How to clear your face of subcutaneous acne

How you sometimes worry when you see an unpleasant red bump on your forehead, cheeks or chin! The question immediately arises of how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face. The main thing here is to identify the cause; a large share of success in the war against a very annoying problem depends on this. Let's talk about how to remove a subcutaneous pimple and make sure that this trouble happens as rarely as possible in the future.

What are subcutaneous acne

Acne is the name given to pimples and blackheads in cosmetology. The most malicious of them are those that are lodged deep in the subcutaneous layer. Unfortunately, in this case, the pus is not able to escape, but accumulates deep in the inner layers of the epidermis. Thus, nearby areas of the skin become infected through the blood, causing more and more foci of inflammation.

Such skin diseases are not easy to cure even when visiting a cosmetologist, and even more so at home. But persistent efforts can still be crowned with success.

Cosmetologists distinguish two types of this disease: white subcutaneous pimples (these are a kind of reservoirs inside the epidermis filled with pus) and red, highly inflamed bumps without pus. Most often, subcutaneous acne affects the back, shoulders, chest and face. Moreover, formations on the latter cause the greatest discomfort.


Why do subcutaneous acne occur? The reasons are varied. It’s worth looking at the most common ones.

Most often, unpleasant formations on the skin appear due to non-compliance with the rules of facial hygiene or improper cleansing. The fact is that both those who do not cleanse their face well and those who wash it with special care are susceptible to acne. Yes, too intense cleansing dries out the skin and deprives it of natural fat - a kind of barrier against bacteria.

Pore ​​blockage, the main cause of acne in women, is caused by frequent use of foundation, powder and other decorative cosmetics. Men become infected with acne in the following way: by shaving, they damage the skin, and after using an alcohol-based balm or lotion, they dry out the epidermis, which provokes the spread of bacteria.

There are a number of other reasons why both small and large subcutaneous acne can occur:

  1. The period of hormonal changes in the body. It is a mistake to believe that this is only puberty. The cause may be pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause.
  2. Weak immune system of the body. As a result, bacteria actively multiply in the epidermis.
  3. Genetics.
  4. Diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Excessive sweating. For example, acne often occurs in men where the neck and shirt collar come into close contact.
  6. Helminthic infestations.
  7. Acne may be the result of a parasite in the body. subcutaneous demodex mite. Its habitat is hair follicles.
  8. Mechanical damage to the skin and epidermis.

At-risk groups

In addition to people whose bodies undergo hormonal changes, there are those who are at constant risk for facial skin problems. Basically, the reasons for including them in the list of potential visitors to a cosmetologist’s office are lifestyle.

In the first place is poor nutrition. These are products that contain excessive amounts of fat and glucose: sweets, chocolate, mayonnaise, low-quality pasta and white bread. This is all an excellent recharge for acne that multiplies on the skin.

A sedentary lifestyle is the next most common cause of acne on the skin. Due to insufficient physical activity, the tone of all body systems decreases, which in turn provokes stagnant processes in the intestines, from where toxic breakdown products are absorbed into the blood and “settle” on the skin in the form of small pimples and large subcutaneous pimples.

Incorrect use of vitamins, or rather, their incompatibility, provokes acne.

Smokers often experience skin problems. A subcutaneous pimple (like a lump) is the body’s reaction to tobacco poisoning. Many people consider this to be an allergy to smoking, but in fact the body is fighting the threat.


As soon as inflammation begins in the sebaceous gland duct, the dermis swells, which leads to blockage. Fat is not able to leave the gland; accordingly, it gradually accumulates, thus forming a lump. This provokes lightning-fast proliferation of bacteria and the formation, as a result, of a purulent pustule. At this stage, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately, because further the amount of acne will increase due to the large presence of pus inside the epidermis. The skin becomes lumpy and has an unhealthy reddish tint.

If we talk about a red pimple that does not form a purulent pustule, then its symptoms are redness, itching, which brings discomfort. When pressing on a potential site of subcutaneous acne formation, a person experiences noticeable pain.

The first symptom of subcutaneous mite activity is peeling of red areas and the formation of small pimples, and then large ones.


The consequences of acne for the skin are very unpleasant: its unattractive appearance or even the presence of scars. The latter arise due to a very common method of removal - extrusion.

Before you remove a subcutaneous pimple in this way, you should remember that it is located in the deep layers of the skin, inhabited by bacteria. Not only will unprofessional manipulation of the skin lead to the formation of new foci of inflammation, they will leave scars on the skin, and in some cases can lead to blood poisoning.

