How to restore the elasticity of the skin around the eyes

If the skin under the eyes has become flabby, you need to think about preserving your beauty. With age, the tone of facial muscles decreases, and the ligaments that support them lose their former elasticity. As a result, bags appear under the eyes. The face looks tired, the gaze becomes heavy. To restore the elasticity of the eyelids, it is necessary to provide the skin with constant care.

Causes of sagging skin around the eyes

The thin skin around the eyes contains virtually no fatty tissue, so after 25 years, age-related changes become noticeable. Frequent swelling, overexertion while working on books or the computer, and severe stress aggravate the condition and more quickly lead to the appearance of sagging bags in the lower eyelids. After 40 years, they become more noticeable and can no longer be hidden with good makeup.

The following causes of senile changes are identified:

  1. decreased production of hyaluronic acid, which is necessary for skin elasticity;
  2. disorders of soft tissue trophism caused by disorders of the cardiovascular system, long-term low-carbohydrate diets, forced fasting;
  3. abuse of bad habits;
  4. unbalanced diet;
  5. disturbance of water and electrolyte balance in the body;
  6. lack of sleep, overwork, constant stress;
  7. eye strain;
  8. prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, frequent visits to the solarium;
  9. abuse of decorative cosmetics.

Some people immediately decide to remove sagging skin under the eyes, which is strictly not recommended. You can try to do without plastic surgery using salon and home procedures.

Tighten your eyes without surgery

Before contacting cosmetologists, you can try to restore skin elasticity yourself. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid consuming large amounts of salt. Sodium chloride causes fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling under the eyes.
  2. Sleep in the correct position. It is recommended to put an extra pillow under your head, lie on your back during the night, and do not drink a lot of drinks at night.
  3. Before going to bed, you should apply special eyelid skin care products.
  4. Eye strain should be avoided.
  5. Avoid tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, chemical pollution. If a person has a tendency to develop allergic reactions, they should move away from potential allergens.
  6. You should not take medications that cause fluid retention in the body. It is prohibited to use allergenic cosmetics.
  7. To get rid of swelling, you need to apply ice cubes to your eyes.
  8. Treat diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, and pathologies of the thyroid gland in a timely manner.

To tighten loose skin on the lower eyelids without surgery, you should use salon procedures. The most effective are various peelings, during which the skin is cleansed of dead cells and dirt. The techniques involve the use of ultrasound, liquid nitrogen and vacuum. The procedures help restore normal blood circulation to the skin, activate collagen synthesis, and saturate the tissues with vitamins and minerals. Often women resort to mesotherapy and hardware lifting.


Mesotherapy is an injection technique that eliminates dryness and premature aging of the skin. Over time, the dermis becomes more sensitive to external factors: it becomes thinner, dries out, and premature wrinkles appear on it. As a result, the lower eyelids sag more. The injections contain the following ingredients:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. It restores the skin's water balance, preventing dehydration.
  2. Vitamins A, C, E, B, PP.
  3. Oligocomponents: silicon, zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium. Improve microcirculation and skin tone, activate tissue regeneration.
  4. Antioxidants. Slow down the aging process in the dermis.

Before carrying out mesotherapy, you must prepare in accordance with medical recommendations: stop using blood thinning drugs and alcoholic beverages. During the procedure, the skin is cleansed with an antiseptic and the anesthesia is removed. Then a specially selected drug is administered to problem areas. The duration of mesotherapy is about 20-30 minutes.

Hardware lifting

Hardware lifting is used for severe sagging skin. The technique is a series of procedures that have a low-traumatic, non-invasive effect on the dermis. Due to the fact that the integrity of the epithelium is not violated, there are practically no negative effects or complications.

The following types of procedures exist:

  1. RF lifting. The surface and inner layers of the dermis are exposed to radio wave radiation. It destroys adipose tissue and activates metabolic processes in soft tissues. To achieve a positive effect, repeated procedures are necessary. To lift the lower eyelids, up to 5-8 sessions will be required.
  2. Laser lifting. This procedure is safe and painless. It does not require repeated implementation. The patient's skin is treated with a special gel. Under the influence of thermal radiation, microcracks are formed deep in the dermis, due to which tissue regeneration processes are activated. Thanks to this effect, metabolism improves, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin fibers begin to be synthesized.
  3. Ultrasound procedure. After 3-5 sessions of exposure to high-frequency ultrasonic waves in the tissues of the lower eyelid, blood circulation and lymph outflow are accelerated, metabolic processes are activated and collagen synthesis begins.


