Hemorrhoid cream for wrinkles under the eyes reviews

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016 08:39 + to quote book

However, you should definitely remember that this product dries out the skin quite strongly, so it must be used in combination with moisturizing creams, otherwise the sensitive skin under the eyes and around the mouth (where wrinkles most often accumulate) will very quickly turn into dry and flaky. Reviews from the Internet The dermatologist prescribed zinc ointment when I had severe diathesis around my mouth, I also crushed metranidazole into the ointment, the redness went away within a week and the skin did not peel or itch after that. And after the ointment I wiped my face with olive oil. The skin on my face became very soft. I lay there for 2 hours and removed the remaining ointment with a tampon. Vitamin A has a huge number of different properties.

I personally tolerate scrubs and anything else completely painlessly. Lightly beat in with your fingers and leave for half an hour. The star smears it on the skin around the eyes and all swelling. “This is just a luxurious product,” Kate rejoices, “It works instantly.” Girls, I recently heard about this ointment and finally decided to try it. The constant lack of sleep clearly showed up on my face. Bruises under the eyes are an eternal problem. Place a drop of water on the aspirin.

Aspirin is one of the best facial scrub masks at home.(Nina) The hirudotherapist recommended this cream for varicose veins "Sofya" - it has a good composition of herbs plus leech extract. The Vietnamese "star" is an extreme tightening! And in the summer too. If all is well, feel free to fight wrinkles. Rinse off. This is the king of vitamins in anti-wrinkle creams!

Can be used as a cream. Tightens the skin, as they say, “before the eyes.”Anti-wrinkle hemorrhoid creams reviews
Page Creams for hemorrhoids - a non-standard remedy for wrinkles!

This non-standard use of hemorrhoid cream will help smooth out even deep wrinkles. It is granulated. If you have dry, thin skin, it seems to me that retinoic ointment is not for you. Creams for hemorrhoids - a non-standard remedy for wrinkles! Reviews from InternetKatyushkaI smeared this ointment on the skin around my eyes. but only for medical purposes, in cases of an allergic reaction to other creams, it relieves inflammation of the skin around the eyes very well, my ophthalmologist prescribed it to me. Do this for a week after 1-2 months, maybe at night, maybe during the day. If necessary urgently The most common “Vietnamese star” helps get rid of bags under the eyes. Aspirin scrub - skin renewal in 2 minutes! I have been using it constantly for years. I don’t remember how long) well, about three years. You need 3-4 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, which need to be diluted in a small amount of water.

Girls, I'm just shocked. The result is visible immediately - the pores are cleansed, the skin is renewed and smoothed. Zinc ointment - there will be no wrinkles! When using, try to avoid the area around the eyes. You can use it by simply brewing licorice root, infuse it, wipe your face or rinse your mouth. Reviews from the Internet At the pharmacy you need to buy Relief (this is an ointment), and not Relief Ultra, like me, although it makes no difference.

Apply the mask to the above areas and leave for 10 minutes. That's it. I'm incredibly happy that in such an easy way you can say goodbye to an eternal problem. I recommend it to everyone. As you understand, not inside, but on the face, neck and décolleté.

For example, model Kate Moss knows that to hide dark circles under the eyes and refresh your face after a sleepless night, simply apply hemorrhoid cream. On the site where I found out about this ointment (unfortunately, the link was not saved) there was a strict warning that this ointment should be used very rarely - once every 2 weeks, otherwise after a year of active use your skin will turn into a shriveled crust. Hydrocortisine eye ointment is a hormonal treatment for treating allergies and relieving inflammation. Reviews from the Internet The ointment is positioned as anti-acne, but is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin condition, removes redness. Licorice - beauty without blemishes! Then blot off the excess with a napkin. I never started using it myself, but I told my mother and she has been using it for a long time and is very pleased.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are softened in a water bath until creamy, then applied under the eyes or even all over the face. It's just the skin A little I blushed, but it went away after about 15 minutes. Last bath was the second time when I tried a pharmaceutical creation - aspirin. I also apply the ointment to the skin around the eyes. Now there’s a big BUT - I have oily, porous skin, let’s face it, it’s not good for me. Buy oil capsules of vitamins A and E, pierce them, squeeze out the contents little by little and apply to wrinkles. I ordered tretinoin to be brought to me from Turkey, I’ll try it and tell YOU whether it will work the same or not, I’ll compare. SZ products are not even discussed, constantly. With the help of zinc ointment you can fight wrinkles. A complex of unsaturated fatty acids designed to cleanse and nourish the skin, especially dry, irritated and with obvious signs of aging.

