How to treat peeling skin on the face

The appearance of rough or very dry areas on the epidermis is a common problem for modern girls. Peeling skin on the face can be a sign of a serious illness or at least a signal of vitamin deficiency.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of peeling skin on the face can be very different. In the autumn-winter period, vitamin deficiency is very common; due to vitamin deficiencies, the body begins to “save” nutrients, and the epidermis does not receive them. A possible cause may be allergies. Diathesis causes itching, peeling, and redness in certain areas of the face.

Depending on your immunity, this may be one of the manifestations of a cold. In addition, do not forget about skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema and even lichen. Very often the skin begins to peel off during pregnancy. This occurs due to a radical restructuring of the body, an increase in some hormones and a decrease in the production of others.

Peeling skin on the face

Why does peeling occur?:

  1. Using low-quality cosmetics. As a result, allergies, dermatitis, rashes;
  2. Skin diseases;
  3. Vitamins are delivered to the layers of the epidermis in the missing quantities;
  4. External factors: in the summer, the skin was dried out by the sun's rays while tanning, you wash your face with hard water, and do not lubricate your face with moisturizing cream.

Peeling and dryness are not a disease, but a way for the body to express and protest that it lacks something (care, vitamins). Severe peeling of the skin on the face almost always accompanies redness. This sign appears due to the fact that certain areas of the face are inflamed, the epidermis is trying to regenerate them, but due to dryness this process is impossible.

Often, when peeling, itching appears (the skin on the face tries to cleanse itself of dead cells), dryness (especially in sensitive areas between the eyebrows and on the nose), keratinization of the upper layers of the epidermis (protective reaction).
Video: combating dry skin


This process is an inflammation of dry tissue. To combat this problem, a comprehensive approach is needed. All treatment consists of two steps:

To eliminate any dermatitis, you also need to find the cause of its occurrence. If you think that the reasons described above are the main ones for the appearance of peeling, then try to reduce the influence of irritants as much as possible. Start taking vitamins right away. These can be complexes like Aevit or Vitrum, or individual substances, for example, E in drops or B externally.

Be sure to reduce the amount of junk food and drinks. You need to forget about instant coffee and fatty foods. Be as careful as possible with artificial seasonings and especially fast food. Drink at least 1.5 liters of ordinary clean water per day.

Scrubbing products

The first step to treating peeling facial skin is to do scrubbing. Depending on the type of your epidermis, you need to choose the most suitable option:

  1. For oily skin, a product based on sugar and olive oil is very effective. The fact is that the problematic epidermis is considered rougher than dry, so it can be affected by harsh abrasive substances. Add half a spoonful of heated olive oil to a spoonful of sugar and massage your face with the mixture for 5 minutes. After washing, apply a moisturizing or soothing cream if necessary; Photo – Face scrubbing
  2. Dry skin particles on normal skin can be removed using an oatmeal scrub. To do this, combine half a spoon of milk with a spoon of oatmeal. Smear the mixture over your face in a circular motion and rub it for 3-5 minutes;
  3. Dry skin is the most difficult to scrub. This requires a very gentle but effective remedy. For example, scrub with fruit acids. Excellent reviews about cleaning with strawberries or grapes. You need to crush the berries and apply their paste to problem areas. Wash off after 5 minutes. Be careful if you are allergic to the main components of the scrub. If you have a bad reaction to citrus fruits, then masks with strawberries may even develop Quincke's edema.

You can choose your own remedy for peeling skin on the face only through testing, because homemade recipes are always chosen individually. At home, a salt scrub will help you quickly get rid of dry, sticky skin. You need to combine a bed of fine sea salt with any essential oil and scrub your face for 3 minutes. A burning sensation may be observed on the sensitive epidermis. Remember, the rougher the skin, the more salt particles you need to pick up.

Clay will help remove rashes and thickening of problematic, flaky areas. For young problem skin, it is recommended to choose blue, for dry skin - pink, for cleansing and rejuvenation - green and black, to scrub the normal epidermis - white is useful. This unique natural mineral will help relieve irritation and remove flaking in any areas: ears, between the eyebrows, on the nose. In addition, professional dermatology does not allow moles to be treated at home, i.e. they cannot be massaged with harsh abrasive substances. Clay can gently eliminate inflammation in even the most sensitive areas (moles, eyelids). In addition, it prevents peeling not only on the skin of the face, but also on the head, provides treatment for dandruff, and helps remove pimples and blackheads.

