How to cover gray hair with henna

Modern women begin to think about how to get rid of gray hair after 35 years. And some are even up to 30 years old. The appearance of gray hairs is not always associated with age factors. There are many other reasons. Not all representatives of the fair sex immediately want to dye their hair with dye, and therefore are looking for more gentle methods. And here many people have a question: “Will henna cover gray hair?” This product has a natural composition, and therefore not only will not harm, but, on the contrary, will improve the health of your hair.

Causes of gray hair

The appearance of gray hair is caused by many factors - environment, stress, hormonal imbalances and other health problems. Don't forget about genetic predisposition. Gray hair most often appears first on the crown and temples. If you notice the first manifestations of the process, then you can combat the problem by simply cutting off individual hairs. But this method does not always work, since over time the strands turn grayer. This means it’s time for radical measures. Of course, the easiest way to color gray hair is with paint. However, as noted above, not all women are ready for such radical measures. Therefore, many people are interested in whether it is possible to cover gray hair with henna. There are many speculations on this matter.

Features of henna and basma

It is not for nothing that representatives of the fair sex are interested in whether it is possible to cover gray hair with henna and basma. After all, every woman is attracted to the natural composition of these products. These coloring powders are obtained by grinding certain plants. For example, henna is based on ground leaves of Lawsonia non-prickly. When dry, it has an unsightly green tint. But the powder makes it possible to color your curls in brown, red and golden tones.

The variety of shades offered depends on the country in which the henna was produced. Bright red color is the hallmark of the Iranian product. In addition, powders are also imported from India and Saudi Arabia.

But basma is a drug that is obtained after processing indigofera, which belongs to the legume family. The powder has a pronounced gray-green color. It is rarely used as a main remedy, since the hair after it often turns blue and green. Most often, basma is used in combination with henna to obtain long-lasting and soft shades. You can achieve a certain color by changing the proportions. Much depends on the initial shade of the curls and the severity of gray hair. Therefore, there is no need to doubt whether henna and basma will cover gray hair. Of course, you will have to work hard, but the result will certainly be positive. To achieve the desired effect, different techniques are used: separate or simultaneous staining.

Benefits of natural dyes

There is no doubt about whether henna and basma will cover gray hair. It’s not for nothing that oriental beauties have been using these powders since ancient times. The health and beauty of their hair can be the envy of any modern woman (taking into account all modern cosmetics).

Beauty industry professionals note that natural dyes have many advantages:

  1. Henna and basma have a beneficial effect on the hair structure.
  2. Powders stimulate hair growth.
  3. The drugs nourish and strengthen them.
  4. Reduce hair loss.
  5. Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Add shine and smoothness.
  7. Eliminate dandruff.
  8. They have an affordable price.
  9. Widely available for sale.
  10. They are hypoallergenic.
  11. They make it possible to obtain different shades when dyeing.
  12. The combined use of henna and basma makes it possible to qualitatively color gray strands. Therefore, there is no doubt about whether the gray hair will be covered. Henna and basma were used long before the advent of chemical dyes.

Disadvantages of natural dyes

Like any dyes, henna and basma have their drawbacks:

  1. Frequent use can lead to dryness and cause split ends.
  2. Women whose hair has recently been dyed with chemicals or has undergone a perm procedure should be wary of natural powders.
  3. Even natural composition sometimes causes allergic reactions.
  4. Basma and henna are practically powerless over semi-permanent or permanent compositions. Powders are preferable to apply to natural and gray hair.
  5. After natural dyes, changing the color of your hair with chemical dyes is also difficult.
  6. Dyed hair fades in the sun.
  7. Sometimes when painting gray hair it is not possible to get an even, uniform tone.
  8. Natural dyes have a specific aroma that lasts quite a long time.
  9. Washing your hair after coloring powders is not the easiest process.

Henna and basma should not be used if your scalp is dry, as well as during lactation and pregnancy, after a perm.

