Masks for lightening age spots

Freckles, if there are not so many of them and they are not too bright, are a cute feature of our appearance. But this is only one of the most harmless pigmentation options.

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The skin contains melanocytes - cells responsible for the color of the skin. They produce melanin, a pigment that colors tissues in brownish shades, and the more of it, the darker and more noticeable the spots will be, different from normal, healthy skin color. This is how lentigo, chloasma, and moles are formed, which are no longer so harmless. An ordinary mask does not always save you from age spots, but it will help lighten them. Therefore, we learn how to cook them at home.

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General recommendations


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Masks for age spots have primarily a cosmetic effect rather than a therapeutic one. And as soon as the course ends, there is a risk that everything will come back again. To completely eliminate the problem, you need to find out the cause of their formation and use salon procedures.

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Despite all their harmlessness, compared to drastic measures to remove such spots, skin-lightening masks are also quite aggressive. They can cause harm if contraindications for them are ignored or used incorrectly.

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  1. inflamed rashes, numerous acne, pimples;
  2. skin diseases: impetigo, papillomas, rosacea, rosacea, melanoma, dermatitis, keratosis, vitiligo;
  3. salon cosmetic procedures or operations performed recently;
  4. fresh wounds, stitches, facial injuries;
  5. thin, sensitive, dry skin.

Cooking rules

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  1. It is better to mix the ingredients by hand - in a blender the mixture turns out to be too liquid, which will drain from your face and cause a lot of inconvenience.
  2. It is better to preheat honey, oils (except essential oils), kefir, and milk in a water bath.
  3. Test your chosen product on your wrist first to avoid an allergic reaction.
  4. Before the procedure, to open the pores, take a steam bath with herbs (preferably with chamomile) for your face.
  5. Apply the prepared mixture along the massage lines if you need to remove numerous age spots. If there is only one, a spot compress will do.
  6. The duration of action is no more than 10 minutes, during which you need to relax and not strain your facial muscles.
  7. It is better to rinse with lemon solution, chamomile decoction or milk - they will enhance the whitening effect of the mask. But ordinary water is also suitable for this purpose.
  8. Hyperemia and slight swelling should disappear within 2-3 hours.
  9. The last step is applying the lightening cream.
  10. It will take a whole course of masks to remove or at least lighten this flaw. As a rule, it consists of 7-10 procedures. Frequency: a couple of times a week.

As a rule, brightening face masks are needed in the summer, when melanin manifests itself in all its glory under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. During this period of time the spots become the brightest. To help your home remedies do their job 100%, don't forget to apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses before going outside.

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Be careful! Pigment spots at any age need to be carefully monitored. If you notice changes in their shape and size, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. He, in turn, can give a referral to an oncologist - you need to be prepared for this.

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Best Recipes


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When choosing a recipe, focus on the composition: whether the mask will cause an allergic reaction and whether it is suitable for your skin type.

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  1. With parsley

The most effective home remedies for whitening age spots come from parsley, which has a lightening effect by destroying melanin in cells. You need to chop fresh herbs, mix them in equal proportions (a tablespoon is enough) with honey and lemon juice.

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  1. With peroxide

An aggressive but effective mask with hydrogen peroxide works great even on freckles. Grind a tablespoon of oat bran to flour. Pour in a small amount of green tea. Add 5 ml each of hazelnut and peanut oils. Lastly, peroxide is added (no more than 3 drops). Be careful: the combination of these ingredients may cause a severe allergic reaction and flushing.

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  1. With ascorutin

Ascorutin is a pharmaceutical drug that eliminates the deficiency of vitamins C and P in the body. It is an excellent antioxidant that strengthens blood vessels. If you have chloasma, freckles, lentigo, or numerous moles, it is good to take a course of Ascorutin tablets, but you cannot do this on your own (without consulting a doctor), because there is a risk of complications and side effects. Therefore, at home, you can only use the drug externally.

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Mix a powdered Ascorutin tablet with 10 grams of buckwheat flour and 15 ml of liquid and warm honey.

