Eye cream with hyaluronic acid list

Many women who have already tried face cream with hyaluronic acid on themselves have been able to verify that this miracle of cosmetology really has a wonderful effect. Even the first use allows you to notice a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis, because it receives a concentrated portion of a substance that can not only saturate the tissues with moisture, but also significantly reduce the impact of inexorable years on the skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, the shade improves, even age-related defects almost completely disappear. How to choose the right drug, what properties should it have, are there any peculiarities in its use?

Why is hyaluronic acid so effective for our skin?

Hyaluronic acid is a unique substance that is almost entirely responsible for the condition of our skin. It is able to prevent inexorable aging, moisturize the skin, maintain freshness and elasticity. Unfortunately, not everything in this world lasts forever, and the amount of this wonderful substance begins to decrease over time. The results of a lack of hyaluronic acid are the appearance of signs of aging, numerous folds, and an unhealthy shade.

There is only one way to avoid irreversible processes in the epidermis - saturate it with a substance, the amount of which is quickly reduced and is almost not produced. For the face, modern cosmetology offers moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid that successfully fight aging. There are a lot of drugs, and choosing the most suitable composition is not difficult.

Synergy - or which components will enhance the effect

Each moisturizer with hyaluronic acid has its own characteristics and composition, so it is important not to make mistakes when purchasing it. What should be indicated on the packaging? There must be a list of ingredients, among them the recommended substances:

  1. hyaluronic acid (this must be a pure product; if the composition contains salts based on it, it is better not to purchase such a drug);
  2. retinol (there may be its derivatives, there is no difference here, they are equally useful for nourishing and moisturizing dermal tissues);
  3. oils (nourish and create a protective layer on the skin);
  4. vitamin complexes (necessary for the good condition of the skin, activate the production of collagen by its own cells).

An indispensable condition for a successful purchase is the presence of an SPF factor confirming the long-term effect of the drug. This ensures that the composition will protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation throughout the day.

Which type to choose and why?

When purchasing a facial rejuvenation cream based on hyaluronic acid in pharmacies, you definitely need to know one more feature of the drugs - the main component in them can be of several types. High molecular weight and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid have different properties and have different effects on the face. How are they different?

Low molecular weight

Preparations with low molecular weight acid are quite expensive, so not every woman can afford to purchase such a cream. The peculiarity of the product is that its beneficial substances are able to penetrate into the tissues of the epidermis, acting not only on the surface, but also nourishing and moisturizing cells located far from the top layer of the skin.

Deep penetration occurs thanks to the smallest particles of hyaluronic acid. This is the advantage of the drug - it acts not only on the surface with a short-term effect, but also from the inside, which ensures long-term results.

High molecular weight

Such a cream based on hyaluronic acid has large molecules, due to which it is not able to provide proper nutrition and hydration in the deep tissues of the epidermis. Consequently, the effect will also not last long, because it can only be noticed on the surface of the skin.

Despite this, high-molecular preparations have their advantages - they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, absorbing it from the outside. Another advantage is that the product does not clog pores, allowing the dermal tissues to receive precious air.

Find out the whole truth about hyaluronic acid:

Features of application

Having chosen the most effective hyaluronic face cream, you should not assume that all the difficulties are over. You definitely need to learn the basic rules for using this wonderful and necessary drug for ladies after 25 years of age. If you study all the features of the cream and apply it correctly, then with disbelief and satisfaction you will be able to observe how, after the first application, swelling is eliminated, the skin is refreshed, changes shade, becomes healthy, well-moisturized and elastic. A few more applications will confirm the effectiveness of the drug - wrinkles will gradually begin to smooth out.

How to apply it correctly?

There are several rules that should be strictly followed when applying the drug, only this guarantees that the effect will not take long to appear. Cosmetologists advise carrying out manipulations in this order:

  1. wash your face and be sure to apply a tonic composition;
  2. moisturize the skin with thermal water - this will allow the cream to penetrate into the dermis tissue;
  3. Apply an hour before going outside - the product should have time to be completely absorbed;
  4. before applying the composition to your face, first hold it for a few seconds on your fingertips - the warm product is absorbed faster;
  5. Apply over the entire face along massage lines, and around the eyes using clear circular movements;
  6. after an hour, remove any remaining drug that did not have time to penetrate the dermis.

Important! It should be remembered that some drugs are intended for daytime use, others - before going to bed. Under no circumstances should you apply them at an inappropriate time - this will only harm the skin.

