Cosmetics for problem skin

Women with perfect epidermis are rare. Everyone has their own, albeit small, but still flaws that they want to correct. Some people have a complex about the greasy shine, for some people freckles become a scourge, some people just can’t get rid of dryness and flaking.

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But directly under problem skin is meant a condition where the face is regularly irritated and inflamed. Comedones, pimples, acne, acne and post-acne - these are her constant companions. If pigmentation is easy to lighten and peeling is softened, then full treatment is often required. Only cosmetics for problem skin can cope, which you need to be able to choose correctly.

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The first requirement that good cosmetics for problematic facial skin must meet is a mark on it that it is designed specifically to care for inflamed, irritated epidermis. So look for the following words on the packaging:

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  1. Clear - cleansing;
  2. Purity - purity;
  3. Comodex - comedones;
  4. Acne - acne;
  5. Problem Skin - problem skin;
  6. Irritation - irritation;
  7. Inflammation - inflammation.

Ideally, any cosmetics for problem skin should have a truly healing effect on the epidermis:

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  1. relieve irritation;
  2. reduce greasy shine;
  3. stop the spread of inflammation and infection;
  4. improve color;
  5. dry;
  6. disinfect;
  7. prevent the appearance of new rashes;
  8. cleanse pores of blackheads, dissolving sebaceous plugs;
  9. get rid of post-acne;
  10. alleviate the condition of dermatosis and eczema;
  11. whiten age spots;
  12. make the vascular network less bright.

Since problematic facial skin requires too much work for cosmetics, many developers create products aimed at eliminating a specific defect. Anti-Acne - only against acne, Couperos - against rosacea and redness, Comodex - to eliminate blackheads, etc.

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Look for your line in the variety that modern brands offer. At the same time, do not forget to pay attention to their composition, since in such preparations it is unique in its own way.

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Through the pages of history. The word “acne” was first introduced into medical terminology by the ancient Roman physician Aetius at the court of Emperor Justinian.

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Cosmetics for problem skin will not contain pearl powder, gold threads, hyaluronic acid and other magical new products of the modern beauty industry. It should primarily contain anti-inflammatory and soothing ingredients. These include:

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  1. kojic, azelaic, salicylic acids;
  2. camphor;
  3. sulfur;
  4. lavender, calendula, olive, eucalyptus oils;
  5. dimethyl sulfoxide;
  6. retinoids;
  7. zinc oxide;
  8. freshwater;
  9. extracts of calendula, green tea, arnica, tea tree.

These are natural and synthetic antiseptics that will stop inflammation, soothe irritated epidermis and disinfect it. When choosing the appropriate cosmetics for your problem skin, make sure that it contains at least some ingredients from this list - then their effectiveness will be guaranteed. A short overview of the funds will help you navigate the sea of ​​offers.

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Origin of name. The medical term “acne” goes back to the ancient Greek word “ἀκμή”, which means “point, bloom, height”.

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Tools Overview

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Firstly, there are professional cosmetics for problematic facial skin, which are distinguished by their high cost, good quality and therapeutic effect. It is used mainly in beauty salons, but today it can be obtained by everyone through specialized stores. So you can either make an appointment with a specialist, or find these products yourself and use them at home.

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We present to your attention a list of brands that occupy a worthy place in this niche, and a series of professional cosmetics that they developed specifically for the care of problem skin:

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  1. Anna Lotan (company) - A-Clear (line name).
  2. Biodroga - Puran Formula.
  3. Christina - Comodex.
  4. Clinique - Anti-Blemish Solutions.
  5. Gerard's - Purity Line.
  6. Keenwell - Biopure.
  7. Kleraderm - Purissima.
  8. La biosthetique - Methode Clarifiante.
  9. Leorex - Pure.
  10. Oriental Princess - Acnemise.
  11. Pevonia Botanica - Clarifyl.
  12. Renew - Dermo Control.
  13. Sesderma - Acnises Young.
  14. TianDe - Master Herb.
  15. Vichy - Normaderm.

