Is it possible to peel under the eyes?

The skin, serving as a protective barrier that protects the human body from harmful environmental influences, is one of the most susceptible organs. The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive. Fatigue, unfavorable external factors, stress and time leave their mark in the form of dark circles, puffiness and fine wrinkles. Sun protection, constant hydration and treatments such as exfoliation of the skin around the eyes will help prevent early signs of aging and keep the area firm and toned for as long as possible.

Basic rules for caring for the skin around the eyes

Complete care of the skin under and around the eyes, based on the recommendations of cosmetologists, will prevent the occurrence of problems associated with the condition of this area of ​​the face. Simple, but regular and careful actions will help you achieve significant success in this matter.

The skin around the eyes is considered the thinnest and most sensitive. It is she who is more susceptible to the action of aggressive factors.

  1. Review your cosmetics. Expired or low-quality decorative cosmetics for the eyes can cause eye disease and contribute to premature aging.
  2. Remember, washing alone is not enough to remove makeup from eyelashes or eyelids. It is necessary to use special products to completely and easily remove eye makeup.
  3. Never leave makeup on your eyes overnight.
  4. Apply eye care products to the skin around your eyes twice a day.
  5. Intensive skin care in the eye area also includes a light massage. Tapping your fingertips on your eyelids and under your eyes improves blood circulation.
  6. Use masks no more than once a week (preferably homemade ones made from natural ingredients). The delicate skin under the eyes needs nourishment and hydration.
  7. Carry out the peeling procedure no more than once a year. The skin around the eyes also needs deep but gentle cleansing.
  8. Wear sunglasses in sunny weather. Protect sensitive eyelid skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Types of peeling around the eyes

The area around the eyes requires special care. Therefore, along with simple products intended for this purpose - creams, masks, serums, etc., cosmodermatologists advise carrying out exfoliating procedures. Peeling the skin under the eyes is usually based on the use of gentle chemical components that have an obvious effect without harming the internal tissues.

Superficial peeling promotes better absorption by cells of beneficial substances included in various types of creams and gels. Cosmetics used for eyelid skin must contain the following ingredients: vitamins A, E, B3 and C, hyaluronic acid, azulene, coenzymes, green tea extract, aloe, cucumber, wheat proteins. These components initiate the processes of regeneration of the epidermis in the eye area.

Glycolic peeling helps eliminate fine wrinkles on the skin. This long-established method initially involved the use of solutions containing small percentages of various acids. Therefore, the result of the procedures was not very effective. However, today there are many cosmetics on the market with high concentrations of glycolic acid, which are completely safe even for extremely sensitive skin around the eyes.

Glycolic peeling is often used to prepare the skin for surgery or plastic surgery.

Yellow peeling can be carried out regardless of the time of year. The procedure is widely used not only to renew the skin of the face, but also the area around the eyes. Its main advantage is a fairly short rehabilitation period. This method of cleansing and rejuvenation acts instantly, and only two days are enough for complete skin restoration. It is no coincidence that the procedure is also known under the name “weekend peeling.”

How to carry out the procedure correctly

Before you begin directly peeling the skin around the eyes, you need to clean it with special cosmetics to remove excess sebum and normalize the pH level. Then the peeling preparation is applied to the skin around the eyes for 5-10 minutes. When applying the product, a certain procedure must be followed:

  1. Cover the area of ​​the upper eyelid with the mixture using light massaging movements. In this case, the eyes should be closed.
  2. Lightly massaging the skin, smoothly approach the inner edge of the eye.
  3. Continuing to massage the skin, move to the area under the eyes. You should act carefully so as not to touch the lacrimal gland.

The procedure is completed by applying a special mask or cream to the treated surface. This is necessary to reduce irritation that may occur after exposure to drugs, as well as enhance the overall effect.

The result of the skin peeling procedure in the eye area

Age-related changes in skin appearance are not easy to prevent. The area around the eyes is especially vulnerable. But a properly selected peeling agent and a correctly performed procedure can achieve a number of beneficial effects.

