How to open a burn blister

Each of us has been burned more than once - by fire, a hot object, or chemicals. Some simply burned to blisters in the sun, forgetting about caution for a while. People usually prefer to cope with the consequences on their own, resorting to medical help only in the most extreme cases. So the question of whether it is possible to puncture a blister from a burn is as relevant today as in former times. And you need to look for the answer to it meticulously, because at least your appearance depends on the correctness of your actions (scars don’t make anyone look good), and at most, your health and life.

Something about burns

Of course, serious injuries rarely occur. But you need to know the basic theory of how to obtain them, only then will you form your own, and correct, opinion about whether it is possible to puncture a blister after a burn.

Blisters can appear only starting from the second degree of burn, and of any origin - chemical, thermal or solar. At the first stage, it manifests itself only as redness of the skin with accompanying symptoms: peeling of the epidermis, rise in temperature, etc.

Deciding whether it is possible to puncture a burn blister is only permissible if it is small. The estimated maximum size of the damage is the size of your palm. Otherwise, the only thing in your power is to hospitalize the victim as quickly as possible. Burn shock is a serious thing, and the mortality rate from it is higher than from tissue damage.

There is no consensus among doctors about whether it is possible to puncture a burn blister. Many traditionalists resort to this step only in the most serious cases, when suppuration is noticed, the symptoms of which are cloudiness of the subcutaneous fluid and obvious inflammatory signs around the affected area.

However, the blister cannot resolve on its own. If it is not opened (or it does not burst on its own), then the exudate inside will sooner or later provoke inflammation. In addition, the bubble may burst at a time when there is no disinfectant at hand. And contact of an open wound with the same clothing may well lead to the same inflammation.

So we can say the question is formulated incorrectly. Not “is it possible to puncture a burn blister”, but “who should do it and how.” The ideal option is to trust a professional to pop the blister under sterile conditions.

Popping blisters

With minor lesions, many consider it stupid to go to the clinic and stand in line. Moreover, no one will call an ambulance. If doubts about whether it is possible to pierce a sunburn blister (as well as any other) are resolved in a positive way, the procedure must be approached responsibly. A disposable syringe is purchased at the pharmacy; It is not worth replacing it with a needle calcined on a hotplate. You will not achieve one hundred percent sterility, so infection is very likely.

Before puncture, the surface of the burn and the area around it are treated with alcohol. When the operation is performed, the leaked liquid is first removed, then the released membranes are picked up and cut off with tweezers, and then the wound is treated with tetracycline ointment. Applying a sterile dressing is mandatory - it will prevent infection of the open wound.

Stimulation bursting

Not everyone has the determination to puncture a blister – and don’t. You can do without extreme measures. It will burst on its own if you lubricate the burn with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 mg per 60 ml of water) in the morning and with sea buckthorn oil in the evening. Moreover, the gap will be very small, the liquid will flow out, the skin can be cut off, and a new one will begin to grow on the wound.

Primary care

In many everyday situations, you can completely avoid the need to think about whether it is possible to puncture a burn blister. Small urgent measures - and it simply will not form or will be so small that an autopsy will not be needed. The first thing to do is to place the damaged area under cold water for ten minutes. Or use ice. When the skin has cooled sufficiently, it needs to be treated with Furacilin solution. Small blisters are left alone, only regularly lubricated with anti-burn ointment. For extensive lesions and large blisters, consult a doctor immediately.

Is it possible to pierce a burn blister with hogweed: expert opinion

In addition to the usual dangers, burns can also be caused by plants. The most likely encounter is with hogweed. Moreover, its juice does not cause chemical damage, but makes the skin very sensitive to sunlight. In fact, you get a UV burn. Moreover, a person can detect it even half a day after exposure.

The self-rescue algorithm is simple:

  1. If there are no blisters, rinse. If they appear, do not wet them under any circumstances.
  2. Take measures to prevent ultraviolet radiation from reaching the burn. It’s better to avoid going outside altogether for two days.
  3. Treat the affected area with alcohol or potassium permanganate.
  4. Lubricate with a healing agent, such as Panthenol.
  5. Take medications for swelling, inflammation and allergies.

Do not open blisters, even large ones, yourself! You will be guaranteed infection. If the blisters still swell, run to the doctor.

As a result of exposure of human skin to high temperatures or certain chemicals, a burn occurs. This is a violation of the integrity of the skin, which can have four stages.

The first stage of burns is very common in everyday life: it most often occurs due to careless handling of the stove when preparing food, prolonged contact with direct sunlight, or exposure to steam or chemical agents. In this case, superficial damage to the skin occurs, which is accompanied by redness, slight swelling, and pain. This type of damage goes away quite quickly.

A second degree burn damages the two superficial layers of skin. The skin swells noticeably and takes on a pronounced red tint. This is accompanied by another characteristic phenomenon - a bubble appears after a burn. The pain in this case is more intense. You should immediately seek the help of a specialist if more than 6 cm2 of skin is affected, there are multiple blisters, or the face, groin area or skin of the hands is affected.

