Face masks with aloe in ampoules




Aloe in ampoules for the face - application, what the healing elixir is used for and how to prepare homemade cosmetics with it, read this article.

Aloe is a powerful biological stimulant. And in terms of its qualities, it even surpasses expensive drugs made on its basis. It is widely used in traditional medicine recipes, cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

The pharmacy chain sells a wallet-friendly liquid aloe extract - a solution for subcutaneous administration in 1 ml ampoules.

The ampoules contain a concentrated extract of an evergreen plant, which is produced through a complex technological process of filtration and concentration of natural aloe juice. The extract is produced from perennial plants that grow in South Africa, as well as on the Russian Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Aloe preparations in ampoules are obtained using the method of Professor Filatov - first, the leaves of the plant are kept in the dark and at a temperature of 5-8 C for two to three weeks, then through complex processing an aloe extract is obtained without any impurities.

When using aloe juice in beauty recipes, your face will become fresh, well-hydrated, fine wrinkles will disappear, and your skin will be tightened.


Indications for use

Cosmetics containing aloe extract can be used even without special indications, as a prophylactic agent. However, there are conditions for which the use of such creams is recommended:

  1. Elimination of the consequences of burns;
  2. Inflammatory skin diseases;
  3. As a rejuvenating agent.

Contraindications for use

There are not many contraindications to the use of cosmetics with aloe extract:
• damage to the integrity of the skin;
• individual intolerance.

Most often, the extract is obtained from the Barbadenis variety. It has large wide leaves and a lot of pulp. It can be applied in diluted or concentrated form even to the skin around the eyes. Those with allergies should be careful before using.

The effect of aloe on facial skin

The benefits of aloe for the face cannot be overestimated. This is an amazing moisturizer. Aloe leaves are 99.5% water, but the special bonds of the molecules in aloe allow the water they contain to be absorbed into our skin four times faster than any other liquid.
In addition, aloe juice contains a lot of useful minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes.

  1. Aloe rejuvenates the skin, moisturizes it and helps to stay fresh and elastic at any age.
  2. It is an excellent antioxidant. Its ability to maintain skin elasticity makes it an excellent anti-aging aid.
  3. Aloe has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. This herb is very effective in treating acne and also reduces the redness caused by it.


Aloe in ampoules for the face - Beauty Recipes

Honey mask

To prepare the mask you will need:

  1. 1 ampoule of aloe extract
  2. 1 tablespoon liquid honey

All ingredients must be placed in a glass container and mixed thoroughly.

It is recommended to apply to facial skin before bedtime. 20 minutes after use, the mask should be washed off. Afterwards, apply a regular moisturizer suitable for regular use.

Universal rejuvenating mask

  1. Yolk of one egg;
  2. 1 tsp low-fat sour cream;
  3. 1 ampoule of aloe extract.

Using a cotton pad, apply the mixture onto your face in layers. Once one dries, apply the next one. After 15 min. rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin with a good anti-aging product.


Nourishing oil mask

  1. 1 ampoule of aloe extract
  2. 2 tsp. oils (olive, almond, peach, apricot).

Apply with a cotton swab to face, neck and décolleté. After 30 minutes, wash off. Wipe off any remaining oil on the skin with a paper towel.

Honey cream mask

Recommended for the face and neck to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. 2 tsp liquid honey;
  2. 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  3. 2 teaspoons glycerin;
  4. 2 teaspoons boiled water;
  5. 1 tsp. oatmeal flour.
  6. Mix everything and apply evenly to the neck and face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask.

Cucumber mask

One of the most effective is a mask made from a mixture of aloe and cucumber. Since this vegetable contains vitamins A, C and E, which are ideal for smoothing out fine wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin.

  1. 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  2. 1 small cucumber.

Mix everything in a blender. To obtain a homogeneous mass, add still mineral water. It is enough to hold the mask for about 15-20 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water, remove any residue with a napkin and use your regular moisturizer.

Lemon freshness

A great combination of the antioxidant power of aloe with the rejuvenating properties of lemon. This citrus fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C and deeply nourishes our dermis.

