Cosmetics for teenage boys against acne

Acne cream for teenagers contains components that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, unclog pores, and stop inflammation. Medicinal and medicinal cosmetics differ in composition, effectiveness, and are selected individually in each case. In adolescence, rashes appear in everyone, but for some they go away within 2-3 years, for others, special treatment is required.

Causes of acne in teenagers

At the age of 11-12 years, hormonal changes begin in the child’s body, and the reproductive system is formed. Against the background of imbalance, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, and more sweat is produced. In a humid environment, pathogenic microbes actively multiply, which provoke an unpleasant odor, the appearance of pimples, acne on the face, back, and chest. Most often the face is affected - cheeks, forehead, chin, nose.

The formation of rashes can be strengthened and complicated by:

  1. lack of proper hygiene
  2. dusty area
  3. wrong choice of cosmetics
  4. chronic diseases of internal organs
  5. unbalanced diet - a lot of sweets, fatty, spicy foods
  6. frequent use of medications
  7. disruption of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones
  8. stress, emotional stress.

As the hormonal levels are restored, the skin clears, the condition improves, and the rashes disappear. If severe acne develops, treatment is required, since the lack of proper measures leads to the formation of loose skin, uneven tone, and scars.

Ways to get rid of the problem

Experts identify several types of teenage neoplasms. Some arise due to bacterial infection, others due to systemic diseases or hormonal imbalance.

  1. Comedones. The most common form, the safest for the skin if inflammation is prevented. Due to the active production of sebum, the oiliness of the skin increases, dust sticks faster, pores become clogged, and plugs form. As a result, black spots appear on the nose, chin, and bridge of the nose. To improve the condition of the skin, you need to spend more time on hygiene and choose the right cosmetics.
  2. Papules. Subcutaneous acne, which appears as red, inflamed, painful bumps. When you palpate the problem area, you feel a compaction. Special cosmetics and medications with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects can eliminate acne. Papules can be large or small.
  3. Pustules. Inflamed red pimples, inside of which there is a white core with pus. Comedones and papules turn into pustules. To get rid of tumors, you need to completely remove the pus. Mechanical cleaning and self-extrusion are used in compliance with antiseptic standards. Cosmetic and medicinal products can prevent the appearance of tumors or speed up the “ripening” of the pimple in order to subsequently squeeze out the pus and clean out the pores.
  4. Cysts. Formation under the skin filled with pus. Difficult to treat. An integrated approach is required using external and internal means.

If there are papules or pustules on the skin, they speak of a dermatological disease such as acne. Treatment is selected depending on the complexity and stage of the disease.

Methods to combat rashes:

  1. skin care cosmetics
  2. using disposable paper towels instead of regular ones
  3. light scrubbing once a week
  4. antibiotics
  5. retinoids
  6. salicylic, azelaic acids
  7. herbal extracts, oils with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects
  8. mechanical cleaning.

Each case requires an individual approach. A specialist will help you choose the right treatment methods.

Rules for caring for problem skin

In adolescence, you need to keep your skin clean, but this does not mean that you need to use cleansing cosmetics three times a day. Excessive use of cosmetics also leads to activation of the sebaceous glands, clogged pores, dryness, and other negative phenomena.

Basic rules for caring for problem skin in teenagers:

  1. cleanse your face of impurities twice a day – morning, evening
  2. use less foundation and powder, since these products clog pores and disrupt oxygen circulation
  3. avoid cosmetics with alcohol or foaming composition - they activate the secretion of sebum
  4. limit the use of products containing fruit acids - they thicken the stratum corneum, prevent the cleansing of pores, and do not allow sebum to come out, resulting in the formation of acne
  5. cosmetic preparations with retinol, vitamin A with an anti-inflammatory effect are allowed to be used after consultation with a specialist
  6. choose a cleanser based on the condition of the epidermis - for oily skin, foam, gel, for dry skin - milk.

Cosmetic products should not contain irritating components or substances that cause allergies. Preparations with plant extracts and oils are recommended.

Acne diet

Poor nutrition in adolescence leads to skin rashes, excess weight, and hormonal imbalance. To get rid of acne and blackheads, you need to exclude products that increase sebum production and slow down the functioning of the digestive organs.

You should refuse:

  1. alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks
  2. coffee
  3. products for beer - chips, crackers, nuts, fish, squid, etc.
  4. pizza, hot dogs, fast food
  5. pastries, cakes, sweets with a lot of cream
  6. baked goods – pies, buns
  7. fried, fatty foods
  8. hot seasonings, spices
  9. carbonated drinks.

