Eyelid massage for swelling


Greetings, dear readers! Today I want to tell you how to properly perform lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids for swelling. It’s worth noting right away that this procedure will be useful not only for those who are looking for ways to remove bags under the eyes, but also for those who want to reduce the number and depth of wrinkles under the eyes. After all, massage that improves lymph flow is a great way to solve these problems.


Since the skin around the eyes is very delicate and vulnerable, any manipulation with it must be done very carefully. It is precisely the correct and consistent implementation of the procedure at home that will be discussed in the article. And at the very end, I will share with you one express technique for removing puffiness from the entire face, which I learned about from a professional massage therapist.

Briefly about the causes of edema

If you often wake up in the morning with bags under your eyes, then you should definitely look for the cause of their occurrence. Most often this is due to the functioning of the cardiovascular and excretory systems. If swelling appears occasionally, then perhaps it is caused by cosmetics left on overnight, excessive indulgence in salty foods the night before, or too much sleep.

The cause of bags or bruises under the eyes must be found. But in any case, it’s worth taking a morning set of measures that will help you quickly get rid of bags under your eyes. Lymphatic drainage massage is an integral part of it. It improves the outflow of fluid through lymphatic vessels and helps the skin maintain its elasticity.


Massage around the eyes - varieties

There are two types of decongestant eye massage:

Both, of course, can be done in the salon. But since there is not enough time, and sometimes money, to visit a cosmetologist, you have to solve the problem yourself at home. As for hardware eye massage, a vibrating glasses massager is ideal for performing it. I myself have not had to use such a device, but according to the reviews of many, including my sister, it is a very worthwhile thing. In addition to the positive effect on the skin, this massager also provides a pleasant relaxing effect.

How to remove bags under the eyes with manual massage? There is a simple technique that everyone can master. For the procedure you need to allocate 10-15 minutes, preferably in the morning. Do it daily for a week or a little longer.

As a rule, during this time the condition returns to normal (unless, of course, the cause is very serious problems with the kidneys or heart). After the course, maintenance procedures once a week are sufficient. You can also do lymphatic drainage in the evening, in which case it will be a good preventative measure against swelling, bruises and wrinkles.

How to do a decongestant eyelid massage

To make it easier for you to master the technique of performing lymphatic drainage massage, we will analyze it step by step:

  1. The first thing you need to do is cleanse your face well with foam or gel wash. The area around the eyes is wiped with tonic and a special product intended for the eyelids is applied. This could be an eye cream, a nourishing mask, serum or cosmetic oil (for example, grape or almond). If you apply a cream that is well absorbed into the skin, then reapply it after a while to continue the massage.


  1. Eye massage is performed simultaneously with both hands on both eyes. Using two fingers (index and middle) in a clockwise direction, make circular movements at the outer corners of the eyes, that is, at the temples.
  2. Using the same fingers, apply gentle pressure to the skin under the eyes in the direction from the temple to the nose. Repeat this technique 3 times. Then they move to the upper eyelid and apply the same pressure, but in the opposite direction (from the inner corner of the eye to the outer).
  3. The next technique is performed using the pads of four fingers at once. For a few seconds, press on the lower eyelid, then also on the upper.
  4. Using the index and middle fingers, lightly tap the lower eyelids from the temple to the nose and then the upper eyelids in the opposite direction.
  5. This technique can be called “rolls”. The middle finger is placed on the rib, with the nail facing the temple. Without lifting it from the skin, roll it with your finger so that the nail points towards the nose. The movement is directed along the bone under the eye. With such rolls you need to reach the inner corner of the eye. Repeat the technique 4-5 times.
  6. The previous massage movement is repeated exactly for the upper eyelid. It is done on the area under the eyebrow, but in the opposite direction - from the nose to the temple.
  7. Using the middle finger, lightly press on the outer corner of the eye 10 times, then “roll” in the manner described above along the lower eyelid. Press 10 times on the inner corner of the eye, then “roll” along the outer eyelid towards the temple. It turns out to be a circle that is repeated 8-10 times.
  8. Using the index and middle fingers, make light movements along the orbicularis oculi muscle, grabbing the line above the eyebrow and the upper part of the cheekbone. The direction is the same - it starts from the temple along the bottom line to the nose and continues along the top line from the nose to the temple.
  9. The last technique is to gently tap with your fingertips in the same direction as in the previous paragraphs.
  10. After the massage, wash again and take a contrast bath. To do this, take cold water into your palms and hold your face in it for 8-10 seconds. Then also in a warm place. Repeat the procedure 10-12 times.