To perform the massage you will need ice cubes. To prepare them, you need to use a herbal decoction based on chamomile, sage and calendula flowers.

It is necessary to gently wipe the lower eyelids with ice from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose, without making sudden movements. The duration of the procedure is about 1-2 minutes. After the massage, the skin should dry on its own. After 20 minutes, it is recommended to apply nourishing cream. To get a positive result from a massage, you need to perform the procedure daily.

Special gymnastics

To prevent sagging lower eyelids, you should regularly perform lifting exercises to maintain the natural elasticity of the skin:

  1. Before performing more complex gymnastics, it is necessary to prepare the epidermis using regular frequent blinking. The exercise must be repeated for 5-10 seconds.
  2. To perform the next exercise, you need to keep your eyes open and look in front of you. After this, it is necessary to raise the lower eyelid to the maximum possible level. In this case, you should not close your eyes or move your upper eyelid. If the lower eyelid begins to cover the pupil, you need to move your gaze upward. The exercise is continued for 5-6 seconds, repeated as many times as possible without interruption.
  3. You need to keep your eyes open and lift your lower eyelid for 5 seconds. In this case, place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes.
  4. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and apply light pressure to the skin. After this, you need to close your eyes and begin to lift your lower eyelid for 5 seconds.

Daily exercise will help create an anti-aging lifting effect.

Making your own tightening cream

To prepare it, you will need to buy a vitamin E solution in the pharmacy in the amount of 10 ampoules and 30 g of glycerin. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It should be stored in the refrigerator. The cream is applied to the skin of the lower eyelids and is not washed off for 20 minutes. After this time, you need to blot off the excess product with a dry cloth.


Serums for the care of sagging skin are created on the basis of biologically active components, have a light, non-greasy structure, due to which they penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and are well absorbed in the subcutaneous tissue. The bioavailability and concentration of nutritional components in the product is 2 times higher than in various creams and ointments. Serums have the following effect on skin condition:

  1. restore tissue elasticity;
  2. eliminate wrinkles;
  3. normalize water and electrolyte balance;
  4. activate collagen production, improve microcirculation;
  5. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  6. whiten and relieve a person from hyperpigmentation.

To obtain maximum effect, apply the serum in the morning and evening to cleansed skin. 2-3 drops of the product are distributed with gentle tapping movements. After 20 minutes, a moisturizer is applied to fix the concentrate on the eyelids.

It is necessary to select serum depending on age:

  1. After 25 years, the skin needs serums with plenty of vitamins and collagen. At this age, the aging process is activated, so it is necessary to start taking care of your skin as quickly as possible.
  2. In the period from 30 to 45 years, moisturizing serums are suitable, restoring the normal water-salt balance in the upper layers of the dermis. The product improves skin protection, eliminates the feeling of tightness and prevents the appearance of sagging.
  3. After 50 years, you should buy anti-aging products along with a nourishing cream. For older women, two-phase serums with a special label “serum in oil” are suitable.

If, in addition to age-related changes, a woman is bothered by age spots, she should buy a serum with kojic acid.

Oils with lifting effect

Vegetable oils nourish the dermis with vitamins A and E, which help eliminate external skin defects and restore its elasticity. Most often, unrefined olive oil is used to restore the skin. It is possible to use a cold-pressed product - such processing allows you to preserve most of the nutritional components. In addition to olive oil, the following oils can be used for lifting:

Unlike vegetable oils, essential oils have a higher concentration of vitamins and mineral compounds. Their lifting effect is stronger due to the large amount of antioxidants that are included in the products. To care for the skin of the lower eyelids, cosmetologists recommend using essential oils from geranium, vetiver, and grapefruit.

Homemade masks

It is effective to use homemade masks against sagging skin under the eyes. When using them, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The ingredients for making masks must be fresh. Do not use cold or hot mixtures. Formulations should be taken at room temperature.
  2. Before using the product, you must do an allergy test. To do this, it is recommended to apply a drop of the mixture to the inside of the wrist, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse. If the process does not cause rash, itching or other unpleasant sensations, the mask can be applied to the skin under the eyes.
  3. It is recommended to apply the product using a cotton pad. It will ensure fixation of the mask on the lower eyelids and evenly distribute the composition on the skin.

