Anti-aging cream rating advice from cosmetologists

When women try to fight age-related changes, they use the best anti-aging face creams that have a positive effect on the facial dermis. Do these products really help make your skin look younger? How to choose and use them correctly? The action of anti-aging cosmetics is aimed at eliminating obvious facial imperfections. But to achieve the desired effect, you need to choose the right anti-aging product.

How to choose an anti-aging cream?

Trying to find a “miracle cream” among the variety of anti-aging cosmetics, women study the top anti-aging face creams. And they do it right! Before purchasing cosmetics that will significantly improve the condition of the facial dermis, it is important to understand what it should be like, because not every cream will help the owner of mature skin hide her flaws.

Benefits of anti-aging cream:

  1. Smoothes expression lines and deep wrinkles in the eye and forehead area;
  2. Effectively fights “crow’s feet”;
  3. Hides the double chin;
  4. Evens out the facial relief, reducing unevenness;
  5. Corrects the facial contour;
  6. Evens out the complexion, brightening it;
  7. Stops unwanted pigmentation;
  8. Tightens jowls;
  9. Eliminates ptosis;
  10. Has a tonic effect on the skin.

Worth keeping this in mind! To improve the condition of oily and problematic facial dermis with the help of anti-aging cream, you will have to make a lot of effort.

When is it recommended to use anti-aging cosmetics?

  1. The presence of age-related wrinkles;
  2. Decreased tone of facial muscles;
  3. Uneven complexion;
  4. Drooping corners of the mouth;
  5. Dry facial dermis;
  6. Age-related pigmentation.

A dermatologist explains how to choose an anti-aging cream:

What should be included?

An effective anti-aging product has a positive effect on the skin due to its “anti-aging” composition. Such cosmetics are conventionally divided into groups:

  1. Cosmetics to stimulate the functioning of epidermal cells;
  2. Cosmetics containing silicone components;
  3. Cosmetics, the action of which is aimed at smoothing age wrinkles;
  4. Cosmetics that disguise age-related changes.

The best anti-aging face cream (from the rating) contains hyaluronic acid. This natural cosmetic component significantly improves the condition of facial skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. The action of hyaluronic acid is aimed at increasing turgor.

It is also impossible to imagine an effective anti-aging product that does not contain beneficial vitamins. The older a woman gets, the more vitamins she needs.

Vitamins C and E, which are included in many anti-aging creams, help neutralize the effect of skin radicals. Retinol also helps improve the condition of the facial skin, the action of which is aimed at smoothing out wrinkles.

Renewal of the facial epidermis after using anti-aging cosmetics occurs thanks to BHA and AHA acids.

Important! For women over 45 years old, cosmetologists recommend choosing an anti-aging cream that has spf effect. It will protect mature skin from the negative effects of sunlight.

Let's consider the main “rejuvenating” substances that are part of the anti-aging cream.

Component name Cosmetic effect
Resferatrol This substance has the following properties:
· Regeneration of the epidermis;
· Giving skin tone;
· Moisturizing the facial dermis;
· Smoothing wrinkles in the eye area.
Ascorbic acid Component properties:
· Stimulation of skin collagen production;
· Giving the facial dermis smoothness and elasticity;
· Increased skin elasticity.
Retinol This component effectively fights signs of facial aging thanks to its regenerating properties. Helps smooth out deep age and expression wrinkles.
Proxilan Component properties:
· Has a moisturizing effect on the facial dermis;
· Normalizes the structure of the epidermis;
· Has a gentle effect on wrinkles, which helps accelerate their smoothing.
Delicate facial skin responds well to proskilan, especially in the eye area.
Soy isoflavones These substances take an active part in supplying the body with hyaluronic acid. Their action is aimed not only at supplying this substance, but also at its production.
Mature skin especially needs hyaluronic acid.
Hydroxy acids These substances have an exfoliating effect on the skin. The dermis without scales looks rejuvenated and healthy.

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Price and brand

The best anti-aging cream will help you rejuvenate mature facial skin. When choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the classic price-quality ratio.

Many women mistakenly think that expensive branded cosmetics are more effective in stopping the signs of aging. This is a wrong opinion, because there are a lot of domestic brands of anti-aging products that are no less effective at hiding facial signs of aging. And their price is several times lower.