Some people prefer to buy cosmetics for problem skin exclusively in pharmacies - and rightly so. Because it is here that all products will be certified, and their therapeutic effect will be documented. This area is the most popular in cosmeceuticals. Certain brands work only in this niche, and among them are the following brands:

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  1. Danne.
  2. La Roche Posay.
  3. Sesderma.
  4. Kleraderm.
  5. Yamanouchi europe b.V.
  6. Vichy.

All cosmetics for the care of problem skin should be from one line of one brand - otherwise the effect will be blurred. Use not only the usual creams, but also masks, serums, and gels.

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  1. Steep Clean Pore Purifying Mask is a purifying mask for acne. USA.
  2. Olive is an anti-inflammatory mask with a cleansing effect. Аinhoa. Spain.
  3. Bioecologico - sulfur mask for cleansing problem skin. Guam. Italy.
  4. Black Mask is a creamy mask for blackheads. Afy. China.
  5. Longa powder is a powder mask with turmeric for cleansing the face. Isme. Thailand.

“Black Mask” from blackheads produced by “Afy” (China)


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  1. Complexion Control Serum - anti-rash serum. Adonia Organics. USA.
  2. Dermo purifyer Aktiv is an active anti-acne serum. Eucerin. Germany.
  3. Sebodiane DS - seborrhea serum. Noreva. France.
  4. Comodex Advanced Hydrating Serum - serum for comedones. Israel.
  5. Derma Clear Serum skin matt is a mattifying serum. Israel.


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  1. Clarifyl - acne cream. Pevonia botanica. USA.
  2. Cicaplast Baume B5 - cream with panthenol for irritation. La Roche Posay. France.
  3. Bio Repair Night Care is a night cream for the care of problem skin. Holy Land. Israel.
  4. Master Herb - acne cream. TianDe. China.
  5. Sebostatic Day is an anti-acne cream for tightening pores. Dr. Irena Eris. Poland.


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  1. Treatment Gel Cream is a healing gel for acne. Sesderma. Spain.
  2. Clarifying Cream Gel is a sebum-regulating gel. Janssen. Germany.
  3. Acne Gel - acne gel. Dr. Somchai. Thailand.
  4. Trouble Solution Special - gel for problem skin. South Korea.
  5. Acniclear Cleansing Gel is a gel for cleaning problem skin. Provamed. Thailand.

This is the best cosmetics for problematic facial skin, which is recommended for use not only by cosmetologists, but also by dermatologists. All these products do an excellent job and get rid of complexes about your appearance. If even among these small reviews you have not found a specific product for yourself, look for it in the products of brands included in the TOP 10 for the development of unique anti-inflammatory formulas.

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Interesting fact. In ancient Rome, washing with ordinary mineral water was prescribed to treat problematic facial skin.

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Brand rating

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The ranking of the 10 best brands, whose lines of cosmetics for problem skin have gained worldwide popularity, includes the following companies.

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  1. Anna Lotan (Israel).
  2. Biodroga (Germany).
  3. Christina (Israel).
  4. Clinique (USA).
  5. GiGi (Israel).
  6. Holy Land (Israel).
  7. Kleraderm (Italy).
  8. La Roche Posay (France).
  9. Noreva (France).
  10. Vichy (France).

The presented rating of cosmetics for problem skin is somewhat arbitrary: perhaps some people prefer other brands in this area. However, the funds of these companies have gained immense popularity around the world. They are based on a real fight against acne, blackheads and enlarged pores that you really want to get rid of. Now you don’t have to endure them - purchase the appropriate line of products and enjoy clean, beautiful skin.

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Pimples and blackheads are a common problem among teenagers, but can also affect older people. In an effort to get rid of inflammation and oily shine, they plague the skin with aggressive alcohol products, but its condition only worsens. Why this happens, what cosmetics will actually help, as well as a list of the best products, according to the editors of, are in our article.

