How to cure acne and pimples on the face

The popular name “acne” corresponds to the medical term “inflammatory rashes”. Redness of the skin with tissue swelling and suppuration most often occurs with acne (acne vulgaris). Patients of dermatologists and clients of cosmetology salons ask at appointments how to cure acne on the face and keep skin healthy. Numerous sufferers want to get rid of fresh rashes and remove traces of already healed ones. Let's find out what path you need to take to become the owner of clean and beautiful skin.

Where to start treating acne

Mechanical and hardware facial cleansing, peeling, liquid nitrogen treatment and mesotherapy in a beauty salon will help keep your skin in good condition. But even modern technologies and branded cosmetics are powerless if the rash appears due to hormonal changes, internal diseases, or metabolic disorders.

When thinking about how to quickly cure acne on the face, you should first focus on the choice of medications. It would be wiser to go for a consultation with a dermatologist, because only a doctor of this specialty will correctly determine the type of rash and select the appropriate treatment regimen. Treatment methods for acne in adolescents and adults are almost the same; only girls and women may need to take androgen blockers.

Consultations with a therapist and endocrinologist are necessary in order to exclude the influence of internal diseases on the skin. After the examination, the doctor will explain how to cure acne on the body and face and prescribe the necessary medications to take orally. The use of products recommended by doctors and cosmetologists must be combined with proper skin care.

How to cure acne and pimples on the face? It is better to start by purchasing gels and foams for washing, cosmetic milk, lotions based on extracts of chamomile, aloe and other medicinal herbs. Cosmetics with a minimum alcohol content and without comedogenic ingredients should be used to cleanse the epidermis. These are not necessarily products of world famous brands. Good results can be achieved by using products from domestic manufacturers, cosmeceuticals and parapharmaceuticals.

How can you cure acne? Treat the skin with lotions and creams containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid, retinoids and antibiotics. It is best to follow your doctor's orders and the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific product.

They produce products for oily skin and a series of anti-acne companies with a worldwide reputation: “Noreva Exfoliac”, “La Roche Posée”, “Vichy”, “Ducray” and others. Prices in the luxury cosmetics segment most often start at 800 rubles, which is not very pleasing to buyers who note this feature as a drawback in reviews.

Treatment of acne and pimples

The components of popular acne treatment products are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoids, and azelaic acid. Combination agents have a stronger effect, for example, retinoid + benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid + benzoyl peroxide, retinoid + antibiotic.

Reading reviews on the topic “how to quickly cure a pimple”, you can come across the names “Metrogil”, “Clindovit”, “Zinerit”, “Baziron AS”. Let's look at the features of frequently mentioned active ingredients and products.

Salicylic acid

It is part of salicylic alcohol 2%, present in cosmetics for problem skin of the brand “Clearasil” (“Clerasil”). These are product lines that include lotions, creams and gels. Proven to be effective in dissolving comedones and exfoliating dead epidermal cells. These drugs are suitable for those who are looking for a way to cure their face from acne spots and make their skin smoother. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect is much less pronounced, so cosmetics with salicylic acid alone are not enough to treat acne.

Benzoyl peroxide

Considered the “gold standard” of acne therapy. A bactericidal ingredient active against microbes that cause inflammation inside the pilosebaceous follicle. At the same time, there is an exfoliating effect, which increases with increasing concentration of the active substance, for example, from 2.5 to 10%.

How to treat acne on your face with benzoyl peroxide based products? For the first use, you should choose a concentration of 2.5%, the optimal option is 5%. For example, Baziron AS gel may contain 2.5 active ingredients; 5 and 10% (price from 600 to 800 rubles).

Products with the same active ingredient:

  1. Gel "Effezel" (+ new generation retinoid adapalene).
  2. Gel "Duak" (+ antibiotic clindamycin).
  3. Benzoyl Perox >

Cosmetics from the Proactive Solution series work effectively. Suitable for getting rid of acne scars and blemishes. Contains, in addition to benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, chamomile and aloe extract, panthenol and allantoin. All ingredients mutually enhance or soften each other's effects. The price of a set of three products is 5,500 rubles.