Whatever brand of anti-aging cream you choose, the main thing is that before purchasing it you need to pay attention to the expiration date. Moisturizing the mature facial dermis with expired cream will not bring the desired rejuvenating effect; on the contrary, it will negatively affect its condition.

Also, before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the age instructions for using a specific cosmetic product. Usually, they are indicated in the attached instructions.

The best anti-aging face creams

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is recommended to pay attention to the rating of anti-aging face creams. Depending on the country of origin, composition and properties, anti-aging cosmetics are divided into 3 groups: budget, medium and premium. Let's look at each segment separately.


The rating of budget anti-aging face creams includes the following brands:

"Regenerist" by Olay. This is a very good anti-aging cream, preferred by thousands of Russian women. The production technology of this product is unique. The effectiveness of the Regenerist product is associated with the pentapeptides it contains, which actively participate in improving the condition of the facial dermis. Pentapeptides quickly and effectively smooth out even very deep wrinkles.

The cream also contains: green tea extract, antioxidants, vitamin B, tocorefol and other components beneficial for the skin;

"Resolution D" by Lancome. The action of this product is aimed at skin neurotransmitters, which take an active part in the process of smoothing age-related wrinkles. This inexpensive product effectively hides facial imperfections, tightening the skin. After using it, the epidermis will receive the nutrition and hydration it needs. As a result, your face will look younger and more beautiful.

"Renergie Multi-Lift" from Lancome. Another inexpensive but effective anti-aging product from the Lancome brand. Renergie Multi-Lift penetrates deep into the dermis, restoring its structure. The use of this cream leads to such positive effects as tightening the skin, as well as improving the color and texture of the face. The product has a lifting effect.

Advice! In order for the use of anti-aging cream to bring the desired results, it should be applied to the skin of the face regularly.

Middle segment

Anti-aging facial cosmetics are used by those with mature skin. Women who want to get the desired effect in the first month of using an anti-aging product, but are not ready to spend a “decent” amount of money on it, are recommended to choose a cream from this list:

"Nuxellence" by Nux. According to cosmetologists, this is one of the best creams for rejuvenating facial skin. The positive effect of using this product is achieved thanks to the natural components included in its composition. It is made from extracts of poppy, oxwort and chamomile. Action

“Nuxellence” is aimed at restoring collagen fibers in the dermis. In the first weeks of using the product, you will notice that the facial skin has become velvety and soft, and wrinkles have been smoothed out;

"Hydra Beauty" by Chanel. The peculiarity of this cream is that it can be used from the age of 20. As the famous Coco Chanel said: “The earlier a woman begins to take care of her skin, the more beautiful she will be in old age.” The condition of the facial dermis is improved thanks to Hydra Beauty components such as camellia flower extract and blue ginger;

Recommendation! Using the creamHydra Beauty"from Chanel at a young age is an excellent prevention of age-related wrinkles.

"Intensive Rebuilding" by Prescriptives. Thanks to its unique structure, Intensive Rebuilding cream penetrates deep into the epidermis, nourishing and moisturizing it. Cosmetologists recommend using this product for those with dry skin. Its regular application promotes firmness and elasticity of the facial dermis. The skin of the face is noticeably tightened.

Intensive Rebuilding cream quickly and effectively smooths out age-related wrinkles and stops other signs of aging of facial skin.

Premium segment

Creams in this segment help hide age-related changes on the face better than others. Yes, not every woman can afford such cosmetics, but the results from its application are impressive. Despite the high price, premium segment anti-aging creams help hide facial signs of aging in a short time. Moreover, the positive effects from their use are much greater.

Which anti-aging creams are included in the rating of the best?

"Future Perfect" by Esty. According to American women, this is the best anti-aging cream that hides signs of facial aging and tops the rating of quality cosmetic products. The action of this product is aimed at smoothing facial and deep age wrinkles, nourishing the facial dermis and moisturizing the deep skin. Within 1 month of using “Future Perfect” from Esti, you can notice how the facial oval has improved, the skin has tightened, and unwanted pigmentation has completely disappeared;

Thanks to its positive effect on the skin of the face, “Future Perfect” has tens of thousands of fans around the world;

« >The positive effects that can be achieved with the help of this product are achieved thanks to the unique component included in its composition - kombucha extract. Its second name is kombucha. This extract nourishes the facial dermis with vitamins, filling its surface layers with fruit acid;

"Techni liss" by Payot. Despite the high price, this product is considered a universal anti-aging cream. Thanks to the natural components included in Techni liss (hyaluronic acid, collagen and retinol), the facial skin becomes smooth, elastic and, most importantly, taut. Also, the action of “Techni liss” is aimed at preventing the appearance of new wrinkles. For this reason, cosmetologists recommend using it for 30-year-old women.