Age-related changes primarily affect the area around the eyes. It's hard to resist such changes.

  1. The processes of keratin production are normalized.
  2. The layer of dead cells disappears, which allows the skin to be saturated with oxygen.
  3. The skin around the eyes is constantly moisturized.
  4. Fine wrinkles are eliminated, and skin elasticity increases significantly.
  5. The vascular network disappears, blood flow normalizes.
  6. The process of skin withering slows down and pigmentation disappears.
  7. Puffiness and bags under the eyes disappear.

Many experts recommend using peelings in combination with eyelid creams and serums.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in the area around the eyes the layer of skin is very thin and is penetrated by a huge number of capillaries. Therefore, in some cases, many methods of cleansing or rejuvenation, including peeling the skin around the eyes, are prohibited, as they can cause severe and irreversible consequences!

Peeling renews and rejuvenates tissue. This will definitely not hurt the skin around the eyes, because it is especially susceptible to aging. However, this procedure has its own nuances.

  1. Features of peeling for the skin around the eyes
  2. Types of peeling
  3. Tips and reviews from cosmetologists
  4. Is it possible to exfoliate around the eyes at home?
  5. Post-peeling care
  6. Review of products for the skin around the eyes

Features of peeling for the skin around the eyes

Peeling the skin of the eyelids is a rather rare procedure, and it is not recommended to perform it at home. To understand why, it is worth remembering the distinctive features of the area around the eyes: it is very thin, practically devoid of a hydrolipid layer. It's easy to injure her. Therefore, you will not find products for “at-home eyelid skin peeling”.

Thin eyelid skin ages faster © Getty Images

Operating principle

When to use

Peeling of the eyelids is used in case of obvious age-related changes in the skin, which, however, may appear prematurely. These include:

What should be the result

“This procedure is especially relevant for people whose dark circles under the eyes are caused by pigment deposition, and not by lymph stagnation. In addition, peeling promotes better absorption of active components of care.”

Types of peeling

As you know, there are three types of peeling. They differ in the depth of the “chemical burn”. The deeper the damage, the longer the rehabilitation, but the result is more noticeable.

When working with the skin of the eyelids, special care must be taken - not only because of the natural characteristics of this area, but also because of its proximity to the mucous membrane of the eye.

Usually a course of superficial peeling is prescribed, giving preference to the mildest acids: mandelic and lactic. In some cases, more aggressive acids are used: glycolic, retinoic (the so-called “yellow peel”) and trichloroacetic.

Gentle acids are used to renew the skin of the eyelids © Getty Images

Tips and reviews from cosmetologists

Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy: “During peeling, they try not to go into the moving eyelid: the layer of skin covering the eyeball is very thin. In addition, the risk of introducing the composition onto the mucous membrane is too great.”

Mechanical peeling is not used for eyelids, even in the form of soft gommage. Use chemical compounds or laser. Laser peeling (especially fractional) is considered the most gentle.”

Is it possible to exfoliate around the eyes at home?

Post-peeling care

During the procedure, the corners of the eyes and the eyelash area are protected with Vaseline or any other greasy product. After peeling, moisturizing and restorative formulas are applied, as well as a product with an SPF factor.

Review of products for the skin around the eyes

For our review, we chose products not for peeling, but for eyelid skin care - with regular use, peeling most likely will not be needed.

Antioxidant gel for the skin around the eyes AOX+ Eye Gel, SkinCeuticals smoothes out crow's feet, reduces signs of fatigue and swelling under the eyes due to caffeine, L-ascorbic and ferulic acids, phloretin.

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The skin around the eyes is particularly sensitive. It is thinner and more delicate compared to other areas of the face. Ladies are upset by the appearance of circles and wrinkles. The skin around the eyes requires a more attentive attitude.

Indications for the use of peeling are:

  1. age and expression wrinkles;
  2. whiteheads;
  3. bags and swelling under the eyes.

Cleaning moisturizes the skin, saturates it with useful components, evens out the structure, and gets rid of the film that prevents tissue breathing.