  1. What is problem skin
  2. Distinctive features
  3. What cosmetics do problem skin need?
  4. Features of the composition
  5. Rules of application
  6. Review of the best tools

What is problem skin

Oily or combination skin is usually classified as problematic. Cosmetics for such skin usually include products labeled “anti-greasy” and “anti-acne and blackheads.”

Most often, by the word “problematic,” experts mean oily skin with enlarged pores, prone to inflammation and comedones.

Oily skin is most often called problematic © iStock

Distinctive features

Skin is considered problematic if the following signs are present:

increased sebum secretion;

enlarged pores that become clogged quite quickly;

tendency to the appearance of comedones and acne.

Due to improper care, oily and combination skin can become dehydrated. Don't confuse dehydrated skin with dryness.

Dryness is a congenital feature of the skin,

in which the production of own fat is reduced, which means that the skin retains moisture less well. True, over the years, skin of any type becomes drier.

Dehydration is a temporary skin condition

caused by a lack of moisture or a temporary inability to retain it, which, fortunately, is quite easy to fix.

Any type of skin can suffer from dehydration, but oily skin begins to produce sebum more actively, and dry skin becomes prematurely covered with a network of wrinkles. Both types lose their shine.

Problem skin needs cleansing and moisturizing most of all © iStock

What cosmetics do problem skin need?

Beauty products for problem skin perform two basic functions - cleansing and moisturizing. Additional options:

exfoliation, which solves the problem of clogged pores;

targeted effect on inflammatory elements.


This is the alpha and omega of skin care for any type. With a lack of moisture, metabolic processes in the skin slow down, its renewal and exfoliation of horn cells are inhibited. As a result, the pores become clogged and conditions are created for the proliferation of acne-causing bacteria.


Features of the composition

Several groups of substances actively work in formulas for problem skin.


Such components fight the causative agent of acne - the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes. These include zinc and sulfur.

Products for problem skin should contain absorbent substances © iStock


These ingredients draw out dirt and sebum from the pores, allowing for deep cleansing of the skin and regulation of the sebaceous glands. Main absorbents:

several types of clay, for example, white clay kaolin and Moroccan gassoul;


As a rule, these are acids. In addition to preventing comedones and blackheads, they help even out skin tone and texture.

Salicylic acid dissolves intercellular “glue”, exfoliating dead particles of the epidermis and cleansing pores.

Fruit (AHA) acids stimulate cell renewal.

Hygroscopic agents

Glycerin and hyaluronic acid attract and hold water molecules in skin cells.

When cleansing problem skin, pay special attention to makeup remover © iStock

Rules of application

The main rules for caring for problem skin: thorough cleansing and choosing gentle products.

Cleansing and makeup removal

For oily skin, cleanse your face twice a day using gentle formulas without harsh ingredients like alcohol. Pay special attention to makeup remover: the alkaline products that many people are used to strongly irritate the skin, so choose a way to remove makeup quickly, effectively, but without unnecessary friction. For example, using micellar water.

Exfoliation with products containing coarse abrasive particles is contraindicated for inflamed skin; acid-based products are more suitable for it. They stimulate the renewal of the epidermis and dissolve dead cells, which has a positive effect on the color and texture of the skin.

Skin of any type needs hydration, especially when using products with acids. If classic cream formulas clog your pores, try light gel or fluid textures.

Local action products with components that have antibacterial properties kill harmful bacteria that cause acne, thereby neutralizing inflammatory processes in the pores.

Review of the best tools

The best moisturizer for problem skin, according to the editors of


Lotion with herbs for problem skin Blue Astringent Herbal Lotion, Kiehl’s

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin with toning effect Effaclar Duo, La Roche-Posay

Product name Description Mode of application
A multifunctional product moisturizes and refreshes oily skin. Apply to previously cleansed facial skin twice a day.
A moisturizing complex based on hyaluronic acid, urea and trehalose intensively moisturizes the skin, and vitamin B5 promotes recovery. Apply to cleansed skin twice a day.
A cream containing salicylic acid and zinc corrects and prevents the appearance of post-acne, evens out skin tone and texture, and reduces sebum production. Use as a daytime moisturizer. Apply avoiding the area around the eyes.

