Cream for purse-string wrinkles

Purse-string wrinkles are insignificant vertical, minor folds in the lip area, directed perpendicular to its border. When a woman reaches a certain age (from 25 years), minor wrinkles begin to appear on her face.


Reasons for education

After twenty-five years, barely noticeable traces of the first wrinkles in the lip area begin to spoil the mood of very young girls. Minor folds appear as a result of the complete absence of fat in this area. Active facial expressions and the rare use of special cosmetics are also to blame. Over the years, the production of fibrillar protein and elastin decreases, and the skin becomes drier.

Why do purse-string wrinkles appear?

A number of reasons have been identified that cause these wrinkles around the lips:

  1. Active facial expressions, girls’ inability to relax muscle fibers in time, loud laughter, frequent pursing of lips (often this happens unconsciously);
  2. The perioral muscles are in constant tension. Most often this is associated with a specific profession. Wrinkles in the lip area can be seen in girls who smoke;
  3. The condition of the epidermis as a whole directly depends on good and quality sleep. Girls during puberty should monitor proper and competent skin care, pay special attention not only to the area around the eyes, but also not to forget about the lips, where the ball of dermis is also quite thin;
  4. Hormonal disruptions during puberty or menopause. Few girls know that wrinkles can signal improper functioning of the intestines and stomach;
  5. Sudden weight loss or, conversely, weight gain, insufficient amount of water in the body, excess ultraviolet rays. The sun has an extremely detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, especially in the area of ​​the lips and eyes, where the dermis is especially thin.

What contributes to the earlier formation of irregularities

There are ten reasons for the early formation of purse-string wrinkles:

  1. Heredity, since the structural features of cells and tissues are laid down at the genetic level;
  2. Living in an unfavorable environment, especially in industrial areas;
  3. Free radicals are most often formed as a result of excess UV radiation. This causes the destruction of collagen and elastin, and consequently leads to rapid aging;
  4. Unbalanced and incomplete diet. Each meal should contain a sufficient amount of protein products, fruits and vegetables, vitamins of various groups;
  5. Orthodontic problems;
  6. Often, in order to correct excess weight, girls take medications with a diuretic effect, which generally dehydrate the body. At the same time, representatives of the fair sex not only do not lose weight, they accelerate the aging process as a result of complete dehydration of the body. Be sure to monitor the amount of fluid you consume and maintain normal water balance;
  7. Frequent hormonal imbalances as a result of improper functioning of the endocrine gland. Basically, this happens due to malfunctions of the reproductive system;
  8. Incorrect work schedule, overwork, systemic psycho-emotional depression;
  9. Few people realize that frequent use of chewing gum and abuse of energy drinks contribute to the deterioration of skin quality and provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles. Purse-string wrinkles around the lips often appear for the same reason;
  10. Using budget cosmetics.

How to remove folds of skin around the mouth

Many girls are interested in the question: “How to remove purse-string wrinkles?” Don’t be upset, but it is impossible to completely get rid of the first signs of aging that have already appeared.

But it is possible for everyone to slow down these processes and make wrinkles less expressive if the above provocateurs are completely excluded, which only accelerates irreversible processes. In addition, in the world of modern cosmetology, methods have emerged that make folds in the lip area less noticeable.

Correction of minor irregularities in the lip area

Initially, you need to pay attention to competent and rational skin care. The skin must be moisturized, nourished, and worked to improve its tone using various cosmetic masks from well-known manufacturers, containing many vitamin complexes. Also, do not neglect fibrillar protein, as well as non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan, drugs that promote an exfoliating effect.


Also, do not neglect simple home remedies of various origins (animal or plant), carry out a professional lip gymnastics training complex every day. The combination of these measures significantly improves the condition of the skin and prevents the acceleration of the aging process. The main thing in gymnastics is to reduce spasm and relax the muscle corset.

Elimination methods

But, if minor folds in the lip area do appear, the main way to eliminate them can be called:

  1. Mesotherapy, biorevitalization, as well as lip plastic surgery along their contour. Purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip can be removed exclusively with circular and supportive injection procedures. Preparations must necessarily contain vitamin and mineral complexes, whey, and most importantly, non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan. The combination of these techniques allows you to fill in minor unevenness, normalize tissue blood circulation, the skin will be maximally moisturized and saturated with various beneficial elements, which will increase its tone and elasticity;
  2. Various injections with professional drugs based on botulinum neurotoxin “A”. The use of world-famous drugs of this class is based on the fact that nerve impulses stop flowing to the orbicularis labii muscle. This has a beneficial effect on preventing the occurrence of muscle spasms and their complete relaxation. After a series of manipulations and the entire course of injections, the skin is smoothed out, wrinkles become as invisible as possible. The effect of the procedure lasts for six months, and sometimes longer;
  3. Minor unevenness in the lip area can be removed by fractional photothermolysis. This procedure uses laser radiation to dose microscopic destruction of fine wrinkles. The procedure promotes rapid restoration of skin cells, collagen synthesis and improvement of skin condition in general;
  4. Contour plastic using fillers, for example Stylage. It is possible to remove purse-string wrinkles with fillers, and besides, this technique is quite popular. Its essence is to fill wrinkles with active substances of the drug containing sulfated glycosaminoglycans. Thanks to fillers, the cavity under the skin increases, thereby smoothing out irregularities;
  5. Use of mesothreads. Purse-string wrinkles can be removed quickly and easily with mesothreads; moreover, this method is becoming increasingly popular today. Initially, after the procedure, the thread mechanically prevents the possibility of skin irregularities, and after it is completely absorbed, a product appears at the insertion site that improves the functionality of ligaments and connective tissues. This significantly improves the quality of lip skin.

Effective exercises for purse-string irregularities

In addition to cosmetic preparations, injection techniques and a number of hardware procedures, effective facial exercises help fight purse-string wrinkles. Although women often forget to do such gymnastics regularly. Remember, after carrying out several procedures, you will not achieve the desired result; consistency is important in everything.


Step-by-step instructions for performing gymnastics:

  1. Make a deep entrance, puffing out your cheeks. Stay in this position for half a minute, and then exhale sharply;
  2. Fold your lips together to form a tube. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds, then return to the original position. Do this 10-15 times;
  3. Make mechanical movements with your lips. You should make the most unusual grimaces for you, change the position of your lips, blow out your cheeks, just play out in front of the mirror. Carry out manipulations until you have slight soreness in the facial area;
  4. Alternately pout your upper and lower lips so that they are not at the same level, but do not forget to clean off the gloss or lipstick, otherwise you will be covered in paint;
  5. Fake a kiss. But at the same time, the lip line should be pressed tightly with the palm of your hand;
  6. Start and finish gymnastic procedures with a wide smile, this way you will not only lift your spirits, but also effectively work your lip muscles, preventing the appearance of unpleasant wrinkles.

Use of professional cosmetics

The nasolabial area can be smoothed using special cosmetics. The main thing to consider is that the drugs should include the following active substances:

  1. Fibrillar protein, which forms the basis of the body’s connective tissue, has a positive effect on the skin and makes it more elastic;
  2. Non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan will retain moisture for a long time and make the skin as saturated as possible;
  3. To maximize the removal of dead cells, you need to choose products with exfoliating specks.

To quickly and effectively get rid of unpleasant wrinkles, you need to choose exclusively professional cosmetics. The pricing may seem too high to some. It is important not to chase expensive brands, but to find the most moisturizing products among familiar names that also eliminate unevenness.

How to get rid of uneven lips on your own

It is necessary to completely give up nicotine, alcoholic beverages and forget what chewing gum is. Facial expressions and the structure of various grimaces must be controlled. Try to watch your face and don't purse your lips.


Wash your face exclusively with cool water; you can also brew green tea for this or purchase a special tonic. To tone and moisturize your facial skin as much as possible, wipe it with ice cubes and remove the mustache. It is desirable that it be chamomile decoction extract.

For maximum elasticity of the skin, the diet should be dominated by natural products with a high content of vitamin and mineral complexes. Also, do not forget what proper rest and healthy sleep are.

The skin should not become dry when exposed to direct sunlight. It is important to lubricate it with a special cream with SPF protection. The composition of the products must include antioxidants and coenzymes. You can apply fatty oils to your lips - flaxseed, olive, camphor.

We correct purse-string folds using folk remedies

  1. Cucumber mask. Grate the cucumber onto a fine grater and add heavy sour cream or cream to this paste. Also don't forget about honey. It is important to steam the skin first and only then apply the mixed mixture to it. The mask lasts 15 minutes;
  2. Green pea. Fresh green peas are kneaded and poured with sour milk. The mass is applied to the area around the lips and washed off after 20 minutes. After 10 masks, you will see the first effect;
  3. Apple mask. Buy or collect green apples, grate them on a fine grater and prepare a mask. It is important to apply it to the lip area and leave for 15 minutes. After this, you need to apply a rich baby cream to the problem areas.

There is also a mask made from potato starch. Dilute a small amount of starch with kefir. It is important that the consistency of the mask resembles thick sour cream. The mask is applied to the problem area and washed off after 15 minutes. After applying the starch, the area around the lips should be lubricated with honey, leaving it overnight and over time there will be fewer purse-string wrinkles.

