Treatment of different types of sarsam

The general method of treating all types of true sarsam is bleeding from mullet and removing a decent, and even large amount of blood. You should hurry with this as soon as clouding of consciousness sets in, unless some strong obstacle interferes. Bloodletting must be done carefully and monitor the patient’s condition regarding fainting: whether he has fainted, whether he is close to it; When fainting approaches, the blood must be stopped. To recognize this, tricks are required, because in such patients it is not very clear whether they are conscious or unconscious. However, this is sometimes indicated by the pulse: if the pulse becomes trembling or falls and becomes uneven and disordered, so that one beat is large and the other small, this indicates the imminence of fainting. When applying a bandage, care must be taken that it is strong and does not come undone due to the patient’s movements and twitches, which he does without realizing anything; sometimes the patient himself unties and throws off the bandage, prompted to do so by his frustrated imagination. Then blood is bled from the frontal vein if the patient’s strength is great and the circumstances and degree of the disease require it. If the patient’s strength and circumstances do not favor general bleeding from the arm, or the patient does not give you his hand, and what he is being forced to do greatly worries and irritates him, then let him bleed from his forehead and, when bleeding begins, anoint his head with cooled rose oil and vinegar, as well as other cooling squeezed juices that we listed above. For yellow gall sarsam, it is very useful to apply a bandage of blackberry leaves to the head.

Place the patient in a room with balanced air, decorated simply, without decorations or pictures, because his imagination gets carried away when he looks at them, and this irritates the brain and membranes of the brain. In the patient’s room and near him there should be such cold smelling agents as water lilies, violets, roses and others, which we have listed in the basic rules of treatment. And let the patient be with his cheerful and beloved friends, who are well disposed towards him, and people whom he is embarrassed and in whose presence he refrains from manifestations of mental disorder and flooding that are harmful to him. Try to put such a patient to sleep, at least applying a little opium to his forehead or nose, if his strength is significant; otherwise, beware of doing this, because opium is also destructive, and resort to other means, for example, drinking from the sleeping pill poppy. Place a medicinal bandage of lettuce on the patient’s head and give him sleeping pills poppy seeds in barley water. However, it is most right to combat Sars with bloodletting, if time allows it and if there is nothing dangerous in postponing bloodletting. Do it first after two or three days, and when you open the blood, if possible, do not overdo it, so that enough blood remains in the body, giving the nature the strength to fight crises and resist the lack of food when the time demands it. After bloodletting, it would be correct to give the patient a very mild enema, for example, rose oil with barley water or water with olive oil. If you need a stronger enema after using a mild enema, then give it.

Pull the juices down in all ways: by rubbing your legs, pressing on them and pouring hot water on them, and even by bandaging and pulling, which was mentioned above, or by placing blood-sucking cups on your legs, especially during the subsidence of the fever and before it intensifies, if the fever such periods are typical. Sometimes it is necessary to place a blood-sucking cup between the shoulder blades at the beginning of the disease. First, put the patient on the lightest food and even limit it to one sugar sikanjubin, then after a day or two transfer him to a liquid barley decoction with sikanjubin, and then to a thick one; At the same time, take into account the strength of the patient and the stage of the disease; while you see that the manifestations of the disease are intensifying, limit yourself mainly to light food in small quantities, but if there is a fear that the patient’s strength will decline, feed him better; Do not give very cold water in this way, especially if there is a tumor in the abdominal obstruction or in the viscera. If you see that the disease is subsiding, then gradually increase your nutrition and add more food, preparing it from pumpkin, naturally cold vegetables, mung beans and cold grains, either in the form of isfid-baj, or acidified with cold fruits. At this time, they benefit from white bread soaked in very cold water or in julab cooled heavily on ice.