Burn blisters cause severe discomfort and require specific treatment. They tend to take a long time to heal; they may become infected, which greatly aggravates the recovery period. A burn blister with an uncomplicated course and adequate treatment heals within two weeks.

Appearance mechanism

Depending on the size of the skin lesion, a blister may appear immediately or several hours after the burn. First, redness appears at the site of contact of the skin with a hot object, then a slight swelling. This is accompanied by pain and burning sensations, which are especially intensified by touch. A clear liquid forms in the resulting blister, which becomes cloudy and yellow over time. This is plasma - part of the blood that penetrates into the affected area. It is due to this accumulation that the stratum corneum in this area peels off, forming a blister.

With the right approach to treatment, the bubble gradually subsides, its contents dissolve, and a layer of new skin forms underneath it. At the same time, the old one begins to dry out and separate over time. A pink spot remains at the burn site, which then acquires a normal color.

Is it possible to pop a bubble?

The question often arises whether it is possible to pierce a burn blister. Experts strongly do not recommend doing this. If the blister is opened before new skin has grown over the affected area, a painful wound area will be exposed. It has a bright red color and greatly increases the likelihood of infection. It is clear that healing proceeds much faster without opening the bladder.

But in some cases it still becomes necessary to open the bubble. For example, when its size is quite large and it brings noticeable discomfort. Surgical treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting, in compliance with aseptic rules. It involves removing pieces of clothing, adhered particles, dirt, dead tissue, and accumulated pus from the affected area. Then the wound is treated with an antiseptic to prevent infection by pathogenic microorganisms. A solution of furatsilin can act as such a remedy. A hydrophilic ointment is applied on top of the wound surface, which prevents the bandage from sticking, drying out the wound surface and accelerates the formation of granulation tissue.

In order for healing to proceed steadily and quickly, it is necessary that air access to the wound be provided. In this regard, it is not recommended to use ointments with a fatty base. The main drugs that are used in the treatment of burn blisters have bactericidal and antiseptic properties, protect the surface of the wound from damage, allow air to pass through and stimulate the formation of granulation tissue. The most common medications are Miramistin and Oflocain - available in the form of ointments. Aerosols relieve the condition well - Panthenol, Livian, Olazol. It is often advised to purchase a cream containing silver - Argosulfan.

When danger threatens

In rare cases, a second-degree burn can be life-threatening to the victim. This happens in situations where a large surface of the skin is affected - up to ten percent, as well as when the face is affected, including the respiratory tract and perineum. Burns pose a danger to small children under one year of age. Wound festering also dramatically worsens a person’s health.

At the same time, the patient’s well-being suffers: body temperature rises, weakness and chills appear. The healing process may be delayed, and a scar remains at the burn site. With such a progression of the burn, it is necessary to urgently contact a medical institution so that assistance can be provided by a specialist.

First aid

Since it is almost impossible to foresee a burn, every person should know what measures need to be taken in such a case. The condition of the victim and his recovery depend on how well the first aid is provided.

The first thing to do immediately after receiving an injury is to expose the burned area to a stream of cold water. Place the affected part of the body in a container of cold water and apply a cold compress. It is not recommended to apply ice. The affected area of ​​skin can be bandaged or a piece of clean, dry cloth applied to it.

Damaged tissue can become inflamed due to microorganisms that live on human skin. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to treat the skin in the affected area with chlorhexidine or another antiseptic solution.

The burn must be lubricated with a special product: it can be Panthenol, Rescuer or any other cream suitable for these purposes. If you don’t have such products in your home medicine cabinet, go to your nearest pharmacy and consult a pharmacist.

If there is pain in the affected area and the body temperature rises, you can take ibuprofen or paracetamol - they have a mild pain-relieving effect and normalize the temperature. It is better to take half a tablet, as burns may increase sensitivity to anti-inflammatory medications.

Experts recommend following a certain diet during the recovery period after a burn. Consume more milk, meat, fish, and drink more water. Such food will speed up the healing and regeneration of the skin.

Ideally, the burn blister will take about two weeks to heal. However, if infection occurs, recovery may take a long time, requiring several months of treatment. Therefore, it is very important to prevent infection.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal several recipes that help restore burned skin and quickly cope with the burn. The easiest and most affordable way is to quickly apply grated potatoes to the affected area. Peeled potatoes are grated, cooled and applied to the desired area, secured with a bandage. It is enough to repeat this procedure three times.

You can make a simple ointment. Take the yolk, two tablespoons of fat sour cream, a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Combine these components, make the mass homogeneous. Apply a thick layer to the affected area, and cover with a piece of natural fabric on top. Bandage it and change the bandage every other day. This is done for several days until improvement is visible. You can simply beat the butter with two eggs and apply the ointment to the affected area.

A large number of people have encountered such an injury as a skin burn. Typically, such injuries to the epidermis occur when preparing food as a result of direct contact with a hot surface, liquid vapor, or during ironing. Often such injuries are accompanied by blisters.

