Masks with ana acids for the face

Acid-based face masks are used in modern cosmetology to cleanse, renew, moisturize and nourish epidermal cells.

Cream and cleansing lotion-tonic are not enough for daily treatment of the dermis. Cosmetologists emphasize the need to use face masks. They have a deeper and more complex effect, often at the molecular level, changing the processes of intercellular interaction and obtaining a more pronounced and noticeable effect.

The benefits of acids in cosmetology

Acid-based cosmetics are in great demand today. It is safe and yet effective.

Acid masks affect the dermis as follows:

  1. cleanse;
  2. remove dead cells;
  3. moisturize;
  4. align the structure;
  5. improve elasticity and density;
  6. even out tone;
  7. remove signs of fatigue and dark circles;
  8. refresh;
  9. block inflammation;
  10. eliminate post-acne and pigmentation;
  11. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

As a rule, the main active ingredient is only 1 type of acid; in rare cases, manufacturers combine them, simultaneously reducing the concentration to allow safe use.

Indications for the use of acid masks

Considering the wide spectrum of action of this product, it also has many indications for use:

  1. the presence of rashes, acne and acne;
  2. pigmentation and red spots;
  3. dryness, peeling and itching of the dermis;
  4. high percentage of sebum production;
  5. dull complexion and dark circles;
  6. age wrinkles;
  7. laxity and low degree of dermal turgor.

This is just a list of the main reasons for using masks.

Acidic species can be used for an immediate restorative effect and during periods of hormonal changes.

Masks containing various acids

The main task of this product is to solve aesthetic problems. However, their composition often carries pleasant bonuses, triggering healing processes at the cellular level.

Masks with ascorbic acid

Care with ascorbic acid, known to everyone as vitamin C, is indispensable for aging dermis. This type of antioxidant not only triggers cell renewal processes, but also stimulates the production of fibrillar protein - collagen, which can restore the turgor of the upper layer of the epidermis. In addition, under the influence of ascorbic acid molecules, the skin whitens and pigmentation lightens. Suitable for all skin types, including mature ones. Find out about masks with vitamin C at home here.

Masks with salicylic acid

Salicylic (phenolic) acid is an indispensable assistant in the fight against inflammation, acne and blackheads and other “charms” of problem skin. Salicylic ointment is one of the most famous ways to eliminate acne since Soviet times. The BHA component contained in this substance normalizes the production of sebum, removes the dead layer of the epidermis, and narrows pores. In addition to the antiseptic effect, masks with phenolic acid improve regeneration, blood circulation, and eliminate fine wrinkles. Find out what are the most effective face masks for wrinkles in this article.

With hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an important participant in the processes of intracellular synthesis. At their core, they are polymers that can hold huge amounts of water in cells, so the main function of this compound is hydration. Hyaluronic masks can almost instantly restore the water-lithium balance of dry skin, accelerate the restoration and renewal of epidermal cells, and smooth out small scars and scars. After use, the tone and structure of the dermis are evened out, contours are tightened, and expression wrinkles disappear. Find an effective face cream with hyaluronic acid here.

With folic acid

Vitamin B₉ is indispensable for caring for problematic skin prone to inflammation and rashes. A product based on folic acid normalizes sebum production, gives the skin matteness and the necessary hydration. B₉ is responsible for the functioning of intercellular metabolism, and more precisely for the removal of free radicals and toxins. Also, products with folic acid improve microcirculation, increase the barrier functions of the skin, and fight age-related changes in the dermis. They are especially recommended for oily and problematic dermis. You can learn about Christina’s tonics for problem skin in this material.

With lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) also stands out - one of the most effective means of preventing signs of premature aging. Cosmetologists call it “thioctove”. This compound stimulates the production of coenzyme Q10, participates in the breakdown of vitamins A and E and, as a result, improves cell activity, increasing regenerative qualities, removing free radicals and reducing sebum production. Products with ALA can be applied to any type of dermis; from dry to oily.

With dairy

This type of cosmetic product has a direct effect on the cells of the dermis, accelerating the exfoliation of the stratum corneum, blocking foci of inflammation, eliminating acne, scars, small scars, evening out the color and structure. Lactic acids are part of soft peelings. Recommended for dry, problematic, oily skin and the first signs of aging. This type of product is recommended for women under 35-40 years old. For mature skin “40+” it is worth purchasing more potent products.

