How to choose a facial peel

Even young, elastic skin requires proper care. Not only creams and masks for young skin are needed in home care, but also facial peeling should not be excluded from weekly care.

Let's take a closer look types of peeling for the face and we will help you choose the type of peeling for your age: young skin, teenage skin, from 25 years old, 30 years old and older.

How to remove wrinkles depending on age will be discussed in detail below. Having studied the main indicators of such a not very pleasant stage of our life as aging: Their 4 stages of skin aging . You can easily select cosmetics and your cream will become the best anti-wrinkle cream, and peeling will bring the desired rejuvenation!

Top best professional: superficial facial peels, medium peels and ready-made kits at home from a cosmetologist

To get the desired result and choose the appropriate peeling and care cosmetics for you Our services:

1. Consultation with a cosmetologist (free), discussion and provision of a protocol for the procedure,
2. Skin diagnostics, selection of home care products,
2. Training seminars,
3. Trial procedure.

You will undoubtedly gain new knowledge and understanding of what to expect from cosmetics, how to build care in a beauty salon and at home using professional cosmetics! For each skin type and, depending on ageA - he’s his!

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Which all-season peeling is better to choose?

Consultation with a cosmetologist. What do we want from peeling in the summer? So that the skin remains thin, elastic, and, of course, no pigment spots! But we also want to bask in the sun, sunbathe, and maybe go to the sea!

And the question is, how to combine this?!

Therefore, the “golden rule” when choosing peeling in the summer is that the peeling should be lighter and more superficial. Mechanical scrubs, as well as our favorite acid peels - especially highly concentrated medium and deep ones - will be put aside until the fall!

Now let there be enzyme and superficial acid peels on the shelf, usually gel-like.

The best all-season peels undoubtedly include:

1. Almond peeling professional line FACE CARE,

2. Enzyme peeling scrub and enzyme peeling 100 ml,

4. Biopeeling with AHA acids of hibiscus organic cosmetics ORGANIC THERAPY

Don’t forget to do light moisturizing masks 2-3 times a week in summer and apply a light moisturizing cream. We, of course, love professional cosmetics, but you can take everything you have with you on vacation and use it, and when you return, when you buy new ones, you may want to try inexpensive professional cosmetics. This will maintain the beauty, elasticity and hydration of the skin. Adhering to the protocol of the procedure, using cosmetics in post-peeling care, sunscreen cosmetics.

Before a trip to the sea, peeling can be done a few days before the trip so that the tan lays down evenly (it is still more rational to sunbathe under a beach umbrella, there is simply a chance that you will not have to deal with unwanted pigmentation later). Upon return, start doing the same after 7-10 days. The skin is already damaged by the scorching sun; unnecessary intervention can also provoke irritation and even pigmentation. You are rested, relaxed, and here is your favorite skin, let it rest too. In a couple of weeks, when the first peeling from tanning begins, the skin will become rough, tough, wrinkles will be more pronounced, you can begin to care for it, starting with the peeling stage. If you still have dry skin, and it has become less elastic and irritated for any reason: from water, food, the feeling of tightness in the morning is uncomfortable, then try applying an organic line mask. Helps a lot! There are two of them, one mask is for dry skin, the second is for oily, dehydrated skin. The line is new, but has shown itself very well. 95% natural ingredients! Summer will pass, the skin will recover, and then it will be possible to take on more active facial treatments, using professional facial peels, for example, with acids.

But when the sun stops being active, read more about all the stages of the facial peeling procedure with acids and subsequent care after peeling. And we, for our part, will help you make a choice based on your task, age and skin type. And of course, skin conditions after summer!

How to remove wrinkles and choose peeling for dry, thin, irritated skin?

Dry thin skin, a finely wrinkled type of aging, as a rule, with improper care, very quickly turns into dry, dehydrated. Often, even washing with plain water causes a feeling of tightness and irritation. Over time, even normal skin types become drier and the skin becomes thinner. If we talk about peelings, then the use of scrubs with abrasive particles irritates and thins the skin even more; microscratches cause rashes and inflammations similar to rashes of problematic oily skin. Our cosmetologist will help you build a care program. And what to do if neither natural oils nor moisturizing cosmetics help to radically change the situation?