Shades and proportions

When answering the question whether henna covers gray hair or not, I would like to give the correct proportions of dyes. To dye short and medium length hair you will need from 100 to 300 grams of powder. For long strands you will need from 300 to 500 grams. You can use pure henna or add basma, but the total mass will remain unchanged. It is not possible to give a more precise amount of the substance, since much depends on the structure and thickness of the hair, as well as the degree of graying. Professionals say that there is no need to doubt whether henna covers gray hair. For hair that has not suffered too much from graying, the procedure is very effective. It is believed that the success of dyeing is guaranteed if your hair is no more than 40% silver.

The pigment also works well on completely gray hair. If the amount of graying is in the range of 40-90%, then you will have to try to achieve a uniform shade. But even in this case there is no need to worry. Henna and basma will cover gray hair. User reviews indicate positive dyeing results. Sometimes, to obtain an even tone, you have to do the coloring more than once, since it is difficult to cover gray hair well on the first try. You can get a deep and rich shade only after a series of procedures.

Varieties of henna

How to cover gray hair on dark hair? Lawsonia powders are the best option for coloring dark hair. All types of henna are suitable: Sudanese and Iranian. Brown Indian powder copes very well with gray hair. To obtain a more expressive shade, the powder can be diluted with natural freshly brewed coffee. Indian henna beautifully shades brown hair if you add turmeric. This mixture gives your hair a beautiful milk chocolate shade.

Sudanese henna gives dark hair a copper color and light hair a bright red color. The powder also works well for coloring gray hair in the following combinations:

  1. With colorless henna. Both products must be taken in equal proportions. On gray hair you will get a strawberry blonde, and on chestnut and light brown hair you will get a light red tint.
  2. With basma. After dyeing, the hair will acquire a chestnut or copper-brown tone. The resulting color largely depends on the initial tone, the amount of graying and the proportions taken.

It is difficult to determine the best henna for gray hair coloring. Each type copes with the task. You can choose the best option for yourself only during use.

Iranian henna for hair

Does Iranian henna color gray hair? Of course, it colors. Moreover, with its help you can achieve different shades. In its pure form, it gives the hair a red color. But in combination with additional ingredients you can get the following shades:

  1. Wheat. Iranian powder is combined with a decoction of dandelion roots or chamomile flowers.
  2. Ocher. You will get a deep yellow-red hue if you add onion skin infusion.
  3. The golden color is the result of combining Iranian powder with chamomile or turmeric.
  4. A creamy golden hue can be achieved by adding chicory.
  5. Yellow-orange can be obtained by adding tangerine and orange peels.
  6. A light red tint is possible by adding ginger, as well as parsley or tea tree essential oil to Iranian henna.
  7. Auburn when using cinnamon.
  8. Chestnut, brown and chocolate are the result of a combination of natural coffee, henna, oak bark decoction, nutmeg and walnut shells.
  9. Plum. To obtain such an intense shade, you should add elderberries to the powder.
  10. Ruby. Shade can be achieved by adding cranberry or beet juice.


Basma in its pure form is used to dye fabrics in beautiful colors of emerald and azure. When dyeing hair, the same effect is observed, so experts recommend using mixtures of henna and basma. Does such a mass cover gray hair? Of course, he paints it over. Moreover, the application always gives good results. When purchasing basma, pay attention to its composition. Only pure powder needs to be combined with henna. Now manufacturers produce ready-made mixtures that contain many additional substances. Such preparations usually do not require the addition of henna.

Combine both powders

Does henna cover gray hair? For silver-colored hair, a real lifesaver is a mixture of henna and basma. This tandem is indispensable for effective coloring of gray hair. Different proportions and exposure times allow you to get very beautiful shades.

Experts recommend adhering to the following ratios:

  1. 1:1 – makes it possible to obtain a chestnut shade of different saturation.
  2. 1:2 – chocolate or brown color. To obtain an intense black shade, the mixture should be kept for at least 1-2 hours. For gray hair, the mixture should be left on the curls even longer.
  3. 2:1 – bronze color on dark hair or red on blondes.
  4. 3:1 – light brown. This ratio is used only for light hair.

Does henna and basma cover gray hair? The mixture of products is very effective, but to obtain a lasting result it must be kept on the hair for a very long time, as evidenced by reviews from women. Sometimes the procedure can take 5-6 hours. Not every representative of the fair sex can spend so much time. Therefore, you can plan several colorings in a row.

