How to color for Halloween

If you've been invited to a Halloween party, it's time to think about your look. If you have already decided on a character, then you need to choose the appropriate costume, accessories and paraphernalia, and also take care of the hairstyle. But in order for the image to be complete and realistic, special attention should be paid to makeup or make-up. If you have no idea how to paint your face for Halloween, then a few valuable tips and ideas will help you make your choice.

Preparing the face

Makeup for a man, woman or child should always be applied only to a previously prepared face. Otherwise, you risk damaging your skin or even getting chemical burns. It is necessary to thoroughly degrease the upper layers of the skin; to do this, wash with regular soap, and then use any tonic containing alcohol. Then apply a thin layer of cream or makeup base, this will protect your face from the harmful and drying effects of cosmetics.

Makeup options for women

How to paint a woman's or girl's face for Halloween? Everything will depend on the image and complexity of the costume; we will consider the most popular options.

Gothic makeup

Classic gothic style makeup is suitable for the image of a witch, demoness, mistress of shadows or black widow. This Halloween face painting doesn't take much time and doesn't require any special skills.

  1. To begin with, the skin must be whitened using light powder, theatrical makeup or white shadows. You can use watercolors or gouache, but then the result will not be as realistic. You can make whitewash yourself; to do this, you need to mix a rich cream with white clay or loose dye and apply it to the skin with a wide brush.

Skeleton image

It is very difficult to make such an unusual face makeup for Halloween, but the result is worth the effort and time spent.

  1. First you need to draw the contours of the main bones of the skull. The places where the bones are supposed to be located are painted over with white, the voids are highlighted in black. The main elements of drawing are the eyes, nose, cheekbones and jaw. If your costume does not cover the neck and décolleté, you need to draw the cervical spine and upper chest.
  2. Start painting with the “voids”; for this use black and dark gray shadows. The intensity of the shade should decrease from the center to the edges.
  3. Paint the rest of the face white. Cover your lips completely. Using silver and light gray shadows, highlight the cheekbones and temporal lobes.
  4. The finishing touches. The lines of teeth and protruding bones need to be made very sharp and clear, for this you will need liquid eyeliner or a pencil.

Artistic images

It is not at all necessary to make a scary and frightening face with makeup for Halloween: the photos presented below are a clear confirmation of this. Your image can be mysterious, fatal and even romantic. With the help of theatrical makeup, you can turn your face into a real work of art.

When applying makeup, it is worth remembering that it must be in the same color scheme as the costume. Too rich a palette of colors can spoil the image and turn it into a carnival one.

Makeup options for men

If everything is clear with the fair sex, then how can the male half of the population paint their faces for Halloween? The stronger sex is much luckier in this regard, because their image can be truly terrifying, while girls still want to preserve a little femininity and beauty.

the walking Dead

Perhaps the most popular characters among guys are skeletons and zombies. However, the variations are very different; it could be a stylish skeleton guy or a real Horseman of Death. But the general essence of the makeup does not change, usually it is a white face and dark accents on some parts of the skull.

If you want to emphasize individuality and stand out from the gray mass, then for the makeup idea you can use the image of a character from your favorite movie or comic book. Particularly popular are heroes such as Edward Scissorhands or the Mad Hatter. Fans of the Batman films can use Joker or Harley-Joker makeup. But fans of Marvel comics are the luckiest, as they have hundreds of thousands of characters to choose from, from the Hulk to Spider-Man.

Don't forget about the youngest family members. Although children prefer to wear scary masks on their faces, you can choose a look for Halloween that doesn't require them at all. Therefore, interesting makeup will help complement the costume.

Makeup for girls

How to paint a girl's face for Halloween? This primarily depends on her age and costume. For a baby, for example, the image of Pumpkin will be very suitable.