Finally, apply a light eyelid emulsion to the skin. In general, in order to get the maximum effect and remove bags under the eyes in a shorter period of time, it is recommended to use special products. For example, the Neolid emulsion has proven itself very well. The biochemical composition of this product is selected specifically to eliminate swelling and bruises under the eyes. This lightweight cream allows the skin to breathe and additionally improves the functioning of lymphatic vessels and capillaries, which guarantees a solution to the problem.


How to remove puffiness from the entire face

And now about that whole face trick I mentioned at the beginning. It helps to quickly relieve the condition. I learned about this express method many years ago during a massage course from my teacher. To perform it, you need to bend your thumbs and press their middle phalanges tightly to the middle of your forehead. Then the fingers are spread towards the temples, as if squeezing the skin. Next, the straightened thumbs are pressed to the wings of the nose and moved along the cheekbones to the sides.

The third step is to place the fingers even lower - to the corners of the mouth and also forcefully move them to the sides towards the ears. Then they place the bent thumbs on the center of the chin under the lower lip and lead to the lobes. That is, all movements are made along traditional massage lines from the center to the lymph nodes.

For this lymphatic drainage massage of the eyes, the first joint of the thumb is used. The starting point is at the inner corner of the eye. A circular motion is applied with medium pressure along the brow ridge, then along the bone under the lower eyelid. It is enough to repeat all the movements 2-4 times and the swelling on the face really goes away.

It is not advisable to use this massage procedure too often, since it is still done with force, and this is not very beneficial for sensitive facial skin. But as an occasional express method it is very effective. I myself sometimes use this decongestant massage during the allergy season, when the heaviness due to swelling is very felt on the face.

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a video on the topic of lymphatic drainage of the eyelids, in it you will find a good recipe for a homemade massage remedy and other useful information:

Swelling under the eyes can be a consequence of lack of sleep and poor sleep, disturbances in the body's metabolic processes, a manifestation of fatigue and illness. To eliminate swelling and restore elasticity and firmness of the skin, lymphatic drainage massage techniques are used. A simple and effective procedure can be done both in salons and at home in the absence of contraindications.

The effect of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage is a procedure aimed at activating and normalizing the movement of lymph. Disruption of lymph flow leads to blockage of blood vessels, which provokes the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, the appearance of swelling, edema, and pale skin. The mechanical effect on the skin improves lymph flow, eliminates constriction of blood vessels, resulting in the natural elimination of toxins, bruises and wrinkles, and swelling.


Regular massage will also help cope with insomnia and the effects of stress. After a massage around the eyes:

  1. Tissue regeneration improves;
  2. Collagen production increases;
  3. Metabolism at the cellular level accelerates;
  4. The severity of sagging of the upper eyelid decreases;
  5. Swelling of the eyelids decreases;
  6. Expression wrinkles disappear
  7. Bags and bruises under the eyes disappear;
  8. Improves skin color and condition;
  9. As a result of massage actions, the optic nerves relax, which leads to improved vision;
  10. Improves mood;
  11. Headache decreases.

If you massage not only the eye area, but the entire face, you can achieve a reduction in nasolabial folds and deep wrinkles.

Lymphatic drainage massage allows you to get rid of sagging cheeks, puffiness of the face, and in combination with gymnastics, improve vision and make your eyes more expressive.

