Starch masks instead of Botox reviews

Any woman who discovers deep expression wrinkles on her face thinks about Botox. The great popularity and general availability of this procedure has long made it something commonplace and everyday. Many people resort to it without thinking that it can be replaced with other means that will give no less tangible results. For example, a mask with starch instead of Botox. Reviews from users who have tested this product indicate the incredible effect of an inexpensive and accessible product.

Properties of starch


It contains 100 mg of protein, 80 g of carbohydrates, as well as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, selenium and sodium. As for vitamins, starch contains only one vitamin B4, but in very small quantities. This energy product forms a viscous mass when released into water. For a plant, starch is of particular value, since it is the main source of its energy and vital activity. The leaders in starch content are: white rice, millet, corn, oats, potatoes. Homemade masks with starch are very effective.

How to get starch

You can buy it in the store ready-made or prepare it yourself. A self-prepared product will protect you from counterfeiting and low-quality manufacturers. It is absolutely easy to prepare. To prepare, you will need potatoes, clean water and a convenient deep container.

  1. The potatoes are peeled and ground through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour clean cold water into a container with ground potatoes and mix. Already at this stage, you can notice starch floating to the surface of the liquid.
  3. After an hour, the potatoes are filtered through a sieve and squeezed.
  4. The container is set aside until all the sediment is at the bottom.
  5. Excess water is drained, leaving only starch.
  6. After a while, you can notice that the liquid has evaporated, leaving a white substance in the container.

Now it is packaged in paper bags and stored in a dry place. The resulting product can be used both in cooking and for the preparation of cosmetics.

What are the benefits of starch for the face?


It is equally suitable for oily, combination and dry skin. Starch moisturizes the epidermis and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It perfectly cleanses the skin and brightens it. With regular use of potato “flour”, fine wrinkles disappear, and deep facial folds become less noticeable. This product works especially well on enlarged pores. Under its action, porous skin becomes smooth, oily shine and inflammation disappear. Thanks to the microelements contained in this product, the epidermis is saturated with useful substances and becomes healthier.

Mask with starch and sour cream


It is ideal for oily or combination skin. Thanks to the fermented milk product, the top layer is renewed and moisturized. Sour cream has an extremely beneficial effect on the face. No wonder this product is included in many anti-aging masks. It has established itself as an excellent tool for maintaining beauty and youth. Sour cream oxidizes the top layer of skin and causes it to renew itself. Together with potato starch, sour cream removes oily shine and tightens facial pores.

The recipe for a mask with starch instead of Botox is as follows: to prepare it, it is advisable to take high-quality sour cream with a small percentage of fat content. For one tablespoon of this product you will need the same amount of potato starch. If the sour cream is too thick, add warm boiled water to the mixture and stir thoroughly. When the mask composition becomes sticky, it can be used.

The mixture is applied to a clean face without makeup. It is advisable to pre-rinse the skin with warm water so that the pores can open and absorb all the beneficial substances as much as possible. Here is a simple starch mask instead of Botox. In reviews, users write about its effectiveness and advise after 20 minutes to rinse your face first with warm water and then wipe with ice cubes. Under the influence of cold, the pores close, and the face receives an excellent cosmetic massage, thanks to which the muscles and blood vessels are kept in good shape.

With carrot juice

There are other starch masks instead of Botox. One of them is made with carrot juice, which should only be natural. To do this, grate small carrots on a fine grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. To prepare the mask you will need no more than one tablespoon of juice.

Starch and juice are taken in equal proportions, and if necessary, a small amount of water is added. The resulting mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin and left for 20-30 minutes. Thanks to carrots, the skin is saturated with vitamin A, which is actively involved in renewing the epidermis and eliminating inflammation. This composition can be used to nourish dry skin, as vitamin A perfectly fights excessive dryness and flaking. A face mask made of starch instead of Botox, prepared together with carrot juice, can also be applied to the area around the eyes, after lubricating it with olive oil.

With lemon for whitening


If the product contains lemon, this mixture is usually used for oily or combination skin. Thanks to the acid, sebum is broken down and neutralized, as well as the inflammatory process, which is often expressed in the form of acne and pimples, is stopped.

In addition, this anti-wrinkle starch mask can be used to whiten the face from age spots and freckles. To prepare the product, dilute the starch with a small amount of warm water and add a few drops of lemon juice. Depending on the condition of the skin, the proportion of lemon can be increased.

