You drive these days

Suppose that after watching some Hollywood action movie, with impressive performances, martial artists, you decided for yourself that you want to swing your legs like these cool guys. Walk fearlessly through dark alleys at night and beat up bad guys who want to call from your phone or smoke your cigarettes. Or maybe you just want to send your son to a karate class so that he can fight back against everyone who tries to offend him. But unfortunately, you have little idea what karate is, other than swinging your legs above your head and saving girls from the hands of bad guys.

What is karate?

Let's figure out what karate is and for this let's turn to history... This art began in the distant eighteenth century. The concept of karate was introduced by a certain Sakugawa, from the village of Akata, Okinawa. Sakugawa studied the martial arts of the Shaolin monks in China and upon returning home founded his own private school, Karate no Sakugawa. At that time, karate was a type of martial arts that was exclusively defensive in nature. But as a result of its spread throughout Japan, karate began to emerge as a military-applied discipline of a physical education nature. By the twentieth century, Karate had become a compulsory discipline in the Japanese Army. After Japan's defeat in World War II in 1945, America, which occupied the country, banned all martial arts among the population, with the exception of karate.

* In the first photo, the famous karateka Idol of the 80s and 90s Hollywood Super Star Dolph Lundgren is now a reputable instructor, conducting individual Muay Thai training in Los Angeles and New York, as well as master classes around the world.

In our country, this martial art was strictly prohibited, along with bodybuilding. However, in 1978, the USSR Sports Committee issued a number of decrees on the development of karate in the country. And already in 1981 the first karate championship in the USSR was held.

What is karate today?

Today, karate is a sports discipline designed to educate the spirit and harden the body. Karate is also one of the Olympic disciplines and many modern masters have achieved considerable results in this area.

If you are determined to take up this noble sport, then there is only one problem for you, and that is the availability of time. Otherwise, everything is simple. Currently, there are a huge number of karate masters and sections. It is still not recommended to study this art on your own; training in karate in a section will give much greater results. We can only wish people who have decided to take the path of Bushido, systematically moving towards their goal, good luck in their achievements and the speedy achievement of their goals.

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