Lyoton face cream

Hello, dear readers. What kind of products are not used in the fight against wrinkles? Fortunately, there are now plenty of them on the cosmetology market. Today we will tell you about Lyoton gel and its ability to fight age-related skin changes.

To achieve the best results, you need to perform facial exercises daily. You will notice the result after the first exercises: the skin will acquire a healthy shade, wrinkles will smooth out, and the oval of the face will tighten.

Just 10-15 minutes a day and you will be transformed. On this page you can access healing gymnastics completely free of charge.

Now let's get back to our main topic.

Description of the drug

Lyoton is a gel for external use, based on heparin sodium salt (sodium heparin). It also contains lavender and neroli oils, triethanolamine and some other components.

Many people think that heparin is a hormone. This is wrong. In fact, this compound is an anticoagulant, that is, it has a completely different nature than the hormone.

This gel is used for varicose veins, swelling, tendon injuries, bruises, hematomas and... wrinkles. How? You ask? Let's look at the properties of sodium heparin.

How does sodium heparin help fight signs of aging?

This substance prevents obstruction of blood vessels and capillaries. Thanks to the effect of the gel, the formation of blood clots slows down and swelling is eliminated.

If the face constantly swells, then instead of visible folds, wrinkles subsequently form. If you use ointment, this can be avoided. In addition to this, the gel is used against bags and bruises under the eyes.

Lyoton is recommended by many cosmetologists, especially to those who are prone to puffiness and if there are not very many folds yet. Also, according to the reviews and statements of doctors, the drug is able to eliminate the manifestation of rosacea.

The advantage of this gel is the fact that it contains no parabens, preservatives or other harmful substances - only natural ingredients. Thanks to this, the gel is suitable for people with any skin.

Methods of application

In order for the ointment to fully manifest itself as a remedy for wrinkles, it must be used correctly.

First, the face is completely cleansed of makeup and other contaminants. Steaming your face is ideal. In this case, the active components of Lyoton will penetrate as deeply as possible under the skin of the face.

Next, the drug is carefully applied to the entire face, affecting the area around the eyes. After 10 minutes, the composition is washed off. After the first use, you will notice that the swelling has disappeared and the skin has become smoother.

Also, the product can not be washed off, because it has a delicate, light texture. It can be used as a makeup base.

If you apply the ointment at the same time as other remedies against skin problems, you can try the gel as a mask. To do this, apply the gel in a thick layer to the skin of the face and rinse with water after 20 minutes.

If you suffer from severe swelling, then to prevent it from leading to wrinkles, use Lyoton as a night cream. However, this should be done no more than 3 times a week.

The course of using the gel is 1.5 weeks. If time permits, you can apply the product in the morning and evening.

If you add a couple of drops of Vitamin A or E to the gel, you will not only get rid of sagging skin, but also moisturize it and charge it with energy and freshness.

Try not to apply the product in a thick layer, otherwise your face will become covered with a greasy film, which will prevent the penetration of oxygen.

Of course, such a remedy will be more effective if used in combination with other rejuvenation methods.

We recommend trying the Collomask face mask, which helps fight age-related skin changes.

After just a few uses, you will notice that the skin on your face has become smoother, more radiant, and healthier. In addition, the mask perfectly moisturizes the epidermis, tightens pores, eliminates redness and inflammation.

You can find out more about this mask on the manufacturer’s official website.


Unfortunately, like any medical drug, Lyoton has contraindications:

  1. Thrombocytopenia;
  2. Reduced blood clotting;
  3. Violation of the integrity of the dermal integument;
  4. Ulcerative-necrotic change in the skin at the site of gel treatment;
  5. Hypersensitivity to some components of the gel.

special instructions

Lyoton is not recommended for use on bleeding or on open wounds. Avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes and purulent formations. Apply the gel with caution if you have high vascular permeability.

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy without a prescription.