There are several coloring options. You can first leave henna on your hair and then apply basma. This procedure is called separate painting. In this case, the longer you leave basma on your curls after henna, the darker and richer the color you will get. The first component is left on the hair for about an hour, and the second - from 20 to 120 minutes.

Recommendations from professionals

Women often ask the question: what kind of henna covers gray hair? Experts say that you can use any, the brand and manufacturer do not matter. To successfully color gray hair, you must follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Henna is diluted not with boiling water, but with hot water, the temperature of which is 70-80 degrees.
  2. Dry and normal hair can be dyed with lavsonia powder diluted in warm kefir. But for fatty people, water with vinegar or lemon juice is better. This little trick will allow you to get a rich, bright color.
  3. Basma is diluted in ordinary hot water.
  4. It is necessary to mix the powders immediately before coloring gray hair. Apply the mixture to your hair while warm.
  5. Powders should not be diluted in metal containers. It is better to use ceramics or glass.
  6. The finished mass should resemble thick sour cream. A mixture that is too thin will run down your face and neck intensely. The dry mass will harden too quickly.
  7. Powders cannot be diluted for future use and stored in the refrigerator.
  8. Henna is difficult to wash out of the hair, so you need to add two yolks to the finished mass. This will make the task easier. To prevent dry curls, you can use flaxseed decoction, glycerin and cosmetic oils.
  9. The cold mass acts on curls longer. To speed up the process, it is recommended to use a warm mixture.
  10. Natural dyes adhere much better to clean hair.
  11. If you are dyeing for the first time, it is recommended to start with a few curls to understand what shade you will get and how long you need to keep the mass.
  12. First you need to color your gray hair.
  13. After applying henna and basma, the head must be wrapped in polyethylene and then insulated with a towel.
  14. If you use separate dyeing, you only need to warm your hair when using henna.

Cream henna

In modern stores you can see completely new preparations based on henna and basma. Among them there is henna cream. Will this product cover gray hair? The new drug has proven itself very well. However, it has its pros and cons.

Henna cream copes well with gray hair. The exposure time of such a preparation on the hair is much less than that of powder products. And the product is much easier to apply thanks to its convenient creamy consistency. As a result, you get a beautiful shade of curls. But, according to women, henna cream is washed off from the hair very quickly, and after a week the color is lost. This is a serious disadvantage. Otherwise, the product is very convenient, although when using it, everything around is colored, as is the case with powders.

Coloring techniques

Separate and simultaneous staining allows you to get almost the same result. The first method is most often used for gray hair, as well as to obtain a deep black shade.

The convenience of separate dyeing is that you see what color your curls are getting and can immediately adjust the shade. Natural dyes are difficult to wash out of your curls, especially if they are long. But in no case is it recommended to wash your hair with shampoo or use conditioners for the first 72 hours. You can fix the resulting color by rinsing with rosehip decoction or water and vinegar.

After the first coloring, after some time you will have to update the color. It is recommended to do this no more than once every two to three months. This applies to long hair. You can dye your roots much more often.

Does henna cover gray hair: reviews

Numerous reviews indicate that with the help of henna and basma, you can achieve lasting coloring of gray hair. Of course, using natural dyes is more troublesome than using ready-made store-bought cream dyes. However, the latter are characterized by a very aggressive effect, for this reason women prefer henna and basma. In addition, chemical dyes do not differ in durability on hair. The tint is washed off very quickly, especially from gray hair, which forces women to carry out the harmful procedure again.

To the question “Does henna cover gray hair?” Most sources on the Internet give a negative answer. But I managed to create my own recipe, thanks to which gray hair is completely covered with henna. Here's everything you need for coloring:

I use Indian henna "Lady Henna", it is of consistently good quality, finely ground and gives a rich, long-lasting color. So, you will need:

— regular red henna 10 g
— brown henna (this is henna with the addition of basma) 10 g
- shikakai 1 tsp.
- ground coffee 1 tsp.
— kefir 1% 150 ml
- natural vinegar 2 tsp.

This amount is just enough to color the roots. If you dye your hair along the entire length, then the total amount taken is two to three times more, depending on the length and thickness of the hair.