The mechanism of massage influence

The effectiveness of massage is explained by its effect on the subcutaneous muscles and skin. The first type of impact is neuro-reflex. During the sessions, nerve endings located in the skin, blood vessels and muscles are stimulated. Their irritation leads to the appearance of impulses going to the brain. They provoke activation of regeneration processes in tissues.

Humoral effects lead to the production of substances important for health: histamine and acetylcholine. They go into a free state, are quickly absorbed into the blood and spread to all organs and tissues. Histamine improves the condition of blood vessels and accelerates metabolic processes, and acetylcholine improves the functioning of the nervous system, vascular tone, muscle tissue, and internal organs.


Mechanical action eliminates congestion, improves breathing and skin condition, elasticity and firmness of muscle tissue.

Indications and contraindications

Lymphatic drainage massage of the eye area is recommended for:

  1. Chronic fatigue;
  2. Overwork;
  3. Sleep problems;
  4. Swelling, incl. after Botox and other cosmetic procedures;
  5. Dark circles under the eyes;
  6. Skin laxity;
  7. Age-related skin changes;
  8. Slow blood circulation.

Massage sessions are safe, but have several contraindications:

  1. Mental disorders;
  2. Diseases of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  3. Skin disorders in the area of ​​treatment;
  4. Oncology.


If you have a cold, high blood pressure or elevated body temperature, you should consult a doctor before the session. Hardware lymphatic drainage massage used by cosmetologists in salons requires prior consultation with a dermatologist and ophthalmologist.

How often should I use it?

You can remove bags under the eyes using manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage. A simpler method is manual, available even for home use. Hardware requires not only special skills, but also expensive equipment.

Regardless of the type of massage, maintenance sessions can begin as early as 20-25 years of age. At this age, the first facial wrinkles appear, there is a gradual decrease in collagen production and a deterioration in the condition of the skin. The area around the eyes is the first to show age-related changes - this is due to the fact that it is rich in collagen fibers. They stretch easily, forming facial wrinkles.


Lymphatic drainage facial massage should be done daily until the desired result is achieved. Each session lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. Procedures are carried out in the morning. Maintenance massage sessions can be performed every 3-4 days.

Massage techniques and techniques

The main massage techniques for swelling are patting, stroking and deep massaging. It is necessary to start an anti-edema massage by cleansing the skin with micellar water, using scrubs, gels or facial washes. Then you can apply a moisturizing mask, serum or cosmetic oil.

Basic set of exercises

There are several massage techniques. The first includes a set of seven exercises. When working, all movements along the upper eyelid are from the inner corner to the outer. The lower eyelid is treated in the same way.


Using the pads of the index and middle fingers, make light movements on the outer corners of the eyes in a clockwise direction. For each eye - 10-12 repetitions. Using the same fingers, apply light pressure on the lower and upper eyelids, trying not to displace the skin. Do 5 repetitions. For the next exercise, you need to apply additional oil or cream to protect the skin from redness. Using the tips of 4 fingers, press first on the upper and then on the lower eyelid. Each press lasts about 15 seconds. After this, lightly tap with your fingertips for 3-5 seconds.

Next, place your index finger on the outer corner of the eye at the temple so that the nail faces the temple. The finger is turned - the nail is facing the nose. The movement should be slow and take 15 to 18 seconds. Move from the tear duct around the eye with the pads of your index fingers counterclockwise with medium pressure. Do 6-7 repetitions. Using the tip of your middle finger, press 10 times on the point near the tear duct, then move around the eye. Complete the exercise by pressing on the corner of the eye near the bridge of the nose.

Using your fingertips, go around the entire area of ​​the orbicularis muscle, starting from the temple and the lower edge of the orbit, including the area above the eyebrow and the upper edge of the eye. Finish with light tapping movements.


The set of exercises is completed by washing with cold and warm water.