If we talk about peelings with acids, then Almond peeling will help regenerate the upper stratum corneum of the skin. This will relieve the irritation and feeling of discomfort that you know, starting with washing your face with water. Properly selected facial peeling is always an effective procedure for facial rejuvenation.

After peeling , the skin greedily absorbs the maximum possible amount of active substances of professional cosmetics, especially organic cosmetics with 95% natural ingredients. The peeling effect lies precisely in the frequency of exposure to the dermis, which forces the skin to protect itself with a powerful response of collagen synthesis and, due to this, a rejuvenating and lifting effect. Relieves skin irritation and allergy.

Why does young skin age and look tired?

One of the reasons for the slowdown in renewal of the stratum corneum is the decrease in the activity of proteolytic enzymes that destroy the adhesion between the scales of the stratum corneum. And as a result, an accumulation of horny scales, due to which the skin looks dull and takes on a grayish tint.

What can home peeling do for problematic oily skin? For aging skin?

A huge range of cosmetic problems are solved using various types of peeling: renewal and rejuvenation of the skin, smoothing of the skin texture, narrowing and cleansing of pores, elimination of small scars, wrinkles, pigment spots, acne, evening out the complexion of the skin, giving it smoothness and silkiness, noticeable lifting -effect after the first use.

For oily problem skin, glycolic peeling will make your facial skin perfectly clean and youthful, launching renewal processes and accelerating the generation of post-acne marks. This method is based on the skin’s high ability to heal itself, since one of its main functions is protective.

Milk peeling is indicated for aged skin of the deformed and tired type of aging, because new, younger cells replace keratinized and dead cells. They perform their functions better, due to which the appearance of the skin is transformed, it becomes noticeably younger.

Before choosing a peeling for yourself, our cosmetologist will conduct a free professional consultation (by phone or in the website feedback form). Before prescribing a particular peel, the cosmetologist should know about your health status, as well as whether you are taking medications or vitamins (some medications make your skin hypersensitive).

Peeling and photoaging

The concept of photoaging played a special role in the popularization of peeling. , recently developed. According to it, the main negative changes in the skin - dryness, wrinkles, age spots, increased keratinization, dilated capillaries - arise due to the lack of use of sunscreens in the summer from exposure toI'm ultravioletsummer rays. They are not of a deep nature and are not associated with aging processes caused by age, and therefore can be eliminated in time with the help of cosmetic treatments, including high-quality peeling of the face and body. The effectiveness of such a program lies in the fact that the skin is ready to accept all the active components, moisture, vitamins, due to the acceleration of the process of dermal cell division, initiated by the peeling procedure itself.

Which peeling Can do in summer ?

A very frequently asked question. Probably only the laziest have not read that it is the season for peeling (including) AHA Peeling acids - autumn-winter-early spring, before the onset of active sun. Of course, in our latitudes, summer can resemble the south, with temperatures of about 30 degrees, and autumn, almost with night frosts. But the activity of the sun and ultraviolet radiation is always high, so after glycolic peeling 50% pH2.5, sun protection using sunscreen becomes more important.

Peels with high acid content and low (acidic) pH can cause pigmentation. Especially if you plan to vacation on the coast in hot countries. It is clear that it is not easy to look in the mirror and dispassionately observe how pigment spots appear, which have been removed with such efforts throughout the autumn-winter season. Summer will also fly by unnoticed, and it’s better to enjoy its delights, sunbathe, swim, and eat fruit. And in the fall, even out your complexion, giving it a milky whiteness.


1. Professional almond peeling 200ml,

2. Enzyme peeling scrub 300 ml and enzyme peeling 100 ml.

3. All-season peeling with ferulic acid 105 ml,

4. Biopeeling with AHA acids of hibiscus 300 ml

We hear this word “peeling” quite often. What it is and why we, in principle, understand, but not very well.

Facial peeling. Brief overview. Which peeling should I buy?

