Oils for eyelid skin against wrinkles

You can’t spoil the skin around your eyes with oil,” cosmetologists paraphrased the well-known saying. This is true: the delicate sensitive skin of the “mirror of the soul” is unusually responsive to the nutritional effects of any oil, be it butter or sunflower. But let's not go to extremes. We will tell you which oil for wrinkles around the eyes is considered the best, according to reviews from professionals and users. We will provide a description of the “top ten” home remedies, including exotic ones. Let's introduce you to recipes for masks based on effective oils for wrinkles around the eyes.

So that it’s not too late: at what age should you use oil?


The aging processes of the dermis and the appearance of the first wrinkles do not depend on age. For some, unpleasant changes appear at the age of 20, while others enter their fourth decade with radiant eyes and smooth skin. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend starting preventative care for the skin around the eyes with vegetable oil at the age of 20–25 years. At this age, the skin is able to independently produce collagen and elastane and does not need lipid (heavy) anti-aging creams.

The best remedy is a natural base of vegetable oils. At a young age, it is not recommended to smear “pure” oil; it is better to prepare the cream yourself. The easiest way is to dilute the “base” with water and apply it around the eyes.

Almost all known vegetable oils are used in cosmetology. Let's highlight those that are effective in combating wrinkles around the eyes. And you choose the one that is ideal for your skin, makes it fresh and elastic.

Ten of the most effective oils for the skin around the eyes


Cosmetologists divide oils into base and essential oils and give recommendations on how to mix them correctly. The basic ones are fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. The composition of different types of natural oils varies slightly.

  1. Jojoba oil stands out from the plant line with its uniqueness. Only it contains a set of rare acids: eicosenoic and behenic. They stimulate tissues for natural regeneration and restore elasticity lost over the years. Fatty acids protect against exposure to sunlight and remove crow's feet. Use jojoba oil for the face against wrinkles here.
  2. Castor oil promotes the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows, smoothes the skin around the eyes. Castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes does not create an oily film and is completely absorbed. Saturates the eyelids with moisture. How to use castor oil for eyelashes - details here.
  3. Almond oil – one of the best cosmetics for softening, nutrition, and whitening. Cosmetologists note its ability to reduce wrinkles and fight age-related changes. A distinctive feature is a soft, delicate texture, ideal for the skin around the eyes.
    It is used to produce cosmetic products for removing eyelash makeup. Almond oil for wrinkles solves the problem of acne and aging skin. Smoothes out shallow wrinkles. Cosmetologists recommend oil massage around the eyes twice a day: “crow’s feet” with this care become invisible and completely disappear over time.
  4. Wheat germ oil – a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, amino acids. Works on cell renewal. Has anti-inflammatory properties. Refreshes color, tightens oval shape, eliminates wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. The only drawback is the heavy consistency. Therefore, combine it with light products: peach, apricot oil.
  5. Linseed oil for the face against wrinkles around the eyes - a universal remedy that nourishes, moisturizes, and smoothes. The disadvantages include the thick consistency, heavy on the eyelids. It is recommended to apply diluted with water or essential compounds. By the way, many people use flax oil for weight loss.

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    Olive - Gently but quickly affects dry skin that has lost its elasticity. It is also simply a healthy product of Mediterranean cuisine, which Europeans consider anti-aging.
  7. Sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles under the eyes - in terms of the degree of effect on the skin it is not inferior to rose hips. The same composition of vitamins - A, C, E - slows down the aging process and is involved in the production of collagen. Fruit acids even out skin color by affecting age spots.
  8. Peach makes the skin soft and velvety, similar to the fruit itself. Oleic and linoleic acids regenerate the dermis under the eyes. Antioxidant vitamins improve metabolic processes in tissues.
  9. Coconut – moisturizer. It will help get rid of facial wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, and dark circles in the infraorbital area.
  10. Rose hip extract – a powerful antioxidant surrounded by a dozen types of fatty acids. Restores the protective functions of the epidermis, thanks to the high content of vitamin C. A slightly smaller amount of vitamin A protects cells from aging and accelerates metabolic processes in tissues. It is a means of beauty and renewal. Many cosmetologists consider it one of the best basic products for homemade creams and masks.