Treatment with natural remedies

Sooner or later the question arises of how to remove a subcutaneous pimple. It is possible to cope with the problem at home. First, let's look at the recipes of traditional medicine, which uses the medicinal properties of plants.

Aloe will perfectly help cure acne. The juice of this plant has the unique ability to “pull” the abscess to the surface of the skin, and then completely dissolve it. It is necessary to break an aloe leaf into pieces and apply it to the site of inflammation (the leaves can be ground into a paste). A regular adhesive plaster will help secure the drug. The procedure can be performed as many times a day as the plant is hypoallergenic.

It is known that tap water dries out the skin, which provokes new foci of inflammation. Wash with specially prepared water: brew leaves of nettle, celandine, mint, string, chamomile flowers, and calendula in equal proportions.

St. John's wort promotes rapid ripening of subcutaneous acne. The lotion recipe is as follows: the leaves and flowers of the plant are poured with boiling water, boiled for about 10 minutes, filtered and cooled. Birch buds have the same ability. The recipe is identical.

A remedy that acne is very afraid of is tea tree oil. This is an excellent natural antiseptic. To achieve results, it is necessary to apply it precisely to the areas of inflammation.

Baking soda for acne

Regular baking soda will help remove subcutaneous acne. The treatment will be successful due to the excellent anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties of this substance. In addition, baking soda nourishes the skin well and relieves it from excessive dryness. Its systematic use will improve the appearance of facial skin: it will narrow pores, give tone and make it younger.

Cleaning your face with baking soda is done during your morning wash. To do this, mix soda and water to a paste-like consistency, apply to the face, leave for about half an hour and rinse off. The procedure should be carried out no more than 2-3 times a week for 1 month.

It is also recommended to add baking soda to creams, scrubs and other cleansers. It is used as an ingredient in numerous acne masks. We talk about them below.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications when cleansing your face with soda is undesirable. It is not recommended for use by people with sensitive skin or heart disease. Use with caution in combination with acidic ingredients and salt.

Acne medications

A number of medications also work well to treat acne. Let's figure out how. Vishnevsky ointment will help get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face. This remedy is known for its ability to “pull” the abscess to the surface overnight, where treatment will be more successful. Not everyone can stand the specific smell of the drug; ichthyol ointment can be offered as an option.

Another remedy is the well-known iodine. It is very effective in the fight against subcutaneous acne. It should be applied very carefully, pointwise, without pressing. Iodine should not be used on non-inflamed areas because it causes dry skin. An aqueous solution of syntomycin emulsion has the same property.

Levomekol ointment is a good antibacterial agent; in addition, it has regenerating properties. However, there are limitations in its use due to the presence of antibiotics in the composition. Consulting a doctor will not be superfluous.

Another remedy is ten tablets of trichopolum and two chloramphenicol, crushed into powder, dissolved in calendula tincture. The solution is applied to the areas of inflammation, left for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with running water.

Treatment with masks

Masks have proven to be very effective in the fight against acne. How to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face using this method? Now we'll tell you.

Baking soda based masks are very effective. The most popular of them is the following: take two tablespoons of flour or starch (any flour will do: buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal), add two teaspoons of soda to them, mix with water until a mushy state forms. Leave the mask on the face for a quarter of an hour (when applying, avoid the lips and eyelids), then wash off with a cotton swab. The procedure must be done systematically, once a week.

A mask made from baking soda (2 parts) and hydrogen peroxide (1 part) is also effective. The only difference from the previous one is that it is applied exclusively to inflamed areas and lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes.

White clay is very good in the fight against acne. Masks containing it will help narrow pores and block inflammatory processes in the epidermis. This mask is widely used: white clay, lemon juice and calendula tincture are mixed in a certain proportion: 3 teaspoons, 1 teaspoon, 30 grams, respectively. Apply to the face and leave on for 15 minutes.

Another recipe based on white clay, where it must be mixed with talcum powder and a small amount of milk. Dry products are taken in equal proportions and diluted with milk to a mushy consistency.

