Nourishing eye wrinkle masks at home

Every woman knows that the skin around the eyes requires additional care. It is in this area that the first wrinkles appear. They can be noticed at a very young age - about 20 years. Is it possible to fight this? Yes, it is possible and necessary! A mask against wrinkles around the eyes will help cope with the problem. To choose the right mask, you need to understand the characteristics of the skin in this area.

Features of the skin around the eyes


The area around the eyes and eyelids is the most delicate area on the face. Why do signs of aging appear in this area first? Let's list the main reasons:

  1. The difference between the skin around the eyes is that it is thinner than the rest of the skin, almost devoid of subcutaneous fat and muscles; There are very few sebaceous and sweat glands in this area.
  2. The eyes are constantly at work: blinking, the habit of squinting, even smiling, contribute to the appearance of facial wrinkles. This happens faster around the eyes than in other areas of the face.
  3. Due to the fact that the lymph flow around the eyes is slower than in other areas, swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes may appear.
  4. This delicate area is the first to react to atmospheric influences: ultraviolet radiation, cold, frost.
  5. Chronic lack of sleep, stress - all this can cause changes in the color of the skin under the eyes and the appearance of wrinkles.

Considering these factors, caring for the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes should begin at the age of 25.

Basic measures to preserve and prolong skin youth:

  1. proper balanced nutrition,
  2. full sleep,
  3. selection of creams and products taking into account the type and condition of the skin.

Age-appropriate care products


Before the age of 30, skin hydration plays a vital role. It is best to use water-based gel products. The texture of such gels allows them to be absorbed instantly and leaves no shine. When buying such products, do not be lazy to find out what they consist of. In addition to hydration, vitamins A, C, E, and plant extracts are useful.

After 30, you should not neglect skin care products around the eyes. Preference should be given to creams with biologically active substances, oils, and minerals. Gels and creams with a lifting effect are effective.

For skin 40+, you will need products with lipids, fruit acids and hyaluronic acid and vitamins.

When purchasing this or that eye skin product for the first time, you should definitely check it for the absence or presence of allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of cream to the lower eyelid.
After 24 hours it will be clear whether it can be used or not.

An alternative to purchased products can be homemade masks and creams. Their preparation does not require special skills. The ingredients for them are the usual: pharmaceutical oils and vitamins, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, etc.

Effective Home Remedies

Home remedies can be just as effective as commercial creams. The main thing is to choose a mask that will suit your face. Regular use of masks can improve skin condition.

Using home remedies you can:

  1. reduce swelling,
  2. reduce the number of fine wrinkles,
  3. tighten the skin
  4. nourish the dermis with minerals and vitamins,
  5. lighten the skin under the eyes, getting rid of dark circles.

Super products for everyone

  1. Tea bags. Brew the bags, squeeze lightly and place on your eyes. Keep for 15 minutes. After this, wash with cool water.
    Thiamine and tannins found in tea tone the skin of the eyelids and relieve swelling, give the skin elasticity, and smooth out fine wrinkles. Green tea is more effective than black tea.
  2. Cucumber slices. Place cucumber slices on your eyes for 15 minutes. Cucumbers contain vitamin C and caffeic acid, thanks to these substances swelling goes away and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Smoothing compresses for eyelids with a brightening effect


Wrinkles are often accompanied by pigmentation disorders and dark circles under the eyes. To get rid of both, you can use whitening masks. Raw or boiled potatoes, masks with cucumber, and fermented milk products will help with this.

  1. Grated potato compress. Grated potatoes (raw), wrapped in gauze, apply to the eyes and hold for 15 minutes. Then you need to wash your face and apply cream.
  2. Curd compress. Wrap the cottage cheese in gauze and apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  3. Mix of parsley with sour cream. Grind fresh parsley in a blender. Mix equal amounts of sour cream and parsley. Apply the mask under the eyes for 15 minutes. After use, wash with warm water.
    This mask against wrinkles around the eyes will “feed” the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity.

Oils and extracts

Products sold in pharmacies (for example, apricot oil, aloe extract), as well as oils used in cooking, will help fight wrinkles.

  1. Almond oil for expression lines. When fighting wrinkles, it is recommended to regularly apply almond oil under the eyes, patting with your middle and ring fingers.
    Almond oil has a delicate texture and is quickly absorbed. The vitamin E it contains will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes, give the skin elasticity, and activate the natural production of collagen.
  2. Vitamins combined with castor oil. For the mask you will need a tablespoon of castor oil, vitamins A and E in capsules. Mix the oil with three capsules of vitamin A and E. Using patting movements, “drive” the oil mixture into the skin, after an hour, remove the remaining oil with a napkin. It is best to use castor oil for wrinkles and masks based on it two to three hours before bedtime.

