Treatment of ichorous ulcers

In this case, you need to use drying medicines to clear the ulcer of ichor, and then start building up the meat. If the ulcer is flabby and increasing medicines are used on it, then they deepen it and fester, since the body of such ulcers is weak, on the contrary, you should first dry the ulcer, and then use such medicines. If you apply the medicine and see that the humidity does not decrease, or notice that it increases, then know that in relation to the body of this patient the medicine is not drying, and add to it the drying power, contributing to this with something slightly tearing, for example, honey, and strongly astringent medicines like pomegranate flowers and alum, as well as reducing the strength of the oil and choosing an oil with a drying property. If you see that the ulcer has exceeded the limit in terms of dryness, then reduce all these forces, that is, drying, tearing and binding.

Observe this instruction regarding medicines that build up flesh in ulcers, and do not be mistaken in one thing: if the medicine tears off more strongly than necessary, and corrodes the organ and turns its fleshy substance into flowing moisture, you can mistake it for ichor and add strength to the one tearing off, and such the medicine makes the ulcer deeper and hotter, it makes it more like a tumor, the edges of the ulcer harden and the patient feels a clear burning sensation

Know that some medicines that dry out ulcers are very cooling, for example, henbane, opium or mandrake root, while others, for example, ratiyanaj or zift, are very warming; you are left to balance one of them with the other, mutually opposing the particular natures of the medicines.

Medicines that clear ichor are drying substances, that is, for example, alum, galls, pomegranate peels, incense peels, lead oxide, barley flour and oatmeal, anemone and mosquito tree leaves, if a medicinal bandage of fresh hazel leaves or from nuts - they are applied as they are or boiled in wine - this helps a lot and dries up the liquids without causing suffering.

Description of a good patch. They take lead oxide and pour it with either vinegar or olive oil until it turns white. Then take equal quantities of antimony, burnt copper, turmeric, galls, dragon's blood, alum and silver potassium, pound and sift thoroughly, and the share of each medicine should be equal to one-sixth of the amount of lead oxide you have prepared, mix it all and use it. The medicines mentioned in our Pharmacopoeia are also used.

It is often necessary to wash out ichor with flowing medicines, as we will say in the paragraph on deep ulcers. These medicines include sea water, and alum ox also washes away, drives away matter and dries, but all the mentioned medicines are harmful if there is a tumor along with the ulcer. The water in which the soup was boiled dries the decoction of yellow and emblic myrobalans and the decoction of azadarakht with lotus leaves is also good in this regard.