How to cover up a purple black eye

Hematomas (bruises) are one of the most sensitive problems, especially in cases where they cannot be hidden from society. The process of the appearance of a hematoma is quite simple: after damage to soft, especially sensitive tissues or disruption of blood vessels by mechanical means, a blood cavity forms in the skin. The human brain perceives information about the damage and turns on the processes of resorption of the blood clot. Because of this, the color transformation of the bruise occurs - from a violet-bluish tint to a yellowish one.

The most “colorful” hematomas are considered to be damage to the skin of the face, especially women. The resorption process often takes no more than two days. But at this time, many girls begin to think about how to disguise a black eye as believably as possible.

Most women have become consummate magicians thanks to the daily struggle with the hated bluish circles around the eyes. But all previously used methods cannot always cope with a large-scale hematoma.

Concealer is a good helper

The first thing in such an extraordinary situation, many cosmetologists advise using a high-quality concealer to help you. The famous company of making women's dreams come true, Yves Saint Laurent, back in the last century, gave ladies the opportunity to create magic on their own, using the product during makeup.

How to disguise a black eye using concealer and how to choose the right type?

This product is available in several types all over the world, which allows you to optimally select a concealer for each individual woman and situation. To hide a large and quite pronounced bruise, professionals advise using a stick. This concealer has an inimitably thick texture; the product glides onto any part of the face. You can apply the concealer stick either with your fingers or with a convenient brush.

How to disguise a black eye that has already begun to fade? You can use cream concealer for this. It will help hide small areas of bruises; its dense texture lends itself easily to careful brush strokes. Before applying, you should be patient and persevere. Excellent results always require scrupulousness and accuracy. This cream product can also hide freckles and even significant skin defects, such as small scars.


The concealer pencil has a soft, light texture, which significantly complicates the mission of masking a bruise. Such a remedy will work well in the case of an almost resolved hematoma of small dimensions. The pencil is incredibly easy to use, but its scope of application is more for blue circles under the eyes than significant bruises.


Liquid concealer in a tube is an ideal solution for eliminating dark circles in the eye area. But its use (especially regular) requires the highest skill from a woman. The skin around tired eyes is very sensitive and capricious. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the liquid composition with a soft sponge, without using stretching movements.

Choosing the right product

To disguise a bruise under the eye from an impact using concealer, you should carefully choose the color of the product, because the dense texture of the cream in the case of the wrong color will not only not hide the hematoma, but will also reveal all the imperfections of the skin.

If you want to get excellent results, you should remember:

  1. to hide the purple halo of fatigue in the eye area, you need to stock up on a yellowish dense concealer;
  2. but bluish-green defects will be perfectly hidden by orange concealer; this product enriches the skin of cold (even slightly doll-like) tones with warmth and health; greenish hematomas also cannot resist this remedy;
  3. Blue (blue) concealer will help hide problem areas (pigments or freckles), as well as bluish eye skin and a network of blood vessels.

Having decided on the color and texture of the product, it’s worth learning how to properly disguise dark circles under the eyes. The first stage of camouflage will be preparing the skin in the eye area. The ideal option is to use a high-quality (not expired) eye cream; it must be applied with light movements. Then it even takes the skin about 15 minutes to absorb it. In places where hematomas form, the concealer should be applied with even, pointed movements. Do not completely cover your eyes with the product. The purpose of using concealer is to bruise, not to even out the entire area.

For even, delicate shading, brushes should be used (fingers in the absence of them). The liquid product must be applied along a clear contour of the bruise and normal skin; do not climb onto undamaged areas. Otherwise, the mission will be completely failed, the color of the covered bruise will again be different from the color of the entire face. The applied product should be lightly beaten into the skin so that the quality particles adhere to it.