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  1. With turmeric

Turmeric whitening products have both pros and cons. Before you decide to use them, weigh the pros and cons. They are very effective and can lighten the darkest and oldest pigment spots. On the other hand, they are too aggressive in their effect on the skin. All you have to do is overexpose them a little, and your face will turn bright yellow. Allergic reactions, swelling and hyperemia are common side effects after such an oriental mixture.

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Recipe: mix 10 grams of turmeric with the same amount of honey, dilute the mixture with heavy cream (sour cream) to the desired consistency. Apply and rinse after 1-2 minutes.

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  1. With bodyaga

Products made from bodyaga, a pharmaceutical powder made from algae, have whitening properties. You only need a teaspoon, which must be mixed with black or white clay in equal proportions, and then diluted with water to a creamy consistency. It can cause irritation and hyperemia, so a preliminary test for an allergic reaction is required.

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  1. With dandelions

A whitening mask made from dandelions, which is easy to prepare in the summer, is getting good reviews. To do this, you need to pour 100 grams of flowers with 30 ml of refined olive oil and the same amount of castor oil. This mixture is kept in a steam bath for 3 hours over low heat. Your task is to prevent it from boiling. Then it is cooled and filtered. 50 ml of liquid honey is poured into it (you can replace 100 ml of fresh kefir). It is recommended to apply locally every day for 3 weeks. After a week, the course can be repeated.

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  1. With sour cream

A mixture of turmeric and sour cream in equal proportions. The latter softens the aggressive effect of the oriental spice and reduces the risk of the yellow face effect.

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  1. With rice

The rice mask has a brightening effect. To prepare it, you need to mix 50 grams of rice flour and 30 ml of lemon juice. Flour can be bought in a store in a ready-made form, or you can make it at home by grinding rice cereal in a blender or coffee grinder.

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  1. With celandine

Celandine products have anti-inflammatory and whitening properties. However, doctors warn that they are unsafe for skin health. Their independent use may result in additional pigment-injuring formation. Therefore, before using such a dubious product, it is better to consult with specialists.

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To prepare the mask, it is recommended to make a paste of celandine leaves and chamomile flowers, pour them with a small amount of lemon juice or medical alcohol. After 10 minutes, squeeze out and apply briefly to face.

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  1. With clay

For pigmentation, you can use products made from white clay, although black also has a lightening effect, but to a lesser extent. Dilute 30 grams of kaolin with 15 ml of fresh cucumber juice.

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  1. With lemon

Masks with lemon, or rather with its juice, are good for whitening age spots at home. But you need to take into account that in concentrated form it can be dangerous - it causes hyperemia and skin burns. Therefore, never apply it in its pure form to your face. Dilute 30 grams of yeast with 15 ml of milk (warm or room temperature), leave for half an hour. Before applying, add a teaspoon of lemon juice.

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  1. With aloe

Homemade masks with aloe help to cope with stains. For example, mix 15 grams of agave pulp and juice with the same amount of honey.

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Information corner. Lentiginosis is a congenital disease, inherited and characterized by numerous pigment spots. Among the accompanying symptoms of this severe pathology are heart defects, spina bifida, congenital deafness, and other irreversible disorders.

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If home-made lightening masks do not seem very effective to you, you can always purchase store-bought products. Famous brands in the global beauty industry have entire lines designed specifically to combat age spots.

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  1. Swiss line (Switzerland) - Cell Shock White line.
  2. Vichy (France) - Idealia.
  3. Oriental Princess (Thailand) - Natural Power C series.
  4. Natura Siberica (Russia) - Whitening.
  5. Clarena (Poland) - marked Bio White.
  6. Janssen (Germany) - White Secrets.
  7. Tony Moly (Korea) - Control Whitening line.
  8. Natura Bisse (Spain) - C+C Vitamin.
  9. Holy Land (Israel) - Whitening.
  10. Belita-Vitex (Belarus) - “Ideal Whitening” series.