Best eye oil for wrinkles


There is no clear advice on the use of oil products against wrinkles around the eyes. Which oil is considered the best if they have a similar composition? Fans of natural anti-aging procedures often prefer olive oil, which is common in households and affordable. Others advocate castor oil, which is absorbed without forming an unpleasant film.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, you should choose a natural product that is light and delicate in consistency. If you like the effect of “heavy” anti-wrinkle products on your face, use them as a base for combination eye masks against wrinkles. This way you will prepare a delicate elastic mass that will not cause swelling and swelling. As a supplement, use essential oils - 2-3 drops per mask, fruits, berries are enough.

Simple recipes

Here are some recipes for basic oil-based eye masks:

  1. Exotic: combine crushed avocado pulp with the base in a 1 to 1 ratio, add a couple of drops of lavender extract, which will effectively “suppress” the fat content of the oil base.
    Apply with light massaging movements to problem areas around the eyes and eyelids. Exposure: 15-20 minutes. Blot with a damp cloth.
  2. Citrus: coconut oil and sugar-free orange juice in a ratio of 5 to 1. Moisten cotton pads and apply to eyelids for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Vegetable: Carrot, potato, and cucumber puree is suitable as a filler-diluent with a fatty consistency. Mix in equal proportions.
  4. Essential oil cocktails. You can use various essential extracts in combination with an oil base. Sandalwood extract perfectly removes even deep creases. Rose extract improves the elasticity of the dermis. Exotic neroli oil (extract from orange flowers) stimulates the formation of new cells. Expensive lime oil has a similar effect.
    The peculiarity of citrus oils is that they have a fresh aroma, in their pure form they act aggressively on fabrics, so no more than one drop is added to the oil base.

Another recipe for an effective mask against wrinkles under the eyes is offered in this video:

In cosmetology, oil cocktails have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against expression wrinkles. When choosing an oil for rejuvenating eyelid procedures, do not overdo it with a greasy base and essential extracts that have an aggressive effect on delicate skin. Monitor your skin's reaction.

You can find more information on this topic in the Anti-Wrinkle Oil section.

Every woman will eventually have to face the problem of skin aging. The first wrinkles begin to appear at the age of about 25 years. Most often, these are mimic folds in the corners of the eyes, the so-called “crow's feet”. Later, other signs of aging begin to appear, a fine network of wrinkles under the eyes. Don't wait for subtle wrinkles to turn into deep folds. It is better to start the fight for youthful skin in advance. One of the most effective remedies is eye oil.

How to use?

In order not to be disappointed with the results, it is important to become familiar with how to properly use anti-wrinkle oil from the very beginning.


The rules for using this product are simple, but they must be followed strictly.

  1. First of all, you need to choose best oil for eyelid wrinkles. And this is not an easy task, since there is a wide range of oils, and each of them has its own advantages. It is impossible to say unequivocally which one helps better than others. Skin reactions vary from person to person, so you'll have to manage your excrement by choosing products that are right for you.
  2. It is important to understand that oils used in cosmetology are divided into basic and essential. The former act very gently, so they can be applied to the skin without adding additional components. In addition, they can be used to prepare complex cosmetic compositions. Esters are concentrated formulations, so they cannot be applied directly to the skin. They are dissolved in vegetable oils, mixed with finished cosmetics or added to homemade masks. You can use one ether or a combination of them. However, it must be taken into account that it is not all ethers are compatible with each other, therefore, it is recommended to use proven combinations, the recipes for which will be given below.
  3. So that beneficial substances can penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, the product applied must bewarm. Ideally, it should be at body temperature.
  4. It is recommended to carry out anti-aging procedures at home in the evening, since after that, it is advisable not to apply makeup or go outside for several hours.
  5. It is necessary to apply oil on the eyelids very thin layer. Many people believe that the more oil they apply to their eyelids, the more effective the procedure will be. However, it is not. Ideally, cosmetic oil applied to the skin should be completely absorbed within a few minutes.
  6. When using the oil for the first time, it is recommended to remove excess five minutes after application. If there are no negative reactions, then next time the procedure can be extended by five minutes. In the end, the duration of the procedure can be increased to half an hour.
  7. Excess oil must be removed, if this is not done, then in the morning you may be in for an unpleasant surprise - swelling of the eyelids. You need to remove the oil without using water or other means, just blot the skin with dry wipes. If you want to wash your face, you can do this at least half an hour after removing excess oil.