Urgent help with a problem

How to quickly disguise dark circles under the eyes, especially in the case of a pronounced blue tint? This situation requires the intervention of a colored concealer. It must be applied with very light movements after the eye cream. A light-colored product is then applied to the colored base: for fair-skinned (closer to ivory) women, a yellowish concealer is suitable, and Asian beauties need to use golden-orange products.

To choose your product, you should slowly study what you can use to disguise dark circles under the eyes and at the same time heal damaged tissue. In this matter, you can safely turn to the recipes of Old Slavic folk remedies for help, or choose concealers that have been proven for decades, which include concealer. High-quality products have the advantageous ability to dry out pimples and revive skin with fine wrinkles and minor defects. Unfortunately, not everyone can help the body cope with the resulting blood lump.


Pharmacy products are becoming increasingly popular every year. After all, pharmacists are trying to combine masking and treatment in one drug. For the last 5 years, the championship among such remedies has been held by those that perfectly stimulate the resorption of clots. How to disguise a bruise under the eye using pharmaceutical products, for example, heparin-based ointments, troxerutin?

  1. The bruised area must be thoroughly cleaned. It is better to wash your face with cool or cold water, this will normalize the functioning of the blood vessels a little.
  2. A pea-sized amount of product should be lightly spread around the perimeter of the bruised area.
  3. After application, do not use powder or foundation. They will disrupt the process and clog pores. You can lightly powder the skin of your face without touching the area of ​​the bruise, this will even out the overall tone a little.

Resuming blood flow

Having figured out how to disguise a black eye from a blow, it’s worth thinking about resuming blood flow in the bruised area. The body is under stress. Why? Because a bruise is stressful. The body needs help, it is advisable to choose the most practical solution to the problem. We will now look at these methods.

The first step is to apply compresses. It would seem that the medieval method of treatment in the modern world has sunk into illusory oblivion. But these remedies are truly effective ways to treat bruises.

A warm salt compress will delicately enhance the resorption process. To prepare such a bath you will need:

  1. glass of water;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt.

First, you should dissolve a tablespoon of high-quality sea (ocean) salt in a glass of warm water (not boiling water). When applying the bandage, you need to monitor the safety of the mucous membrane. After all, sodium chloride can cause a wild burning sensation. It is necessary to apply salt dressings several times a day until complete recovery.


A more effective compress is vinegar. To prepare the product, you need to pour a tablespoon of sea salt with two vinegar. After mixing, add three to four drops of iodine to the mixture. Just as with a salt compress, with vinegar lotions it is necessary to tirelessly monitor the condition of the eye mucosa.

A little conclusion

Now you know what and how to disguise dark circles under your eyes. We hope that our methods will help you. Good luck!

A hematoma on the face or a bruise is a problem that is almost impossible to hide from others. Anyone can receive such “decoration”. To do this, it is not at all necessary to get into a fight or fall under the hot hand; it is enough to inadvertently damage soft tissues and disrupt the integrity of blood vessels. If they burst, a cavity with blood will form under the skin or directly in it. The brain will quickly receive a signal about this and start the regeneration process. However, this will not stop the owner of a black eye from undergoing a color transformation. The eye turns blue, after a while it begins to turn green, and after that the area of ​​the bruise will acquire a jaundiced tint. If you don’t want to walk around with such “beauty” all this time, you need to take action. The first step is to find out how to cover up dark circles under your eyes.

What and how best to cover up dark circles under the eyes?

To correctly decide how to cover up a black eye from a blow, you should evaluate the capabilities of the modern cosmetics industry. Among the proposed remedies there are many that will allow you to cope with the acquired “disadvantage”. When choosing how to cover up a black eye at home, you will need to pay attention to the capabilities of different compositions.

Concealer for dark circles under the eyes

This is an excellent assistant in situations where it is necessary to hide traces of an accident and “restore face.” In order to be pleased with the result, it is important to choose correctly and know in advance which concealer to cover up dark circles under the eyes. There are many products on the cosmetic market, but only a few can cope with the task.