With honey

Before you start making this face mask using starch instead of Botox, you should check your skin's reaction to bee products. A little honey is applied to the inside of the elbow and monitor the reaction. If persistent redness does not appear within two hours, honey can be used.

Honey contains a lot of useful substances. It contains almost all known vitamins and microelements. Honey is a unique moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory agent that has long been used to rejuvenate facial skin. To prepare the mask you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Potato starch (1 tbsp).
  2. Cold milk (as needed so that the mask is not too thick).
  3. Linden or buckwheat honey (1 tbsp.).

Starch is mixed with milk and honey is added. The mixture is applied in a small layer along the massage lines. Thanks to milk, a mask with starch instead of Botox acquires an additional moisturizing effect, perfectly refreshes and soothes irritated skin.

With grated banana

Banana is an extremely useful product, actively used in cosmetology. It has excellent moisturizing and nourishing properties, as it has a lot of useful components. Due to the high content of potassium, vitamins A, E and C, banana pulp, penetrating into the layers of the epidermis, strengthens capillaries, making them less noticeable. A banana mask is recommended for use when red mesh and peeling appear. This fruit is extremely useful for dry, aging skin covered with a network of fine wrinkles. Therefore, reviews of a mask with starch instead of Botox with the addition of banana are always good.

To prepare the product, take a small amount of potato starch (1 tbsp), warm water and a small piece of banana, which needs to be chopped. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face and neck. Wash it off as usual with warm water, then rinse with cool water.

For oily and porous skin


If the pores are too noticeable and need to be tightened urgently, then you will need egg white and a little lemon juice. They are mixed with potato starch diluted with water and applied to the skin of the face. Thanks to the protein, this mask has a tightening effect, so it is highly not recommended for use on the skin around the eyes. Usually the composition is applied twice with a break of 10 minutes, since the first layer dries out a little.

For dry skin


There are very simple starch face masks used instead of Botox. You can add olive or flaxseed oil to it. This product is great for very dry skin that is prone to flaking. The ratio of starch and oil should be 1:1. Olive oil has a pronounced moisturizing effect and contains large amounts of vitamins A and E. Flaxseed oil contains polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6. They are involved in the process of renewal of epidermal cells and are of great importance in the fight against premature aging.

For dry skin, you can also recommend a mask using egg yolk and butter. These components contain fatty acids, vitamins A, E and D. After this mask, the face becomes soft and smooth. It is especially good to use this product in winter, when the skin becomes chapped and flaky. To prepare the product you will need one egg yolk, a tablespoon of potato starch, a teaspoon of high quality butter and a few drops of glycerin. All components are thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous mass. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator and used within 10 days. Thus, the epidermis will be saturated with useful substances, which will provide a long-term effect.

Instead of butter, you can add grape seed or wheat oil. Rose or chamomile essential oil works great. Such a mixture will have wound-healing properties that will quickly relieve irritation caused by frost.

With gelatin and glycerin

Both of these substances have the property of tightening the oval of the face and evening out skin tone. Before preparing the mask, gelatin should be dissolved in a small amount of water. When it swells, add potato flour diluted in a small amount of milk and a few drops of glycerin. The product is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. Glycerin provides a lasting moisturizing effect. The resulting composition can be prepared in reserve and used for several more days. Reviews about a mask with starch instead of Botox are the most positive.

The advantage of starch masks


Unlike Botox, a starch mask has no side effects. Surely many people are aware of the complications that arise after botulinum toxin injections.

  1. Redness of the skin as a result of hemorrhage.
  2. Violation of facial symmetry.
  3. Reduction of the upper eyelids as a result of their drooping.
  4. Very often the upper lip remains inactive for quite a long time.
  5. The whole face becomes covered with swelling that does not go away for a long time.

Potato starch is not capable of causing such irreparable harm to a woman’s appearance. Homemade masks are absolutely safe, inexpensive and widely available. Potato starch does not cause allergies or irritation. This is why you can safely use a mask with starch instead of Botox.

User reviews

In their reviews, women highly praise the potato starch mask and recommend its use. The mixture is applied in a fairly thick layer and left for at least 20 minutes. Already after the first use, a positive effect is noticeable. The skin is noticeably tightened, becomes soft and smooth. If you use the mask for 10 days, the effect will be even more noticeable. The depth of facial wrinkles will noticeably decrease and the fine mesh around the eyes will smooth out.

Women write about what other options there are for creating masks. If you add sea salt or regular coarse kitchen salt, you can get an excellent scrub. The product is applied only along massage lines, being careful not to stretch the skin. Do not use the scrub under the eyes and on the upper eyelids.

