How to apply cream to face and neck

Always looking beautiful is a real art! To preserve natural beauty, women use nourishing, moisturizing, and whitening creams. But why are the results of some simply amazing, while others have to constantly change their cosmetics in search of a cream that will make them flawless? Cosmetologists say that it is important not only to accurately select the product, but also to know how to properly apply the cream to the face.

In an effort to be attractive and preserve youth for a long time, women use a variety of creams every day. But these procedures are performed rather mechanically, out of habit. Therefore, most ladies don’t even think about whether they are applying cream to their face correctly. Meanwhile, if you use the product, taking into account some of the secrets shared by professional cosmetologists, you can get the maximum benefit from the procedure.

Massage lines

The skin is subject to stretching. The face is no exception. Therefore, women who apply the cream in the way that is most convenient for them (start at the midpoint of the forehead, move down to the cheeks and end by stretching the chin) eventually notice sagging skin.

To prevent stretching of the epidermis, cosmetologists, when explaining how to properly apply face cream, advise spreading it along special lines that coincide with the movement of lymph flow. It is in these vectors that the skin is not stretched. Such lines are called massage lines.

6 main directions

Cosmetologists have developed a special scheme for how to apply the cream to the face. It includes the following six areas.

  1. Forehead area. All vectors come from the point between the eyebrows - the bridge of the nose. They are directed towards the hair. Arched lines should appear on the forehead, duplicating the eyebrows.
  2. Area around the eyes. Tender and very delicate area. A special cream is applied to the upper eyelid along an arched line, starting in the inner corner and moving towards the outer corner. In the area under the eye, the movement is carried out from the outer corner and ends near the nose.
  3. The area of ​​the nose and cheeks. Initially, the straight vector slides from the bridge of the nose straight to the tip of the nose. The following massage lines begin on the wings and, drawing arcs on the cheekbones and cheeks, are directed to the ears.
  4. The area above the lip and the lower part of the cheeks. The vectors begin right in the hollow above the lip and end near the earlobes.
  5. Chin area. The movement begins in the center of the chin, slides along the lower part of the cheeks and reaches the tragus of the ears.
  6. Neck and décolleté area. The ascent of the massage lines begins from the chest. The guides go straight up to your chin. Now the vector is changing. The movement gently glides along the sides of the neck, smoothly descends to the shoulders and tends to the collarbones.

Effectiveness of the procedure

If the cosmetic product is applied in the direction of the lymph flow, then the skin receives not only the beneficial substances contained in the cream, but also a high-quality lymphatic drainage massage.

The results of proper use of cosmetics will pleasantly please you.

  1. The appearance of new wrinkles will be reduced. The skin does not stretch. Elastin and collagen fibers, which are responsible for the youth of the epidermis, are not damaged. This helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles on the face.
  2. Preventing acne formation. Proper application of the cream on the face helps to thoroughly cleanse the pores. A light massage protects them from blockage and improves blood circulation in the tissues. The epidermis is powerfully protected from rashes, acne, and comedones.
  3. The severity of existing wrinkles is reduced. Toning muscle tissue allows you to slightly smooth out longitudinal folds on the forehead, crow's feet around the eyes, and wrinkles around the mouth. The depth of the nasolabial folds decreases.
  4. The skin is tightened. The delicate epidermis under the eyes does not sag. The oval of the face is tightened, the double chin is reduced, and tissue tension in the décolleté and neck area is eliminated.

How to properly apply cream to the face - cosmetologists advise

A few more expert tips will help you understand how to apply the cream to your face and neck. This is what cosmetologists recommend to women.

  1. Preparation . The epidermis must be properly prepared. For high-quality and deep penetration into the dermis, the cosmetic product is applied to steamed skin. Cosmetologists recommend applying a damp hot towel to your face and neck. Five to ten minutes is enough for the pores to completely open.
  2. Temperature . The cream is applied warm. It is recommended to warm it up a little in your hands. The product must reach body temperature. In this form, it is better absorbed into the epidermis and provides maximum benefits.
  3. Delicacy. Be as gentle as possible on the dermis. When applying the cream to the face, use smooth stroking, gentle massaging or gentle tapping movements. It is better to perform them with the pad of your middle finger to ensure softness and ease of the procedure. For maximum air impact, you can use a cotton pad or brush.
  4. Quantity . A thick layer will not provide improved nutrition. The dermis will take exactly as many nutrients as it needs. And the remaining cream will block the access of oxygen to the tissues and will clog the pores. To find out how to apply face cream correctly and in what quantities, you must first determine your skin type. Dry dermis needs more product. Oily skin will be able to absorb much less. If five minutes after the procedure, remnants of the cream remain on the face, then you need to carefully blot the dermis with a napkin and remove the excess.