  1. 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  2. 2 tsp. lemon juice;
  3. 1 tbsp. clean water.

Apply the resulting mixture to your face in circular movements. Distribute the remainder on the neck to smooth out wrinkles in this area. Wait approximately 20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water.

Aloe juice for crow's feet

This remedy is suitable for preventing the appearance of new wrinkles forming in the corners of the eyes. Apply the contents of one aloe ampoule directly to the crow's feet.
To refresh the skin around the eyes, moisten cotton pads with aloe juice and place in the freezer for 10 minutes, and then apply to the eyelids. 10-15 minutes is enough.


Moisturizing blend for dry skin

This mixture will allow you to make dry skin healthy and glowing again.

To prepare the mixture you will need:

  1. 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  2. 5 drops of hyaluronic acid;
  3. 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

Melt the coconut oil in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients to it, mix thoroughly and let cool. Coconut oil may become solid again. If this happens, lightly rub the mask in your hands before use. Apply the composition to your face, rubbing it in with gentle massage movements.

You can repeat this procedure every other day for a week, and then reduce the frequency to 2 times a week. After a month of use, you need to take a break of two weeks so as not to overload the skin and make it oily.

It is not necessary to wash your face after the procedure, but if there is too much product, you can remove the remaining residue with a homemade tonic made from a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of warm water. Mix the ingredients, soak a cotton pad in the solution and carefully remove the remaining moisturizing mixture from your face.


Scar removal mask

To get rid of scars on the skin, this mask combines three of the best components to activate regeneration.

To prepare the product, take:

  1. 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  2. 1 teaspoon turmeric;
  3. 1 teaspoon of badyagi powder.

Mix all ingredients and apply to problem areas. The mask does not need to be rubbed in, since the badyaga that is included in its composition is an irritant component. It causes a mild allergic reaction and speeds up blood flow along with saturation of the skin. By rubbing it into your skin, you risk triggering a more serious allergy.

After 15 minutes, remove the mixture using cotton pads and wash your face generously with water.
The procedure should be repeated daily for a week, and then the frequency should be reduced to 1-2 times a week. The course consists of 4 weeks, after which you need to take a break of at least a week before continuing the procedures.

Anti-inflammatory mask

With regular use, this remedy will help you get rid of acne and inflammation. It contains active ingredients, so before applying it to your skin, make sure you are not allergic to any of them.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  1. 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  2. 4 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  3. A teaspoon of turmeric;
  4. 2 teaspoons liquid honey.

Heat the honey in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients and apply the mixture to problem areas of the skin. You can do this point by point using a cotton swab. Wait 10-15 minutes, remove the mask with napkins or cotton pads, then wash with warm water.


Aloe extract for wrinkles

For beautiful and youthful skin, you can wipe your face with aloe extract and then let it dry. By repeating this simple procedure 2 times a day, you can get rid of small wrinkles, and the skin will become soft and velvety, without the slightest blemishes.

  1. Ice with aloe
  2. This ice is suitable for all skin types.
  3. You will need:
  4. 2 ampoules of aloe extract;

200 g of water (filtered or non-carbonated mineral water).
Mix aloe juice with water. Freeze in molds and wipe your face (wash first). This morning routine is great for moisturizing your skin.


Reviews from ladies who have already tried this wonderful remedy on themselves are clear: the effect occurs in a very short time, and there is no harm to health, so you can safely use aloe extract in beauty recipes, unless, of course, there are any contraindications.

Elena: I started using this drug as a cosmetic product quite recently. Before that, I bought aloe ampoules to make hair masks, but once I decided to try applying the extract in a pure video to the skin of my face. I was sure that it could not harm my skin, since it was intended for injection. I really liked the result right away. A couple of hours after application, the skin of the face can be said to have come to life.

We all know the healing properties of aloe juice. But after reading information that, thanks to the content of allantoin, natural antioxidants, it prevents the aging of skin cells, I decided to use it regularly instead of night cream. I apply the contents of one ampoule (1 ml) to a clean face in the evening, without mixing with anything. The result will be noticeable in the morning. Perfectly moisturizes facial skin, relieves redness and irritation, facial tone becomes more even, and skin becomes more elastic.