The mask with the addition of honey and milk received the best reviews. If you add candied honey to its composition, the mixture can be used instead of peeling. Many women complain that the effect after the mask does not last long enough. Unlike Botox, you have to repeat the procedure after just a day. Instead of starch, a face mask can contain rye flour or bran, the effect of which is also impressive.

Starch perfectly corrects fine wrinkles formed around the eyes. These so-called “crow's feet” easily disappear under the influence of a starch mask. If you carry out the procedure regularly (at least once a month), then wrinkles around the eyes will not appear for quite some time. This is an excellent remedy for preventing premature aging and dry skin.

Women who are faced with wrinkles on their face for the first time are often interested in the question: is it really possible to use starch instead of Botox and what is the advantage of such a component?

Potato starch is an almost universal product used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. With its help you can significantly improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails. The emergence of numerous modern cosmetic procedures has pushed into the background natural folk recipes that have been proven over the years and even centuries. Fortunately, many women have begun to return to hypoallergenic and safe products that nature itself gives to humans. So isn’t it better to use powder from such a familiar potato rather than endure painful injections and other, sometimes very dangerous manipulations on your face?

How does Botox work?

A starch mask for wrinkles instead of Botox - reviews with photos before and after use do not allow one to doubt the effectiveness of this natural product. To understand what the positive effect of this remedy is, you should clarify the functions of the currently fashionable procedure called Botox.

Botox injections are a modern, effective method created to combat expression lines. The basic substance administered through injections is botulinum toxin, which, in fact, is nothing more than an organic poison. Entering the body and blocking the transmission of impulses from neuromuscular fibers, it causes their blockage. In addition to botulinum toxin, injections often also contain various proteins. This combination helps to affect even the deepest creases.

How Botox works on the muscular system of the body:

  1. Blocks signals. Once in a muscle, botulinum toxin blocks the connection between it and its motor nerve.
  2. Reduces muscle motor activity. Deprived of the ability to receive signals from the motor nerve, the muscle relaxes. Her movements stopped at this moment.
  3. Smoothes out wrinkles. Since the muscles are unable to move, superficial wrinkles gradually begin to smooth out. This makes the surface of the epidermis visually even and smooth.

Botulinum toxin is often injected intramuscularly, although intradermal and subcutaneous injections are also possible. Obvious changes after such a procedure are observed within a few days after the injections. Botox has a temporary effect, and after about six months, the previously relaxed muscle system becomes toned again and wrinkles return.

How does starch work?

Starch extracted from potatoes has a powerful tightening effect. When this substance comes into contact with hot water, a kind of paste is formed. Applied to the skin, it fills all the creases and wrinkles.

For your information. The main difference between a mask with starch and Botox is the peculiarities of the effect of each product on problem areas. Botox acts exclusively on the muscular system, and starch affects the surface of the integument.

A starch mask can be used not only to eliminate skin wrinkles. This product has a wide spectrum of action, positively affecting the condition of the dermis. The main advantages of a starch mask include:

  1. Saturation of the epidermis with vitamins. Starch contains an impressive amount of various vitamins: PP, B2, C. This set has a positive effect on skin cells, has an antioxidant effect and normalizes metabolism.
  2. Skin nutrition. This is due to the presence of carbohydrates in the potato product. The latter improve the condition of aging skin - it becomes elastic and youthful.
  3. Versatility. Products based on potato powder are suitable for almost any skin. At the same time, dry skin is moisturized, oily skin is cleansed, sensitive skin is soothed, and the condition of the problematic dermis improves.
  4. Preventing inflammation. Starch masks relieve skin from rashes and acne, and also reduce various inflammations.

An additional advantage of starch-based products is their hypoallergenicity, because all the components of such products are as natural as possible. However, in order to avoid possible irritation due to individual intolerance to the product, you should first test a homemade mask on the skin of the wrist. The potato product should not be applied to the face if there are wounds or extensive inflammation.

For your information. A starch-based face mask will not have the expected positive effect if used once. However, subject to a course of use (about 10 procedures), it can be noted that such products are in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive cosmetics.