Limit consumption:

  1. chocolate, sweets
  2. ice cream
  3. strong tea
  4. cookies.

Products for a healthy diet:

  1. poultry meat
  2. eggs
  3. vegetables
  4. fruits
  5. berries
  6. nuts
  7. fermented milk products
  8. milk
  9. cereals
  10. durum pasta.

Teenagers need to follow a diet, avoid hungry days, snacks at night, a heavy dinner, and “eating” problems.

How ointments and cosmetics work

Special drugs act in several directions:

  1. dissolve traffic jams
  2. clean pores
  3. dried
  4. eliminate inflammation
  5. disinfect
  6. kill pathogenic microflora, prevent the spread of the rash
  7. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  8. provide complete hydration.

Note! One ointment can perform a specific function or several, providing comprehensive treatment.

What do doctors prescribe?

When a teenager begins to have skin problems, it is recommended to take him to a professional cosmetologist for a consultation. The medications that doctors prescribe for boys are not particularly different for girls. They act identically, only the additives are different, which give the characteristic aroma of men's and women's cosmetics.

Teenagers may have:

  1. gel, foam, mousse, milk for washing
  2. water
  3. tonics
  4. deep cleansing products - scrubs, peelings, clay masks.

To treat pimples and acne, ointments, creams, and products for spot use are prescribed.

The best drugs for teenagers for rashes

Modern youth prefers to use ready-made pharmaceutical and medicinal cosmetic products. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to pay attention to the information indicated on the packaging.

  1. Compound. Hypoallergenic, non-irritating, with a minimum amount of chemical additives.
  2. Storage conditions. If the expiration date has not expired and the cosmetics were not stored properly, the use of such a product is dangerous for the condition of the skin. Instead of a therapeutic effect, there will be an exacerbation, a complication.
  3. Skin type. Dry and oily epidermis can be problematic you need to select products individually.

The best drugs for teenagers quickly cope with the problem and prevent the appearance of new rashes.

Pharmacy remedies for acne

The arsenal includes gels, creams, ointments. Available without a prescription. You can choose cheap drugs or mid-price products.

Appointed by specialists. Self-use without consultation is not allowed. The duration of use depends on the composition and complexity of the disease. Apply a thin layer to large areas or dotted.

  1. Tetracycline ointment

Local antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. Prescribed for severe forms of acne, purulent lesions of the skin. Destroys pathogenic microflora, stops the inflammatory process, thereby improving the condition of the skin. The active component is tetracycline hydrochloride. Apply up to 2 times a day. The maximum course of therapy is 3 weeks. Prohibited for use by children under 11 years of age.

The combined drug contains an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory substance - chloramphenicol, methyluracil. Helps with ulcers, subcutaneous pimples, and any type of acne. It helps with inflamed acne quite quickly. Improvement is observed after 1-2 days of use. Treat the affected areas or apply a thin layer. It is recommended to apply the drug to pimples that do not heal for a long time, and to treat the wounds after squeezing out the pus. To treat internal acne, ointment is administered with a sterile syringe, but this should be done only after consultation with a specialist. The drug is accessible, inexpensive, and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

  1. Zinc ointment

The main component is zinc oxide. The base is medical Vaseline. The ointment has softening, protective, cleansing and drying properties. Zinc reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores. It is recommended to apply it pointwise, for a short time. Otherwise, dryness, peeling, and irritation appear. Suitable for treating inflamed external, subcutaneous acne. It has no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

The active ingredient is ichthyol or ichthammol. The ointment is made on the basis of medical Vaseline. The composition does not contain aggressive, allergic or irritating substances. The drug has an antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Apply pointwise. The course of treatment is long-term or symptomatic. For mild acne, it improves the condition of the skin in 3 days.

Cream, gel

They have a light consistency, are quickly absorbed, and do not leave a greasy sheen or traces.

You can buy an inexpensive cream for a teenager at any pharmacy. The pharmaceutical product is intended for the treatment of acne, blackheads, pimples, and rosacea. The active component is a powerful bactericidal substance – azelaic acid. Dissolves traffic jams, cleans pores, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, stops inflammation, prevents the formation of comedones and neoplasms. Skinoren contains moisturizing and emollient substances that prevent dryness and flaking. If necessary, the drug is used for a long time - 3 months.