This gel is available in tubes of different sizes. The price of the drug depends on this. For 30 grams of gel in Moscow you will pay from 350 rubles, and for 100 grams it’s already about 800.

Of course, the medicine has analogues, but Lyoton, unlike some of them, has passed all the necessary studies and is therefore considered a safe and proven remedy.

Customer Reviews

Many patients left only positive reviews after using the gel. It perfectly fights fine wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and swelling.

The advantage is that it can be used even by pregnant and lactating women, because it is not absorbed into the blood and does not cause any harm to the unborn or newborn baby.

Still, you should not mindlessly smear yourself with the presented drug. First, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

As you can see, not only expensive cosmetic products help get rid of wrinkles and other age-related skin problems.

Pharmacy medications do an excellent job of this role. It is very useful to have Lyoton in your medicine cabinet, because it will help eliminate many other diseases in all family members. Be healthy!

Author of the article: Anna Derbeneva (dermatologist)

Publication date: 24-12-2015

Hello, dear ladies! Oh, how rarely we women are satisfied with our appearance, isn’t it? The condition of our skin is especially depressing. If you stay late at work and go to bed late, you will see unpleasant bruises under your eyes in the mirror in the morning; I ate a pack of chips - and now you have a pimple on your tender cheek.

Would you like me to tell you one “beautiful” secret that I learned during a recent vacation in Kislovodsk? Interesting? In this case, read on.

Non-standard approach

Surely you are familiar with this foot gel called “Lioton 1000”. The advertisement for the drug was bright and melodious - I’m sure you remembered this product. It is used to treat varicose veins, as well as to relieve swelling of the legs and get rid of bruises. I also recently used the product to help my beloved legs.

But in cosmetology it often happens that the drug finds unconventional uses. This happened in this case too: it turns out that in salons they use... lyoton for the face! Of course, the information surprised me very much, so upon arriving home, I decided to check it out.

Why for the face?

First of all, I studied the composition and read the instructions for using Lyoton. It turned out that the basis of the gel is heparin, a substance of animal origin that prevents the process of blood clotting. This is why hematomas resolve, swelling subsides, etc. – the blood simply becomes thinner and circulates better, hence the effect.

In a private conversation, the doctor explained the situation in more detail: the skin has the same cells, and therefore the same properties - even on the face, even on the knee. So the drug for external use will act “according to the instructions” on the face too, which means:

  1. will help cope with rosacea,
  2. will relieve swelling;
  3. will relieve dark circles under the eyes.

The same doctor told me how to use the product, which I will tell you about very soon. “Trust, but verify,” I thought and went back to reading, looking doubtfully at the aluminum tube of Lyoton.

What the luminaries say

The next step, I called on medical and beauty forums for help to sort out this issue. There are many reviews on this topic on the Internet. The young ladies who scolded the product in its “classical” use praised its “amazing effect”: it smoothes, supposedly, and leaves no trace of spider veins, and now the face is like a baby’s butt... They even posted before and after photos! However, this is not what convinced me.

Quite by accident, I came across an interview with Andrei Leonidovich Istranov, a plastic surgeon with many years of experience, professor, doctor of medical sciences - just a luminary! In this conversation, the doctor advised... using Lyoton for patients after blepharoplasty! And other doctors echo Istranov in their publications and on specialized forums. Now for sure – doubts aside, I’ll try!

Secrets of cosmetologists

Now the time has come to tell you, my beauties, the promised secret. Not even a secret - but secrets. Or, more correctly, recipes and their subtleties. The latter, as it turned out, are not so few. Well, are you ready?

First of all, remember that the effect will depend on your skin type. Some ladies complain that Lyoton really tightens dry skin. This causes discomfort and discourages any desire to use the drug. But from owners of normal and oily skin there were no complaints at all.

Important! Before using one of the recipes below, apply a small amount of the product to the area behind your ear or to the crook of your elbow to determine if Lyoton is causing an allergic reaction.