Svetlana: Aloe extract liquid is an excellent cosmetic product. I use it instead of a facial toner - after washing, I wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in aloe extract. The skin looks more hydrated, there is less redness and peeling, the complexion has improved - it has become more even.

I really like the effect, but it is not recommended to use it constantly - you need to take breaks. I buy it once a month and use it for 10 days. When you buy an extract at a pharmacy, pay attention to the composition - dry extract, or “Aloe arborescens fresh leaves” - the second, as many say, is more effective.

Lydia: I use liquid aloe extract in beauty treatments. It can be added to cosmetic masks made from clay and other components. Aloe heals problematic skin and helps dry and irritated skin return to normal. Sometimes, I apply pure aloe extract to cleansed skin as a mask for 15 minutes. After it, the skin is very soft, clean, fresh, becomes more elastic and toned.

I really like doing face and neck peeling with aloe extract. To do this, I prepare the composition: the contents of one ampoule of liquid aloe extract, very finely ground salt, 1 tsp mashed ripe banana, 0.5 tbsp olive oil. After such a natural scrub, the skin glows clean, looks fresh and renewed. Moreover, she is well hydrated and toned.

Oksana: More recently, I began to actively get involved in treatment using ampoules of various contents. I learned about ampoules that contain Aloe extract from the Internet. The girl in the video shared her experience and expressed her pleasure from the action she received.

I use them like this: Every day in the evening, I apply one ampoule of aloe extract to clean, dry skin of the face and neck (although aloe practically does not cause allergies, do a drug tolerance test before starting the course). Aloe perfectly dries oily skin, tightens pores, promotes good regeneration, which in turn reduces the risk of expression lines. 10 ampoules, respectively, a course of 10 days. I really liked it and will continue to please my skin.

Galina: I use ampoules for the skin of the face and neck. Aloe extract is easily absorbed into the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, reduces pores, moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, accelerates regeneration and the formation of new cells. I apply the extract to my skin in its pure form, my skin reacts well to this concentration, but if you are doing it for the first time, it is better to check the reaction on your skin.

The course is as follows: 1 ampoule every 2 days, resulting in 10 ampoules for 30 days. We apply the extract and wait until completely absorbed, then I apply grape oil, if there is no oil, you can use a rich cream. The skin is noticeably transformed: its elasticity and firmness increases, pores tighten, facial wrinkles smooth out, complexion improves, and there is less inflammation on the skin.

In cosmetology, aloe in ampoules has found wide application in various recipes. Those who have at least once tried the “miracle ampoules” with life-giving juice are very pleased with the effect they received.

Stories from our readers


It's finished! I finally said goodbye to wrinkles! After I used a wonderful rejuvenating product. All small wrinkles and blemishes are gone, the skin has become soft and beautiful. Inno Gialuron got rid of wrinkles and imperfections in 2 weeks, plus my entire skin was tightened and refreshed. Moreover, almost all problem areas are tightened and smoothed, be it wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, on the forehead, “crow’s feet” on the neck and others. A great way to save on foundation... read more here Facial serum with Botox effect Noia Derm. Instructions. Experts' opinion. Reviews


Aloe will help cope with this problem; this plant is simply a godsend in the fight against aging. If you regularly use masks containing aloe, the skin is enriched with vitamins, softened, and most importantly, aloe is the main fighter against sagging skin, in this it can compete even with the most expensive creams.

Benefits of aloe for the face

For traditional medicine, aloe is simply priceless. It is applicable in a variety of directions. Aloe fights inflammatory processes, colds, and other serious diseases. And for cosmetology, aloe plays a huge role. In the fight against wrinkles on the face it shows simply amazing results. By applying aloe masks to your face every day, you can get rid of even the deepest wrinkles, achieve smoothness and hydration of the skin.

Aloe is rich in vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, as well as B vitamins. Aloe contains enzymes and amino acids.

For cosmetology at home, it is better to use aloe vera or agave. The juice of the plant can improve the overall condition of the skin and preserve youth and beauty.

