Orange oil for facial skin

Orange essential oil has a sweetish-fruity smell with light summer notes, which is responsible for its extremely positive effect on a person’s general psychological state and emotional state. But this is not the only advantage of this oil; it is actively used in the care of facial skin, hair, for the treatment of cellulite, and, therefore, it fights excess weight. Orange oil is considered the most accessible among all representatives of the aromatic oil group.


Orange essential oil is presented as a yellow-orange composition with a pleasant citrus aroma. It is extracted from fresh orange peel using the hydrodistillation technique. A fairly simple method of production makes this product inexpensive and one of the most accessible among other essential products.

Many countries produce orange oil together with orange juice, but its quality cannot be compared. The most recognized in terms of quality is orange essential oil, isolated from Spanish and Guinean oranges. But not only orange zest is used, the leaves of the orange tree are used to obtain another useful oil, petitgrain, and the flowers are used to obtain neroli oil. To prevent orange oil from oxidizing, it contains antioxidants. It is important to note that this product is obtained from bitter and sweet varieties of orange, and the final product differs in both composition and aroma. A more refined and subtle aroma is inherent in oil from bitter orange or bitter orange.

Essential orange oil can be combined with any essential oil, as well as added to vegetable and cosmetic oils. The aroma of orange oil is perfectly complemented by pine and citrus oils, as well as juniper, jasmine, rose, geranium, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, frankincense, chamomile, oregano, coriander, sage and clove oils, and lavender oil is an ideal component that will emphasize the calming effect orange oil

Properties and healing effects of orange essential oil.
Thanks to its soothing, high anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic, immunostimulating and relaxing properties, orange oil has a wide range of applications, including in the field of cosmetology, aromatherapy and traditional medicine.

Orange oil is an excellent analgesic and antispasmodic, relieves neuralgia, headaches, muscle and joint pain, as well as pain during menstruation.

It is also an excellent immunomodulator, helps restore the body after illness; thanks to its antiseptic properties, the oil is good in the treatment of stomatitis, colds, and upper respiratory tract infections. In case of hypovitaminosis and excessive physical exertion, it perfectly relieves overstrain of the eye muscles, improving visual acuity. It is also effective against inflammation and bleeding gums and periodontal disease.

It should be noted the positive effect of orange oil on the digestive system, in particular, it restores the functioning of the stomach, improving peristalsis, stimulates the elimination of toxins, reduces putrefactive processes in the stomach, reduces the absorption of harmful substances, and improves appetite.

It is also known for its choleretic and diuretic effects, and is effective in preventing the appearance of gallstones. It also effectively relieves constipation and poisoning.

Orange essential oil can normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body, fights extra pounds, obesity, cellulite, reduces swelling, lowers cholesterol levels, slowing down the development of atherosclerosis.

Orange oil is widely used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation, can purify the blood, and normalizes blood pressure.

Bitter orange oil is known for its calming effect, which has a positive effect on the central nervous system, is good for insomnia, its soft and warm aroma relieves nervous tension, fatigue, eliminates internal discomfort, and is effective against stress and diseases caused by it.

Due to its tonic effect, the oil helps improve performance, concentration and focus.

Benefits of orange essential oil for skin and hair.
Orange essential oil is actively used for facial care; it is known for its protective and restorative properties. It is important to note that it is beneficial for any skin. Orange oil restores its healthy appearance and color, thanks to its lightening effect it copes well with age spots and freckles, controls the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, normalizing the oiliness of the skin, perfectly cleanses it, helps narrow pores, stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers by cells, due to which the tone is maintained, firmness and elasticity of the skin, cell aging processes are slowed down. Due to its relaxing effect on the facial muscles, the oil helps smooth out wrinkles, even out the relief; in addition, it has the ability to remove toxins from skin cells through the pores. It also has excellent softening and moisturizing properties, which makes it ideal for caring for dry, flabby, aging and rough skin with signs of flaking and damage. It perfectly maintains the level of necessary skin moisture, and thanks to its high regenerating effect, it promotes cell renewal and new growth.

