How to cure rosacea on the face forum

Good afternoon, I was fair-skinned from birth, and I considered slightly red cheeks to be the norm. Choosing a cream is quite a problem; when you start using everything is fine, the second time such a buyer begins to feel a burning sensation. I stopped using it completely. A year and a half ago I gave birth to a son (I’m now 28 years old), after giving birth my eyes were filled with blood (capillaries burst) and mostly on my cheeks, slightly on my nose, the skin seemed to become transparent and the capillaries became clearly visible, from being in the sun or frost I turn red like a cancer , doesn't look very good. I went to see a cosmetologist, it turned out it was stage 2 cuperosis. They suggested a course of treatment (phototherapy, ozone therapy, massage), the downsides may be scars in the form of scars, there may be bruises for some time, and the price. On the plus side, (according to a cosmetologist) capillaries cannot be removed at home, so I would like to know if anyone has treated this at home and what the results were. experts

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

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Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

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Zubkova Anna Andreevna

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Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

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Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

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Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

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Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

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Elena Basanova

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Boyko Inessa Borisovna

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Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Capillaries cannot be removed at home.
I have been using La Roche Pose Toleran Riche cream for many years. Only him. I tried Toleran Ultra, Rosaliak - it was not the same. Only Toleran Rish - it is fattier than just Toleran - use constantly: at night and before work. Yes, the skin turns red due to temperature changes, but at least there is no constant redness.
Other creams: Natur Siberica - causes irritation. That and Yves Rocher. And that and Uryazh. At first, Uryazh relieved irritation and redness with a bang, but then became addictive. I actually had a tube of cream at work, and my skin was constantly red.
So for more than 10 years only Toleran Rish. I saw a cosmetologist once. I tried to remove these visible capillaries using photorejuvenation. Well, you can’t remove it all at once. But I don’t see the point in paying a ton of money so that they will show up again in a new way (and they will show up) - I don’t see the point.

I have rosacea on the wings of my nose. The first thing is to choose the right cosmetics. Renyu, onmacabim has a series for rosacea.
Then contrast washing (hardening of blood vessels). And acid peelings, mechanical cleaning and cleaning with abrasive scrubs are also contraindicated for you. Although I do peeling with mild lactic acid. This is the only acid that can be used. In winter, you need to protect your face. pro cream
You can’t clean houses, but you can prevent new ones from appearing.
By the way, about the massage. You need a very careful and proven massage therapist. One day, after a series of massages, new capillaries appeared on my face. This means that the doctor applied more pressure somewhere. And since now newly minted cosmetologists are like dogs, I would not trust a massage to everyone.
No Natura Siberica, Willow Rocher, etc. This is a terrible G.
As a pro, I buy a series of ONMAKABIM AND RENYU creams from the girls for bottling, or ANNA LOTAN (ISRAEL) In the original. in your own jars - very expensive - on tap it’s easier.
if cheaper, then La roche pose, Uriage, Kadali (Pharmacy). But I tried everything. There is no better pro. I’m 36 years old, I started using it when I was 30. I’m very pleased. There are no new vessels. If I had started earlier, nothing would have happened at all. There are no wrinkles at all, neither under the eyes nor on the forehead.
I won’t buy new clothes, but a proven cream, yes. Sweat. one face and you can’t change it

Feed the course and drink it. Make vascular strengthening masks. But this doesn't solve the problem. I chose laser, they did combined procedures. Photorejuvenation + spot removal. Some things were removed by photorejuvenation. It caused black bruises, but they went away after a week, and after 2 days they could be covered with foundation. When they removed it point by point, crusts remained in those places where the laser touched. In some places there is a scar when the scab came off. I smeared these places with a cream that resolves scars. Since they were fresh, they dried without a trace. I'm only satisfied with the laser. Before that, I constantly made vascular-strengthening masks in salons, but this was only a temporary effect.

Feed - askorutin.

