Red pimples on nipples

The skin on a woman's breasts is especially delicate, so any rash causes physical discomfort. If nipple pimples are not treated promptly, the infection will spread to the milk ducts and lymph nodes. In addition, unsightly marks may remain on the mammary gland, which worsens the quality of life of girls and women. More attention should be paid to the cleanliness and health of the skin in the décolleté area, then there will be fewer unpleasant surprises in the form of acne.

Chest rashes: main causes

The most common elements of acne are blackheads, red, inflamed bumps and white pimples. Their appearance is mainly due to the accumulation of sebum or sebum in the canal of the hair follicle. As a result, deep and painful ulcers can occur. Women often develop white pimples on the nipple and around the nipple - on the halo.

The main causes of rashes in the décolleté area and on the mammary glands:

  1. increased air humidity;
  2. lack of personal hygiene;
  3. excessive sweating;
  4. allergic reactions.
  1. hormonal changes before menstruation, during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  3. disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases.

The appearance of pimples on the aureole while breastfeeding should alert a woman. The fact is that such elements of the rash occur when the Montgomery glands in the areola are inflamed. They secrete a lipoid substance necessary for breastfeeding. If the secretion is blocked, the glands become inflamed and white pimples appear around the nipples. A woman experiencing such symptoms should consult a mammologist.

How to get rid of chest rashes

The easiest way to deal with acne on the mammary gland that occurs under unfavorable external conditions. It should be taken into account that synthetic underwear and tight clothing made from “non-breathable” fabrics impede the normal heat exchange of the skin with the surrounding air. Excessive humidity combined with heat creates favorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic microflora. Pimples appear between the breasts, which itch and itch. Underwear and clothing made from natural fabrics, maintaining personal hygiene - sometimes this is enough to get rid of a small red rash.

Ointments containing antibiotics and glucocorticoids, such as Hyoxysone, will help get rid of the small red rash. There are special antiseptic powders for the décolleté area that absorb excess moisture and prevent bacteria from multiplying.

Hormonal levels, gastrointestinal tract function and chest acne

Female and male hormones have different effects on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Testosterone stimulates the active production of thick sebum, but its effect is less felt in the presence of female hormones. As menstruation begins, estrogen and progesterone levels drop. The amount of testosterone in the blood remains at the same level and its influence increases.

These hormonal changes during the 27-30 days of the menstrual cycle have a noticeable effect on the condition of a woman’s skin. An increase in progesterone levels causes thickening of the skin, which leads to blockage of sebum in the hair follicle canal. Testosterone “forces” the sebaceous glands to work more actively, they produce more thick secretion.

Of course, you can influence hormone levels with the help of appropriate medications. But you should not prescribe oral contraceptives or other drugs to yourself. Internal processes are easy to disrupt, but it is very difficult to restore their natural rhythm. An endocrinologist and gynecologist can advise on ways to reduce hormonal fluctuations in the body.

Diet, stress, and moving have a significant impact on hormone levels. Often in these cases, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines becomes inflamed. All this leads to excessive stimulation of parts of the nervous system that regulate processes in the skin and endocrine system. In addition, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and dysfunction of the endocrine glands reduce immunity. The skin cannot cope with bacteria in the pores of the skin, and colonies of parasites begin to grow in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Acne often becomes inflamed and turns into red papules and pustules with a white, purulent top.

Allergic rashes on the chest

With contact dermatitis, the skin is almost constantly irritated, peels, and becomes covered with a small red rash. Antihistamines and hormonal ointments relieve such acne. The method has many advantages, in particular, the rash goes away quickly. Disadvantages: side effects such as drowsiness and the likelihood of a recurrence of an allergic reaction.

The modern approach is therapeutic nutrition, eating foods with quercetin. A natural antihistamine and antioxidant is found in fruits and vegetables; the peels of apples and dark-colored grape varieties are rich in them. Quercetin is found in green tea, grapefruits, and capers.