Features of the use of various types of creams

Many creams have been developed: moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, nourishing, night, day. They all have their own nuances and require an individual approach to use. Cosmetologists explain how to apply different types of creams to the face and neck.

  1. Moisturizing. This cream is recommended not only for those with dry epidermis. Thorough hydration is also necessary for oily dermis. But in the first case, a more generous application is recommended. In the second, only areas of increased peeling are moisturized.
  2. Cleansing. The product is not intended for daily care. It is used up to twice a week. It is used after a deep peeling procedure or thorough steaming of the epidermis over a steam bath. It is better to apply the cleanser exclusively to problem areas.
  3. Bold. This type of cream is contraindicated in case of increased greasiness of the epidermis. Women with oily skin can use this remedy to provoke a deterioration in cellular respiration and completely disrupt the functioning of the subcutaneous glands. Owners of mixed dermis are recommended to apply this product pointwise and only in the areas of the cheeks and décolleté.
  4. For the delicate area under the eyes. This cream is intended for targeted application to the skin under the eyes. A cotton swab can be used to ensure a light touch. The product is lightly driven into the dermis. Only cosmetics intended for this area should be used. Failure to follow this rule will cause severe aging.
  5. Nutritious. Do not apply this product to areas with unwanted vegetation. The beneficial substances contained in it will provoke increased hair growth. For the bridge of the nose and the area above the upper lip, it is better to use moisturizing cosmetics.
  6. For wrinkles. Use the product exclusively on problem areas. Anti-wrinkle cream is not recommended for use on the entire face. Small peas are applied with fingertips to the forehead, nasolabial folds, temples, corners of the mouth, and neck. Then the product is carefully driven into the dermis along the massage guides.

Application technique in 8 steps

Armed with all the recommendations of professionals, you can proceed to the use of cosmetics. The application technique consists of eight steps.

  1. Cleanse your face and wash your hands well.
  2. Warm the cream slightly in your palms and apply it to the bridge of your nose. Gently spread the product over your forehead, moving towards your hairline. Avoid stretching the epidermis.
  3. Place the next pea of ​​cream at the top of the nose and go down to its tip. Gently massage the wings of the nose and cheek area.
  4. Move to the area above the lip. If there is unwanted vegetation here, then the application of nourishing cream starts from the points in the middle of the nasolabial folds. Then smoothly slide along the massage guides.
  5. Focus on your chin, gently massaging the lower part of your face.
  6. Move on to the décolleté and neck area. Don't forget about these areas. After all, it is the neck that often reveals a woman’s true age.
  7. Take cream for the area under the eyes. Use circular motions to apply to delicate areas.
  8. After five minutes, blot the skin with a soft cloth to remove excess cream.

This step-by-step technique is applicable for nourishing cream, day and night products. If the choice fell on cleansing cosmetics or anti-wrinkle products, then remember the features of their application. By mastering the technique of applying cream to your face, you will ensure your skin looks healthy and beautiful and will be able to delay the inexorable aging process for a long time.

The composition of creams plays an important role in preserving youth and beauty, but the technique of its application is also of considerable importance. In order to maximally saturate the skin with vitamins, macro- and microelements and other necessary substances, without stretching it and accelerating premature aging, it is necessary to follow the rules for the use and distribution of care products.


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Each type of cream has its own application characteristics, but the basis of the technique for all products is taking into account the facial massage lines. This rule is followed by cosmetologists when carrying out procedures, but it is recommended to follow it during daily care at home. Applying cosmetics to each area of ​​the face also has its own rules.

Face cream is applied to cleansed and prepared skin. Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. 1. Makeup is removed.
  2. 2. Cleanse the skin with a special cleanser (foam, mousse, milk or facial gel).
  3. 3. The skin is toned (with tonic, cucumber water).
  4. 4. The cream is applied strictly along the massage lines.

Hands must be clean, washed with soap.