Types of peeling

Peeling is divided into:

With superficial peeling, only the top layer of dead cells is removed. It is carried out 2-3 times a month. With average cleaning, it touches the epidermal layer, external and internal processes are activated. Dates: once every 2 months. With deep, the lower layers of the skin (reticular fibers) are affected. It is performed under anesthesia, the recovery period sometimes takes up to several weeks. Recommended for ladies over 55 years old.

In cosmetology clinics, cleaning is carried out with special products and instruments. Based on this, peeling is divided into:

  1. chemical - using glycolic, mandelic and other acids;
  2. enzymatic - using a variety of enzymes (enzymes);
  3. hardware (physical) - using laser, ultrasound, cold.

Mechanical peeling, carried out using brushes or scrubs, is not recommended for the skin around the eyes.

Important point! To achieve a noticeable result, cleansing is carried out in courses; the number of procedures is determined by the cosmetologist, taking into account the condition of the skin.

Procedure at home


The procedure is carried out both in specialized institutions and at home. To do superficial peeling, it is not necessary to go to specialized institutions; you can clean it at home. For surface cleansing, fruit acids extracted from fresh fruits or medicinal acid-containing preparations purchased at a pharmacy are used.

Nowadays devices have appeared, thanks to which superficial hardware peeling has become available at home. These are devices for ultrasonic and vacuum cleaning. Which device to use depends on your skin type and the problem you want to treat.

Preparatory stage

Before chemical peeling, the skin should be prepared for it. A week before cleaning, the face begins to be treated with a weak solution of the product.

If the drug is used for the first time, you need to conduct a tolerability test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to your hand between the elbow and wrist. If increasing redness appears, the body reacts negatively to the drug. In this case, its use is contraindicated. If there is no redness, then you can safely begin the procedure.

For oily skin with enlarged pores, salicylic or glycolic peeling is suitable. Salicylic cleansing can be done at home. To do this, use either ready-made compositions or prepared ones yourself. Ready-made ones are purchased at cosmetic stores. Their price depends on the manufacturer and starts from 300 rubles.

For dry skin, milk or glycolic peels are the best options. Sensitive involves the use of gentle almond or milk preparations.

Hardware cleaning is carried out in accordance with the instructions supplied with the device.

Peeling stages


At home, you should adhere to the following procedure protocol:

  1. Skin cleansing. It is enough to wash your face with cleansing gel to degrease and cleanse the skin around your eyes.
  2. Applying cleansing lotion. Apply the lotion along the massage lines and rinse with cool water after a couple of minutes.
  3. It is advisable to apply Vaseline to the lips, eyebrows and nostrils.
  4. Applying peeling. Even if the goal is to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, the drug is applied to the entire face. This is done so that the skin areas do not differ from each other. In cosmetology, this phenomenon is called a symptom of glasses. The drug is applied with a fan brush along massage lines from the forehead to the chin. The skin around the eyes is treated last. The composition is applied for 5–10 minutes.
  5. Neutralization of acid. When dry cleaning, there is a need for an acid-neutralizing solution. The procedure using natural fruit acids does not require it. The neutralizer is prepared in advance: a teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a glass of water. Wipe your face with the solution. The acid reacts with soda and hisses.
  6. After this, the product is washed off with running water, barely touching the face.

Composition recipes

Here are the best options for preparing formulations for treating the area around the eyes.



  1. 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  2. ½ lemon;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran.

Squeeze juice from lemon. Mix the ingredients. Apply to cleansed face. The composition cleanses, nourishes, brightens and rejuvenates the skin well.


For the procedure you will need 4-5 large grapes. If the grapes have seeds, the seeds must be removed. Grind the berries to a puree. Dry and combination skin requires adding a few drops of olive oil. The resulting paste is applied to damp, prepared skin along massage lines. The product has exfoliating and whitening properties.


There is a simple recipe for preparing a cleaning composition. Crush 1 tablet of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) to a powder and mix with a small amount of cream - the composition is ready. This type of peeling is very inexpensive. Aspirin is purchased at a pharmacy, its cost ranges from 18 to 30 rubles.