Both homemade and branded masks used to lighten age spots have only a temporary, masking effect. They are not able to remove them forever, since the causes of pigmentation are too serious and affect deep processes occurring at the cellular level. Therefore, either do such treatments regularly at home or use innovative salon methods to permanently whiten your skin.

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Swimming and warm winds over the summer made the skin dehydrated, and the sun increased pigmentation. Therefore, during the cold season, when solar activity has decreased, it is time to carry out regenerating cosmetic procedures. To eliminate hyperpigmentation from the face, you need to take a comprehensive approach, the obligatory component of which will be a whitening face mask. Let's take a closer look at what whitening products will help us, find out the composition of masks that are easy to prepare at home, and use tips on choosing cosmetics to lighten your skin.

How to whiten your face at home

In modern environmental conditions, we often observe that after tanning and sunburn, many girls’ skin becomes uneven in color, with darkened areas throughout the body. This is how the pigment melanin appears under the influence of active sun, protecting it from ultraviolet radiation. Men are less susceptible to spotting because their skin texture is denser. Pigmentation can also be caused by pregnancy, liver problems, hormonal disorders, and medications, so you should consult a specialist.

To prevent the development of pigmentation during morning facial care, you need to use products with SPF protection every time. This need is explained by the fact that the sun's rays, reflected on a clear day from the snow or refracted in droplets of moisture hanging in the air in cloudy weather, negatively affect the skin with UV radiation, as on hot summer days.

Whitening your face from age spots is a completely feasible task that can be easily solved in the comfort of your home. To restore a uniform color, it is necessary to add products with a more pronounced and deep effect to the usual daily facial cleansing procedures, for example, natural face masks, the composition of which we will consider below.



A lemon mask is not suitable for dry, sensitive, acne-damaged skin, because acid carries a high risk of irritation, so it is better to do a sensitivity test before the first use. Here are some composition options:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. mix lemon juice, apply the mask on the face for 10 minutes;
  2. puree 1 small fresh cucumber (without peel and seeds), add the juice of 1 lemon and rest with the mask for 15 minutes;
  3. to 3 tbsp. l. low-fat kefir, add 10 drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. starch, keep for 20 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide

Let's look at options for whitening your face using hydrogen peroxide. This is an active medical product, so you need to use its 3-5% solution and only on certain problem areas. The easiest way is to apply a cotton swab soaked in peroxide to clean, dry facial skin for a few seconds, and repeat this several times a day.

It’s good to make this whitening face mask: to 1 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese add yolk, 1 tsp. liquid honey, mix thoroughly, then pour in 1 tsp. peroxide. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. You need to remember that after exposure to a mask based on hydrogen peroxide, you must apply a moisturizer to the skin each time.



This plant has long been known for its whitening properties, and the methods for preparing a mask from it are very simple:

  1. Squeeze the parsley juice, mix in equal parts with milk, honey or lemon juice and apply to the face.
  2. Grind parsley leaves in a blender, 1 tbsp. l. add this gruel to 3 tbsp. l. low-fat kefir, leave on face for 15 minutes.


Clay masks dry out quickly and tighten the skin, so to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and micro-damage to the skin, retire and completely relax your face. If you are wondering which facial clay is best for whitening procedures, choose white and blue compositions and make masks according to the following recipes:

  1. 1 tsp. combine white clay with 1.5 tsp. cucumber juice and 1 tsp. lemon juice, apply only to age spots for 15 minutes;
  2. 1 tsp. combine blue clay with 2 tsp. water, keep on skin for 15 minutes.



Badyaga is sold in pharmacies in the form of a gel or powder; it is a dried freshwater sponge. The decision to use a whitening face mask with this component must be carefully considered, because this is a potent product, when using it you must strictly follow the instructions, and even in this case the procedure is accompanied by pain. Badyaga is not suitable for sensitive, dry skin, and since it can cause peeling and redness for up to 2 days, it is often used only on hyperpigmented areas.