It's all about shark liver oil and other substances that tighten and regenerate tissues and eliminate swelling. This non-standard use of hemorrhoid cream will help smooth out even deep wrinkles. It seems to me that if you apply pure oil E, then its concentration is too strong, it is better to add it in oils, such as almond, wheat germ and then apply. I bought Relief Ultra (248 rubles), when I came home I discovered that these were suppositories (candles), not an ointment. Without thinking for long, after melting them a little, I spread a thick layer on my eyes and put cotton swabs on top. Vitamin F (at a concentration of 3-7%) helps strengthen the epidermal barrier, restore hydrolipid balance, and therefore moisturize the skin and increase its turgor. The effect of retinoic ointment is based on the direct stimulating effect of retinoic acid and its derivatives (retinoids) on the skin. Vitamin F - emergency hydration!

Sometimes in courses, every day for a month, sometimes a couple of times a week, but in general - constantly. Where I read about this ointment, it was said that you need to keep it for 20 minutes. Apply to face for 10 minutes, then massage like a scrub and rinse off. It's all about shark liver oil and

Add 1 tsp to the resulting fluffy mass. honey. It can be smeared all over the face (including eyelids) and the décolleté area - neck, which is also convenient; you don’t need several products. Also, to prevent your eyes from getting swollen, you need to apply a little bit of it, and then blot off the excess with a napkin. Hydrocortisone ointment helps retain moisture in the skin, which explains the effect of “reducing wrinkles.” Reviews from the Internet After this time, use the mask as a scrub - walk along the massage lines with massaging movements, exfoliating dead skin. Reviews from the Internet Retinoids are synthetic analogues of vitamin A. Liquorice root extract regulates the production of melanin, which helps fight age-related dark spots Liquorice extract evens out skin tone, making age spots less noticeable, tightens the contour of the face. Retinoic ointment - rejuvenation for the face! Main Components balm “Star” - menthol oil, formic acid, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, rosehip extract, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, petroleum jelly, camphor oil, and other excipients.

P.S. Orally, take 1 capsule once a month for 7-10 days - good for complexion, hair and nails. And in general, it comes out cheap and cheerful. Add these vitamins to face masks, the effect is excellent. Add a teaspoon of honey and mix. Liquid vitamins - beauty for pennies!

To renew your skin, it’s good to make a cleansing mask of aspirin once a week. Moreover, if zinc ointment for acne is applied only to the edges of the inflammation, then in the case of wrinkles it can be safely applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of aged skin. Mask deletes All redness and evens out the skin. One more thing.

To begin with, it is better to test your skin for an allergic reaction. Hydrocortisone ointment - getting rid of crow's feet! Afterwards you need to apply a moisturizer. moisturizing cream. The result is 10 points out of 10! It was as if there were no bruises! Effective.

In fact, wrinkles will not decrease - swelling is created on the skin, which “stretches” them.

As you know, in war any means are good. And every woman wants to emerge victorious in the eternal struggle against wrinkles. Standard cosmetic products do not always give the desired results. Then the girls turn to folk and non-traditional remedies. Very often they choose pharmaceutical ointment “Relief” for wrinkles. Reviews from cosmetologists say that even representatives of show business use this product to stop age-related changes.


Is this drug really so wonderful and gives a rejuvenating effect? Let's check! In the article we will look at the composition, properties, effectiveness of the product, secrets of use, as well as the opinions of experts and customers about this product.

"Relief" - an ointment for wrinkles?

Consumer reviews say that the manufacturer does not indicate wrinkles as an indication for use in the package insert. And it’s not surprising, because this medicine is actually designed to combat proctological problems. It is made in the form of suppositories and ointments, and is prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The product also perfectly relieves inflammation, constricts dilated blood vessels, and heals various types of cracks and damage to the anus. It was because of its healing and astringent properties that girls turned their attention to hemorrhoid ointment as a cosmetic remedy for wrinkles.