Peeling in the salon


All types of cleaning are carried out in specialized institutions. Performed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Professional dry cleaning is important for ladies after 30 years of age.

Medium and deep chemical cleanings require a long recovery period. It is better to do them before the weekend so that traces of the effects of the drugs disappear. Prices range from 1000 rubles to 4000 thousand.

In addition to chemical ones, cosmetology clinics can provide high-quality hardware cleaning.

Vacuum cleaning

Depending on the problem, one of the methods of vacuum cleansing the face, including the skin around the eyes, is selected. Light cleansing with gels and lotions removes accumulated grease and dirt. To expand the pores and remove sebum, de-encrustation is performed. Superficial vacuum peeling removes dead particles of the epidermis.

Laser cleansing

Laser cleansing is carried out only by specialists. This method has many advantages: non-contact, painless, characterized by quick recovery after the procedure. The procedure stimulates the production of collagen, which ensures skin elasticity.

Prices for hardware peeling are determined depending on the type: ultrasonic cleaning costs an average of 2,000 rubles, laser cleaning reaches 15,000.

Photos before and after



Skin care after peeling

There are rules that should be followed after cleaning. Only in this case will the resulting effect last longer, and there will be no unpleasant surprises in the form of age spots and rashes in the eye area.

During the first 12 hours you cannot:

  1. wash;
  2. apply decorative cosmetics.

Within 2–3 days:

  1. Light foams are allowed, the use of cream is not recommended;
  2. touching the face should be reduced to a minimum;
  3. It is not advisable to go outside;
  4. If you can’t stay at home, you need to apply sunscreen before going out.

These requirements are met even after superficial peeling. After medium and deep for 2 weeks:

  1. do not use decorative cosmetics: foundation, powder, makeup fixatives;
  2. you need to use sunscreen;
  3. do not visit the sauna, solarium, bathhouse, swimming pool;
  4. do not swim in the sea or sunbathe;
  5. You cannot change the brand of cosmetics;
  6. Do not pick off the crusts that have formed.

You should not be frivolous even when carrying out superficial cleansing; you must follow the instructions of the specialist who performed the procedure.

Important! In the first days, you should carefully monitor the changes that occur in the skin. If something worries you, there is no need to postpone your visit to the cosmetologist.

Precautionary measures


The best time for cleaning is autumn - winter, when the sun is not so bright.

Before peeling, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Cleansing your face may cause redness, peeling, and swelling. The occurrence of side effects will be minimal if the procedure is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

If suddenly the peeling composition gets into the eye during a home procedure, it must be immediately rinsed with plenty of clean running water.


Contraindications for any peeling are:

  1. skin wounds;
  2. allergy;
  3. inflammatory processes on the skin, in particular herpes;
  4. individual intolerance to some components.

For medium and deep cleaning, there may be more contraindications. The procedure is not performed if:

  1. elevated body temperature;
  2. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. diabetes mellitus;
  5. heart diseases;
  6. oncological diseases.

Opinion of cosmetologists

According to cosmetologists, peeling around the eyes eliminates fine wrinkles and increases skin elasticity. There are special formulations for this, but universal ones can be used.


The skin type and the problem that arises determine the choice of peeling. Expert advice will help you understand what type of cleansing will be most suitable.


The fight against aging is the main purpose of peeling. Cosmetologists recommend laser cleansing, which does not require long preparation and is effective. It is especially important for sensitive skin.


Experts believe that after 45 years of age, cleansing only eliminates fine wrinkles on the lower eyelid; Botox works better with deep wrinkles.


Patient reviews

Patients consider chemical peeling effective and accessible when the first age-related changes appear. In their opinion, choosing the right specialist is half the success.


Many ladies do cleansing at home using fruits and store-bought peelings based on fruit acids and clay. In their opinion, such procedures cope with problems quite well: tones and whitens the skin.


Useful videos

Chemical peeling around the eyes.

Ascorbic acid for the skin around the eyes.