It acts similarly to Skinoren, since it has an identical active substance - azelaic acid. The drug applies well and is quickly absorbed. Pimples are treated locally or applied to large areas. During the first time of treatment, a slight tingling sensation may be felt, which is not a reason to discontinue the drug. Improvement in the condition of the skin with mild acne is observed after 3 days, with severe acne – after 2 weeks.

A fast-acting acne cream with a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The active substance is azelaic acid. The cream is used to treat various forms of acne, rosacea, purulent, inflamed rashes, and blackheads. The cream has a light consistency and is absorbed almost instantly. May cause mild irritation that goes away after a few minutes.

A spot treatment for acne is applied to clean skin 1-2 times a day. For acne, a thin layer can be applied to the affected areas. It works on the basis of adapalene, an analogue of retinoic acid. Eliminates pathogenic microflora, breaks down sebaceous plugs, cleanses pores of impurities, normalizes the functioning of glands, prevents the appearance of crusts, and stimulates cell renewal. The strength of the anti-inflammatory effect of the cream is similar to the hormonal substance betamethasone. The combined drug is prescribed by specialists. During treatment, exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided.

Cream for acne, inflamed pimples. The composition contains several active components - adapalene, benzoyl peroxide. Fights comedones, cleans pores, has antibacterial, antimicrobial effects, exfoliates, dries, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Works similarly to Differin.

Available in gel form. It is recommended to apply in the evening after preliminary cleansing of the skin. A universal remedy that helps with any teenage rashes. The base is glycerin. It has a softening, moisturizing effect and prevents dryness and flaking. It works quickly. In severe acne, the condition of the skin improves within a month. Active substance benzoyl peroxide. Has a drying, disinfecting, antimicrobial effect.

The active component of zinc is hyaluronate. A drug with a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, removes oily shine, and tightens pores. For severe acne, it is prescribed as part of complex therapy. Works great on single pimples in a few days. Teenagers often use the drug as a first aid remedy.

Analogue of Kuriosin. The active substance is zinc hyaluronate. The properties are identical. Apply pointwise or in a thin layer to the affected areas. With prolonged use, dryness, peeling, and irritation may occur. If these symptoms are present, therapy is stopped.

A powerful drug for dermatitis, acne, pimples, rosacea based on metronidazole. Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Destroys microbes, stops inflammation, stimulates epidermal renewal, prevents the appearance of scars, marks, and “loose” skin. Should be applied pointwise. Contraindicated for use in case of an allergic reaction.

The gel contains heparin, which prevents the appearance of scars. The active substance stimulates blood circulation, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and relieves inflammation. Helps with dark circles under the eyes. For acne, it is often used as part of complex therapy. The gel is quickly absorbed and is not felt on the skin.

  1. Cream-active Clean Line

Cheap acne cream at the pharmacy is used for mild forms of acne, inflamed pimples, and minor rashes in teenagers. The composition is hypoallergenic. Active ingredients: zinc, herbal tea extract, aloe vera. It has a complex effect - softens, nourishes, dries, stops inflammation, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Long-term use and application to large areas are allowed.

A line of products for problem skin. Helps cope with acne, blackheads, comedones, rosacea. Available in the form of gel, scrub, cream. Active substance salicylic acid, lactulose. Frequent use is allowed. Cleansing gel is used every evening, scrub – once a week. Has antibacterial, antiseptic, drying, anti-inflammatory effects.

What not to do when fighting acne

Experts do not recommend doing mechanical cleaning or squeezing out pimples on your own at home. If sterility is not observed, an infection enters the wound, which contributes to the spread of pimples and acne. Instead of one pimple, several appear. If you apply too much pressure, it leaves a scar that is difficult to get rid of. You should not frequently wipe problem skin with alcohol, as this substance increases sebum production.

Preventive measures

The main reason for profuse rashes in adolescence is genetic predisposition. Some people develop several inflamed pimples on their face, a small rash, while others suffer from a large number of acne. In fact, it is difficult to prevent rashes due to hormonal imbalance or genetic predisposition, but the risk can be reduced by preventive measures.

  1. Eat properly
  2. Keep facial skin clean
  3. Do not use foundation or powder
  4. Use high-quality skin care products
  5. To refuse from bad habits
  6. Get enough sleep
  7. Do not be nervous
  8. Spend more time outdoors.

If you have a large number of rashes, do not self-medicate, seek prompt help from specialists.

Tips from cosmetologists

Experts' recommendations boil down to the fact that you need to maintain hygiene, adhere to a diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, use high-quality facial skin care products, and seek advice in a timely manner.


Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to receive reviews about acne cream for teenagers in the comments, they will be useful to other users!


In adolescence, the quality of the product is not so important as lifestyle and nutrition. Be sure to diet, normalize the intestinal microflora - drink Lactofiltrum, Lactiale, etc. Baziron, Differin - these are all auxiliary!


A good quality cleanser, a minimum of cosmetics on the face, a healthy diet - acne will disappear on its own. You can dry the inflamed area with zinc ointment. Helps very quickly.


A small teenage rash was wiped off with Clean Line cream. Pharmacy inexpensive drug with a safe composition. I also had tonics and cleansing gels. We need an integrated approach, one cream is not enough!

Youth is good for everyone, except for acne on the face. As luck would have it, they jump up at the most inopportune moments, for example, before a date. However, you can fight this. We'll tell you exactly how.

  1. Causes of acne in teenagers
  2. Types of Acne Remedies for Teens
  3. Composition of acne creams
  4. Tools Overview
  5. Selection rules

Causes of acne in teenagers

Even those who have never had it in their lives now know about the causes of acne. And according to statistics, such lucky people are only 15%. So: adolescence = hormonal explosion. The big bang where it all begins.

Puberty and increased steroid hormone levels

According to many experts, the point is not so much in the higher levels of androgens (male hormones that are considered to be the culprits of acne), but in the genetically inherited sensitivity of the sebaceous and sweat glands to them.

The higher the sensitivity to androgens, the more sebum is produced. The skin becomes oily, thick, and sweat is released more actively.

Insufficient level of hygiene

Ironically, the age of incredible physiological activity and maturation is superimposed on childhood stubbornness. And a young person of 12–15 years old with problem skin is not always ready to wash himself properly in the mornings and evenings.

This seriously aggravates the problem, as impurities on the skin clog pores and cause new inflammation.

Incorrect use of cosmetics

Girls try to cover up pimples and hide them with makeup - fortunately there are now enough concealers. But the problem is the wrong choice of these means. They are not always addressed specifically to problem skin, which sometimes aggravates the situation by adding a layer of cosmetics to the natural sebum, which clogs the pores.

A separate issue is the careless attitude towards removing makeup. Instead of salvation, concealing cosmetics can bring even more problems in the form of intense rashes. Neglecting to remove makeup before going to bed is the same as skin contamination, and even targeted.

Classic teenage acne will only heal with time, that is, reaching an age when hormonal levels stabilize. And even powerful drugs that only a doctor can prescribe, and the most effective procedures cannot get rid of the problem 100%. Their task is to reduce the manifestations of acne, ease its course and keep it under control.

Adolescence is a hormonal explosion where it all begins. © iStock

Types of Acne Remedies for Teens

Young people today have a full range of necessary skin care products in their arsenal. The main thing is to use them correctly.

Gels and foams for washing

Cleansing the skin is the first and most important step. Suitable products include gels, foams, 3-in-1 and even 7-in-1 all-in-one formulas that combine formulas for daily deep cleansing and mattifying.

Micellar water

Suitable as a preliminary cleansing step, even if makeup removal is not required. Gently removes surface impurities and excess sebum so that subsequent washing is more effective and does not turn into smearing dirt all over your face.


Required for problematic teenage skin:

  1. are the control, final stage of purification
  2. restore skin pH.

Deep cleansing products

These include:

  1. scrubs
  2. peelings
  3. Clay-based cleansing masks.

All of them deeply cleanse the pores, where the life cycle of rashes begins:

the canal becomes clogged with sebum

it oxidizes in air

a black dot appears, bacteria begin to multiply, which leads to inflammation.

Care for problem skin

As a rule, these products are sold in pharmacies and are classified as medicinal or dermatocosmetics, which indicates their carefully calibrated composition, developed specifically for problem skin. They regulate sebum production, tighten pores, and mattify.

Acne does not negate moisturizing, which is mandatory at any age. In addition, the skin can be combination, when oily areas are adjacent to flaky dry areas.

BB creams

Strictly speaking, these are the same care products, but they are supplemented with a tinting function and are therefore especially attractive to teenagers. Actually, they were invented for young problem skin, because BB stands for blemish balm - “balm against imperfections.”

Products for spot application

Sticks, rollers, emulsions with an active antibacterial and drying composition are applied directly to the emerging pimple to neutralize it quickly and effectively. Often, such an SOS remedy also masks inflammation.