Cosmetologists recommend using a cosmetic spatula (disposable or plastic) to apply the cream. This is necessary to ensure that the product has as little contact with air as possible, which helps prevent oxidation and destruction of substances.

Also, upon contact with fingers, it will become infected with microorganisms, which will subsequently cause inflammatory phenomena. When using a plastic spatula, it is treated with an antiseptic before each use.

If not one product, but several, is used for the final stage, then a more liquid and lighter product is applied first, and then one with a denser structure. It is recommended to pause between using the first and second composition so that all components are absorbed and do not destroy each other.

Don't forget about your neck and décolleté. These areas also need hydration. It is important to avoid areas of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

The cosmetic product must be applied and massaged for at least 3 minutes. This massage is done 2 times a day: morning and evening. The exception is when a person plays sports: after exercise, you need to cleanse the skin of sweat and dirt, and then apply cream on top again.

To avoid stretching the skin, the cream should be applied strictly along massage lines. These conventional landmarks correspond to the direction of lymph outflow, as well as the location of collagen fibers. If applied incorrectly, natural collagen can be destroyed.

These lines are directed from the center to the periphery.

Scheme of the main massage lines of the face and neck:

  1. from the middle of the forehead towards the temple;
  2. from the root of the nose to the temples;
  3. from the center of the bridge of the nose to the temporal region;
  4. from the outer edge of the eye to the inner along the line of the lower eyelid;
  5. from the inner edge of the eye to the outer along the line of the upper eyelid;
  6. from the corners of the mouth to the tragus of the ear;
  7. from the middle of the chin to the earlobe;
  8. from the collarbone to the chin along the front surface of the neck;
  9. from the earlobe to the shoulder along the lateral line.

The regularity of use and the nuances of its application depend on the characteristics of the cosmetic product. Before using the products, you should carefully study the instructions.

This cream is preferred at night, since cell regeneration occurs at this time. It is important to apply the right amount and never use more product. Due to its dense structure, the composition is not completely absorbed and will leave marks on the bed linen, as well as clog the skin. When using the product, follow the general rules for applying creams.

The product is absorbed in 25-30 minutes, but it is recommended to apply it a couple of hours before bedtime and remove excess with a napkin.

The cream should be used in the morning. It will maintain moisture levels throughout the day, preventing dryness and flaking.

Each type of dermis requires a different level of hydration, and therefore a cosmetic product must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin, otherwise there is a chance that the pores will become clogged.

You need to apply moisturizer 40 minutes before going outside, taking into account the general rules for distributing the composition over the face and the recommendations in the instructions.

The main goal of such creams is to combat sagging, sagging skin, reduce wrinkles and smooth out, tighten the skin, correct the oval shape - a lifting effect.

The cream is applied in the morning and evening a couple of hours before going out/going to bed. There is no need to press on the skin or vigorously rub the composition. The movements should be light, patting.

This type of cream also fights age-related changes. Such products promote regeneration and enhance the nutrition of cells with essential nutrients. They are recommended to be applied at night, a few hours before bedtime. The movements should be light, patting. If the cosmetics were in the refrigerator, then you need to warm them up a little in room conditions or rub them on your fingertips.

The product must be applied strictly along the massage lines.

These creams contain components whose action is aimed at eliminating a specific problem. Most often they fight fungi or bacteria.

This product should be applied pointwise, affecting only the affected areas. Healthy tissues should not be exposed to drugs. Do not touch the mucous membranes (mouth, corners of the mouth, eyelids, conjunctiva, nostrils).

The regularity of use of medicinal compositions depends on the disease and is determined by a specialist.

This product protects the face from excess moisture, dryness, dust and dirt. After application, it forms a protective film and gives a mattifying effect. For people who are prone to dry skin, you can first apply a little nourishing cream, and then, after 20 minutes, apply a day cream.

This type of cream is applied only after morning procedures - washing, toning. 30 minutes after using it, remove the remaining product with a napkin. After such actions, decorative cosmetics will fit well on the skin.

The products have a dense oily structure, so you should not apply them in a thick layer.

The procedure should be carried out 1.5 hours before bedtime, otherwise swelling may be observed in the morning. Before use, warm the cream with your fingers. Movements during application should be light, “driving in”.