Technique and rules of application

In order for a potato starch anti-wrinkle mask that replaces Botox to have the maximum positive effect, you should consider a number of basics of its use:

  1. The composition will be more effective if the skin is properly pre-prepared. Facial cleansing is mandatory: removing makeup, removing sweat and fat with cosmetic compositions. It’s great if the surfaces are slightly moistened before applying the mass. A steam bath or applying a warm compress are suitable for this.
  2. The potato mass is applied to the covers in several layers. After applying the first layer, you need to let it dry. The same should be done with the second and third layers. As a result, the face should be covered with a kind of elastic film.
  3. Starch masks should be applied not only to the face area, but also to the décolleté and neck areas, because the primary signs of fading are noted here.
  4. We should not forget about the exposure time of the product. It is recommended to leave the solution on the face for at least 15 and no more than 30 minutes. The exact time depends on the amount of additional ingredients in the composition.
  5. Care procedures after applying the mask. The composition is washed off with warm water when one of the components of the mask was oil. If it was missing, the covers can be cleaned with cool water.
  6. The procedure must be completed by applying moisturizer to the treated areas of the skin.
  7. Such masks should be used exclusively as a course. The optimal number of applications is 10, frequency is 2-3 times a week. After a short interval, the course of taking masks can be repeated.

Starch anti-wrinkle masks instead of Botox, popular recipes

Starch anti-wrinkle masks instead of Botox have rightfully earned numerous positive reviews. However, newcomers to this method of facial rejuvenation may be confused by the variety of products, because there are many recipes for these natural compositions. When choosing a mask based on potato powder, you should take into account the characteristics of your skin, as well as the problems of the integument.

Classic Botox

Necessary ingredients for a basic starch-based mask: sour cream and potato powder (20 g each), carrot juice (100 ml), water (200 ml).

The paste is prepared first - add starch to the prepared water and boil for 10-15 minutes until a sticky mass forms. The resulting composition must be cooled. At this time, mix carrot juice and sour cream. Add the sour cream and carrot mixture to the cooled sticky mass and mix everything thoroughly. Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

With lifting effect

To prepare, take 1 egg white, 20 g of starch and 20 ml of kefir. The powder is mixed with a fermented milk product, then whipped protein is added to the mixture. The applied mask is left for 15 minutes.

For dry skin

A starch mask for dry skin includes any base oil (almond, peach, olive) and milk. Take 5 ml of both ingredients. Mix these components with 20 g of potato powder. Apply the viscous mixture to your face for 15 minutes.

This composition is recognized as one of the most effective among starch masks for dry dermis. After using this recipe, the skin becomes hydrated, radiant and healthy.

For aging skin

To prepare masks for fading skin, you will need 20 g of starch, 10 g of honey and 20 ml of cream. All components must be combined until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and left on the face for 15-20 minutes.

On a note. This composition is effective not only in the fight against wrinkles in the eye area, but also in eliminating creases in the neck and décolleté area.


The best face mask with a nourishing effect involves combining natural yogurt (10 g), starch (20 g), honey (10 g) and turmeric (a pinch). The mixed components are placed on the face and washed off after 15 minutes.

Scrub mask for oily skin

To make the composition you will need 10 g of starch, sea salt and honey, as well as 5 ml of milk. All ingredients are combined, the resulting mass is placed on the face for 15 minutes. This product not only has the effect of eliminating wrinkles, but also has a mild scrubbing effect.


Lemon juice and potato powder in the amount of 20 g of both components, mix together. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and wait 20 minutes.

Advice. Immediately after removing this mask from the surface of the face, apply a cream with a soothing effect to the skin.


Beat the white of one chicken egg, add starch (20 g) to it and add 5 drops of tea tree oil.

A rejuvenating mask with an additional anti-inflammatory effect is left on the skin for 20 minutes.

For problem skin

To prepare the recipe you will need 20 g of potato powder, 5 g of salt (sea) and 20 ml of cucumber juice. Combine all components, distribute the resulting mass evenly on the face and rinse after 15 minutes.

Photos before and after

You can believe in the amazing properties of starch-based masks or be skeptical about them. However, the fact remains that this natural remedy has a positive effect on the condition of the skin on the face, décolleté and neck. Proof of such transformations are numerous photos before and after using starch-based face masks.

Reviews from women

You can finally be convinced of the real effectiveness of starch-based facial products by reading the real reviews of women who practice similar wrinkle therapy:

“ Facial care is my passion, I constantly use various tonics, washes and creams. But, despite careful care, recently I began to notice that typical “crow’s feet” began to appear under my eyes. I don’t consider Botox and mesotherapy, because I’m terrified of injections, and I don’t believe in the naturalness of various fillers. Anti-aging eye creams did not bring much results. I decided to turn to folk remedies, to be honest, not really counting on anything. Imagine my surprise when, after the first course of using starch-based masks, the wrinkles noticeably smoothed out, and the skin became very soft and elastic. I really like the combination of starch and banana, the mixture is very aromatic and hypoallergenic. I definitely recommend the product to everyone who, like me, does not risk switching to the heavy artillery of injections.”