Impurities on the skin clog pores and cause new inflammation © iStock

Composition of acne creams

Impact ingredients of creams for teenagers with problem skin:

  1. salicylic acid
  2. azelaic acid
  3. zinc
  4. retinol derivatives
  5. essential oils and plant extracts with antibacterial effects.

Young people today have a full range of necessary skin care products in their arsenal. © iStock

Cosmetics review

Caring for problem skin, as already mentioned, begins with thorough cleansing. But it is not limited to them.

BB cream 5-in-1 “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier

The effectiveness of the formula is due to salicylic acid, which exfoliates, reduces sebum production, and has an antibacterial effect. Mineral pigments tint the skin and make it matte. Suitable for daily morning care.

Corrective care against imperfections Normaderm, Vichy

Salicylic acid is combined with LHA acid, which provides the light exfoliation needed to combat acne. The product provides a moisturizing effect for 24 hours, mattifies the skin, tightens pores, and reduces the number and size of acne. Use as daily care after cleansing the skin in the morning and evening.

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin against imperfections and post-acne Effaclar Duo(+), La Roche-Posay

In addition to LHA ​​and salicylic acid, the composition contains three interesting ingredients:

bacteria lysate, which restores the skin microbiome, which is extremely important for acne control

mannose - an ingredient that stimulates cell renewal

prokerad, preventing post-acne marks.

Light moisturizer with mattifying effect Daily Moisture, SkinCeuticals

Extracts of seaweed, witch hazel, ginger, chamomile, burnet, cinnamon, lemongrass, hibiscus work to disinfect the skin, tighten pores, and control sebum. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes, vitamin E and panthenol enhance the protective functions of the skin.

Fluid with herbs for problem skin Blue Herbal Moisturizer, Kiehl’s

In addition to traditional salicylic acid, it contains extracts of ginger and cinnamon (it has a calming effect).

The treatment of problem skin requires an individual approach. For some, it is enough to wipe their face with lotion, but for others, medications are of little help.

Modern pharmacology offers many drugs designed to solve the problem of acne. The cosmetics industry is not far behind, producing entire lines of products to combat teenage acne. Only a specialist who well understands the mechanism of inflammation and knows the causes of its occurrence can select an effective treatment.

To get rid of acne use:

  1. medications
  2. cosmetical tools
  3. traditional methods.

You cannot remove acne on your own. The consequences of such actions are sad:

  1. inflammation may increase and progress to a more severe stage
  2. after the pimple disappears, a red spot or scar will remain on the skin
  3. During the squeezing process, you can introduce an infection that is dangerous for the entire body, and not just for the dermis.

Causes of acne

Most of the reasons why inflammation occurs on teenage skin are associated with changes in hormonal levels. During puberty, a sharp release of hormones occurs, which disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Additional factors that can aggravate the situation are:

  1. genetic predisposition
  2. stressful situations
  3. chronic lack of sleep
  4. avitaminosis
  5. problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  6. unbalanced diet
  7. weak immune system
  8. disruption of the endocrine system
  9. long-term use of medications
  10. frequent and long-term exposure to UV rays on the dermis (exposure to the sun)
  11. smoking
  12. alcohol
  13. improper skin care.

In some cases, the rash increases significantly when infected with parasites. Thus, the Demodex mite causes a dermatological disease, the first sign of which is numerous red inflammations.

How to care for problem skin

Often teenagers, wanting to get rid of acne as quickly as possible, begin to actively wash their face using special drying agents. As a result, the water-fat balance of the dermis is disrupted, and the sebaceous glands begin to function more actively. As a result, the effect will be exactly the opposite.

Proper skin care can prevent acne. It includes 2 steps:

  1. Cleansing. At this stage, you can use cosmetics: milk, foam, lotion, tonic, micellar water, washing gel. It is necessary to cleanse the skin 2 times a day. You can learn more about facial cleansing products in the article.
  2. Hydration. This is a mandatory phase, both for girls and boys. Moisturizing cream helps maintain the skin's moisture balance. Many modern products have a mattifying effect, light consistency and additionally even out the tone.

These two simple methods will allow you to keep your facial skin in good condition with minimal effort.

How to clean properly

Proper cleansing can be carried out following these rules:

  1. wash your face morning and evening
  2. For cleansing, use warm water (hot water provokes increased production of sebum).

Instead of plain water, herbal infusions with sage, chamomile, string or nettle can also be used. You should not wash your face with soap more than 1-2 times a week.