I pour the kefir into a bottle in advance and put it in a saucepan with hot water to warm up. It should become very warm, let it warm up for half an hour.

Let's get started. I dilute henna in a plastic mayonnaise bucket, it’s so convenient for me, then it will become clear why. I use scales, but this is not necessary; you can take the approximate weight of the henna or measure it by volume. I add 10 grams of regular henna.

Then the same amount of brown.

I add a teaspoon of shikakai powder. This is not necessary, but I like it, it is good for the hair, makes it easier to wash off the color mixture and gives a slight cocoa tint to the hair.

Then a teaspoon of coffee.

Coffee gives a shade of brown and slightly mutes the red color.

We are done with the powders, now they need to be mixed until smooth.

I add 150 ml kefir and two teaspoons of vinegar to the bucket. Henna with kefir gives a rich and at the same time noble color and the hair does not dry out at all. Vinegar enhances the coloring effect due to its acidity.

Now I quickly beat everything with a blender with a whisk attachment. This results in excellent mixing quality and the coloring mass increases in volume, which saves henna. It is very convenient to whip in such a bucket; the mixture does not scatter.

I close the bucket with a lid and put it back in the pan with hot water for 20-30 minutes.

At this time I go to wash my hair. Shampoo only, no conditioner. I dry my hair with a towel and a little in the air so that water does not flow from it. This is what my parting looks like on damp hair before dyeing. It’s not very visible in the photo, but there is a lot of gray hair.

You can start painting. I wear thin gloves so as not to get my hands dirty and take a brush for ease of applying henna.

After all my hair is dyed, I put on a cellophane cap and a wool cap on top for insulation. This is more convenient than wrapping a towel and is easier on the head.

I leave henna on my hair for at least 3.5 hours. I rinse thoroughly with water and apply a balm or mask to the ends for a few minutes. This is how the color turned out

The next day it will level out and become more uniform. Although the gray hairs will be slightly different, they will be more golden, but in the overall hair mass it looks normal. If you want a more chocolate color, then increase the amount of brown henna and decrease the amount of red henna. All this can only be determined experimentally. I'm happy with this color. And gray hair doesn’t scare me anymore :)

Gray hair can and even should be dyed with henna. This product is good for hair and convenient for use at home, especially for those who prefer only natural hair products.


In famous Indian films, all oriental beauties have gorgeous hair. No matter how old the heroine is, even 50, not a single gray strand is visible in her hair, and the length of her curls is in no way comparable to her age. All this is thanks to the regular use of natural hair products. Unlike regular dye, henna does not damage the hair cuticle, so your curls become better with each dyeing.

But there are some features of coloring gray hair with henna. First you need to understand that gray curls differ in color due to their structure. In ordinary hair, it has a filling that determines the color, the so-called pigment. Gray curls do not have such filling, they are hollow. Therefore, such hair is quite coarse, hard and dry. After dyeing with henna, gray hair becomes strong at the roots, shiny and the color is more saturated.

Advantages and disadvantages

But not everything is as rosy with natural hair dyes as one might imagine at first glance. Henna has its own advantages and disadvantages to use.


  1. Does not contain chemicals that can negatively affect gray hair.
  2. There are no age restrictions for use.
  3. Protects from the harmful effects of sunlight.
  4. Protects curls from dandruff.
  5. Improves the structure of the strands: they become smooth and silky.
  6. After use, the hair becomes voluminous and well-groomed.
  7. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so that the curls remain fresh for a long time.
  8. Improves blood circulation, making hair grow much faster.


  1. It may not cover gray hair, but only serve as a toning agent.
  2. Cannot be used on already colored hair, only on gray hair. Even a brunette has a chance of getting green hair.
  3. It can dry out the strands, so it is better to use a rich balm before use.
  4. Cannot be used for perming, as the powder may straighten curls.
  5. Frequent use of the product leads to hair stiffness.
  6. You cannot dye your hair with regular dye after dyeing it with henna.

Which is better?

There are several types of henna, each of which is designed for a specific hair shade.