This composition has been known to ladies for a long time, but it can be used in cases where the hematoma begins to disappear, and its color becomes not purple and dim blue, but yellowish or greenish. To understand how to cover up dark circles under the eyes with foundation, you should take the advice of professionals. And they recommend using a small brush for this task, applying the cream only with it and carefully spreading it over the surface. This same product can also hide small scars, shallow wrinkles or freckles.

Stick for bruises under the eyes

A special product that is known to all fashionistas on the planet. It is this that allows you to quickly hide traces of a fairly extensive hematoma; it is only important to know how to cover up a black eye from a blow. You can apply the product with light touches of your fingers or use a brush for the same purpose, but you should not apply the composition directly from the stick.

Liquid concealer

When deciding how to cover up a black eye at home, you should pay close attention to liquid concealer. It is he who helps to quickly and effectively remove the consequences of a sleepless night, a fight or one’s own inattention. The liquid composition is able to cope with fairly extensive hematomas, even those that have just “bloomed”.

Pencil for bruises under the eyes

The composition of the pencil has a fairly light and soft texture, which allows you to mask the “presence” of a hematoma on the skin. To learn how to cover up dark circles under the eyes with a pencil, you need to take into account that such a product will cope with masking small defects on the skin. It practically does not mask large bruises.

How to quickly cover up a black eye at home?

Having learned how to properly cover up bruises under the eyes, you should also pay attention to the issues of tolerability of a particular product. When choosing cosmetics for such an important procedure, you must definitely test it and become familiar with its composition. You should not use expired cosmetics or those that raise doubts, as well as ingredients from unknown brands. When choosing what you can use to cover up dark circles under your eyes, you can also turn to old proven methods - camouflage with makeup. To do this, you can use regular foundation and powder. However, such a procedure will require some skill.

It is quite possible that the defect will not be eliminated the first time. You should not apply a large number of layers, which will only emphasize wrinkles. Professionals give tips on how to properly cover up dark circles under the eyes and recommend doing the following:

  1. Tint your eyebrows and apply thick eyelashes. This technique can create an excellent contrast with the skin tone, and therefore will not be visible as much.
  2. Make your eyes visually larger and brighter by using eyeliner. It needs to be made as clear as possible.
  3. With the help of colorful bright shadows and eyeliner, you can distract people's attention and direct it to your advantages.

To achieve an excellent result, you should learn how to cover up dark circles under the eyes using available products, and also divert the attention of passers-by, colleagues, friends and family from the problem area using makeup.

How to properly cover up a black eye?

To do this, you should also understand how best to cover up bruises under the eyes, and then use the product as a disguise. There are several unspoken rules that allow you to effectively solve the problem. To deal with it, just use these tips:

  1. The corrector eliminates only small and stale bruises from a recent injury. The product gives a fairly dense layer. To learn how to cover up a black eye with one layer at home, you should use a product that matches the tone of your skin.
  2. Use a light foundation on previously treated skin. To remove all excess cream from your face, just blot it with a dry cloth.
  3. When deciding how to properly and effectively cover up dark circles under the eyes, use additional powder or blush. These products will create a uniform tone; they should be applied with a wide round brush.

Sometimes, to obtain an even layer, you will need to re-go over light areas of the skin - around the nose and forehead. Cheekbones can be darkened with powder, or matte blush can be used.

How to cover up a black eye from a blow?

If such a nuisance has already happened and a hematoma has appeared, you should find out how to properly cover up bruises under the eyes. This issue is especially important for people with problem skin. You can resolve issues that arise in several ways:

  1. Use special camouflage cream. It can quickly hide not only bruises and signs of fatigue, but also acne, wrinkles, freckles, and age spots. You will need to apply the composition in a fairly thick layer, but this approach will allow you to “camouflage” it.
  2. But how to cover up a black eye at home if you have to treat dry skin? For such purposes, use foundations and concealers that contain moisturizing components.
  3. For those with oily skin, it is important not to acquire another problem after using cosmetic compositions - to prevent the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Cosmetologists will tell you how to cover up dark circles under your eyes with foundation. This product should contain powder particles. It is she who will absorb excess fat and prevent pores from becoming clogged.