Essential orange oil is an excellent product for caring for problem skin, fights various purulent inflammations, dermatoses, and is also an excellent preventative method for the formation of pimples and blackheads, blackheads or comedones, which so often trouble this skin type. In addition, bitter orange essential oil helps increase lymph flow and blood flow, relieves swelling or significantly reduces it. It is important to note its ability to fight blemishes and scars that are left behind by acne.

In the cosmetic industry, it is added to various facial skin care products (emulsions, lotions, creams, masks, etc.), dry hair care and medicated anti-dandruff shampoos, as well as anti-cellulite products. It is also a common component in perfumes, colognes, deodorants, and perfumed bath products.

Ways to use orange essential oil.
To rinse the mouth, for example, for a sore throat, you need to dissolve a drop of orange oil in a glass of warm water. As a therapeutic application to inflamed gums, the oil is combined with any vegetable oil in equal proportions or lubricated three times a day with a mixture of five drops of orange oil and a teaspoon of black cumin oil (St. John's wort can be used).

Hot inhalations with orange essential oil are effective in the treatment of acute viral infections (three drops of ether, previously dissolved in an emulsifier, in a glass of water, breathe for five to seven minutes); cold inhalations are useful to increase vigor. But dry inhalations are most preferable (in particular for acute sore throat). Place three drops of orange oil on a cloth and inhale with your eyes closed.

To relieve anxiety and improve sleep in children (including newborns), it is recommended to use orange oil in an aroma lamp (use a drop of oil for every 5 m2 of room). The duration of the procedure is twenty to thirty minutes.

For massaging children, we recommend a mixture with the addition of two drops of orange oil per 50 ml of almond or any other vegetable oil.

For soothing baths for children, add a drop of orange oil, previously diluted in milk (three tablespoons), to the filled bath.

Oil can be enriched in various cosmetics (creams, emulsions, masks, shampoos, etc.). For ten grams of product, five drops of oil.

It is very useful to use bitter orange essential oil in a sauna or bathhouse by dropping an aqueous solution onto hot stones (four drops of ether per half liter of water). After watering the stones with this solution, you can stay in the bathhouse for no longer than five minutes.

To alleviate the condition and relieve pain during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), it is recommended to do a light massage of the lower back and lower abdomen with a mixture of 50 ml of grape seed oil (any other vegetable oil can be used) and orange and lavender oils (taken four drops each) with the addition of six drops of juniper oil .

It is very effective to use orange essential oil for rubbing in case of diseases of the internal organs. Take two drops of oil for half a teaspoon of any herbal base (base). The mixture must be actively rubbed into the skin over the diseased organ. Such rubbing helps very well with joint pain, but to treat joint diseases, you need to take seven drops of orange essential oil for half a teaspoon of base.

You can use compresses for the same purposes: take five drops of orange oil in half a glass of water. Soak a cotton cloth in the resulting liquid and place it on the surface of the body over the diseased organ. Secure with a dry bandage. Such a compress must be kept for half an hour; in the future, the time of exposure to the compress can be gradually increased to two hours.

For internal use, orange oil (one or two drops) can be added to a glass of tea or juice, but not more than twice a day. Internal use helps cleanse the blood, normalize intestinal motility, increases appetite, accelerates metabolic processes, lowers blood pressure, copes with insomnia, providing an antispasmodic and mild sedative effect.

Recipes for anti-cellulite, therapeutic baths and massage.
To combat obesity and cellulite, massage and rubbing with a mixture of half a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (olive, wheat germ, almond, etc.) and ten drops of orange oil are recommended. The procedure also effectively increases skin elasticity and restores its elasticity. It is advisable to do the procedure after taking a shower or bath, that is, on a steamed body, until the mixture is completely absorbed.

This recipe for a massage mixture is also effective against cellulite: mix three tablespoons of liquid honey with three drops of lemon and juniper oils, add three drops of orange and lavender oils. Rub the mixture into problem areas. The amount of mixture is designed for one application.