Tibetan lymphatic drainage complex

Close your eyes tightly for 2-3 seconds, relax your eye muscles. Open your eyelids, looking upward. Hold for about 60 seconds and relax. The next exercise is to keep your eyes closed and the tips of your index fingers to press on the eyeball. Repeat from 12 to 16 presses. Without opening your eyes, press your finger to your eyelid. The inner gaze is directed upward. The fingers imitate the movement of raising the eyelid. Repeat the exercise 8-11 times.

The ring fingers are placed on the inner corner of the eye. Slowly move the finger clockwise. Complete the exercise by blinking quickly for 30 seconds. The recommended number of repetitions is 6.

The last exercise - the middle fingers make 10 light pressures on the outer corner of the eye, pass along the lower eyelid and make 10 pressures at the bridge of the nose. After the complex, contrast washing is also recommended.

Massage with spoons

To carry out, you need ordinary tablespoons, which are pre-cooled. Apply any fatty cream to a cold device. The spoons are placed at the nasolacrimal groove and zigzag movements are made towards the temples. Press on the temple area several times, then move to the ears.


Each massage movement is repeated 3-5 times.

Taoist exercise

This simple exercise involves applying light pressure using only the pads of your fingers to the skin around the eyes, starting from the outer edges. You need to make a full 7-8 circles with your fingers. Stroking movements are made clockwise and counterclockwise with moderate pressure, and finished with light pats.

Morning anti-edema complex

The massage is fast and effective. It starts with identifying the main points:

  1. The first is located in the center of the dimple of the chin;
  2. The second is on the tubercle of the cheeks;
  3. The third is at a distance of two fingers above the eyebrows.


These points are worked out one by one so that the fingers draw a star on the face.

Press the tips of your middle fingers to the outer corners of your eyes and move to the bridge of your nose. Make light rubbing and tapping movements under the eyebrows, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Then work the area above the eyebrows, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And from there return to the inner corner of the eyes along the edge of the lower eyelid. All movements are performed with light pressure.

The exercises are repeated three times. After completion, it is recommended to apply parsley infusion to the eyelids - it will refresh the skin and fill it with essential nutrients.

Regular eye massage at home will reduce the number of wrinkles or prevent their appearance.

During the procedures, it is recommended to use a special eye cream and perform all movements very carefully. The skin around the eyes is sensitive, and careless pressure can cause bruising and bruising. The upper part of the eyelid can be treated with a stronger impact than the lower part. If performed correctly, the first results from the massage will be noticeable after 10-12 procedures.

Lymphatic drainage is a procedure that allows you to speed up currents and avoid the accumulation of lymph in certain areas of the body. In the cosmetology environment, the most common is lymphatic drainage massage for swelling under the eyes, the formation of which is caused by stagnant fluid in the lymphatic vessels. The problem is very common, so every woman needs to master the technique of this procedure. Lymphatic drainage massage under the eyes is a way to maintain the beauty and youth of your skin, let's talk about it. After all, what woman wouldn’t want to know how to massage dark circles under the eyes?

Benefits of drainage massage under the eyes

Due to poor lifestyle, lack of sleep and physical activity, lymphatic vessels become clogged. Liquid, toxins and other harmful substances begin to accumulate in them. This leads first to the appearance of dark circles in the area around the eyes, then to the formation of swelling and accelerated aging of the skin.

Proper and regular massage under the eyes stimulates fluid circulation in the tissues. This has a beneficial effect on both the condition of the skin and its ability to regenerate. In addition, cell activity increases, which helps prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and make the skin more toned and elastic.

The tone of the eye muscles also increases. The eye's ability to accommodate, speed of reaction and focusing are significantly increased thanks to this procedure. It’s also a great way to relieve stress after a day spent at the computer or after any work that involves concentrating visual attention. In general, a massage for the eyes, against circles under the eyes, to maintain youth and beauty is a complete benefit in everything.