  1. Take paint or theatrical makeup and draw the outline of a pumpkin on the child's face. It should cover the eyebrows, cheeks and top of the chin. Using different shades, create a smooth gradient from light yellow to bright orange. The color intensity intensifies from the center to the edges.
  2. Using brown paint, draw longitudinal curved lines. They will imitate pumpkin sectors.
  3. Using black eyeliner or gouache, apply triangular eyes and the carved mouth of the future holiday pumpkin.
  4. Complete the makeup with the stem and green leaves.

An older girl can dress up as a witch; for this she will need bright and beautiful makeup. Use different sparkles and rich colors. And to give the image a holiday spirit, draw a cobweb, bat wings or an imp’s tail. Well, if your daughter is not afraid to be funny, she will like the image of a real witch with a creepy green face.

Boys can choose many options for holiday makeup. Various animal characters are very popular. For example, a puppy, kitten or tiger cub. They are very easy to draw and look quite cute. For a more specific look, it is worth choosing individual makeup. If your son decided to be Count Dracula, then you should apply vampire makeup; if he chose a superhero costume, then the symbolism of Batman or Spider-Man will come in handy. And for the living dead, zombie or skeleton there are detailed photo instructions.

After the holiday, you need to properly remove makeup from your face. For this, it is better to use special milk, but if you don’t have it, you can get by with water and soap. To do this, wet your face with warm water and apply a little liquid soap to a cotton pad or sponge. Wait until the paint becomes soft and fluid, and remove it layer by layer with gentle movements. Do not rub your skin or smear makeup all over your face; harmful substances may get into your eyes. After washing, wipe your skin with an alcohol-containing toner and moisturize with a rich cream.

In order for the image created for the Halloween holiday to be complete, it is necessary not only to choose a costume and do a suitable hairstyle, but also to do makeup. To create some images, you don’t even need makeup, but rather complex makeup.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to contact a professional make-up artist or make-up artist, the result will be magnificent. But in most cases, you can cope on your own.

Quite often it is necessary to make a white face for Halloween, since the main characters of this holiday should be deathly pale. This type of makeup must be done if you are creating the image of a vampire, skeleton, geisha, ghost bride, etc. Let's look at how you can whiten your face at home.

Choice of colors

What kind of white Halloween face paint can you use? The main requirement for the paints used is that they are completely safe for the skin. You need to understand that by applying paint to the skin that is not intended for leather, a person is at great risk. The body’s reaction can be unpredictable, and it’s good if everything ends with the formation of a rash on the face. A more severe allergic reaction, including fatal anaphylactic shock, may also develop.

Therefore, when planning to do makeup using paints for the first time, do not be lazy to conduct a simple sensitivity test. You just need to apply a couple of strokes of paint to the skin of your wrist or elbow and wait a couple of hours. If after removing the paint there are no traces of redness on the skin, then you can use this product.

What means do you use to paint your face on Halloween? Here are the possible options:

  1. face painting;
  2. theatrical makeup;
  3. art paints: gouache, watercolor;
  4. Flour-based home remedies.

Let's look at how to properly use these paint options.

Face painting

These are special water-based paints that are harmless to skin. This version of paints can be used even for children. Face painting is sold either like ordinary art paints in jars, or in dry form. In the latter case, it must be diluted with water.

If you plan to use the paint once or twice a year, then it is better to choose the option with powdered paints, since such makeup lasts longer. Face painting is sold in children's stores, entertainment centers and stores selling theater products.

Apply the paint using a sponge to cleansed and moisturized skin. If you want to make your skin look deathly pale, you can add a little blue or green to the white paint. It is better to apply makeup in two or three layers, the next layer should be applied after the previous one has dried. But since the makeup dries quickly, the makeup won’t take much time.

The makeup is washed off with plain water; if paint accidentally gets on your clothes, don’t worry, it washes off easily.

Theatrical makeup

Another good option is professional makeup, which is used by theater actors. This paint option can be purchased either in specialized stores or ordered online.

Theatrical makeup is not water-based, but fat-based. Therefore, it is more difficult to work with, but the effect is much better.