Pimples around the nipples are a skin defect that brings a lot of discomfort to the person who has them. Because the skin on and around the nipples is thin and sensitive, and also comes into close contact with clothing, pimples in this area can be prone to itching and inflammation. Pimples around the nipples should not be ignored and should be treated as carefully as acne on the face or other parts of the body.

Why do pimples appear around the nipples?

The cause of acne around the nipples, in the vast majority of cases, is associated with disruption or fluctuations in the body's hormonal levels. Therefore, you should not be surprised if, having addressed this problem to a dermatologist, he will advise you to consult an endocrinologist and take a hormone test. This is necessary for an accurate diagnosis. Oddly enough, acne around the nipples most often appears not in adolescence, but in adulthood, quite mature - about 30 years old and older. This is due to the fact that at this age there is a gradual death of skin cells. Dead, keratinized cells can clog pores and thereby cause inflammation, resulting in acne.


Naturally, acne around the nipples can be a symptom or consequence of some disease of the internal organs.

In some cases, acne on and around the nipples is an absolutely normal physiological phenomenon in women, which can disappear and appear throughout life. The fact is that women have special glands around the nipple that produce lubricant, making it easier to feed the baby. They are most noticeable in pregnant and lactating women. It often happens that in some people these glands are located close to the surface of the skin and look like small white pimples. This phenomenon is called “Montgomery tubercles”; they do not require special treatment, since they are not a pathology. If Montgomery’s tubercles have become significantly enlarged, become inflamed, changed color, density, or begin to itch, immediately consult a dermatologist or mammologist. And, of course, it is important to remember that under no circumstances should any pimples on or around the nipples be squeezed out.


Treatment of acne on nipples

Treatment of acne around the nipples, as mentioned above, must begin with a trip to the doctor. Self-medication, without determining the cause of acne, may not only fail to produce results, but also lead to progression of the disease. In some cases, acne in the nipple area is removed surgically. This will be required if you are diagnosed with atheroma - a cyst on the sebaceous gland of the nipple, which appears due to blockage of its excretory duct.


The atheroma is removed by a surgeon under local anesthesia.

In order to get rid of such a problem as acne on and around juices once and for all, you must follow the following treatment algorithm:


  1. Contact a dermatologist, consult with other specialists (if necessary) and complete the full course of treatment that is recommended to you.
  2. Change your lifestyle: you need to quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. Establish proper nutrition by eliminating fried, sweet, fatty and spicy foods from your diet.
  4. Pay special attention to personal hygiene: thoroughly clean and moisturize your breast skin. Sometimes, with this problem, tar soap helps well, as it very effectively cleanses the skin, and is also an excellent preventive measure to combat acne on the chest.
  5. Make masks for your nipples and breasts exclusively from natural, hypoallergenic products (for example, aloe juice and carrot juice are effective folk remedies).
  6. Wear underwear only from natural fabrics (linen, cotton), avoid rough, tight and synthetic clothing.
  7. Give your nipples air baths more often. Sometimes this procedure will help get rid of acne around the nipples, since the skin of the breast is in great need of oxygen (due to the fact that it is always under clothing).
  8. Make baths and lotions from solutions of medicinal herbs. You can take, for example, calendula for these purposes. Such procedures help relieve itching and inflammation.

Acne and cancer (video)

It is not recommended to wipe pimples around the nipples with alcohol-containing solutions or apply strong topical antibacterial drugs - this can lead to dryness and cracking of the skin.

Pimples on nipples and breasts provoked by blockage of the sebaceous ducts. In most cases, they only cause aesthetic inconvenience. But their appearance, especially for women, should not be ignored. This can lead to more serious consequences.

Why do skin rashes appear on the mammary glands?

Often on the breast, nipples or around them you can find rashes in the form of acne or white inflamed acne. Their appearance can be triggered by various factors on which further treatment depends.

Gastrointestinal and hormonal disorders

The inflammatory process of the digestive organs in all cases leads to an overly excited state of the central nervous system and, as a consequence, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. As a result, a large number of bacteria accumulate in the sebaceous ducts, which the skin does not have time to fight. They become clogged with lard and form red papules with purulent top.

