Cosmetics face mask

Face masks are a quick response to dryness, dehydration, and dull skin color. They can also quickly reduce wrinkles and hide signs of fatigue. What you need to know about the rules of masking, what mask to buy and whether it makes sense to prepare cosmetics at home.

  1. The importance of face masks
  2. Cosmetic masks or homemade ones: what to choose?
  3. Rules of application
  4. Review of anti-aging face masks
  5. Purifying face masks
  6. Moisturizing face masks
  7. Leveling face masks
  8. Night face masks
  9. Multimasking

The importance of face masks

Face masks, compared to creams and lotions, contain an increased dose of active substances, specifically those that are aimed at a quick and targeted effect.

Some sheet or cellulose masks may contain a week's "dose" of cream or serum. © IStock

For example, if a serum for problem skin works for the long term, every day reducing the stratum corneum of the skin and normalizing sebum secretion, then a cleansing mask mattifies the skin and clears pores in just one session. Together they solve the problem better than individually.

Or, for example, moisturizing masks: in 10 minutes they refresh the skin and saturate it with moisture, which is especially important after flights or before an important event.

Radiance masks contain acids in higher concentrations than toners and serums, which allows them to quickly restore a radiant complexion.

Cloth masks can serve different purposes. Their main advantage is that they are convenient to carry with you, to use not only at home, but also at work, on an airplane or train (the main thing is to warn your colleagues and neighbors in advance so as not to be scared).

Night masks are a new format invented in Asia, where people are ready to take care of their skin non-stop. And this makes sense: at night, the skin carries out intensive restoration work and absorbs nutrients more readily.

Cosmetic masks or homemade ones: what to choose?

Cucumber circles under the eyes, pureed strawberries on the face, egg whites on the T-zone - the popularity of homemade beauty recipes in Russia is off the charts. And the point here is not at all about super-efficiency.

The reason for the people’s love for masks was “made from what was there” - it’s just a historical relic, the legacy of the Soviet Union and the 1990s with their total shortage, when the choice of cosmetics was extremely scarce. So we had to get out.

Now the situation has changed dramatically: there are cosmetic stores even in small towns, and something hard to find but desired can be ordered online.

Of course, if you are used to making your own face masks from fruits, vegetables and other improvised means, no one can forbid you from doing this. However, we can authoritatively say that in the competition “ready-made masks versus grandma’s recipes,” the latter lose. Here are some arguments.

Dubious savings

A package of white clay in a pharmacy costs no more than 100 rubles, and you can also buy oils and herbal infusions there. For a basic recipe, such a set will do, but a homemade mix will work at an elementary level. But to prepare serious cosmetics, you will have to rob a cosmetics factory and set up a real laboratory in the kitchen. Are you sure you can handle it?

High risk of allergies

When using ready-made masks purchased in a store, no one is safe from an allergic reaction. However, this risk only exists if there is an individual intolerance to certain components. In general, absolutely all cosmetic products undergo thorough dermatological control. With homemade masks, the risk of allergic reactions is much higher.

For example, strawberries and honey are the strongest allergens. With cucumbers it’s a little easier in this regard, but don’t expect any effect; you can just as easily wash your face with tap water and not wipe your face with a towel.

Both homemade and ready-made masks must be tested on your hand before use. Especially if you are prone to allergic reactions. © IStock

Complex recipe

Whatever one may say, it’s not for nothing that people study at universities for six years to become chemical engineers. Developing a balanced and safe effective formula in which the components do not conflict with each other is beyond the power of neophytes. Just believe me: the production of cosmetics is a complex chemical process that does not end with a uniform texture in a jar. The product must undergo several tests and safety assessments in independent laboratories.

Zero shelf life

No matter how many fans of an eco-friendly lifestyle convince us that preservatives are evil, the truth is that cosmetics cannot exist without them. It simply won't be stored. And now we’re not talking about a few months, because oxygen and sunlight can quite quickly change the properties of a freshly prepared mask - and not for the better.

Ease of application

“An important point is ease of use. You can apply the finished mask in a couple of minutes and go about your business. It will take at least an hour to make a homemade one, but the medicinal mixtures that peel off from the face have made many husbands laugh and forced them to wash kilometers of floors unscheduled.”

