Mania and canine disease

Mania means brutal madness; As for canine illness, it is a type of mania, and it is accompanied by anger, alternating with gaiety and waving of arms, and also inflicting insults, followed by requests for forgiveness, as is characteristic of the temperament of dogs. Know that the matter that excites brutal madness is identical in substance with the matter that excites melancholy, for both are black bile, but the causative agent of brutal madness is black bile, formed by combustion from yellow bile or from benign black bile, and then this the worst thing is, and the causative agent of melancholy is natural black bile in large quantities or burnt black bile, but coming from mucus or sweet blood. Burnt mucus rarely causes insanity, and if it does, it is melancholy.

When melancholy arises, it is in most cases due to the penetration of black bile matter into the vessels of the brain, and when mania arises, it is most often due to the penetration of such matter into the anterior part of the brain and into its substance; the fact is that matter during mania reaches the brain in the same way as matter reaches it during faranitus. Melancholy is accompanied by suspicion, bad thoughts, fear and immobility; there is no strong excitement with it. As for mania, with this disease a person is excited all the time, attacks people, waves his arms and goes on a rampage. The patient's gaze does not resemble the gaze of a person; it most closely resembles the gaze of animals. Mania differs from a type of faranitus, similar to it, in that the patient goes crazy; with this disease in most cases there is no fever, and faranitus never occurs without fever.

Dog disease is a type of mania; with this disease the patient is sometimes stern and angry, and sometimes docile and compliant. A person suffering from canine disease is not as prone to evil intentions as a person suffering from mania; Apparently, this disease is closest to diseases caused by blood matter. Most often, dog disease occurs in the fall due to the poor quality of juices at this time of year; sometimes it becomes more frequent in spring and summer. When the north wind blows, it becomes more excited due to the drying effect of the north wind. This disease often resolves with kidney disease and dilation of the veins. If dropsy appears after a dog's illness, then it resolves the disease with its moisture, especially when the dog's illness is caused by warmth and dryness of the liver; Often canine disease occurs due to the complicity of the stomach; then she is cured by vomiting.

Signs. There are signs for mania in general, as well as signs for its varieties. Common signs are the already mentioned changes in mental and motor abilities. Signs that foreshadow this disease include, for example, nightmares accompanied by a heated brain, or, for example, engorgement of the feet and their redness, as well as congealing of the blood in the chest of a woman, which indicates movements of matter that spoil the blood. The first sign sometimes also indicates this, and sometimes indicates that the overflow of the feet with blood will cause deterioration of the blood in an organ that usually does not have much innate warmth that allows it to manage the blood well; now it will introduce a kind of corruption into the blood that damages the brain. If the first sign appears at the end of mania, it sometimes indicates resolution of the disease, as does dilation of the veins. In acute illnesses, mania often occurs as a sign of a crisis. When other signs indicate a successful course of the disease, mania indicates the imminent onset of a crisis. Sometimes the intensification of mania indicates a crisis in the mania itself. As for the signs of mania from burnt black bile, know that along with madness and brutality, there is also thoughtfulness, immobility and silence that lasts for some time. Then, when the patient begins to move and talk, at first he seems reasonable and thinking, but if he is addressed again, it is impossible to get rid of him and calm him down. With such mania, the body loses more weight, the complexion becomes darker, and more bad dreams occur; sometimes the patient vomits something sour boiling on the ground.

With mania from black bile mixed with yellow bile, the transition to malice occurs more quickly and calmness also occurs more quickly. Such mania does not arouse anger and hostility to the same extent as the previous one; the patient rarely sits still, moves a lot, and is often irritated and worried.

Treatment. When you observe an overflow of juices, then bleed, and if you see from the urine and other signs that bile predominates in the body, perform an emptying with a decoction of dodder or a decoction of myrobalans, if it is black bile mixed with yellow bile; and with pure black bile, sometimes it is necessary to evacuate with pure dodder in the amount of eight dirhams with sikanjubin and lapis lazuli pills.

Then begin to treat the head and remove the blood, if there is an overflow of blood or blood black bile, from a vessel located under the tongue, and also constantly empty the head with the help of the following pills: iyaraja, dodder and Greek lavender - one part each, scammonium resin - half part and myrobalans - one part; From this mixture they prepare large pills and drink them at night, with breaks after general emptying, each time for two dirhams.

Among the remedies useful for mania are pills, the prescription of which is as follows: take dodder and polypodium for five dirhams, Armenian stone - one dirham, Kabul myrobalans - dirham, Greek lavender - ten dirhams, Indian salt and coloquinte pulp - four each, myrobalans bellerica and emblica, thyme, black hellebore - three dirhams each, turbita - twenty dirhams. These medicines are mixed with honey sikanjubin and then consumed. You should also use rinses with sikanjubin with scammonium resin and avoid excess use of shabyar pills; use them while your head feels light, and when you notice a hot disorder in your nature, stop it. After emptying, you should turn to cooling and moisturizing the head with the help of watering and other means. Sometimes it becomes necessary to water the patient’s head five times a day, lubricate it with a thick decoction of lamb legs and head. Fresh milk is also given to the patient’s head and lubricated with butter.

Your aim should be to moisturize rather than to cool, but you will not find highly moisturizing medicines that are not cold; add chamomile to such medicines. Sometimes, in order to put a patient to sleep, you have to give him diyacusa to drink; let it be drunk with sweet pomegranate juice to induce hydration, or with plum wine to soften the nature, or in barley decoction. The patient’s head is also poured with water in which poppy seeds were boiled in order to put him to sleep, but it is best to put a little chamomile in this water and milk milk on the head. Various oils are also very useful in this regard. Using drenches and medications with moisturizing properties and oils injected into the nose, try to immediately put the patient to sleep using soporific pours and oils, in particular lettuce oil. Give him drinks that moisturize, such as barley water, and do not let him drink anything that acts like shikanjubin or has the property of thinning, drying and tearing off the juices. Whenever you see that the patient’s nature is hard, give an enema so that blood vapors do not rise from the stool to the head.

In the water that such patients drink, you need to put the roots and seeds of wild fennel, as well as the seeds of the white vine, that is, the dioecious plant - they are beneficial. They drink a bowl of them every day. If the patient does not drink them, you need to secretly put these medicines in food.

People whom he is ashamed of and respects should sit next to the patient and constantly pull his thighs and legs in order to pull the pairs down. If there is a fear that patients will harm themselves in their madness, then they should be tied tightly and put in a cage, hanging it high on a hook, like a swing. They should be fed under all circumstances with moist food, which, at the same time, being moist, does not form blockages, such as starch and the like, because this is very harmful for such patients. You should also not give them anything that strongly drives urine, as this will also harm them. Other methods of treating such patients, relating to what they need to abstain from and beware of, are the same as in the treatment of melancholy, which we will talk about in its place. When the illness begins to subside, it is a good idea to give the sick very diluted wine, as it moisturizes and lulls them.