Rules for working with makeup:

  1. It is recommended to cleanse the skin well first, preferably using a scrub or tonic;
  1. then you need to apply a makeup base or any cream, you can use baby cream or Vaseline;
  1. Make-up should be applied with a slightly damp sponge, trying to apply the product evenly without gaps or streaks;
  1. After applying makeup, the skin must be powdered with loose white or transparent powder; you can use talc or rice flour.

Artistic paints

You can also make white makeup for Halloween using artistic paints. You can use gouache or watercolors. But applying acrylic paints to your face is strictly not recommended.

However, the use of artistic paints does not give the best results. Gouache strongly tightens the skin, watercolor adheres worse and takes a long time to dry, and you have to apply the paint in several layers.

But the most unpleasant thing is that the layer of artistic paint on the face begins to crack after drying. Therefore, you will need to try to keep your face still (don’t talk, don’t use facial expressions, etc.), which is extremely inconvenient at a holiday.

However, for some looks, a cracked layer of paint on the face can even come in handy. For example, the image of a zombie or a broken doll will only benefit from this. But the image of a geisha will be greatly spoiled by cracked paint on the face. To make a more permanent makeup, you should mix white gouache with Vaseline. You need to mix the substances in small portions.

It is strictly forbidden to use artistic paints to apply makeup to a child. These products are absolutely not suitable for children's skin.

Home paints

You can do your Halloween makeup using homemade paints, which are easy to prepare at home using flour, starch and other products. To make such paint, you need to mix flour or starch with baby cream, for three spoons of dry product you need to take a teaspoon of cream and a little water. The finished product is applied to the skin with a sponge. It fits well, but has a drawback: after drying, the flour may begin to crumble.

Thus, you can do white face makeup in a variety of ways, but you must not forget about safety.

Witch, ghost, skeleton or clown – who will you be this Halloween? Find dozens of ideas for thematic makeup in our beauty dossier

takes 11 minutes to read

Text: Editorial staff of September 19, 2017

How to color for Halloween

Any holiday or party is an occasion to try on an unusual make-up look. But if, for example, New Year's or wedding makeup still has its own unspoken rules, then Halloween makeup can be anything: eccentric, frightening or absolutely crazy. On All Hallows' Eve, we all feel a little like children - and we shouldn't suppress this feeling. Be bolder! And we will tell you how to extract maximum practical benefits from this mood. By the way, you can find some useful tips in the video below.

How to make Halloween makeup at home?

When creating complex makeup for Halloween, they often resort to the help of professional makeup. But it’s not at all necessary to buy a dozen special pigments for one image, which will then gather dust on the shelves. You can create original makeup for Halloween using regular makeup products. Read more about which ones you will need in this section.

What do you need to create makeup for Halloween? 5 means

Mascara that will help create the effect of spider legs, long-lasting blood-red lipstick to imitate bruises and a black liner that draws “dark” details - products that are sure to be found in any cosmetic bag. What else could be useful for a Halloween themed make-up?

If you only use nude eyeshadows and only allow yourself textures with shimmer on holidays, it's time to reconsider your habits. This palette of bright pink, purple and yellow shadows will not only be useful for creating a remarkable Halloween look, but it may also encourage you to experiment with makeup in your everyday life. With its help you can create, for example, fashionable eye makeup in red or pink tones. By the way, a smokey eye palette will also come in handy - what would Halloween be without black eye shadow?

You will need it if you want to create a romantic, rather than scary, look for Halloween. Why not become a forest nymph, mermaid or fairy fairy for one night? Adding a little glitter to your look is the easiest way to make your makeup festive, so don’t put the jar away: New Year is just around the corner.

We don’t get tired of singing odes to this magical make-up product – and we won’t stop until the make-up base is in every cosmetic bag. Use primers for the face and eyelids so that your Halloween makeup is frightening in its authenticity, and not in the fact that it runs an hour after the party starts.