No effect

And finally, about the properties. Fruits and vegetables crushed in a blender will not penetrate beyond the upper layer of the epidermis. All that a homemade mask can do is increase self-esteem (“I’m great, I take care of my skin!”) and superficial hydration.

Rules of application

Any face masks are applied only to previously cleansed skin, preferably after the exfoliation procedure - this way the skin cells will better perceive beneficial substances.

Nourishing and moisturizing: Leave the mask on your face for as long as you see fit. You can - until completely absorbed or dry, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.

Clay based cleanser: You can leave it on the skin a little longer than the time prescribed in the instructions, provided that you spray water on your face - this method will protect the skin from discomfort and tightness.

Exfoliating mask with acids (glycolic, salicylic, lactic): strictly observe the exposure time if you do not want to cause irritation and redness.

Do not leave masks on your skin too long. Otherwise it is easy to achieve the opposite result. © IStock

Remove the remaining mask using the method indicated in the instructions:

remove with a cotton pad;

rinse with warm, but not hot water;

rub in the remaining composition using massaging movements to prolong the effect (usually this applies to the impregnation of fabric masks).

Cream masks are best removed with a damp towel or sponge. The main thing is not to overdo it with friction, so as not to end up with irritated skin instead of healthy and rested skin.

Review of anti-aging face masks

Nobody argues: at 20 and 40 years old, the condition of the skin will be different.

Young skin requires regular hydration, often measures to narrow and cleanse pores and control sebum production.

For mature skin - thinner, weakened, tired - additional nutrition, lifting effect, smoothing and adding density are much more important.

Therefore, it is more effective to solve the problems of aging skin through daily well-chosen care, rather than using masks once a week. Even if their packaging contains the words anti-age.

And yet, which face masks will be useful at 30, and which two decades later?

Anti-aging masks after 30 years

Even if your skin feels great, use moisturizing masks once or twice a week - this is the best prevention of aging. In winter, as well as after flights, turn to nutritional formulas.

Fruit salad for the face. © Getty Images

Apricot-banana mask


remove the pit from the apricot, peel it, chop the pulp;

Peel and chop the banana;

blend the fruits in a blender, adding warm water as needed for a comfortable consistency.

How to use:

Apply the mask in an even layer, avoiding the eye and lip area;

leave for 20 minutes;

Wipe the skin with toner and apply moisturizer. recommends ready-made masks as additional anti-aging care after 30 years:

Hyaluronic express mask LiftActiv, Vichy contains high concentrations of low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, as well as agave yeast extract, which stimulates the natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Provides intense hydration and smoothes the skin, making it more elastic.

Youth activator mask Génifique, Lancôme serves as a prevention of the first signs of aging, strengthens the structure of the epidermis. The synthesis of its own proteins is enhanced in skin cells.

Anti-aging masks after 40 years

Don't forget about intensive skin nutrition and include masks in your care system that help stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Although it is difficult to imagine that the ingredients at hand have these properties, honey and sour cream are always popular in home recipes.

Honey and sour cream are the most popular ingredients in homemade cosmetics. For any occasion. © Getty Images

Honey and sour cream mask


1 tablespoon honey;

1 tablespoon of sour cream.

How to cook

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

How to use:

Apply the mask in an even layer, avoiding the eye and lip area;

leave for 20 minutes;

remove using a damp sponge or soft cloth soaked in warm water.

Ready-made masks for women in the 45+ category:

Instant peeling mask for skin renewal Re-Plasty High Definition Peel, Helena Rubinstein with acids is quite capable of serving as an alternative to cosmetic procedures - it renews the skin, makes age spots less noticeable, and reduces wrinkles.

Anti-aging masks after 50 years

Look on store shelves for the most powerful anti-aging formulas: nourishing, moisturizing, exfoliating, restoring. Homemade mask recipes can also have nutritional and even antioxidant properties. The choice is yours: high-tech laboratory-tested cosmetics or natural products.

Almost confectionery face masks © Getty Images

Cosmetic face masks are highly valued for their exceptional properties and effect on the skin. Their undoubted advantage is quick results and a significant improvement in skin condition with regular use. However, let's remember how to choose the right cosmetics and use them for their intended purpose.