The best tonics for problem skin, according to the editors of


Apply to previously cleansed facial skin using a cotton pad.

Does not require rinsing with water.

Apply with a cotton pad, avoiding the area around the eyes. Do not rinse off.

Use daily, apply with a cotton pad, avoiding the area around the eyes.

The best products for local use, according to the editors of

Point treatment products

Product name Description Mode of application
Cleansing components combined with lipohydroxy acids even out the surface of the skin and remove impurities from the pores.
Cleansing lotion, tightening pores, Normaderm, Vichy The combination of glycolic and salicylic acids regulates sebum production.
Cleansing toner against blackheads and oily shine “Clean Skin”, Garnier Salicylic acid is responsible for stimulating cell renewal and preventing blackheads, and zinc is responsible for regulating sebum production.
Product name Description Mode of application
Local corrective agent Effaclar A.I., La Roche-Posay Contains niacinamide and lipohydroxy acid to inhibit bacterial activity. Helps quickly reduce inflammation. After cleansing the skin and care products, apply locally to imperfections: in the evening - spot on, in the morning - in a thin layer under makeup.
Fast-acting targeted remedy against imperfections Normaderm Hyaluspot, Vichy The acid complex stimulates the exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Helps improve skin texture and tone, and prevent inflammatory elements. Apply locally using the applicator, morning and/or evening. Repeat if necessary.
Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment, Kiehl’s Sulfur in a high concentration of 10% fights bacteria that cause acne and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. Apply directly onto cleansed skin using gentle tapping movements.

It's rare that a girl can boast of clean skin. This happens for various reasons and is not always caused by any serious disease.

The epidermis, prone to frequent inflammation, which reacts to any irritants and changes in the body, is common. But the face is always visible, you can’t hide it, and only cosmetics for problem skin can help out in such cases.

What is problem skin

Skin that is not smooth, fresh, has an uneven structure and defects is considered problematic.

It is characterized by the presence of enlarged pores, greasiness, and peeling. The skin on the face often becomes inflamed, acne and red spots appear.

Problematic skin can be hereditary or acquired and is divided into types:

  1. dry – tight, constantly peeling, prone to the formation of wrinkles;
  2. oily – with open pores, characterized by a greasy sheen;
  3. combined – both types of skin are present on the face at the same time.

The skin is affected by unfavorable factors, stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal surges in the body.

Skin that consists of dry and oily areas is called combination skin. Oily, shiny skin is prone to inflammatory processes and often develops:

  1. pimples and acne;
  2. many comedones;
  3. scars and acne scars.

Other defects are of age-related origin or appear as a consequence of diseases:

  1. wrinkles, sagging, redness;
  2. dilated vessels;
  3. yellowness and pigmentation;
  4. peeling, unhealthy color.

Reference. Often the cause of inflammation on the face is adolescence, especially if the teenager does not take care of his face.

What cosmetics do problem skin need?

Using skincare products for problem skin will help improve your appearance, but you need to know what not to use:

  1. alkaline soap - washing with it disrupts the acid balance, destroys the protective epidermis, which becomes more vulnerable;
  2. cosmetics with alcohol fillers - they dehydrate and greatly degrease the top layer.

A cosmetic product must contain components that help eliminate the causes of irritation and perform the following tasks:

Cosmetics for problem skin

  1. cleanse pores and soften sebaceous plugs;
  2. promote cell regeneration and subsequent keratinization;
  3. inhibit the growth of bacteria, mites and other pathogenic microorganisms;
  4. tighten pores, smooth out wrinkles;
  5. whiten pigment spots, relieve skin redness;
  6. relieve irritation and prevent new rashes;
  7. increase protective properties, eliminate oily shine.

Reference. To make your face look well-groomed and not show minor imperfections, one cosmetic product is not enough.