Plus the laser. At first, like you, I wanted to save money, but in the end you will spend more on cosmetics, and the effect is not guaranteed. If you have no tendency to scar in principle, then there is no risk. The doctor will also look at the condition of the skin and prescribe, depending on the situation, what to support and anoint after. If you are in Moscow, I can recommend my clinic - DSclinic (Novy Arbat-42), the laser and cosmetologists there are very good. But in the regions this is also not a problem, the technique is proven.

When red lines appear on the skin in the form of small veins, cosmetologists call this rosacea. This phenomenon is associated with the dilation of blood vessels, more than usual. Due to their elasticity, the vessels expand and then narrow if necessary. Couperosis seems to clog the vessels from the inside, and they cannot narrow back. This is very clearly visible in the photo of rosacea on the face. The supply of blood and nutrients to the tissues is blocked, the walls of the vessel that were affected by rosacea are expanded many times more than usual, which is why their protrusions are so noticeable on the face if you look closely. The effects of this disease are most similar to paralysis; it makes it impossible for the capillary to return to its normal state.


Is rosacea dangerous?

There are approximately 10,000 km of capillaries in the human body, and rosacea affects areas that can be measured with a ruler. Therefore, the affected area is more a cosmetic defect than a health threat, but it still needs to be treated. Paralyzed capillaries do not have a significant negative effect on the tissue, except that rosacea is especially visible on the face. If the disease affects a larger area and affects the blood vessels deeper, then the appearance of the skin will deteriorate. Some sagging and wrinkles will appear, the skin color will deteriorate. In some cases, rosacea recedes if the irritant is removed, but more often it only expands if nothing is done. Couperosis may not always be an acquired disease; it can be triggered by another disease or infection, for example, liver damage. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

Causes of the disease

The disease is more likely to affect dry and thin skin, which is most sensitive to irritants; for example, skin on the face is more prone to rosacea. It can often appear on thicker skin, but is smaller in size. Factors influencing the formation of rosacea:

  1. rosacea can be inherited, even across generations;
  2. ultraviolet radiation also affects; prolonged exposure to sunlight has a negative effect on the skin and blood vessels;
  3. prolonged or sudden temperature changes, one frostbite or burn is enough to trigger the disease;
  4. alcohol has a particularly negative effect on the skin, even if consumed in small doses. Alcohol itself clogs blood vessels, and if this is combined with rosacea, then large areas of damaged blood vessels may appear;
  5. smoking is even more harmful than alcohol; blood vessels narrow and lose elasticity, which increases the risk of rosacea;
  6. heart problems and liver disease can trigger rosacea;
  7. Rough skin care leads to loss of its properties; damaged skin is vulnerable to external factors.

The causes of rosacea can be provoked by one or several factors at once; if rosacea is detected, it is worth giving up bad habits.


One remedy for rosacea may not be enough; it is better to use complex treatment in combination with ointments or creams. Sequence of treatment for rosacea:

  1. visiting a doctor;
  2. identification of the factor that provoked the disease;
  3. adherence to a diet, partially even after recovery;
  4. the use of vitamins to strengthen blood vessels;
  5. the use of oils, creams, masks and tonics that have an anti-rosacea effect.

How to treat rosacea on affected areas using remote removal? You can use the cosmetic method, the following methods are used:

  1. during electrocoagulation, capillaries under the action of a hair electrode are cauterized at the site of blockage;
  2. You can cauterize the vessels using a bright flash; this method is called photocoagulation;
  3. Laser removal of rosacea is considered the most effective. The directed beam glues the walls together, after which they become significantly smaller;
  4. an ozone-oxygen composition using a microneedle is injected into the site of thrombus formation, eliminating the problem, this method is called ozone therapy;
  5. Sclerotherapy is similar in effect to ozone therapy, but the injected sclerosant is more often used on vessels located deeper and with large areas of damage.

With the development of new techniques and the advent of more precise technology, the treatment does not leave scars.

