Cream with asd for face

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ASD fraction 2 for skin diseases

For the treatment of skin diseases, fractions 2 and 3 are used. The medicine remarkably heals wounds, regenerates skin cells and relieves inflammation.

How to use ASD 2 for skin diseases: you can use the medicine internally according to the universal scheme and externally.

The regimen for taking fraction 3 differs significantly from the use of the drug in fraction 2. Fraction 3 cannot be taken orally. This is an aggressive substance and dissolves only in alcohol and fats of animal or vegetable origin.

In alternative medicine, external use for skin diseases of ASD fraction 2 is quite popular. But in some cases, it would still be more advisable to use fraction 3.


Thoroughly wash the damaged areas with laundry soap, then treat with undiluted ASD 3 mixture.

Eczema and neurodermatitis

Preparation 3 fractions are diluted with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:20 and lotions are made. Cotton fabric is well soaked in the product and applied to the diseased area, then covered with a film and bandaged.B This method treats skin diseases well: eczema, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers, demodicosis, etc.

Methods for treating psoriasis

External use: 5 ml of fraction 2 is mixed with the same amount of oil and applied to the affected areas. They do the procedures daily.

  1. Start using fraction 2 with 1 drop in the morning, and 2 in the evening.
  2. Every day increase the rate by 1 drop until there are 30 drops.
  3. Then they drink in a decreasing pattern without a pause.
  4. There is a break for 1 month.

If necessary, you can repeat.

ASD fraction 2 for facial skin

The medicine promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenation of the body. For external use, you can use fraction 3, but this product is very aggressive and should be mixed with vegetable fats.

ASD for facial skin standard application scheme for fraction 2:

  1. 30 drops per 100 ml of cold and boiled liquid:
  2. twice a day before meals 30 minutes;
  3. The reception lasts for 5 days.

Then they pause for 3 days.

The product can be used in cosmetology. To do this, you need to choose the right cream, preferably for children. It is necessary to add a few drops of the drug to the cream, stir and rub into the skin of the face until completely absorbed. The result is a unique and inexpensive skin care product. It is well absorbed into the skin of the face and provides excellent care for the skin where there is a rash or acne.

Correct Application

The ASD faction does not like light and air. It must be stored in a cool and dark place. The medicine is used only diluted with boiled water. Children can be diluted with grape juice or milk.

The drug has a peculiar odor and disappears quickly. Therefore, it cannot be opened completely. You just need to remove the metal cap. The kit is made with a needle and a disposable syringe. Before this, the medicine is shaken. The product is injected very slowly into the liquid and used only on an empty stomach.

The medicine has no special contraindications, and no special diet is provided. It is advisable to consume foods containing protein. Individual intolerance is possible. The only thing that adherents of this treatment have noticed is that the blood thickens greatly. Therefore, you should eat more sour fruits and drink as much liquid as possible, up to 2 liters.

The medicine is considered a powerful stimulant. Not recommended for people with problems with the psyche, cardiac and vascular system, and kidneys.

Despite all its positive qualities, the medicine does not have the status of a medical product, and is officially used only in veterinary medicine. The drug is not expensive and safe, which makes it popular in treatment with unconventional methods.

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Skin problems force people to turn to cosmetologists and dermatologists and purchase a large number of medicines and cosmetics. One of these drugs is ASD. The drug was developed as a medicine for animals, but a number of medical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the therapy in humans. You can use ASD for the face, body and treatment of internal organs.

What is ASD

ASD is an antiseptic stimulant. The Soviet scientist Dorogov worked on its development. This product has stimulating, disinfecting properties and activates the natural process of tissue regeneration.

Work on creating this medicine began back in the 40s. 20th century Then the government set medical laboratories the task of creating a new drug. The medicine was supposed to increase immunity and protect animals and people from the effects of radiation, strengthen the immune system. At the same time, the cost of such a medicine had to remain low - the immunostimulant had to become available to every resident of the country.

Dorogov approached his work in a somewhat unconventional way. After numerous experiments, he managed to obtain medicine from the skin of frogs. A little later, the production of this medicine switched to the use of meat and bone meal. The transition to another raw material was not of great importance, since during sublimation all information about the type of living organism was erased.

Composition and release form

This medication is available in 2 forms:

ASD2 is prepared in the form of a solution, which is placed in a glass bottle tightly sealed with a lid. This liquid is sterile and has a specific odor. The color of the solution can be either yellow or almost red. When in contact with water, liquids mix easily. This faction contains:

  1. water;
  2. carboxylic acid;
  3. amide derivatives;
  4. hydrocarbons (among them cyclic and acyclic);
  5. compounds of active sulfhydryl substances.

Fraction ASD 3 is also presented in the form of a liquid, packaged in glass bottles with a tight lid. The solution is characterized by a thick, viscous consistency. Fraction 3 is opaque, has a pungent odor and a dark (almost black) tint. The drug dissolves quickly in oil, ether and alcohol.