Baths with orange oil are also effective for muscle inflammation, diseases of the nervous system, osteochondrosis, breathing problems and circulatory problems: take four drops of oil for two tablespoons of milk and pour into a filled bath. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes, carried out every other day. The course of treatment includes fifteen procedures. For the same purposes, you can use a mixture of oils: mix a drop of orange with three drops of sandalwood and the same amount of Leuzea oil; Combine two drops of fennel oil with three drops of orange and four drops of rosemary. Combine the mixture with milk or whey and pour into a filled bath.

It is good to add essential orange oil to compositions intended for anti-cellulite wraps: combine a teaspoon of jojoba or olive oil with orange, juniper and lavender oils, taken three drops each; Combine two tablespoons of liquid honey with five drops of orange essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture to body skin previously cleansed with a homemade scrub, paying special attention to problem areas, wrap these areas with film, and insulate yourself on top (you can wear something warm or cover yourself with a blanket). You need to lie down quietly for an hour, after which rinse off the remaining mixture with warm water. To achieve maximum results, the procedure should be performed every other day for two weeks.

Recipes for face masks with orange oil.
To prepare the facial skin for further care, to facilitate the absorption of beneficial substances and to enhance capillary blood flow in the skin, it is effective to take a steam bath with orange oil. A couple of drops per half liter of water; for tired skin, take a drop of sandalwood, leuzea and orange oil for the same volume of warm water and add two drops of chamomile.

Face masks with bitter orange essential oil restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin, preserving beauty, youth and attractiveness. Let me remind you that any face mask and any skincare procedures must be done on a previously cleansed face.

For example, this is a refreshing recipe for tired skin: grate half a peeled cucumber through a fine grater, take two teaspoons of the resulting pulp and mix with a teaspoon of sour cream and the same amount of essential orange oil. Leave the mask on for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Pound the strawberries into a pulp; you will need two large berries. Then add a teaspoon of heavy cream and four drops of orange oil to the mixture. Apply the composition to the face, you can also touch the eyelids a little, and wash off after twenty minutes.

For very dry and aging skin, it is effective to use a mask from a mixture of essential oils: for 10 ml of almond or avocado oil, take two drops of chamomile oil and one drop each of orange, sandalwood and rosewood oil. Apply the composition with a cotton pad to the skin of the face, hold for thirty minutes, after which remove the residue with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water at room temperature.

It is also useful to make this mask for dry skin: beat an egg yolk with a drop of orange oil and three drops of neroli. Apply the composition to the face and wait until it dries completely. Then rinse the mask with warm water and moisturize the skin with cream.

A mask based on therapeutic mud will help improve the condition of dry, rough skin and soften it: mix four tablespoons of mud (can be purchased at pharmacies) with a small amount of infusion of chamomile flowers (prepare according to the recipe on the package) until a thick paste forms. Then add a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, a drop of orange oil and three drops of tuberose to this composition. Apply the composition to the face and leave until it dries. After this, wash your face and apply nourishing cream to your face.

Here is a recipe for problem skin: mix a tablespoon of blue clay with two tablespoons of grapefruit juice or any other citrus fruit, add beaten egg white and three drops of bitter orange oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin, after ten minutes, rinse off the mask and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Here is another very good recipe for dry, dull and aging skin. Combine 10 ml of hazelnut, jojoba and avocado oils, add to this mixture three drops of orange and rosewood oils, or one drop of jasmine, vanilla and geranium oils. Place the mask on your face and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm boiled water.

For everyday care of oily skin, it is good to use lotion: mix 10 ml of medical alcohol with three drops of chamomile oil, the same amount of orange and geranium oil. Mix everything and dilute with half a glass of water. Mix everything well again and pour into a dark glass vessel. Store lotion in the refrigerator. Wipe your face twice a day.

Orange oil can be added to finished cosmetics. For a portion of the cream, which should not contain orange oil, add a drop of this oil and two drops each of cajuput and sandalwood oils.

Hand mask.
To prevent and eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin of the hands, it is effective to make the following mask: add four drops of myrrh, geranium and orange oils to one tablespoon of high-fat sour cream.

