Cream against stretch marks after childbirth


Stretch marks after childbirth are a cause of concern for most new mothers. They appear on the stomach, chest, thighs and buttocks. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon, highlight the reasons for its formation, find out how to remove stretch marks after childbirth, naming ways to get rid of this cosmetic defect.

Can stretch marks appear after childbirth?

Not all new mothers develop stretch marks after pregnancy. However, about 50% of women record their appearance. In their structure, they are similar to scars; they can be white or reddish in color, and are most often localized in the abdomen and chest. These organs directly increase in size during the period of bearing a baby. In medicine they are usually called striae. Stretch marks on the breasts after childbirth occur due to the onset of lactation and an increase in the size of the gland.

Why do stretch marks appear after childbirth?

Stretch marks on the body after childbirth are the consequences of changes in the size of individual organs. In the area of ​​thinning of the skin, deep in the tissues, internal tears occur. These areas themselves are replaced with connective tissue over time. As a result, a defect is formed on the surface of the skin. In terms of their composition, stretch marks after childbirth do not differ from scars. In addition to the increased stress on the skin during pregnancy, there are also predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of developing stretch marks. Among them:

  1. insufficient intake of vitamins into the body;
  2. hereditary factor - there are histocompatibility antigens involved in the synthesis of unstable collagen;
  3. lack of selenium and copper, which take part in collagen synthesis.

Do stretch marks go away after childbirth?

After childbirth, stretch marks disappear if they are minor and shallow, narrow lesions of the skin. In most cases, a young mother requires special therapy, the use of medications, and procedures. This is the only way to eliminate stretch marks after childbirth and restore the skin to its previous appearance. Single stretch marks disappear on their own, and this happens rarely.

What to do with stretch marks after childbirth?

The question regarding how to remove stretch marks is heard from almost every second mother. Doctors cannot give universal advice, since each situation is individual. When selecting a technique and method of therapy that removes stretch marks on the legs after childbirth, the specialist takes into account the degree of violation, the severity of cosmetic defects - the number of stretch marks, their location, depth, size. Only after analysis is an effective method of elimination proposed. Among the common ones:

  1. local therapy - ointments, oils, creams for skin treatment;
  2. hardware treatment - injections, laser use;
  3. use of folk remedies.


Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

When answering this kind of question, doctors draw women’s attention to the time of initiation of therapy. If we talk about whether stretch marks are removed after childbirth, when therapy is started after 1-2 months, then the likelihood of them disappearing when using only creams and oils is small. In such cases, hardware methods are required to remove stretch marks on the hips after childbirth. It is worth noting that such medical procedures make it possible to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Folk remedies help to strengthen it.

Cream for stretch marks after childbirth

One of the affordable and effective means of getting rid of stretch marks is a cream for stretch marks after pregnancy. Doctors recommend using it as a preventive measure during pregnancy. When choosing such a tool, you must be guided by the following rules:

  1. the composition must contain exclusively natural ingredients that increase skin elasticity - elastin and collagen;
  2. the product should not have side effects;
  3. the manufacturer must be a well-known brand, tested and approved by dermatologists.

Among the existing drugs in this group are:

  1. Cream Mama Comfort – designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It contains hyaluronic acid and regulates water-fat balance. Horse chestnut extract stimulates blood circulation, oil extract saturates with fatty acids, increasing skin elasticity.
  2. 9 months – a complex cosmetic product that includes components against stretch marks. Helps prevent and reduce existing stretch marks.
  3. Mustella. It has a double effect - it corrects existing stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  4. Pregnacare cream. The drug contains aloe vera, panthenol, allantoin, and calendula extract. These components perfectly moisturize the skin, stimulating its restoration at a deep level.


Oil for stretch marks

Often, after the birth of a baby, women wonder how to lighten stretch marks after childbirth and make them less noticeable. An excellent remedy for these purposes is natural oil. It moisturizes the skin, making it more elastic, reducing stretch marks. Among the natural oils suitable for eliminating stretch marks, it is worth noting:

  1. Olive oil - an excellent remedy as a food ingredient; it can also be used to prevent stretch marks and eliminate them. Oleic acid is an excellent remedy in the fight against stretch marks. By nourishing the deep layers, it prevents the appearance of new defects on the skin, reducing stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil – linolenic and lenoleic acids of this natural component perfectly increase skin firmness and elasticity. The composition also contains carotenes, bioactive substances that improve skin restoration processes.
  3. Almond oil. The composition contains vitamins such as A, E, B, which have a positive effect on the restoration of epidermal cells. The microelements contained stimulate collagen synthesis, restoring the water-lipid balance.