It is better to use a ready-made gel, it has a more gentle effect, or use the following mask recipes:

  1. Mix 1 tsp. white clay with a small pinch of dry badyagi (on the tip of a knife), dilute with water, hold for up to 10 minutes.
  2. Dilute the badyaga with hot water, after 1-2 minutes, carefully, without rubbing in any way, apply to pigmented areas of the skin with a cotton swab for 5-10 minutes.

Other brightening

To effectively cleanse dead cells from the surface of the skin, help activate regeneration processes, and allow whitening face masks to penetrate deeper into the skin, you need to use a soft scrub. After additional cleaning, a good option for how to lighten your face without going to a cosmetologist would be to use the following simple masks:

  1. Apply the mixture of peeled and mashed kiwi fruit in an even layer for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix 20 g of dry yeast with 1 tbsp. l. grapefruit juice. After a couple of minutes, when the mixture thickens a little, apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes.

Whitening cosmetics

Cosmetology is constantly evolving, advanced research is being implemented, as a result of which we are offered all the best whitening creams. Now many people buy domestic or even Chinese and Korean cosmetics directly from home via the Internet. But when saving time on going to a store, where you can feel the smell, texture of the product, get advice from the seller and immediately buy the product, and when deciding to send an order online, be careful. Give preference to official websites and certified manufacturers.

For example, on official websites the “Whitening” line of the Belarusian manufacturer Vitex CJSC and Belita LLC, masks and other whitening cosmetic products from the “White Linen” series from the cosmetic company “Floresan” are presented. There is also widespread advertising of the Miracle glow whitening mask online, but there is no information about the manufacturer or product certification.



As we discussed above, these are necessary and integral means of additional care, which are used no more than 3 times a week. Whitening masks contain active ingredients, so they cannot be overexposed. They should be washed off with water at a slightly warm, comfortable temperature. It is better to make masks at night so that the skin has time to calm down.


Skin whitening cream will continue the effective brightening effect of the mask; it is a necessary component of daily care. It is important to choose creams with a small molecular structure so that its active components penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, effectively neutralizing hyperpigmentation. Apply the product to the face, neck and décolleté to whiten the skin tone evenly and evenly.

Watch a detailed review and find out what a cream for age spots is, what types there are, and how to choose the right one for your skin type.



Lotions perform the same functions as creams, but have a lighter texture. For skin prone to oily skin, they are even better suited, but in frosty weather you should give preference to creams to further protect your face from hypothermia. It is extremely important that day creams and lotions have an ultraviolet protection factor of at least SPF-15, because during the whitening period the skin is especially sensitive to photoaging.



Olga Sinitsyna, 35 years old After a trip to the seaside the summer before last, for a long time I could not do anything about the scattering of age spots that remained on my face after a sea tan. I consulted a dermatologist on how to whiten my face at home. The doctor told me to drink milk thistle to cleanse my liver. I also made a whitening mask from ground parsley three times a week and immediately after it a moisturizing mask (I bought it in the supermarket). After a month and a half, the effect is already very noticeable, the spots on the skin have lightened.

Maria Vasilyeva, 29 years old A couple of months ago, after reading about the benefits of fruit acids, I started using the Vitex whitening mask from a series of Belarusian cosmetics. Since childhood, I have had a few freckles on my nose in the spring, and about a year ago small pigment spots began to appear on my cheeks near the cheekbones. I would like to note that the result is not bad, the stains have noticeably whitened. But every other time I can only apply the mask to areas where I want to whiten spots, because it stings the skin a lot initially after application.

Photos before and after

To make sure that pigmentation is susceptible to modern cosmetic whitening products, look at this selection of photos. In the pictures you will see the skin of girls and women before and after a set of whitening masks. The noticeable results are sure to give you the confidence that you too can regain a uniform, radiant complexion!




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Pigment spots are areas on the skin with excessive accumulation of melanin ranging from light beige to brown.

These include:

Age spots can appear at any age. The greatest risk is after 35 years.