Valentina, 31 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

“To be honest, I never took recipes and reviews about starch masks for wrinkles instead of Botox seriously. Well, how can an ordinary, familiar powder used in cooking compare with a serious cosmetic procedure? At one time I was seriously thinking about Botox, because the wrinkles on my face were already making themselves felt. But after undergoing numerous examinations, I found out that I am intolerant to Botox, which means this procedure is contraindicated for me. There was nothing to do, I had to look for an alternative. I make a mask from starch with the addition of olive oil and milk. I have already completed two courses at short intervals, and I can say with confidence that the product really works. Of course, nothing will help completely eliminate wrinkles - age makes itself felt. But starch really helps to make them visually less noticeable. Of course, I don’t forget about anti-aging cosmetics - in combination with masks, it really gives amazing results that I didn’t even expect.”

We suggest looking at the features of applying a starch mask to the face against wrinkles:


A starch-based face mask is the choice of many women around the world. In addition, in the office of cosmetologists who adhere to the principles of natural skin care, you can often hear recommendations for the use of starch masks as an alternative to Botox. This extremely safe and useful product has no worse effect than expensive cosmetic procedures and numerous luxury industrial products.

Sooner or later, women think about their wrinkles. How to deal with them? Of course, almost everyone knows about Botox. But not everyone can afford it because of the high cost or contraindications. Then you have to turn to alternative ways to combat aging. One of the methods discussed is a starch mask for wrinkles instead of Botox. But does starch really work as well as botulinum toxin injections?


The practice of using starch in medicine and cooking has come to us since ancient times. But in cosmetology this amazing product was discovered not so long ago. The properties of starch to nourish and soften the skin have not gone unnoticed. Now this product is one of the most favorite products in home cosmetology. Which is not surprising, since the effect of starch masks is compared to the effect of Botox.

How does Botox work?

Botox is the most effective modern method in the fight against expression wrinkles. Botox is based on the neurotoxin botulinum toxin. This is an organic poison that causes a blockage of neuromuscular transmission when it enters the body. In addition to the neurotoxin, some proteins are present in its structure. This composition helps to smooth out deep and persistent wrinkles. This happens as follows.

  1. Blocking signals. Once butoloxin enters a muscle, the signal between that muscle and its motor nerve begins to block.
  2. Weakening of motor activity. Once a muscle stops receiving signals from its motor nerve, it begins to relax. All active motor activity stops.
  3. Smoothing out wrinkles. Motor activity of the muscles stops, which means wrinkles begin to smooth out, which makes the top layer of skin smooth.


How does starch work?

Potato starch has a skin tightening effect. When it interacts with hot water, a paste is formed. It is applied to the skin, filling all wrinkles. It is important to understand the difference here: Botox acts directly on the muscle, and potato starch exclusively on the surface of the skin.

A starch mask is not necessarily used exclusively for wrinkles. It has a number of specific properties that affect the skin surface with a positive effect.

  1. Vitaminizes. Starch contains a decent amount of vitamins. Vitamin PP, known as niacin, is directly involved in the redox processes of the body. This has a positive effect on skin cells. Vitamin B2 normalizes their metabolism, and vitamin C has an antioxidant effect.
  2. Nourishes. Carbohydrates have a nutritional effect. They affect age-related changes, as a result of which the skin becomes more elastic.
  3. Suitable for everyone. The use of starch for the face is universal. Dry skin is moisturized. Potassium maintains a comfortable level of humidity in each cell, which helps relieve skin problems such as flaking and a feeling of tightness. Oily skin is cleansed and every pore on the face is tightened. This is facilitated by choline, which stabilizes the sebaceous gland. Sensitive skin is soothed. Sodium prevents the influence of negative factors on the skin surface, making it soft.
  4. Prevents inflammation. Calcium relieves unpleasant rashes and acne. It prevents and reduces inflammation on the skin.
  5. Does not cause allergic reactions. All components of starch are hypoallergenic. However, there is a risk of irritation. For example, if there are wounds and large areas of inflammatory processes on the face. It is also necessary to take into account that there is individual intolerance. Before you start using it, just in case, do a test: apply the prepared solution to your wrist.