With boron

Boric acid, present in almost every home medicine cabinet, is an indispensable antiseptic aimed at eliminating inflammation, reducing sebum production and narrowing pores. Masks with this component remove traces of acne, pigmentation, and draw out impurities. The result is clear skin without redness or blemishes. Thanks to its strong antiseptic properties, the result can be seen after 5-6 applications. You can find out about the best creams for acne spots by following the link.

With glycolic

Glycolic acid is naturally derived from sugar cane molecules. It not only neutralizes inflammation, but also acts as a powerful preventive agent. In addition to normalizing the “production” of sebum, this component also regulates melanin, allowing you to lighten skin tone and “erase” pigmentation. Products based on glycolic acid are suitable for dry and mature skin, as they smooth out the upper layer of the epidermis and actively nourish its cells with moisture.

Rating of the best purchased masks

Manufacturers quickly assessed the potential of the new development, launching a variety of products on the market aimed at working with different skin types and solving a whole range of problems.

Compliment bio Hyaluron 4D Deeply moisturizing anti-wrinkle

Innovation with a high content of hyaluron will allow the skin to glow and restore its natural elasticity. The product is recommended for mature skin and is interesting because of its immediate effect after 1-2 applications, as well as its quite affordable price. Cost – 35 rubles.

Intensively moisturizing mask based on Demax hyaluronic acid

The product of the Japanese manufacturer has outstanding characteristics for hydration, restoration of collagen production processes and elimination of facial wrinkles. The mask is recommended for those with dry and mature skin. Cost – 900-1000 rubles.

Absorbent gommage for deep cleansing of problem skin Avene

A product with a pronounced cumulative effect. Containing glycolic acid, this product actively cleanses impurities, tightens pores, reduces pigmentation and post-acne. Gently exfoliated, matte skin begins to glow with a healthy complexion after just a couple of uses. Suitable for problematic and oily dermis. Cost – 750-900 rubles.

Cream mask with Bark acids

This skincare product contains hyaluronic acid and seaweed extract, as well as several types of amino acids. The result is increased turgor, smoothness, elasticity, reduction of wrinkles and evenness of skin tone on the face and décolleté. The Cora mask is recommended for dry dermis with signs of fatigue and signs of dehydration. Cost – 400-500 rubles.

Byothea toning mask with hyaluronic acid provides comprehensive care for mature skin

Another comprehensive dermal care product. Recommended for mature skin. The mask copes with signs of sagging, tightens the contours of the oval, and has a quick lifting effect. Suitable for mature skin with facial and statistical types of age-related changes. Cost – 950-1000 rubles.

Sheet mask with fruit acids for face and neck DIZAO

An easy-to-use Chinese textile mask will quickly restore the water-lithium balance of the skin. Working with the face and neck, the fabric mask has an immediate effect, manifested in healthy color, freshness and smoothness of the dermis. Recommended for all skin types. Cost 90 rubles.

Eveline Face Mask Deeply regenerating instant gel mask

The product from this manufacturer stimulates metabolic processes, as a result of which nutrition and hydration of cells are improved and at the same time toxins and free radicals are eliminated. An express mask with an immediate effect is suitable for use before an urgent exit. Well lightens the overall color and pigment spots. Recommended for any skin. Cost – 45 rubles.

Face mask DIZAO 100% hyaluronic acid

Another gift from China contains hyaluron and natural safe ingredients. Absolute hydration allows you to adjust the structure of the dermis. A Chinese mask is suitable for mature skin. Cost – 650-750 rubles.

How to use at home

Acid masks have their own rules of use. However, before buying a product, you need to find out your skin type and understand what results are expected from using these products.

  1. All procedures must be carried out in the evening, since cell formation processes are most effective at night.
  2. Before the main use, you need to conduct an allergy test on the wrist.
  3. Before use, you must cleanse your face thoroughly.
  4. The duration of the mask depends on its type and ranges from 8 to 25 minutes.
  5. After rinsing off the remaining product with warm water, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
  6. For the first few hours after the mask, try not to be exposed to direct sunlight.
  7. Apply the products in a course of 10-15 applications.
  8. Frequency of use: 1 time per week.