Word peeling is of American origin from the verb “peel”, which means “to remove the peel, peel, husk”, i.e., by word formation, “peeling” means the very process of removing this very skin. Even the beauties of Ancient Egypt and Rome used herbal compositions and mineral particles to cleanse and exfoliate dead skin layers. They knew that this was a very effective method of preserving the youth and beauty of the skin, and in addition, it allows you to eliminate various imperfections - freckles, scars, wrinkles. After this procedure, the skin will acquire freshness and a healthy tone, become smooth and velvety, and look much more toned and elastic. Let us repeat once again that the effect of peeling lies precisely in the frequency of exposure to the dermis, which forces the skin to protect itself with a powerful response of collagen synthesis and, due to this, a rejuvenating and lifting effect.

How does skin age?

Highlighted by scientists four types of skin aging , according to which it is possible and necessary to select the depth of influence:

  1. type - “no wrinkles” under the age of 25. To improve this type of skin, it is enough to use cosmetics for young skin and superficial peels.
  2. type - “wrinkles in dynamics” at the age of 25 to 35 years. The first pigment spots and wrinkles appear when smiling in the corners of the eyes. To correct changes, superficial chemical peeling and microdermabrasion are recommended. Cosmetics with whitening effect, with hyaluronic acid.
  3. type - “wrinkles at rest” between the ages of 35 and 50 years. Uneven pigmentation, spider veins and dilated capillaries, wrinkles are visible when facial wrinkles relax, keratosis is a thickening of the stratum corneum, visible to the eye. Medium and deep peelings are recommended. Natural cosmetics for care from the age of 30 years.
  4. type "solid wrinkles" aged 50 and older. All skin is covered with wrinkles. Using decorative cosmetics is difficult, as it crumbles and gets stuck in folds. Deep chemical peeling, laser resurfacing, injectable fillers with skin tightening are recommended. But always tangible results for facial skin rejuvenation and lifting allow you to prolong the youth of your skin using various facial massage techniques and professional facial care used in the procedures.

Types of peelings by depth of influence:

Very superficial - used to remove dead skin cells. Recommended for the treatment of dry, rough and rough skin that has lost its tone and brightness.
Superficial peeling - for partial or complete exfoliation of the epidermis. Used to remove freckles, age spots and wrinkles.
Medium peeling - provokes the death of the first layer of the dermis - the papillary layer. The destruction of this layer allows you to get rid of senile pigmentation and deep wrinkles.
Deep peeling – removes the first (papillary) and second (reticular) layers of the dermis. As a result, expression lines and senile wrinkles, as well as scars, disappear.

Types of peelings by type of effect:

It is produced with special products (cream peeling, scrub with abrasive particles) that facilitate easy exfoliation and cleansing of the surface layer of the skin. Peeling cream allows you to thin the stratum corneum, remove superficial skin impurities and shallow small comedones.
2. Mechanical
2.1. Brashing (brossage)
• This is cleaning the skin with brushes or sponges that rotate at different speeds clockwise or counterclockwise.
2.2. Dermabrasion
A type of deep peeling. It involves grinding the face with a special cutter that rotates at high speed. Indicated for removing scars, birthmarks, and wrinkles.
2.3. Microdermabrasion
During the procedure, a special device applies aluminum oxide microcrystals to the skin (or, using a diamond tip, tiny diamond crystals), gently and carefully removing the surface layer of keratinized epithelium
3. Laser (grinding)
The laser penetrates the cells and evaporates moisture. As a result, the cells die, coagulate (collapse) and the skin is renewed.
4. Chemical (acid), peeling with alpha hydroxy acids
Chemical peeling the most popular product for renewing and rejuvenating facial skin. Solutions of various acids (in varying concentrations) are used for it. Chemical peels include enzyme peels, fruit acid peels, glycolic peels, yellow peels, TCA peels and phenol peels.
4.1. Enzyme peeling
A type of very superficial peeling, since it removes only the very top horny scales and protein contaminants from the surface of the skin. During the procedure, a weak solution of fruit acids (grape, pineapple, kiwi, papaya, sugar cane...) gently dissolves and removes the layer of dead keratinized epidermal cells.
Salicylic peeling
• The base is salicylic acid, an organic beta-hydroxy acid first isolated from the bark of the willow tree. Salicylic peel helps reduce visible acne marks. Salicylic acid has antiseptic and cleansing properties, which are especially needed by acne-prone skin, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin, easily penetrates the skin pores and stops the process of acne formation, and has antioxidant properties.
4.2. Glycolic peeling
A type of superficial peeling. Glycolic peels are used to get rid of fine wrinkles, dull complexion, and minor skin blemishes after acne. It is very important to constantly moisturize your skin with recommended products after a glycolic peel.
4.3. Retinol (Yellow) peeling
• The main active ingredient is beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A), yellow in color, made on the basis of natural retinol (extracts from the Urukum plant from Central America) and is a superficial peeling. Ascorbic acid, vitamin E, hesperdin (a flavonoid of the vitamin P group) can be added to the composition.
4.4. TCA peeling
• A type of medium peeling. The procedure is performed with trichloroacetic acid. TCA peel is more aggressive than yellow peel and has a longer recovery period. For peeling with trichloroacetic acid, different concentrations of TCA are used - from 15 to 40%.
4.5. Phenol peeling
• A type of deep peeling.
5. Physical using hardware gels
5.1. Ultrasonic facial cleansing
• Ultrasonic peeling (facial cleansing) is very gentle, so it can be done at any time of the year, even in summer, without the risk of age spots.
5.2. Vacuum facial cleansing
This is a gentle hardware method of skin cleansing, carried out using special pneumatic equipment and avoiding unnecessary irritation of the face.
5.3. Disincrustation (galvanotherapy)
This is a method of deep cleansing the skin. The procedure uses the principle of electrophoresis, when under the influence of direct current, sebum reacts with special substances containing alkali.