Treatment at home

Treatment of rosacea with folk remedies consists of caring for the skin not only in the affected areas, but it also needs to be moisturized, cleaned, monitor what goes into the body, and exclude certain foods. The most popular in folk medicine are tonics, decoctions, ointments, masks and creams that soothe the skin and are made from natural ingredients. Regarding products, you need to follow a certain diet. List of products that are not recommended for rosacea:

  1. beer and other alcohol;
  2. dishes high in salt;
  3. spicy dishes, various seasonings;
  4. caffeine, coffee lovers can drink decaf;
  5. preservatives and canned food;
  6. Fatty foods are not recommended (sour cream, milk, cottage cheese).

Improves skin condition by taking vitamins K, P and C. These include: myrtle, echinacea, mimosa, chestnut, blueberry, grapes and collagens. These products are most suitable for answering the question: “how to get rid of rosacea” and have a positive effect on blood vessels; silicon is very important, it is responsible for their elasticity. Corn, buckwheat porridge, oatmeal, legumes, rowan berries, orange, tomatoes, nuts and lemon work very well. It is recommended to eat oranges and lemons with the peel; it contains vitamin P. For those who do not like the taste of the peel, you can grind the entire fruit through a blender and use it with other products.

The skin can be treated with folk remedies, for example, using masks for rosacea prepared with tinctures of chamomile and calendula. Effective masks from medicinal plants. Fresh fruits can be crushed and applied in a thin layer to the face. A blue clay mask may not be suitable for everyone; it must be applied carefully and see how the skin reacts. Peeling for rosacea should be completely eliminated or reduced to the minimum required number of procedures; scrubs also scratch the skin and harm it. For rosacea, you can use various creams and perform facial exercises; this combination will reduce the size of the rosacea network and improve blood flow.

Folk remedies

Home treatment has a positive effect on rosacea; thanks to natural ingredients, the skin is less irritated. But it’s better not to buy products in cosmetic stores, since they contain a lot of dangerous chemicals. List of the most effective home remedies against rosacea:

  1. compress from chamomile. Add 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile to a glass of water and brew. After cooling, you need to soak a thin cloth, preferably cotton, in the broth, apply it to the affected area, and remove it after 15 minutes;
  2. A mask made from raw potatoes works well to relieve redness. Raw potatoes are grated or crushed in a blender. The resulting porridge is applied in a medium layer to the face, after 10 minutes you can remove it. It is good to use a decoction of chamomile or calendula, which can be found at the pharmacy, for rinsing;
  3. For fresh berry masks you will need: a teaspoon of potato starch, fresh lingonberries, not frozen, strawberries, sea buckthorn and raspberries. Grind all components to medium viscosity and apply a medium layer to the face, after 20 minutes you can rinse with warm water;
  4. In winter, the skin especially needs care, mask from oil for rosacea it is prepared as follows: to one teaspoon of oil (linseed, olive, grape and peach) add the same spoon of lanolin. Talc or starch is added to the mixture and mixed. After 15 minutes you can wash off;
  5. Apple vinegar Not only can you use it as a cleanser, you can use it to make a face mask. You need to take 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and heat it up a little. Next, add a couple of tablespoons of honey and oatmeal. Mix everything and let it cool, when the mask is at normal temperature, apply a medium layer to your face. After half an hour, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Treatment of rosacea at home should be carried out with caution; if the skin begins to react to any of the masks with irritation, you need to stop, perhaps this is an allergic reaction. You can wash off the masks with a homemade tonic; for this you need to brew chamomile. Two tablespoons of tonic will be enough for several days. You need to crush two ascorutin tablets, and then pour them into a chilled chamomile tea. After mixing, you can use it.

The cream for rosacea on the face is very simple to prepare: you need to choose the most natural moisturizing cream for the face, grind the ascorutin tablet and add it to it. Stir and allow time to completely dissolve in the cream. Recommendations from those who have already tried similar recipes can be found on cosmetology forums. Many people treat the disease only using an ointment for rosacea, prepared with their own hands, and a tonic.