The first visible signs of aging in women are observed closer to 30 years. And at the age of 45 they are already visible to the naked eye. They become especially noticeable around the eyes, above the upper lip, which are completely impossible to hide even with the help of decorative cosmetics. So is it possible to fight them? How to radically remove purse-string wrinkles and can you do it yourself? Or should you seek help from specialists?

What are purse-string wrinkles

This type of wrinkles are vertical folds that form in the area of ​​the lips and eyes in women aged 40-45 years, and those who lead an unhealthy lifestyle even earlier. To eliminate them, modern cosmetology offers various methods, including creams and gels for home use, as well as salon procedures using injections or hardware equipment.

Reasons for appearance

The main cause of purse-string wrinkles is a decrease in collagen synthesis. Slow metabolism aggravates the situation, which leads to poor nutrition of cellular structures and disruption of natural processes in them. As a result, the skin becomes weakened and flabby.

As for purse-string wrinkles, in addition to the 2 factors described above, their appearance is influenced by the weakening of the muscle tissue around the lips and eyes. The fact is that the circular muscles in these areas, unlike other muscle tissues, are attached directly to the skin. And since it is constantly in action (we drink, talk, eat, show certain emotions), this contributes to the stretching of the skin and the formation of folds on it.

There are minor factors that speed up these processes:

  1. lack of skin care;
  2. use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  3. deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  4. smoking;
  5. constant additional stress on the lip muscles (for example, when drinking frequently through a straw);
  6. a sharp decrease in body fat (with intentional weight loss or in the presence of any diseases);
  7. fluid deficiency in the body caused by abuse of diuretics;
  8. abnormal structure of the anterior dentition or absence of teeth;
  9. pathologies of the endocrine system and digestive tract.

Purse-string wrinkles occur not only at the age of 40-45 years. In some women they appear much earlier, and as practice shows, smoking is to blame. During it, not only is there additional stress on the muscles, but also the destruction of the supporting fibers of the skin protein. In addition, nicotine causes a constant lack of oxygen in the body, which, in turn, slows down collagen production and metabolism several times.

Correction methods

Modern cosmetology offers a huge selection of different procedures that allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of wrinkles. The effect of their use is noticeable almost immediately - wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes firm and elastic. The method of combating purse-string wrinkles is selected individually depending on the patient’s age, her general health and financial capabilities.

Botulinum toxin injections

This procedure is an injection method of combating purse-string wrinkles with Botox. Its action is aimed at immobilizing and relaxing the orbicularis muscle, which helps restore the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately. However, the maximum result is assessed only after 3-5 days, when the swelling subsides. Wrinkles disappear for 6-12 months, then they appear again.

Botulinum toxin injections are indicated:

  1. with age-related skin changes;
  2. when the corners of the mouth droop;
  3. after dental procedures, prolonged smoking or exposure to other factors;
  4. causing premature formation of folds above the upper lip.

As for contraindications, they can be conditionally divided into several groups - direct and relative. The first, in which the use of botulinum toxin preparations is strictly prohibited.

These include:

  1. hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  2. mental disorders;
  3. alcohol addiction;
  4. infectious skin lesions in the area of ​​intended administration of the drug.

Relative contraindications are conditions in which the use of Botox is limited (the procedure is postponed for some time):

  1. taking antibiotics;
  2. oncology;
  3. viral diseases in the acute stage;
  4. increased body temperature;
  5. lesions of the facial nerves;
  6. high blood pressure;
  7. open sores and wounds on the skin.

Botulinum toxin is a substance safe for the human body. But if it is administered incorrectly, side effects may occur:

  1. asymmetry of the facial muscles;
  2. the effect of a frozen mask instead of a face;
  3. decreased sensitivity.


Biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure that is carried out in several ways - non-injection and injection. During it, hyaluronic acid is used, which helps fill the intercellular space and moisturize the cells, due to which the face becomes smoother and the skin rejuvenates.


The surface layers of the skin are polished. This procedure is quite painful. Most often it is used to remove scars and tattoos.


To improve the general condition of the dermis, restore its tone and stimulate metabolic processes in cells, cosmetic mixtures based on hyaluronic acid (HA) with the addition of vitamins and other substances beneficial to the skin are used. The effect after this procedure lasts for several months.


Also performed on the basis of hyaluronic acid. The skin is deeply hydrated, the production of collagen and elastin is resumed, and fine wrinkles disappear. The effect lasts 6-8 months.


A course of injections aimed at strengthening and tightening the skin. The result lasts for up to 10 months.

Contour plastic

Provides a more pronounced visual effect. The contour of the upper lip is strengthened, and HA-based fillers fill even the deepest wrinkles. This procedure, unlike the above, does not affect the general condition of the skin in any way. The result lasts about 12 months.