The effect of aloe masks is very high:

  1. deep hydration of the dermis, preventing it from drying out, regardless of the weather,
  2. giving the skin elasticity,
  3. acceleration at the cellular level of regenerative processes of the dermis,
  4. slowing down skin aging,
  5. oxygen enrichment of skin cells,
  6. cleansing and tightening pores,
  7. smoothing out age and facial wrinkles,
  8. help in the fight against acne and pimples,
  9. evens out the complexion, making the skin soft and smooth.

Preparation of aloe

Russian academician V. Filatov, conducting his research, discovered a very important property of aloe. He found that in the tissues of plants that are “near death”, special substances called biogenic stimulants begin to be produced. These substances have an effect on growth, regenerative processes, healing of ulcers, destruction of harmful bacteria, and they also have a positive effect on the healing process.

This scientist's research shows that if you cut an aloe leaf, then keep it at a temperature of 3 degrees above zero in a dark room for 25 days, then after this period, effective cosmetics can be made from the plant.

But this is not the only way to prepare aloe. You can also cut an aloe leaf, wrap it in newspaper, and then put it in the freezer for at least 2 hours. After this, it needs to be washed and you can prepare masks, etc. But with this method of preparation, you need to use a plant that is at least two years old.


Recipes for homemade aloe masks

Aloe is excellent for fighting wrinkles. Masks with aloe will restore beauty and health, and there is no need to go to a cosmetologist. After home treatments, the skin will become smoother and sagging will go away.

  1. For wrinkles around the eyes

To prepare this mask you will need:

  1. 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed aloe juice,
  2. half a teaspoon of vegetable oil,
  3. a few drops of apricot or peach oil.

All of the above must be mixed. Next, use your fingertips to spread the prepared mixture over your facial skin. This mask is suitable even for delicate skin around the eyes. The mask should be kept on the skin of the face for at least 30 minutes. After this, the composition is washed off with cool water. After just a few applications of this mask, you can see that your facial skin becomes softer and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Masks with such ingredients can be called universal. Undoubtedly, they will help even out the complexion, make the skin elastic, and smooth out small wrinkles. To prepare such a mask, aloe and honey are mixed in a 1:2 ratio. After this, apply to the face and leave for about half an hour.

  1. For dry skin

If the skin is dry and flaky, then, of course, it needs to be moisturized, and for this a mask with the following composition is perfect - water, aloe juice, honey and glycerin. Everything needs to be mixed in equal parts. Then mix everything slowly and add a teaspoon of oatmeal. This mask should be applied a couple of times a week and kept on the face for about half an hour. With regular use of this mask, the skin will become less dry and will look more youthful.

Aloe in ampoules - beauty secrets

  1. Honey mask

We use 1 ampoule of aloe juice, add a tablespoon of honey (it should be liquid). Mix. This must be done in a glass container.

It is useful to apply this mask before bed. But you don't need to sleep with her. Apply, leave for about half an hour and rinse. You need to secure the result with a moisturizer.

  1. Universal mask of youth

Take 1 yolk, add to it a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream and, most importantly, an aloe ampoule.

This mask should be applied in layers, using a cotton pad. After applying the first layer, wait until it dries, then apply the second. Several layers can be applied. After holding this mask for about 15 minutes, you need to wash it off. An anti-aging agent is also applied to consolidate the results.

  1. Aloe and oil

We use an aloe ampoule, mixing it with two teaspoons of any base oil (it can be almond, olive, apricot, peach).

This mask can be applied to the face, neck and décolleté area. Use a cotton swab for this. Keep on the skin for half an hour. And blot the remaining oil with a paper towel.

  1. Cream mask with honey

The composition of such a mask is an aloe ampoule, a couple of teaspoons of water (boiled), a teaspoon of oatmeal, 2 teaspoons of honey (liquid) and 2 teaspoons of glycerin. All this should be mixed. Apply to décolleté and neck areas. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse.

  1. Cucumber mask

Aloe and cucumber are the most incomparable combination. Cucumber is “stuffed” with various vitamins, therefore, like aloe, it perfectly fights wrinkles and has a rejuvenating effect.