Our skin needs regular thorough cleansing of dead cells. Peels and scrubs help us speed up the process of their renewal, but how to choose the right option for your skin type? Read below about all the features of the choice.

It is facial peelings that help remove dead epidermal cells and renew it, as well as cleanse pores. Moreover, it is thanks to these cosmetics that the production of collagen fibers is stimulated, and the skin becomes smooth, soft and pleasant to the touch.

Today there are a huge number of facial peels, which differ in their mode of action and are suitable for different skin types. Remember, only the right type of peeling will help to thoroughly cleanse and renew the skin, and not harm it.

Mechanical peeling

This type of facial peeling contains abrasive particles that help cleanse the skin. Most often, these particles are of natural origin: salt crystals, grains of sugar, ground seeds or nut shells.

Fine-grained beauty products are great for girls with oily skin, as they do an excellent job of cleansing pores and regulating sebum production. But peelings with soluble particles, for example, sugar and honey, are perfect for beauties with dry skin, as they can moisturize and nourish the epidermis.

Enzyme peeling

Also, girls with dry and sensitive skin should try enzyme peels - they dissolve dead skin particles and improve the condition of the face with the help of plant enzymes. This peeling is one of the types of chemical peeling, but it is softer and more gentle in action.

Exfoliating enzymes are usually derived from fruits such as pineapple or papaya - they remove dead cells and improve keratin production. After this procedure, the skin becomes significantly softer, smoother and fresher in appearance.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling for scars and age spots consists of special chemical components in the right quantities. This type of peeling is carried out by an experienced cosmetologist only after a thorough examination of the client’s skin and will help cope with problems such as excessive oiliness, acne scars, age spots and even wrinkles.

This is why chemical peeling is especially popular among women who want to keep their skin youthful and look great at any age. A great way to get rid of expression lines and give a fresh look are masks against wrinkles around the eyes.

Acid peeling

Acid peeling is carried out using cosmetic compositions, which include glycolic, mandelic, kojic acid and others. This peeling can soothe irritations, have an antiseptic effect, and perfectly clean and refresh the skin.

For example, almond peeling will be a wonderful solution for oily and acne-prone skin. This peeling for problem skin does not cause irritation or redness.

Literally translated from English, “peeling” means “peeling.”

The peeling procedure, also known as exfoliation, involves thoroughly cleansing the skin of its top layer, consisting of dead skin cells.

Something similar was practiced in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome using tartaric acid, sour milk, lemon and grape juice. Now representatives of the fair half of humanity have access to many types of peeling, which can be performed in salons and at home.