In addition to natural oils, mothers can also use special preparations that remove stretch marks on the abdomen after pregnancy. Among the popular means:

  1. Weleda. Maintains the tone of the muscle structures of the skin, nourishing it and improving the extensibility of the upper layers. The base of the oil is vegetable fats of wheat germ, with the addition of arnica flower extract and almonds. These components improve tissue metabolism, allowing you to get rid of cosmetic defects.
  2. Johnson's Baby Oil – often used by mothers when carrying a baby, and can also be used in the postpartum period. By improving microcirculation processes, the structure of skin cells is renewed. The oil can be combined with natural ingredients to improve the effect.

Folk remedies for stretch marks after childbirth

This type of therapy is actively used by mothers. A folk remedy for stretch marks after childbirth helps reduce the size and number of stretch marks and prevent the appearance of new ones. Among the effective recipes, the following should be highlighted.

Natural oil for stretch marks

  1. olive oil – 100 ml;
  2. jojoba oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  3. rose oil – 15 drops.
  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply to the area of ​​damaged skin 3-5 times a day until the effect is achieved.

Effective cream for stretch marks

  1. coconut oil – 50 ml;
  2. olive oil – 50 ml;
  3. cocoa butter – 50 ml;
  4. vitamin E – 10 ml.
  1. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  2. The resulting cream is applied to stretch marks up to 5 times a day.


Mesotherapy for stretch marks

Correction of stretch marks after childbirth is possible using mesotherapy. This treatment involves subcutaneous injections. Their composition is selected individually, according to the severity of the disorder, the depth of the stretch marks, and their location. The procedure for removing stretch marks after childbirth is carried out by experienced specialists using a syringe gun. This instrument can control the depth of needle insertion and the dosage of the drug.

The composition of the injected funds may vary. Often for such subcutaneous injections they use:

  1. collagen;
  2. vitamins E, A;
  3. enzymes;
  4. herbal ingredients;
  5. amino acids;
  6. plant extracts.

Laser resurfacing of stretch marks

When talking about how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth forever, doctors highlight laser treatment for stretch marks among effective methods. This manipulation allows you to remove stretch marks as much as possible. After the procedure, they are practically invisible and do not cause aesthetic discomfort to the woman. There are 3 types of laser resurfacing that are used to treat stretch marks:

  1. Factional – used to remove stretch marks on any part of the body (chest, abdomen, arms, legs). A thin nozzle is used, so the impact occurs precisely.
  2. Tonal (carbon dioxide laser). Used for deep stretch marks. The same technique helps to get rid of postoperative scars.
  3. Laser lifting. Helps restore the spiny layer of the epidermis, giving cells their former elasticity. Used to remove stretch marks on the thighs and buttocks.

The formation of stretch marks (stretch marks) on the abdomen and chest during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a normal and natural process, since the skin has to stretch to unusual sizes in a relatively short period of time. The situation is aggravated by a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which are necessary for skin elasticity, due to hormonal changes. And although stretch marks do not pose any danger, in the 21st century there is no longer any need to put up with this unaesthetic phenomenon, which often causes itching and discomfort. In this article we will look at the most popular and effective creams and ointments against stretch marks, which can greatly speed up the natural process of discoloration and reduction of stretch marks.


What should be the remedy for stretch marks?

To avoid wasting money or even harming your health, any woman should be aware of the requirements for creams and ointments against stretch marks.


Firstly, creams must be hypoallergenic and not irritate the skin. Secondly, since such products are in most cases used during breastfeeding, their components should not penetrate the bloodstream and be passed on to the baby through milk. Breastfeeding mothers should check whether the tube indicates that the cream can be used while breastfeeding. It is better to choose a product with minimal odor and a white or translucent color: dyes and fragrances are potential allergens.