Causes of age spots

  1. use of low-quality cosmetics;
  2. nervous disorders;
  3. hormonal changes;
  4. intestinal diseases.

Skin Whitening Products

  1. Bearberry. Contains arbutin and acids. Gently whitens the skin.
  2. Yarrow. Blocks melanin production due to flavonoids.
  3. Licorice. Removes stains with phenolic acids.
  4. Cucumber and lemon. Ascorbic acid in the composition removes spots on the skin.
  5. Parsley. Essential oils brighten the skin.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide. It dries out the skin, so it is applied only to the affected areas.
  7. Zinc paste. Zinc oxide whitens the skin and removes wrinkles.
  8. Askorutin. Blocks melanin production.

Masks for pigment spots

Homemade masks for age spots effectively whiten, nourish and restore the skin.

When using masks:

  1. protect your skin from sunlight;
  2. consume vitamins C and PP1;
  3. give up coffee.


From white clay

White clay cleanses the skin and gets rid of freckles.



  1. Grate the cucumber.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice.
  3. Mix clay with cucumber and lemon juice to a paste.
  4. Cleanse the skin and apply the mixture for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse and apply cream.

From parsley

Parsley refreshes and whitens the skin, giving it a well-groomed appearance.



  1. dried parsley root;
  2. water and gauze.


  1. Boil parsley root for 30 minutes.
  2. Add parsley decoction and water in a ratio of 1:5.
  3. Moisten the gauze and apply to your face.
  4. Change the gauze every 10 minutes. Repeat 3 times.

Rice congee

Use at night. The decoction whitens the skin around the eyes.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of rice, pour a glass of water and boil.
  2. Strain the broth.
  3. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
  4. Treat your face.
  5. Apply moisturizer.

With hydrogen peroxide

Contraindicated for dry skin.


  1. hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  2. chamomile decoction;
  3. rose essential oil.

How to do:

  1. Mix 1 cup of chamomile with 2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Add rose essential oil.
  3. Apply to blemishes, avoiding surrounding skin.
  4. After 15 minutes, wash your face and apply cream.



Whitens skin, so not suitable for sensitive types.


  1. hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  2. yeast - 30 grams.


  1. Dilute the yeast with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Apply to skin for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash your face and apply cream.

With honey and lemon

Removes dark spots. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


  1. candied honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  2. lemon juice.

How to do:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Soak gauze pads with the mixture.
  3. Apply to skin for 15 minutes.
  4. Change napkins every 7-8 minutes for half an hour.
  5. Use once a week.


From lemon and parsley

Apply the product before and after bed to get rid of pigmentation and acne.


How to do:

  1. Brew a strong decoction of fresh parsley.
  2. Mix with lemon juice.
  3. Soak your face with lotion and apply cream.

Lanolin cream

Whitens stains within a month of regular use. Suitable for all skin types.


  1. lanolin – 15 g;
  2. kernel oil – 60 gr.;
  3. fresh grated cucumber – 1 teaspoon.

How to do:

  1. Dissolve lanolin.
  2. Mix ingredients and cover with foil.
  3. Keep steaming for 1 hour.
  4. Strain and beat the mixture.
  5. Rub the cream into the stains 2 hours before bedtime.
  6. Remove excess cream with a napkin.

Course of treatment – ​​1 month: week of use, break – 3 days.

With ascorutin

Nourishes the skin with vitamins and removes the causes of pigmentation.


  1. ascorutin – 3 tablets;
  2. corn flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  3. olive oil – 3 drops.

How to do:

  1. Crush the tablets.
  2. Mix with flour and butter.
  3. Apply an hour before bedtime for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

With starch

Potato starch removes hyperpigmentation. Apply only to affected areas.


  1. starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  2. lemon juice.

How to do:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply the paste to the stains. Wait 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water.


Contraindications for masks

  1. heat;
  2. open wounds.
  3. skin diseases;
  4. pathologies of internal organs;
  5. allergy;

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is prohibited to make masks with mercury, zinc and hydrogen peroxide.