The effect of regular use of face masks

Types of cosmetic masks

There are several types of cosmetic face masks. They are classified by:

  1. Skin type.
  2. Method of influence.
  3. Consistency.

Cosmetic masks are an important part of self-care. Correct diagnosis of skin needs and the correct choice of product type are important here.

A poorly chosen care program can cause acne, dryness, flaking of the skin, or, conversely, increased oiliness. It is best to consult with a cosmetologist who will correctly determine your skin type, identify problems that need to be eliminated, and select the most effective products for you. The greatest difficulty is caused by mixed facial skin type, since in this case you will need completely different cosmetic products.

Cosmetic masks for dry skin

When caring for dry skin, the most important thing is to ensure deep hydration and nutrition. The masks recommended for it contain the following substances:

  1. Lipids - they seal the epidermis and protect the skin from moisture loss.
  2. Proteins, liposomes, ceramides.
  3. Collagen.
  4. Hyaluronic acid.
  5. Vitamins (A, B, C, E, F).
  6. Essential oils - grape seed, sesame, almond, avocado and macadamia oil, jojoba.
  7. Herbs - aloe, borax, flaxseed, chamomile, hops, Japanese ginkgo.
  8. Minerals (for example, found in white clay).

Before applying the product, it is important to pre-prepare the skin. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean it of dead cells, dirt and fat using a scrub. After this, apply the mask to the face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. During this time, the skin will absorb all the beneficial substances. Remove the product with a cosmetic cloth or toning moisturizer. If you want the effect to last longer, lubricate your face with a semi-fat cream, which will retain the beneficial substances inside. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a week or even every other day in the summer due to the drying effects of sunlight.

For dry skin, the following types of masks are used:

  1. Moisturizing.
  2. Regenerating and nutritious.
  3. Cooling - soothing.

Cosmetic masks for mature skin

This type of facial skin needs intensive nutrition and restoration. For this purpose, it is best to use specially developed anti-aging cosmetics that take into account all the needs of mature skin. Masks for it are characterized by very strong moisturizing, tightening and regenerating properties.

  1. Ceramides.
  2. Collagen.
  3. Lipoic acid.
  4. Caviar extract.
  5. Soybean phytohormones.

Masks should be used two or three times a week. Some of them are left on the face overnight instead of serum.

It is recommended to use masks:

  1. Regenerating.
  2. Smoothing.
  3. Moisturizing.

Masks for oily skin

This type of skin requires deep cleansing, normalization of sebum secretions and relieving inflammation that occurs as a result of clogging of pores with sebum. Masks for her also contain moisturizing agents. Remember that oily skin should not be dried, so as not to cause excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

Masks for oily skin contain active substances such as:

  1. Fruit acids.
  2. Yeast.
  3. Green clay.
  4. Seaweed.
  5. Vitamins B and E.
  6. Aloe extract.

For oily skin that is prone to acne and inflammation, and also has enlarged pores, exfoliating masks are very useful. After application, after some time they turn into a “rubber” substance, which is then not washed off, but removed in one or two movements.

Oily skin before and after using a face mask

For oily skin, choose masks:

  1. Cleansing. They cleanse the skin of excess sebum and dirt, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, penetrate deeply into the pores and narrow them.
  2. Moisturizing. Their main purpose is to regulate the amount of secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Calming. Soothe the skin, relieve inflammation, prevent the appearance of scars at the site of acne.

Masks for sensitive and capillary skin

Sensitive skin - allergic, vascular and atopic - requires special care. Most cosmetic products will cause unpleasant symptoms - burning, itching, a feeling of tightness.

For sensitive skin, it is better to use dermocosmetics that contain natural ingredients and do not contain parabens, silicones and fragrances. Its choice should be recommended by a pharmacist, cosmetologist and, first of all, a dermatologist.

As a rule, masks and creams for sensitive skin have soothing ingredients:

  1. Fatty acid.
  2. Ceramides.
  3. Vitamin E.
  4. Panthenol.
  5. Thermal water.
  6. Hyaluronic acids.
  7. Extracts from chamomile, lemon balm or borage.