To make such a mask you only need one small cucumber and an aloe ampoule. Mix. It is better to use a blender for this. To obtain a homogeneous mass that will be convenient to apply, you can add non-carbonated mineral water to the indicated ingredients. The mask can be left on for 15 minutes to half an hour. After this, wash your face. Finally, apply your usual moisturizer.

  1. Lemon and youth

Lemon contains a record combination of vitamin C, which, combined with the antioxidant properties of aloe, is a real source of youth.

To make a mask with lemon, mix an aloe ampoule with 2 teaspoons of lemon and add a tablespoon of clean water to them.

The resulting mixture is applied to the skin. What remains can be applied to the neck. Allow it to stand for about 20 minutes.

  1. Aloe in the fight against crow's feet

Open the ampoule and apply its contents to the crow's feet. This will save you from the appearance of new wrinkles that “settle” in the corners of your eyes. And to refresh the skin around the eyes as much as possible, you can do the following procedure: place cotton pads soaked in aloe in the freezer for 10 minutes. And then put these pads on the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes.

Ice with aloe

It is not difficult to prepare such medicinal ice; to do this, you need to take aloe leaves, rinse them well, dry them with a paper towel, and trim the edges. After that, put it in a blender and grind until smooth.

Pour the resulting mixture into molds to form ice. Place in the freezer. Use ice cubes to wipe your face. After half an hour, wash with cold water.

How to store and what are the contraindications

It is important to store cosmetics containing aloe properly. Otherwise, all the useful qualities will go away. Proper storage must be in a glass container, tightly closing the lid and placing it on the refrigerator door. Natural creams are stored for a maximum of 3 months. If the composition contains ethyl alcohol, the shelf life can be increased to one year.

If the consistency or color of the prepared composition has changed, then it should not be used. After all of the above, it is necessary to mention that if there is increased sensitivity to any component of natural creams and tonics, then they should be used with caution. And if after use there is itching or irritation, then use should be stopped altogether.

Aloe in ampoules for the face: amazing properties of the plant (TOP 5 home remedies)

Aloe in ampoules for the face is actively used in cosmetology. Back in the 20th century, during the development of herbal medicine and homeopathy, the healing properties of this familiar plant were noticed.

For example, when aloe juice was instilled into the nose, the healing process soon began, and after compresses applied to damaged skin, the latter healed faster.

Not so long ago, the healing properties of this plant began to be used for cosmetic purposes.

What are the benefits of aloe in ampoules for the face?

To understand this issue, you should familiarize yourself with the chemical composition of the plant.

It has no equal in the number of biologically active components it contains. The main components of the juice are:

  1. resinous, tannins;
  2. organic acids;
  3. flavonoids;
  4. enzymes;
  5. hormone-like compounds;
  6. essential oils;
  7. vitamins (C, K, A, Ca, Mg, group B), etc.

The rich composition explains the unique therapeutic and prophylactic properties of this plant. For the skin it is a real elixir of youth.

Aloe vera, which is sold in ampoules for the face, deeply moisturizes the epidermis and saturates it with beneficial microelements necessary to maintain a healthy and radiant appearance.

After application, the extract leaves behind a thin film that prevents the evaporation of valuable moisture, dryness, peeling, and irritation.

The plant extract also has a pronounced regenerative effect. When applied regularly to the epidermis, it starts the process of formation of new, young, healthy skin cells.

As a result, active cellular renewal occurs, smoothing out small and deep wrinkles.

The extract helps cope with excess secretion of the sebaceous glands. It regulates metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis, helps reduce sebum production, and reduces oily sheen. At the same time, it gradually narrows the pores.

Well, the most important property of this plant for the skin is anti-inflammatory. Aloe is rightfully considered a natural antibiotic.

It contains a huge number of antiseptic and antibacterial components that inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic microflora that causes the inflammatory process.

In addition, polysaccharides contained in the plant affect macrophages (nonspecific immune cells).

As a result, the barrier functions of local immunity increase, the skin becomes less susceptible to various infections and inflammations.

The properties of this unique plant do not end there. It is widely used to quickly restore skin damage (scratches, wounds), as well as to reduce pain from sunburn.