Removing some areas affected by rosacea does not guarantee that new ones will not appear, so prevention of rosacea is necessary. By constantly caring for your skin and eliminating the factors causing the disease, you can get rid of it forever. Reviews of creams for rosacea help determine the most effective and inexpensive ones.

Prevention of rosacea

Women are more susceptible to the formation of rosacea than men, but at the same stage of its development in women, the affected areas and the allocation of the area are much smaller. This is due to the fact that women take appearance and the problem itself much more seriously than men. Women are more likely to search for information, visit more than one doctor, and try out various techniques, while men often neglect even the indicated treatment, and one third of them do not see a doctor at all. Prevention of rosacea can be as follows:

  1. carrying out mesotherapy using drugs to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  2. careful skin care, especially if it is aimed at strengthening blood vessels;
  3. consumption of foods containing potassium;
  4. minimum cosmetics and chemicals on the skin;
  5. It is better to cleanse the skin with lotion rather than scrub;
  6. lymphatic drainage facial massage;
  7. facial gymnastics;
  8. consumption of vitamins P and C (rose hips, horse chestnut);
  9. quit smoking and alcohol;
  10. give up coffee;
  11. Minimize spicy and salty foods.

You need to protect your skin regularly, even using the necessary products. Treatment of rosacea on the face should be carried out carefully, first try small doses, if the skin reacts normally, then continue. First of all, you need to protect it, regularly nourish and moisturize it. You can use creams at night, just like in the morning, and before going outside, especially if the weather is hot, you need to use protective creams. Sunglasses will protect the skin around the eyes, and a hat can cover most of your face from the sun's rays. It is better to use a soft towel; it not only does not harm the skin, but also provides a slight massage. Cold preserves young skin much longer; it is not necessary to immerse yourself in cold water; wiping your face in the morning with special cold cubes will be enough.

People faced with the problem of rosacea often visit dermatology forums. Many have completed all kinds of courses and are happy to leave recommendations about what treatment helped them. These recommendations are very useful for those who have just encountered the disease, who are already observing the first symptoms, as well as those who are already at the final stage of recovery. If you have something to tell about the treatment of rosacea, using your own experience or knowledge, leave your reviews and they will help thousands of people.

How to remove spider veins on the face and what to do to prevent it from appearing again? Four girls are treated for rosacea and rosacea at the Lazerjazz clinic.

Three of our readers with a pronounced vascular network on the face (and editor Lena Korenkova, who also has this network, although not as pronounced) came to dermatocosmetologist Yulianna Anatolyevna Kulturbaeva at the Lazerjazz clinic to prescribe a course of procedures. And along the way, we found out how to (and not need to) take care of skin prone to redness.

Raya Altasheva, 39 years old

History: "Eit started about 5 years ago. At first, some strange itching began to appear on my cheekbones and cheeks from time to time, which intensified in the heat (because of this, I stopped loving summer). Then redness and veins of blood vessels appeared. Over time, there were more of them. Foundation doesn't do a good job of concealing.»

Dr. Yulianna Kulturbaeva: We see a pronounced vascular pattern - rosacea, persistent redness on the cheeks and chin, swelling. Diagnosis: erythematotelangiectatic subtype of rosacea. A possible reason is that Raya did not use cream with SPF protection. The capillaries expanded against the background of ultraviolet radiation.

In general, there are many reasons why rosacea or rosacea occurs. Couperosis can be triggered by taking hormonal contraceptives or steroids, solar radiation and low temperatures, peelings and laser resurfacing, soft tissue injuries and even obesity. The development of rosacea is associated with genetic predisposition, impaired neuroendocrine regulation, hormonal imbalance (increased estrogen levels) and gastrointestinal pathologies (helicobacter pylori is found in 67% of patients).