Recommendation! A dermatologist or cosmetologist will help you choose the best anti-aging cream for a woman. Therefore, before you self-prescribe an “anti-aging cure,” it is recommended that you consult with one of these specialists.

Thus, the fight against age-related facial changes will be effective if a woman responsibly approaches the choice of anti-aging cream. To do this, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with our rating.

Greetings, my wonderful readers. Agree that every woman dreams of prolonging youth and beauty for many years. Nowadays anti-aging cosmetics for the face are especially effective. This will be discussed in today’s article.

While preparing this article, I studied a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. And I was faced with a lot of contradictory statements. Some people believe that cheap cosmetics will not give any effect, while expensive ones are all hormonal and addictive. To understand all this, you need to understand how the means of different classes differ from each other.

Indications for the use of anti-aging creams

Indications for use are the appearance of the first signs of skin aging:

  1. the tone of the facial muscles decreases;
  2. age spots appear;
  3. dull complexion – it looks “tired”;
  4. due to the lack of fluid balance, the skin suffers from increased dryness;
  5. the corners of the mouth droop;
  6. wrinkles appear.

It is believed that the skin begins to age at about 25 years of age. But this does not mean that the morning after your 25th birthday you will wake up as an old woman. Aging is a gradual process. And it largely depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some people have elastic and beautiful facial skin even at 40 years old. For others, wrinkles and other signs of aging actively appear already at 28.

The age at which you should start using anti-age cosmetics varies from person to person. Now even cosmetic brands write that you should not focus on age. Better look at the condition of your skin.

Composition of anti-aging cosmetics

All anti-age products can be conditionally classified into one of the following groups:

  1. cosmetics that stimulate the functioning of epidermal cells;
  2. products containing silicone components;
  3. “drugs” that smooth out pronounced facial wrinkles;
  4. cosmetics with a masking effect (foundation is present here).

Anti-aging cosmetics for men and women contain a certain set of ingredients. One of the components is hyaluronic acid. This ingredient increases turgor and helps moisturize the skin.

In addition, anti-age cosmetic products should contain vitamins. In particular, retinol is found here, which smoothes out wrinkles. Plus, vitamins C and E neutralize radicals.

Thanks to AHA and BHA acids, rapid renewal of the epidermis occurs. And the sun protection factor protects the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.


How to use

Even the most effective professional cosmetics will not work properly if used incorrectly. Apply the cosmetic product to a dry face free of makeup and impurities.

I am sure that the tips below will help you with this. Watch the video instructions from a cosmetologist.

And yet, the day cream has a light texture. It is quickly absorbed. Therefore, after application, wait about 10 minutes, and then remove the residue with a dry cloth.

The night cosmetic product has a thicker consistency. It should be applied 1-2 hours before bedtime. Then the unabsorbed residues must be removed with a napkin.

Serum is also often present in the anti-aging series. Usually the instructions for this product indicate that it should be used with a cream from this series. That is, first you need to carefully massage the serum into the skin. After 10 minutes, you should apply the cream; it enhances the effect of the serum and prevents the evaporation of the active components.

To apply the mask, dermatologists advise using special brushes - this way you can spread a layer of the desired thickness. By the way, I have recommendations on how to make tightening masks. And yet, under no circumstances rub the mask in, it’s not a cream.

All cosmetics that are on sale can be divided into 3 groups. These are mass market products, pharmaceutical products for facial rejuvenation and professional cosmetics. I will describe the first two groups according to the brands of cosmetics they are looking for. I’ll have to write a separate post on professional cosmetics later.

Mass market cosmetics

Designed for the mass consumer. You can buy such products both in specialized stores and in a regular supermarket. This class includes most cosmetics sold through online sales.