Moisturizing masks

After keratinization is prevented by peelings, you need to begin actively moisturizing the skin. The fact is that our face suffers the most in winter and spring-summer. During the first months of autumn, the skin copes well with external factors: it is full of vitamins and strength.

Photo - Anti-peeling mask

Peach oil will help provide deep hydration. This ether can eliminate peeling on the eyelids, as it is completely safe for the eyes. You just need to apply it undiluted to your face every evening.

Useful folk masks:

  1. 1 ripe banana with a spoon of olive oil. Keep for 10-15 minutes.
  2. 1 tablespoon each of cottage cheese, sugar, milk and olive oil. Apply for 5 minutes.
  3. A mask with grated carrots, oatmeal and milk - eases irritation and reduces peeling.
  4. If you begin to peel and your skin quickly turns red, a glycerin mask or face cream based on this substance will help. Glycerin moisturizes even the deep layers of the epidermis, due to which it not only provides effective treatment, but also helps prevent the further appearance of keratinization.

Bepanten or Panthenol will help quickly remove dermatitis - just a couple of applications is enough. If you don’t have this product on hand, you can make your own natural ointment from aloe vera juice and olive oil.

Sometimes red spots and peeling appear on the wings of the nose; such focal inflammation indicates a lack of vitamins and fatty acids in the body. To solve the problem, simply apply a solution of olive oil, vitamin E or B to the problem areas. The redness will go away immediately, and you will no longer feel tightness.

How to get rid of severe peeling

Self-care tips:

  1. Don't try to disguise the peeling, you will only make it worse. Foundations can dry out the skin, and medicinal ointments containing retinol can even promote inflammation;
  2. On the affected areas, the scrub can be done twice a week, but at the same time masks at least 3 times. It’s better to choose a product for daily use;
  3. If after surgery (for example, aesthetic cosmetology), you experience peeling, then immediately go to the doctor. Itching, redness, keratinization of the upper layers are the first signs of future edema;
  4. Peeling often occurs in complex diseases, say, ichthyosis or xenoderma. As soon as you notice red scales, itching and pain in certain areas of the skin, go to the hospital, do not self-medicate;
  5. If your skin is peeling, do not go outside without applying cream, always remove makeup at night and limit the use of foundation on your face (the only exceptions are those that contain natural ingredients).

Facial peeling is a seemingly harmless, but rather unpleasant problem that can occur at any age, in men and women. Most often this is caused by external influences, but sometimes peeling of the skin indicates a dermatological pathology. In such cases, you should clearly understand why the skin on your face is peeling, what to do, and in what cases you need to see a doctor.

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Why does the skin on my face peel?

Peeling of the skin on the face is a process of accelerated exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin, or rather, its dead cells. A flaky face looks unsightly, and an attempt to hide the flaking with the help of foundation only focuses attention on the problem. The fight begins with finding out the reason that led to peeling of the facial skin:

Dry skin type is often caused by genetic factors. Dry skin is characterized by increased sensitivity: even the slightest irritation leads to rapid peeling.

In such cases, care procedures should be carefully selected, and cosmetics should not contain alcohol or other aggressive components. Often, dry skin is caused by insufficient fluid intake and exhausting mono-diets, which lead to vitamin deficiency.

  1. Weather

In winter, the skin on the face peels due to exposure to low temperatures and strong winds. An important factor that greatly dries out the air in the room and, as a result, the skin, is the constantly turned on air conditioner. In this case, peeling is temporary and disappears on its own when provoking factors are eliminated and moisturizers are added to skin care. However, cold sensitization should not be ruled out. An allergy to cold requires a thorough examination by an allergist and comprehensive treatment.

Peeling of the skin often occurs in the summer during the holiday season. Excessive exposure to the sun, swimming in the sea (salt water dries out the skin greatly) can provoke a reaction on the face and ruin the impression of your vacation.

  1. Improper skin care

Peeling of the face occurs after salon peeling, and the intensity of the rejection of the skin layers depends on the concentration of acid in the peeling agent and the depth of exposure. The cosmetologist stipulates the duration and intensity of the reaction before the procedure so that peeling of the skin does not become a sudden unpleasant surprise for the patient.