To obtain maximum effect, you must apply the selected product 2-3 times a week.

From oatmeal and honey

The phytonutrients contained in oatmeal and the nutrients in honey restore tissue trophism and provide the skin with vitamins and minerals. To prepare the mask you should take:

  1. 30 ml honey;
  2. 15 ml each of water and concentrated black tea;
  3. 25 g oatmeal.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. After this, the warm composition should be applied to the skin and wait 20 minutes. The product is washed off with cool water.

From parsley root

The root system of parsley contains a large amount of beneficial plant components that relieve inflammation and tone the skin. The mask contains 1 plant root. It must be thoroughly washed and cleaned, then grind the ingredient using a blender or grate on a fine grid. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and then washed off.

From aloe and honey

The most effective means for cleansing the skin and normalizing water-electrolyte metabolism in epithelial tissue include masks based on aloe juice. To increase the positive effect on the skin, honey should be added to it. The combination of natural ingredients increases the tone of facial muscles, eliminates puffiness and eliminates facial wrinkles.

To prepare the mask you will need the following components:

  1. 15 ml aloe juice;
  2. 15 ml liquid honey.

The prepared solution is applied to the lower eyelid using cotton wool or a brush for 20 minutes.

Curd and herbal

The fermented milk product in combination with herbs has a sedative effect on soft tissues, relieving the skin on the lower eyelids from swelling. The mask moisturizes the dermis. To prepare it you need:

  1. 20 g cottage cheese;
  2. 0.5 tbsp. l. sage;
  3. 10 ml olive oil;
  4. 0.5 tbsp. l. chamomile;
  5. 150 ml boiling water.

The herbs should be filled with hot water and left in a warm place for 30 minutes. Afterwards, you need to drain the liquid into a separate cup, grind the remaining sage and chamomile with butter and curd mass. The resulting mixture should be placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, after which you need to apply the product to your eyes and wait another 20 minutes. Then you should wash off the mask with the remaining broth in the cup.

From linden and chamomile

Linden and chamomile remove excess fluid from tissues, improve elasticity and relieve skin inflammation. To prepare the mask, you need the following ingredients:

  1. 0.5 tbsp. l. linden flowers;
  2. 0.5 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  3. a glass of boiling water.

You need to mix the dry mixture and brew the herbs with hot water, leave for 30 minutes. After half an hour, soak cotton pads in the broth and then apply them to the skin for 20 minutes.

With walnuts

A homemade mask nourishes the skin with iodine and activates collagen synthesis, stopping the development of senile wrinkles. To prepare the product you need:

  1. 3 drops lemon or pomegranate juice;
  2. 1 tsp. nut flour;
  3. 10 g butter.

All components must be thoroughly mixed, then spread over the skin of the lower eyelids and left for 20 minutes.

From carrot juice

Carrot juice saturates the epidermis with vitamins and antioxidants, which prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles. To prepare the mask you need:

  1. 10 ml almond oil;
  2. medium sized carrots.

The vegetable must be passed through a juicer. Add oil to the resulting liquid and mix. Place the product in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Afterwards, soak cotton wool in carrot juice and apply it to the lower eyelids. Remove after 20 minutes.

Aloe and Vaseline

To prepare a moisturizing mask, you need to mix 5 ml of aloe juice and 3 ml of Vaseline. The resulting product must be distributed over the skin, removing excess mixture with a dry cloth, and left overnight. Residues should be washed off in the morning immediately after waking up.

From strawberries

Strawberry mask nourishes the skin with vitamins and minerals. To prepare it you will need:

Grind the strawberries and mix with honey. The resulting mass should be applied to the eyelids using cotton pads and left for 20 minutes. Afterwards you will need to rinse off the product with warm water.


If the skin has become flabby, you can use a mask based on a cucumber mixture. The product will saturate the dermis with essential vitamins and minerals. To prepare the composition you will need:

  1. medium-sized cucumber, peeled;
  2. raw chicken egg yolk;
  3. 5 g cocoa butter.

You need to mix the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then apply to the lower eyelid. After 15-20 minutes, the mask must be removed with a damp cloth.