Application period

How often should I use the drug so that the use of hyaluronic cream gives the long-awaited results? Cosmetologists advise using them regularly, taking short breaks. You can use the product in long courses - a month of using the composition, a week off.

Helpful advice! Cosmetologists also advise not to experiment with products and use formulations from the same brand. This need is due to the fact that manufacturers usually try to complement each other’s effects with drugs of the same brand.

List of effective creams

Hyaluronic acid in face cream is far from uncommon, but few manufacturers are conscientious about their product and offer ladies truly useful products. In order to avoid mistakes in choosing a cream with hyaluronic acid, you definitely need to study the rating of the drugs - these are not necessarily expensive foreign brands; domestic manufacturers offer several equally useful formulations.

Pharmacies offer their own list of face creams, among them you can find many decent formulations with hyaluronic acid, and their considerable advantage is their low cost. If you have doubts about choosing effective products, you can first visit a cosmetologist, who will tell you which drug to give preference to.

Russian funds

Domestic cosmetology is trying to keep up with its foreign colleagues, so you can find quite effective drugs on the shelves, which, if used correctly, will certainly allow you to enjoy a wonderful effect. The main thing is to carefully study not only the rules of use specified in the instructions, but also the contraindications, careless attitude to which can lead to unpleasant consequences and a complete lack of results.

Libriderm - a Russian-made product, which is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which allows beneficial components to penetrate deep into the dermis. The cream has an amazing texture - without fragrances, synthetics, or parabens. Absorbs with virtually no residue.

The unique component of the drug is camelina oil, which contains a huge amount of fatty acids. This substance can relieve inflammatory processes, eliminate wilting, and improve turgor. It is recommended to use daily - only this will allow you to notice the effect of the product.

Bark - another wonderful remedy that has found its fans among the fairer sex. The peculiarity of the cream is its pleasant consistency, wonderful smell, and texture that does not allow the drug to spread over the skin. There is absolutely no discomfort during application; even the feeling of tightness that often accompanies the use of creams is not felt. The peculiarity of the composition is the content of seaweed extract. This allows you to improve the condition of the skin, relieve inflammation, narrow pores and even get rid of unpleasant oily shine.

Laura – the best cream with hyaluronic acid from Russian cosmetics manufacturers. The peculiarity of the product is that it creates the thinnest film that protects the skin from adverse external influences throughout the day and does not allow precious moisture to evaporate. A unique component of the product is yam extract. This plant is considered a source of substances that may prevent aging. In combination with hyaluronic acid, this ingredient can work a miracle - prevent aging and even restore youth, smoothing out wrinkles and restoring turgor and elasticity to the skin.

Foreign production

The peculiarity of cosmetic products from foreign manufacturers is their cost. Often, professional cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are equal in price to effective procedures in an expensive beauty salon, so only ladies can decide what is preferable for them - to take care of their face on their own, or to put themselves in the hands of an experienced cosmetologist.

Merz – a German cream in the form of a light foam, which easily allows its beneficial substances to penetrate into the dermal tissue with an immediate effect on the cells. The peculiarity of the product is that it can activate the production of hyaluronic acid by the body. The consequence of using the drug is that the skin begins to independently get rid of age-related changes. The only drawback of the composition is that it takes too long to absorb. You need to wait about an hour to remove the residue.

Evelyn - a product produced by Polish companies. The drug with collagen and hyaluronic acid has the ability to be absorbed in a matter of seconds. Already the first use of the composition provides positive results - the skin becomes smooth, elastic, wrinkles begin to smooth out. The product can be used at any age and on any type of skin – it has no restrictions.

Vichy – this brand offers several preparations that can be used during the day, in the evening, and on the areas around the eyes. This is especially convenient for ladies who prefer to use products from one brand for facial care. Application of the composition is quite simple - it penetrates perfectly into the dermis and practically does not remain on the surface.

Creams with hyaluronic acid in the pharmacy

You don’t have to try to purchase expensive branded formulations - at the pharmacy you can buy not only effective, but also inexpensive cream based on hyaluronic acid. Which creams contain hyaluronic acid?

Alpika - an inexpensive drug that, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains aloe extract. This allows you not only to get rid of age-related defects that bring a lot of trouble, but also to refresh the shade, restore elasticity, restore damaged tissue, and relieve inflammatory processes.

Dr. Stern - another wonderful remedy that will certainly be offered at the pharmacy. Its peculiarity is a combination of several fats and vitamins, which allows you to fully care for the skin and provide its nutrition and hydration. The only rule is not to use it before the age of 30.