If you have a problem, how to get rid of rashes and how to cure your face from acne spots, then retinoids (derivatives of vitamin A or retinol) are best suited. They reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, exfoliate the superficial, already dead cells of the epidermis.

Examples of external products with retinoids:

  1. with adapalene “Epiduo” (+ benzoyl peroxide), “Klenzit-S” (+ antibiotic).
  2. "Differin" (adapalene).
  3. "Lokacid" (tretinoin).
  4. "Zorak" (tazarotene).

The result of treatment can be noticeable after 4-6 weeks, and the full course of eliminating acne spots on the face cannot be shorter than 12 weeks.

Antibiotics and antiproterozoic agents

Products with antibacterial components contain clindamycin (Klindovit, Dalatsin), tetracycline (Gyoksizon), erythromycin (erythromycin ointment), chloramphenicol, metronidazole (Metrogil). The task of the active component is to reduce the growth or completely neutralize bacteria in the canal of the pilosebaceous follicle.

Combined products:

  1. Gel "Duak" - contains clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide
  2. Gel “Isotrexin” is produced on the basis of erythromycin with isotretinoin.

Benzoyl peroxide and antibiotic are partially replaced by azelaic acid. The product has an antibacterial and exfoliating effect, but is less irritating to the skin. This ingredient is contained in the preparations “Azelik”, “Skinoren” and others.

Acne or acne is a problem not only for teenagers, but also for adults. Before you treat acne on the face at home, you should find out the cause of the rash on the face or body. Carrying out diagnostics to identify the provoking factor will help prescribe the correct treatment and allow you to get rid of the dermatological problem more quickly.

Provoking factors for acne

The main cause of inflammatory rashes on the skin is the accumulation of sebum and dead cells in the ducts of the epidermis, which in turn leads to the proliferation of bacteria on the skin. The following factors can cause a pathological process:

  1. hormonal changes;
  2. internal pathologies;
  3. vitamin deficiency;
  4. hyperkeratosis;
  5. allergic reactions;
  6. bad habits;
  7. poor nutrition;
  8. decreased immunity.

Treatment of acne on the face at home is recommended only after visiting a dermatologist, who, after the necessary tests, may prescribe a consultation with an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist for additional examination.

Acne treatment methods

There are many remedies and ways to treat facial acne at home. Among them:

  1. taking herbal decoctions internally;
  2. use of masks;
  3. the use of lotions and lotions;
  4. dieting.

The basis of home therapy is proper care using special cleansers and an integrated approach to solving the problem. In the presence of internal disorders, including ovarian diseases, intestinal problems, diabetes, etc., the use of home remedies is not enough, since treatment of the underlying disease is required in parallel. Severe forms of acne (cystic, conglobate acne) require drug therapy with the prescription of systemic antibiotics or retinoids.

Decoctions for acne at home

Treatment of acne on the face at home is carried out using decoctions for oral administration, which allow you to enrich the body with vitamins, remove toxic substances, and increase the body's protective functions.

Nettle tea

A couple of tablespoons of crushed leaves will require half a liter of boiling water. The product must be infused for two hours, after which it can be taken orally. The decoction is drunk in 4 doses. A new batch of fresh nettle tea is prepared daily. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

Treatment of acne on the face at home with nettle infusion is contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, renal failure and pregnancy.

Burdock root infusion

A tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured into half a liter of boiled water, after which the mixture is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. After the infusion has cooled, you can strain it and take a third of a glass up to three times a day.

Burdock decoction is especially useful if acne was caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or diabetes.

The plant component contains a large amount of minerals, vitamins and microelements necessary for healthy skin. The product also cleanses the blood of harmful impurities and removes waste and toxins from the intestines, helping to normalize stool. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties for acne, it is taken not only internally, but also lotions and lotions are made with it.