Acne on the female breast most often appears during the lactation period, gestation, or a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. The concentration of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) decreases, and testosterone, a male hormone, leads to the release of large amounts of thick sebum. As a result, the ducts become clogged, causing acne.

Allergic causes of acne

Daily wearing of synthetic or woolen clothing leads to the formation of acne on the female mammary glands. If the cause of this is an allergic reaction, the skin will constantly itch, peel, and the irritation will spread to neighboring areas of the body. If left untreated, small, watery pimples appear on the chest over time.

Causes of acne on nipples in men

Rashes in males are often caused by blockage of the sebaceous and sweat glands. They are distinguished by their small size and white tint.

The most common reasons include:

  1. an allergic reaction caused by poor-quality perfume, insect bites or food;
  2. constant wearing of warm or tight-fitting clothes that interfere with the thermoregulation of the skin;
  3. infectious disease;
  4. increased blood sugar;
  5. personal hygiene deficiencies.

According to experts, the most common causes of acne are stress and constant nervous tension. In this case, the rash appears not only on the chest, but also on the back.

What is a pimple on the nipple?

Pimples on the nipples of the mammary gland differ in appearance from rashes on other parts of the body. Most women are mistaken when they associate them with acne.

Acne can occur with or without inflammation. It depends on the cause that provokes their appearance. For example, acne, accompanied by swelling and redness, is a consequence of an infectious process on the surface of the skin. With hormonal imbalance, the nipples hurt, the pimples are white. Rashes that occur with constant itching are caused by an allergic reaction to an external irritant.

The dangers of chest acne

The structure of the mammary glands contains fatty and glandular tissues, so most often acne rashes are accompanied by swelling. In the absence of proper treatment, ulcers or acne on the surface of the nipple or areola can penetrate into the deep layers of the gland, provoking the development of internal purulent inflammation. Mastitis is most dangerous during the lactation period.

When there is a hormonal imbalance, a rapid blockage of the sebaceous ducts of the breast occurs. This can lead to the formation of atheroma. The formation is benign and represents a subcutaneous capsule.

A lump on the chest can increase in size and become inflamed. Often, atheroma becomes a focus of chronic infection.

What to do if a pimple appears on your nipple or breast?

If you detect a suspicious rash on the mammary glands, you should seek specialist advice. Self-medication, especially squeezing out acne, in this case can lead to serious consequences.

Before visiting a specialist, the use of cosmetic or medicinal, especially hormonal, drugs is strictly prohibited. It is also not recommended to treat the surface of the breast and nipple with any alcohol solutions, salicylic acid-based products or antibacterial ointments. Their use will lead to cracks on the surface of the skin, which will aggravate the disease and complicate treatment.

If acne is accompanied by severe itching and redness, and there is no opportunity to see a dermatologist in the near future, you can use lotions or baths based on chamomile or calendula.

The specialist determines the exact diagnosis and cause of acne on the chest using anamnesis, examination and test results. The first stage of treatment is the elimination of unfavorable factors. These include unhealthy foods, synthetic or tight clothing. In case of an allergic reaction, the doctor prescribes antihistamines.

How to reduce the risk of chest acne?

The appearance of rashes on the mammary glands can be prevented. But for this it is necessary to adhere to a number of preventive measures:

  1. Maintaining personal hygiene rules using high-quality and hypoallergenic shower gels.
  2. Using only high-quality perfumes.
  3. Partial avoidance of salty, sweet foods, spices, coffee and fats, which lead to increased secretion of sebum.
  4. Adding foods rich in minerals and vitamins to your daily diet.
  5. Try to avoid mechanical damage to the surface of the chest (rubbing with bra straps, seams on underwear, injury from sharp edges of jewelry, etc.).

Pimples on the chest or nipples can appear for many reasons. But in most cases, the patient simply needs to change his lifestyle and get rid of the irritant. Acne itself is not considered a serious disease, but it can lead to complications that only highly qualified specialists can handle.