Acid masks should not be used if there are signs of skin deformation such as:

Also, you should not use the product if you are allergic to one of the components, with diabetes and increased thrombosis (products with vitamin C), pregnancy and lactation.

You cannot sign up for mask courses even after hardware procedures have been performed.

Homemade masks

You can try acid masks at home. Almost all types of acids are freely sold in pharmacies. To use them, it is enough to select a solution of the required percentage, additionally mix it with moisturizing or nourishing ingredients and apply to the face. Before the procedure, you should definitely conduct an allergy test, as well as familiarize yourself with the rules for the safe use of such a product. If there is persistent irritation or a severe allergic reaction, you should consult a doctor.


Facial acids have become a real godsend for maintaining fresh, youthful skin. Deep cleansing and collagen synthesis are ensured by regular procedures using active elements. Comprehensive professional care, treatment of problematic dermis, restoration of smooth relief, maintenance of water levels - the content of effective substances allows you to solve any aesthetic problems. To combat age-related changes and inflammation, cosmetologists recommend using masks with acids for the face.

Benefits of acid for skin

Depending on the active ingredients, cosmetic products perform several tasks. Thanks to the use of professional or homemade masks, you can stop the aging process and restore the natural radiance of the skin.

  1. deep cleansing;
  2. regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  3. acceleration of update processes;
  4. smoothing the relief;
  5. whitening pigmentation;
  6. restoration of firmness and elasticity;
  7. hydration;
  8. remove comedones;
  9. antiseptic effect;
  10. relieves peeling and redness.

How to use it correctly?

To obtain the desired results, you should follow the recommendations of specialists.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. Hyaluronic acid is used to moisturize and restore elasticity. Fruit fruits have anti-aging and whitening properties. To care for oily, problematic skin prone to rashes, you should use masks with AHA complex and hyaluronic acid to treat and restore skin after acne.
  2. The procedure is carried out in the evening, during sleep the integument is restored. When performing during the day, you should wait several hours after application, otherwise pigment spots may appear when exposed to sunlight.
  3. Be sure to test for a possible allergic reaction. If burning or tingling occurs, you should wash off the mask.
  4. The duration depends on the purpose; for cleansing sessions, 8–15 minutes are enough. For deep hydration and anti-ageing, 25–30 minutes.
  5. To smooth out wrinkles, restore elasticity, and treat acne, masks are used in courses of 10–12. To maintain freshness, remove signs of fatigue, and prevent sagging, it is enough to carry out caring procedures 2-3 times a month.


It is not recommended to use masks with acids if you are hypersensitive, have wounds, cracks, moles, or papillomas. You should not carry out cosmetic procedures during pregnancy or after hardware procedures.

Rating of the best acid masks

Intensely moisturizing mask based on hyaluronic acid Demax helps bind water molecules, keeping them in the intercellular space. The Japanese mask is actively used to combat age-related changes, loss of elasticity, and sagging skin. Professional care will restore elasticity and smooth out wrinkles. The formula also contains panthenol and allantoin, which creates a special protective barrier. Cost 200 ml for 1115 rub.

Absorbent gommage mask for deep cleansing of problem skin Avene has an anti-inflammatory effect. Pharmacy cosmetics are recommended for use in cases of frequent rashes and excessive synthesis of sebaceous secretions. Thanks to the cleansing procedure, you can stop the spread of infection by normalizing renewal processes. The Aven formula contains thermal water, white clay, as well as glycolic and salicylic acids, which help remove toxins and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Effectively removes comedones and prevents the appearance of acne. Price in the pharmacy 50 ml - 780 rub.

Cream mask with acids Bark – provides gentle cleansing, removes dead cells, stimulates renewal processes. Helps smooth out scars, acne marks, and activates blood flow. Active elements help against age spots, wrinkles, sagging. The composition contains glycolic, tartaric, lactic, citric acid, grape seed oil. You can buy 100 ml for 700 rubles.

Toning mask with hyaluronic acid Byothea Provides comprehensive care for mature skin. The lifting action restores the contour of the oval, copes with sagging and signs of aging. Professional masks from the famous Italian brand contain low and high molecular weight hyaluron, which increases collagen synthesis. Recommended for use on all skin types, effective against facial and static wrinkles. Cost 200 ml – 980 rub.