The stage of the injury depends on how long the body surface was in contact with the provoking factor. If this provoked the appearance of a bubble, then we can conclude that the injury is serious. Treatment is sometimes necessary to eliminate the consequences.

The causes of blisters vary. They are present in the second degree of damage. Inside it is a fluid consisting of lymph and intercellular fluid. Such consequences that occur after burns interfere with the life process and spoil the appearance.

Healing time

So is it possible to pierce a burn blister?

It takes about two weeks for the symptoms of the lesion to fully recover. The neoplasm is destroyed on its own after two days due to constant exposure to surrounding objects and changes in skin turgor. Due to these factors, fluid is released. Treating a burn with a blister does not take much time.

Typically, burns accompanied by blisters heal in several stages:

  1. Purulent-necrotic. The bubble is actively growing and filling with liquid contents. The surrounding skin changes color to a redder color. The contents of the blister become light brown. Pus also forms;
  2. Granulation. At this stage, the bubble breaks out and the epidermis gradually begins to recover;
  3. Epithelization. Damaged skin is completely restored;

Advantages and disadvantages

Is it possible to pop blisters from burns? Yes, but such manipulation has no advantages. An exception is the situation when the resulting blister limits a person’s physical activity or there is a risk of involuntary injury in unsterile conditions. In these cases, you can pierce the bubble.
But this procedure has many disadvantages:

  1. risk of infection;
  2. increased pain and swelling of the damaged area;
  3. trapped bacteria and dust can provoke suppuration processes;
  4. in serious cases, tissue death may occur;
  5. a puncture will require a longer recovery process.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of unfavorable complications from this procedure. Before carrying out this manipulation, you need to take all this into account and decide once again whether you need to pierce or not. Sometimes it is better to consult a doctor and find out whether it is possible to puncture a burn blister.

It is also worth remembering that the listed complications can develop not only due to accidental damage, but also with the intervention of a professional. This happens when recommendations are ignored.

In what cases is puncture necessary?

The need for this procedure is related to the location of the blister on the human body. In some areas it can constantly interfere and limit movement. It is worth opening the bubble if it is located:

  1. on the soles of the feet;
  2. on the finger;
  3. in the area of ​​the neck and collarbones;
  4. on the bends of the upper or lower extremities;
  5. on the shoulders and back.

If you get a burn in these places, you should puncture the blister. If this is not done, then it will constantly interfere, cling and be squeezed by clothing. Therefore, it is better to pierce it yourself under sterile conditions than to wait for it to burst due to constant pressure. After all, clothes, shoes and household items contain a large number of microorganisms and dirt, which greatly increases the risk of developing an infection.

What to do if a child’s burn blister bursts?

A child's skin is much thinner than that of an adult, and the body is more difficult to tolerate injuries. Therefore, if you receive minimal damage, you must cover the wound with a sterile bandage and go to the hospital.

How to do it correctly

How to properly open blisters from a burn? If a puncture is necessary, you must do everything carefully and follow the doctor’s advice. The manipulation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Before piercing the burn blister, the surface is treated and disinfected with a special agent. To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide and a special gel. In addition, you need to wipe your hands with an alcohol solution. This will minimize the risk of infection developing in the wound during the procedure;
  2. Next they move on to sterilizing the instrument. A regular needle is suitable for the puncture procedure. But it must be sterilized and carefully processed. This is done in an alcohol solution. The instrument is completely immersed in liquid. After this, carefully inspect for the presence of rust or dirt to prevent infection from entering the wound;
  3. When the wound and instruments have been completely treated, you can begin the puncture procedure itself. They do this carefully and slowly. After the integrity of the bladder shell is broken, the contents are carefully drained from it;
  4. After which a sterile bandage is applied to the injury site.

Carrying out this procedure is not at all difficult. You can do this yourself at home. You just need to follow the correct procedure and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Further treatment and healing

After removing the fluid, it is necessary to change the dressing daily, applying antiseptic agents. If during the treatment it is necessary to use a bactericidal ointment, then do this up to three times a day. Even if the dressing material is sterile, a large number of microorganisms still accumulate on it.

If, after opening the blister, the wound bleeds, then treat with chlorhexidine or similar drugs. In all other cases, ointments should be preferred.

Rapid restoration of the skin can be achieved using products such as Eplan, calendula ointment, Baneocin, Bepanten, Ichthyol and many others. Before applying them, you must wash your hands thoroughly with water. The products must be applied three times a day, maintaining the same interval between them.

If traces of dirt are found in the wound, then treat it with chlorhexidine.

Before the bladder puncture procedure, you need to immediately take care of purchasing restorative ointments and products with antibacterial activity. Sterile materials should also be available.

When should you see a doctor? If any complications arise after the manipulations, you should consult a specialist for advice. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and subsequent tissue death.

To independently destroy a bladder with lymph, you can resort to using a solution of potassium permanganate. This product is a strong oxidizing agent. Therefore, when applied to the walls of a blister, their thinning occurs.

All interventions to open serious blisters are carried out only by a specialist. You cannot pierce them yourself. Blisters that are not large in size can be opened independently. But you always need to treat the leather and tools.