Root vegetables are high in starch, which has a tonic effect on facial muscles. To prepare the mask, peel, wash and finely grate medium-sized raw potatoes. The resulting mass should be placed in gauze and applied to the skin under the eyes. You need to lie down with the mask for 15 minutes. The remaining starch is washed off with cool water, after which the skin should be moistened with a greasy ointment. The cream is applied to dry dermis.

Potatoes with parsley

Greens complement the potato mask with essential vitamins and minerals that nourish the skin and activate collagen synthesis. To prepare the product, you will need to add chopped parsley leaves to the grated potatoes and mix well. The mixture is wrapped in gauze and applied to the lower eyelids for 15 minutes.

Sour cream with parsley

A mask of sour cream and parsley improves tissue microcirculation, accelerating the restoration of the epidermis during swelling and bruising. To prepare a cosmetic product, you need to mix 15 ml of sour cream with a high percentage of fat content with 1 tsp. chopped greens. The ingredients must be placed in a mixer. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin and washed off after 15 minutes.


To prevent the appearance of age bags under the eyes, you should take the following preventive measures:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. Cigarette smoke and ethyl alcohol negatively affect metabolism, impair microcirculation of soft tissues and accelerate the aging process.
  2. Limit or exclude smoked, salty, spicy and fatty foods from your diet. You should not overuse flour products and fried foods. It is recommended to eat antioxidant foods: green vegetables, peaches, tomatoes, herbs. They activate collagen production and restore the elasticity of the skin.
  3. Protect thin skin from exposure to UV rays, wear dark glasses, stop squinting, and get a good night's sleep.

Due to the lack of fat, the skin on the lower eyelids needs constant human attention. Until the age of 40, it is necessary to provide her with regular care: apply cucumber masks, treat diseases of the urinary system, and do not overstrain the organs of vision.


To eliminate age-related changes in the area around the eyes, complex therapy is necessary. In addition to salon procedures, to restore normal nutrition to soft tissues, it is necessary to prepare home remedies for the care of thin skin around the eyes. The most effective means are the use of serums, vegetable and essential oils, and toning masks.

Unfortunately, foundation does not always help hide skin imperfections. Folk remedies come to the aid of foundation.

You can relieve inflammation around the eyes with regular green tea. The most important thing is to use pure green tea, without additives. You need to soak a cotton pad in tea and place it on your eyes. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes.

Parsley fights swelling well. You need to prepare a decoction of parsley and freeze it. In the morning and evening, wipe the area around the eyes with an ice cube and parsley.

When you don’t have time for procedures, you can hide imperfections with eye corrector. Don't use dry powder, you'll only ruin everything. It is better to use a thick corrector or foundation. After applying the corrector, you need to apply shades of pink tones, they will help make your look fresh and natural.

There are various creams and roll-ons available for the skin around the eyes. Constant use of cosmetic products will help to eliminate imperfections in the eye area.

A well-known and effective folk remedy is fresh cucumber. Soak cotton swabs in cucumber juice and apply to your eyes. After twenty minutes, remove the compress and wash. You can use thin cucumber slices. After this procedure, the skin becomes tightened and fine wrinkles disappear.

To prepare a nourishing and moisturizing compress, you can use boiled milk cooled to room temperature. This is a very effective method, as a result of which the skin smoothes out and takes on a fresh look.

Herbal infusions are an amazing moisturizer. To prepare, take equal parts lemon balm, mint, parsley, chamomile and sage. Pour 1 tbsp. the resulting collection with a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a tight lid and wait for the liquid to cool to room temperature. Soak cotton pads in the infusion and apply to the eyelids for ten minutes.

You can add a couple of drops of glycerin and 2 tablets of activated carbon and glucose to the herbal infusion. The result is a nourishing and moisturizing infusion. It should be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

A compress of walnut leaves and cornflower flowers will help moisturize the skin and relieve eye fatigue. Take 1 tbsp. each component and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Place the container in a water bath for ten minutes. Then strain and cool to room temperature. Use the decoction to make compresses.

Puffiness under the eyes, wrinkles, and crow's feet are signs of loss of skin elasticity. Such changes begin to appear in women after 30-35 years. The elasticity of the skin is lost because the body's production of collagen and elastin gradually decreases.

First of all, of course, the delicate skin under the eyes suffers. It is possible to restore its elasticity, the main thing is to do it on time. Below we discuss simple methods for rehabilitating the skin under the eyes, as well as hardware methods for improving skin turgor (in advanced cases).

