Cavitation price per procedure

Body cavitation is an effective and frequently used method of losing weight in the field of hardware cosmetology. It allows you to get rid of subcutaneous fat and cellulite using a non-surgical method. This method provides a non-surgical alternative to surgical liposuction.


Ultrasonic cavitation is a physiotherapeutic method that is carried out using devices with low-frequency and high-frequency ultrasonic waves. This procedure transforms the female figure, allowing you to correct those places that, despite weight loss, remain unaesthetic. To achieve a faster effect, ultrasound can be combined with vacuum pneumomassage, myostimulation, wraps, etc. The visual effect of the cavitation procedure is immediately visible in the reduction of body volume and the disappearance of cellulite.

Indications for use include:

  1. the need to remove excess fat for weight loss;
  2. desire to get rid of orange peel and postpartum stretch marks;
  3. presence of lipomas;
  4. disadvantages after poorly performed laser liposuction.

Cavitation is used not only in cosmetics, but also in other industries: to remove tartar, in the treatment of urolithiasis, and with its help, festering wounds are cleansed.


It is allowed to use cavitation correction not on the entire body, otherwise it can cause serious harm to health. These parts of the body include: face and neck, armpits, popliteal cups, as well as areas affected by varicose veins.

Contraindications for using this method include:

  1. gynecological problems;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. chronic heart failure;
  4. presence of a pacemaker;
  5. hepatitis;
  6. mechanical damage in the suspected area of ​​cavitation;
  7. thrombocytopenia, hemophilia;
  8. oncological diseases;
  9. osteoporosis;
  10. immunological diseases;

It is undesirable to carry out cavitation at home, even if you purchase a cavitation device, although its cost is about sixty thousand rubles. However, without a medical education, it is unlikely that you will be able to carry out the necessary procedures effectively and safely for health.

Benefits of the procedure

The ultrasonic cavitation method has many advantages:

  1. losing weight without surgery;
  2. effective removal of cellulite;
  3. weight reduction;
  4. improvement of skin tone;
  5. increased collagen production;
  6. no anesthesia is used;
  7. absolutely painless method;
  8. does not leave bruises.


The phenomenon of cavitation contributes to the appearance of tiny bubbles in the adipocyte, they increase in volume and then burst. Fat is broken down into tiny particles, turning into liquid. Then it changes its biochemical composition and breaks down into free fatty acids and trihydric alcohol, and is eliminated from the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, 90% of the liquid goes into the lymph and only 10% into the blood.

To achieve the desired figure and get a good result, you need to carry out a couple of procedures to remove excess subcutaneous fat. The cavitation procedure is performed once every seven days. The session time is from 20 to 30 minutes, during which time 25 centimeters of skin are removed to treat. The number of sessions depends on the area of ​​the area that needs to be treated.

When carrying out cavitation, devices with different frequencies of ultrasonic waves are used: low and high frequencies.

  1. Low-frequency devices operate at a frequency of 38-70 kHz. The principle of operation is based on the small resistance of adipocytes, which are smaller than that of muscle and bone tissue, as a result of which fat cells are destroyed first. For the safety of the patient’s health, the device’s attachments are configured so that ultrasound penetrates tissue no deeper than two to three centimeters, which allows targeted action on adipocytes. With low-frequency cavitation, some waves that do not have a cavitation effect are able to penetrate deeper and then, due to the resistance of bone tissue, an acoustic effect can be heard. While working on the required area, the doctor uses massage movements to work out the fold of fat, without using the device attachments over the projections of the liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreas and thyroid glands. The doctor must be highly qualified so as not to harm vital organs.
  2. The high-frequency device operates at a frequency of 2.7 MHz. Efficiency is determined by the power of the nozzle used, as a rule, it is 45-60 W. When using high-frequency ultrasound, the smallest bubbles appear in adipocytes. Hardware high-frequency ultrasound penetrates up to 2.5 cm and does not damage neighboring cells of other organs. When they explode, there is not such a strong effect on the membranes of fat cells, which allows the doctor not to hold the fat fold. The use of this method does not lead to negative consequences for other organs in the body, for example, compared to liposuction, when a person is given anesthesia. A study of unsuccessful liposuction operations confirms the danger of this procedure in elderly people, but the cavitation procedure has no such contraindications. The cavitation method is absolutely painless, without the use of anesthesia, and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Impact zones

In humans, adipocytes most often accumulate on the abdomen, sides, thighs and buttocks, sometimes on the back, legs and arms. In all these areas it is possible to use the cavitation procedure.