  1. The frequency of procedures depends on age. If you are 25-30 years old, then you can do them weekly. Girls over the age of thirty are recommended to use the oil twice as often. If you have already celebrated your fortieth anniversary, it is recommended to carry out the procedures every other day. The duration of the course is a month, then you need to give the skin a “rest” for three weeks.
  2. You shouldn’t use the same oil constantly; it’s better to finish the course and take a different product next time. In this case, the skin will not get used to a certain set of nutrients.


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Precautionary measures

Before you start using any oil that is new to you, make sure that your skin reacts normally to contact with it. Allergic reactions are especially often caused by essential oils; however, negative reactions cannot be ruled out when using vegetable oils.

The test is very simple. Necessary:

  1. Place one drop of the test product on your hand, selecting an area with thin skin. Such areas are the wrist (from the palm side) and the inner elbow;
  2. Lightly rub the oil into the skin, do not rinse;
  3. Observe skin reactions throughout the day. The appearance of redness, rash, burning sensation or any other discomfort indicates that the product is not suitable for you.


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Best Products

Here is a list of oils that cosmetologists recommend using to combat wrinkles on the skin of the eyelids.

Basic products

The following products are most often used in home cosmetology:

  1. Castor oil. This is a well-known castor oil, which many people use to strengthen eyelashes. The product has a viscous structure and has pronounced antioxidant properties. It can help fight even deep wrinkles.
  2. Argan. An expensive but very effective product that can easily be called the elixir of youth. The use of argan oil on the skin of the eyelids allows not only to eliminate wrinkles, but also to significantly prolong the youth of the skin.
  3. Peach or apricot. These two oils are made from different raw materials (kernels of peaches and apricots), but have similar properties. Both oil options have a very light structure. After application, the product is absorbed almost instantly, without forming a greasy film that prevents the skin from “breathing.” Cosmetologists recommend using these products on the skin of the eyelids for girls and women of any age, but they are especially good for prevention.
  4. Coconut oil. The product obtained from coconut has a rich and varied composition. It not only effectively smoothes out fine wrinkles, but also perfectly tightens the skin of the eyelids.
  5. Wheat sprouts. A truly unique product, which is a source of a diverse set of vitamins, including the “vitamin of youth” - tocopherol. In addition, it contains lecithin, valuable amino acids, and organic acids. At the same time, the oil has an extremely soft effect, it is perfect for even the most sensitive eyelid skin.