Simple methods to restore skin tone

How to make the skin under your eyes more elastic on your own? To do this, you must carry out the following simple procedures:

The regularity of these procedures and their sequence is the path to healthy skin under the eyes.


To remove makeup from the eye area, use gentle remedy, and not the one that a woman uses to remove all makeup from her face. Cleansing lotion (milk) should have a natural composition, without silicones or parabens. The best option for removing makeup under the eyes is:

  1. micellar water;
  2. dermo-cleansing emulsion;
  3. hydrophilic oil.


You can reduce swelling and smooth out small wrinkles with the help of effective means - day and night creams. They restore skin turgor and moisturize it. You need to choose creams for the skin under the eyes that contain:

  1. collagen;
  2. coenzyme;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. vitamins.


To moisturize the skin and saturate it with useful elements, you need to use special products. Essential oils are not suitable for increasing skin elasticity - they become blurry and can cause irritation.

It is important to apply moisturizers correctly:

  1. The cream should be applied in small doses;
  2. Movements should be light and circular;
  3. Tapping the skin under the eyes with your fingertips is allowed.

Professional treatments

Any careless handling of the skin under the eyes or an incorrectly selected product can aggravate the situation. If a woman doubts the effectiveness of a particular mask, cream, or the skin under the eyes is already in a disrepair, then it is worth using the services of hardware cosmetology.

Effective and safe salon methods that will help make the skin under the eyes more elastic:

  1. Blepharoplasty;
  2. Biorevitalization;
  3. Mesotherapy;
  4. Electrical stimulation.


This is a procedure during which heat is applied to the delicate skin under the eyes using a special device. It activates the production of elastin and collagen.

Benefits of blepharoplasty:

  1. a positive result after the first procedure: the skin becomes tightened, elastic, smooth;
  2. painlessness;
  3. lack of preliminary preparation.


  1. high cost: on average you need to pay about 10 thousand rubles for one procedure.

Biorevitalization and mesotherapy

Both methods involve injections administered under the skin. But during biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid is introduced, and during mesotherapy, the same component is introduced, only with the addition of microelements.

You can do mesotherapy to give elasticity to the skin under the eyes from the age of 30. Biorevitalization is indicated for women over 40 years of age.

Benefits of the procedures:

  1. the effect lasts for a long time;
  2. results are visible after the first session;
  3. The cost of one procedure, unlike blepharoplasty, is lower - about 3 thousand rubles.


  1. To give the skin under the eyes elasticity, one session will not be enough.

Electrical stimulation

During this salon procedure, low frequency current is applied to the skin under the eyes. After this, the skin rejuvenates, the muscles under the eyes become elastic.


  1. high efficiency of the method;
  2. relatively low cost (compared to other salon procedures).


  1. to achieve skin elasticity, a minimum of 15 sessions are required;
  2. there are many contraindications.

Factors affecting skin condition

The following tips will help maintain and make the skin under the eyes more elastic:

  1. Healthy lifestyle;
  2. Good sleep - you need to rest at least 7 hours a day;
  3. Water procedures – contrasting washes help a lot;
  4. Gymnastics for the face (face building).

More posts on the topic

I share my own experience in this topic. Collagen and silicon will help you. Read about them on the Internet. Taking vitamin C helps produce more collagen in the body, although up to the age of 25 it is produced well.

But you can’t take it for more than a month because the blood clots. A large amount of it is contained in gelatin.

In general, take ascorbic acid, eat jelly and jellied meat, marshmallows (there is agar, and this is the same gelatin). Yes, and if you smoke, remember that nicotine “kills” vitamin C in the body.

I believe that in older age you cannot do without using various masks that should tone and stimulate the rebirth of your skin.

Dear girls! It should be remembered that creams and serums for home use do not actually combat changes that have already occurred. This is all prevention, nothing more. Up to 25 years of age (at least in parallel with decorative cosmetics, or no later than 16 years of age), the skin requires hydration and nutrition without anti-aging components.

From 25 to 30 approximately - regardless of the condition of the skin - there is already a line from the first wrinkles. some can be extended to 35 (such as Shiseido Benefiance). From 30-35 a light anti-aging complex.

After 35, you can already take something more intense. Snail sets, for example, of low concentration (up to 50%) - Missha, Miss Julia. After 40 - lifting care and more concentrated snail sets, etc.