Treatment by a cosmetologist

Another option for how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face is to seek specialized help from a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The most effective professional care options are:

  1. Masks with a specially developed composition, intended for use in beauty salons.
  2. Various options cleaning (using a vacuum, special devices or mechanical - it all depends on the doctor’s prescriptions). It is quite difficult to talk about how much facial cleansing costs, because the price depends on many factors, in addition, it may happen that the procedure will need to be repeated several times. The minimum cost of one cleaning is about 1,500 rubles.
  3. Helps deal with acne peeling. This could be microdermabrasion - cleansing the skin with microcrystals (coral chips or salts and minerals). Chemical peeling is a more serious procedure because the acids with which it is carried out penetrate deep into the epidermis.

Cosmetologists also use mesotherapy (subcutaneous administration of medicinal drugs), laser resurfacing, when the stratum corneum is removed from the surface of the skin, deincrustation - an operation during which acne is opened and the pores are cleared of pus.


If you are at risk or have oily skin prone to acne, you should follow simple preventive measures to avoid acne.

  1. Watch your diet: exclude or consume in the smallest quantities fatty, spicy, salty, sweet, white flour products.
  2. More physical activity.
  3. To give up smoking.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases should not be allowed.
  5. It is important to carefully select cosmetics, preferably together with a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Acne on the face is a problem that not only spoils your appearance, but also indicates health problems. But there are special acne, which are called subcutaneous. They differ from regular acne in that they occur inside the skin. They cannot be squeezed out, and they look like small bumps on the skin.

Our body requires care. Acne treatment is a must when maintaining a decent appearance and good health. Today we will talk about how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face. First you need to understand the reasons for their appearance.

Subcutaneous acne on the face: causes

Treatment of any rash begins with identifying the possible causes of its occurrence. To understand how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the face, you need to determine why they appeared. Any acne, including internal acne, occurs due to disruption of the sebaceous glands of the face. This may occur due to the following factors:

  1. Impaired sebum secretion.
  2. Plugs in the pores that do not allow sebum to be released in sufficient quantities.
  3. Metabolic disorders, due to which the pores begin to work incorrectly and the inflammatory process begins.
  4. Bacteria living in the upper layers of the epidermis accelerate their work, thereby contributing to the formation of unpleasant and painful white subcutaneous pimples on the face.
  5. Problems with the digestive system.
  6. Too intense work of hair follicles.
  7. Problems with the endocrine system.

If you do not treat the root cause of acne, then you will never understand how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on your face at home. It is also worth paying attention to who is susceptible to these defects and why.

At-risk groups

Internal acne on the face most often occurs in the following groups of people:

  1. Boys and girls during puberty. Teenagers often suffer from this problem, and in this case it is the most difficult to get rid of.
  2. People with a hereditary predisposition.
  3. People with chronic diseases in which acne occurs as a complication.
  4. People whose profession requires them to come into contact with toxic substances.
  5. Patients who regularly take large amounts of pharmaceutical drugs, especially antibiotics.

Subcutaneous acne on the face, the treatment of which involves taking into account all of the above factors, is easier to prevent than to get rid of them. However, there are special modern techniques that help quickly and painlessly eliminate any skin imperfections. Such methods require decent financial investments. If you can afford it, then make this choice.

Modern methods of getting rid of internal acne

Internal acne on the face can be cured using the following methods:

  1. Treatment with ozone. The injection is injected under the skin, destroying bacteria and restoring cell tone. At the same time, you do not feel any discomfort or pain. After the injection, the internal pimple matures within a few hours.
  2. Procedure using intense blue color. This method also allows you to eliminate acne without pain. The impulses affect the pimple, after which it quickly matures and is eliminated.

Both methods do their job well. After their use, there are no scars, redness, peeling or other imperfections. Subcutaneous acne on the face, the causes of which are hereditary, can also be easily eliminated using modern methods, but after their use an appropriate course of rehabilitation prescribed by a doctor is required. This is necessary to avoid recurrence of acne.

If you cannot afford to allocate enough money to remove subcutaneous acne on your face, treatment will have to be done at home.

Traditional methods of fighting acne

Traditional recipes are an effective way to combat skin defects. It has many positive aspects, including low cost. If you want to know how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on your face in 1 day, then you better contact a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist. However, if you are going to take a longer, but no less effective route, traditional methods will help you. So, how to clear your face of subcutaneous acne:

  1. Periodically make five-minute compresses from the salt infusion.
  2. Take baths with added sea salt.
  3. Treat affected areas of skin with iodine. But do not overdo it with the amount, so as not to provoke a burn!
  4. Treat acne with herbal infusions.

As a rule, these methods help, the result is visible within a few days. But if there are even more acne on your face, then don’t be lazy, consult a dermatologist.