What is the product?

The product is available in two forms (as already mentioned): as a rectal suppository and an ointment. Candles will not be the best option for cosmetic procedures. Before use, you will first have to melt them for some time, which is not very convenient. It is preferable to use “Relief” (ointment) for the face against wrinkles. Reviews from consumers confirm this. The ointment itself has a light yellowish tint, a greasy consistency and a characteristic fishy smell. The aroma, as well as the effectiveness of the product, is explained by the unique substances that are included in the composition.


Active components

Like hemorrhoids, the ointment can get rid of wrinkles in just a week. And all thanks to the unique properties of the active components that are included in the composition. There are only two of them, but they are very effective and give an amazing effect.

1. Shark liver oil. Relieves pain, promotes rapid tissue regeneration and wound healing. The oil also moisturizes and nourishes the skin, restores and maintains the water balance of the epidermis. As a result, the face becomes perfectly smooth and velvety. Thanks to these properties, shark oil is great for wrinkles, unhealthy puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

2. Phenylephrine hydrochloride. It has a vasoconstrictor effect, thanks to which it quickly and effectively fights edema and swelling. It also helps improve blood supply to problem areas of the epidermis.

“Relief Ultra” and “Relief Advance” have a similar composition. Anti-wrinkle ointment, the reviews of which are mostly rave, will still cope with wrinkles better than medications in the form of a suppository.

Auxiliary components

The remaining ingredients of the composition are also useful, but are contained in smaller quantities. Therefore, they are only additional substances on the basis of which the action of the main components is revealed.

  1. Vitamins A and E, included in the composition, are powerful antioxidants. They maintain skin turgor, making it more toned and elastic, slow down the aging process and restore the dermis. Vitamins allow you to successfully use anti-wrinkle ointment.


  1. Cocoa butter and Vaseline soften the skin and increase elasticity.
  1. Hydrocortisone acetate relieves swelling, irritation, itching, has a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect.
  1. Thyme relieves inflammation, cleanses pores and promotes healing of small wounds.
  1. Beeswax is included in many cosmetic products, the prices of which are much higher than for Relief ointment. The waste product of these insects is a great remedy for wrinkles (reviews from cosmetologists confirm this). Beeswax contains vitamin A in large quantities, and it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Therefore, the product protects, moisturizes, nourishes and evens out the complexion well.
  1. Thyme oil copes well with skin imperfections such as blackheads and pimples.
  1. Glycerol considered an excellent moisturizer and wrinkle filler.
  1. Corn oil regenerates the epidermis and restores its protective properties. It also softens and nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation, smoothes out fine and deep wrinkles.

The combination of these components in the composition provides an amazing result, which is demonstrated by the Relief ointment in cosmetology. For wrinkles, customer reviews say the product really helps.

The result of the ointment

It is certainly unknown why and who decided to use the drug for hemorrhoids to preserve a youthful face. But judging by customer reviews, it really works. Moreover, in some cases, skin imperfections disappear in about a week. So, what results can you expect after using Relief ointment?


  1. wrinkles become invisible;
  2. all irregularities are smoothed out;
  3. dryness is eliminated;
  4. peeling stops;
  5. the skin is saturated with moisture;
  6. the face becomes fresh, elastic, with a toned texture;
  7. swelling subsides;
  8. the area around the eyes acquires a healthy color;
  9. pores are cleansed;
  10. acne and inflammation heal.

That is, using Relief ointment you can achieve smoothing of wrinkles and an almost perfect face.

Expert opinion

Reviews from cosmetologists about “Relief” anti-wrinkle ointment are purely positive. They do not deny unconventional methods in the fight against skin imperfections. While doctors categorically object to such experiments. This is explained by the fact that the drug was developed for completely different purposes - the treatment of proctological diseases. And clinical trials were conducted accordingly. Therefore, severe allergic reactions and results that are opposite to those expected may occur in the facial area.

Cosmetologists are actively positioning the cream as an effective remedy against age-related changes. They note a rapid smoothing of wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose and around the mouth.

