Treatment of half-three-day fever

With a half-three-day fever, you should take more care of removing matter through all types of bowel movements - laxity, vomiting, urination or perspiration, rather than strenuously extinguishing the fever. With laxatives, however, one should wait until maturity, unless they are of the kind of medicine that softens and releases the nature, but does not bother. Such, for example, are bindweed juice with julanjubip, if mucus predominates, or taranjubin with manna, tamarind infusion or violet drink, if bile predominates, or a laxative combined from these two varieties, if both juices seem to be equally strong. If, after the appearance of signs of maturity, it is desirable to evacuate with strong drugs, then this is permissible. Vomiting should also be induced, depending on which matter predominates, either with radish juice with hot sikanjubin, or with sikanjubin with hot water; urination should be enhanced by means that are characterized by balance. If you hurry and give boiled medicines before they ripen, you can be wary of sarsam.

As for potions that are useful on the path leading to the limit, for improving matter, bringing it to maturity and eliminating its harmfulness, then among the simple medicines this is wormwood, but only after the seventh day and the appearance of signs of ripening, and the wormwood should be Rumian , good. If you rush with it, it will set the juice in motion, but will not remove it and will only cause lightheadedness, melancholy and nausea, and then the wormwood will direct its bitterness against the matter, which will dry it out and its astringent property, which will slow down its movement. Galen and his predecessors treated such patients with barley water with a small amount of pepper, and one of the ancient doctors said that Galen made a big mistake and reached the point that one can only marvel at him: he did not know that pepper inflames fever, and barley water makes the movement of matter sluggish. However, this opponent of Galen missed and made a mistake that applies not only to this case, but also to the general rule indicating how to support the nature when it rises to fight this kind of juices. This support is carried out with the help of medicines composed of cooling and warming potions, so that nature separates these two abilities and directs the cooling substances against fever and in the region of the heart, and the warming substances against matter. And who treated half-three-day fever in any other way? And if nature is not able to carry out separation, then no treatment will work, no matter how it is carried out. This doctor is mistaken in other respects, but we do not need to cite his mistakes and take the path of delaying speech.

This nitpicker said, among other things, that it was necessary to use diluting medicines that do not have strong warming properties, for example, celery or dill, and he did not know that by chopping pepper, you can cool it until its warming property weakens, and the diluting property is no longer present. less than celery. And barley water will help bring the power of pepper to the vessels and destroy its excess, and also dilute thick matter so that it is easier for the power of pepper to penetrate it. Further, it is a marvelous wonder that this debater considered Galen one of those who do not know that pepper causes fever, and pronounced such a verdict, classifying him as one of those who did not notice this.

And complex medicines that should be used at such times are, for example, cakes made from wormwood and cakes made from roses.

Excellent light flatbreads against half-three-day fever. Take roses, iris root - four parts each, taranjubin - three, sumbul, squeezed wormwood juice, bamboo concretions - two dirhams each and make cakes from this.

Other flatbreads. They take roses - six parts, sorrel seeds, gum - four each, starch - three, barberry, bamboo nodules, purslane seeds - two parts each, tratacanth, saffron, sumbul, rhubarb - two danaks each, camphor - danak; All this is turned into flat cakes.

Other excellent lozenges for a person suffering from such a fever, especially if he complains of diarrhea and cough. Sumbula of aromatic aloe tree, saffron, barberry and its squeezed juice - each in three parts, rhubarb - four, bamboo concretions, roses along with cups of lac, toasted gum, amber - each for five dirhams, roasted sorrel seed - six dirhams, Rum clay - seven dirhams; Flatbreads are made from all this.

Another great write-up. Red roses - six dirhams, barberry, gum, sorrel seeds - four each, sumbula, hemp saplings, bamboo nodules, purslane seeds, kissa seeds - two dirhams each, chicory seeds, dodder seeds - one and a half dirhams each, thickly brewed juice licorice - a dirham, lakka, rhubarb - half a dirham each. All this is tied up and turned into cakes.

Good pills against this disease and against all chronic fevers and fevers that damage the viscera, especially if mucous matter predominates. Take equal parts of sabur, mastic, yellow myrobalans, rhubarb, squeezed sapling juice, squeezed wormwood juice, roses, and saffron - half the part and turn it into pills with chicory juice. At one time they are given two dirhams to drink with sikanjubin.

Good copy - suitable during ripening. They take equal parts of sabur, mastic, squeezed sapling juice, squeezed wormwood and rose juice, as well as saffron - half of the part - and turn it into pills with chicory juice. They give you two dirhams to drink at a time in sikan-jubin.

Return worse than the underlying disease. It is wise not to rush into treatment until it becomes clear what the situation is. In most cases it goes badly.