Before using decorative cosmetics, your face needs to be moisturized. Sometimes foundation is mixed with cream. Then, using a brush or sponge, or a beauty blender, apply the product pointwise over the entire face. It is recommended to moisten a brush or other product with water.

Next, using movements from the center to the periphery, shade the foundation. You can’t do the opposite, as the skin will stretch, and the foundation will be applied unevenly, highlighting flaws and wrinkles.

Creams with ultraviolet protection protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, premature aging and burns. First you need to choose the appropriate level of protection - SPF. Products with a high value are suitable for those who have very fair skin from birth and who should not sunbathe. The higher the level of protection, the denser the consistency of the cream. The best option remains creams with SPF-30.

Sunscreen cosmetics should be applied evenly to the skin after daytime or moisturizer. It is necessary to wait until the product dries completely on the skin, as you can accidentally wipe it off and the protection will not be complete.

Regular use depends on solar activity and the intended use of the product. If sunscreen is used while relaxing at sea, then after each swim you need to reapply the product. In the spring-summer period, you can use regular moisturizers or day creams with a certain SPF level, then the frequency of use will correspond to the type of cosmetics.

Facial skin has uneven thickness and degree of sensitivity. Therefore, the movements in different zones are not the same.

To apply cream to your face correctly, you need to consider its areas:

  1. 1. Skin around the eyes. You can only apply a special eye cream. A small amount of the product should be “driven in” with your fingertips from the inner corner of the eye along the upper eyelid and from the outer corner along the lower eyelid. You cannot rub the product, as the skin in this area is delicate and thin. For crow's feet, apply the product using tapping movements.
  2. 2. Forehead area. The cream should be distributed pointwise, evenly over the entire forehead. It must be applied in a horizontal direction. Using tapping movements with your fingertips, you need to “drive” the composition in the direction from the center to the periphery (temples).
  3. 3. Cheek area. It is necessary to rub the product with arc movements along the massage lines (towards the temples).
  4. 4. Mouth and chin area. You need to apply the cream to the center of the chin and rub it with “driving” movements from the center to the periphery. Then, two fingers should be drawn from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose along the epidermis, smoothing out the folds in this area. At the same time, you should not squeeze the dermis too much so as not to stretch the skin.
  5. 5. Nose area. Movements should be sliding. You need to start applying from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose, then move on to the wings.

If you follow these recommendations, you can significantly enhance the effect of using creams. This is explained by the fact that the correct application technique promotes better absorption of cosmetic components.

It is recommended to avoid the following when using the cream:

  1. applying a large amount of cream - the skin will not absorb more than it can, but the product can clog pores and give an unsightly shine;
  2. using the composition on dirty skin - if you forget about cleansing and toning, the product will not have an effect, but will contribute to the formation of acne and comedones;
  3. wrong choice of cream - an unsuitable product for a certain skin type will aggravate existing problems and add new ones;
  4. violation of technique - failure to follow massage lines leads to stretching of the skin and destruction of its own collagen;
  5. incorrect movements - if you rub the skin, squeeze it again, it will lose its elasticity and firmness.

Every girl and woman should know how to properly apply cream to the face.

Compliance with the rules for applying cosmetics to the face, under the eyes, and on the neck area enhances the effect of the cream.

Familiarize yourself with the techniques for applying various compounds.

Mistakes when applying cream

Many representatives of the fair sex make mistakes that gradually nullify the effect of skin care products. Perhaps you, too, make similar mistakes:

  1. Before applying the cream, you are too lazy to cleanse your face using a special composition. Washing with plain water does not clean out pores. Use milk or tonic;
  2. rush. As always, you are in a hurry. Fussy, careless movements stretch delicate skin. Flabby, sagging areas gradually appear;
  3. you forget about massage lines, apply the product in different directions, further stretching the skin;
  4. your movements are sharp, strong, you are trying to rub the product in well. This is mistake. Light massaging movements are quite enough.

Simple tips on how to determine your facial skin type.

Read here how to cleanse your facial skin at home.

Massage lines on the face

You don't know the layout of the massage lines? Find out in which direction your movements should be.

Run your fingers, patting them lightly:

  1. from the beginning of the eyebrows to the hairline;
  2. from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones;
  3. from the tip of the nose to the floor area with the eyes;
  4. from the middle of the chin in the cheek area.