Recipes for fighting acne

The best remedy for subcutaneous acne is a drug prescribed by a doctor. However, if you do not have the opportunity or desire to visit the hospital, then use one of the recipes:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of regular table salt in a glass of water. Boil the solution. Compresses should be done while the water is still hot.
  2. Take chamomile, celandine, calendula, string and mint in equal proportions, prepare a herbal decoction from them. Wash your face with the resulting liquid instead of regular water.
  3. Dissolve the juice of one lemon in two glasses of water. You need to periodically wipe your face with the solution.
  4. Mix white clay with lemon juice and calendula decoction so that you get a mass with the consistency of sour cream. Make masks from the resulting mixture several times a day.
  5. Mix raw potatoes with egg whites. If desired, you can add a little salt to the mixture. Make masks from the resulting mass.
  6. Make a decoction of birch buds, then wipe your face with the liquid.
  7. Dilute the yeast with warm water. Apply the resulting paste to your face as a mask. Keep it until completely dry, then rinse with boiled water;
  8. Make a powder from several aspirin tablets. Fill it with a small amount of water. Apply the resulting mass to your face, wait 15 minutes and rinse.

These methods have been tested for decades, so they can be called truly effective. But the best treatment is prevention.

Prevention of subcutaneous acne

In order not to worry about the problem of subcutaneous acne, you can use the following preventive measures:

  1. Do not eliminate internal pimple mechanically. You risk causing inflammation and introducing pathogenic bacteria into the body.
  2. Try to eat right. This will help you maintain the beauty of your face and figure.
  3. Don't stay at home. Skin needs to breathe. To ensure she receives the necessary amount of oxygen, walk more often.

Remember that a healthy lifestyle is a universal means of prevention; it helps to avoid any diseases.

Medications for the treatment of subcutaneous acne

Often people suffering from subcutaneous acne use the following remedies:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment.
  2. Ichthyol ointment.

There is still a debate among people about which of these remedies removes pus faster and more effectively. Each person chooses for himself which drug suits him best. But it is worth noting that if this is your first time struggling with subcutaneous acne, then ichthyol ointment will be more suitable for your skin.

What is demodicosis

If subcutaneous pimples begin to appear on your face in whole groups, then you need to visit the hospital to take all the necessary tests for demodicosis. This is the name given to a skin disease caused by skin mites. It seems harmless only at first glance; in fact, demodicosis can cause several dangerous complications.

If the causative agent of the disease has found refuge under the top layer of your skin, then trying to squeeze out a pimple will lead to the fact that the mite will move to another area of ​​​​the skin, provoking new acne. Therefore, do not treat this problem with negligence; visit a doctor at the first suspicion of demodicosis.

Useful skin care tips

The most common cause of skin rashes is poor personal hygiene. Even people who are confident in their cleanliness do not always take proper care of their skin. Remember these rules:

  1. Even if you don't wear makeup, your skin should be cleansed at the end of the day, as oil secretions can clog pores, causing acne.
  2. Do not use other people's towels to avoid contracting demodicosis.
  3. A feather pillow is a collection of microorganisms. If possible, replace it with a pillow with a different filling.
  4. Don't forget about cosmetic products. Some of them are quite effective. Choose products that suit your skin type. Try to give preference to more expensive companies.

These tips are simple and easy to follow. Believe me, they will play a significant role in normalizing the condition of your skin.

The main mistakes in the fight against acne

Even if you fully follow the above tips, you may make serious mistakes. Forbidden:

  1. Try to squeeze out the pimple with great force. If you do not endure until the end of the course of treatment and do this, then scars will remain on the skin that will no longer be possible to eliminate at home.
  2. Touch your face with dirty hands. Unwashed hands are a source of pathogenic bacteria. They can penetrate the skin if you neglect personal hygiene rules.
  3. Treat your face with alcohol. If you cauterize a pimple, the alcohol burn will certainly make itself felt.
  4. Neglect the vegetable diet. A subcutaneous pimple may indicate a lack of vitamins, so your diet should be balanced. If possible, buy a good vitamin and mineral complex at the pharmacy.
  5. Use antibiotics unnecessarily. This is strictly prohibited. You risk extinguishing your own immunity and allowing infectious agents to enter your body.
  6. Don't be careful about the clothes you wear. The fabric that comes into contact with your body should consist of natural ingredients, since subcutaneous acne infections usually occur en masse. If acne appears on the back, then it won’t take long for them to form on the face.
  7. Use a large number of creams. You need to let the skin breathe freely, and such products usually have an oily texture that clogs the pores. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon such creams, just limit their use.