Recipes with orange oil for hair.
This oil is perfect for normal and dry hair and eliminates dandruff. It is useful to add it to shampoo, and also to make masks with it. Masks are mainly done on clean hair. The duration of the procedure is half an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

For 20 ml of jojoba oil, take two drops of orange oil and four drops of eucalyptus. Mix everything and distribute it onto clean hair, paying attention to the roots and dry ends. Leave the mask on for half an hour and wash off as usual using shampoo.

For dandruff: take two teaspoons of burdock oil (almond, jojoba) and two drops of eucalyptus, patchouli and orange oils.

Grind the egg yolk with a tablespoon of liquid honey, add half a teaspoon of olive oil, then add three drops of cedar, eucalyptus and orange oils to the mixture.

To stimulate hair growth, mix a teaspoon of grape seed oil with lemon and orange oils, taken two drops each. Rub the composition into the hair roots several times a week.

For thinning hair and excessively dry scalp: combine three tablespoons of olive oil with three drops of ylang-ylang oil and two drops of orange oil.

To strengthen hair and reduce hair loss, this mask recipe will help: combine a couple of drops of orange oil with four drops of chamomile oil and one drop of pine oil. Rub the mixture three to four times a week into the hair roots.

To enrich the shampoo, just add seven drops per 10 ml of product.

Contraindications to the use of orange essential oil.
Orange essential oil is strictly forbidden to be used before going out into the open sun due to its phototoxicity, that is, it can cause burns due to the accumulation of sunlight. Long-term use of orange oil in large doses by those with sensitive skin can cause irritation and increase photosensitivity.

When used internally, it increases appetite. In addition, if you are allergic to citrus fruits, you should refrain from using it.

Orange essential oil should be stored in a tightly closed container, always made of dark glass at room temperature, out of reach of sunlight.


Sweet orange oil is considered the best antidepressant. Helps reduce emotional stress. Essential oil has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing, immunostimulating and regenerating effect on the human body, promoting rapid recovery after treatment of diseases.

Orange essential oil

Orange oil is the most accessible among all aromatic oils. It has a sweetish fruity smell. The pleasant aroma of citrus fruits has a positive effect on a person’s psychological state. Helps improve emotional mood. It is quite actively used in hair and facial skin care, used to treat cellulite and helps fight excess weight.

Using a waterproofing technique, it is extracted from fresh orange peel. Due to the simple method of production, the product does not have a high price among all essential representatives. In most countries it is produced together with orange juice, which contributes to a loss of quality. The oil extracted from Guinean and Spanish oranges is considered to be of the highest quality.


Orange flowers are used to obtain neroli oil, and the leaves of the orange tree are used to make healthy petitgrain oil. To prevent the product from oxidizing, antioxidants are added to it. Only bitter and sweet varieties of oranges are suitable for obtaining the essential product. Depending on the variety, the final product differs in aroma and composition. The product made from bitter orange or bitter orange has a delicate, refined aroma.

Orange remedy is suitable for combination with all essential representatives. It is added to cosmetic and vegetable oils. An excellent addition to the orange aroma are the following oils:

  1. Pine needles and juniper.
  2. Citrus, ylang-ylang and incense.
  3. Cinnamon, cloves, coriander, sage and oregano.
  4. Roses, chamomile, jasmine, geranium and lavender.

These combinations will highlight the calming effect of orange very well.

Chemical composition

Orange essential oil has a fairly rich composition, which allows it to have a large number of beneficial properties. D-limonene is a powerful hydrocarbon that forms the basis of the product. It effectively fights free radicals. Thanks to it, the functioning of the circulatory system is stabilized, small capillaries are strengthened and blood thins. Merzen is the second equally important element of the chemical composition. Helps strengthen the immune system and prevents the development of intestinal infections.

The natural product contains:

  1. maslo-apelsina-dlya-kozhi-NAFfRyN.webp

    Vitamin A - helps improve metabolism and cell rejuvenation.
  2. Phenylethyl, amyl and ethyl alcohols prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
  3. Vitamin C - improves the functioning of the immune system.
  4. Phytoncides - have an antiseptic effect.
  5. B vitamins - help restore the nervous system.

The products made from orange peels, which were collected in New Guinea and Spain, are of the greatest value in terms of composition quality.

