How to apply white makeup on your face

How can make your face white for halloween at home? How to apply makeup and in what way at home make your own face white for All Saints' Day?

Very simple. You go to a cosmetics store. Buy a foundation of a suitable color. Come home. Generously (on the occasion of the holiday, you don’t have to regret it) smear your face with this cream. You get a good desired result.

Had an experience last Halloween. Everything is very simple. I solved this problem by purchasing powder that matched the color. I bought powders at the market, in the department of cheap cosmetics (which grannies buy, like Ballet), you can also buy the same foundation there. Unlike any other face paints, the skin will be in a gentle mode.

1) You can buy ready-made theatrical makeup, or you can make it yourself.

2) How to do white makeup? Before applying makeup, be sure to check it for allergenicity. To do this, you can apply a little makeup on the bend of your elbow - if there is no redness or burning, you can use it on your face. Before applying makeup and makeup, be sure to moisturize and protect your face with Vaseline or baby cream.

3) How to do white makeup? In a separate bowl, mix white gouache and interior fat - the makeup should come out quite thick. If you mix Vaseline oil with gouache, the makeup will turn out more liquid; it is also called “cinematic”. Add gouache to fat or Vaseline in small portions to obtain the required makeup consistency. Once the mixture is ready, it can be applied to the face. It is most convenient to apply makeup with a large soft brush; if you don’t have one, you can use a sponge, but in this case, you need to apply the makeup in several layers so that it evenly covers the face.

4) If you plan to apply white makeup to your entire face and change the shape of your eyebrows, then you first need to moisten them generously with cream and powder them well. After the white makeup at home has completely dried, you can additionally paint your face. To do this, take black and red paints, which are most relevant on this holiday. You can paint whatever you want on white makeup, so your imagination in this case can be simply limitless.

5) When the holiday is over, and all the “evil” forces have gone home, do not forget to thoroughly wash off the makeup. The lighter texture of the makeup can be easily washed off with regular warm water. If the layer of makeup is large enough or it is difficult to remove, you can additionally use Vaseline or cream - it will soften the top layer of makeup and it will wash off much easier.

6) After completely removing the makeup from your face, moisturize it well with regular baby cream or any other face cream so as not to cause an allergic reaction to this type of makeup. You can create many Halloween looks with white makeup. White makeup can serve as a basis for applying other paints, and play a major role in it. The main thing is to use high-quality materials for its preparation, and both the holiday and the process of creating the image will take place in a good mood.

Whether it's a vampire, a broken doll, a witch, or a dead bride, a white face will certainly help make it look more terrifying. If you just want to give your face an unnatural pallor, all you need to do is use white face powder or, say, white eye shadow. But if you need a dense white tone for your look, then ordinary cosmetics, alas, will not work.

White theatrical or face painting is the simplest and most convenient solution in this case. But not all cities sell the necessary makeup, and you may not have the extra funds to buy it. For such situations, there are affordable recipes for white makeup at home.

For example, the most famous recipe for homemade white makeup is this. Take 2 tbsp. l. regular wheat flour, 1 tbsp. l. corn starch, a little clean water and literally 2-3 drops of glycerin. Mix flour and starch, dilute with clean water to obtain a thick paste that will not spread when applied to the face. Finally, add glycerin to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Ready!

The second option for homemade white makeup involves the use of crushed chalk. Everything is even simpler here than in the previous recipe: take regular white chalk, grind it and mix it with face cream to get a fairly dense white mass. Apply the finished composition to the skin of the face using a makeup brush.

And another recipe for homemade white makeup uses almost the same ingredients as industrially produced makeup. You will need a fat base, such as lard (rendered lard), as well as dry watercolor paints or zinc or titanium white. Another good result will be obtained if you use baby powder or a crushed white cosmetic pencil. Mix the fat and pigment until you get the desired consistency and that’s it!

To make your face white for Halloween at home, it’s not enough to prepare white makeup. It still needs to be applied correctly to the skin in order to get the desired effect and not harm the skin of the face. In particular, before applying makeup, you need to cleanse your face and moisturize it with cream; if you use chalk-based makeup, you can lubricate your face with a rich cream to protect the skin from drying out.

If the makeup you received is thick, apply it to the skin with a damp sponge or brush; apply liquid makeup, in turn, with a dry sponge. When applying makeup, try not to put pressure on the skin or rub it, paint all areas evenly and do not forget about the earlobes and neck. If you are using oil-based makeup, apply a layer of translucent powder over it for durability.

Even the safest homemade white makeup formulation is not designed to last long, so try to apply it just before the start of the Halloween party and be sure to remove it before bed. Regular makeup remover cosmetics may be suitable for removing makeup, but the most effective method is washing with warm water and soap. To avoid drying out the skin, be sure to lubricate your face with cream after washing your face.

You will need:
Vaseline oil or interior fat
White gouache
All Saints' Day is celebrated by many people nowadays. Very often the decision to go to a mystical party comes spontaneously. If you decide to appear as a ghost or witch, you will need white makeup. You can buy ready-made theatrical makeup, or you can make it yourself.

How to do white makeup? Before applying makeup, be sure to check it for allergenicity. To do this, you can apply a little makeup on the bend of your elbow - if there is no redness or burning, you can use it on your face. Before applying makeup and makeup, be sure to moisturize and protect your face with Vaseline or baby cream.

How to do white makeup? In a separate bowl, mix white gouache and interior fat - the makeup should come out quite thick. If you mix Vaseline oil with gouache, the makeup will turn out more liquid; it is also called “cinematic”. Add gouache to fat or Vaseline in small portions to obtain the required makeup consistency. Once the mixture is ready, it can be applied to the face. It is most convenient to apply makeup with a large soft brush; if you don’t have one, you can use a sponge, but in this case, you need to apply the makeup in several layers so that it evenly covers the face.

If you plan to apply white makeup to your entire face and change the shape of your eyebrows, then you first need to moisten them generously with cream and powder them well. After the white makeup at home has completely dried, you can additionally paint your face. To do this, take black and red paints, which are most relevant on this holiday. You can paint whatever you want on white makeup, so your imagination in this case can be simply limitless.

When the holiday is over, and all the “evil” forces have gone home, do not forget to thoroughly wash off the makeup. The lighter texture of the makeup can be easily washed off with regular warm water. If the layer of makeup is large enough or it is difficult to remove, you can additionally use Vaseline or cream - it will soften the top layer of makeup and it will wash off much easier.