Consumer impressions

People generally respond well to this product. They note significant improvements immediately after applying the ointment. This allows you to get your skin in order right before an important event. However, there is no clear opinion on how Relief ointment behaves for wrinkles under the eyes. Reviews from some customers indicate that the product copes well with skin unevenness, dark circles and swelling. Other girls experienced reverse effects and a serious allergic reaction in the eye area.


Often customers are disappointed by the not very good consistency and unpleasant fishy smell. But these shortcomings are smoothed out by the presence of a natural composition and a real anti-aging effect. Women are also pleased with the cost of the ointment, which is an order of magnitude lower than the prices of specialized cosmetics.

Allergy test

Customers and cosmetologists recommend doing a test before applying ointment to the face. Because the clinical tests were performed on a different part of the body, the skin reaction cannot be predicted. A small amount of ointment should be applied to the surface of the palm or wrist and wait for an hour. If during this time no redness, itching or rash has appeared, then you can apply Relief anti-wrinkle ointment to your face. Reviews from cosmetologists show that this recommendation should not be neglected. Otherwise, the drug may cause the opposite effects: swelling, peeling, inflammation and other problems.

Instructions for use

Of course, the product has a package insert that tells you how to use the hemorrhoid remedy. But there’s not a word about the face, which is not surprising. Cosmetologists have long developed their own instructions.

Before applying, you must wash and cleanse your face with alcohol-free products. Ideally, you should steam your face in a hot bath to open the pores. This way the drug will be better absorbed and effective.


Further, experts recommend applying a small amount of ointment only to problem areas. If too much product has been applied, the residue can be removed with a napkin.

Apply the ointment correctly

To get the greatest effect from the ointment, use the following tips.

  1. Apply the product with light massage movements.
  2. Leave the product on your face for up to half an hour, then blot your skin with a napkin.
  3. To combat deep wrinkles, apply the ointment in a thick layer and cover with an adhesive bandage. This will prevent smudging, drying out and ensure deep absorption.

If you do not neglect these recommendations, you can very effectively use “Relief” (ointment) against wrinkles. Reviews from real customers and experienced cosmetologists confirm this fact.

Frequency of use

You need to fight wrinkles, but don’t get carried away with applying ointment. Experts do not advise doing this every day, otherwise the opposite effect will occur: drying of the skin and the appearance of new wrinkles. The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day and no more. It would be more correct to use the drug before bed, since it is undesirable to apply makeup to it.

Long-term use of ointment is also harmful. The course should last only 1-2 weeks. Afterwards it is recommended to take a break for 30 days. If this is neglected, then within a few months, due to the oversaturation of useful components, the skin will dry out, turn grey, become flabby and take on a tired appearance.



You should avoid using the drug if the following facts apply to you.

  1. intolerance to components;
  2. blood diseases;
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding.

We can summarize that “Relief” ointment for wrinkles is very effective if used correctly. And do not forget that this skin preparation should only be an “ambulance” and not a permanent care product.

Women, in the hope of prolonging their youth, use many different options: cosmetics, folk recipes, medical procedures. And they are even willing to take risks - to use ointments that are absolutely not intended for these purposes, for example, anti-wrinkle hemorrhoid cream.

Questions involuntarily arise. Can this method really help restore beauty to your facial skin, or is this just another myth? Isn't this kind of caring procedure fraught with danger? Let's try to find answers to them.

Composition of hemorrhoid cream, how it works on wrinkles, why it helps

There are rave reviews confirming the effect of external medications for hemorrhoids in the fight against wrinkles.


Who first came up with the idea to use such ointments and creams for other than their “direct” purpose? Perhaps they were cosmetologists? The fact is that hemorrhoidal drugs are largely similar in composition to anti-aging cosmetics. At the same time, they are relatively cheap, and their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation, healing microcracks, and improving the tone of tissues and blood vessels.

Medicinal and cosmetic products containing shark liver oil have always had a high cost. Not many people can afford to regularly purchase expensive products.

Having paid attention to the composition of ointments and gels for hemorrhoids, and tried to apply them to the face, a positive result was noticed in a fairly short time.