There are even more factors against which rosacea and rosacea progress (weather, stress, nutrition, sauna, working in hot rooms, for example, in the kitchen). American experts suggest keeping a notebook and tracking the triggers that provoke redness on your face in your particular case. For example: “February 7, I drank wine – I’m burning.” These triggers should be reduced to a minimum if possible. Couperosis and rosacea can also be confused with contact and sunburn, lupus erythematosus and a completely normal individual feature: a bright blush in young girls. Only a doctor can determine what exactly you are suffering from.

What is the difference between rosacea and rosacea?

Cuperosis is not a disease, but an accepted term in cosmetology, which refers to the expansion of intradermal blood vessels. It appears as thin red capillaries, usually in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and cheeks. Often develops in people with superficially located vessels due to heredity.

Rosacea is a chronic recurrent inflammatory skin disease. It manifests itself as persistent redness in the central part of the face (cheeks, nose, chin) and requires systematic treatment. The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 30-60 years. There are different types of rosacea. One of them, like Rai’s, is erythematotelangiectatic - accompanied by rosacea.

The methods for solving the problem aesthetically (removing blood vessels) are the same. But it is necessary to determine what causes the pathology - rosacea or rosacea - so that after a course of procedures the capillaries do not appear again (or at least do not appear so soon). A competent cosmetologist, diagnosing rosacea, will refer the patient to a gastroenterologist, neurologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Treatment regimen for Raya: at least 4 procedures using a BBL (Broad Band Line) device. LED therapy is recommended after each session. This is a post-laser procedure aimed at restoration and accelerated tissue healing. Relieves swelling and redness, improves immunity and skin quality.

Marina Kirillova, 46 years old

History: “Closely located vessels have been a feature of mine since childhood. For as long as I can remember, after physical exertion my face glowed with a scarlet flame. About 10 years ago, a capillary network appeared. I did a course of photo procedures. It hurt terribly, but it helped. Then the vessels began to sprout again, but, remembering the sensations during treatment, I put off going to the cosmetologist. Maybe with modern devices it won’t hurt so much?”

Dr. Yulianna Kulturbaeva: The vessels are dilated on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Against the background of redness, swelling has formed. Marina has the same diagnosis as Rai – rosacea (erythematotelangiectatic subtype, moderate severity).

The intensity of pain during the procedure depends on the area and severity of the vascular network. The principle of operation of all devices that combat this problem is similar: heating the vessels to the temperature at which they coagulate. But new IPL platforms have built-in powerful cooling systems that help reduce pain. At Lazerjazz we remove vascular pathologies (rosacea, rosacea, hemangiomas and other tumors) using the BBL device from the American company Sciton.

BBL is FDA certified and is the only IPL machine that has 2 flash lights (reduces the risk of burns). In addition, it has built-in filters and acts on blood vessels more specifically and effectively.

On average, the course consists of 3-5 procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks. Immediately after BBL, you can apply makeup because the device does not violate the integrity of the skin. But over the next day or two, swelling may occur on your face. (As a rule, the cheeks become swollen.) Therefore, phototherapy should not be performed immediately before an important event.

If you live in central Russia, the BBL course can be taken at any time of the year. If you are going to a country where the sun is active, it is better to do the last procedure one or two weeks before the trip.

Prescription for Marina: at least 4 BBL procedures and LED therapy.

Bela Kaloeva, 35 years old

Story : "Cuperosis appeared when I was 15-16 years old. By the age of 26, the picture became completely sad. I did a course... it seems, photo procedures? The capillaries on my cheeks disappeared, and for some reason my nose became even redder. The doctor said it was a difficult, unpredictable area, and in my case, “It just didn’t work.” I gave up on it, but since then the vessels on my nose have become even brighter, and something needs to be done about it«.

Dr. Yulianna Kulturbaeva: I suspect that rosacea appeared in adolescence due to hormonal imbalance. But the situation is atypical. Scar tissue has formed on the back of the nose. Bela doesn’t remember which device was used to remove the vessels, but I think it was a neodymium laser. If the parameters are incorrectly selected, it leaves similar scars.