In addition to the active components contained in fraction 2, ASD 3 also has additional elements:

Phenol compounds have a pronounced antimicrobial effect on the skin, but are considered toxic. For this reason, fraction 3 is used exclusively for external use.

Mechanism of action

This drug is obtained by sublimation of meat and bone meal at high temperatures. After this, the product undergoes condensation and is divided into 2 and 3 fractions. Due to the natural origin of the medicine, its use does not cause the accumulation of harmful chemical substances in the body. In addition, this feature fully explains the small number of contraindications. Unlike most other medicines, ASD does not block the symptoms of diseases, but activates the immune system.

Numerous experiments have proven the complete compatibility of this medicine with the human body. ASD is able to bypass biological barriers, due to which the active components are highly effective in the fight against numerous diseases.

Pharmacological properties

A stimulant and antiseptic is often used to treat diseases and damage to the skin, restore tissue elasticity and smooth out wrinkles. ASD is capable of acting in several directions:

  1. blocks inflammatory phenomena (boils, acne);
  2. has a detrimental effect on pathological microorganisms (for example, fungal infections);
  3. promotes rapid tissue regeneration (with peeling of the skin, increased dryness, microcracks, scratches and other damage);
  4. accelerates the production of collagen fibers, resulting in rejuvenation;
  5. normalizes hormonal levels (this allows you to solve many skin problems from the inside);
  6. activates blood supply to subcutaneous tissues and lymph outflow (helps relieve swelling on the face);
  7. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands located on the skin (as a result, the oily sheen on the face decreases, the epidermis takes on a well-groomed, neat appearance).

The drug is highly effective in the following pathologies:

  1. mycoses (fungal skin infections);
  2. dermatitis;
  3. acne;
  4. eczema;
  5. psoriasis;
  6. demodicosis;
  7. dark spots.


Contraindications for this medicine are limited only to individual intolerance to the composition. Side effects are rare. ASD fraction 2 can cause such unpleasant symptoms as:

  1. nausea;
  2. deterioration of health;
  3. allergic reaction (if intolerant).

During the use of fraction 3, the following are sometimes noted:

  1. peeling of the skin;
  2. burning in the area of ​​application.

Manufacturers warn: the medicine is strictly not recommended for use with alcohol.

Instructions for using the fraction

The methods and regimens for taking the two described fractions of the drug differ.

ASD 2 is intended for internal use and local application. If the medicine needs to be used externally, it should be diluted with water beforehand. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form. The application procedure is carried out according to the following recommendations:

  1. For 1 ml of fraction 2, 20 ml of water is required (it is pre-boiled and cooled).
  2. The bandage is folded in half and soaked in the resulting aqueous solution.
  3. A compress is applied to the problem area. In this form, the bandage is left on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Some people report a burning sensation during the first minutes of this procedure. The unpleasant sensations quickly pass.

The medicine has a strong unpleasant odor, so you should plan to carry out this procedure on the weekend. In addition, redness may appear after the compress.

After treating the skin, the medicine can be washed off using cosmetics with fragrances. This will help eliminate any remaining unpleasant odor.

For the treatment of skin diseases and rashes of unknown etiology, it is recommended to take fraction 2 orally. For this purpose, the solution is also diluted with water. For 1 dose, you need ⅓ glass of boiled, cooled water and 10–30 drops of fraction 2. The amount of the drug depends on the patient’s age and the severity of the disease.

The aqueous solution should be taken 2 times a day. The medicine is taken the first time in the morning, 2 times in the evening. This regimen is followed for 5 days, after which it is necessary to take a 3-day break and repeat the course.

Fraction 3 is different in that it can only be used externally. If ASD treatment for acne is carried out in a cosmetology clinic, the drug can be administered pointwise as an injection into the site of inflammation. If going to the clinic is not yet possible, treatment of acne and other dermatological diseases should be carried out by applying the product to the skin.

Before smearing the sore spot, it is recommended to dilute the viscous substance with olive oil. For 1 part ASD, 20 parts of oil are required. The product dissolves quickly and without sediment.

Method 1 - in this case, a small piece of gauze or bandage is folded several times, moistened with an oil solution, slightly wrung out and applied to the sore area. The compress should remain on the skin for 15–20 minutes. After this, the bandage is moistened again and the procedure is repeated. The compress should be done 2 times a day (in the morning and before bedtime).

Method 2 - this treatment option is suitable for cases where severe inflammation, acne, and purulent formations occur on the skin. You need to proceed as follows:

  1. All cosmetics must be thoroughly removed from the skin of the face. To do this, you can use lotions or gel for washing.
  2. A piece of gauze or bandage is folded into several layers. In this case, the size of the bandage should correspond to the size of the affected area.
  3. The bandage is moistened with an oil solution and, without squeezing, applied to the skin. If the degree of damage is assessed as moderate, a 20% solution can be used. For severe inflammatory processes, you can prepare a 40-50% solution.
  4. The compress is secured to the skin with a bandage and plaster. Leave the napkin in this form overnight.