Treatment of acne on the face at home with a decoction of burdock roots is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the ingredient.

Dandelion root decoction

A teaspoon of the herbal component is poured into a glass of boiling water, after which it is simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Drink in three doses during the day. The course of application is 1-2 months.

Dandelion roots have a rich vitamin composition, improve digestion, remove harmful substances from the body and help improve immunity. The plant is especially useful for acne caused by diabetes.

Before treating facial acne with dandelion infusion, make sure there is no gastritis or stomach ulcer. The product is also contraindicated for blockage of the bile ducts.

Acne mask recipes

Treatment of acne at home has long been carried out using masks. The choice of one mask or another will largely depend on the type of rash.

For red acne

For a problem such as red acne on the face, treatment is carried out using masks based on clay, honey and aspirin.

A mixture of white clay and chamomile decoction can significantly reduce the inflammatory process and redness of the skin. Chamomile infusion is added to the powder component until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, similar to thick sour cream. To prepare the decoction you will need 1 filter bag or a teaspoon of chamomile in half a glass of boiling water. After half an hour of infusion, the decoction is ready to prepare the mask.

The resulting product is evenly distributed over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture is washed off and a non-comedogenic cream is applied. Use no more than three times a week.

Another remedy for treating acne and pimples on the face is prepared from honey and aspirin. For one crushed tablet of the drug you will need a teaspoon of the second component in liquid form. The product is evenly distributed, leaving to act for 20 minutes.

An effective recipe for curing your face from pimples and blackheads is to use crushed oatmeal with baking soda. For a couple of tablespoons of cereal you will need a teaspoon of sodium carbonate. The mixed ingredients are poured with a small amount of warm water until a thick, uniform consistency is obtained. The product is applied to the face, leaving for a quarter of an hour. This mixture helps eliminate excess sebum, reduce inflammation and tighten pores.

Therapy for purulent acne

Large pimples need removal of purulent contents. Doctors strictly prohibit squeezing out such rashes. A mask made from raw potato pulp will help draw out the purulent contents faster. The product is applied to problem areas for half an hour. It is advisable to apply three times a day until the purulent contents come out of the pimple.

At home, ichthyol ointment is also popular, which allows you to quickly draw out the pus.

Compresses made from aloe leaves also effectively help get rid of pus. The leaf of the plant is cut lengthwise and the pulp is applied to problem areas overnight, secured with a bandage.

Treatment of acne on the face at home is also carried out using a mask prepared from crushed aloe leaves, which are mixed with liquid honey in equal proportions. The mixture is applied for 20-30 minutes. Can be used up to three times a day.

Getting rid of subcutaneous white pimples

White subcutaneous acne on the forehead, chin or cheeks can be effectively eliminated using the following mask:

A tablespoon of grated shavings of laundry or tar soap is mixed with a tablespoon of 1% salicylic alcohol and 2 drops of any essential oil. The soap is first diluted with hot water until a thick consistency is obtained, to which the remaining components are then added. The mixture is applied at 10-minute intervals. Use no more than 2 times a week.

Application of lotions

One additional way to treat acne at home is to use lotions. Medicinal products are prepared based on the following components:

Each of the herbal products presented on the list fights inflammation in the dermis well and has an antibacterial effect.

Pine lotion

For 2 large spoons of pine needles you will need 2 plantain leaves and one tablespoon each of calendula and chamomile. The ingredients are poured with alcohol diluted to 40 degrees or vodka in a volume of 0.5 liters. A week after infusion, the inflamed areas are wiped with the product at night.

Cucumber lotion

Two medium-sized cucumbers are poured with a glass of vodka. The resulting product is stored in the refrigerator. They wipe problem areas of the skin in the morning and evening hours. Alcohol lotions are not suitable for people with sensitive and dry skin. They should be replaced with herbal decoctions.