It is worth noting that sensitive skin also has some care requirements associated with aging or the appearance of acne. Therefore, rather than experimenting on your own, it is more advisable to consult a doctor who will select the most suitable cosmetic products for you.

A typical mask designed for sensitive skin is a cooling-moisturizing foam. It contains a biocomplex of flaxseed, sprouted wheat extract and grape seeds, which softens and soothes the skin.

If you have such facial skin, use masks:

Masks for other skin types

Ready-made masks - these are ready-made powders that should be mixed with water and applied to the face, and after a certain time after hardening, completely remove them using special moisturizers, such as tonic.

Soft masks - they have the consistency of a cream or gel and are usually used as the last stage of cosmetic procedures.

Gel masks – used mainly for cleansing oily and seborrheic skin. They tighten it a little, exfoliate and tighten the pores. After applying the drug to the face, it gradually hardens. This is due to the action of starch and dextrin included in its composition. They are removed as follows: remove the hardened mass.

Foam masks - These are products created to moisturize and soothe the skin. They have a light foam consistency that, when applied to the face, produces an almost immediate smoothing effect. Their additional advantage is that they can be used in the morning before applying makeup, and in the evening instead of milk.

Alginant masks – they are made on the basis of algae and sodium alginate, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Sold in powder form, which is added to water or cosmetic serum. Due to the collagen included in the composition, such masks after some time turn into a dense gel covering the skin. Due to its unusual soothing and moisturizing properties, it is used after procedures that cause irritation and swelling, for example, after cleansing or depilating the face.

The process of applying an alginate mask to the face

Thermal masks - These are preparations made from powdered minerals. After mixing with water, they are applied to the face. During the evaporation process, they generate heat, thanks to which the active substances penetrate the skin. They should not be used on vascular skin.

Paraffin masks – their effect is also based on heat. Warm liquid paraffin is applied to properly prepared skin (for which special creams or lotions are used), which hardens after some time. Due to the elevated temperature, the beneficial substances contained in it penetrate deep into the skin, perfectly restoring and nourishing it. The paraffin mask is removed 20-30 minutes after complete hardening.

Plaster masks – after application they resemble plaster. They have a warming effect, resulting in a sauna effect. This procedure improves blood circulation, facilitating deeper penetration of the substances contained in the mask.

Contraindications for use

Masks are a great form of intensive therapy, but be sure to choose the right one for your skin, taking into account its needs and use it as intended. Be sure to take into account the fact that there are some contraindications to their use:

Ready-made cosmetic face masks are produced in a huge range by the cosmetics industry. When we come to the cosmetics department, we will find a variety of offers and can get confused: which mask to choose: mineral or cream, fabric or gel? Or maybe stop at a scrub mask or try a paraffin mask?

In fact, ready-made masks are an excellent way of skin care, which is very convenient for women at home. When you absolutely don’t have enough time to go to the salon or prepare a homemade mask, ready-made products will always come to the rescue, so keep them in stock.

To get the maximum benefit from a ready-made mask, you need to choose it correctly, study its composition and the effect of the ingredients on the skin, then evaluate how suitable it is for your skin type and the problem you are trying to solve.

And to do this, you need to understand the types of ready-made face masks and their effects on the skin, which is what we will do now.

The variety of ready-made cosmetic masks is huge

The types of masks that you can buy for facial care differ in the form of release: cream, gel, fabric, exfoliant masks, biomatrices, paraffin, powder, gypsum.

They can also be divided into 3 conditional groups:
- masks that need to be washed off with water (for example, mineral, clay);
— masks that do not require rinsing with water (for example, film);
- masks that do not require removal from the skin (for example, fabric, gel).

Any masks are produced to solve problems of a specific skin type and condition:
- for normal;
— for fatty;
- for dry;
- for combined;
— for sensitive;
- for problematic problems (blackheads, acne);
- for age (Anti-age).

Characteristics of ready-made face masks

Let's look at the main types of cosmetic face masks in more detail: what they are made from, how they are applied to the face, and what their effect on the skin is. Based on this, you will choose what suits you best.

Cream masks
Let's start with cream masks, as they are more common, easy to use and multifunctional. Manufacturers include many useful substances in the composition of these products: oils, vitamins, antioxidants, whitening and hydrofixing components.