At home, women often abuse scrubs and peels. Even using regular soap to wash sensitive skin and rubbing the skin too hard can cause your face to peel. Often, a peeling reaction occurs when using cosmetics containing alcohol (ethyl, salicylic) and lanolin, as well as when using expired or low-quality skin care products.

Please note: glycerin provides temporary moisturizing, but long-term use in creams causes the skin to dry out.

Poor quality care affects not only the more delicate facial skin of women, this often also applies to men. Most often, the skin on the face of men peels due to the use of regular soap while shaving. The combination of irritation from the razor and aggressive detergent substances leads to itching and the appearance of small flaky scales.

The skin on the face is peeling photo 2

  1. Skin diseases

Limited areas of peeling often indicate a dermatological disease. In case of skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea - peeling of the skin is often accompanied by severe itching and redness.

An allergic reaction should not be ruled out; in such cases, not only cosmetics and other external products, but also food products and medications (both for external use and long-term ingestion) can act as a sensitizer. With allergies, the skin on the face peels and turns red, and papules (nodules) and vesicles (bubbles with liquid) often appear.

Skin allergies are especially common in children: weak protective function of the skin, an immature immune system and insufficiently developed digestion can provoke a sensitization reaction even with the slightest exposure to an allergen.

Skin is peeling - what to do first?

Correction of skin care often helps to cope with peeling, since most often this condition is caused by external irritation. For peeling skin should be excluded following:

  1. Washing with soap.
  2. Rubbing your face with a towel.
  3. Alcohol-containing skincare products and expired cosmetics.
  4. Stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time.

The skin on the face is peeling - what to do and how to avoid the problem? Simple rules will help not only cope with peeling skin caused by external irritation, but also prevent its reappearance:

  1. Washing with special gels, or at least neutral soap with moisturizing ingredients in the composition.
  2. Dry your face after washing with a soft towel or napkin using blotting movements.
  3. Regular use of moisturizing creams or toners. For dry skin, fatty creams are perfect (the simplest products are baby cream, Vaseline), the fat base prevents the evaporation of moisture. For oily skin, you should choose water-based moisturizers to avoid acne and other skin problems.
  4. Use a scrub or peeling for dry skin no more than once a month. If oily skin on the face is peeling, these procedures are recommended once a week. After the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer.
  5. Inspection of cosmetics: remove all products that contain alcohol (ethyl, salicylic) and lanolin.
  6. Regular ventilation of the room and humidification of the air, especially during the heating season.
  7. Correction of the drinking regime, inclusion of more fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  8. When outdoors, you should use a scarf in winter and a hat in summer (to cover your face from direct sunlight).

What should men do?If the skin on your face is peeling? The most important thing is to change the product you use when shaving. Modern cosmetology offers a huge selection of shaving foams and aftershave lotions that do not interfere with its water balance and protective functions. Typically, such products are labeled for dry skin or sensitive skin.

When is it time to go to the doctor?

red spots on the face flake and itch photo

The risk that peeling skin is caused by some disease cannot be ruled out. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. Peeling lasting more than 2 weeks, subject to all rules of adequate skin care;
  2. Sudden, severe peeling of the skin;
  3. If the skin on the face peels, turns red, or red spots appear, itches;
  4. Purulent elements appeared, indicating an infection;
  5. Peeling and itching of the skin in young children affects their condition (they are capricious, sleep poorly, and sometimes there is a slight rise in temperature).

Treatment of peeling on the face - drugs and effective procedures

The key to effectively eliminating peeling facial skin is identifying the cause of the condition. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Bepanten and Panthenol are excellent products for eliminating irritation and preventing skin infections. Quickly heal microdamages of the skin.
  2. Antihistamine tablets (Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Zyrtec) - their use is advisable only for allergic peeling of the skin. For adults, 3rd generation drugs are recommended - Telfast, Gismanal (do not cause drowsiness).
  3. Ointment with hydrocortisone - perfectly eliminates peeling. However, the corticosteroid hormone contained in it limits the duration of use. Although hydrocortisone is practically not absorbed through the skin, this ointment should be used for no more than 14 days. General recommendation: hormonal agents are used only if there is no effect when using other creams and ointments.
  4. Antibacterial, antifungal ointments - used for peeling caused by skin infection, used only when prescribed by a doctor.

