Condilin - a drug for removing genital warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition
  2. The benefits of Condilin for genital warts
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. Results of removal of genital papillomas
  6. Real reviews about Kondilin

Condilin is a medical preparation for external use that has a cauterizing and mummifying effect on genital warts, benign formations caused by the human papillomavirus.

Description and composition of Condilin

Pictured is Condilin for the treatment of genital warts

The medical drug Condilin, unlike many drugs aimed at treating tumors caused by the human papillomavirus, is intended to treat only one type of benign growths - genital warts (anogenital papillomas).

This product has a strong effect on the skin, so it should be used with extreme caution. Provided that the instructions for use of Condilin are strictly followed, it can be used at home. However, in the case of treating several tumors, it is advisable to carry out the first manipulation in a medical center or beauty salon - by a surgeon, dermatologist, oncologist, or cosmetologist. And after a detailed familiarization with the application algorithm, it is possible to use it independently at home.

The composition of the drug Condilin includes the following substances:

  1. Podophyllotoxin. This substance belongs to dermatotropic agents, antitumor drugs of plant origin. This is an extract of the substance podophyllin. It is synthesized from the root of a plant - podophyll thyroid, belonging to the Barberry family. This active component is soluble in alcohol and is partially soluble in water.
  2. Lactic acid. A potent acid synthesized by lactic acid fermentation of sugars, as it is the result of the breakdown of glucose. In their pure form they are crystals, but due to the ability to actively absorb liquid from the atmosphere, a viscous colorless solution with a specific odor is more common.
  3. Sodium lactate. A derivative of lactic acid, namely its sodium salt. It is synthesized by fermenting sugar sources (corn, beets), after which the lactic acid in the substance is neutralized. It is a white crystalline powder. It is widely used for pharmaceutical purposes, but its most famous use is in bread, as a preservative, which gives the product its famous slight sour taste.
  4. Ethanol. Monohydric or simple alcohol. It is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with a pronounced characteristic odor. It is synthesized microbiologically, that is, by alcoholic fermentation or synthetically by hydration of ethylene. The drug Condilin is used as a strong solvent of organic substances.
  5. Purified water. Included in the composition of the drug as an auxiliary element to normalize the concentration of active substances.

The solution is available in dark glass bottles equipped with a child-resistant cap. Volume - 3.5 ml.

The concentration of podophyllotoxin in 1 ml of the drug is 5 mg, lactic acid - 51.67 mg, sodium lactate - 7.79 mg, ethanol - 739 mg, purified water - 30.6 mg.

Vials are packaged in cardboard boxes to prevent exposure of the drug to sunlight. They are equipped with special applicators for application, simplifying the use of the product, in the amount of 30 pieces, as well as instructions for use.

Price Kondilina — from 561 rubles in Russia (from 439 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Analogs of Condilin - Condiline, Vartek. These products are direct medical analogues containing podophyllotoxin.

The benefits of Condilin for genital warts

This medication should be used with caution. If you follow safety rules, it will have a pronounced positive effect, eliminating genital warts from the human skin. Most often, Condilin is used to combat papillomas on the skin of the genital organs of men and women.

  1. Read also about the treatment of papillomas in intimate places in pregnant women.

The beneficial properties of Condilin are as follows:

  1. Cauterization of condyloma. The substance cauterizes the upper layer of the epidermis on which the neoplasm is located, clearing the skin of the growth.
  2. Antibacterial effect. The presence of ethyl helps destroy pathogenic microflora, relieve the inflammatory process and prevent the penetration of any pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms from the outside.
  3. Mummification of the neoplasm. The use of this drug provokes necrotic changes in the external part of genital warts.
  4. Cytostatic effect. Treatment of papilloma with Condilin provokes the appearance of a small amount of podophyllotoxin in the blood within 30-60 minutes after application. This leads to the neutralization of the pathogen and blocking the processes of miotic reproduction of cells infected with the human papillomavirus. This principle is used in the fight not only against benign, but also malignant tumors.
  5. Tissue regeneration. The action of the substances enhances the proliferation of epidermal cells. This improves the regenerative ability of the dermis.

The use of Condilin is a quick and convenient way to combat neoplasms. However, when starting treatment, you must be sure that they are not malignant. A dermatologist, surgeon, oncologist, or gynecologist can help verify this.

Instructions for use of the drug "Condilin"

Condilin is used as a local external remedy. When applying, you must use special polymer applicators, which are included in the kit. Only dry applicators may be used once.

How to use Condilin:

  1. Wash the treated area with warm water and soap and dry the skin well.
  2. Treat the skin around the condyloma with zinc ointment, rich baby cream or Vaseline.
  3. Open the bottle, lower the applicator and wet it in the solution so that the loop hole is filled with liquid.
  4. Apply Condilin to the neoplasm using a loop, avoid getting the product on healthy skin, even if it is lubricated with a protective cream.
  5. Do not rub or blow on the condyloma. The product should be completely absorbed and dry on its own.
  6. Do not cover the skin on which the treated condyloma is located with clothing for 30 minutes after application.
  7. Do not use germicidal patches or adhesive tape, or any other dressings, cosmetics or medications.

Important! The duration of use of Condilin and the treatment regimen should be determined by the doctor.

If it is recommended to use the drug according to the instructions, then it should be done as follows. For the first 3 days, the product must be applied twice a day. After this, it is recommended to refrain from using it for 4 days and watch the reaction. If there is no effect, repeat the 3-day regimen.

The total course of treatment should not exceed 5 weeks. If there is no effect after 5 weeks, consult a doctor.

Note! When treating papillomas located in the genital area, simultaneous treatment of both sexual partners is necessary to achieve a lasting effect. During therapy you should abstain from sexual intercourse.