Liquid aloe extract, which is sold in ampoules for the face, does not have to be used to treat existing problems. It can also be used to prevent them and maintain the health and youth of the epidermis.

In this case, skin type does not matter. The extract is suitable for oily, dry, combination and normal skin.


Aloe extract has a wide spectrum of action.


  1. inflammatory processes on the epidermis (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis: seborrheic, atopic, allergic);
  2. uneven skin tone (pigment spots, redness);
  3. dryness, peeling;
  4. excessive secretion of sebum;
  5. age-related changes in the skin (decreased tightness, elasticity, sagging, wrinkles, creases);
  6. violation of the integrity of the epidermis (wounds, burns, abrasions).

The extract is also indicated for preventing skin problems and maintaining a healthy appearance.


Aloe juice, produced in ampoules for the face, is not used in case of individual hypersensitivity to the plant.

Otherwise, various allergic reactions are possible in the form of skin hyperemia, rashes, itching, watery eyes, copious nasal discharge, etc.

Pure use

The extract can be used in its pure form or added to various cosmetic products.

It can also be combined with other ingredients: honey, cucumber, herbal decoctions, oatmeal, sour cream, etc.

The easiest way is to use aloe extract in its pure form, available in ampoules for the face. To do this, just open the ampoule and apply the solution to your fingertips or sponge.

Then distribute evenly over the surface of the epidermis. You can complement the procedure with a light facial massage, patting it.

Carry out the manipulation on initially cleansed skin every day 2 times: morning and evening.

The duration of the treatment and prophylactic course is about 4-8 weeks, it depends on the characteristics of the problem and the stage of its development.

5 aloe home remedies (masks, toner, scrub)

Using these ampoules you can prepare various products for home use. Recipes are presented below.

Homemade aloe toner (5 steps)

Judging by the reviews, a homemade tonic with aloe, which is available in ampoules for the face, helps against wrinkles, uneven skin color, enlarged pores and excess oiliness.

  1. To prepare it you will need a decoction of sage, string or chamomile and an aloe ampoule.
  2. For the decoction you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. dried plant with a glass of boiling water.
  3. After 2 hours, strain through a sieve, add an ampoule with extract to the broth and freeze the resulting tonic in special ice trays.
  4. You should wipe cleansed skin with a frozen cube every morning and evening.
  5. After the procedure, do not wipe it with a towel so that all useful components can be absorbed into the epidermal tissue.

Mask with honey for total hydration

Honey is a storehouse of vitamins for the whole body, including the skin. It moisturizes perfectly.

After it, the skin becomes velvety, smooth, soft and moisturized. In combination with aloe, it helps eliminate dryness, flaking, and irritation.

To prepare the mask you will need liquid honey (1 tbsp) and 1 ml of aloe extract. Mix the ingredients together and apply to the epidermis for 20 minutes.

Toning mask with cucumber (2 ways)

It is suitable for use on aging, tired skin. According to reviews, this mask with aloe in ampoules for the face helps fight the first signs of aging: wrinkles, loss of former elasticity.

You can prepare it in several ways:

  1. Grind 30-50 g of cucumber to a pasty consistency (grate) and add 1-2 ml of aloe extract. Mix and apply to face immediately after preparation. It is not recommended to store the mask in the refrigerator. After 20 minutes, wash off.
  2. Cut the cucumber into slices and generously moisten each piece in aloe extract. Apply to clean facial skin for 10 minutes.

Deep nourishing mask with sour cream

This product is perfect for very dry, sensitive, irritated skin.

The mask instantly softens, soothes and nourishes the epidermis. To prepare it you will need 50 g of sour cream and 1 ampoule of aloe extract.

Mix ingredients and apply to clean skin. After a quarter of an hour, wash off.

Scrub for rough skin

According to reviews, this mask with aloe extract in ampoules for the face helps get rid of horny scales that clog pores and make the skin rough.

Serves as a good prevention of acne, blackheads and rosacea. To prepare the mask you will need oatmeal.

They should be ground using a coffee grinder or meat grinder, but not to the point of flour, but so that there are particles slightly larger in size than ground coffee.