Sheet mask with fruit acids for face and neck DIZAO has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Contains hyaluron, a complex of fruit acids, and panthenol. The Chinese disao mask moisturizes, nourishes the skin, and significantly tightens pores. As a result, the face looks fresh and rested. You can purchase a set of fabric mask and cream with acids for 90 rubles.

Interesting video: Selection of products with acids

Recipes for homemade masks with acids

Comprehensive care will be provided by effective home recipes. They saturate cells with important elements, remove toxins, and tone the skin. Deep cleansing, moisturizing, restoring elasticity will prolong freshness and youth.

With hyaluronic

A moisturizing mask prevents the formation of wrinkles and normalizes hydrobalance. Increases firmness, elasticity, has a healing, regenerating effect; the cosmetic recipe is easy to prepare at home.


  1. 1 ml of hyaluronic acid;
  2. 5 ml aloe juice;
  3. 5 drops of tocopherol.

Hyaluronic acid can be purchased in ampoules; measure the required amount using a pipette. Add aloe juice and vitamin E (tocopherol). In the evening, after removing makeup, distribute it onto your face along the massage lines. Leave it on overnight and wash your face in the morning as usual. After 35 years, it is recommended to take a course of 10–12 sessions.

With ascorbic acid

At home, it is easy to cope with signs of fatigue and restore a healthy skin tone thanks to a toning procedure. Activates blood flow, removes toxins, stimulates renewal processes. Effective for the prevention of rosacea, as well as pigmentation.


  1. 1 gr. ascorbic acid powder;
  2. 10 gr. honey;
  3. 5 gr. oatmeal

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add honey and vitamin. Mix thoroughly, distribute the thick mass on the surfaces with light circular movements. Leave to act for 10 minutes, rinse as usual. Repeat the whitening procedure 1-2 times a month.

With fruit

Home cosmetology allows you to ensure freshness and elasticity of the skin, thanks to peeling with fruit acids. Natural skin radiance, impeccable structure, and whitening of pigmentation will be provided by a mask based on natural ingredients. It is recommended to use for all skin types no more than 1-2 times a month.


  1. 2 strawberries;
  2. apple;
  3. 5 drops of retinol.

Grate a green apple, squeeze out strawberry juice using a press, add to the fruit mixture. Add vitamin A (retinol) and mix well. In the evening, after cleansing the skin, distribute the composition evenly, avoiding the eyelids and mouth area. Leave for 7-8 minutes, then rinse.

With acetylsalicylic acid

To cleanse pores, remove comedones and whiten hyperpigmentation, it is recommended to use a mask with acetyl acid. It has a pronounced sebum-regulating effect, relieves inflammation, and restores a healthy, matte tone.


  1. 2 aspirin tablets;
  2. 10 gr. white clay;
  3. 2 drops of bergamot essential oil.

Crush the tablets in a mortar to a powder consistency, add clay, essential oil, dilute with mineral water. Apply the paste mixture to problem areas, as well as the T-zone. The cosmetic mask lasts for 15 minutes; after cleansing, apply a cold compress to tighten the pores.

With amber

An effective remedy for facial wrinkles, the first signs of aging. It will saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements, restore elasticity, and soften the skin.


  1. 1 tablet of succinic acid;
  2. 5 gr. mumiyo;
  3. 10 ml avocado oil.

Crush the tablet, mix with mumiyo, add warm nourishing oil. Steam the skin, then distribute the cosmetic mixture on the face. Keep for 15-20 minutes, finish as usual, use in the evening 2-3 times a month.

With salicylic acid

To care for problem skin prone to rashes and acne, it is worth preparing an effective mask. Relieves inflammation, regulates secretion synthesis, has antiseptic properties.


  1. 5 drops of salicylic acid;
  2. 2 tablets of brewer's yeast;
  3. 2 drops tea tree essential oil.

Crush the yeast, pour warm green tea until you get a thick paste. Add the pharmaceutical solution and essential oil, stir well. Clean the skin and apply the prepared mixture with a brush to problem areas. The procedure lasts for 10–12 minutes, after which it is removed with a damp sponge. Repeat treatment sessions 1-2 times a week.