  1. Bitter or sweet almond oil. This is one of the most common products used in home cosmetology. The product helps eliminate superficial wrinkles and will help whiten and tighten the skin of the eyelids.
  2. Linen. The product is very “capricious” to store, but extremely valuable because it has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Suitable for both prevention and elimination of existing wrinkles.
  3. Olive oil. This product can be called the most popular. It is distinguished by its universal action, as it is suitable for caring for all parts of the body - skin, hair, nails. Excellent results can be obtained by applying olive oil to the skin of the eyelids.
  4. Avocado. This product is considered one of the most suitable for delicate and thin eyelid skin. It perfectly fights the signs of aging and protects cells from free radical damage.
  5. Green coffee. This oil contains a high content of hyaluronic acid, so it is one of the best anti-aging products. The product is especially recommended for aging skin.
  6. Jojoba oil. A product from an exotic plant stimulates faster cell renewal, which contributes to visual rejuvenation of the skin. Recommended for mature skin.
  7. Sesame oil. This is an excellent product for moisturizing the thin and sensitive epidermis of the eyelids. With systematic use, it increases the elasticity of the skin and eliminates existing wrinkles.
  8. Rosehip oil. The uniqueness of this product lies in its rich set of vitamins and other beneficial substances. It is perfect for rejuvenating the skin of the eyelids and preventing the appearance of signs of aging.
  9. Sea buckthorn oil. This product has the property of significantly accelerating regeneration processes. Thanks to this property, the oil promotes rapid healing of the skin. This property of the product is perfect for rejuvenating the skin of the eyelids.


Content of active substances in essential oils significantly highere than in the basic ones. Therefore, they are recommended to be used in very small quantities, as additives to other cosmetic products.


The most effective in the fight against wrinkles on the skin of the eyelids are essential oils:

  1. Lavender. Provides additional hydration, smoothes out superficial wrinkles, and relieves irritation.
  2. Muscat. Stimulates epidermal cell renewal processes and improves blood circulation.
  3. Patchouli. Quickly refreshes tired skin, smoothes out facial wrinkles.
  4. Neroli. Fights dryness, eliminates signs of aging, tones.
  5. fennel. Eliminates sagging, smooths out fine wrinkles, helps lighten the skin.
  6. Roses. This ester is especially recommended for mature skin prone to sagging and wrinkles.
  7. Frankincense. An excellent product for aging skin. Thanks to its qualities, it restores the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  8. Sandalwood. An effective yet gentle treatment, ideal for eliminating signs of aging on the eyelids.
  9. Lyme. This product works well to tighten skin that is starting to sag.


Base oils can be applied to the upper and lower eyelids without using any additives. You can also mix several base oils in different combinations.

It is especially recommended to mix products of high viscosity (for example, castor oil) with oils that have a light structure (olive, peach, etc.). Even greater efficiency can be achieved by enriching the compositions with esters and vitamin solutions. Cosmetologists are recommended to use oil solutions of vitamins E and A. You can purchase the vitamin preparation Aevit at the pharmacy and add it to ready-made oil mixtures by opening the gelatin capsules.

You can wear oil mixtures like a cream. After the time specified in the recipe, you will need to remove the excess. You can also use them for a course of oil applications. To do this, you will need to prepare gauze napkins and moisten them in the prepared oil composition. Apply them to the problem area, covering the top with parchment. After the time specified in the recipe, the compress is removed, and the skin of the eyelids is blotted with dry wipes.

Oil blend options

  1. Mix olive oil (15 ml) with the contents of three capsules of the vitamin preparation Aevit. Apply to the upper and lower eyelids for a quarter of an hour.
  2. The basis of this composition is rosehip oil (10 ml), supplement it with esters of fennel (7 drops), incense (3 drops) and primrose (3 drops). Apply to eyelids for half an hour.
  3. A composition based on avocado oil (10 ml) is prepared with the addition of bitter almond oil (5 ml) and rose essential oil (2 drops). This composition is suitable for mature skin; it should be applied for a quarter of an hour.
  4. The following composition also effectively smooths out wrinkles: add jojoba oil (10 ml) with esters of frankincense (4 drops), nutmeg (1 drop) and neroli (2 drops).


  1. Melt a piece of coconut oil (the size of a hazelnut), add a drop of incense, lavender and lime esters to the warm oil.

Mask options

You can mix cosmetic and essential oils not only with each other, but also with other products used in home cosmetology.

You can apply masks in different ways. If the mass is thick, then it is applied to the lower and upper eyelids (leaving the movable eyelid free) in a thick layer. It is more convenient to spread semi-liquid compositions on gauze napkins, which need to be applied to the skin of the eyelids. It is recommended to remove all types of masks after twenty minutes.