Premium - a product that has a composition, the effect of which can be aimed at combating age-related changes, improving the appearance of the skin, and restoring turgor to it. The drug creates a barrier that prevents moisture evaporation and adverse effects from the outside.

A visit to a beauty salon will certainly smooth out your face, rid your skin of wrinkles and unpleasant manifestations, but you don’t have to spend money on expensive services - you can use creams that will help cope with age-related problems just as well. The main thing is to use them constantly, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for positive results.

An eye cream with hyaluronic acid is designed to combat aging skin in this area. Considering that the skin in this area is primarily subject to age-related changes, eliminating such time imprints becomes “problem number one.” Modern trade offers a wide variety of cosmetics for the care of the skin around the eyes. Among them are simple budget creams and lotions, as well as expensive branded cosmetics. All of them, to some extent, help a woman maintain youth and freshness for a long time; a special place in this series is given to products containing hyaluronic acid.


What is hyaluronic acid?

The most effective are gels and creams that are made from hyaluronic acid of natural animal origin.

When using this cosmetics, you need to remember an important rule: it is not recommended to use face cream containing hyaluronic acid to care for the skin around the eyes, due to the fact that in these areas it is more susceptible to changes.


Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide natural to the human body, the content of which decreases with age. Today it is considered a popular product that allows you to maintain youthful skin, which has found use in many cosmetic preparations with an anti-aging effect. Each molecule of this acid is capable of concentrating about 500 molecules of water around itself, thereby filling the skin gaps, as a result of which it is stretched and smoothed. Hyaluronic acid is most often used as creams and gels, which are applied to previously scrubbed skin, forming a kind of film on it that can attract moisture even from the surrounding air. There is a second method, which uses injections of drugs containing this acid. It is acceptable to take hyaluronic acid in capsules, although in this form it does not bring a significant effect and acts gradually.

The principle of action of acid

The principle of action of hyaluronic acid is based on the following processes: when hyaluronic creams are applied to an area of ​​skin, it fills the gaps formed between elastin and collagen, the elasticity of the skin is restored and age-related changes visible to the eye disappear. In addition, such a cream, which has a moisturizing effect, creates a breathable film on the surface of the skin that prevents moisture loss from the epidermis layer. Under the influence of acid, the intercellular space becomes denser, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin instantly takes on a youthful and fresh appearance.


This effect lasts throughout the entire period while you use the cream with hyaluronic acid. After you stop using this product, all previously noticeable skin changes will again become obvious. This is explained by the fact that the principle of action of the acid is not based on getting rid of old age, but only on carefully concealing its signs. The skin of the eyelids and under the eyes is especially responsive to the action of the cream, since it is thin in this area and does not contain fatty glands for nutrition. By choosing products for the skin around the eyes containing hyaluronic acid that will correspond to your age, you thereby activate your own production of this substance necessary for the body.

By maintaining a constant level of skin moisture, you can delay damaging changes in your skin. But ultimately, after the supply of hyaluronic acid stops, your skin, unfortunately, will look the same as before.

When to start using creams

Those who wait until the first wrinkles appear to start using eye creams with hyaluronic acid are doing the wrong thing. For example, Korean women, distinguished by their satiny skin, begin caring for their eyelids and the skin around the eyes at the age of 18. Of course, initially they use moisturizers, and closer to the age of twenty-five, preparations with hyaluronic acid are used as daily care.


It is necessary to evaluate the condition of your skin; if circles or swelling around the eyes appear, or fine wrinkles appear, then an eye cream with hyaluronic acid will be able to remove these unwanted changes. In the case when the use of such a cream began before the signs of aging appeared, it will be possible to keep the skin in a young state for a long time. The main condition to achieve this is to be systematic and regular.

Composition of hyaluronic cream

Currently, you can buy in pharmacies or stores various products designed to care for the skin around the eyes, which contain either hyaluronic acid itself or its salts. The first group of drugs has a greater effect.


When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the other components in the cream, which may contain amino acids, various vegetable oils, thermal water, sea kelp extract, which can have a rejuvenating effect. The best of this number should have the most neutral reaction and include extraneous chemical flavors. Retinol, which helps cope with wrinkles and refreshes relaxed skin during sleep, will not hurt in the composition of night creams for skin care in the eye area. You shouldn’t opt ​​solely for expensive hyaluronic creams; any of the budget ones are also quite effective. Therefore, it makes no sense to overpay for branded drugs with mind-boggling prices advertised by PR companies, since you can choose high-quality products at affordable prices with natural hyaluronic acid.