In essence, this is the same contour plastic surgery. However, in this case, the patient's fat deposits from the thighs or abdomen are used as filler. The result lasts quite a long time compared to other procedures - about 3 years. But there are also disadvantages - the complexity of the procedure, and as a result - its high cost.

The best method for eliminating wrinkles is fractional laser resurfacing, which is radical in nature. It is recommended to carry out this procedure only in the autumn or winter months. Most often, 3-5 procedures are required to achieve the effect.

A good effect can be achieved using contouring and chemical peeling.
At the age of close to 50 years, the most effective way to get rid of wrinkles around the lips, which have already become deep, is a surgical lift. This is a fairly serious operation, so you need to think carefully before deciding to do it.


Hardware procedures

The salons also carry out hardware procedures.
• ELOS – rejuvenation course using radio waves.
• Lifting massage – all the muscles around the mouth are worked with the fingers.
• Thermage – in order for additional collagen production to begin, moisturizing procedures for the skin above the lips are carried out under the influence of a certain temperature regime.

Anti-wrinkle cosmetics

To prevent surgery and avoid the appearance of wrinkles for a long time, it is recommended to use cosmetics. When choosing an anti-wrinkle face cream, carefully study the packaging, focusing on the composition of the cosmetic product. The following components must be present:

  1. antioxidants, especially coenzyme Q10 - they slow down the aging process of the skin and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles;
  2. retinoids (vitamin A and its derivatives) – help maintain skin firmness and elasticity;
  3. moisturizing components - it is the lack of moisture that leads to rapid aging of the skin, and wrinkles become even more noticeable.

It is advisable that the creams do not contain alcohol, parabens or fragrances. At least twice a week, natural products with an exfoliating effect should be applied to the problem area. To make the skin firm and elastic, it is recommended to use a daily nourishing cream.

Folk recipes

In addition to the use of creams, it is also useful to use masks. There are many of them. The most effective masks are made from the following ingredients:

  1. Mix canned green peas with kefir, then mash with a fork. Apply the resulting mass to your face, rinse off after 20 minutes.
  2. Apply a mixture of a teaspoon of honey diluted with aloe juice to the skin above the lips. After half an hour, rinse with warm water.
  3. Apply a leaf of sauerkraut for 25-30 minutes to the area above the lip or wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in brine.
  4. Grate an unripe green apple. Spread the resulting apple pulp over your upper lip.
  5. Dissolve 10g of starch in kefir. Apply the resulting creamy mass to the problem area.


To combat wrinkles, you can use other means:

  1. Cubes of frozen herbal infusions, such as chamomile or calendula. It is recommended to wipe the skin in the morning and evening.
  2. Cucumber masks - distilled water contained in large quantities in these vegetables has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis.
  3. Celery – the phytohormones it contains act like antioxidants.
  4. Vitamin B2. It also functions like an antioxidant and controls the activity of free radicals. Its deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin, leading to peeling.

When using folk remedies to get rid of wrinkles, you should not expect instant results. In addition, you can resort to alternative methods.

Massage and face building

You can also get rid of purse-string wrinkles with the help of massage and face-building. Before you begin the exercises, you need to prepare the skin - carry out procedures to cleanse and moisturize it. Initially, do 3 repetitions of each exercise. Gradually, this number should reach 15. It is recommended to repeat the set of exercises several times a week, but if you increase the frequency, there will be no harm.

Exercises for wrinkles above the lip:

  1. Close your lips and teeth tightly. Lower your lower lip down, exposing your lower teeth and gums. Tighten your lower face. This helps to tighten the oval of the face and improves the condition of the skin above the upper lip;
  2. Open your mouth slightly and smile. Stretch your smile. You can’t squint your eyes, only tense the lower part of your face. Thus, you will smooth out wrinkles in the nasolabial area;
  3. Pull your lips forward as much as possible. Gather them into a knot and fix in this position for 10 seconds;
  4. Slap your lips as if pronouncing the letter “P”;
  5. Draw your mouth into an oval. Fix the corners of your lips so that they do not diverge. Draw a fish - tighten and release your lips. Don't strain your nose.

Proper balanced nutrition can also get rid of wrinkles in the area above the lip. Adjust your diet, eliminate all harmful foods. Add more vitamins and minerals, foods rich in antioxidants, collagen in foods is also beneficial for facial skin.

What products rejuvenate the skin?

  1. meat and nuts, but you should not abuse them;
  2. fresh and properly prepared vegetables and fruits;
  3. lean meat;
  4. dairy products;
  5. whole grain crops.

In addition, you need to drink enough water - at least a liter.
If you adhere to the above rules of care, you will not have to think about solving the question “How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip.”

Video: a way to remove wrinkles around the lips from Elena Malysheva.