Prices in Moscow medical centers for one session vary depending on the area where it is performed. The cheapest procedure is on the hands or knees - from 2 thousand rubles, the cost for a procedure on the stomach or thighs will be 4 thousand rubles.

Results of the procedure

The fat cell does not decrease in volume, but is completely eliminated. The number of fat cells after the procedure becomes smaller. Cellulite disappears along with fat. After cavitation there is no rehabilitation period, and no hematomas remain.

The result is clearly visible even with slight excess weight. Correctly performed cavitation has an effect only on fat cells, and other cells are not affected by ultrasound. But all of the above results are possible only if it is performed by an experienced specialist and high-quality equipment is used.

The cavitation procedure can have side effects when the patient, coming to the procedure, does not know the full picture of the diseases of his body. Before carrying out any procedures, a complete examination by doctors is necessary.

The best cavitation - rating, addresses and telephone numbers

5 reviews • Vorovskogo, 137 • 8 (341) 263-80-05 • weekdays from 09:00 to 21:00; Sat from 09:00 to 20:00; Sun from 10:00 to 18:00

Very nice and soulful interior)

2 reviews • Pushkinskaya, 206 • 8 (341) 252-52-02 • Mon–Sat from 09:00 to 21:00; Sun from 09:00 to 18:00

I've been coming here to get my hair cut by Lena for 5 years! She's my hair fairy! Even if I don’t know what I want, it will still be beautiful!)

4 reviews • Sovetskaya, 14 • 8 (341) 290-89-40 • daily from 09:00 to 22:00

The master girls are very diligent. And the hulking administrator will easily ruin all the fun.

Pushkinskaya, 236 • 8 (341) 240-43-09 • daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Sometimes it can be difficult to maintain the crazy pace of modern life. And yet, you want to feel like a Woman in any situation. Beautiful,...

1 review • Lenina, 110 • 8 (341) 237-42-88 • daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Beauty for the whole family.

Udmurt Republic, Pushkinskaya street, 163 • 8 (341) 268-64-44 • daily from 10:00 to 20:00

Udmurt Republic, st. Kholmogorova, 20 • 8 (321) 224-08-60

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Vorovskogo, 172 • 8 (341) 266-64-80 • weekdays from 09:00 to 20:00; Sat from 10:00 to 18:00

Karla Marksa, 250 • 8 (341) 240-40-10 • weekdays from 09:00 to 21:00; Sat from 10:00 to 21:00

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Cavitation in Izhevsk - prices

  1. 05/02/2018 Marina: I want to sign up for cavitation. Cost from rubles.
  1. Vanilla Sky Beauty Salon: Good afternoon, appointments are available by phone. , Cost (1 zone) 1300 rub.

The most popular features of the places found: makeup, body myostimulation, hair tinting, haircut at home, removal of calluses.

Cavitation (from the Latin cavita - emptiness) is the process of vapor formation and subsequent collapse of steam bubbles with simultaneous condensation of steam in a liquid flow, accompanied by noise and hydraulic shocks, the formation of cavities in the liquid (cavitation bubbles, or caverns) filled with the vapor of the liquid itself. Cavitation occurs as a result of a local decrease in pressure in the liquid, which can occur either when its speed increases (hydrodynamic cavitation), or when passing...

Izhevsk (udm. Izh, Izhkar) is the twentieth most populous city in the Russian Federation, a large administrative, industrial, commercial, scientific, educational and cultural center of the Volga region and the Urals, the capital of the Udmurt Republic.

Famous for defense, engineering and metallurgical production. It is the “armor capital” of Russia (along with Tula), and bears the title of the City of Labor Glory.

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Ultrasonic cavitation is the process of achieving the desired figure without surgical intervention. As a result, the patient experiences a reduction in cellulite, a smoother skin texture, and a reduction in fat deposits. Already after the first procedure, you can see the result - the volume in the treatment area is reduced by 2-6 centimeters.

Do I need cavitation?