Scope of application

Orange peel oil has a wide range of uses. Most often it is used in the field of aromatherapy, cosmetology and traditional medicine:

  1. maslo-apelsina-dlya-kozhi-hgVidgp.webp

    Well suited for relieving headaches, joint and muscle pain, as well as pain during the menstrual cycle. This product is a good antispasmodic and analgesic, and helps relieve neuralgia.
  2. Being an excellent immunomodulator, it promotes rapid recovery of the body after illness. Suitable for the treatment of colds, upper respiratory tract infections and stomatitis, due to its antiseptic properties.
  3. With increased physical activity and in the case of hypovitaminosis, the product will help relieve tension in the eye muscles and help improve visual acuity.
  4. It is widely effective against periodontal disease, inflammation and bleeding gums.
  5. It also has a positive effect on the digestive system. Improves peristalsis, reduces putrefactive processes in the stomach, stimulates the elimination of toxins, reduces the ability to absorb harmful substances, improves appetite and restores stomach functions.
  6. It is effectively used to prevent the formation of gallstones due to its diuretic and choleretic effects. Helps relieve intoxication and helps with constipation.

  7. maslo-apelsina-dlya-kozhi-lNdry.webp

    Normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the human body. Reduces swelling, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis and helps lower cholesterol levels. Helps fight cellulite, obesity and extra pounds.
  8. Widely used for the prevention and treatment of heart and vascular diseases. Helps cleanse the blood, normalize blood pressure and stimulate blood circulation.
  9. The oil has a tonic effect, which improves performance. Promotes focus and concentration.

It is well known that a product made from bitter orange has a calming effect, which has a positive effect on the central nervous system. Thanks to the warm and soft aroma, nervous tension, fatigue and internal discomfort disappear. Insomnia and diseases that arise due to constant stress disappear under the influence of the aroma of bitter orange.

Beneficial properties for hair and skin

Orange essential oil has also found its use in cosmetology. Thanks to its restorative and protective ability, orange oil has found its purpose when used on the face. The important point is that the product has beneficial properties for any skin type. The skin regains its healthy color and appearance thanks to the brightening effect of orange essential oil.

For the face, the use of oil helps to even out the texture and smooth out wrinkles. This occurs due to the relaxing effect on the muscles. In addition, it helps remove toxins from skin cells through pores. It has moisturizing and softening properties on skin that shows signs of damage and flaking. Ideal for caring for rough, dry, aging and sagging skin. Helps maintain the necessary level of skin moisture. The regenerating effect promotes the renewal and growth of new cells.


Orange oil is perfect for combating purulent inflammation and dermatoses. Its use is a good preventative method for the appearance of acne, pimples, comedones or blackheads. An important ability is to eliminate spots and scars left by acne.

On an industrial scale in cosmetology, it is added to facial skin care products. Medicinal anti-dandruff shampoos, dry hair care cosmetics and anti-cellulite products will also contain citrus. This product is also a common ingredient in perfumed bath products, deodorants, perfumes and colognes.

Medicinal use

Oil is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. Doctors often include it in complex therapy. It is used in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases and to normalize blood pressure and cleanse the blood.

Aromatherapy is recommended to relieve anxiety in children and improve sleep quality. To do this, you need to use one drop of oil in an aroma lamp for every five square meters.. The duration of the session should not exceed 30 minutes.


Hot inhalations will help with acute viral infections, and cold inhalations will help increase vigor. However, dry inhalations are most preferable; in particular, they help with acute sore throat. For this procedure, you need to apply drops of citrus oil to the fabric and inhale only with your eyes closed.

Mouth rinsing also helps with sore throat. As a solution, use a glass of warm water with the addition of one drop of orange oil.

Hair, according to reviews of many girls, acquires silkiness and special volume. Dermatologists recommend making various masks to restore hair structure and treat the scalp. The product helps stop hair loss and reduce the amount of dandruff. Promotes hair growth and gives it strength, making it smooth and silky.