When deciding how to cover up bruises under the eyes from an impact, you should choose only proven brands. The world's best manufacturers offer their customers excellent formulations that contain safe components.

Branded cosmetics have all certificates of conformity and do not pose a health hazard.

What concealers can cover up dark circles under the eyes?

Choice of product

Many cosmetologists can tell you which concealer to cover up dark circles under the eyes. When researching the market, you should pay attention to customer reviews. The product from Yves Saint Laurent received a lot of rave reviews. The composition can be used both for applying everyday and holiday makeup, but also to get rid of skin defects. However, other formulations from reputable manufacturers are often used for the same purpose. It is only important to understand what color to cover up dark circles under the eyes. The correct composition should be selected taking into account the tonal characteristics of your own skin. To determine what color to cover up dark circles under the eyes, you should use the following rules:

  1. Test concealer only in daylight.
  2. Do not use pencil concealers on skin with age-related changes - pigment spots, wrinkles.
  3. Test the composition by applying to a vein on the back of the wrist.

The presented tips allow you to find out what color to cover up dark circles under the eyes, but there are a few more subtleties.

What color to cover up a black eye?

When figuring out how to cover up bruises under the eyes from lack of sleep or from a blow, you should take into account the following rules:

  1. A thick yellowish concealer is suitable for disguising bluish halo under the eyes. It often occurs due to fatigue and lack of sleep.
  2. A blue or blue concealer will help disguise problem areas - freckles, age spots, small bruises, and will also cope with visible manifestations of the network of blood vessels.
  3. Orange concealers are an excellent remedy for correction and are an excellent solution for getting rid of blue, greenish, yellowish bruises.

If even after the procedures and after a couple of pictures there are still traces of defects in the photo, you need to learn how to cover up dark circles under the eyes in Photoshop. Adjustment functions should be used. Experienced editors know how to cover up dark circles under the eyes in Photoshop using correction, color application, straightening, highlighting, crease retouching, highlights, and other techniques.

Some additional tips from makeup artists

Professionals know exactly how to cover up dark circles under the eyes and are ready to share tips. Before applying makeup, it is enough to apply compresses to your eyelids for 10 minutes using brewed tea and cotton swabs. You can also make lotions with aloe, and apply patches from Korean manufacturers at night. These are natural remedies that help the body quickly restore its natural tone, and, together with the advice of makeup artists and cosmetologists, also disguise defects.

Many people are interested in how to disguise a black eye, if even professional cosmetics do not help. In fact, you should just gain knowledge that will help you cope with the problem. As you know, bruises resulting from a contusion and natural bruises cannot be removed using the same methods. The problem of how to disguise a black eye from a blow is the most common and difficult to solve. Having become familiar with the basic principles of camouflage presented in the article, the task will be significantly easier and the suffering from bruises will instantly stop.

Care for the eye area

Before you learn how to disguise a black eye, you need to consider the basic rules for caring for the area around the eyes. This procedure is necessary for every person in everyday life. When the problem in question appears, it will be much easier to solve it if the skin is well-groomed and healthy. Just 3 rules will ensure a healthy appearance without the “panda effect”:

  1. For 3-4 minutes a day, you should apply pre-prepared ice cubes made from a decoction of medicinal herbs to your eyelids.
  2. You should regularly make moisturizing masks that you can prepare yourself using fresh cucumbers, raw potatoes, grapefruit and strawberries.
  3. It is systematically recommended to do massage to improve blood circulation and lymph drainage. This does not require any special skills: you need to make gentle pats with your fingertips, moving from the outer to the inner corner along the outer eyelid, and then in the opposite direction along the upper one. In this case, when a bruise appears from a blow, it will not have to be masked for too long, since it will quickly go away on its own.