Contraindications and side effects of Condilin

Since Condilin is a potent drug, there are several categorical contraindications to the use of the drug.

It is prohibited to provide treatment to the following categories of persons:

  1. Allergy sufferers. Those who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as those who are susceptible to any type of allergies (seasonal, food, household chemicals, etc.), must conduct a test before use. To do this, you need to apply a minimum dose of the drug to the papilloma and wait for the reaction. If it does not include allergic manifestations, continue treatment.
  2. Pregnant. This limitation is due to the possibility of the drug penetrating into the blood and affecting the fetus.
  3. Children under 12 years old. The product can have a stronger effect on children's skin than when treating the epidermal integument of adults.
  4. Using other drugs containing podophyllotoxin. This can lead to an overdose of the active substance and provoke the development of a deep allergic reaction and systemic complications.
If it is necessary to treat genital warts with Condylin during lactation, you should stop breastfeeding, since the drug can pass into breast milk. 48 hours after using the drug, feeding can be resumed.

When using the solution, the development of hyperemia and mild pain in the area of ​​application. Ulceration of the papilloma and nearby tissues may also occur. This usually happens on the 2-3rd day of using the drug.

The development of balanoposthitis and swelling. In this case, you should consult a doctor to prescribe corticosteroid ointments or an anti-inflammatory drug.

In case of an overdose of the drug, wash it off with plenty of soap and water. In case of accidental ingestion, it is necessary to urgently perform a gastric lavage and contact an ambulance to monitor the gas balance, as well as the balance of electrolytes, and diagnose the condition of the liver and blood.

Contact a doctor if Condilin comes into contact with the eyes when treating condyloma on the eyelids. First, rinse your eyes with plenty of water and immediately seek medical help.

Results of removal of genital papillomas by Condilin

According to the manufacturers, in most cases it is enough to complete 1 course of 3-day treatment for the condyloma to begin to die.

If it has a large area or the skin around the tumor was damaged during treatment with Condilin, it will take more time for a lasting effect to occur.

The product not only removes genital warts, but also kills the cause of their occurrence - the human papillomavirus - in the infected area of ​​the epidermis. This prevents further growth of condylomas and the formation of new foci of infection.

Real reviews about Condilina for genital warts

Kondilin reviews are mostly positive. However, this directly concerns its effect on condyloma. At the same time, there is a fairly frequent occurrence of side effects. They pass over time, but darken the joy of many from getting rid of tumors.

Svetlana, 27 years old

My partner and I decided to use Condilin after both me and him developed genital warts in the genital area. We contacted a dermatologist. He recommended laser therapy. This procedure would cost us a lot of money, since there are multiple papillomas, and there are two of us. Therefore, we decided to buy Kondilin. It also cannot be called cheap, but this type of treatment is much cheaper than hardware. In addition, we were frightened by reviews about the pain of laser treatment and removal with liquid nitrogen, so we decided to take a risk. I was the first to do the treatment and did not use a protective cream, which I really regretted. When the treatment was done by the partner, he had already used zinc ointment and his picture was completely different. I have condylomas myself and everything around them looked like a burn. It hurt especially on the 3rd day. I additionally used ointment with panthenol, which helped the healing. Already on the 5th day the condylomas disappeared. And after 2 weeks there was no trace left of the skin damage. I recommend this drug, but I also recommend very strictly following Condilin’s instructions for use.

Taras, 32 years old

Condylomas are my constant problem. As soon as I get it out, a couple of months pass and they form again. No matter how much I try to systematically fight HPV, which causes this type of tumor, nothing works. I decided to quit this disastrous business, stop wasting my nerves and money on it, and fight only the manifestations. I tried a lot of things. Some burned their foreskin so much that it was impossible to go to the toilet - when urine got on the ulcers, the pain was such that they wanted to scream. After reading reviews on the use of Condilin, I bought it at the pharmacy, used it and realized that this was my drug. I always try to treat papillomas as carefully as possible, but I still always apply ointment around them. I don’t allow many condylomas to appear. As soon as I feel it starting to form, I immediately do the treatment.

Karina, 26 years old

When I was diagnosed with human papillomavirus, I was shocked. For me, it has always been fundamental to use a condom during sexual intercourse, so after condylomas began to form on the skin of the genitals, I was shocked. The gynecologist was stunned by the news that the human papillomavirus is much smaller than the holes in the condom material. This means that contraception does not protect against this type of disease. I had to undergo treatment. The gynecologist prescribed Condilin for me and did the first application herself. The first treatment was very painful. I had multiple papillomas, it all looked like cauliflower. I literally couldn't walk. The thing was that due to the large number of tumors, it was impossible to treat the skin around with protective ointment, so everything around turned into one huge ulcer. After 3 days of treatment, half of the condylomas disappeared. I treated the treated area for 4-5 days and did the second course at home, also consisting of 3 days. After this, 2 dense condylomas remained. Again I waited until everything got better and carried out the third course. Thus, in a month I managed to cope with a problem that seemed irreparable, catastrophic to me and literally drove me to hysterics. Six months have passed since the treatment; only one small condyloma appeared on the treated area, which I immediately removed. Therefore, the drug seems effective to me. But if you have multiple condylomas and are starting to remove them, keep in mind that you will have to spend several days in a lying position. But it's worth it.

How to use Condilin for genital warts - watch the video:

Condilin is a popular effective remedy for the fight against genital warts. However, given its aggressiveness, we once again draw attention to the need to use protective methods when treating with the product. If your doctor does not recommend a treatment algorithm, strictly follow the one specified in the instructions for the drug.

Read also about other drugs for papillomas and warts:

  1. Trichloroacetic acid for cauterizing warts
  2. The drug "Ferezol"
  3. Papillary wart removal
  4. Salicylic acid for warts
  5. Papilight for removing papillomas