At the beginning of the disease, one should use purely distracting drugs, unless sarsam is a dangerous type, in which the vessels leaving the head become swollen, participating in the disease with a thoraco-abdominal obstruction. Then you have to start with remedies that slightly relax the muscles and soothe the pain, and then move on to astringents. They also diligently resort to enemas, then most often use

watering, cooling, but not astringent. Add a little poppy there for the sake of sleep, as well as a small amount of chamomile, which would counteract the poppy and dissolve it a little. If the illness decreases as a result of these measures, but delirium still remains, then milk the patient’s head with milk from the udder of a goat or from a woman’s breast; if the patient’s strength is significant, then goat’s milk, and if they are weak, then woman’s milk. An hour after each milking, the head should be washed with balanced watering medicines, which include violets, iris rhizome, chamomile and other cooling agents, which can be read about in the Pharmacopoeia.

If the disease is prolonged and does not go away with such treatment measures, or the form of the disease is severe, with hibernation, and it has already passed the initial stage, and immobility prevails over movement, then remove strong cooling agents, especially poppy, from the patient, and after the seventh day For irrigation, add thyme, pulegium mint, rue, squeezed mint juice and medicinal clover. Apply flaxseed mucus with olive oil and water to the patient’s head and constantly and generously lubricate his body with warming oil. If you want to maintain the strength of a patient after a protracted illness, after seven days or more, you can give him a small amount of diluted wine. Often such patients vomit, and this benefits them. Sometimes they are given water with some kind of oil that is cold and moist in nature, which eases vomiting and moisturizes their nature.

If they do not urinate due to loss of reason and weakness of sensation, then rub warm oil, preferably olive oil, into the area of ​​the bladder, and then pour hot water over the area or water in which chamomile has been boiled; After this, press on the bladder until urine flows. Do this to them from time to time and press on the bladder whenever you can expect them to urinate. If urine does not flow from this, then use watering as mentioned above. Patients should be tied with ropes if they are very restless and suffer greatly from this, especially if you bled them and the incision has not yet healed. When the disease has significantly advanced in the decline stage and the patients have gone far from the suffering caused by the disease, apply the convalescent regime to them, make them swing on swings and protect them from bad hot air, from the hot wind and from the sun so that they do not get sick again. If you want to bathe them, then bathe them lightly in fresh water to induce sleep in them, for putting them to sleep is beneficial for them in many ways. They should be fed light meat. This is the reasoning about the treatment of sarsam.

As for the difference in the treatment of yellow gall and blood sarsam, in the treatment of yellow gall, bile removal is more necessary and bloodletting is less necessary. Bile should be expelled using mild glidants and laxatives, in the form of drinks, which have already been mentioned, as well as blood cleansing medications. You can add more smoke to them if you know that nature will respond under any circumstances. Sometimes scammonium resin is added to these remedies if there is confidence that the nature will respond, and this is usually for a given patient. With yellow gall sarsam, do not make the patient faint by bleeding him; on the contrary, in such patients a fair amount of blood is released, taking precautions against fainting. Then the bowel movements are performed by laxation, and the medications should also be prescribed cold and wet in nature. As for food, with blood sarsam it should be cold; It is also permissible to give an astringent when the bowel movements and enemas are finished, for example, a stew with the juice of unripe grapes, pomegranate juice, quince, apples; for gall sarsam, these foods are not suitable, but, for example, pumpkin porridge and kash ki a, that is, porridge made from purified barley, stew with spinach, quinoa, mung bean, and the like. They are acidified with vinegar, sugar, cherry plum, plums and similar seasonings. Know that with gall sarsam it is more necessary to extinguish heat, and with blood sarsam it is more necessary to dissolve the juices. With bilious sarsam, they are not careful about cooling to the same extent as they are careful with blood sarsam, and they do not prohibit cold water so decisively. With gall sarsam, more care should be taken to euthanize the patient; this is achieved, for example, by moisturizing pouring and the use of lettuce, pumpkin and similar oils, which are introduced into the nose. If the bile is burnt out during gall sarsam, then more attention should be paid to hydration and, if possible, use cooling and moisturizing enemas.