The cream is applied to the forehead with light horizontal movements.

From the middle of the forehead, the fingers move in opposite directions, towards the temples.

In the photo you see a detailed arrangement of lines for applying moisturizing or nourishing products.

How to apply eye cream?

The skin in this area is the thinnest and most delicate. Using the wrong technique, applying too much pressure, or being careless will not do any good.

  1. choose a light cream that is appropriate for your age. It can be nourishing or moisturizing;
  2. never use regular face cream under your eyes;
  3. start moving your ring fingers from the outer edge of the eye to the inner part, go up to the upper eyelid and return again to the outer corner of the eye;
  4. light patting movements will prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  5. Circular application of a moisturizing or nourishing composition smooths out wrinkles, gives it relaxation and pleasant rest.

10 rules for applying cream

  1. If the product is stored in the refrigerator, remove it in advance.
  2. Cleanse your face and neck area.
  3. Warm the product on your fingertips. This way, beneficial substances will penetrate the deeper layers of the epidermis faster.
  4. Apply the product along the massage lines with light massage movements. No effort! Massage will increase blood circulation.
  5. To enhance the effect, apply a nourishing or moisturizing composition to slightly damp skin.
  6. Use day cream before leaving the house, night cream a couple of hours before bedtime. Be sure to blot off any excess with a napkin.
  7. Cosmetologists believe that night cream clogs pores during the night and becomes more viscous. In the morning, your face will be flabby and may turn red.
  8. Change your line of facial care products a couple of times throughout the year. You shouldn't use the same brand all the time. The skin will “get used to”, the epidermis will stop reacting to familiar components.
  9. The amount of product should be minimal. A thick layer of the product blocks the access of oxygen and clogs the pores. The fat remains under the film, and acne and irritation may appear.
  10. Apply nourishing cream once every 3 days. Give your skin a rest. Get by with cleansing and a light moisturizer.

Main contraindications to ultrasonic facial cleansing.

How to apply cream on the neck?

Most people consider facial care a necessary procedure. Everyone does this daily ritual. Unfortunately, many people forget about the neck.

A few simple rules will help you avoid an unpleasant situation:

  1. Cleanse your neck with lotion or milk. Choose products that do not dry out the epidermis.
  2. After applying the nourishing composition to your face, spend a few minutes on your neck.
  3. The nutrient is distributed in the neck area, starting from the middle and moving to the side surfaces from bottom to top.
  4. The back of the neck is treated in a similar way. Many women simply don’t think about this. The skin on the back of the neck is less susceptible to sagging and wrinkles. But it is necessary to pamper it with nutrients.
  5. From the ears along the shoulder line, the composition is applied from top to bottom.
  6. The movements are light, stroking.
  7. Also blot off excess composition with a napkin.
  8. Never wipe your neck with alcohol lotions without further applying a nourishing composition. Dried, tight skin will quickly become covered with wrinkles.

Look at the photo. The massage lines marked on it will help you properly care for your neck.

Useful tips

Is your skin very dry? Day cream can be applied in a special way: wash your face, cover your face with nourishing cream. After 20 minutes, lightly blot your face with a special cosmetic napkin. Do not remove the nourishing composition from under your eyes! Now you can apply the appropriate product.

Oily skin requires careful cleansing of excess sebaceous fat.

Always wipe your face with lotion or toner and only then apply a thin layer of a suitable product;

If you notice any allergies, redness, or peeling of the skin after purchasing a new series of products, immediately change the brand.

We make our own facial scrub masks at home.

Tips for applying foundation

The foundation gives the face an even, pleasant color, matte tone and perfect smoothness. Learn the rules for applying foundation:

  1. Refresh your face using milk, foam or toner.
  2. Cosmetologists do not recommend using a scrub. After covering your face with foundation, your face may turn red.
  3. The next stage is the use of a moisturizing composition that protects the skin from drying out.
  4. Use a corrective pencil to disguise spider veins and acne.
  5. First of all, apply the cream in dots on the chin and forehead.
  6. Using smooth movements, without pressure, blend the product along the massage lines.
  7. Apply foundation to the neck and décolleté area to even out the color.
  8. Excess foundation is bad form. The face resembles a theatrical mask. Naturalness is in fashion now.
  9. Wait about 10 minutes. The product will dry well. Now you can continue doing your makeup.