To do this you will need a whole set of care products:

  1. gel or foam for washing;
  2. tonic, emulsion, which have the ability to tighten pores;
  3. antibacterial lotion;
  4. antifungal ointment;
  5. applicator for removing comedones;
  6. moisturizers and sunscreens.

Care products must be selected from the same manufacturer, because each product complements the other and enhances the effect.

Important! The main thing is not to dry out problem skin, because dry cells, in order to protect themselves, begin to intensively produce subcutaneous fat. In such cases, inflammation intensifies.

Inflamed skin can be fully supported only with the help of products that contain:

  1. fruit acid - citric, lactic, glycolic, mandelic;
  2. salicylates;
  3. vitamins;
  4. camphor, sulfur, bodyaga;
  5. immunomodulators;
  6. essential oils;
  7. extracts from herbs - celandine, chamomile, calendula, yarrow and others.

Reference. The oily sheen of problem skin is difficult to control because it intensively produces sebum.

Cosmetic preparations for such skin should not contain fat or various oils. They must have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

To cope with skin that is far from ideal, choose the most functional cosmetics, the packaging of which indicates: what is it intended for:

Facial cleanser

  1. cleansing – Clear;
  2. black dots – Comodex;
  3. skin purity – Purity;
  4. clogged pimples – Acne;
  5. sensitive skin – Problem Skin;
  6. skin prone to inflammation - Inflammation;
  7. redness – Irritation.

Important! A good cosmetic product must contain at least one natural ingredient.

Rules of application

The process of masking defects consists of several mandatory steps:

  1. Makeup base - used to prepare the skin for applying basic makeup.
  2. Concealer-corrector - with the help of concealer, they cover up redness and minor imperfections on the skin.
  3. Foundation - must contain adsorbents to absorb sebum, which is constantly released from the pores, the finishing base is semi-matte.
  4. Powder – sets makeup and prevents it from “creeping” across the face. It is necessary to disinfect the brush periodically.

Caring for problem skin consists of the following steps:

  1. Cleansing. Every day you need to remove decorative makeup, do weekly enzyme peeling and a cleansing mask.
  2. Day care. Moisturizing gel is applied before makeup, and moisturizer is used throughout the day.
  3. Night care. This is a balanced night cream, a cleansing spot night mask for acne, and lifting for the skin around the eyes.

Important! To avoid spreading the infection over the skin, do not touch your face with your hands.

Review of the best tools

Review of the best tools

The choice of cosmetics for problem skin is very wide. You can choose a decent tool with different pricing policies, the main thing is to stick to one series of developers.

Every year, experts rank the best lines of cosmetics for problem skin. This includes the following companies:

Anna lotan, Biodroga, Christina, Clinique, GiGi, Holyland, Kleraderm, La roche rosay, Noreva, Vichy.

Reference. Luxury brands have proven themselves well and are successfully used in cosmetology.

Popular products for problem skin

Masks that relieve inflammation Cleansing serums Moisturizing cream Gels that relieve irritation
SteeP clean Pore puriFying maSk, USA ComPlexion conTrol serum, USA Clarifil, USA TreaTmEnt gel Cream, Spain
Olive, Spain Dermo puRifyer AktiV, Germany Cicaplast baUme b5, France ClaRifying cream gel, Germany
BioeCologic, Italy Sebodiane ds, France Bio repair niGht Care, Israel Acne g, Thailand
Black VaSk, China CoModex advanced hydRating seRum, Israel MaSter heRb, China Trouble solution, Korea
Longa PoWder, Thailand Derma cLear seRum skin matt, Israel Sebostatic day, Poland AcNiclear cleaNsing Gel, Thailand

All of these products have a healing effect and cope well with problems on the epidermis.

Important to remember! All skin rashes are a consequence of processes that occur inside the body. Sometimes using cosmetics is not enough. Therefore, if the struggle with problem skin has dragged on for a long time, you should contact a dermatologist and get professional advice on how best to eliminate this problem.