Pharmacy products against acne

For severe rashes, you should turn to drug therapy, or rather to drugs whose effect has been proven in practice. It is better if the remedy is prescribed by a dermatologist. The specialist will make a prescription based not only on the causes of acne, but also focusing on the individual characteristics of the patient. You can find out what acne treatments are available for teenagers at the pharmacy here.

It is more advisable to use ointments in the evening because of their dense structure. They are effective and the results of their use become noticeable quite quickly.


A budget-friendly and effective drug that allows you to solve the problem of acne in just 1 course. It contains:

  1. lanolin (anti-inflammatory effect)
  2. sodium disulfide (removes excess fat)
  3. Vaseline (moisturizing effect)
  4. pyrosulfite (protective functions against UV rays, strong winds and low temperatures).


An ointment with a pronounced antibacterial effect, penetrating into the deeper layers. It “pulls” pus to the surface and helps accelerate maturation. Also levomekol:

  1. reduces inflammation
  2. accelerates skin tissue regeneration
  3. evens out complexion.


Zinc ointment, known since Soviet pharmacology, is inexpensive and effective. It allows:

  1. restore damage to the dermis
  2. reduce sebum production
  3. have a drying effect.


This type of ointment has the following types of actions:

  1. antibacterial
  2. anti-inflammatory
  3. painkiller.


Creams have a lighter consistency, are quickly absorbed and are no less effective. Find out what is the most effective acne cream here.

Skinoren, Azelik, Aknestop

Sinocren and all these drugs are united by a common active ingredient – ​​azelaic acid, which has the following effects:

  1. anti-inflammatory
  2. antibacterial
  3. keratolytic
  4. whitening


The drug is available in the form of cream and gel. The main active component is adapalene (a synthetic replacement for vitamin A). Thanks to it, the oiliness of the skin is reduced, sebaceous plugs are eliminated and inflammation is relieved. To use it you need:

  1. cleanse the skin
  2. apply cream
  3. remove excess with a napkin.

The effect of use is noticeable after 2 weeks. The main disadvantage of the product is its high price.


A product where the active ingredient, in addition to adapalene, is benzoyl peroxide. Thanks to this, the drug provides:

  1. anti-inflammatory effect
  2. pulling effect (pus tends to the surface)
  3. sebostatic effect (the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases).


The cream has a pronounced drying effect and can be used no more than once a day. Its main advantages include:

  1. softening and moisturizing the dermis
  2. relieving inflammation
  3. exfoliation of dead cells
  4. cleansing pores
  5. enrichment of the epidermis with oxygen.

Curiosin, Regetsin

Both Regetsin and Curiosin contain zinc and the well-known hyaluronic acid today. Suitable not only for combating teenage acne, but also age-related acne. Characterized by:

  1. anti-inflammatory effect
  2. regenerative effect
  3. improving the functions of epidermal cells.


This type of cream effectively fights acne and blackheads. It is not expensive and easy to use. Rosamet is capable of:

  1. treat the skin
  2. act as an antiseptic
  3. prevent the appearance of red spots and scars.


Contractubex cream is effective and economical in terms of consumption. Its peculiarity is that it can be used even after acne therapy. The cream helps renew the upper layer of the dermis and even out its tone. Find out what is the most effective cream for acne spots in this material.

  1. acceleration of regeneration
  2. relieving inflammation.

Cream-active Clean Line

The cream active of the Clean Line brand has a pronounced calming effect. It quickly relieves inflammation, but is not able to cure acne. You can find out about Clean Line face masks by following the link.

  1. price
  2. Can be used as a base for makeup
  3. drying and anti-inflammatory effect.


The Propeller series of teenage cosmetics is popular due to its reasonable price and effective action. The active substance – cincidone – allows:

  1. reduce sebum production
  2. even out the tone
  3. reduce rashes.

What not to do when fighting acne

There are a number of limitations in solving the problem of teenage acne.

  1. Do not use hot water for washing.
  2. You should not squeeze out pimples yourself.
  3. You cannot prescribe serious medications yourself.

Don't expect your acne problem to resolve on its own. Despite the prefix “age-related,” teenage acne goes away without consequences only with proper care and treatment of the skin.

Preventive measures

Prevention can, if not solve, then prevent most rashes. In order for your skin to remain clear even in adolescence, you need to:

  1. adjust your diet (remove excess sugar, simple carbohydrates, unhealthy fats)
  2. cleanse the skin properly
  3. often be in the fresh air
  4. do not forget about simple hygiene
  5. exercise (improve blood flow)
  6. do not touch the skin with dirty hands.


Video about the causes of teenage acne.