These products belong to the lower and middle price segment. It is available to almost everyone. The rating is formed from inexpensive to more expensive and effective.

Black Pearl

There is a special series of “Self-rejuvenation” products. What can I say, the name is really loud. Anti-aging programs are divided by year - from 36 to 56 plus.

I’m impressed by the fact that they immediately offer a comprehensive approach to the problem - day + night + active serum. In products from 36 active ingredients are amino acids + vitamins E, C + oils. Hyaluronic acid and bio-peptides were added to products after 40 years (and after 50).

Of course, benefits are good, but it is important to make sure that there are no harmful ingredients in the composition. Unfortunately, these products contain methylparaben and ethylparaben, glycols, and silicones. According to reviews they write that it moisturizes well, but no special rejuvenation was noticed.

What I didn’t like was the packaging - everything is offered in cans. Tell me, how will you get a drop of cream? If you use your finger, you will spread the bacteria onto your face. Plus, due to the active influence of oxygen, the product has a shorter shelf life. Read the reviews and you will understand everything for yourself.

Nina: I bought the cream in the spring. I tried to use it as a daytime product. But he seemed a bit fat to me. Glistens on the face. I don't know, I wouldn't say it's a good option.

Lyudmila: I like the cream. But I only use it in winter, for summer it is greasy

Natalia: This cosmetics has a budget price. I used the cream from the self-rejuvenation +36 series. Until recently I thought that there would be a rejuvenating effect that was promised. But other than acne on my face, I didn’t see any effect.


This brand also takes a comprehensive approach to the problem of wrinkles. They offer a tandem of day and night creams Q10 plus. According to the information, the products increase the level of coenzyme and keratin in the skin from the inside. The daytime product also contains SPF 15, which is an added bonus. This cream prevents the appearance of wrinkles caused by solar activity.

The cream has a light texture. It perfectly moisturizes and does not leave a greasy film on the face. Makeup goes on well with day cream. It contains shea butter, macadamia butter, and panthenol. But again I give a big minus for the packaging - you need to reach into the jar with your fingers or a spoon.

Maria: For nutrition and hydration 5+. The cream copes with these functions perfectly. Not noticed in the fight against wrinkles.

Tatiana: During the first 2 weeks of use, the peeling on the skin disappeared. I’m no longer “sixteen” at all and there are already two wrinkles on my forehead. After two months of using the cream, these wrinkles did not change at all. They have not decreased, they have not shrunk, they have not disappeared, although the wrinkles are very shallow. But the manufacturer promised that the cream “visibly reduces wrinkles.”

“Collagen” series from Libriderm

This is a Russian manufacturer, but it tries to make high quality products. The company produces a whole series of anti-aging cosmetic products called Collagen. It contains elastin, collagen, rice and camelina oils, plus an antioxidant in the form of vitamin E. And if you also make alginate face masks, you will immediately turn into a 20-year-old beauty 🙂

The volume of the cosmetic product is 50 ml. The product has a plastic dispenser - it dispenses cream in portions. No harsh fragrances. The cosmetic product has a gel-like, delicate consistency.

Inna: I like this cream during the cold season, it’s good for smoothing out the skin and feels fresh. Apply it and after 10 minutes you will see the result. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave a sticky, greasy film on the surface. In fact, this is the best cream I have tried.

Ksenia: Well, what can I say, after 20 days the skin became elastic. I can boast that the wrinkles have smoothed out a little)))

Olga: This is something, I didn’t expect such a wonderful result! Wrinkles have become barely noticeable, and the nasolabial lips are more elastic. The cream for the face, neck and décolleté really works.

Series "Renergie Multi-Lift" from Lancome

Cosmetics from this line provide deep lifting to all facial areas. The manufacturer does not link anti-aging care to a passport. It encourages you to focus on the needs of the skin. If you have wrinkles, an unclear oval face, or want to give your skin elasticity, this product is for you.

According to reviews, the series of products is gaining advantages. Before application, it is recommended to do light facial exercises, such as Japanese massage. But they write that it is better to use these creams in autumn and winter. Because they have a denser texture. The downside is that at this price you would expect a spatula to be included with the cream for scooping up the product.

Svetlana: After 3 weeks of use, skin elasticity has noticeably changed. The color evened out a little, there is a tendency towards seasonal pigmentation. The cream is instantly absorbed.