A truly effective cream for stretch marks after childbirth should include:

  1. elastin and collagen - proteins designed to maintain the strength and elasticity of the skin;
  2. stimulators of elastin and collagen production;
  3. antioxidants: beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, flavonoids, etc.;
  4. substances that activate and accelerate the regeneration process;
  5. substances that nourish and moisturize the skin: vitamins A, F and B vitamins;
  6. blood circulation stimulants.

Instructions for use

Although different anti-stretch mark creams may have slightly different instructions for use, in general the principle of their use is similar:

  1. Wash and dry the skin on problem areas (ideally, use the product after a shower or bath).
  2. Apply the cream or ointment in a circular motion until completely absorbed into the skin on areas with stretch marks (thighs, abdomen, chest, forearms).
  3. Repeat twice a day.

If a woman has had a caesarean section, the cream should not be applied to the scar until it is completely healed.

The best creams against stretch marks

There is no and cannot be a universal remedy against stretch marks that would suit any woman. A key role in the fight against stretch marks is played by the woman’s age, the “age” of the stretch marks, their location (stomach, chest or hips), diet and other factors. Because of this, each woman needs to choose a product for herself, with which the list below of the best creams, gels and tonics for combating stretch marks will help her.

1. Cream “9 months”

Price: about 300 rubles.

The line of products of the same name is designed specifically for pregnant women. The cream is suitable both for preventing the formation of stretch marks and for removing existing ones.


The composition of the cream includes:

  1. grapefruit oil - enhances lymph and blood circulation;
  2. shea butter - gives the skin elasticity and softness;
  3. wheat germ oil - a source of collagen;
  4. vitamin PP - antioxidant;
  5. elastin, peptides and soy lipids - provide skin elasticity and eliminate sagging;
  6. dimethicone is a substance similar to silicone that creates a protective film on the surface of the epidermis.

2. Skinformer toner

Price: 990 rubles

Skinformer is a product with a 100% natural composition, so it has no contraindications and is suitable for allergy sufferers, pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding. In addition to eliminating stretch marks, the tonic has a healing effect on skin damage, tightens the epidermis, relieves inflammation, moisturizes the skin by reducing moisture loss, and activates the renewal of epithelial tissue.


The composition of the tonic includes:

  1. elastin;
  2. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that supports the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin;
  3. vitamin A - has anti-allergenic properties, relieves inflammation, protects from sun rays;
  4. dexpanthenol - softens the skin, heals damage;
  5. lecithin - stimulates lipid metabolism, restores the protective function of the epidermis;
  6. glycerin - moisturizes the skin;
  7. diatomaceous earth - fights stretch marks, reduces the visibility of old scars;
  8. urea - provides soothing and antibacterial effects;
  9. SI-MATRIX complex (copper, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium) - retains moisture and maintains skin elasticity.

The tonic is not sold in pharmacies; you can only buy it on the official website of the manufacturer.

3. Cream “Mama Comfort”

Price: about 300 rubles.

Designed specifically for pregnant women (as a preventive measure) and nursing mothers.


The composition of the cream includes:

  1. olive oil - softens the skin;
  2. tea tree extract - heals skin damage;
  3. chamomile extract - provides nutrition and hydration;
  4. horse chestnut - intensifies blood circulation in the skin, eliminates inflammation;
  5. hyaluronic acid - regulates water-fat balance.

4. Pomegranate emulsion

The completely organic composition of the product allows it to be used by women prone to allergies, as well as during breastfeeding. According to research results, on average, within a week, pomegranate emulsion eliminates small stretch marks, and within a month, it almost completely discolors large ones.

The composition of the emulsion includes:

  1. flavonoids - start the process of epithelial renewal;
  2. folic acid - fights skin aging at the DNA level;
  3. phytoestrogens - enhance the synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  4. vitamin D complex - prevents premature skin aging, improves blood microcirculation;
  5. a complex of micro- and macroelements (calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc) - help retain moisture and maintain skin elasticity;
  6. beta-carotene and vitamin C are antioxidants;
  7. fatty acids - restore the protective functions of the skin.


5. Cream from Avent

Price: about 500 rubles.