If you are not entirely happy with your figure and are afraid of the consequences of surgery, then ultrasonic cavitation is just for you. With the help of cavitation you can:

  1. reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat deposits;
  2. remove wen;
  3. correct defects of surgical liposuction;
  4. restore skin elasticity;

How it works?

The non-surgical liposuction procedure uses ultrasound instead of a surgeon's scalpel. The effect is only on fatty deposits. Ultrasonic waves literally “melt” fat cells. Digested fats are removed from the body naturally (the main difference from liposuction). Ultrasound waves act at different depths, which allows you to achieve a good effect in any area. Ultrasonic cavitation can deal with both small and large fat deposits.

What is the principle of operation of ultrasound?

To understand how ultrasound works, imagine that fat deposits are an ordinary sponge that absorbs liquid. Procedures such as massage, liposuction, and baths remove fluid from this sponge, after which it accumulates again. But if you get rid of this sponge (adipose tissue), then the liquid will simply have nowhere to accumulate, and the adipose tissue will disintegrate. Scientifically speaking, fat is simply broken down under ultrasonic influence.

photo after the ultrasonic cavitation procedure

Do I need to prepare for the procedure?

3 days before the procedure, it is not recommended to consume spicy, fried foods or alcohol. You need to drink 1.5 liters of water daily, and you also need to drink 1 liter of water 2-4 hours immediately before the procedure.

When can you see the effect of the procedure?

The effect can be seen immediately after the procedure. Many patients note that the skin has noticeably tightened and acquired elasticity, and the volume has also noticeably decreased. In the area affected by ultrasound, the deposition of adipose tissue does not renew.

effect of cavitation procedure before and after photos

What are the advantages of ultrasonic figure cavitation?

The non-surgical liposuction procedure has virtually no contraindications. It does not injure the skin and organs, there is no rehabilitation period required after the procedure, and laser cavitation does not leave any defects on the skin.

ultrasonic cavitation before and after photos

Are there any contraindications for the procedure?

Despite its safety, the laser cavitation procedure still has its contraindications:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. damaged skin in the affected area;
  3. diabetes;
  4. presence of infection in a chronic form;
  5. presence of cancer;
  6. presence of kidney and liver diseases;
  7. the presence of pacemakers and implants in the affected area.

Prices for the procedure of ultrasonic cavitation of the figure at DasClinic

Areas of cavitation application and procedure time Cost in rubles
Cavitation of the abdomen 4 000
Cavitation of the waist and abdomen 5 000
Cavitation breeches 4 000
Cavitation of the buttocks 4 000
Cavitation of the buttocks and breeches 8 000
Cavitation of the hand 3 000
Cavitation of the thigh - inner surface 4 000
Cavitation of the thigh - entire surface 7 000

Service cost

cavitation procedure before and after photos

Doctors performing cavitation:

Reviews from patients who have undergone ultrasonic cavitation:

I came to the cavitation procedure after watching a program about changing style. There, the heroine's tummy was reduced in this way. At first I couldn’t believe that in one procedure you could already see the effect, but it was really noticeable right away. After a course of several procedures, your figure completely changes.

There are many advantages - the skin tone is excellent the first time, a reduction in volume is immediately noticeable, an affordable price, the ability to achieve results without surgery.

Of the minuses, only one can be highlighted - the procedure is lengthy and I was simply bored lying there.

Author of the article: Gadzhibekova Liana Gadzhibalaevna - dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist. Work experience more than 7 years. Specializes in injection procedures, contouring and 3D modeling, hardware cosmetology and thread lifting. A regular participant in international forums and congresses dedicated to medical cosmetology. You can view official certificates and supporting documents here.

Author's contacts on social networks:

Remember that a timely cavitation or liposuction procedure will help you maintain an ideal figure. Doctors at DasClinic will be happy to advise you and answer all your questions. Modern devices and high professionalism of cosmetologists guarantee you a quick and long-lasting effect. The operator will help you choose the branch closest to you, and will also guide you through the available time slots. At the moment there are 2 clinics, in the Eastern Administrative District and the Western Administrative District. Before arriving, you can call us at 8-495-724-82-81 and sign up for a cavitation procedure. We also recommend reading reviews from patients who visited the clinic or watching a short video about ultrasonic cavitation, with photographs before and after the procedure:





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