Rome: Although the consistency of the cream is thick, it is not felt on the face. The product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The face looks fresher and younger))

Lyuba: The product perfectly moisturizes dry skin. In the morning I fall asleep without feeling tight. But I don’t understand the elevator effect.

Pharmacy cosmetics

These are not medicinal ointments that we are used to buying in pharmacies. This cosmetics was created to care for the sensitive skin of dermatological patients. The product also has a certain therapeutic effect. Pharmacy cosmetics occupy the middle “niche” between mass market and luxury cosmetics.

However, now some cunning companies have begun to actively promote their products through pharmacies. Now the assertion that pharmacy products are better than mass-market products is no longer relevant. Nowadays, pharmacies often sell the same things as in a cosmetic store or supermarket. This is how marketing defeated good 🙁

Cream Laura

A striking example of marketing cosmetics from the Evalar company. Contains peptides + hyaluronic acid. They say that even collagen injections can replace it. Suitable for 30 years old. It should be applied both morning and evening.

But the ingredients included the controversial emulsifier triethanolamine. Dermatologists do not recommend using it in creams. It is only allowed in products that are washed off the skin. The potential for adverse effects on the skin is too high.

Anna: I have never suffered from allergies, but after the cream Laura broke out in a rash. The second time I applied it, tears flowed freely. I took a 2-day break. I applied the same parsley again - my eyes watered.

Veronica: The wrinkles were and remain. For some reason, several pimples appeared, but in the end the appearance of the skin did not improve at all ((

Kate: The product is light, smells good, feels pleasant on the skin. But the expression wrinkles did not disappear.

Cream Astin

I can’t say anything about this miracle cream for 180 rubles. Interestingly, the manufacturer’s website does not contain the full composition. Only an indication of the most important component of ataxanthin. It is an antioxidant obtained from the microalgae Hematococcus. And it is 550 times better than vitamin E. But the reviews on the Internet are not very good. I found only one ode of praise. If this were a super remedy, then large manufacturers began to use it long ago.

Firming care SLOW AGE

This is really high-quality cosmetics with SPF 25 protection. This cream contains the antioxidant Baicalin. It acts in tandem with vitamins E + C, which neutralize the oxidation processes occurring in the epidermis. This cream also contains the probiotic Bifidus. This component strengthens the skin barrier, enhancing the protective functions of the epidermis.

According to the manufacturer, immediately after applying the cream, the face looks younger. In general, day after day, wrinkles and other signs of aging become less noticeable. I wrote a separate detailed article on it.

Korean and Japanese anti-aging cosmetics

I highlighted this cosmetics separately, since everything is not so clear with it. In recent years, these skincare products have become especially popular. Asian cosmetics from famous brands are of high quality. At the same time, it is much cheaper than premium cosmetics and professional brand products. In essence, Korean and Japanese cosmetics are a middle market.

And the products seem to be of high quality and inexpensive. It would seem, buy and use. But there is one “but”. European women have a slightly different type of skin aging than Asian women. Our skin is more often susceptible to allergic reactions and ages earlier. The withering process occurs according to the deformation or finely wrinkled type.

Although, now Asians have made a big leap in anti-aging products. They really have a lot of money. But here you need to seriously understand what suits you personally.

Therefore, my friends, who have tried a series of Japanese or Korean cosmetics, share your impressions. Which brand suited you and what was the result of using it.

I’ll tell you about a couple of the most widely used means:

  1. Nourishing cream Black Caviar from Holika Holika - has a lifting effect. The cream contains black caviar extract and shea butter. The cosmetic product has a pleasant, rich texture. The set also includes a plastic spoon. According to reviews they write that after use the face becomes fresher and younger. The cream does not dry out the skin, and for some, nasolabial folds have even been smoothed out.
  2. Cream from Mizon Collagen power firming - as the manufacturer writes, the cream contains as much as 54% collagen. Plus there is hyaluronic acid, cocoa extract, flower oils and other benefits. After a couple of weeks of use they write that the skin has become much better, more velvety. It did not clog pores and no oily shine was noticed. The cream moisturizes very well.