During testing, this hypoallergenic product proved to be effective in both the prevention and elimination of stretch marks, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. Avent products undergo strict dermatological control.

The composition of the cream includes:

  1. Shea Butter;
  2. sweet almond and papaya oil - removes excess moisture, eliminating stagnation;
  3. algae extracts - give the skin elasticity.


6. Intensive Anti-Stretch Marks Cream

Price: about 2900 rubles.

Development of the world famous Italian company Collistar. Such a high cost is due to the unique mechanism of action of the cream - it blocks the enzyme elastase, which is responsible for the breakdown of elastin.

The composition of the cream includes:

  1. silk proteins - retain moisture in the epidermis;
  2. beeswax - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. complex of 4 amino acids;
  5. complex of vitamins.

7. Clarins Stretch Mark Control Cream

Price: about 2000 rubles.

The composition of the cream is mostly natural and absolutely hypoallergenic. According to reviews, a good effect is achieved only when preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.


The composition of the cream includes:

  1. oil extract to nourish the skin;
  2. crowberries and centella asiatica - trigger skin regeneration and the production of elastin and collagen.

8. Lotion "Solaris"

A universal remedy that fights against stretch marks, burns, frostbite, scars, skin damage after tattooing, age spots, etc. The ability to relieve bone and muscle pain has been noted.

The composition of the lotion includes:

  1. Dead Sea salt - controls sebum production;
  2. aloe extract - smoothes fine wrinkles;
  3. avocado, rosemary, jojoba, orange oils - moisturize and nourish;
  4. thyme - copes with looseness and sagging skin.


9. Phytolastil ampoules and gel

Price: about 2700 rubles.

The manufacturer (the famous French company Lierac) claims to successfully get rid of old and new stretch marks in 85% of cases when using this cream.

The composition of the product includes extracts of horsetail, butcher's broom and mantle, which help the growth of new skin fibers.

10. Vichy cream

Price: about 1500 rubles.

Excellently fights the appearance of stretch marks and noticeably discolors existing ones.

The composition of the cream includes:

  1. glycerol;
  2. Vichy thermal water - promotes skin regeneration;
  3. bassia oil - accelerates metabolic processes inside the skin, increases collagen production.


11. Pregnacare cream

Price: about 550 rubles

A completely hypoallergenic cream that copes well with the formation of new stretch marks

The composition of the cream includes:

  1. dexpanthenol;
  2. aloe vera extract;
  3. allantoin and evening primrose oil - start the process of skin regeneration;
  4. soy glycine, calendula extract, vitamin E - antioxidants;
  5. lemon oil - slows down the breakdown of elastin and collagen.

12. Mustella double action cream

Price: about 2500 rubles

By double action we mean the prevention of the appearance of stretch marks and the removal of existing ones. Feedback from customers indicates the high effectiveness of the product.


The composition of the cream includes:

  1. shea butter, avocado peptides - nourishes the skin;
  2. Japanese Sophora, set of minerals - eliminate damage;
  3. arabinogalactan, lupeol, elastoregulator - increase elasticity.

13. Mangosteen cream

The composition does not contain dyes, parabens or fragrances, making the cream ideal for combating stretch marks during pregnancy and lactation. The product has successfully passed large-scale tests on volunteers, repeatedly confirming its effectiveness.

The composition of the cream includes:

  1. iron - responsible for the supply of oxygen to skin cells, evens out its tone;
  2. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and also accelerates the resorption of scars;
  3. biotin - triggers the regeneration of skin tissue, eliminates sagging;
  4. retinol and xanthones - accelerate collagen synthesis.


The considered list of creams, gels and lotions is far from exhaustive, but no matter what cream for stretch marks after childbirth a woman is going to purchase, she needs to pay attention to the effectiveness of the composition (the presence of collagen, elastin or stimulants for their production) and its safety (the absence of dyes, fragrances and parabens).

During pregnancy, women often develop stretch marks (striae) - stripes of burgundy and pale pink colors on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and even on the chest. Their appearance is caused by the unpreparedness of the skin for hyperextension with an increase in the tummy and total body weight. Of course, it is easier to prevent stretch marks than to treat them later. But what to do if stretch marks have already appeared? Traditional medicine and hardware cosmetology will help in the fight against them. You can read more about how to remove stretch marks after childbirth here.