The secret of choosing the right one

Since the skin of the eyelids is very delicate and sensitive, you should be more careful when choosing skin care products. Much of this depends on the type of cream, on the costs that are allocated for its purchase, at what time of day they are going to use it, on the expected effect, on the age of the buyer and on the changes that have occurred in her appearance, and on many other reasons. Of course, before choosing a cream, it would be good to consult with a cosmetologist and get his recommendations. If this is not possible, then simply take a closer look at the ratings of popular eye creams containing hyaluronic acid in order to choose the right products among the variety.

Rating of popular eye creams

  1. cream with hyaluronic acid Laura, Eva company


  2. Bark cream mask with hyaluronic acid from a Russian manufacturer, used on the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes;
  3. Evelyn anti-aging hyaluronic cream from Polish manufacturers;
  4. Vichy cream for the skin around the eyes, made in France, which contains retinol along with hyaluronic acid, which increases its effectiveness;
  5. rejuvenating eye cream Merz from a German manufacturer, containing low molecular weight hyaluronic acid with glucosamines and seaweed extract, which allows you to increase the production of your own hyaluronic acid.

When choosing a cream for caring for the skin around the eyes, it is necessary to take into account not only the main characteristics of these products, but also some other circumstances, for example, the characteristics of the skin and the age category of the buyer. Preferable are those creams that are easily absorbed, contain vitamin supplements and are not too expensive.


A cream with hyaluronic acid, intended after 30 years, should not only moisturize, but also nourish the skin throughout the day. After 40 years, regeneration functions are added to the purposes of the cream, which must be indicated in the attached instructions. Customers who have reached the age of fifty should choose care products that, in addition to the above, include calcium, which improves the structure of the skin, as well as sea kelp extract, which improves the synthesis of collagen, which prevents aging.

You shouldn’t give up and stop fighting to improve your appearance even after you reach 60, because even at this age women can remain attractive and beautiful. When choosing hyaluronic creams for eye care, you should give preference to products with a lifting effect, containing biocalcium and stem cells. They help strengthen the contour of the face, moisturize the deep layers of the skin and slow down the aging process.

Rating of budget cream with hyaluronic acid

Some of the most affordable hyaluronic creams for the skin around the eyes, which have good restorative properties, are considered:

  1. Hyaluronic cream Evelyn, which includes stem cells, has many positive properties and a low cost, not exceeding 190 rubles. It has a pleasant, unobtrusive scent, contains concentrated vitamin E, and is suitable for any age category, but is considered more moisturizing than rejuvenating. The packaging of the cream, which looks like expensive creams, is also considered a plus.

  2. krem-vokrug-glaz-s-pFQYx.webp

    Cream-elixir for eyelids Restoration and radiance Faberlic
    , is intended for intensive impact on age-related changes that occur after 25 years. Contains hyaluronic acid and proteins. The average price offered today is 499 rubles.
  3. Eveline bio HYALURON, the price of which is in the range of 150–200 rubles. In addition to the low price, it does not contain hyaluronic acid salts, but the hyaluronic acid itself. The cream also contains panthenol, vitamin E and allantoin. It is considered one of the leaders among the popular creams for the skin around the eyes included in the list.
  4. Hyaluronic cream Libriderm for eyes, is able to affect the skin of the eyelids, removes swelling and circles around the eyes, moisturizes and increases collagen synthesis. Thanks to the patented anti-aging complex, it penetrates deep into the skin, tightens the skin of the eyelids and reduces the visibility of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. The proposed price today is 540 rubles.

Premium Review


LIBREDERM hyaluronic cream with broad spectrum action
, intended for the eyes, price about 700 rubles, suitable for any skin type, without fragrances and parabens used for preservation. Tightens, brightens and eliminates swelling.

Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone Made in France, containing hyaluronic acid in various forms. The average price is 3000 rubles. Effectively fights wrinkles on the eyelids, has a moisturizing effect, and is fragrance-free.

Eye cream Vichy Aqualia Thermal, the price of which for 15 g is 800 rubles. The composition includes hyaluronic acid and thermal water, which serves to moisturize. The consistency is close to that of a gel, and for ease of application the tube is equipped with a metal roller. Eliminates swelling and does not contain fat.