In today's article, I introduced you to just a few anti-aging products. There are still so many of them. I sincerely hope that today’s article helped you increase your knowledge in the field of anti-aging cosmetics. Share the link to the article with your friends. And don’t forget to subscribe to updates - I still have so many surprises in store for you. That's all for today: bye-bye!



Skin care is everything

One fine day, looking at our face in the mirror, we begin to realize that just 8 hours of sleep is no longer enough to make the skin glow and look fresh and rested. And then we run to buy anti-aging cosmetics, often buying everything in a row (maybe something will help) and giving preference to what is more expensive.

The good news is that with the right care, you can keep your skin healthy and looking decades younger than your age.
The bad news is that not everything that is written on a jar of cream is true, just as not everything that is more expensive is a panacea.

Proper skin care after 50

  1. In the morning, cleanse your face with warm water. Using a gentle cleanser is optional for most skin types, but may be preferable for oily skin.
  2. Gently massage for about a minute with your fingertips and rinse your face with room temperature water. Skin should feel cleansed and clean, but not squeaky.
Continue to exfoliate dead skin twice a week, as you did in your forties, using peels and scrubs that ideally contain salicylic or glycolic acid - ideal for clearing away dead skin cells, as well as stimulating collagen production, allowing for better absorption of serum and moisturizer nutrients .

Apply the serum every morning when your face is still slightly damp. Ideally, a serum should contain peptides - amino acids that can penetrate deep into the skin and activate cell function, restoring damaged and aging skin.

  1. After the serum is absorbed, a daily moisturizer is applied, specially designed to address the problems of aging skin.
  2. Look for ingredients such as flaxseed, soy, grapes, wheat seeds, aloe vera and geranium essential oil.
  3. A moisturizer that contains vitamins B, C and E will help restore skin and protect against free radicals.
  4. If you have rosacea, choose a natural moisturizer that is free of fragrances and colors but rich in biohormones to replace lost estrogen.
Sun protection cream
Remember to use sunscreen with SPF 30 and UVA/UVB protection.
It is ideal to choose one that contains antioxidants, apply not only to the face, but also to the neck, décolleté and hands.

Wrinkle filler
Use silicone-based primers to fill in wrinkles before applying makeup. If you don't like using foundation, opt for a CC cream that corrects uneven skin tone.

Facial oil
In the evening, use a good facial oil such as rosehip, jojoba, argan or sweet almond - or a combination of these.
After 50, the sebaceous glands can no longer work as efficiently as before, so the skin may become dry.
These oils are similar in shape to our sebum, which our body produces. Night care
  1. A night serum should contain anti-aging and moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin and shea butter, which can nourish the deepest layers of the skin.
  2. An oil-based serum that is naturally rich in vitamin A, such as rose oil and peptides, is a good choice.
  3. Treat your skin at night to help it repair and neutralize any free radical toxins. Always use creams rather than lotions, choosing one that calms inflammation from hormonal fluctuations.
Soothing ingredients include:
  1. Licorice extract that hydrates and brightens
  2. turmeric, which has powerful antioxidant properties
  3. white tea extract
  4. cucumber
  5. ginger
  6. magnesium ascorbyl phosphate.
Eye care
  1. Choose an eye cream with wrinkle-smoothing peptides.
  2. Snake venom is great for smoothing, while the tripeptides lift and tone the skin.
  3. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant and has an almost immediate tightening effect.


The best anti-aging cosmetics after 50: expensive or cheap?

Today there is a lot of discussion about whether it is worth buying expensive branded anti-aging cosmetics, or can you get by with something cheaper, but the result will be the same? Expert opinions differ, but by comparing some facts, you can ultimately come to some logical conclusion.

According to Dr. Frey, moisturizers, which make up almost all anti-aging cosmetics, are considered cosmetics and have no medical value.

As moisturizers, they can temporarily increase the water content of the skin and thereby reduce the "appearance" of wrinkles. But they won't get rid of them. An example of this is a raisin that has been filled with water, making it look like a grape, but the effect is temporary.

Almost all hydrating anti-aging cosmetics have the same basic formula, regardless of price. Most are water based and include:

  1. occlusions, which are substances that retain water in the skin and prevent its evaporation;
  2. humectants, which act like a sponge and draw water into the skin;
  3. emulsifiers, which hold the oil and water components of a product together;
  4. preservative;
  5. thickener;
  6. flavoring
  7. a tiny amount of an ingredient popular with the consumer's ears is added: retinol, collagen, hyaluronic acid or one of many “antioxidants.”
  8. Expensive oils are often added to act as emollients, adding aesthetic value to the product, making the skin soft and supple, but the effect is temporary.