To eliminate flaking of the skin on the face at home, recipes with honey (washing with water with the addition of honey), masks with olive oil and vegetables (carrots, raw potatoes), cleansing the skin with oatmeal (crushed oatmeal is used as a soft scrub instead of morning washing with soap) are excellent. .

Peeling skin can be easily eliminated in beauty salons using modern skin care procedures:

  1. Peeling is the removal of the flaky layer of skin using acidic preparations. The peeling agent (fruit acids, lactic, salicylic or trichloroacetic acid), its concentration and frequency of the procedure depend on the skin type and the severity of the problem.
  2. Mesotherapy is intradermal injections of complex preparations, which include vitamins, microelements and hyaluronic acid. In this case, the moisturizing effect is achieved quickly and lasts for a long time.
  3. Biorevitalization - the effectiveness of this procedure is based on the moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid. Injections not only provide hydration, but also significantly improve the overall appearance of the skin, evening out its tone and eliminating age-related changes (wrinkles).

The choice of a method for eliminating / treating facial peeling and prescribing certain medications, especially hormonal ones, is the prerogative of a dermatologist-cosmetologist. Only eliminating the causative factor will avoid the appearance of areas of peeling in the future.

Every woman has experienced peeling skin on her face, which most often occurs during cold periods of the year. It is very difficult to disguise such a defect, since the epidermis is constantly susceptible to external factors. You will learn from this article how to determine the cause of its appearance, choose the best method of cosmetic or home treatment, and what needs to be taken into account.

What information will you find out:

Possible causes of peeling

The main causes of peeling skin are cold weather and lack of nourishing and moisturizing products.

The skin is the organ that first sends signals about problems or malfunctions in the body. Provocateurs for the development of peeling of the epidermis can be both external and internal factors. The main reasons for the appearance of such a defect are:

  1. cold weather with wind and frost, which contributes to the formation of dry skin without the use of protective creams;
  2. using soap and regular hard tap water (especially cold) for washing;
  3. lack of moisturizing and nourishing care products that maintain the required level of moisture and lipids in the skin surface;
  4. constant and prolonged exposure of the skin to dry, hot air, for example during the heating season;
  5. regular exposure to direct sunlight, visiting a solarium;
  6. use of low-quality care and decorative cosmetics with a high content of alcohols and propylene glycol;
  7. frequent scrubbing or peeling of the skin;
  8. unbalanced diet;
  9. vitamin deficiencies;
  10. alcohol and smoking abuse;
  11. insufficient fluid intake into the body;
  12. allergic reactions of the epidermis;
  13. dermatological diseases (eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, lichen and others);
  14. weakened immune defense;
  15. insufficient oxygen supply to the cells, for example, in the absence of daily walks in the fresh air;
  16. excessive consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, coffee, sweets;
  17. the presence of spicy, salty and pickled foods in the daily diet;
  18. chronic inflammatory or infectious processes occurring in internal organs.

If, along with peeling, itching and signs of inflammation appear on your skin, you must definitely consult a dermatologist and not self-medicate, so as not to miss precious time to successfully and quickly combat the developing disease!

Salon treatments

For those who don’t want to wait, make and regularly use homemade masks, cosmetologists offer a choice of the following techniques:

  1. mesotherapy, based on the injection of special cocktails that quickly replenish the deficiency of moisture and vitamins in the skin tissue, thereby eliminating the dryness of the epidermis;
  2. biorevitalization (injection or hardware), which consists in the use of compositions based on hyaluronic acid, instantly moisturizing, smoothing, increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  3. a mechanical or chemical type of peeling, when the old keratinized and dead epithelial layer is completely removed, and a renewed, young epidermis is formed in their place. The new skin tissue will be moisturized and free from dryness due to the activation of the synthesis of its own hyaluronic acid and important connective tissue fibers (collagen and elastin).

The duration of treatment using such methods is determined by the cosmetologist for each patient individually in the absence of serious diseases, and also taking into account the degree of dryness of the epidermis.