Formulation options

  1. The composition perfectly refreshes, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates swelling under the eyes. To prepare, you need to mix a teaspoon of banana puree, finely grated potatoes and peach oil.
  2. The The composition is recommended for dehydrated skin. It is necessary to mix equal amounts of rosehip oil and glycerin. Add two drops of rose essential oil.
  3. Such The mixture is recommended for mature skin. It is necessary to mix wheat germ oil with a teaspoon of cold brewed green tea and the contents of two capsules of the drug Aevit. Add a little starch to the composition to give it the necessary thickness.
  4. The use of this composition will refresh and rejuvenate the skin of the eyelids. You need to mix a teaspoon of natural yogurt and sesame seed oil. Add a drop of fennel and incense esters.
  5. The bread mask will perfectly smooth out fine wrinkles., and will make deep folds in the corners of the eyes less noticeable. Mix a dessert spoon of warmed caste oil and fresh heavy cream. Add white bread crumbs to the mixture in such quantity to form a thick mass.


  1. Sour cream mask is excellenttones the skin of the eyelids. The basis of the composition will be thick cold sour cream. For a tablespoon of the product you need to take 5 ml of green coffee oil and three drops of rose essential oil.


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Cosmetologists' opinion

Most cosmetologists approve of the use of oil to combat wrinkles located near the eyes. If you start doing procedures at the age of 25, you can delay the appearance of signs of aging.

But even if wrinkles already exist, the correct and systematic use of oils will help, if not eliminate them completely, then at least make them less noticeable.

Women's opinion

The fact that oils really help smooth and tighten the skin of the eyelids is the feedback from women.

I prefer natural cosmetics and actively use various oils. For me, the best base is olive oil. I use it to make masks and enrich it with essential oils. And if there is no time, I simply apply a pure product to the skin of my eyelids. The effect of application is very good, the skin after a month’s course looks significantly younger.

Cosmetic oils help me fight the signs of aging. In my opinion, this is the best product for moisturizing and nourishing. I especially like peach and castor oils. Both of these products are inexpensive, and the effect of their use is amazing. I simply apply castor oil to the wrinkle area with a cotton swab. I use peach oil for oil applications. After the procedures, the skin looks much younger. The main thing is not to be lazy and use oils systematically.

Learn how to choose a cosmetic or essential oil for the skin around the eyes for at-home care of this delicate, sensitive area of ​​the face. Our short review of the most effective oils will help you with this. Study the rules for their use and be surprised by the variety of mask recipes based on them.

Oils are extracts from various plants obtained by pressing. Cosmetic products have a more gentle, gentle effect, while esters have a high concentration. Their main purpose in cosmetology is to soften and moisturize the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Therefore, any oil for the skin around the eyes is an ideal remedy. This area is devoid of fatty layers under the skin, is characterized by dryness, the appearance of early wrinkles, requiring more careful care. To eliminate all these problems, it is enough to know how to use these unique products of modern cosmetology.

Since there are a lot of them, let’s outline the circle of “our” oils that we will use to moisturize and rejuvenate the area around the eyes.

Review of oils for the skin around the eyes

Modern cosmetology actively uses hundreds of vegetable and cosmetic oils, thousands of essential oils. It is very easy to get lost in all this diversity.

Choose them strictly for their intended purpose and in accordance with your goals. If you need lifting, choose oils for wrinkles around the eyes, which do an excellent job with crow's feet and with expression lines and age-related folds in this area.