A prescription retinoid cream that costs very little at the pharmacy will actually be much more effective than a luxury product in gold packaging. Facial ointments for wrinkles in the pharmacy are sometimes more effective, but you need to select and use them with great care.

Retinoids quickly smooth out wrinkles, blur dark spots, and even tighten pores. The overall effect is that your skin looks fresher. However, this effect is very superficial and consists only of saturating the skin with moisture, due to which small wrinkles are smoothed out. Learn more about how to choose an inexpensive retinol cream.

How to choose cosmetics and not overpay?

The vast majority of anti-aging creams are moisturizers that temporarily improve the appearance of wrinkles, yet some companies sell their products for anywhere from $50 to $300 for a small jar. We buy such a product with full confidence in a miracle that never comes. How to choose an inexpensive one without harming your skin?

Golden rule: never buy untested products or buy them at a bazaar (tray, kiosk). There is a pharmacy for this, where they will always tell you and give you advice.

  1. Proctor & Gamble and L'Oreal are two huge international cosmetics manufacturers. On their corporate websites you can see which of their brands are expensive with inflated prices, and which are intended for sale in pharmacies at a reasonable price and are no worse, since they are produced in the same factories. But they are much cheaper.

Lancome is a luxury brand. But the same company produces Garnier, L’Oreal Paris and Maybelline at quite reasonable prices.

The expensive Dolce&Gabbana brand, whose subsidiaries are CoverGirl and Olay, also produces expensive cosmetics, while the products of its subsidiaries are several times cheaper.

The best anti-aging cosmetics after 50

All of these anti-aging products have one physiological problem: they do not penetrate deep enough into the skin to reach the damage.

According to Dr. Frey, there is no magic potion for eternal youth, but there is a product that can help: sunscreen. Sunscreen is the most biologically active "anti-aging" product on the market.
Most of the skin changes we associate with aging are sun damage.

Rating of the best inexpensive anti-aging cosmetics after 50

Notebook's beauty team (England) selected 150 of the newest beauty products from 45 of the industry's biggest brands and then sent them out for rigorous testing.

Over 650 readers have tested creams and serums to see if they actually work as advertised. Each product was sent to five women to use for four weeks to test it over time.
As a result, a rating of skin care cosmetics after 50 years that actually work and bring results was compiled:

Eucerin Elasticity + Filler Day Cream: composition and instructions


  1. Arctiin accelerates the process of collagen repair in skin cells, and silymarin helps protect collagen and elastin from oxidative stress. The skin becomes firmer and elasticity increases.
  2. Antioxidant Silymarin activates the skin microcirculation system at the cellular level.
  3. The formula with hyaluronic acid visibly fills deep wrinkles SPF15 + UVA protection effectively prevents premature skin aging caused by ultraviolet radiation.

How to use:

  1. Apply the day cream in the morning to a well-cleansed face, neck and décolleté, gently massaging the skin.
  2. Apply the night cream in the evening on a well-cleansed face, neck and décolleté, gently massaging the skin.
  3. Apply the face mask twice daily before, with or after day and night care on a well-cleansed face, neck and décolleté, gently massaging into the skin.
  4. Always avoid contact with eyes.

Aqua, glycerin, ethylhexyl salicylate, octyldodecanol, cetearyl alcohol, butylene glycol, glyceryl stearate citrate, pentylene glycol, caprylic/capric acid triglyceride, butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane, ethylhexyltriazone, methylpropanediol, dicaprylyl ether, bis-ethylhexyloxyphenol methoxyphenyltriazine, distarphosphate, rapeseed Marianum Fruit Extract, sodium hyaluronate, fruit extract Arctium Lappa, ascorbyl ralmitate, lecithin, tocopherol, glycine soybean oil, hydrogenated palm glycerides, citrate, hydrogenated coco-glycerides, sodium carbomer, dimethicone, sodium acrylates / c10-30 alkyl acrylate cross-linked polymer, butylene glycol dicaprylate / dicaprate, benzyl alcohol, trisodium EDTA , caprylyl glycol, BHT, perfume.