  1. Colorless henna - These are crushed leaves of the Indian herb lavsan. There is no coloring pigment in such leaves. Colorless henna can be added to hair masks; it makes curls shiny and promotes their growth.
  2. Colored henna - the most popular and costs much less than colorless. Using this product you can get different shades of hair, and it is used to color strands. The product also has healing properties that can help restore damaged hair.
  3. Brightening. This henna can lighten curls by a tone and a half. To be used only in combination with hair oil.

The choice of product depends on the purpose of use. To dye gray hair, you should choose colored henna.

How to paint correctly?

Dyeing gray hair with henna has several subtleties, knowledge of which will help you easily dye your hair the desired shade.

  1. Before dyeing, you need to wash your hair, be sure to apply balm and conditioner to moisturize it. It is better to dry your hair with any fabric product; either a cotton cloth or linen will do.
  2. Henna is best diluted with warm water. It must be remembered that the dye should not be diluted with boiling water or hot water, since boiling water leads to the loss of the pigment itself.
  3. Coloring should begin from the back of the head, since the hair on the back of the head is very coarse and thick. Then move on to the temporal areas, and only then to the parietal area, at the very end - small hairs near the forehead (they are the thinnest, and the time for coloring them is minimal).

How long to keep?

The time required for henna dyeing is entirely individual. On average, it will take from half an hour to three or four hours of “exposure”. The color depends on the structure of the strands. It is important to remember that henna shows its “most juice” of color approximately the next day after dyeing. If the result is not immediately obvious, and the curls have a slightly different shade, do not panic. Everything will become clear the next day.

You should definitely experiment with coloring on several strands. This will make it clear in what proportion and for how long you need to dye specific curls. The result of henna dyeing is more obvious and effective if the strands have not been subjected to chemical exposure.

With basma

Henna is a plant that has a coloring pigment of honey, red, and golden shades. If dyeing is done only with henna, then the final result will be exactly this shade. To obtain a darker color (chestnut, light brown or chocolate) you need to add basma to henna.

Basma is another natural dye and also covers gray hair well. It has a dark blue and greenish color. It is better not to use basma as an independent dye (without adding henna), since the result will be a blue-green tint to the strands. These two dyes are used exclusively in tandem.

To obtain a reddish-brown color of curls, it is enough to mix the dye in the following proportions: one teaspoon of henna to two teaspoons of basma. To obtain a darker shade of hair, you need to mix one teaspoon of henna and three teaspoons of basma. If necessary, increase doses. It is better to mix these two dyes in powder form, and then add warm water.


There are many recipes for obtaining different hair shades.

  1. To obtain a sunny red shade Dilute two packets of henna with warm water, add any acidic medium to the mixture (for example, lemon juice, kefir, vinegar). This way henna will add more intense pigment to the hair. Then add one or two tablespoons of cosmetic oil (for example, burdock, olive, vegetable, sea buckthorn, coconut or almond). This will further moisturize your hair. Henna is best applied immediately after combining all the components. Hair does not need to be wrapped in a bag or towel. The longer the paint is exposed to air, the better it will develop its coloring properties.
  2. To obtain light brown and light brown color. Mix one bag of henna with two or three (for a darker color) bags of basma. They need to be mixed dry. To this mixture add brewed tea or coffee and one or two tablespoons of oil (for example, burdock, apricot kernels, coconut, almond or olive). Mix everything well until it becomes a paste. Apply to curls.
  3. Separate coloring. The two previous recipes can be applied separately. First apply henna as written in the first recipe. Leave on for half an hour to an hour, rinse and dry with a towel. Then apply basma as written in the second recipe. Leave for up to four hours, then rinse.
  4. Brew strong tea, add a teaspoon of turmeric and basma. Leave it all for about an hour and rinse with running water. Instead of strong tea, you can add coffee, and instead of turmeric, oak bark. The tea will remove the rusty color that can occur as a result of dyeing, and the result will be a hair color that is not too dark.

Watch a video about hair coloring with henna and coffee below.

Henna can only be washed off with running water without using shampoo or soap. Henna and basma are afraid of an alkaline environment. It is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo on the third day after coloring. And if the result turns out to be richer than desired, then just the opposite, you need to thoroughly rinse these areas of the strands with alkali. It is better to apply any mixture with a special brush, as when dyeing your hair with regular dye. It is also recommended to use special gloves to protect your hands.