For oral use, add 1 or 2 drops of orange product to a glass of juice or tea. It is forbidden to use it more than twice a day. Its use is very useful, as it helps cleanse the blood and normalize intestinal motility. Accelerates metabolic processes and increases appetite, lowers blood pressure, helps cope with insomnia. It has an antispasmodic and mild sedative effect.

Essential oil helps normalize the water-lipid balance in the body to successfully combat excess weight and obesity. It has anti-cellulite properties, which increase the speed of lymph flow, increase blood circulation and soften the epidermis.

Contraindications and restrictions

Essential oil should not be taken orally or used in its pure form during pregnancy. It is imperative to consult with your supervising physician before undergoing spa treatments. Doctors do not recommend baths for hypotensive patients, as the oil lowers blood pressure. For those with sensitive skin, long-term courses of using the orange product may cause irritation.

Procedures cannot be carried out if you are planning to go outside. Essential oil under the influence of ultraviolet radiation produces toxins that will lead to skin burns. Oil made from citrus may cause allergies. Therefore, before use, you need to conduct a standard allergy test.

Reviews on the use of orange oil

My teenage daughter suffered from acne for a long time. And only orange oil helped completely get rid of the problem. I am glad that this folk remedy helped and she did not develop an inferiority complex. We added it to antibacterial lotions, which previously did not help at all. We were pleased with the effect. There is no limit to my daughter's happiness.

I doubted for a long time whether I should use orange oil for my hair. According to reviews from friends, it had incredible effects, and I decided to try it. After trying different oils, I chose orange. I tried sweet and bitter varieties, but still gave my preference to the bitter varieties. I apply oil to my hair with a comb, this adds thickness and volume to it. To relieve accumulated fatigue, I take a bath once a week. I do a wrap, after which the skin is velvety and moisturized.

I never thought that something as simple as orange oil would help me heal a post-workout sprain. A sports doctor recommended it to me. After just a few applications, the pain began to slowly subside, and the swelling noticeably subsided. After just a short period of time, I was able to stand on my feet. I would like to recommend to all athletes: baths with this oil perfectly relax muscles.

Women are inventing more and more new ways of skin care to improve their complexion and skin condition in order to look young and fresh.

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit expensive beauty salons, but some home and simple remedies work no worse on the skin if properly cared for and used.

For example, sweet oil with the famous citrus orange is very beneficial for the skin. This citrus fruit can give her freshness and tone, because orange essential oil for the face has extensive uses.

This is a fairly inexpensive, simple, natural and effective way to eliminate skin imperfections.

Composition and properties of sweet orange essential oil


Orange oil for face is very beneficial for the skin. Its unique properties were known back in ancient times and the bright citrus was used to make natural cosmetics. And nowadays, orange oil is used quite actively in cosmetology.

It contains a number of useful components: linalool, linalyl acetate, limonene, as well as terpineol, caryophyllene, nerol, citral and citronellol, esters, etc. They give the oil an invigorating citrus tint and a light yellow-orange color.

Orange oil for the face is an almost ideal remedy that has many beneficial properties, for example:

  1. tones the skin;
  2. acts as an antibacterial agent;
  3. relieves pain;
  4. perfectly moisturizes and softens skin, especially dry skin;
  5. eliminates fine wrinkles;
  6. helps treat acne and pimples;
  7. improves complexion;
  8. helps fight various unwanted inflammations on the skin.

Orange oil is a good panacea for wrinkles. Orange oil for skin can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself.

This is an excellent aromatherapy, because the citrus itself has an unusually pleasant and fresh aroma. And this improves mood, performance and relieves depression.

Orange essential oil, like the orange itself, is bright orange in color with a liquid consistency, approximately like orange juice. The product will help with dry skin and for those ladies who suffer from facial swelling, stress, neuroses, acne and even colds.

Orange oil for the face has many cosmetic properties. Who would have thought that they could not only be enjoyed!

Features of the use of orange oil in cosmetology


Orange facial oil rejuvenates, helps cells quickly recover, and also promotes the production of your own collagen and elastin. It helps to improve skin tone, especially aging skin, fights oily skin, has a whitening effect, removes toxins from the skin, and much more.