If you need hydration, look carefully at what effect this or that oil has on dry skin. Each oil has its own unique properties. Our short review will help you choose the ideal product just for you:

  1. jojoba oil around the eyes perfectly smooths out facial and age wrinkles;
  2. castor suitable for aging, mature skin;
  3. olive will make your look shine in a new way;
  4. almond oil around the eyes will refresh the skin;
  5. rosehip nourishes with all necessary vitamins and microelements;
  6. linen has healing, anti-inflammatory properties, so it is good to use when the eyes or eyelashes are affected by some kind of infection, which also affects the condition of the skin;
  7. almond oil will soften the skin around the eyes, smooth out “crow’s feet” in their corners;
  8. sea ​​buckthorn gives a healthy color;
  9. shi - a unique anti-aging product, thanks to which you will be given much less years than you actually are;
  10. butter around the eyes will moisturize the skin;
  11. peach suitable for women of all ages;
  12. coconut has a lifting effect: it will tighten folds;
  13. apricot oil around the eyes can be used from an early age because it acts as a preventative against wrinkles;
  14. wheat germ oil moisturizes excessively dry skin around the eyes;
  15. avocado relieves dark circles and bruises under the eyes;
  16. Sesame oil eliminates puffiness around the eyes.

All these herbal and cosmetic oils for the area around the eyes are excellent moisturizing and rejuvenating products for regular home care. All of them are freely available: they can be bought in specialized stores or pharmacies.

Some cost mere pennies (30 rubles for 50 ml), others may require more significant costs (over 300 rubles for the same volume). However, the area you are treating (the area around the eyes) will be relatively small and will not require a large amount of the selected oil. After purchasing a miraculous remedy, all that remains is to learn how to use it.

Rules for using oils for the skin around the eyes

Many women do not like to use oils to care for the area around the eyes simply because, according to them, they leave an oily sheen on the skin and cause swelling of the eyelids in the morning. All this happens for the same reason: the inability to properly use these products for cosmetic purposes.

There are several simple but very important nuances, without which there will be nothing left but to refuse oils for rejuvenating and moisturizing the eyelids. Study, remember, put into practice the recommendations of specialists - and the skin around your eyes will always be in perfect condition.

  1. Any oil you choose for eyelid skin care must first be checked for allergy.. Those who neglect this rule are the ones who wake up the next morning with swelling of the eyes. To test, simply apply a thin layer of the product to the inner bend of the elbow or wrist, wipe off after 20 minutes and monitor the reaction for 3-4 hours. If there are no changes in the condition of the skin (hyperemia, itching, burning, etc.), you can safely use the oil to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin around the eyes.
  2. Even after this check, you should not apply too much of the selected oil to your eyelids. Especially the first time. The holding time during the first procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. If the results were positive, next time you can leave the oil for 10 minutes, then 15. The maximum time is half an hour, but this is only if the product is well tolerated.
  3. Oils for caring for the skin around the eyes can be used both in pure form and as part of various masks. If herbal and cosmetic products can be safely used as base ingredients, then You need to be careful with essential oils, as they are a powerful concentrate and, if handled incorrectly, cause thermal burns to the skin. Their quantity should be measured in drops, but not in spoons (even teaspoons).
  4. Before the procedure, cosmetic and vegetable oils can be slightly heated in a water bath to 30–35 degrees. However, if masks for the skin around the eyes contain esters or eggs along with them, it is better not to do this. The former will lose all their beneficial properties, and the latter will simply curl up and make the product useless.
  5. Apply a thin layer of oils to the skin around the eyes. It is best to do this with the pads of your fingers, simultaneously doing the massage with tapping movements. Be careful: there should not be a lot of oil so that it does not get into your eyes. This can cause irritation and severe redness of the mucous membrane.
  6. The main mistake many people make when using cosmetic oils to care for the skin around the eyes is removing them. They begin to wash themselves, wash them with various tonics, milk, and other means. None of this is needed. It’s better to do this with a regular cotton pad - and completely dry! And only half an hour after this you can wash your face with water using some cleansing gel.
  7. The frequency of procedures is selected depending on the scale of the problem. If it is mature, already aging skin, which is penetrated by a network of “crow’s feet”, this kind of oil applications can be done every other day for 1 month. Then take a break of 2-3 weeks and start the rejuvenation course again. If you use oils as a preventative or moisturizer, there is no need to overuse them. In this case, 1-2 procedures per week are quite enough. And after 1.5 months, it is advisable to also take a break or start using a different oil.