Technique and rules of application

A starch mask will be more effective against wrinkles if you properly prepare the skin before using it. You definitely need to cleanse your face: wash off all makeup, remove fat and sweat with special products. It’s great if the skin is slightly moisturized. You can apply a warm compress or take a steam bath: this will cleanse and open every pore.

In order for the mask to give a good result, you also need to know a few rules for its use.

  1. Apply in several layers. Layer No. 1 is applied. After it has dried, you can proceed to layers No. 2 and 3. An elastic film should form on the face. Remember that the mask, as a remedy for wrinkles, is applied not only around the eyes, but also on the entire décolleté area, including the neck. The first signs of aging appear here. If you want to achieve an even application, you can use a brush special for this.
  2. Observe the operating time. The starch solution should remain on the face for 15-30 minutes. Here the main time criteria are the ingredients that make up the mask.
  3. Procedures after use. Wash your face with warm water if oil was included in your mask. If it was not there, then the water should be cool. The procedure is completed by applying any moisturizing cream to the facial skin.
  4. Course application. Minimum 10 applications, two to three times a week. Judging by numerous reviews, in order for anti-wrinkle face masks to work instead of Botox, a set of procedures is repeated several times with short breaks.

Starch anti-wrinkle masks instead of Botox: popular recipes

There are many recipes for face masks made from potato starch. They are suitable for any skin type. Affect the onset of aging. And the main thing is that when used in combination they really work. Below is a selection of popular homemade starch face masks that girls use instead of Botox.


Classic Botox

  1. 20-25 g 30% sour cream.
  2. 20-25 g potato starch.
  3. 100 ml carrot juice.
  4. 200-250 ml of water.
  1. First you need to make an adhesive mass. To do this, take a mug of water, add a tablespoon of starch powder to it and cook.
  2. How long to cook depends on how quickly the sticky mass forms, usually ten to 15 minutes. Now let's leave it to cool.
  3. In the meantime, take a spoonful of sour cream and add 5 tablespoons of carrot juice to it. Mix.
  4. If the sticky mass has cooled, then take 5 tablespoons from there and add it to the sour cream and oil solution.
  5. All is ready. Action time: 15 minutes.


With lifting effect

  1. 20 ml kefir.
  2. 20-25 g potato starch.
  3. Chicken egg white.
  1. Mix starch and kefir until we get a single mass.
  2. Add whipped egg white.
  3. Apply to face and keep for 15 minutes. The skin should be nourished and moisturized, due to which the face will become fresher and more toned.

For dry skin

  1. 5 ml milk or cream.
  2. 20-25 g potato starch.
  3. 5 ml of peach, almond or wheat germ oil.
  1. Mix all the ingredients of the recipe.
  2. Apply to your face and leave for a maximum of 15 minutes.


For aging skin

  1. 10 g honey.
  2. 20-25 g potato starch.
  3. 20 ml cream.
  1. Make a homogeneous paste by mixing all the ingredients.
  2. Keep the mask on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. This mask is good for wrinkles not only under the eyes, but also for the entire décolleté area, including the neck.


  1. 10 g spoon of natural yoghurt.
  2. 20-25 g potato starch.
  3. A pinch of turmeric.
  4. 10 g honey.
  1. Mix yogurt, a spoonful of honey, starch and turmeric well.
  2. Apply to skin for 15 minutes.


Scrub mask for oily skin

  1. 10 g honey.
  2. 10-15 g starch.
  3. 5 ml milk.
  4. 7-10 g fine sea salt.
  1. Mix the ingredients and get the finished mask.
  2. We hold it for about 15 minutes.



  1. 20 ml lemon juice.
  2. 20-25 g potato starch.
  1. Mix everything.
  2. Lubricate your face and wait 20 minutes.
  3. Immediately after washing, it is better to apply a cream that has a soothing effect on the skin.


  1. Five drops of tea tree oil.
  2. 20-25 g potato starch.
  3. Chicken egg white.
  1. Beat the egg whites.
  2. Add starch and five drops of tea tree oil.
  3. Apply the finished mask to your face and wait 20 minutes.


For problem skin

  1. 20-25 g potato starch.
  2. 20 ml cucumber juice.
  3. 3-5 g sea salt.
  1. Add salt and starch to a tablespoon of cucumber juice.
  2. Mix.
  3. The mask remains on the face for 15 minutes.

In home cosmetology, one of the most effective anti-wrinkle remedies are starch masks. They are compared to Botox. And although this is somewhat exaggerated, there really is an effect. A starch face mask helps against wrinkles. But to achieve this effect, it must be used in courses and constantly, and you should start at the first signs of skin aging.