With nicotine

Vitamin B3 perfectly moisturizes, activates blood flow, and helps strengthen blood vessels. Helps eliminate swelling, signs of fatigue, and lack of sleep. With regular use it has a pronounced lifting effect.


  1. 1 ml nicotinic acid;
  2. 10 gr. kelp;
  3. 5 gr. shea butter

Grind dry seaweed into powder and add warm water. After 15 minutes, add vitamin B3 and warm shea butter into the swollen mass. Stir well, spread on the face and neck, and place a damp compress on top. The duration of the anti-aging procedure is half an hour, remove the residue with a damp sponge.

With folic

Provides a beautiful healthy skin tone, stimulates renewal processes - homemade mask recipe. Useful for dry, dehydrated epidermis, helps prevent premature aging, protects against ultraviolet exposure.


  1. folic acid tablet;
  2. yolk;
  3. 5 ml cream.

Crush the tablet, beat the yolk, milk cream, gradually add the powder. After steaming, distribute on face and leave for 20 minutes. Remove any residue with a damp sponge.

With dairy

Provides deep cleansing, eliminates flaking, and restores skin elasticity. It is not recommended to use pharmaceutical lactic acid; it can cause sensitivity, irritation, and skin burns. In home cosmetology it is replaced with sour milk.


  1. 15 ml sour milk;
  2. banana;
  3. 5 ml almond oil.

Heat the sour milk together in a water bath, add kernel oil, and crush the fruit pulp separately. After mixing the ingredients, distribute the mixture evenly on your face and place a damp compress on top. Finish after 20 minutes in the usual way.

Firstly, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of serums, creams and lotions that contain acids for home use. But! They should be selected after a conversation with a cosmetologist or at least a consultant, so that there are no surprises. Secondly, such products are more effective than their acid-free friends. Thirdly, we asked an expert to tell us which acids help remove acne and which help wrinkles. And, based on these comments, we collected the top 11 best funds.

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Vasilyeva Natalya Viktorovna, leading dermatologist-cosmetologist in the cosmetology department, doctor of the highest category at the Doktorplastic clinic: “Since ancient times, acids have been an integral part of beauty recipes used by women in the fight for youth and beauty of the skin. The plot from the now classic film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” immediately comes to mind when one of the main characters appears on the screen with a strawberry mask on her face. A typical example of the positive effects of fruit acids on the skin. When acid is applied to the skin, we receive a chemical burn to a greater or lesser extent. Any damage to the skin helps to activate regenerative processes. The effect of the vast majority of peelings is based on this. The degree of damage depends on three main characteristics: the properties of the acid itself, its concentration in the solution and the acidity index (pH). Thus, the higher the concentration and the more the pH is shifted to the acidic side, the more aggressive the effect on the skin we get. The choice of acid or complex of acids depends on the goal and task that we set. There are no acids for young or mature skin, but there are problems that worry mainly young girls (acne), while others concern older women (wrinkles).

For example, AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) - glycolic, pyruvic, phytic, mandelic and other acids - are widely used in cosmetology. They promote lightening, restoration of the hydrolipid balance of the skin, accelerate its regeneration, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin (this leads to increased turgor), reduce the number and depth of fine wrinkles and folds, improve the aesthetic appearance of atrophic post-acne scars, regulate the process of sebum secretion and have an antioxidant effect. Quite versatile AHA acids that can do not everything, but a lot!

If you need hydration, it’s hard to find anything better than hyaluronic acid. But to solve acne problems, salicylic acid is used, which effectively exfoliates the stratum corneum and has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Retinol is used as a regulator of the process of cell keratinization and an antioxidant. In addition, it promotes fiber synthesis and enhances the effect of other active components. These properties can also be used to solve aging problems.

Let's summarize: you shouldn't be afraid of care products with acids, you need to trust them. And then they will return youth, beauty, and health to your face.”

Liposomal facial serum with glycolic acid Acglicolic, Sesderma

One of the best anti-aging concentrated serums with glycolic acid, which is suitable for all skin types. It can and should be used constantly. It simultaneously gently renews, regenerates and moisturizes the skin.