Mix 1 tbsp. l ground flakes with 3-5 ml of aloe extract. You should have a mushy consistency.

Apply the scrub to clean, moistened skin (excluding the area around the eyes) and massage, rinse with warm water.

Question answer

Is it possible to prepare the product yourself?

Is it true that aloe in ampoules is used to treat pathologies?

Is it possible to remove deep wrinkles with this product?

Cosmetics with aloe

Given the rich chemical composition of aloe, it is not surprising that most body and facial care products contain extract of this plant.

Hydra Genius aqua fluid with aloe from L’Oréal

Great for those with sensitive and dry skin. The product consists of more than 70% water.

The formula is enriched with hyaluronic acid, aloe juice and other beneficial components that give the skin youthfulness and radiance and deeply moisturize.

It has a light consistency that is instantly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen or stickiness.

The product intensively fills the epidermis with moisture and keeps it hydrated for 72 hours. Effectively eliminates irritation, softens, stimulates cellular renewal and the production of elastin and collagen.

It is recommended to apply the product morning and evening to cleansed skin, and also use it as a base for makeup so that the tone goes on evenly.

Moisturizing and soothing gel with aloe from Holika Holika

This Korean cosmetics helps maintain optimal moisture levels in the epidermis.

Suitable for dry, sensitive skin. The active ingredients quickly soften, moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation, itching, and irritation.

The product is instantly absorbed by the epidermis and does not leave a sticky or greasy film. Apply 1 r. per day with light patting movements.

Nature Republic Aloe Moisturizing Essence

This is another quality Korean product. Increases the protective forces of the epidermis, prevents the penetration of bacterial infections.

Suitable for dehydrated skin that is constantly bothered by a feeling of tightness, dryness, and irritation. The product replenishes moisture reserves, saturates with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Stimulates blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. Apply 3 drops of essence to the skin of the face and spread with patting movements.

After the product is absorbed, apply a moisturizer, preferably from the same brand (gel cream from Nature Republic).

Hardware cosmetology

Aloe extract is also widely used in hardware cosmetology. It is used both in its pure form and as part of cocktails, which are prepared individually for each patient, depending on the problem.

A widely used cosmetic procedure is iontophoresis. A low-voltage, low-strength current is applied through electrodes and applied to skin that has been pre-treated with aloe extract or a cocktail that contains it.

The beneficial components of the plant penetrate deep into the skin through the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands, therefore their bioavailability and, accordingly, the clinical effect increase.

According to reviews, iontophoresis with aloe vera extract in ampoules for the face helps to achieve faster results:

  1. renew the top layer of skin;
  2. get a general rejuvenating effect;
  3. reduce the severity of inflammation, scars, scars;
  4. improve microcirculation processes;
  5. normalize cellular metabolism.


Reviews after using aloe extract in ampoules for the face against dryness, aging skin, and wrinkles are mostly positive.

However, most users note that the result becomes noticeable only with the systematic use of products containing this extract.


“I use pure aloe in ampoules every time a pimple pops up. The extract quickly relieves inflammation and everything goes away in about 2-3 days.”


“To combat fine wrinkles around the eyes, I use a roll-on serum with aloe juice and collagen from Baby Bright. It is inexpensive, about 400 rubles.

It tones the skin, makes it firm, elastic and smooth. I also like that it slightly lightens dark circles under the eyes and removes puffiness in the morning. True, it is very difficult to find it in stores. You have to order online.”


“I am 2-3 r. I always make masks with aloe extract and honey every week. At first I used just aloe, but I like the effect much better with honey. After 15 minutes, the skin becomes velvety and soft, wrinkles are smoothed out.”

Expert opinion

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

This remedy is a biological stimulant. Production is carried out using a special technique. It is recommended to use a pharmacy extract, since you may not be able to prepare it yourself. It is also worth understanding that you should not expect global rejuvenation from aloe.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

With the help of such an extract, you can enhance the effect of ready-made creams, lotions, and masks. It can even be added to shampoos. In addition, the product is used in gynecology to treat various pathologies.

Using aloe in ampoules for the face, you can achieve real results. This is truly an excellent tool in the fight against many problems. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and rules of use.