Dashingly raised “devilish” arrows, freckles like Pippi Longstocking - all this is painted with eyeliner, which can be found in most beauty brands (take a closer look at the versions from the YSL, NYX Professional Makeup and Maybelline collections). And this product will definitely not sit idle in your makeup bag when Halloween passes. In everyday life, you can use colored eyeliner to draw fashionable bright arrows for the eyelids.

Still haven't gotten yourself a set of good makeup brushes? A Halloween party is a great excuse to do that important task that you've been putting off for a long time. Explore our detailed beauty dossier on makeup brushes to create the perfect basic set for yourself.

5 Halloween Makeup Tips

Remember these simple makeup tricks that will come in handy when creating truly scary Halloween looks.

10 Easy and Simple Halloween Makeup Ideas

Before we start discussing the really difficult – and scary! – images, we suggest looking at a selection of make-up solutions that will help you create an interesting thematic make-up without extra effort.

Paint your lips with a thick foundation that is a tone lighter than your skin. Cut out a lip-shaped shape from thick paper, place it on your cheek and outline it with a permanent pencil. Fill in the empty space with long-lasting matte lipstick. Ready!

Bright shadows with strong shimmer, applied right up to the eyebrows, plus a juicy glossy lip gloss will make you the queen of the dance floor in no time.

One of the most fashionable trends of recent years is bright freckles, which can be “worn” not only in the sunny season: this beauty trick is also useful for Halloween. Apply a little loose glitter to your face, mark freckles with a pencil (we showed how to do this here) or instead of regular dots, draw hearts, as in the picture.

Barbie is the last thing on your mind when it comes to Halloween. But why not, for the sake of variety, try on the most doll-like look of all time? Paint your lips with bright pink glossy lipstick, apply purple eye shadow to your eyes and blend it into a haze (for example, like in this video). Draw a classic arrow with black eyeliner and thickly coat your eyelashes with mascara.

Under the lower eyelids, blend shadows with a bronze tint, and use them to highlight the inner corners of the eyes. Paint your lips with brick red lipstick, add a little golden glitter to them (to create a similar lip makeup, see our photo instructions). Cover your entire face generously with shining loose glitter, and set your makeup with a setting spray.

This ironic make-up look is accessible even to those who find mascara difficult to use. Use an eyeliner to draw dotted lines, then outline them with long-lasting black eyeliner. Apply matte red lipstick to your lips. Of course, this kind of makeup looks more impressive with clear arrows, but you can do without them.

The author of this image calls for silence, but you can write your own message on the motionless eyelid. It’s okay if the inscription is not too smooth, the main thing is to design it so that it is easy to read.

The superhero costume is traditionally one of the most popular at Halloween parties. Why not experiment with makeup? This bright version of the “superhero mask” will definitely attract everyone's attention!

Another interesting option for using colored eyeliner. To draw David Bowie's signature lightning bolt on your face, use paper tape. Use it to mark the boundaries of the drawing, and then it’s up to you.

Halloween is a holiday during which you need to overcome your fears. What do girls fear most? That's right, smudged lipstick. It's time to look this fear squarely in the face!

Halloween makeup - 5 DIY looks

Are drawings and messages on your face a past stage for you? Are you ready to move on to a more challenging level? Then watch our step-by-step photo and video tutorials on creating popular Halloween looks. We'll tell you how to replicate makeup in the style of the Joker and Harley Quinn, and show you how to turn into a terrifying doll.

Makeup dolls for Halloween

You don't have to buy extra makeup to replicate the creepy look of a ventriloquist doll. Everything you need can probably be found in a basic cosmetic bag: eyeliner, dark gray eye shadow, black pencil, red lipstick and foundation. But for this make-up it is better to use a foundation lighter than your natural skin tone, so that your face turns out deathly pale.

Makeup Harley Quinn

The look of the supervillain from Suicide Squad after the film's release became as classic a Halloween makeup look as Santa Muerte and Catwoman. Its main advantage is that it does not require precision in execution, so even beginners can create it. Follow our photo instructions.