You can use such masks for almost any skin, but they are most relevant when caring for dry and mature skin.
Apply cream masks to the skin in a thicker layer than regular cream. There is no need to rinse it off with water, just wipe with tonic or a damp cloth. Apply and remove any remaining mask along the facial massage lines.

Gel masks
Gel masks have a jelly-like texture. Their main purpose: moisturizing and restoring hydrobalance in dehydrated skin. To do this, hydrofixatives such as hyaluronic acid, aloe juice, and glycerin are added to the composition. Additionally, water-soluble vitamins and plant extracts are added to such masks for nutrition.

In addition, gel masks have a cooling effect on the skin, so it is useful to apply them to the face after sunbathing, when the skin is a little “fried.”
You can use them several times a week. The mask does not require rinsing. After the procedure, either massage the remains into the skin, or simply blot your face with a napkin and sprinkle the skin with water.

Clay mineral masks
Clay cosmetic masks are very common. There are several types of clay that are designed for different skin types. They are rich in minerals and are very effective at unclogging pores, drawing out all the dirt and toxins. Additionally, such masks may include thermal water and vitamins. Read more about the properties of this mineral in this article.

Please note that clay masks require a special approach. They are used no more than 1-2 times a week. You need to keep the mask for 10-15 minutes and sprinkle it with thermal water from time to time, otherwise the mask will crack and start falling off your face. To prevent drying out, you can put a damp cloth on your face or carry out this procedure in the shower. If the clay is moisturized, it is more effective on the skin. Indications for use: oily, combination and problem skin.

After the procedure, immediately remove the clay from the surface of your face by washing thoroughly with water at room temperature, and then rinse with cooler water.

Fabric masks
Fabric cosmetic face masks came to us from Asian cosmetology. They are made from cellulose, their shape fits well around the contour of the face and has slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. The fabric is soaked in serum, which includes nutrients and moisturizers. The mask adheres well to the face, so you can go about your business during the procedure. After removing it, you do not need to wash your face.

You can read more about ready-made and homemade fabric masks in the article: A fabric mask is an excellent express remedy for facial beauty.

Exfoliant masks
These masks are aimed at cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. They can have a gel, powder or cream base and necessarily include some abrasive elements that remove dead epidermal cells and perfectly polish the skin. These are the so-called scrub masks.

Today, peeling products based on fruit acids are popular; they can be included in both masks and creams. Fruit acids not only quickly exfoliate cells, but also stimulate the formation of new epidermal cells, restore elasticity and improve complexion.

These products should be treated with caution, following the instructions: keep on the skin for no more than 7 minutes and rinse well with warm water, procedures should be carried out no more than once a week for 3-4 months to obtain the desired effect. Masks are used for skin of any type, except those prone to irritation and sensitive. They should be applied and washed off with light massaging movements along the lines of the face.

Biomatrix masks
These are new generation masks; they are thin sheets, similar to paper or very thin, fragile fabric. Sometimes they can be rolled. Pieces of the required size are torn from it and applied to the face. To “revive” the mask, it is sprinkled with water, then such a sheet turns into a gel-like mass.

Such sheet masks are made from collagen, seaweed and other beneficial extracts of biological origin in high concentration. The effect of their use is noticeable literally immediately, so such masks are used not so much for prevention, but to improve the condition of the skin “here and now.”

The compositions may be different, but the main effect is: deep hydration, intensive nutrition, cleansing of the epidermis and pores, relaxing the skin and at the same time tightening the contour. They are suitable for any skin type of any age.

Film masks
This is a type of cream or gel mask that is very easy to use and therefore popular. They are often produced on a latex basis.
The product is a gel with a transparent or white consistency, which is applied in a thin continuous layer to the skin and left until it dries. A thin, constricting film forms on the face, which is then easily removed.

The main effect of the mask components is to maintain youthful and healthy skin: cleansing and toning, nourishing and moisturizing, brightening. Film masks help get rid of pigmentation and capillary networks on the skin, and smooth out wrinkles well.