To take advantage of its beneficial properties, sometimes just adding a little essential oil to a mask or face cream is enough. Orange cosmetic oil also works well. It combines perfectly and interacts with other equally beneficial oils, thus complementing each other.

Despite the many beneficial properties of orange oil, in some cases it is still not advisable to use it, for example, for people with cholelithiasis, pregnant women and hypotensive people.

Before using orange oil, it is better to test for an allergic reaction, in principle, as before using all other oils. This test is simple: mix the oil with any cream you have, apply the mixture to your wrist and rub in lightly.

After twenty-four hours have passed, you need to examine the application site:

  1. If there is no redness on the skin, then this oil is suitable for you.
  2. If rashes, itching, or redness appear, this product should not be used.

It is also important to choose the right dosage and not overdo it with the quantity. Orange oil should not be used before going out into the sun to avoid swelling of the face or irritation of the skin.

Beauty recipes based on orange essential oil


You can make effective masks at home from orange oil for skin. Here are some orange oil mask recipes.

  1. Take a mixture of orange and olive oils, apply to the skin for twenty to thirty minutes, then wash and pat the skin with a towel. The product is great for those ladies who have very dry and flaky skin.
  2. Take one peeled cucumber, grate it or chop it very finely, add 1 tsp. heavy sour cream and a few drops of orange oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly and gently apply to the face for about fifteen minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse off the mask with warm water.
  3. A great way to whiten and tone the skin: you need to take a few ripe strawberries, grind them into a paste, add three to four drops of orange oil and a tablespoon of cream. Apply the mask for twenty minutes. Your skin will appreciate such care and respond with a healthy look.

Simple skin masks


Another homemade mask for dry skin: beat an egg yolk with three drops of orange oil and less than half a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply the mixture to your face with a brush and wait until the mask dries completely. Wash your face with warm water and moisturize your face with a light cream. A face mask with orange oil will help dry skin look better!

Orange oil will help aging skin perfectly: take half a banana, grind it into a paste and add three drops of orange oil, as well as a couple of drops of vitamin E in the form of oil. Apply to cleansed facial skin for thirty minutes. This mask will smooth out wrinkles, tighten and soften the skin.

For problem skin you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of clay (blue cosmetic), 2 tbsp. l. orange juice, one egg white, three drops of orange oil. You will need to mix the clay with orange juice, beat the egg whites, mix everything, and keep it on your face for ten minutes.

Peeling and facial scrub

The essential oil of this citrus is suitable for almost all skin types. It can be used to make not only masks, but also a scrub with orange oil, both for the face and body.

For dry and normal skin: take two tablespoons of semolina, add 1 tbsp. orange zest, a few drops of orange oil and a spoonful of fanned flour. The mixture can be diluted with boiled water or yogurt. You can use this scrub once a week.

Scrub-peeling with orange oil: take 3 tbsp. l. orange juice, one spoon of flour, 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, add a little sour cream or natural yogurt and massage your face with light movements.

Orange oil is used not only for facial skin, it is also good for hair, and makes excellent body scrubs.

One of my favorite scrubs is a scrub with almond oil combined with orange oil. To do this, you need a little almonds (100 grams), ten drops of orange oil and a tablespoon of olive oil or grape seed oil. Grind all the nuts into crumbs with a mixer, or you can use a coffee grinder. Mix with oils and use on problem areas.

It is impossible not to mention how wonderful orange oil is for the skin against such a common problem as cellulite. It can also be prepared at home. Indeed, in our time, almost every second girl and woman encounters this problem.

One very effective scrub is made from orange oil and honey. This scrub can be used for both the face and body; it is universal. For this you will need: a little sea salt, 2 tbsp. l. cosmetic blue clay, milk powder, a third of a cup of honey and jojoba oil, a few drops of orange oil. It is better to apply this scrub to moisturized skin of the face or body. You can store the scrub in the refrigerator.

Orange oil can be bought at a pharmacy, it is sold in a glass bottle. Carefully follow the instructions for use, dosage, and expiration date. It is important!

Evaluate the effectiveness, usefulness, and benefits of orange essential oil. Surely you will be pleasantly surprised by the result!