Rubbing with calendula decoction

Take two filter bags of herbal ingredient per glass of boiling water. After the broth has cooled, wipe the skin of the face with it 3-4 times a day. Treating facial acne helps reduce redness and allows inflammation to subside.

A decoction based on chamomile is prepared in a similar way.

Uses of parsley juice

Rubbing fresh parsley juice over the blemishes can effectively eliminate redness and get rid of acne faster.

Rub the product over the inflamed areas in the morning and evening until the rash disappears completely.

Lotion with egg white and iodine

An effective way to cure acne on the face is to use vodka with egg white and iodine. For a glass of alcoholic drink you will need five drops of iodine and one egg white. The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. It is recommended to store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator and shake before each use. Wipe the skin with the product in the evening.

Recommendations before using external products

Before treating facial acne with home remedies, make sure there are no allergic reactions to the active ingredients. To do this, the remedy is tested on a small area where the skin is especially sensitive. These areas include the wrist area and the elbow on the inside. If after 15 minutes no reaction appears, the product can be used for its intended purpose.

Masks, lotions and lotions are applied to previously cleansed skin using medicated washing gels. They eliminate excess sebum and allow active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the epidermis.

After use, the masks are washed with cool water, which will help tighten the pores and temporarily stop the increased production of sebum.

To care for problem skin, you should choose non-comedogenic products, as well as special correctors, which not only help disguise redness, but also additionally have a healing effect.

If treating facial acne at home within a month does not bring the desired result, you should consult a dermatologist.

Proper nutrition for acne

An additional way to cure acne on the face is to follow a diet and give up bad habits. The diet of a person suffering from acne should include foods that are considered healthy foods. The daily menu should definitely include:

  1. vegetables in any form;
  2. greenery;
  3. dairy products;
  4. porridge;
  5. whole grains;
  6. fruits;
  7. berries;
  8. juices

Preference should be given to dishes steamed, stewed or baked. It is necessary to include high-quality protein in the diet in the form of lean meat and fish dishes.

It is recommended to exclude fried, smoked foods, processed foods, chips, canned food, sweet soda, and confectionery from the diet. You should also give up alcohol. All these products provoke increased sebum secretion and lead to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.

Reviews about treating acne at home

Reviews left by users who use home remedies in practice can help you learn how to cure acne and pimples on the face.


A tincture with vodka, egg white and iodine helped me well against acne. I wiped it with an inflammation agent 2 times a day.


For emerging rashes, I often use aloe juice or masks. The product treats painful acne well.


Sometimes pustules appear on the face. I get rid of them using compresses made from ichthyol ointment or levomekol.

You can cure your appearance from hated acne quickly and forever. Modern medications and folk remedies are perfect for this.

Various ointments, tinctures, and decoctions will help restore the face to its former beauty, give it beauty and give the owner a smooth and radiant skin surface and beautiful color.

Acne likes to appear in the most visible places: on the face - nose, forehead, cheeks. As a rule, they appear in the form of terrible, unsightly spots.

Their occurrence may be accompanied by the following:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the sebaceous glands.
  2. They fill with pus.
  3. They start to bleed.

Why do they appear?

Before starting treatment, you need to find out how to cure acne on the face and find out the causes.

It happens that lifestyle changes and changes in nutrition (diet) have a positive effect on a person’s appearance and the hated acne disappears on its own.

Provocative factors are considered:

  1. Eating disorder. Eating fatty, smoked, salty foods, and all kinds of sweets negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  2. Hormonal imbalances. These include pregnancy, adolescence, menstruation. They provoke hormonal emissions, leading to the appearance of cosmetic defects.
  3. Incorrect care. All kinds of gels and creams, usually inexpensive and of poor quality, negatively affect the condition of the skin. As a result, hated acne appears on the face and neck.

To identify the cause, a full medical examination and consultation with a doctor (dermatologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, etc.) is necessary.