Massage for wrinkles under the eyes is especially effective for women over 25 years of age. During this period, the skin condition noticeably deteriorates and needs support. How can massage help? Remove wrinkles under the eyes and relieve tension on the optic nerve. At the same time, you should not be afraid of side effects, the procedure is completely safe.

But remember about existing contraindications. Lymphatic drainage massage for circles under the eyes will be useless if the swelling is caused by complex (possibly chronic) diseases. In case of serious abnormalities in the functioning of the visual organs, such as glaucoma, it is also better to refrain from this procedure.

How to do drainage massage under the eyes?

All techniques are divided into two main types - manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage under the eyes. The first can be carried out both by specialist cosmetologists and at home. The hardware type is available only in specialized clinics and beauty salons. Any city will give you the opportunity to try such a massage to eliminate bags under the eyes (Penza and Moscow including). At the same time, the effectiveness of either type is not inferior to the opponent.

Hardware procedures are carried out using special medical techniques: microcurrent therapy, radiofrequency exposure, electrophoresis and many others. Due to such a wide range of methods of influence, this type of procedure has significantly more contraindications than manual ones. However, in some cases, only hardware intervention can correct problems in the functioning of the body’s lymphatic and hydroexchange systems. In any case, going to a salon and having a hardware massage against bags under the eyes requires consultation with specialists (an ophthalmologist and a dermatologist in the first place).

The manual type is more common. These techniques are mentioned in the medical collections of Ancient China and in the manuscripts of Tibetan healers. That’s why today there are so many ways and techniques of manual massage for wrinkles under the eyes. By the way, these same techniques are also used to improve the flow of lymph throughout the body, and not just on the face. Any woman can perform manual lymphatic drainage massage at home.

Massage technique for bruises under the eyes

In order for the procedure to proceed correctly, you need to know the location of the special points that need to be affected. But it is even more important to know the correct massage technique for dark circles under the eyes. Here cosmetologists from the Land of the Rising Sun come to the aid of the fair half of humanity. To combat this problem, the Japanese technique is most often used, based on the work of the body’s lymphatic system.

The technology is very simple, and massage for bruises under the eyes will not take much time. It is necessary, moving along the massage lines, to lightly massage the skin in a circular motion. These lines run along the lines of the eyelids. Along the upper eyelid you should move from the bridge of the nose to the temples, and along the lower eyelid, on the contrary, from the corner of the eye to the center of the face. Movements should be smooth and soft. Start and end the procedure by lightly tapping the subeyebrow area, and pressing harder on the inner corner of the eye.

Be careful! The skin in this area is very delicate. Pressing too hard will turn the massage from under-eye circles into torture for your face.

Another type of massage for dark circles under the eyes

Before trying this method, become thoroughly familiar with the location of the treatment points in the area around the eyes. This type of massage is called acupressure, since the effect is on certain places. Before the procedure, wash your face with cool water and let your facial muscles relax thoroughly.

Points for facial massage from circles under the eyes are concentrated in the area of ​​the temples, at the inner corner of the eye and along the growth line of the lower eyelashes. Cosmetologists and massage therapists recommend applying light pats and pressure, avoiding linear movements.

A more complex version of drainage massage for circles under the eyes

This is the same acupressure drainage massage under the eyes, only instead of fingertips, ordinary spoons are used here. Decide on the size of the tools yourself, the main thing is that you are comfortable. The spoons must be heated, but not too much, no more than 40 degrees. Apply them to the same areas as described in the previous method.

The difficulty lies in maintaining the temperature of the instruments at all times. The metal cools down quickly enough, and all the benefit lies precisely in the heat emanating from it. Be careful not to get burned!