Manuka Doctor ApiNourish Firm Skin Facial Moisturizer

Day cream with a very high rating according to reviews. The ingredients speak for themselves:


  1. Purified bee venom for natural collagen formation and increased skin elasticity.
  2. Manuka Honey from New Zealand - increases elastin production and moisturizes.
  3. Hyaluronic acid is a skin care product known for its moisturizing properties.
  4. Shea Butter - Known for its soothing and replenishing properties to reduce skin dryness and improve skin elasticity.
  5. Silk extract is a complex mixture of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, proteins and amino acids that help retain water in the skin.
  6. Jojoba seed oil - helps regulate the amount of sebum produced by the skin and moisturizes.
  7. Grapefruit Extract - Rich in natural ingredients that nourish and protect skin, including vitamins A, C and E and antioxidants. It also contains essential phytonutrients such as lycopene, beta-carotene, and bioflavonoids, which promote cellular health.
  8. Lecithin - to protect the skin.
  9. Pine leaf is an antibacterial, activating, antiseptic ingredient for smooth and renewed skin.
  10. Bamboo stem is a rich source of silica and is known to improve skin health. Helps absorb essential minerals and smooth skin, and is also a known antioxidant.

Olay Total Effects 7 In One Feather Weight Moisturizer


  1. New Olay Total Effects Feather Weight SPF 15 is a lightweight anti-aging moisturizer that targets 7 signs of aging.
  2. Absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy shine.
  3. Doesn't clog pores.
  4. Contains SPF 15 and UV-A protection, but leaves skin smooth and breathable throughout the day.

Active Ingredients:
Avobenzone 3.0%, homosalate 4.0%, occylate 4.5%, octocrylene 2.6%

Inactive Ingredients:
Aqua, glycerin, niacinamide, dimethicone, isopropyl isostearate, polymethylsilyl sesoxyan, panthenol, hydroxyethyl acrylate/sodium acryloyldimethyl taurate copolymer, tocopheryl acetate, benzyl alcohol, isohexadecane, stearyl alcohol, bexyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, methylparaben, dimethiconol, PEG-100 stearate , ethylparaben, propylparaben , polysorbate 60, cetearyl glucoside, cetearyl alcohol, stearic acid, disodium EDTA, iodopropynyl butylcarbamate.

Avon Ultimate Supreme Dual Elixir


The brand’s new product is serum and oil in one bottle:

  1. Ultimate Supreme Dual Elixir combines the power of 2 unique, innovative formulas—the power of an oil and a serum—to achieve greater results across multiple signs of aging.
  2. The powerful anti-aging treatment contains black pearls and gold peptides to help clear skin cells and transform the appearance of skin.
  3. A blend of precious oils (baobab, passion fruit and rose oil and peptide-rich serum) restores aging cells, provides a protective moisture barrier against external damage that can lead to signs of aging.
  4. Skin feels velvety and looks more refreshed.

The tone is evened out, dull skin is revitalized. After two weeks, skin elasticity and tone are significantly improved. After four weeks, Elixir Dual Oil evens out the contours of the face, tightening the oval and giving the skin youthfulness.

Anti-aging Israeli cosmetics after 50 years

The undisputed leader in the cosmetics market is creams made from Dead Sea minerals from AHAVA.
The Dead Sea in Israel is considered the largest natural resort on Earth with the highest concentration of natural minerals and elements.

AHAVA cosmetics are also known for their rejuvenating mineral bath salts.
The company is located on the shores of the Dead Sea, where all the ingredients are obtained, which are carefully studied in the laboratory
Absolutely all cosmetic products from this company do not contain parabens, SLS or SLES, glycerin, heavy synthetic ingredients or GMOs. AHAVA products are also not tested on animals.

The Beauty Before Age line is designed to relieve sagging skin and is intended for women aged 50+. You will be able to see results in 2 weeks. Some of the problems that creams work well against, besides sagging skin, are:

  1. age spots,
  2. uneven skin tone,
  3. deep wrinkles,
  4. rough dull skin.

The day cream, in addition to moisturizing and nourishing, has SPF 20, which protects against infrared rays.

Night cream restores the skin during sleep, making it more elastic.