Video: How to cure rashes

Types of acne

Acne is classified as follows (by severity):

  1. Lungs – in this case, the volume of the rash does not exceed 20 black spots, 15 – inflammation. In total, the total damage should not be more than 30 pieces.
  2. Moderate – There are about 125 different lesions.
  3. Heavy – the presence of inflamed nodules on the skin. The rash is purple or dark red in color. Quite often, scars are observed on the skin after them.
  4. In the form of pseudoscrofuloderma – the most severe form of the disease. They are a huge number of subcutaneous nodules that connect with each other under the skin. It is more often observed in males and is caused by taking testosterones.
  5. Sports – occur under the influence of heat and pressure, and occur due to wearing heavy sportswear.

How to quickly cure acne on your face

There are many reasons why acne occurs.

These are hormonal changes, the occurrence of stressful situations, poor nutrition, and hereditary factors.

  1. To quickly get rid of the problem, you should determine what type it is.
  2. Only mature pimples can be squeezed out. It is necessary to treat them with a disinfectant, and it is also necessary to lubricate your hands.
  3. Apply force from the underside of the sebaceous duct. You need to squeeze it out at once so as not to re-injure the skin.
  4. Treat with alcohol.
  5. An hour after the procedure, lubricate with Levomykol, if it is not available, use salicylic alcohol. To remove toxic substances, you need to take Enterosgel.
  6. On the day of the procedure, you cannot use cosmetics.
  7. It is forbidden to eat the wrong foods (sweet, fatty, smoked).
  8. At night, make a lotion consisting of celandine and chamomile (apply for 10-20 minutes).
  9. In the morning, wipe your face with ice, this will help eliminate the remaining tumors, apply cream.

You can completely get rid of this problem by doing the following:

  1. To refuse from bad habits.
  2. Normalize your diet, take only natural products.
  3. Get plenty of sleep and rest.

In teenagers

Teenage acne occurs between the ages of 12 and 18 years. To identify the cause, you need to visit a dermatologist.

He will conduct a diagnosis, identify the root cause of the problem and prescribe treatment suitable for a particular case.

Medical drugs include:

  1. Benzoyl peroxide.
  2. Gels (creams) with tretinol.
  3. Ointments containing antibiotics.
  4. Antibiotics (erythromycin, doxycycline, amoxicillin, etc.).
  5. Vitamin complexes (A, B.C)
  6. Hormonal drugs.
  7. If there is no effect from the use of the above drugs, treatment with isotretinoin is prescribed.

You can use folk remedies:

  1. Washing with acidic liquids: a mixture of apple cider vinegar and boiled water (1/10) is perfect. Using a cotton swab, apply to problem areas.
  2. Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice for a few minutes and then rinse off.
  3. Natural honey will perfectly remove dirt and various bacteria from pores. Apply it on your face for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Lubricate the cover with tea tree or jojoba oil 3 times a day. This helps to quickly get rid of the problem.
  5. Apply softened wild strawberries (viburnum) for 20 minutes.
  6. The grated apple is mixed with egg white and applied for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

In newborns

More often, this problem occurs in very young children. They can have a different appearance: colors from white to red. They are observed in certain places (face, neck) and throughout the body.

As a rule, they do not require treatment and go away on their own.

  1. Acne of newborns - observed with an excess of maternal hormones. This does not require treatment, you just need to keep your baby's skin clean and dry.
  2. Excessive sebaceous glands - occurs a week after birth, and lasts about a month. They do not cause any inconvenience to the baby: they do not itch, do not fester, and do not become inflamed.
  3. Milia are small pimples that appear on the face of a newborn baby. You can’t touch them, much less press them, they will go away on their own.
  4. Red pimples, as a rule, are an allergy and occur after receiving milk that contains an allergenic product eaten by the mother. It is necessary to identify which product the reaction occurs to and remove it from the diet.
  5. An allergic rash can occur due to washing powder. It can also be caused by animal fur, flowers, or other external irritants.

