption of calcium, an essential element for healthy hair. The easiest and cheapest way to make up for its deficiency is sunbathing. Solar ultraviolet radiation provokes its production in the human body. In winter, you can use the appropriate drug.
  10. N (biotin). A lack of vitamin can cause the development of seborrhea, hair loss and brittleness. It is recommended to be taken in combination with vitamins B9, B5 and B12, which significantly improve the structure of the hair and the condition of the scalp.
  11. E (tocopherol). Nourishes and strengthens curls. It goes well with vitamin A. To replenish them, buy the drug “Aevit” at the pharmacy.
  12. C (ascorbic acid). This is a powerful antioxidant, blocks the action of free radicals and prevents aging and dry scalp.
  13. Anticholesterol vitamin F. Reflects the negative impact of external factors on the condition of the scalp and hair quality.

Important! Some vitamins cannot be combined with each other. Therefore, it is recommended to use ready-made vitamin complexes or consult a specialist on this issue.

Antifungal tablets and vitamin supplements are only part of the impact on the problem. To completely get rid of seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis and similar skin diseases, the use of ointments, shampoos, and lotions is required. Sebazole, Ketoconazole, Nizoral, 911 - there are many options. But do not forget to consult a doctor before use to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct, effective treatment.

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Treatment of dry and oily seborrhea (dandruff) with tablets, creams and ointments.

Beautiful hair and a clean scalp are a sign of health for any person. But unfortunately, for a number of reasons, not all of us can boast of perfect hair. Today I would like to raise the question of how to get rid of dandruff.

Traditional medicine helps some, some are saved by pharmaceutical products, and for others, cosmetic shampoo will be enough. In this article I will introduce you to different methods. The main thing is not to let the problem get worse, because if the situation starts to worsen, it can lead to complete baldness.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is light flakes of skin that begin to flake off a little earlier than necessary. To call this only a cosmetic problem will not be entirely accurate, because it can be caused by a dermatological disease - seborrhea.

You shouldn’t get depressed, because according to statistics, every fifth person on our planet suffers from this disease, and most importantly, no one has died yet. In fact, dandruff occurs not only on the head, but even in the ears, eyebrows, back and chest. So maybe you're still in luck.

What is going on there that causes dandruff to appear, or as it is also called “snowfall”? For the faint of heart, do not read. Fungi of the species Malassezia and Pityrosporum live happily on the head of every person. When a person is healthy, they do not bother you at all.

But as soon as changes begin to occur in the scalp caused by physiological processes, these microorganisms begin to multiply and multiply. The number of fatty acids on the skin increases, which leads to irritation, flaking, itching and, ultimately, dandruff.

In severe cases, many crusts and ulcers appear on the head, and hair inexorably falls out. Hiring the help of a specialist is the best option. My friend suffered from dandruff for 1.5 years, and finally turned to a dermatologist, and the result exceeded all her expectations.

Provoking factors

The occurrence of dandruff is influenced by changes occurring in the human body. So, it can be called:

  1. heredity, genetics;
  2. changes in hormonal levels;
  3. decreased immunity;
  4. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  6. improper care;
  7. stress and depression;
  8. junk food;
  9. lack of vitamins;
  10. skin diseases;
  11. temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation;
  12. changing water and moving;
  13. smoking and alcohol;
  14. metabolic rate disturbance.

Each of these reasons can become a factor causing dandruff. Therefore, in order to prevent it, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, avoid serious illnesses, and monitor your health.

What kind of dandruff can it be?

There are 2 main types of dandruff. This:

It is caused by malfunctions of the sebaceous glands. It is characterized by dry scalp, increased sensitivity, itching, tightness, hair loss, and the appearance of reddish spots. The dandruff itself is not oily, but looks like scales that fall off very easily.

Occurs when there is excess sebaceous secretion. In turn, it is also divided into thick and liquid. In the first case, dandruff is very dense, the skin and hair are rough, hard, pustules appear, and clogged pores. In the second - large flakes of dandruff, a large amount of fat, strands stick together during the day, and crusts are observed.

In this regard, dandruff treatment should be carried out based on its type. Let's now leave theory and move on to practice.

Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies

If you want to try to get rid of “snowfall” on your head at home, then alternative medicine methods will come to the rescue.

First, you should introduce scrubs and peels into your hair care routine. If the scalp is dry, then it is enough to do it once every 14 days; if, on the contrary, it is oily, then once every 7 days. They perfectly cleanse the surface of the head, improve blood circulation and increase hair growth.

The most famous of them are with the addition of coffee, salt and sugar. These components have an excellent exfoliating effect. Baking soda will also work in this case. I suggest you find out the recipe for this scrub below.

Prepare and use!

Mix the 2 ingredients and distribute over the scalp, massage a little, wait 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Nothing complicated, right?

For fatty

This type of dandruff is the most common. Therefore, there are many folk ways to combat this fungus. Meet!

  1. tincture of calendula in alcohol.

Rub this tincture into the scalp, warm it, and leave for 30 minutes. We wash it off.

Let's do it and apply it!

Mix the two components and rub into the scalp, warm it, leave for half an hour, rinse with shampoo.

Let's do it and apply it!

Combine the two ingredients and rub the mixture into the scalp. We wait half an hour. We wash it off.

Let's do it and apply it!

We make an onion tincture by boiling the peel for 5 minutes in water. Cool and strain. We rinse our hair with this decoction after washing. Not suitable for gray hair.