Lymphatic drainage massage for bags under the eyes

Facial massage for puffiness under the eyes allows you not only to get rid of bruises, but also from swelling of this part of the face. The procedure carried out precisely for this purpose is a little more complicated and we will consider it in more detail. How to remove bags under the eyes with massage? In fact, there are a lot of techniques and methods. Each cosmetologist does everything differently. But the principle of influence is always the same, so you can derive an “average” formula for proper massage around the eyes. Here are the detailed instructions:

  1. First, thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and other impurities. Massage for puffy eyes requires allowing the skin to breathe freely. It is advisable to use special cleansers. When selecting foams and gels, consider your skin type, age and individual characteristics (allergies);
  2. On cleansed skin, apply a special cream/serum/mask specifically for this area. Moisturize and nourish the eye area. Again, choose the means purely individually;
  3. We begin the massage itself against swelling under the eyes. At the same time, at the right and left temple, make 10 circular movements with the pads of your index and middle fingers. Perform clockwise rotations at the outermost corner of the eye;
  4. along the lower eyelid, make a series of light pressures with the same fingertips. You should move from the corner to the nose. The skin should not bunch up or wrinkle when pressed. Repeat three times on both sides at the same time;
  5. do the same for the upper eyelid. But you need to move in the opposite direction, from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Do three approaches;
  6. Apply a little more moisturizer, this will help prevent stretching of the skin while you perform a lymphatic drainage facial massage for puffy eyes. Now, place the pads of four fingers, located vertically, parallel to the nose, to the lower eyelid. Press on the skin for 5-7 seconds, and then repeat the previous step;
  7. Use the pad of your middle finger to “roll” along the lower eyelid. To do this, place your finger with the edge to the outer corner, with the pad to the nose and with a rotational movement, turn it towards the nose with your nail. With such rolling movements, walk to the inner edge of the eye;
  8. press with your middle finger on the outer corner of the eye, and after patting, walk along the protruding bone under the eye, continue moving along the eyebrow, returning to the temple. Repeat 5 such circles to massage bags under the eyes;
  9. With light rotational gestures we move along the perimeter of the eye sockets - along the protruding part of the cheekbone from below and along the eyebrows from above. Repeat 5 times;
  10. perform a series of pats in the same direction as described in the previous paragraph;
  11. We complete the massage for swelling under the eyes by washing again. Only this time you will have to spend a little more time on it. You need to do something like a contrast bath for your face: spend 10 seconds in cool water, 10 in warm water. It is best to continue this step for 3-4 minutes to give your facial muscles a rest and your skin to regain its tone.

It is not recommended to take breaks between exercises; all actions should follow each other continuously. Massage for bags under the eyes is effective only if all exercises are repeated regularly.

A few more tips on how to get rid of bags under the eyes

The duration of a procedure such as lymphatic drainage massage under the eyes should not exceed 10–20 minutes. It must be carried out regularly to achieve the desired effect in a shorter time. It is advisable to do it every day in the morning. It is not recommended to perform a set of exercises before going to bed, since during sleep the body rests, and accelerated lymph flows will not allow it.

You can accompany a massage course for bags under the eyes by rubbing with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile, nettle or calendula; this will give your skin additional vitamins and nutrients (and, of course, will help you wake up refreshed in the morning).

After you see the desired result in the mirror, reduce the massage under the eyes to the level of a preventive measure. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week. And remember, to maintain the health and beauty of your skin, one massage is not enough. Try to always get enough sleep, eat right (reduce the amount of salt you consume), and be as active as possible during the day. Otherwise, lymphatic drainage massage for bags under the eyes will not bring much benefit.

Do not overdo this procedure and do drainage massage under the eyes constantly. Swelling after a party with heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages or simply from excess moisture in the body is not yet a reason to resort to these techniques.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that this procedure, like any other, requires attention and concentration. Do not take breaks in the course of the procedures, follow all the rules described and do not rush to finish everything quickly. The skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive and delicate and can be easily damaged. This means you need to be extremely careful when performing lymphatic drainage massage under the eyes. Videos, of which there are many on the Internet, will clearly show all the tricks and secrets.

If you doubt the correctness of your actions, contact a specialist. A competent cosmetologist will not only do a massage for bags under the eyes correctly, but will also tell you how and what to do. Be attentive to your skin and love yourself!