Avoid these mistakes to ensure treatment proceeds as quickly as possible.


Thus, the treatment of subcutaneous acne is a simple procedure, but it requires maximum concentration. The best option when discovering internal acne is to go to the doctor. If you do not have this opportunity, do not be discouraged, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow the above recommendations. An integrated approach to acne treatment will give positive results within a few days after the start of the procedures.

A subcutaneous pimple is more dangerous than regular acne due to its location. Subcutaneous pimples form quite easily. Basically the same as all other acne. The sebaceous plug blocks the duct of the sebaceous gland and the inflammatory process begins. Peculiar tubercles appear on the skin, this indicates that pus has collected under the skin.

But the main difference between subcutaneous acne and regular acne is accumulated pus, which has no chance to come out and sometimes gets into the blood and nearby tissues. Pressing on this tubercle is quite painful.

Subcutaneous acne does not appear instantly. First, a compaction forms with infected cells, then over the course of several weeks it matures and causes pain.

This pimple can appear on any part of the skin. Their distinguishing feature is their ripening time. Subcutaneous acne takes several weeks to mature. If it has formed on a non-exposed area of ​​skin, then it can be somehow hidden with clothing or jewelry, but inflammation on the face cannot be hidden in any way.

Dermatologists conditionally all subcutaneous pimplesand are divided into two types:

  1. Subcutaneous white pimple - a pustule filled with pus appears under the skin.
  2. Internal red pimple - there is no pus under the skin, the area of ​​the epidermis itself becomes inflamed, swelling appears in the form of a tubercle.

Reasons for appearance?

Whatever it is cause of subcutaneous acne, in any case, it is better to look for it together with a specialist.

  1. Colds.
  2. Lack of personal hygiene.
  3. Excessively careful skin care.
  4. Damage to the skin.
  5. Unbalanced diet.
  6. Allergic reaction to clothing fabrics.
  7. Hormonal disorders.
  8. Heredity.
  9. Skin mite.
  10. Stomach diseases.
  11. Sweating more than normal.
  12. The result of careless shaving in men.


The main external symptom is redness of the inflamed area skin. There are a lot of bacteria on the surface of the epidermis, which immediately accumulate on the affected area of ​​the skin. Thus, pustules form under the skin.

The advanced stage of the disease looks like lumpy, greasy, red skin. Treatment at this stage is quite difficult.

Due to prolonged ripening, a person feels uncomfortable, for example, if the pimple is on the shoulder blade. It is painful to touch and constantly itches.

Pimples often appear in groups on the face. In this case, you need to seek help from a dermatologist. He will find out the reason for their formation and prescribe the necessary treatment.


To begin treatment, you first need to find out the reason for the appearance of subcutaneous acne. This can only be done by a specialist - doctors. dermatologist and endocrinologist.

You can reconsider your diet on your own. Add more vitamins to your diet. The optimal solution would be a fruit and vegetable diet.

If the problem of subcutaneous acne has been pressing for you for many years and folk remedies cannot get rid of them, then the right step would be to turn to modern medicine. Most often this ends with the use of internal medications and special ointments that draw out the pus.


For the most part, self-medication does not lead to anything good. Everyone strives to overcome acne, forgetting about what they need fight the cause of their formation.

Often young people, in order to get rid of the hated subcutaneous pimples on their faces, try to squeeze them out, causing themselves incredible pain. But as a result of this torment, you get an unclean face without acne, and even more redness, small wounds that leave scars after healing.

These atrophic scars remain for life. They can only be removed using a laser in specialized salons. To avoid scarring, consult a doctor immediately after the abscess has matured. A dermatologist will properly open the pimple and treat it, which will prevent infection and new inflammation from developing. Sometimes seemingly harmless squeezing of a pimple can result in blood poisoning.

Under no circumstances should you engage in dangerous self-medication and take antibiotics without prescription. Only a specialist has the right to prescribe certain medications, especially potent ones.

Cosmetological methods

The dermatologist will first of all draw your attention on the cosmetics used for the face (foundation, powder). These are exactly the products that clog pores and prevent the sebaceous glands from working as usual. And in men, the skin is damaged when shaving. Cracks and small cuts form. At the same time, alcohol aftershave lotion dries out the epidermis, and he becomes more vulnerable.