One of the ways to eliminate stretch marks is special creams for stretch marks after childbirth. They will prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy and reduce or remove defects that have already appeared after childbirth. The selected product must meet certain requirements:

  1. composition: the cream must contain components that increase skin elasticity, for example, collagen and elastin;
  2. safety: the product should not adversely affect the body;
  3. manufacturer: it is desirable that the manufacturer of the cream is well-known and trusted.

Composition of creams

In order to get rid of stretch marks, you need to understand how they appear. Stretch marks occur when the inner layer of skin breaks. Such breaks are formed when there is a lack of collagen and elastin in the skin - substances that are responsible for elasticity. Therefore, these components should be the main components of the cream. In addition to increasing the ability to stretch, you need to take care of nourishing the skin and increasing its moisture content.

Thus, the optimal cream should contain:

  1. collagen and elastin to increase skin elasticity or stimulators of their production;
  2. nutrients to maintain natural moisture and elasticity of the skin: B vitamins, vitamin A (retinol), unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic) in the form of various oils, seaweed;
  3. antioxidants to protect against negative environmental influences and stress: vitamin E, C in the form of wheat germ oil;
  4. regeneration activating substances;
  5. blood circulation stimulants.

How to choose the right cream for stretch marks?

When choosing a cream, you need to consider important nuances:

  1. the cream must be safe: it must be indicated on the tube or in the instructions that the product can be used during lactation;
  2. hypoallergenic: it is important that the composition does not cause allergies in mother and child (in the case of breastfeeding, the components of the cream can enter the baby’s body with breast milk);
  3. minimum smell and color: fragrances and dyes, of course, add attractiveness to the cream, but can cause allergies in the baby or the susceptible body of the mother;
  4. It is advisable to use a sample first: you need to check how the skin will react to the composition of the product, whether there will be allergies or other unwanted reactions.

How to use

The instructions for each product will indicate recommendations for use - how often to apply, what course of treatment, whether accompanying procedures are needed (peeling, etc.). For most products, the method of use is the same:

  1. the cream is applied with massage movements twice a day in a thin layer until completely absorbed onto problem areas (abdomen, thighs, buttocks, chest, and if necessary, forearms);
  2. period of use: within 2 – 3 months;
  3. Apply the product to clean skin (preferably after a shower or bath);
  4. If a caesarean section was performed, no cream is applied to the scar area until it has healed.

Cream rating

There is no universal remedy suitable for everyone. Although our skin has the same structure, it reacts to cream therapy differently for everyone. Therefore, the optimal remedy for yourself is selected individually, depending on the effect. The presented rating contains information about the action of each component so that you can get an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the product.

Top 10 creams against stretch marks:

1. Cream “Mama Comfort”


The “Mama Comfort” line of products is designed specifically for pregnant and nursing mothers. The composition is specially designed for particularly sensitive skin during the postpartum period. The cream can also increase the elasticity of the skin of pregnant women. Price


  1. hyaluronic acid: regulates the water-fat balance, maintaining the optimal amount of fluid for the skin in the intercellular space;
  2. horse chestnut extract: blood circulation stimulator, enhances skin nutrition and regeneration;
  3. oil extract: rich in fatty acids to improve skin elasticity;
  4. innovative complex REGU-STRETCH for correcting the skin's ability to stretch.

2. Cream “9 months”


Like the “Mama Comfort” series, the “9 months” line is designed for expectant mothers and includes not only stretch mark cream, but also products for the care and protection of the skin of the whole body. This cream not only helps prevent, but also actively fights stretch marks that have already formed. Price


  1. soybean hydrolysates, elastin: supply the skin with the necessary substances to maintain its elasticity;
  2. antioxidants: echinacea extract, wheat germ oil to protect the skin from harmful effects and stress;
  3. grapefruit oil: stimulates blood circulation and also helps eliminate fat deposits and cellulite;
  4. complex of oils: supplies the skin with nutrients.

3. Mustella double action cream


The dual action of the product ensures the prevention and correction of stretch marks. Effectively fights existing stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones. Price


  1. elastoregulator, arabinogalactan, and lupeol substances specially developed by Mustella provide increased elasticity;
  2. Japanese sophora, a complex of trace elements responsible for regeneration;
  3. Shea butter and avocado peptides have a nourishing effect.