It makes sense to use a neodymium laser to remove only large (up to 3 mm in diameter), deep-lying vessels. BBL is better suited for thin capillaries. Therefore, sometimes we combine two devices within one course: if the face has both a capillary network and a pair of prominent vessels.

For rosacea and rosacea, in home care it is important to use products that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Almost every cosmeceutical brand has a line for skin prone to couperose and rosacea - with bisabolol, D-panthenol, vitamin C, arnica, horse chestnut, beech bud and aloe extracts.

It is not possible to buy a whole line - at least add a serum with a high concentration of vitamin C to your routine care and be sure to use a cream with SPF all year round. When on vacation, wear a wide-brimmed hat.

Purpose for Bela: at least 4 BBL sessions and LED therapy. It is possible that a Fractora RF procedure will be performed to remove scars.

Lena Korenkova, 28 years old

Story : "In the photographs you will not see global redness or a network of blood vessels. But I have always noticed: my classmates and fellow students have beige skin, and mine is pink. After washing, I’m generally crimson. And this is definitely not a reaction to cosmetics.

While I was struggling with inflammation and enlarged pores, only a lazy cosmetologist didn’t say that I had rosacea (and there weren’t any lazy ones). I know in advance the sequence of events when I lie down on the couch. Now the doctor will remove the makeup. The face will turn red and she will say: “Do you know that you have rosacea?” I remain silent and wait. Ten seconds later: “Are you aware...”

But I have only one translucent vessel - near the wing of the nose. And I can’t understand, is it time to do something? And if so, what?»

Dr. Yulianna Kulturbaeva: Lena has reactive skin that reacts to water temperature and touch. Mild acne and rosacea around the wings of the nose and on the cheeks. History of atopic dermatitis. She came to the clinic on time, because without prevention, rosacea will grow.

Usually people do not attach importance to slight redness and turn to a cosmetologist when blood vessels are already visible on the face. Or they find out about rosacea/rosacea when they come for a lift. At this point, the situation has been neglected due to inappropriate cosmetic procedures and home care. Before starting anti-age therapy, you need to take care of the blood vessels.

Acne disrupts the skin's protective barrier. Makes her sensitive. Using light filters, the BBL can be set to Forever Clear mode. Light of a certain wavelength disrupts the chain of destruction of propionibacterium acnes bacteria. That is, within one procedure, changing filters, we will work with two problems: acne and blood vessels. The vessels provide blood supply to the sebaceous glands. By influencing them, we also reduce the secretion of lard and its quality, its pH.

If, in addition to rosacea, you, like Lena, are bothered by acne, the basis of your home care should still be anti-redness products. You can add antibacterial drugs, retinoids, and anti-inflammatory serums to them. It is advisable that a cosmetologist help build this system.

During a course of photo procedures, it is not recommended to use acids because they increase skin sensitivity.

What else should you avoid? Any traumatic procedures: they contribute to the dilation of blood vessels and the growth of collaterals (thin capillary branches), which will eventually appear through the skin. In total, we cross out: laser resurfacing, mesoscooters, active scrubbing, hard peelings, intense massages and warming masks.

Prescription for Lena: 3 BBL procedures.

In a couple of months we will tell you about the results of the treatment. But if you suffer from similar symptoms and do not know whether it is rosacea or rosacea, and also do not know what to do about it, we advise you not to hesitate: if you start a course of photo treatments for rosacea in the near future, you will have time to finish it before the onset of summer .

Prices for BBL procedures for vessel removal:

  1. whole face – 15,000 rub.,
  2. cheeks – 8000 rub.,
  3. nose – 5000 rub.
  1. st. Vorontsovskaya, 20. Tel.: +7 (495) 021-14-95.
  2. st. Khamovnichesky Val, 36. Tel.: +7 (495) 021-15-95.