Actions in case of injury

Only a few people know how to disguise a black eye from a blow, since not every person knows even the basics of makeup. In this regard, you will need to do everything necessary to reduce the likelihood of a bruise as much as possible. Of course, the stronger the blow, the brighter the mark will remain, but by reacting instantly, it is possible to make it less pronounced.

In the first few seconds after the blow, it is necessary to apply something cold, due to which the hemorrhage will stop a little and the hematoma will become less noticeable. The cold should be kept for 15-25 minutes, depending on the severity of the bruise.

Once the bruise is completely formed, you can apply a warm compress to ensure rapid resorption of the dried blood.

Choosing a concealer

Before covering up a black eye, you should choose the most suitable product so as not to become the owner of severe allergies or other problems. In most cases, people use regular foundation or powder. They, of course, perform their functions, but they are still not suitable for making dark circles under the eyes less noticeable. How to disguise a problem with cosmetics is not an easy question. In addition, if you can’t cover up a dark spot the first time, then the only thought that comes to mind is to apply an even larger layer, which is a wrong decision. As a result of such actions, the face will look unnatural, turn into a mask, and a huge layer of foundation will accumulate into noticeable wrinkles.

The best remedy is concealer, and how to properly disguise dark circles under the eyes with its help is written below. It is designed specifically for use in the eyelid area, so it has the most dense structure and copes with the task of masking quickly and efficiently.


Guessing what color to disguise dark circles under the eyes is not so difficult, because it needs to be selected exactly according to the color of the skin.

Even if you can’t do it yourself, a consultant from the store where this product is sold will come to the rescue and recommend the most suitable tone, as well as the best manufacturer. If you don’t have the right consultant nearby, you can choose the product yourself, following the following recommendations:

  1. You should test the concealer in daylight to better see whether it suits your skin tone;
  2. You can check the camouflage properties by applying a small amount of the product to a vein (back of the wrist);
  3. Concealers in the form of pencils are best avoided if there are wrinkles around the eyes;
  4. bruises of purple and blue colors are better camouflaged with yellow, brown ones with green, and slightly greenish ones with red.

Stages of camouflage

Just one wrong move can ruin all your camouflage efforts, so you should act in stages:

  1. Moisturize the skin in the eyelid area using a special cream.
  2. Apply the concealer with smooth movements in a thin layer, slightly extending beyond the boundaries of the dark spot.
  3. If desired, you can fix the effect with a small amount of transparent powder.

Disguise with makeup

Of course, you can disguise dark circles under your eyes using cosmetics. This will take a little more time, since not only one concealer will be used here, but also many other products. In addition, it is also worth noting that all of the above methods are suitable for both women and men, but disguise through makeup is unlikely to appeal to real machos.

So, to make the dark spot around the eye less noticeable, you need to do the right makeup. Basic Rules:

  1. Thick, long, dark-colored eyelashes can create the perfect contrast with the skin tone in the eye area, making bruises appear lighter in color.
  2. Eyebrows should be raised as high as possible (plucking) and tinted if necessary.
  3. The eyeliner line should be as clear as possible in order to create contrast and visually make the eyes larger and brighter, while bruises will fade.
  4. People who prefer bright colors in their makeup can draw attention away from bruises by using colored eyeliner or eye shadow.

What should men do?

In terms of masking the dark spot around the eye, it is much easier for men. The stronger sex can hide this problem in many ways, but the most popular of them are glasses and adhesive tape.

Sunglasses are the simplest option that you will have to spend a little money on if you don’t have the glasses you need in your own collection of accessories. You should find regular summer glasses that are as dark in color as possible and large enough to cover the bruise completely.

Another good way is a patch. Any bruise on a man’s face can be covered with a band-aid, which will look more brutal and dignified.