Let's find out which facial peels are the best, what procedures can be done in a salon, and what you need to know about exfoliation before doing it.

What is it needed for

The appearance of facial skin changes under the influence of various factors ― natural aging processes, internal state, exhaust gases, dust, sunlight.

The pores gradually become clogged, making it impossible for the skin to breathe normally. And its surface begins to become covered with wrinkles and folds, rashes, pigment spots, and scars.

Cell death occurs every 28 days. Afterwards, their particles fill the pores of the facial skin, complicating the access of oxygen and the absorption of valuable vitamins and minerals from the creams.

To restore your skin to a beautiful, fresh and healthy look, exfoliation procedure required.

After peeling occurs many useful and pleasant changes:

  1. All dead and dead cells are effectively exfoliated.
  2. Metabolic processes are activated.
  3. The condition of the facial skin is normalized.
  4. Provides a whitening effect - eliminating age spots and redness.
  5. Enlarged pores narrow.
  6. Recovery is accelerated.

After it, the facial skin regains its natural ability to absorb oxygen, moisture, valuable vitamin and nutritional components contained in caring cosmetics.

To enhance and consolidate the exfoliation effect It is recommended to additionally apply masks with a nourishing or tightening effect.

The procedure is recommended for women and girls over 18 years of age.

The type of peeling, the frequency of its use, and the depth of impact should be determined by a cosmetologist.

The most effective procedures in the salon

Beauty salons offer many procedures for cleansing and exfoliating facial skin. All types of peeling differ in the depth of action and the type of products used.

Depending on the depth of impact, there are superficial, medium and deep peelings.

Surface ― one of the softest and most gentle types, which affects only the uppermost layers of facial skin, horny and granular.

At the initial stage of wrinkle formation, it will be very effective, but it cannot cope with the problems of serious age-related changes at all.

Already after the first session, fat from the epidermis, acne, and mild hyperpigmentation are eliminated. A total of ten such procedures will be required to achieve the effect.

Median can solve such aesthetic problems as post-acne, frequent facial wrinkles, stretch marks, folds formed due to the loss of normal skin turgor.

Since this type of exfoliation acts on fairly deep layers of the epidermis, the recovery period usually lasts about three months.

Deep peeling represents the most aggressive cleansing that can be compared to cosmetic surgery.

The procedure is carried out only in a hospital setting and often requires the use of anesthesia, general or local.

Prescribed to eliminate the deepest wrinkles and double chin, to stop the process of ptosis.

The duration of the recovery period can be at least six months.

Light and superficial mechanical exfoliation procedure called brossage. It lasts no longer than ten minutes.

In this case, equipment with rotating soft brushes made of natural bristles and scrubs with a soft texture containing microscopic crystals are used.

The result of such a session will be improved blood supply and cell renewal. Medium mechanical peeling It is performed under local anesthesia using aluminum crystals. After such exposure, the skin is transformed instantly.

Deep mechanical cleaning Recommended for scars, scars, severe post-acne phenomena. The tools used here are hard brushes rotating at high speed.

Because this procedure is painful and invasive, it requires general or local anesthesia.

Depending on the number of problem areas, the duration of the session can last from several minutes to one hour. Chemical superficial exfoliation carried out with solutions containing acids in various concentrations.

To do this, the surface of the skin is first cleaned and degreased.

For medium chemical exposure Trichloroacetic acid is used in different concentrations. After 2-3 procedures, small wrinkles and increased pigmentation are effectively eliminated.

Deep chemical exfoliation involves treatment with phenolic mixtures. After the procedure, a crust forms - after some time it naturally falls off, revealing fresh, noticeably rejuvenated skin.

During the recovery period, which can last about six months, it is necessary to avoid ultraviolet rays.

Under physical facial cleansing This means laser and ultrasonic peeling.

In the first case, an erbium or carbon dioxide laser is used, which easily regulates the depth of the treated area. And in the second, micromassage is performed, which eliminates tissue swelling, improving blood and lymph flow.

Exfoliation with diamond dust is an effective type of exfoliation.

The safest peeling is fruit peeling. Beauty salons can offer several effective types of it: wine, apple, lemon, grape, glycolic.