So, how to use the gel to improve the condition of your facial skin:

  1. As a mask: squeeze out a small amount of product (the size of a pea) and apply a very thin layer onto cleansed skin with light patting movements, and then apply a rich cream. After 30 minutes, wash your face using your usual products.
  2. As a makeup base: reduce the amount of Lyoton indicated above and apply to skin. After drying, use day cream and then apply makeup as usual.
  3. For swelling and bruising: gently apply a thin layer of gel directly to the skin around the eyes or to swollen areas of the face.

I tried the remedy on myself. What can I say about this? When I smeared it on my face, after just a few minutes I noticed that my skin glowed slightly, seemed to become a little more elastic (as you can see, there won’t be a trace of wrinkles left!) and clearly fresher.

Medicines are often used not only for their intended purpose and, quite successfully. I suggest you learn more about one more useful, natural remedy and take it into service: Instructions for using ointment with bodyaga

However, I didn’t dare to apply it on my eyelids – it’s still too exotic for me. But it is likely that this step is not far off.

Remember! "Lioton 1000" is a medical product, and it is highly undesirable to use it constantly. My advice is to use the product occasionally, on special occasions when it is important to look truly chic.

And if you are not yet ready to repeat my experience, then I am sure that the video where you will find traditional methods of dealing with skin imperfections will be interesting to you.

Don't get in! Will he kill?

Let's read the instructions again. For what? And to find out whether you can take the advice of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons without harming yourself. Yes, yes, dears, now about the unpleasant - about contraindications. We have already talked about two of them, but we will repeat them again:

  1. intolerance to components or, simply put, allergies;
  2. injured skin (wounds, inflammation, etc.);
  3. various blood clotting disorders;
  4. age under 18 years (according to the authors of the instructions, in this case the effect of using the drug has not been studied, so it’s better not to take risks).

It is interesting to note that Lyoton is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, my opinion here is clear: it’s not worth the risk. Still, it’s a medical product, not a baby cream...

That’s probably all I wanted to tell you today, dear ladies. I won’t mislead you and say that I don’t know whether the miracle gel will help you against rosacea and bruises. For myself, I saw the benefits - my skin became radiant and fresh (believe me, it’s capricious for me).

I hope today's information will be useful to you. But for me this is the most important thing - to please you and share useful things. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog and tell your friends about it. In the meantime, I’ll prepare a lot more interesting things for you. See you soon!


All women have heard about Lyoton 1000 foot gel. This is indeed a good remedy to combat swelling of the legs, varicose veins and bruises. And these are not all the indications for using the gel: the Internet is full of headlines that the miracle remedy can not only make your legs healthy and light, but also save you from wrinkles, swelling and bruises under the eyes.

That is why many young ladies, especially those well over their age, actively use Lyoton for their faces. The editors of our magazine decided to look into this issue and try the remedy on themselves. Now we’ll tell you what we got.

How does Lyoton gel work?

Lyoton is a gel for external use, which includes:

sodium heparin (main active ingredient);

carbomer 940 (synthetic thickener, widely used in cosmetology);

methyl parahydroxybenzoate (preservative and antiseptic):

propyl parahydroxybenzoate (preservative, very common in cosmetics);

neroli oil (essential oil from orange flowers);

lavender oil (essential oil from lavender flowers);

trolamine or triethanolamine (often used as an active element in sunscreen and pain creams);

We will pay attention to the active substance, that is, heparin; all the “magic” lies in it.

Heparin is a drug that inhibits blood clotting, improves blood flow and the basic properties of blood. Heparin-based products are used to relieve swelling, eliminate bruises, spider veins and the like.

Therefore, many beauties use Lyoton on the face to remove bags under the eyes, bruises, general puffiness that leads to wrinkles, and generally give freshness to the face.

Article on the topic: How to properly do sugaring at home: preparation, recipes, secrets.