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    Aloe for wrinkles under the eyes. Buy aloe extract in a bottle or ampoules at the pharmacy. Dilute the extract and still mineral water in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe problem areas every day before going to bed. This wash can be used as a final procedure after other types of care.
  4. Cocoa butter, vitamins and sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles around the eyes. Cocoa butter smoothes out expression lines well. It is used in its pure form or combined with other beneficial substances, such as vitamins and various oils.
    Melt cocoa butter (one tablespoon) in a water bath, add vitamins (crush two or three capsules of vitamin E or A) and three drops of sea buckthorn oil. Allow the mixture to cool. After this, the cream will harden a little. Apply the cream to the skin one and a half to two hours before bedtime, after 30 minutes remove the remaining residue with a napkin.

Several recipes for deep wrinkles with famous products

A wide variety of products are suitable for anti-wrinkle masks, sometimes even those that we don’t think about their beneficial effects on the skin. Some folk remedies for deep wrinkles around the eyes are very effective and interesting.

  1. Sauerkraut to help your eyes. The finished sauerkraut is divided into portions and placed in gauze in such a way as to cover the skin around the eyes. The compresses are squeezed out a little and placed on the upper and lower eyelids, kept for 15-20 minutes.
    Be careful, cabbage juice should not get into your eyes - it will sting!
  2. Sea kale. In any supermarket you need to buy dried seaweed and grind it into powder. Place a portion of the powder in a plate and add warm mineral water or milk. Place the resulting mixture on problem areas for 30 minutes.
    Seaweed contains many vitamins, macro- and microelements that will help the cells of the problem area work faster. The skin will smooth out and even out. This mask against wrinkles around the eyes also copes with deep wrinkles.

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    Oatmeal mask. Pour a spoonful of Hercules flakes with hot, but not boiling milk (1/4 cup) and leave for 15-20 minutes. Check readiness by appearance: the flakes should swell well and absorb all the milk. Then add wheat germ to the porridge, half a teaspoon is enough. Pour pharmaceutical capsules of vitamins A and E into the mixture, mix well. Divide into portions, wrap each in gauze. Apply to the area around the eyes for 20-30 minutes. After removing the mask, wash with warm water and apply your usual cream.
    The mask copes well with wrinkles, not only facial wrinkles, but also deep ones. It can also be used to combat wrinkles on the forehead.

Which mask is better

The best mask for deep wrinkles around the eyes at home is the one that suits you. You need to try several to choose the one that will become a “lifesaver” in the fight against wrinkles. Some people like masks with dairy products, which not only smooth out wrinkles, but also intensely nourish the skin. Some people like quick remedies like cucumber slices or tea bags.

When choosing, you need to “start” from your skin type: dry or oily, prone to acne or acne, sensitive or not. It is also important to take into account not only skin characteristics, but also age.

Cosmetologists do not recommend using only one mask because:

  1. the skin gets used to the product and its effectiveness is lost;
  2. Each mask contains a different combination of vitamins and nutrients that the dermis needs;
  3. By alternating masks, you will provide your skin with everything it needs for youth and radiance.

One of the best recipes for a mask against wrinkles in the eye area is in this video:

So, the skin around the eyes gets tired and ages faster than other areas of the face. All adversities are reflected on it: stress, illness, precipitation, ultraviolet radiation. Women must take care of this area. Moreover, you can start as early as 20-25 years old. A mask against wrinkles around the eyes can be purchased or made independently. For masks, both pharmaceutical products and food are used. Masks must be alternated to avoid the addictive effect. The best mask is the one that suits your skin.

You can find more information on this topic in the section Anti-wrinkle mask.

Ecology of life. Beauty: The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. It is from this area that facial wrinkles usually begin to form and it best reveals real age. It is better to start caring for her as early as possible - from the age of 20. There are many recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes and eyelids with different ingredients and for different purposes and ages.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. It is from this area that facial wrinkles usually begin to form and it best reveals real age. It is better to start caring for her as early as possible - from the age of 20.

There are many recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes and eyelids with different ingredients and for different purposes and ages.


The skin of the eyelids often needs softening, relieving fatigue, swelling, additional nutrition and hydration. As you age, you should take care of it even more carefully to avoid wrinkles.