4. Pregnacare cream


Cream for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks (striae) that occur during and after pregnancy. The components of this product not only eliminate existing stretch marks, but also actively fight new defects, since they contain a stimulator of elastin production. Price


  1. aloe vera, panthenol nourish the skin;
  2. allantoin, evening primrose oil promotes regeneration;
  3. vitamin E, calendula extract, soy glycine act as antioxidants;
  4. Lemon oil stops the breakdown of collagen and elastin and stimulates their production.

5. Cream from Avent


A popular anti-stretch mark cream in Europe.

Contains natural oils rich in minerals, vitamins and amino acids, plant extracts, including extracts of sea plants and algae. The light, citrus-based scent contains notes of lemon and grapefruit, known for their ability to ease symptoms of nausea during pregnancy. All Philips Avent cosmetics have undergone strict dermatological testing.

The special formula of Avent cream helps relieve fatigue and increase skin elasticity, preventing the appearance of stretch marks. This nourishing, non-greasy massage cream helps improve skin elasticity, moisturizes and softens it. Hypoallergenic. Price

Active components:

  1. shea seed oil has a softening effect;
  2. extract of sea plants and algae increases skin elasticity;
  3. Papaya and sweet almond oil (purified of potentially allergenic free proteins) relieve congestion and promote fluid removal.

6. Cream for stretch marks “Vichy”


Reduces the risk of stretch marks. Helps improve skin elasticity and significantly reduce existing stretch marks. Price

Components of the cream for stretch marks after childbirth "Vichy":

  1. Vichy thermal water: stimulates skin regeneration;
  2. glycerin: retains skin moisture, preventing loss of elasticity;
  3. bassia oil: activates collagen synthesis and metabolic processes in skin cells.

7. Phytolastil gel or ampoules from Lierac


The French manufacturer says the product is 85% effective against all types of stretch marks – both “old” and “new”. The basis of the current complex is extract of horsetail, ivy and mantle. These substances contain flavonoids, which stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Price

Apply morning and evening with light massaging movements to problem areas for 8 weeks. The course can be extended. The result depends on the care with which you use this product. Do not under any circumstances interrupt the course you have started.

8. Clarins Stretch Mark Control Cream


The product is developed on the basis of plant components that help eliminate skin defects and provide skin nutrition. Price


  1. centella asiatica, crowberry berries activate the processes of regeneration and production of collagen and elastin;
  2. oil extract nourishes the skin.

9. Cream "Solaris" Dr. Nona


The product was created not only to eliminate stretch marks, it is also used for many skin diseases (from scars, burns, stretch marks, for healing tattoos and any skin damage). Bio-organomineral complex, plant wax emulsion, sunflower oil extract, avocado, jojoba, aloe, orange, thyme, rosemary extracts give the effect of rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin, saturate it with the necessary substances to increase elasticity and retain moisture. Application: apply a thin layer to damp skin. Price

10. Intensive Anti-Stretch Marks Cream from Collistar


The action of the product is based on blocking elastase, an enzyme that breaks down elastin. This effect is possible thanks to a complex of 4 amino acids. The cream also contains hyaluronic acid and silk proteins, thanks to which active regeneration and preservation of fluid in the intercellular space occurs. Price

More creams: Clarins, Biotherm, Ives Roche, Oriflame, Venus, Green Mama, Roc, Eveline...

P.S. Cream No. 11 “Mangosteen”

  1. Relieves stretch marks;
  2. Returns elasticity to the skin;
  3. Tightens the skin;
  4. Restores the integrity of the skin at the cellular level;
  5. Moisturizes, nourishes and tones;
  6. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  7. Does not cause irritation or allergies;
  8. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can find out more about the cream on this page.

And here you can find out how Anastasia removed stretch marks after pregnancy:


Hello girls)) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: how I got rid of stretch marks after pregnancy. I will be very glad if my method helps you too... read more

Anti-stretch mark cream will be optimally used after childbirth in combination with a good nutrition for the skin: walnuts, fish, low-fat dairy products, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, dried apricots.

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