Intensive moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid Hydrating B5, SkinCeuticals

Let's start with the fact that SkinCeuticals is a pharmaceutical brand, which means that your skin is in good hands. Now for some scientific language: Hydrating B5 Gel contains a very high concentration of sodium hyaluronate, the only form of hyaluronic acid used by dermatologists in aesthetic procedures such as filler injections. Its ultra-pure formula, enriched with vitamin B5, instantly hydrates skin, providing it with the nutrients it needs to maintain youth and beauty. And yes, both women and men can use this gel!

High intensity triple action serum C E Ferulic, SkinCeuticals

Another SkinCeuticals product we couldn't help but mention. C E Ferulic serum contains a revolutionary (not otherwise!) combination of antioxidants (L-ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol and ferulic acid). This trinity prevents premature aging, improves protective properties against UV and IRA radiation, and also corrects superficial and deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, stimulates collagen synthesis, and increases skin firmness and elasticity. Plus, it helps the skin recover as soon as possible after invasive procedures, for example, so-called beauty injections.

Anti-aging serum for normal and combination skin Activ Retinol 0.5, Dermaceutic

This product is suitable for both those who have just developed wrinkles and those who have been struggling with them for a long time. This serum moisturizes, protects against aggressive environmental factors, improves skin structure and slows down the aging process. All this dirty work is done by a powerful composition in which you will find 5% retinol, vitamins C and E, as well as a complex of ceramides, panthenol, allantoin and minerals.

Serum that brightens and evens out skin tone, White Plus, Clarins

The basis of the Clarins White Plus serum is an extract of the fruits and seeds of the Barbados cherry, which expertly erases age spots, evens out the complexion, brightens the skin tone and gives it a healthy glow. The only point: this product does not work on its own, but only in combination with day and night cream, but it is applied before them.

Concentrated serum Hyalu B5, La Roche-Posay

What's good about this serum?! Yes, because it contains vitamin B5, as well as two types of pure (!) hyaluronic acid, which provide intense hydration to the skin, increase its tone, elasticity, density, firmness and, as a result, reduce the depth and size of wrinkles. In principle, Hyalu B5 will help quickly remove traces of lack of sleep and fatigue.

Skin radiance serum “White Queen”, L’Occitane

The texture of this serum is incredibly delicate, so we do not advise you to deny yourself the pleasure of applying it. The White Queen plays a major role in a high concentration of salicylic acid, which is obtained from an extract of meadowsweet, known for its snow-white flowers. As you may have guessed, this product will help make your skin tone more even, removing pigment spots, and restore smoothness and radiance.

Cream smoothie that gives radiance to the skin, Citrus Brightening Cream, Frudia

If you don’t take into account that this smoothie cream (the name itself sounds very tasty, but you can’t eat it!) contains hyaluronic acid, it can be called natural. Since it consists of 61% tangerine peel extract, mango seed oil and other fruits. Citrus Brightening Cream has a black belt in the fight against pigmentation, as it suppresses the formation of melanin, and it also has no equal if you need to revitalize dull, gray skin, giving it radiance and brightness. Despite its natural composition, girls even with sensitive skin can use this product - there will be no allergies!

Glow Boost Hyaluronic Essence, Lumene Valo

Pure Arctic spring water, cloudberry essence, vitamin C and two types of hyaluronic acid - all these components guard the beauty of your skin. After the first use, you will notice that the skin has become moisturized and has a radiance, like after a week of relaxation at the sea.

Night peeling emulsion for normal and oily skin Lotion Lite 10, GlySkinCare

If you need to thoroughly cleanse your skin, and at the same time remove pigment spots that appeared after tanning, pregnancy or hormonal disorders, slow down the process of wrinkles and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, then you can’t find a better night peeling Lotion Lite 10 from GlySkinCare! It contains 10% glycolic acid, which copes with all these tasks perfectly. But be careful! This is quite a powerful product, so during your first use, watch your skin reaction for two hours. If everything is ok, then you can safely leave him to work on the night shift while you sleep.

Moisturizing Cream for dry and very dry skin, CeraVe

Like all CeraVe brand products, Moisturizing Cream contains a unique complex of three ceramides obtained from natural sources, and hyaluronic acid has also been added to the team. As a result, this cream provides long-lasting hydration (it’s definitely enough for 24 hours!), restoration and strengthening of the protective skin barrier. By the way, this is the No. 1 moisturizer recommended by US dermatologists. We have no more questions - we just want it! Better yet, give me two!