This article contains masks for the eyelids and skin around the eyes that are the easiest to make and use at home.

Masks for the skin around the eyes with parsley

Mask of parsley and sour cream. Mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 1 teaspoon of finely chopped parsley. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes, cover with damp cotton swabs. Rinse off after 15 minutes with lukewarm water.

Parsley mask with oil. Mix 10 grams of finely chopped parsley with 20 grams of butter.

Parsley mask. Simply apply freshly crushed parsley to your eyelids, cover with damp cotton balls and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Parsley root eye mask. This mask will help with swollen eyelid skin. Grate the parsley root on a fine grater and apply the resulting mixture to your eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes with potatoes

These masks relieve dark circles under the eyes and nourish the skin

The simplest thing is to boil potatoes in uniform, wait until it cools down. When the potatoes are just warm, cut them into two parts with a knife and place them on your eyes for 30-40 minutes.

Mask made from raw potatoes, milk and flour. Grate the washed, unpeeled potatoes on a fine grater. Mix 2 teaspoons of the resulting mass with 1 tablespoon of milk and two teaspoons of flour. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes for 15-20 minutes.


Honey eye masks

For dry skin, this mask for the skin around the eyes is suitable: Mix one teaspoon of honey with egg yolk. Apply to eyelids and leave for 10 minutes.

Honey eye mask for wrinkles: Mix two teaspoons of honey with two tablespoons of oatmeal and a spoon of strong tea. Add water to make the mask the required thickness. Steam the mixture to steam the flakes. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask first with warm, then cool water. Moisturize your skin with cream after application.

Honey-curd eye mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and a tablespoon of cream or a few drops of olive oil. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes.
Other recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes

Peach mask. Mash a ripe peach and add a spoonful of cream, sour cream, milk or starch to the resulting pulp.

Banana mask. Mash a ripe banana into a pulp, mix with a teaspoon of milk and apply to the skin of the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal mask. This mask will soothe irritated skin and smooth delicate dry skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of milk or cream. When the flakes swell, wrap them in 2 parts and wrap each in gauze. Place the prepared compresses on your eyes for 20 minutes.

This might interest you:

Strawberry eye mask. This homemade mask nourishes and smoothes the skin around the eyes. Mash 2-3 strawberries with a fork until thick and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Wrap the resulting mask in gauze and place it on your eyes for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, wipe your skin with a cotton swab soaked in milk.

Sauerkraut mask. Wrap the cabbage in gauze and place it on your eyelids. Lie with her for 15-20 minutes in a dark room.

Fresh cabbage mask. Finely chop the cabbage, wrap it in gauze and place it on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. published

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Not only older women, but also young girls face such a terrible problem as wrinkles on the face around the eyes. And at any age, the appearance of crow's feet will be a disaster. To delay this process longer, you need proper skin care. How to properly take care of your face, what to do with aging skin and which face masks for wrinkles around the eyes are the most effective, we will look at in this article.


Wrinkles around the eyes and the reasons for their appearance

Unwanted wrinkles can appear for various reasons, and in any case, a solution must be immediately sought for this problem. In addition to natural aging, skin elasticity is affected by:

  1. weight loss or gain;
  2. disrupted daily routine;
  3. use of low-quality cosmetics;
  4. stretching of the skin due to the movement of facial muscles (expression wrinkles).

It is especially necessary to pay attention to age wrinkles. The older a woman gets, the more collagen deficiency increases. Collagen is a protein that is responsible for skin elasticity. Every year this deficiency becomes more and more apparent on a woman’s face in the form of wrinkles.

However, in the fight against wrinkles, you can fight not only with expensive creams and salon procedures, but also with traditional medicine. The effectiveness of traditional cosmetology masks is, of course, somewhat lower, but they bring quite effective results. Let's look at various face masks for wrinkles around the eyes by age category, which are quite easy to make at home.

Recipes for masks against wrinkles around the eyes

Homemade masks for facial wrinkles around the eyes. This type of wrinkle occurs at a very early age. Emotion on the face causes the cheekbones to move, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. This is a completely normal natural process, and there is no escape from it. But you need to keep an eye on these nuances. If the crow's feet deepen, then you need to turn to the folk recipe.

For expression lines under the eyes, the following face masks at home are useful:

Birch leaf mask. Take a handful of birch leaves and fill them with cold water. The elixir should infuse for 10 hours. Then soak cotton swabs in this infusion and apply to your eyes, closing your eyelids.