Let's do it and apply it!

Mix the two components, apply to the scalp for 60 minutes, and insulate. Then wash off using shampoo.

For dry

To treat this type of dandruff, we will use slightly different components.

  1. chicken yolks (2 pcs.);
  2. lemon juice (2 tbsp);
  3. burdock oil (1 tsp).

Let's do it and apply it!

Whisk all the ingredients together. Rub it into the scalp, insulate it, wait 1 hour. Wash off with shampoo.

  1. mayonnaise (1 tbsp);
  2. honey (2 tsp);
  3. yolk (1 pc.);
  4. sunflower oil (2 tsp);
  5. aloe juice (1 tsp).

Let's do it and apply it!

Mix and distribute the finished mixture over the scalp, leave for 20 minutes. Remove with shampoo.

  1. fresh nettle leaves (1 tbsp);
  2. water (100 ml.);
  3. vodka (50 ml.);
  4. yolk (1 pc.);
  5. olive oil (50 ml.).

Let's do it and apply it!

Pour boiling water over the nettle. Let it sit for 20 minutes. We filter. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Rub the mixture into the scalp. Leave for a third of an hour. We wash the head with acidified water.

  1. carrot tops (3 tbsp);
  2. water (400 ml.);
  3. mint (1 tbsp);
  4. lemon juice (1 tbsp).

Let's do it and apply it!

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the tops and mint and let steep for 20 minutes. We filter. We wet a cotton swab and wipe the scalp with this liquid. Add the remaining ingredients to the remaining broth. Wet your hair with it and let it dry.

  1. cinchona peel (2 tsp);
  2. castor oil (1 tsp);
  3. EM pink (3 k.);
  4. calendula (1 tbsp);
  5. water (100 g).

Let's do it and apply it!

Pour half a glass of boiling water over the calendula, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Combine the cinchona peel with oils and add the prepared decoction. Rub into scalp. We insulate. Wait 1 hour and wash off.

Essential oils and herbs

These natural remedies should not be ignored either. The best essential oils to fight dandruff:

They cannot be used in their pure form; they are the best option for a mask.

Effective herbs against snowfall:

They must be used as follows: per glass of boiling water - 1 tbsp. raw materials.

Salon methods in the fight against dandruff

As an addition to folk remedies or pharmacy medications, the doctor may recommend procedures such as:

  1. Cryomassage - it uses ice or liquid nitrogen, suitable for oily type of dandruff.
  2. Darsonvalization - thanks to the current, blood supply improves and the sebaceous ducts are cleaned, also for oily dandruff.
  3. Mesotherapy - using injections, the master injects a special composition under the scalp.

All of these methods may not be cheap. But for example, you can buy darsonval yourself and use it at home.

Shampoos and other products

There are two types of shampoos: medicinal and cosmetic. The first of them can be purchased at the pharmacy; they are usually prescribed by a doctor and used strictly according to the instructions, since some of them can damage the hair structure, despite the fact that they have a positive effect on the scalp.

The second ones are suitable if the problem with dandruff is not so acute. There are no ulcers, large crusts. Perhaps it appeared due to a change in climate, skincare products, the use of homemade masks, etc.


In fact, there are quite a lot of such shampoos. These products effectively suppress fungus, eliminate itching and flaking, fight skin diseases of the head, clean well and eliminate dandruff.

Next, I will list the most famous of them, which are sold in pharmacies.

  1. Tar 911;
  2. Nizoral;
  3. Sebozol;
  4. Dermazol;
  5. Sulsena;
  6. Seborin;
  7. Keto plus;
  8. Mycozoral;
  9. Friderm plus;
  10. Squanorm;
  11. Algopix.

These shampoos contain zinc, selenium, tar, sulfur, and salicylic acid. All these substances are aimed at combating fungus.

In addition to them, there are other pharmaceutical products. This:

  1. Sulfuric ointment;
  2. Aerosol Skin-up;
  3. Urelia Isis Pharma;
  4. Biffon.


Based on numerous positive reviews, I have prepared a small selection of such products for you.

  1. Products from the French company Vichy Dercos.

She has 3 types of anti-dandruff shampoos:

  1. For sensitive scalp (piroctone olamine);
  2. Regulating for oily hair (selenium disulfide, cohesyl);
  3. For dry scalp (selenium DS, ceramide P, salicylic acid, vitamin E).

You can learn more about the products and reviews on them on the official website

Antiseborrheic conditioner from the Korean brand Lombok called Mastic A3.

Contains plant extracts, keratin and polymer. Apply to the scalp and wash off after the specified time. It actively fights not only dandruff, but also cares for hair, soothes the scalp, and has an antibacterial and strengthening effect.

Shampoo from the Korean brand KeraSys called Hanaro Plus Anti-Dandruff Care.

It contains bamboo, vitamins, arnica and sage. Strengthens strands, nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, eliminates and prevents dandruff, reduces oiliness, and relieves irritation.

You can familiarize yourself with the last two tools by clicking on the link with the name.

Nutrition tips

Scientists have found that the food we eat can also influence the appearance of dandruff. Thus, it can be provoked by excess consumption:

But if you include the following products in your diet, this will serve as an excellent prevention of dandruff. Among them:

This concludes the article. I really hope that the information in it was useful to you. Never despair. At your service are modern medicine and cosmetics, as well as folk remedies. If you are unable to get rid of dandruff on your own, then do not waste time, consult a doctor.