Paraffin masks
Paraffin is of chemical origin and consists of hydrocarbons (alkyds), ​​which have a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin and rejuvenates it.
Paraffin masks are applied to the skin when heated. As it cools, paraffin forms a dense layer, under which the skin warms up under the influence of heat. This helps to expand pores, improve blood circulation, give the skin moisture, improve facial muscle tone and skin elasticity. As a result, the skin is easily cleansed of sebaceous plugs, which helps get rid of acne, wrinkles are smoothed out and the facial contour is tightened. After hardening, the mass is easily removed.

Choose white paraffin, as it is more gentle on the skin and does not irritate it. When performing this procedure at home, strictly follow the instructions and check if you have any contraindications.

Powder masks
Various compositions are available in the form of powders: alginate masks, silicone and collagen.
To dilute the powder, you need water or special activators for the main component. When applied to the skin, they form a thick film, which is then easily removed from the bottom up. The main effect depends on the composition of the masks, but they all serve to deeply moisturize, nourish and tighten the skin.

Plaster masks
The popularity of plaster masks is growing, they are especially effective for mature and aging skin; they are also called “beauty bandages”. Such masks are prepared from a special gypsum mixture, which is mixed with cold water, resulting in a chemical reaction: the temperature of the mixture heats up to 42°. The composition is applied to the skin in a fairly thick layer of up to 5-6 mm and allowed to harden. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes.

As the plaster cools and hardens, it improves skin drainage and metabolic processes. It kind of models the face, tightening muscles and tissues.
Natural gypsum itself contains useful substances, but active serums are first applied under it, which, when the skin is heated, easily penetrate deep into the skin, which is why these masks have such an unsurpassed rejuvenating effect on the skin.
If you have no experience in applying such masks, then it is better to consult a cosmetologist so as not to harm yourself.

Classification of ready-made masks according to the purpose of their use

In the end, no matter what a cosmetic face mask is made of, the main thing is how it will act on our skin. Therefore, when choosing, you still need to focus on this indicator, and only then on everything else.

Based on their effect on the skin, masks are divided into several types: warming, cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, soothing, for problem skin, anti-aging, whitening.
Here is a brief description of each type.

Warm-up masks — their main purpose: to prepare the face for subsequent procedures.
By steaming the skin, they help the pores to open as much as possible, which means that the active ingredients of their masks and creams applied after this procedure will more easily penetrate the skin.

Cleansing masks and scrub masks can be used in two ways: both self-cleansing the epidermis and preparing the skin for further cosmetic procedures.
Masks may include substances such as healing mud, clay, as well as abrasive particles and fruit acids. All of them have a mechanism for cleansing the skin surface from dead particles, sebum and dirt. Masks with abrasive particles and acids also polish the surface of the face.

Moisturizing masks are required for any skin and are included in daily skin care. The most popular and effective components of such masks: plant extracts, collagen, lactic and hyaluronic acids, glycerin to retain moisture in the skin.

To nourish the skin Ready-made masks most often include plant extracts, vitamins A and E, cosmetic vegetable oils, and beekeeping products.

Anti-age masks are aimed at combating skin aging and maintaining the elasticity of cells and tissues. Since the production of collagen and elastin decreases significantly with age, anti-aging masks include proteins, collagen, elastin, antioxidant vitamins, amino acids and plant extracts. All of them are aimed at stimulating regenerative processes in the skin and replenishing missing components.

Masks for treating problem skin They are especially in demand at a young age, when the skin, due to hormonal changes in the body, produces excess fat and often becomes inflamed as a result.
The components of such masks play an adsorbent role (clay, seaweed, medicinal mud) and anti-inflammatory (zinc oxide, salicylic acid, esters, herbal extracts of calendula, celandine, tea tree oil, etc.)

For sensitive, damaged For tanned or frosty skin, choose soothing masks. Most often, they are based on mineral water and herbal extracts such as chamomile, lavender, linden, cornflower, as well as cosmetic jojoba and shea oils.

For severe pigmentation, which appears during pregnancy and with age, masks with a whitening effect are required. This includes components that can affect metabolic processes in skin cells and their production of melanin, which is responsible for skin color. Castor oil, vitamins A and E, sulfur and white clay will help do this. Look for them in these masks.

Check out a review of ready-made face masks from various brands from a beauty expert:

What masks do you use? Share the most effective ones with our readers.

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