Homemade cream containing hyaluronic acid

Making homemade cream yourself is not particularly difficult, so when caring for your appearance, you need to take this possibility into account. To do this proceed as follows:

  1. krem-vokrug-glaz-s-Wnuoid.webp

    prepare a gel from 0.3 g of hyaluronic acid in powder form and distilled water, bringing the composition to a creamy state;
  2. place the mixture on the refrigerator shelf for 7–8 hours;
  3. the resulting gel (10 g) is added to any inexpensive cream, mixed and left in a cool place away from sunlight for about 6–7 hours;
  4. The cream is stored exclusively on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Beautician's recommendation for using cream

Opinion of a specialist - cosmetologist Poptushenko N.N., 32 years of experience, regarding preparations containing hyaluronic acid:

The effectiveness of such cosmetic preparations leaves no doubt, and products containing hyaluronic acid as care for aging skin are very popular among various segments of the population. And not in vain, since there are legends about its miraculous properties. It has been proven that it has no equal in eliminating age-related changes in the skin, and the use of a cream for the skin around the eyes with similar properties is in no way inferior to expensive salon procedures. Following the recommendations of specialists, you may not immediately feel the results, but there is a possibility of getting what you want immediately after using a cream with hyaluronic acid. This directly depends on the condition of the skin at the moment and on individual sensitivity to the components of the cream.


In the comments to the article you can leave your reviews about creams with hyaluronic acid, tips on choosing a product. They will be useful to other users.

To prolong youth, reduce wrinkles and give the skin a glow, it is not at all necessary to resort to cosmetic tightening or lifting procedures. Eye cream can, in a short time without any additional products, improve turgor and normalize collagen synthesis in tissues. As a result, facial folds are smoothed out, the color of the epidermis is evened out and its density improves.

How to choose a good eye cream

When selecting cosmetic products, you need to take into account many factors: skin type, tendency to allergic reactions, properties of active ingredients. Based on this information, the pricing policy of the product, reviews and personal preferences, you can choose the ideal anti-wrinkle product.


Corrective eye cream

It is believed that the best eye cream must contain hyaluronic acid. It is a natural derivative of the body, hypoallergenic, and has a deep moisturizing and tightening effect. But the list of useful active substances used in cosmetics does not end with hyaluronic acid.

Active substances that are included in most effective eyelid wrinkle creams:

  1. Vitamin A. If you choose a product with retinol in its composition, you can be sure that your skin will be nourished and tightened. But this vitamin has an unpleasant feature: it causes peeling of the skin. Therefore, it is preferable to use a product that also contains tocopherol;
  2. Vitamin E. A gentle lifting ingredient that improves skin tone, reduces age spots and has moisturizing properties. Tocopherol is able to activate the production of collagen and elastane, but in the presence of deep wrinkles it is better if it is supplemented with amino acids;
  3. Seaweed extracts. Ideal ingredients for oily and problematic skin with high sensitivity. Thanks to the huge amount of minerals and essential acids in the composition, such products are used to nourish mature skin, lift eyelids, and moisturize the area under the eyes. Many kelp products are also known for their cooling properties;


  4. Essential and base oils. It is very important to nourish and moisturize the skin under the eyes well. Oil substances do an excellent job of both of these functions. Particularly popular are fatty extracts of rice, shea tree, cocoa, coconut, and olive. From essential oils you need to highlight barberry, passionflower, lemon;
  5. Plant extracts. Extracts from medicinal plants are great for dark circles under the eyes, dark spots, and fine wrinkles. Linen softens and smoothes the epidermis, passionflower normalizes metabolism and helps activate the production of collagen and elastane, ruscus is rich in unique nano-somas. In addition, extracts of chamomile, roses, rose hips, fruit plants, parsley, etc. are actively used;
  6. Animal products. Nowadays, products based on caviar, crushed pearls, honey, snail mucus and other similar components are very popular. Such preparations for wrinkles and for restoring elasticity are very expensive, because they often contain a minimum amount of preservatives and a maximum of natural ingredients;


    Pearl extract
  7. Synthetic compounds. These are all kinds of branded formulas. They can strengthen the tissue of the epidermis, improve its color and turgor and much more - depending on the purpose of the cream.

Naturally, these are not all possible components of eye creams, but most of these cosmetics are enriched with at least one of the listed ingredients.

Types of eye creams

Depending on the purpose, there are different types of eyelid creams:

Anti-aging. Aimed at strengthening fibers, activating the production of collagen and elastane, as well as protecting the skin. Helps improve nutrition and hydration. Some also provide enhanced nutrition. This is the eyelid restoration cream Vichy Liftactiv Yeux (Vichy), Evalar Laura, Eveline Cosmetics Argan Oil (Eveline), Holy Land Cosmetics Q10 Coenzyme Energizer Eye (Holy Land), Christian Dior Hydra Life Pro-Youth Sorbet (Dior), etc. d.;