The duration of use should not exceed 5 days.

The medicine is produced in glass bottles equipped with a rubber cap and a metal cap. In this case, contact of the liquid with air should not be allowed. To extract the solution you need to use the following method:

  1. Immediately after purchase, you cannot open the rubber cap, so only remove the cap made of a metal alloy.
  2. A needle from a disposable syringe is inserted into the rubber cap.
  3. The bottle is shaken vigorously and turned upside down.
  4. The required amount of medicine is drawn into the syringe.
  5. The syringe with the substance is carefully removed, while the needle should remain in the cap. Thanks to this method, contact with air becomes minimal.
  6. The substance from the syringe is carefully injected into a small amount of water and used for its intended purpose.

It is impossible to prepare an aqueous solution for several doses. The medicine must be fresh for each use.

If you decide to use ASD for wrinkles, then it is most convenient to add a few drops of the medicinal solution to the face cream or mask. When choosing a cosmetic product, you should give preference to a product that has a minimum of fragrances and chemical additives and is quickly absorbed. Often this product becomes a baby cream.

You need to repeat this cosmetic procedure every day before going to bed. An important requirement is to completely remove makeup before applying the medicine.

Cost of the drug

You will not be able to buy this immunostimulant in a pharmacy. It is sold by veterinary clinics. The cost of the medicine is relatively low:

  1. ASD fraction 2 - 210–250 rub. (price fluctuations are possible);
  2. ASD fraction 3 - 70–100 rub.


Vika, 21 years old, Samara

I use ASD 2 solution in the fight against acne. I apply the composition pointwise with a cotton swab. Everything works perfectly.

Elena, 34 years old, St. Petersburg

I have heard about the drug ASD 2 for a long time. I decided to use it to treat thrush after I had to see a doctor several times with relapses. Since I bought this medicine, I decided to treat my face as well. Inflammation and acne often appear on the skin. The face is constantly oily from sebum and shiny. I have to touch up my makeup several times a day.

I used ASD fraction 2 for the face like this: I took a little liquid and diluted it with purified water. With what happened, I began to wipe my face at night. I repeated these steps only a few times, but it got better. The areas with the rash are no longer so extensive, and there is no greasy shine. The medicine would be good for everyone: it’s cheap and effective, but the smell is terrible. When applying a mask with ASD, open the windows wider.

Stanislav, 28 years old, Tomsk

I heard that ASD helps with age spots and vitiligo, I read a lot of reviews. I decided to buy it, I had to run around to find this medicine, but I could not use the liquid for its intended purpose. As soon as I opened the bottle, the sharp unpleasant smell even began to hurt my eyes. One of the advantages I can name is the low cost (compared to other medications, the price is pennies). I can’t say anything about its effectiveness, but it is often praised.

Aisida is an innovative liposomal cosmetics aimed at solving any problems in caring for any type of skin.

This is the only cosmetics containing the unique medicinal component Asntiseptic Dorogov stimulant (ASD), enclosed in liposomes. Most often, doctors prescribe Aisida cosmetics for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Isida Cream-gel for oily and combination skin

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Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics. 50 ml.

Isida Cream-gel for dry and sensitive skin

50 and 250 ml. Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics for healthy skin.

Isis hand cream

495 rubles
Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics. 50 ml.

Isida Eye Cream Gel

580 rubles
Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics. 30 ml. For the skin of the eyelids.

Isida Cleansing milk for face and body

595 rubles
Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics. 150 ml.

Isida Cleansing milk for children

650 rubles
Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics for children. 150 ml.

Isida Cream-gel for children

650 rubles
Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics for children. 50 ml.

Isis Balm for oily scalp

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Therapeutic and preventive cosmetics for hair and oily scalp. 250 ml.

Isis Balm for dry scalp

650 rubles
Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics for hair and scalp. 250 ml.

Isida Balm for problem skin

Therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics. 50 ml.

Isis is a line of cosmetics whose secret to success is the content of the ASD fraction in them.

Who would have known half a century ago that in our time Dorogov’s drug would have not only several manufacturing companies, but would also be released:

  1. ASD-2 drops for people;
  2. ASD-2 drops for animals;
  3. various ointments;
  4. balms;
  5. cosmetics containing ASD fraction,

Such preparations with the Dorogov fraction have proven themselves very positively among consumers.

One of these cosmetics is “Aisida” cosmetics, created for people, collecting the best recipes for preparing creams and ointments with the addition of ASD fractions two and three (ASD-2 and ASD-3).

A bold step on the path of the Isis developers was the invention of cosmetics using Dorogov fractions, the so-called ASD.

Many who have used both the third and second fractions know about its main secret - this is a pronounced result of improving trophism and hemodynamics in the tissues with which it had contact.

Ointments based on fractions 2 and 3 have different healing abilities, very strongly suppress pathogenic microflora, and promote the growth of healthy cells.

Externally, Isis creams are similar to ordinary creams, with a very well-chosen recipe.