If you follow these tips, any cosmetic, herbal, or essential oil around the eyes will make your skin truly youthful and radiant. Don't be discouraged if you don't achieve any results after the first procedure.

The main thing in this matter is regularity and patience. Continue to use oils at home to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin around the eyes - and there will be no trace of wrinkles in this area. The variety of mask recipes with their participation allows you to choose the best option for yourself.

Oils for the skin around the eyes: recipes

There are a lot of oils (vegetable, cosmetic, essential) that can be used to care for the skin around the eyes. As mentioned above, they can be used for this purpose both in pure form and as part of masks. There is no shortage of recipes, so the choice can be limited only by the individual characteristics of your body.

Try different options, study reviews. Very often, different people's skin reacts differently to the same recipe. All this should be taken into account when using oil therapy to care for the skin around the eyes.

The best remedy for wrinkles around the eyes is castor oil, which at the same time softens and moisturizes the skin of the eyelids. You can simply lubricate this area with it, or you can add other ingredients to it. You can use it to make the following mask, which will smooth out both “crow’s feet” in very young girls and age-related wrinkles in older women. Mix a tablespoon of warm castor oil with the same amount of oatmeal cooked in milk.

  1. Castor oil + sour cream + tea

Mix one tablespoon of castor oil with one teaspoon of fatty (at least 20%) sour cream, add a small amount of strongly brewed tea (any kind - black or green).

  1. Castor oil + bread + cream

Soak white bread crumb (a small amount) in a tablespoon of castor oil, add one teaspoon of heavy cream.

  1. Olive oil + clay + lemon juice

A real elixir of youth and beauty - olive oil around the eyes makes the skin radiant and youthful. It contains a lot of retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E). Mix one tablespoon of unrefined heated olive oil with the same amount of cosmetic clay (it is better to take white clay for this area), add one teaspoon of apple juice (freshly squeezed). For freshness, you can add 1-2 drops of mint essential oil.

  1. Olive oil + honey + yolk

For this mask, it will be enough to take one teaspoon of warm unrefined oil, add to it the yolk of a homemade egg and heated liquid honey (in the amount of one teaspoon).

  1. Wheat germ oil + esters + yogurt

Use wheat germ oil around the eyes: it perfectly softens chapped, rough skin, especially during cold periods. Mix a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with rose and juniper esters (literally 1 drop of each), add 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt without dyes to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.

  1. Wheat germ oil + tea + vitamins

Mix a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with a teaspoon of strongly brewed tea (green or black), add 3 drops of oil vitamins A and E.

  1. Peach oil + glycerin

If you use peach oil around the eyes at home, it has excellent anti-aging properties. Masks with his participation will delight you with their lifting effect. Mix warmed peach oil (a tablespoon) with the same amount of glycerin, add 2 drops of ammonia.

Mix a tablespoon of peach oil with fruit and vegetable puree from potatoes and banana (1 teaspoon each).

  1. Shea butter + potatoes + milk + flour

Cosmetic shea butter around the eyes will make the skin incredibly firm and elastic at any age, no matter how old you are. Mix a tablespoon of grated raw potatoes with milk at room temperature (2 teaspoons), add 2 teaspoons of wheat flour to the mixture, and then a tablespoon of shea butter.

Now you know which oil is best to use against wrinkles around the eyes, and which for effective and long-term hydration. Apply these rules and recipes in practice - and the skin in this area of ​​​​the face will transform in the most miraculous way. Old complexes will go away, many problems will be solved, you will become more confident in yourself. Do not ignore such a wonderful gift of nature - natural oils that will allow you to tidy up your appearance and always look stunning.