At home

In any case, it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance: visit a doctor, and maybe several specialists.

Acne is caused by several reasons:

  1. Disease of the digestive system.
  2. Stressful situations.
  3. Moving to live in another area.
  4. Eating fried, spicy, fatty foods.
  5. Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Changes in the body of an age-related and hormonal nature.

Doctors advise doing the following:

  1. Eliminate fatty, smoked foods, coffee, sweets and nuts from food.
  2. Wash your hands and cleanse your face frequently.
  3. Do not squeeze pimples, because... Dirt and germs can get into the wounds. You don't have to do the cleaning yourself.
  4. Use only those cosmetics that have anti-inflammatory properties and contain only natural ingredients.

How to treat large acne on the face? Follow the link.

Folk remedies

This type of treatment has many advantages:

  1. Homemade preparations do not contain artificial dyes, which are present in purchased medications and can negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  2. The choice falls on cosmetics that are always high quality and fresh.
  3. Most of the required components are inexpensive compared to a professional product.

It should be remembered that the effectiveness of such healing has not been proven and for some people it simply will not work, because when treated by professionals, the risks are much lower.

The leaves of this plant will need to be picked and kept in the refrigerator for 10 days. After this time, squeeze out the juice and wipe your face with it. This must be done at least 3 times a day.


Clay masks are a great help. White perfectly clears pimples and tones the skin.


  1. Chamomile decoction – 40 ml.
  2. Boiled water – 100 gr.
  3. Clay – 50 gr.

Mix all the listed ingredients, apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  1. Milk – 40 ml.
  2. Clay – 30 gr.
  3. Essential oil and lemon juice – 5 g each.

Mix the listed ingredients thoroughly, apply to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can use the mask after 2 days.

A compress consisting of honey and calendula will help.

In 200 gr. boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of natural honey and 2 tsp. calendula. Wait until the product has cooled and apply it to problem areas with a cotton swab. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Rubbing with infusions and plant juices

This works great in place of toner.

  1. Steam chamomile herb at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. a glass of boiling water, leave, freeze and wipe the damaged skin with pieces of ice.
  2. Herbs such as St. John's wort, sage, coltsfoot - 2 tbsp. l. steam with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. and wipe the face and damaged skin areas.
  3. Pour 2 cucumbers with a glass of vodka, leave in a cold place for 3 weeks and wipe the damage with liquid. Helps get rid of pimples and perfectly whitens the skin.
  4. Cucumber and lemon are great for getting rid of this. Wipe the skin with them after 15 minutes. sweep. Excellent help to get rid of the problem.


In pharmacies there are a lot of different drugs that perfectly help get rid of hated acne. They cost a small amount, have an elementary composition, and practically do not cause side effects.

Vishnevsky ointment

This drug contains only 4 components:

  1. Castor oil.
  2. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components, such as birch tar.
  3. Xeroform (excellent in fighting infection).
  4. Silicon dioxide – perfectly dries the skin and relieves inflammation.

Thanks to its actions, the drug has the following:

  1. Eliminates inflammatory processes and swelling.
  2. Improves blood flow.
  3. Destroys the infection.
  4. Perfectly dries out pimples.
  5. Softens the skin.
  6. Draws out pus.
  7. After treatment there are no scars left.
  8. It draws out pus very quickly and speeds up the healing process.


This drug provides excellent treatment assistance.

Its action is as follows:

  1. Does not harm the epidermis. Even those with sensitive skin can use it.
  2. It has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, due to which redness and itching disappear after a few hours.
  3. Aspirin dries out the skin.
  4. Clears pores of impurities while helping to dissolve sebum.
  5. Contaminants are removed without injury; the composition of the medicine helps to perform light peeling.
  6. Perfectly removes blackheads on the face.
  7. You can make masks by first dissolving the medicine in some water.