Ways to eliminate acne in cosmetology clinics

  1. Ozone therapy. Under the influence of ozone, human skin produces collagen and elastin at an accelerated pace, which help fight and recover from acne. Ozone also dries and makes the area where the subcutaneous pimple has formed less painful. Another advantage is the rapid maturation of the “subcutaneous skin”. But unfortunately, this procedure is not carried out in all beauty salons and is quite expensive.
  2. Peeling. The procedure for cleansing the top layer of skin. Roughly speaking, it is the skin that is “burned” using chemicals. And this is rather not a method of treating acne, but rather removing scars and irregularities formed after acne.
  3. Laser resurfacing. The top layer of the epidermis is removed, and along with it, skin defects.

How to deal with acne on the face at home

Traditional methods of combating subcutaneous acne are no less effective. Even though not many people believe it.

Home control methods:

  1. Iodine. If you notice a subcutaneous pimple on your face, you can cauterize it with iodine. Several times a day, use a cotton swab soaked in iodine to anoint the area of ​​redness. This way you will dry it out a little. But you need to be careful with this method of fighting acne, because you can get burned. And one more unpleasant moment - a stain of iodine will be visible for some time at the site of the pimple.
  2. Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment. It will be useful to use these products to make masks for the affected areas of the skin. To perform this procedure, you need to apply a compress with one of the mentioned ointments to a cleanly washed face. Keep the compress all night. Soon, acne and redness will disappear from your face.
  3. Syntomycin emulsion. This remedy should be used to treat the pimples themselves. But using it in its pure form is extremely harmful to the skin, so you will have to prepare a solution. For the mixture, combine emulsion and water one to one. Wipe pre-cleansed facial skin with this solution.
  4. Herbal decoctions. Washing with decoctions based on celandine, chamomile, mint and calendula has a calming effect on the skin. The broth can be frozen, and then wipe your face with frozen ice cubes.
  5. Aloe. A compress of aloe leaves will get rid of acne in a couple of nights. The algorithm of actions will be as follows: an aloe leaf is cut lengthwise, applied to the inflamed area, secured with a band-aid, and removed in the morning. The next evening the procedure is repeated.
  6. Nettle decoction. This decoction, unlike those listed above, must be taken orally for a month. Nettle helps normalize metabolism, removes waste and toxins from the body.
  7. Tea tree oil. This remedy is used to quickly dry out pimples. To do this, apply a drop of oil to the inflamed area of ​​skin every three hours.
  8. Salt cleaning. Apply camphor alcohol or shaving cream with soda and salt to the entire skin of the face using a tampon. Apply this mixture gently in a circular motion from bottom to top, paying attention to the forehead, cheeks and chin. After a few minutes, this mixture is washed off, and a curd mask is applied to the code.
  9. Place butter, honey, and finely chopped onion in a small saucepan. All components of this mixture must be in equal proportions. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Then gradually add wheat flour and stir thoroughly. The consistency of the mixture should resemble plasticine. Roll out the cooled mixture and apply it to a subcutaneous pimple on the face. Repeat the procedure daily until the acne disappears completely. The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, so you don’t have to bother with preparation every evening.
  10. Creams with retinol. If you cannot find them in pharmacies, you can easily prepare them at home. Add a couple of drops of liquid vitamin A to your usual face cream. It helps the pus come out and restores the skin faster.
  11. Sea salt. A sea salt bath has a soothing and disinfecting effect on the skin. For facial skin, you can make compresses based on sea salt. To prepare the compress you will need two tablespoons of salt, a glass of water and a cotton napkin. Dissolve the salt in a glass of hot water, then bring to a boil. Leave the solution to cool slightly. Then dip the napkin into the solution, wring it out a little and place it on your face. You need to keep the compress until the napkin is completely dry. The more often you carry out this procedure, the sooner you will be free from subcutaneous acne on your face.
  12. Lemon juice. Prepare a solution from fresh lemon juice and clean water. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Use a cotton swab to wipe your face with this solution. This will help tighten the pores and clear the surface of the skin of bacteria. You probably won’t be able to cure acne this way, but it is a very good preventive measure.

Most susceptible to subcutaneous acne people with oily skin. Therefore, every day, without any reservations, you need to cleanse your facial skin, even despite the fact that you did not wear makeup that day.

It is easier to avoid subcutaneous acne by taking preventative measures than to treat them later. By devoting a little time to your facial skin, but every day, you can avoid such a nuisance as a subcutaneous pimple.