Strawberries combined with honey are an excellent combination in the fight against expression wrinkles. Mix the crushed berries with honey (you need to be careful when using it to avoid allergies). Apply to the problem area and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

By the way, strawberries are not the only delicacy that makes a good skin product. For example, here are effective recipes for fruit face masks that nourish the skin, slow down the aging process and enhance metabolic processes in cells.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 30 years. During this period, the process of cell regeneration slows down, so it is recommended to use tonics at home. These so-called crow's feet or cobwebs are not very scary. The main thing is to keep your skin toned.

Here are some examples of moisturizing eye masks after 30 years:

The most famous way is to use cucumber. The recipe is simple: you need to choose a slightly overripe cucumber for this mask (this will have a more moisturizing effect). Cut the vegetable into thin rings and place it over your eyes for a few minutes.

Tomatoes, egg yolk, water. Mix these ingredients. Apply the resulting mask for 10 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle face mask around the eyes made from oatmeal. Mix oatmeal with heated milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, wrap the resulting mixture in a gauze bandage and apply it to the problem area for half an hour.

With the help of a Spanish mask you can smooth out wrinkled defects. Grind the boiled beans and add lemon juice (a few drops). The mask is kept in the aisles for 20 minutes.

It will be useful to use essential oils as an additional component for masks against wrinkles around the eyes. They will additionally nourish and moisturize the skin.

Face masks for wrinkles around the eyes after 35 years. New wrinkles do not appear at this age, but existing ones are aggravated. During this period, the main thing is to maintain and create the necessary conditions for care. At this age, it is better to give preference to herbal lotions rather than masks. But you shouldn’t give them up either.

Here are the best lotions and eye masks at home after 35 against wrinkles under the eyes:

Pour sage (1 teaspoon) with boiled water (1 glass). Divide the broth into two containers. In one bowl, cool the solution slightly. Soak cotton swabs in it, then apply to the area around the eyes for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cool the second part of the lotion. Place on the problem area for the same time interval. After such a contrasting application, the eyes will gain shine and the skin will gain elasticity.

Grate raw potatoes. Wrap the resulting puree in a gauze bandage. Apply this mask under the bags under the eyes for a few minutes. Afterwards, carefully apply any moisturizer. After waiting about 10 minutes, remove the cream and the rest of the mask with a cotton pad.

A very useful mask is made from boiled potatoes, grated with the addition of one tablespoon of flour and two tablespoons of milk.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 40 years. At this age, the skin changes greatly because the thickness of the epidermis decreases. She is no longer so elastic, but at the same time she is still far from deep aging. If you do not give it the necessary attention, the aging process will accelerate. Therefore, in addition to home remedies to combat aging, it’s time to start using age-appropriate cosmetic creams.

As for folk cosmetology, the following eye masks for wrinkles after 40 should be highlighted:

Homemade masks using potatoes are also useful for mature skin. Grated potatoes with the addition of one tablespoon of flour and two tablespoons of milk.

Spinach with the addition of vitamin A enters the anti-aging process. You need to squeeze the juice out of the spinach and mix it with a teaspoon of the vitamin. Apply moistened cotton pads for half an hour. Then wipe around the eyes with milk.

The medicinal emulsion made from grated banana with whipped cream turns out to be very tasty and appetizing. This gentle mixture is applied for 10-15 minutes. By the way, banana masks are of great benefit for hair restoration.

Add grated yolk and honey to freshly squeezed orange juice. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 50 years. At this age, there comes a stage when the skin is at the peak of aging. You can no longer afford what was allowed ten years ago. The skin reacts sensitively to any irritants: sleeping position, frequent exposure to the sun, smoking, etc. All this is accompanied by low levels of collagen, lack of hormones, and diseases that come with age.

In this case, you should use face masks for facial wrinkles at home, with a high content of vitamin components and microelements. During these years, all the same means are used as at an earlier age. Obviously, the use of lifting after 50 years will not give the same effect as before, but it will still be possible to slow down the aging process of the skin.

I would like to emphasize the general rule of using masks for all age categories. It is best to do lifting in the evening before bed, on cleansed skin. Overnight, the skin will rest, and the beneficial vitamins absorbed by it will easily interact with the cells. The result will be noticeable in the morning. Your eyes will have a natural shine, and your skin will be soft and silky.

Additional care against wrinkles under the eyes

Caring for the skin around the eyes involves more than just lifting. You should eat right, give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle, and follow a daily routine.

The aging process is inevitable, but remember that it can be delayed. If you take care of yourself and your skin, then youth will not leave you so easily.