Moisturizing compositions against flaking skin

The proposed products require approval from a dermatologist or cosmetologist and are for informational purposes only.

A product called Panthenol serves to protect and restore (regenerate) the skin from burns, scratches, wounds, inflammation, and allergic reactions. It is applied in an even layer to clean facial skin, taking into account the direction of the massage lines and wait until completely absorbed. Application should be regular - at least 2 times a day.

Hydrocortisone is a fairly effective remedy, however, it is a hormonal drug that requires prior consultation with a dermatologist.

A cream called Bepanten contains the above-mentioned Panthenol as the main substance, as well as other anti-inflammatory and moisturizing components that eliminate dryness and irritation of the skin surface.

Restorative creams must be applied not only to flaky areas of the skin.

Recipes for effective homemade masks

If you know that the peeling on your face is caused not by internal, but by external irritants, try making the following masks at home. Do not forget that they are applied only to clean skin and require a test for an allergic reaction!

With honey

You will need to mix natural liquid honey (2 tablespoons) with 2 quail egg yolks and olive oil (2 tablespoons). The resulting mass must be heated in a water bath until the composition is completely homogeneous and applied to flaky skin in several layers. After 20 minutes, you should wash with warm chamomile infusion or heated soft water (boiled or filtered).

With banana

The pulp of a ripe banana should be mashed (with a fork or in a blender), take 2 tablespoons of this mass, add a tablespoon of heavy cream and the same volume of olive oil. The composition must be mixed very thoroughly and applied to the face in a thick layer.

With cucumber and honey

Turn the raw cucumber pulp into a homogeneous pulp (grind on a fine grater or in a meat grinder), take 50 grams of this mass, mix it with 30 grams of liquid honey and 10 milliliters of almond oil. After mixing all the ingredients well, apply the mask to the skin in an even thick layer, cover with cling film or a paper napkin, leaving for at least 20 minutes.

With aloe

The juice and pulp of aloe are most effective when the leaves have been kept in a dark, cold place for at least 2 weeks. You can grind them in a blender to a paste and, using a cotton pad, apply this composition in layers, and if you have very dry skin, add heavy homemade cream in a 1:1 ratio.

With fish oil

To ½ part of the raw yolk, slightly beaten with a fork, add a tablespoon of liquid fish oil and add 2 drops (strictly!) of orange oil (essential). To thicken the mixture, you can add potato starch or oatmeal.

With cottage cheese

Grind homemade fatty cottage cheese through a fine sieve (you will need 3 tablespoons of the mixture), mix it with freshly squeezed carrot juice (a tablespoon), add a teaspoon of olive oil. The mass must be thoroughly mixed. It is applied to the face in a thick, even layer.

With flax seeds

Pour boiling water (3 tablespoons) of flaxseeds in the amount of 2 tablespoons, place in a water bath and keep until the mass thickens and becomes like jelly. Then remove it from the heat, cool, strain, and combine with a tablespoon of jojoba oil. The mass will have a liquid consistency, so it is convenient to apply it in layers using a cotton pad.

With yeast

Mash baker's yeast (1/2 part of a stick) with a fork, add 3 tablespoons of warm homemade cream, add a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, stir the mixture until smooth, let it stand in a warm place for a quarter of an hour and apply in a thick layer.

With gelatin

Pour a teaspoon of dry edible gelatin into 2 tablespoons of cream and leave overnight. In the morning, place the mixture in a water bath until the granules are completely dissolved, remove from heat, cool, add beaten raw yolk (preferably quail) and a teaspoon of cosmetic glycerin into the mixture. Before applying the mask to the skin, tuck your hair under a scarf and try not to get the composition on the eyebrow area. This mask is applied in 2 layers, left for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water or linden infusion.

With apricot

Turn the pulp, freed from the peel, into a paste (you will need 3 tablespoons), combine it with peach oil (a tablespoon) and add 2 drops of lavender oil (essential).

With potatoes

Mash the boiled potatoes without salt and peel with a fork, pour in hot milk and make a thick puree. Cool it, add raw quail yolk and a tablespoon of heavy cream. This mask is applied to the face while warm in a dense, even layer.

With regular care and use of the above recipes, your skin will become healthy, radiant and will definitely get rid of flaking.

Video: Peeling and dry facial skin