Hemorrhoidal ointments and gels contain the following components that actively affect the skin:

  1. Extracts of medicinal plants. Hemorrhoidal remedies usually include extracts of raspberry, lemon, chestnut, sea buckthorn, and oak bark. They have a soothing effect on the skin, relieving inflammation
  2. Vegetable oils. Cypress, corn, arnica oils strengthen vascular walls and eliminate protruding capillary networks
  3. Shark oil, seafood extract. Contain collagen and fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, restoring its elasticity and healthy appearance.
  4. Propolis and wax. They act systemically and accelerate tissue renewal processes. Propolis is a unique natural antiseptic; it also actively increases the permeability of the dermis and facilitates the penetration of other medicinal components into its deeper layers.
  5. Lanolin and glycerin. Moisturizes the skin
  6. Phenylerphine hydrochloride. Removes puffiness
  7. Heparin. The main component of drugs for hemorrhoids, the action of which is aimed at narrowing blood vessels and eliminating swelling

What creams help get rid of wrinkles

There are many hemorrhoidal remedies, but this does not mean that they all cope well with wrinkles. Not every ointment can be used on the face, since many of them contain hormones and anesthetic components.

If you believe those who have quite successfully solved the problem of combating age-related skin aging with the help of hemorrhoid creams, then the best of the drugs can be called the following:



An ointment that is called an “emergency solution” for eliminating obvious signs of a sleepless night - it effectively eliminates bruises and swelling, and leaves no chance for wrinkles to exist. Shark oil, vitamin E, thyme oil, glycerin stimulate subcutaneous reserves and have a restorative and anti-inflammatory effect.



The main active ingredient of the ointment, heparin, relieves tension in tissues and blood vessels, accelerates blood stagnation in the problem area. Under its action, the skin smoothes out and acquires a healthy color.

"Gepatrombin G"


One of the most effective remedies for hemorrhoids (used in the form of cream and suppositories), it is also actively used against wrinkles. The gel stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, eliminates inflammation, and has a healing and thrombus-absorbing effect.



Suppositories and cream contain microbial cells that are inactivated with phenol.

Heal tissues and blood vessels, increase their tone and resistance to pathogenic microflora.



The gel has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, causing them to constrict and improving blood flow, thereby ensuring uninterrupted skin nutrition and oxygen access.
The walls of blood vessels under the influence of the drug become elastic and durable.



Promotes the preservation of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the water balance in cells, thereby ensuring the activation of metabolic processes and the removal of stagnation.

Methods of use

There are disagreements among adherents of this method of combating wrinkles as to which dosage form is most effective: gel, ointment or suppositories.

Each of these drugs is used and has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Ointments have a dense consistency, so they are difficult to apply, but they contain a large amount of oils
  2. Gels are more convenient in this regard - they have a soft texture that spreads easily and is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen.
  3. The candles contain wax and lanolin, which have proven themselves to be beneficial components for the skin, while being absolutely safe.

But before application, the candles will have to be melted using a water bath.

When deciding to use anti-wrinkle medications for hemorrhoids, you must first conduct a skin reaction test. To do this, a drop of the product is applied to the inside of the elbow or wrist. If after some time a rash and itching appears on the skin, the medicinal product should be discarded.


If the test is successful, the product can be used. Apply it, like any cosmetic cream, with light, targeted pats, avoiding rubbing and stretching the skin.

Before the procedure, you should cleanse the skin: remove makeup, wash.

If necessary, you can use the drugs twice a day, but experts recommend using them only before bed.

Pros, cons, possible harm, contraindications

The best advertisement for this option for fighting wrinkles is the fact that it is used by all Hollywood “stars”. Famous beauties have long been using drugs for hemorrhoids to give their faces youth and beauty.

Doctors say that each drug must perform a specific function and be used for its intended purpose.

Without paying enough attention to the composition of the medicine, there is a risk of getting the following problems with the skin of the face:

  1. Zinc oxide will dry out the skin
  2. Prednisolone will cause the appearance of spider veins and spider veins
  3. Lidocaine causes allergies in many people


  4. Hormonal components can even cause subcutaneous bleeding.

Considering this, you should purchase products that do not contain these ingredients.