Lyoton for face

If we talk about the non-standard use of certain drugs, then only the Russian segment of the Internet is not trusted by your humble servant. There are reasons, for example, a good half of the sites that say that “come on, girls, smear the gel on your face and you will become as fresh as cucumbers” do not deserve trust from the word “at all.”

Therefore, I had to google the information on Western sites. There are also articles there that Lyoton can be used on the face, but all this is not so widely replicated and not so positioned.

In general, I was convinced to become a guinea pig by “Arguments and Facts”, reviews of bloggers whom I trust, information from Western sites and curiosity. But more on that below.

It turns out that in order for the gel to work “correctly” and help cope with wrinkles, it must be applied correctly.

  1. First of all, the face must be cleaned of makeup and other contaminants. In order for Lyoton's components to penetrate even deeper under the skin, you can steam the skin on your face.
  2. Then you need to apply the drug very carefully, not including the eye area. After 10 minutes, wash off.
  3. The gel can also be used as a base for makeup, as it has a fine texture.
  4. Or you can use it as a mask; to do this, apply a thick layer of it to the skin, and after 20 minutes, rinse with water.
  5. If the swelling on the face is quite noticeable, then to prevent it from causing wrinkles, Lyoton can be used as a night cream. But not often - 3 times a week will be enough.

The entire course of application is 1.5 weeks. Dermatologists allow you to apply the gel in the morning and evening, but only in a thin layer, otherwise the face will be covered with a film and oxygen access will be blocked.


Naturally, such a drug has its contraindications:

first of all, individual sensitivity to its components;

tendency to bleeding, thrombocytopenia;

It is not recommended to use it before the age of 18; the effect of the drug on a young body has not been studied;

and damage to the skin at the sites of application.

In short, it cannot be used if the skin is damaged, if you have high vascular permeability, and you must be very careful when applying - the gel should not get on the mucous membranes or in the eyes. In the latter case, you must immediately rinse them with water.

Is it worth using Lyoton for wrinkles?

Well, since dermatologists themselves advise, then it’s probably worth it, you say? This is an excellent budget product (although, depending on how you look at it), which will help preserve youth, you say? What difference does it make what you put on it, you say? Let's figure it out.

Skin cells are, indeed, the same everywhere, whether on the face or, excuse me, on the butt. But there is just one significant BUT:

the skin on the face is the most vulnerable: it is exposed around the clock to various, sometimes aggressive influences from the outside, for example, the sun, wind, cold;

the face is the area where the layer of skin is thinnest and most heterogeneous;

The skin of the face contains more sebaceous glands than, for example, the skin of the hands.

And this list could be continued, but the main idea is already clear. There is still a difference.

But Lyoton 1000 gel, after all, is intended for legs, and on the face it may not behave as you would like, especially with prolonged use.


There are a lot of reviews on Runet. And real young ladies unsubscribe on various forums, and not real ones (or very similar to those). There are both positive and negative reviews, and there are also sharply negative ones. Now let's add one more.

In general, sacrificing myself in the name of Truth, I decided to try this miracle remedy on myself. Fortunately, Lyoton is almost always at home.

Important: do an allergy test before use!

Everything was done according to the instructions: applied a thin layer to a clean face. It is absorbed well, but the sensation on the face is not the most pleasant. It tightens something. Did not like.

Washed it away. In principle, I didn’t have any swelling, but I did have bruises under my eyes. Where would we be without them? In general, either the actual was replaced by the desired, or the remedy helped. No, I didn’t completely get rid of the bruises in one go, but my skin became lighter. Fact.

Let's summarize

So should you use Lyoton on your face? I wouldn't do it and I wouldn't recommend it to others. This is a gel for a different purpose - it removes bruises, swelling, stars, but does not return youth.

It’s one thing if you urgently need to put yourself in order in 15 minutes after a stormy party with copious libations. Or, for example, to remove bruises. Yes, it makes sense. And applying such a drug to your face for weeks as an anti-aging cream is definitely unnecessary.